An ownership-based framework of the U.S. current account, 2001-2012.
Anderson, Thomas
Table 1. Ownership-Based Framework of the U.S. Current Account, 2001-2012--Continues [Billions of dollars] Line 2001 2002 1 Exports of goods and services and 1,300.2 1,263.6 income receipts (line 2 plus income receipts (line 2 plus line 16, and international transactions accounts (ITAs) table 1, line 1) 2 Receipts resulting from exports of 1,136.4 1,126.5 goods and services and sales by foreign affiliates (line 3 plus line 8) 3 Exports of goods and services, 1,007.7 980.9 total (ITA table 1, line 2) 3a Goods, balance of payments 731.2 697.4 basis (ITA table 1, line 3) 3b Services (ITA table 1, line 276.5 283.4 4) 4 To unaffiliated foreigners 705.4 688.0 4a Goods (1) 495.1 477.8 4b Services 210.3 210.1 5 To affiliated foreigners 302.3 292.9 5a Goods (1) 236.1 219.6 5b Services 66.2 73.3 6 To foreign affiliates of US 221.7 204.9 parents 6a Goods (1) 170.2 150.6 6b Services 51.5 54.3 7 To foreign parent groups of US 80.6 88.0 affiliates 7a Goods (1) 65.9 69.0 7b Services 14.7 19.0 8 Net receipts by US parents of 128.7 145.6 direct investment income resulting from sales by their foreign affiliates (ITA table 1, line 14) 9 Sales by foreign affiliates 2,945.9 2,945.7 (2) 10 Less: Foreign affiliates' 249.5 232.8 purchases of goods and services directly from the United States (3) 11 Less: Costs and profits 2,055.2 2,038.7 accruing to foreign persons 12 Compensation of 309.7 311.4 employees of foreign affiliates 13 Other 1,745.6 1,727.3 14 Less: Sales by foreign 514.8 530.0 affiliates to other foreign affiliates of the same parent 15 Plus: Bank affiliates (net 2.3 1.3 receipts) 16 Other income receipts 163.8 137.1 17 Other private receipts on US- 155.7 129.2 owned assets abroad (ITA table 1, line 15) 18 US government receipts (ITA 3.6 3.3 table 1, line 16) 19 Compensation of employees (ITA 4.5 4.6 table 1, line 17) 20 Imports of goods and services and 1,632.8 1,656.6 income payments (line 21 plus line 35, and ITA table 1, line 18) 21 Payments resulting from imports of 1,382.3 1,441.6 goods and services and sales by US affiliates (line 22 plus line 27) 22 Imports of goods and services, 1,370.1 1,399.0 total (ITA table 1, line 19) 22a Goods, balance of payments 1,153.7 1,173.3 basis (ITA table 1, line 20) 22b Services (ITA table 1, line 216.4 225.8 21) 23 From unaffiliated foreigners 880.6 894.7 23a Goods (1) 705.1 713.5 23b Services 175.5 181.2 24 From affiliated foreigners 489.5 504.3 24a Goods (1) 448.6 459.8 24b Services 40.9 44.6 25 From foreign affiliates of 201.3 202.0 US parents 25a Goods (1) 182.2 182.0 25b Services 19.1 19.9 26 From foreign parent groups 288.3 302.4 of US affiliates 26a Goods (1) 266.5 277.7 26b Services 21.8 24.7 27 Net payments to foreign parents 12.8 43.2 of direct investment income resulting from sales by their US affiliates (ITA table 1, line 31) 28 Sales by US affiliates (2) 2,327.1 2,216.5 29 Less: US affiliates' 369.6 372.8 purchases of goods and services directly from abroad (4) 30 Less: Costs and profits 1,946.7 1,802.1 accruing to US persons 31 Compensation of 344.7 341.9 employees of US affiliates 32 Other 1,601.9 1,460.2 33 Less: Sales by US affiliates n.a. n.a. to other US affiliates of the same parent 34 Plus: Bank affiliates (net 2.0 1.6 payments) 35 Other income payments 249.9 214.3 36 Other private payments on 159.8 127.0 foreign-owned assets in the United States (ITA table 1, line 32) 37 US government payments (ITA 78.4 74.9 table 1, line 33) 38 Compensation of employees (ITA 11.7 12.4 table 1, line 34) 39 Unilateral current transfers, net (ITA -64.1 -64.8 table 1, line 35) Memoranda: 40 Balance on goods and services (line 3 -362.3 -418.2 minus line 22, and ITA table 1, line 74) 41 Balance on goods, services, and net -245.9 -315.1 receipts from sales by affiliates (line 2 minus line 21) 42 Balance on current account (line 1 -396.7 -457.8 minus line 20 plus line 39, and ITA table 1, line 77) Addenda: Source of the content of foreign affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2) 43 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 2,424.0 2,425.9 in inventories, total (line 9 minus line 14 plus the change in inventories) 44 Foreign content 2,174.5 2,193.1 45 Value added by foreign 683.4 704.5 affiliates of US parents 46 Other foreign content (6) 1,491.1 1,488.6 47 US content 249.5 232.8 Source of the content of US affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2, 7) 48 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 2,318.9 2,214.5 in inventories, total (line 28 minus line 33 plus the change in inventories) 49 US content 1,949.3 1,841.7 50 Value added by US 477.0 502.7 affiliates of foreign parents 51 Other US content (8) 1,472.3 1,339.0 52 Foreign content 369.6 372.8 Line 2003 2004 1 Exports of goods and services and 1,346.3 1,579.5 income receipts (line 2 plus income receipts (line 2 plus line 16, and international transactions accounts (ITAs) table 1, line 1) 2 Receipts resulting from exports of 1,209.9 1,414.3 goods and services and sales by foreign affiliates (line 3 plus line 8) 3 Exports of goods and services, 1,023.9 1,163.7 total (ITA table 1, line 2) 3a Goods, balance of payments 729.8 822.0 basis (ITA table 1, line 3) 3b Services (ITA table 1, line 293.7 341.7 4) 4 To unaffiliated foreigners 713.4 823.4 4a Goods (1) 497.8 571.3 4b Services 215.2 252.2 5 To affiliated foreigners 310.5 340.3 5a Goods (1) 232.0 250.7 5b Services 78.5 89.5 6 To foreign affiliates of US 215.3 238.9 parents 6a Goods (1) 156.6 170.6 6b Services 58.6 68.2 7 To foreign parent groups of US 95.2 101.4 affiliates 7a Goods (1) 75.3 80.1 7b Services 19.9 21.3 8 Net receipts by US parents of 186.4 250.6 direct investment income resulting from sales by their foreign affiliates (ITA table 1, line 14) 9 Sales by foreign affiliates 3,319.5 3,841.4 (2) 10 Less: Foreign affiliates' 242.6 264.0 purchases of goods and services directly from the United States (3) 11 Less: Costs and profits 2,246.3 2,548.2 accruing to foreign persons 12 Compensation of 338.1 378.6 employees of foreign affiliates 13 Other 1,908.2 2,169.6 14 Less: Sales by foreign 646.4 780.0 affiliates to other foreign affiliates of the same parent 15 Plus: Bank affiliates (net 2.3 1.3 receipts) 16 Other income receipts 136.0 165.2 17 Other private receipts on US- 126.5 157.3 owned assets abroad (ITA table 1, line 15) 18 US government receipts (ITA 4.8 3.1 table 1, line 16) 19 Compensation of employees (ITA 4.7 4.7 table 1, line 17) 20 Imports of goods and services and 1,794.1 2,120.3 income payments (line 21 plus line 35, and ITA table 1, line 18) 21 Payments resulting from imports of 1,588.3 1,868.3 goods and services and sales by US affiliates (line 22 plus line 27) 22 Imports of goods and services, 1,514.5 1,768.6 total (ITA table 1, line 19) 22a Goods, balance of payments 1,272.1 1,488.3 basis (ITA table 1, line 20) 22b Services (ITA table 1, line 242.4 280.3 21) 23 From unaffiliated foreigners 975.4 1,166.3 23a Goods (1) 779.7 936.8 23b Services 195.8 229.6 24 From affiliated foreigners 539.1 602.3 24a Goods (1) 492.4 551.5 24b Services 46.6 50.7 25 From foreign affiliates of 214.1 241.8 US parents 25a Goods (1) 192.6 218.8 25b Services 21.5 23.0 26 From foreign parent groups 324.9 360.4 of US affiliates 26a Goods (1) 299.8 332.7 26b Services 25.2 27.7 27 Net payments to foreign parents 73.8 99.8 of direct investment income resulting from sales by their US affiliates (ITA table 1, line 31) 28 Sales by US affiliates (2) 2,323.2 2,526.3 29 Less: US affiliates' 393.3 437.5 purchases of goods and services directly from abroad (4) 30 Less: Costs and profits 1,858.2 1,993.8 accruing to US persons 31 Compensation of 342.7 351.9 employees of US affiliates 32 Other 1,515.5 1,641.9 33 Less: Sales by US affiliates n.a. n.a. to other US affiliates of the same parent 34 Plus: Bank affiliates (net 2.2 4.7 payments) 35 Other income payments 205.9 251.9 36 Other private payments on 119.1 155.3 foreign-owned assets in the United States (ITA table 1, line 32) 37 US government payments (ITA 73.9 82.7 table 1, line 33) 38 Compensation of employees (ITA 12.9 14.0 table 1, line 34) 39 Unilateral current transfers, net (ITA -70.9 -88.6 table 1, line 35) Memoranda: 40 Balance on goods and services (line 3 -490.5 -604.9 minus line 22, and ITA table 1, line 74) 41 Balance on goods, services, and net -378.4 -454.0 receipts from sales by affiliates (line 2 minus line 21) 42 Balance on current account (line 1 -518.7 -629.3 minus line 20 plus line 39, and ITA table 1, line 77) Addenda: Source of the content of foreign affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2) 43 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 2,692.3 3,092.4 in inventories, total (line 9 minus line 14 plus the change in inventories) 44 Foreign content 2,449.7 2,828.5 45 Value added by foreign 808.4 948.9 affiliates of US parents 46 Other foreign content (6) 1,641.3 1,879.6 47 US content 242.6 264.0 Source of the content of US affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2, 7) 48 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 2,326.1 2,543.4 in inventories, total (line 28 minus line 33 plus the change in inventories) 49 US content 1,932.7 2,105.9 50 Value added by US 519.9 563.5 affiliates of foreign parents 51 Other US content (8) 1,412.8 1,542.4 52 Foreign content 393.3 437.5 Line 2005 2006 1 Exports of goods and services and 1,825.6 2,145.5 income receipts (line 2 plus income receipts (line 2 plus line 16, and international transactions accounts (ITAs) table 1, line 1) 2 Receipts resulting from exports of 1,582.8 1,785.6 goods and services and sales by foreign affiliates (line 3 plus line 8) 3 Exports of goods and services, 1,288.3 1,460.8 total (ITA table 1, line 2) 3a Goods, balance of payments 911.7 1,039.4 basis (ITA table 1, line 3) 3b Services (ITA table 1, line 376.6 421.4 4) 4 To unaffiliated foreigners 918.0 1,058.6 4a Goods (1) 637.9 746.3 4b Services 280.1 312.3 5 To affiliated foreigners 370.3 402.2 5a Goods (1) 273.8 293.1 5b Services 96.5 109.1 6 To foreign affiliates of US 264.7 286.1 parents 6a Goods (1) 188.8 200.2 6b Services 75.9 85.8 7 To foreign parent groups of US 105.6 116.1 affiliates 7a Goods (1) 85.1 92.8 7b Services 20.6 23.3 8 Net receipts by US parents of 294.5 324.8 direct investment income resulting from sales by their foreign affiliates (ITA table 1, line 14) 9 Sales by foreign affiliates 4,362.2 4,793.3 (2) 10 Less: Foreign affiliates' 293.1 323.4 purchases of goods and services directly from the United States (3) 11 Less: Costs and profits 2,837.3 3,098.8 accruing to foreign persons 12 Compensation of 405.0 436.1 employees of foreign affiliates 13 Other 2,432.3 2,662.7 14 Less: Sales by foreign 937.5 1,040.0 affiliates to other foreign affiliates of the same parent 15 Plus: Bank affiliates (net 0.2 -6.4 receipts) 16 Other income receipts 242.8 359.9 17 Other private receipts on US- 235.1 352.1 owned assets abroad (ITA table 1, line 15) 18 US government receipts (ITA 2.9 2.7 table 1, line 16) 19 Compensation of employees (ITA 4.8 5.1 table 1, line 17) 20 Imports of goods and services and 2,465.9 2,854.5 income payments (line 21 plus line 35, and ITA table 1, line 18) 21 Payments resulting from imports of 2,117.4 2,363.9 goods and services and sales by US affiliates (line 22 plus line 27) 22 Imports of goods and services, 1,996.2 2,213.2 total (ITA table 1, line 19) 22a Goods, balance of payments 1,695.8 1,878.2 basis (ITA table 1, line 20) 22b Services (ITA table 1, line 300.4 335.0 21) 23 From unaffiliated foreigners 1,323.1 1,486.2 23a Goods (1) 1,080.8 1,219.1 23b Services 242.2 267.0 24 From affiliated foreigners 673.1 727.0 24a Goods (1) 615.0 659.1 24b Services 58.2 68.0 25 From foreign affiliates of 270.7 286.1 US parents 25a Goods (1) 245.0 249.6 25b Services 25.7 36.5 26 From foreign parent groups 402.4 440.9 of US affiliates 26a Goods (1) 370.0 409.5 26b Services 32.4 31.5 27 Net payments to foreign parents 121.3 150.8 of direct investment income resulting from sales by their US affiliates (ITA table 1, line 31) 28 Sales by US affiliates (2) 2,792.5 3,114.5 29 Less: US affiliates' 495.0 546.0 purchases of goods and services directly from abroad (4) 30 Less: Costs and profits 2,180.5 2,425.3 accruing to US persons 31 Compensation of 365.5 395.9 employees of US affiliates 32 Other 1,815.0 2,029.4 33 Less: Sales by US affiliates n.a. n.a. to other US affiliates of the same parent 34 Plus: Bank affiliates (net 4.4 7.5 payments) 35 Other income payments 348.4 490.6 36 Other private payments on 228.4 338.9 foreign-owned assets in the United States (ITA table 1, line 32) 37 US government payments (ITA 104.1 135.2 table 1, line 33) 38 Compensation of employees (ITA 15.9 16.4 table 1, line 34) 39 Unilateral current transfers, net (ITA -99.5 -89.4 table 1, line 35) Memoranda: 40 Balance on goods and services (line 3 -707.9 -752.4 minus line 22, and ITA table 1, line 74) 41 Balance on goods, services, and net -534.6 -578.3 receipts from sales by affiliates (line 2 minus line 21) 42 Balance on current account (line 1 -739.8 -798.5 minus line 20 plus line 39, and ITA table 1, line 77) Addenda: Source of the content of foreign affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2) 43 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 3,544.0 3,722.6 in inventories, total (line 9 minus line 14 plus the change in inventories) 44 Foreign content 3,250.9 3,399.2 45 Value added by foreign 1,050.0 1,151.1 affiliates of US parents 46 Other foreign content (6) 2,200.9 2,248.1 47 US content 293.1 323.4 Source of the content of US affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2, 7) 48 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 2,814.6 3,138.3 in inventories, total (line 28 minus line 33 plus the change in inventories) 49 US content 2,319.5 2,592.3 50 Value added by US 611.5 679.7 affiliates of foreign parents 51 Other US content (8) 1,708.0 1,912.6 52 Foreign content 495.0 546.0 Line 2007 2008 1 Exports of goods and services and 2,486.8 2,654.4 income receipts (line 2 plus income receipts (line 2 plus line 16, and international transactions accounts (ITAs) table 1, line 1) 2 Receipts resulting from exports of 2,023.6 2,254.1 goods and services and sales by foreign affiliates (line 3 plus line 8) 3 Exports of goods and services, 1,652.9 1,840.3 total (ITA table 1, line 2) 3a Goods, balance of payments 1,163.6 1,307.3 basis (ITA table 1, line 3) 3b Services (ITA table 1, line 489.3 533.0 4) 4 To unaffiliated foreigners 1,192.3 1,351.7 4a Goods (1) 835.6 959.8 4b Services 356.7 391.9 5 To affiliated foreigners 460.5 488.6 5a Goods (1) 328.0 347.5 5b Services 132.6 141.1 6 To foreign affiliates of US 321.2 339.9 parents 6a Goods (1) 214.1 227.6 6b Services 107.2 112.3 7 To foreign parent groups of US 139.3 148.7 affiliates 7a Goods (1) 113.9 119.9 7b Services 25.4 28.8 8 Net receipts by US parents of 370.8 413.7 direct investment income resulting from sales by their foreign affiliates (ITA table 1, line 14) 9 Sales by foreign affiliates 5,785.1 6,513.2 (2) 10 Less: Foreign affiliates' 363.4 380.2 purchases of goods and services directly from the United States (3) 11 Less: Costs and profits 3,752.5 4,285.4 accruing to foreign persons 12 Compensation of 505.7 535.9 employees of foreign affiliates 13 Other 3,246.8 3,749.5 14 Less: Sales by foreign 1,298.5 1,433.9 affiliates to other foreign affiliates of the same parent 15 Plus: Bank affiliates (net ... ... receipts) 16 Other income receipts 463.2 400.3 17 Other private receipts on US- 455.4 389.9 owned assets abroad (ITA table 1, line 15) 18 US government receipts (ITA 2.5 5.1 table 1, line 16) 19 Compensation of employees (ITA 5.2 5.4 table 1, line 17) 20 Imports of goods and services and 3,085.3 3,210.6 income payments (line 21 plus line 35, and ITA table 1, line 18) 21 Payments resulting from imports of 2,478.1 2,672.1 goods and services and sales by US affiliates (line 22 plus line 27) 22 Imports of goods and services, 2,351.9 2,542.6 total (ITA table 1, line 19) 22a Goods, balance of payments 1,986.3 2,141.3 basis (ITA table 1, line 20) 22b Services (ITA table 1, line 365.6 401.3 21) 23 From unaffiliated foreigners 1,569.2 1,713.6 23a Goods (1) 1,279.8 1,398.3 23b Services 289.4 315.3 24 From affiliated foreigners 782.7 829.1 24a Goods (1) 706.5 743.0 24b Services 76.2 86.0 25 From foreign affiliates of 310.2 320.7 US parents 25a Goods (1) 267.4 272.6 25b Services 42.8 48.1 26 From foreign parent groups 472.6 508.3 of US affiliates 26a Goods (1) 439.2 470.4 26b Services 33.4 37.9 27 Net payments to foreign parents 126.2 129.4 of direct investment income resulting from sales by their US affiliates (ITA table 1, line 31) 28 Sales by US affiliates (2) 3,616.2 3,887.1 29 Less: US affiliates' 599.8 661.9 purchases of goods and services directly from abroad (4) 30 Less: Costs and profits 2,890.3 3,095.7 accruing to US persons 31 Compensation of 437.6 457.2 employees of US affiliates 32 Other 2,452.7 2,638.6 33 Less: Sales by US affiliates n.a. n.a. to other US affiliates of the same parent 34 Plus: Bank affiliates (net ... ... payments) 35 Other income payments 607.2 538.5 36 Other private payments on 426.8 354.6 foreign-owned assets in the United States (ITA table 1, line 32) 37 US government payments (ITA 164.7 166.8 table 1, line 33) 38 Compensation of employees (ITA 15.7 17.1 table 1, line 34) 39 Unilateral current transfers, net (ITA -114.9 -125.2 table 1, line 35) Memoranda: 40 Balance on goods and services (line 3 -699.1 -702.3 minus line 22, and ITA table 1, line 74) 41 Balance on goods, services, and net -454.5 -418.0 receipts from sales by affiliates (line 2 minus line 21) 42 Balance on current account (line 1 -713.4 -681.3 minus line 20 plus line 39, and ITA table 1, line 77) Addenda: Source of the content of foreign affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2) 43 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 4,565.1 5,069.7 in inventories, total (line 9 minus line 14 plus the change in inventories) 44 Foreign content 4,201.7 4,689.5 45 Value added by foreign 1,346.1 1,466.7 affiliates of US parents 46 Other foreign content (6) 2,855.6 3,222.7 47 US content 363.4 380.2 Source of the content of US affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2, 7) 48 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 3,613.3 3,912.5 in inventories, total (line 28 minus line 33 plus the change in inventories) 49 US content 3,013.6 3,250.6 50 Value added by US 736.7 714.8 affiliates of foreign parents 51 Other US content (8) 2,276.8 2,535.8 52 Foreign content 599.8 661.9 Line 2009 2010 1 Exports of goods and services and 2,184.8 2,522.5 income receipts (line 2 plus income receipts (line 2 plus line 16, and international transactions accounts (ITAs) table 1, line 1) 2 Receipts resulting from exports of 1,940.7 2,285.4 goods and services and sales by foreign affiliates (line 3 plus line 8) 3 Exports of goods and services, 1,578.2 1,844.5 total (ITA table 1, line 2) 3a Goods, balance of payments 1,069.5 1,288.8 basis (ITA table 1, line 3) 3b Services (ITA table 1, line 508.7 555.7 4) 4 To unaffiliated foreigners 1,115.5 1,334.2 4a Goods (1) 747.7 930.1 4b Services 367.9 404.1 5 To affiliated foreigners 462.6 510.3 5a Goods (1) 321.8 358.7 5b Services 140.8 151.5 6 To foreign affiliates of US 318.0 353.0 parents 6a Goods (1) 207.5 232.8 6b Services 110.5 120.2 7 To foreign parent groups of US 144.7 157.3 affiliates 7a Goods (1) 114.3 126.0 7b Services 30.3 31.3 8 Net receipts by US parents of 362.5 440.9 direct investment income resulting from sales by their foreign affiliates (ITA table 1, line 14) 9 Sales by foreign affiliates 5,640.4 6,066.7 (2) 10 Less: Foreign affiliates' 340.6 379.7 purchases of goods and services directly from the United States (3) 11 Less: Costs and profits 3,706.0 3,952.4 accruing to foreign persons 12 Compensation of 547.9 559.1 employees of foreign affiliates 13 Other 3,158.2 3,393.3 14 Less: Sales by foreign 1,231.2 1,293.7 affiliates to other foreign affiliates of the same parent 15 Plus: Bank affiliates (net ... ... receipts) 16 Other income receipts 244.1 237.1 17 Other private receipts on US- 233.5 229.7 owned assets abroad (ITA table 1, line 15) 18 US government receipts (ITA 4.8 1.5 table 1, line 16) 19 Compensation of employees (ITA 5.7 5.9 table 1, line 17) 20 Imports of goods and services and 2,444.9 2,844.2 income payments (line 21 plus line 35, and ITA table 1, line 18) 21 Payments resulting from imports of 2,066.7 2,496.7 goods and services and sales by US affiliates (line 22 plus line 27) 22 Imports of goods and services, 1,961.8 2,343.8 total (ITA table 1, line 19) 22a Goods, balance of payments 1,580.0 1,939.0 basis (ITA table 1, line 20) 22b Services (ITA table 1, line 381.8 404.9 21) 23 From unaffiliated foreigners 1,229.8 1,545.6 23a Goods (1) 936.8 1,237.3 23b Services 293.0 308.2 24 From affiliated foreigners 732.1 798.3 24a Goods (1) 643.2 701.6 24b Services 88.8 96.7 25 From foreign affiliates of 284.7 327.1 US parents 25a Goods (1) 233.6 270.7 25b Services 51.2 56.4 26 From foreign parent groups 447.3 471.2 of US affiliates 26a Goods (1) 409.7 431.0 26b Services 37.7 40.3 27 Net payments to foreign parents 104.8 152.9 of direct investment income resulting from sales by their US affiliates (ITA table 1, line 31) 28 Sales by US affiliates (2) 3,277.2 3,432.2 29 Less: US affiliates' 555.1 608.6 purchases of goods and services directly from abroad (4) 30 Less: Costs and profits 2,617.2 2,670.8 accruing to US persons 31 Compensation of 450.6 448.9 employees of US affiliates 32 Other 2,166.6 2,221.8 33 Less: Sales by US affiliates n.a. n.a. to other US affiliates of the same parent 34 Plus: Bank affiliates (net ... ... payments) 35 Other income payments 378.2 347.5 36 Other private payments on 219.4 196.4 foreign-owned assets in the United States (ITA table 1, line 32) 37 US government payments (ITA 144.4 137.2 table 1, line 33) 38 Compensation of employees (ITA 14.4 14.0 table 1, line 34) 39 Unilateral current transfers, net (ITA -121.6 -127.8 table 1, line 35) Memoranda: 40 Balance on goods and services (line 3 -383.7 -499.4 minus line 22, and ITA table 1, line 74) 41 Balance on goods, services, and net -126.0 -211.4 receipts from sales by affiliates (line 2 minus line 21) 42 Balance on current account (line 1 -381.6 -449.5 minus line 20 plus line 39, and ITA table 1, line 77) Addenda: Source of the content of foreign affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2) 43 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 4,433.8 4,794.3 in inventories, total (line 9 minus line 14 plus the change in inventories) 44 Foreign content 4,093.6 4,441.3 45 Value added by foreign 1,350.0 1,458.1 affiliates of US parents 46 Other foreign content (6) 2,743.6 2,983.2 47 US content 340.1 353.0 Source of the content of US affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2, 7) 48 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 3,273.1 3,434.6 in inventories, total (line 28 minus line 33 plus the change in inventories) 49 US content 2,718.0 2,826.0 50 Value added by US 665.5 727.1 affiliates of foreign parents 51 Other US content (8) 2,052.5 2,098.9 52 Foreign content 555.1 608.6 Line 2011 2012 (9) 1 Exports of goods and services and 2,873.7 2,986.9 income receipts (line 2 plus income receipts (line 2 plus line 16, and international transactions accounts (ITAs) table 1, line 1) 2 Receipts resulting from exports of 2,591.6 2,680.8 goods and services and sales by foreign affiliates (line 3 plus line 8) 3 Exports of goods and services, 2,112.8 2,210.6 total (ITA table 1, line 2) 3a Goods, balance of payments 1,495.9 1,561.2 basis (ITA table 1, line 3) 3b Services (ITA table 1, line 617.0 649.3 4) 4 To unaffiliated foreigners 1,536.5 ... 4a Goods (1) 1,089.9 ... 4b Services 446.6 ... 5 To affiliated foreigners 576.3 ... 5a Goods (1) 406.0 ... 5b Services 170.3 ... 6 To foreign affiliates of US 403.6 ... parents 6a Goods (1) 266.7 ... 6b Services 136.9 ... 7 To foreign parent groups of US 172.7 ... affiliates 7a Goods (1) 139.3 ... 7b Services 33.4 ... 8 Net receipts by US parents of 478.8 470.2 direct investment income resulting from sales by their foreign affiliates (ITA table 1, line 14) 9 Sales by foreign affiliates 6,951.7 ... (2) 10 Less: Foreign affiliates' 424.1 ... purchases of goods and services directly from the United States (3) 11 Less: Costs and profits 4,516.8 ... accruing to foreign persons 12 Compensation of 598.4 ... employees of foreign affiliates 13 Other 3,918.3 ... 14 Less: Sales by foreign 1,532.0 ... affiliates to other foreign affiliates of the same parent 15 Plus: Bank affiliates (net ... ... receipts) 16 Other income receipts 282.0 306.1 17 Other private receipts on US- 274.0 297.9 owned assets abroad (ITA table 1, line 15) 18 US government receipts (ITA 1.9 2.0 table 1, line 16) 19 Compensation of employees (ITA 6.1 6.3 table 1, line 17) 20 Imports of goods and services and 3,197.8 3,297.7 income payments (line 21 plus line 35, and ITA table 1, line 18) 21 Payments resulting from imports of 2,837.9 2,922.0 goods and services and sales by US affiliates (line 22 plus line 27) 22 Imports of goods and services, 2,669.7 2,745.2 total (ITA table 1, line 19) 22a Goods, balance of payments 2,240.0 2,302.7 basis (ITA table 1, line 20) 22b Services (ITA table 1, line 429.7 442.5 21) 23 From unaffiliated foreigners 1,777.6 ... 23a Goods (1) 1,460.7 ... 23b Services 316.9 ... 24 From affiliated foreigners 892.0 ... 24a Goods (1) 779.3 ... 24b Services 112.8 ... 25 From foreign affiliates of 382.5 ... US parents 25a Goods (1) 313.0 ... 25b Services 69.5 ... 26 From foreign parent groups 509.6 ... of US affiliates 26a Goods (1) 466.3 ... 26b Services 43.3 ... 27 Net payments to foreign parents 168.2 176.7 of direct investment income resulting from sales by their US affiliates (ITA table 1, line 31) 28 Sales by US affiliates (2) 3,796.9 ... 29 Less: US affiliates' 690.5 ... purchases of goods and services directly from abroad (4) 30 Less: Costs and profits 2,938.2 ... accruing to US persons 31 Compensation of 471.2 ... employees of US affiliates 32 Other 2,467.0 ... 33 Less: Sales by US affiliates n.a. ... to other US affiliates of the same parent 34 Plus: Bank affiliates (net ... ... payments) 35 Other income payments 359.9 375.7 36 Other private payments on 213.4 233.3 foreign-owned assets in the United States (ITA table 1, line 32) 37 US government payments (ITA 132.4 127.7 table 1, line 33) 38 Compensation of employees (ITA 14.2 14.6 table 1, line 34) 39 Unilateral current transfers, net (ITA -133.5 -129.7 table 1, line 35) Memoranda: 40 Balance on goods and services (line 3 -556.8 -534.7 minus line 22, and ITA table 1, line 74) 41 Balance on goods, services, and net -246.3 -241.2 receipts from sales by affiliates (line 2 minus line 21) 42 Balance on current account (line 1 -457.7 -440.4 minus line 20 plus line 39, and ITA table 1, line 77) Addenda: Source of the content of foreign affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2) 43 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 5,439.1 ... in inventories, total (line 9 minus line 14 plus the change in inventories) 44 Foreign content 5,035.5 ... 45 Value added by foreign 1,683.2 ... affiliates of US parents 46 Other foreign content (6) 3,352.2 ... 47 US content 403.6 ... Source of the content of US affiliates' sales and change in inventories: (2, 7) 48 Sales to nonaffiliates and change 3,823.0 ... in inventories, total (line 28 minus line 33 plus the change in inventories) 49 US content 3,132.5 ... 50 Value added by US 796.3 ... affiliates of foreign parents 51 Other US content (8) 2,336.2 ... 52 Foreign content 690.5 ... n.a. Not available (1.) The sources for total U.S. exports and imports of goods are based on Census Bureau tabulations of Customs data. The sources for U.S. parent trade in goods with their foreign affiliates and U.S. affiliate trade in goods with their foreign parent groups are BEA's annual surveys of financial and operating data of U.S. parents, their foreign affiliates, and foreign-owned U.S. affiliates. (2.) For 2007-2011, annual data on sales, purchases, costs, and profits for both bank and nonbank affiliates area included in the calculation for lines 9-14, lines 28-33, lines 43-47, and lines 48-52. For 2001-2006, these data for bank affiliates are unavailable. (3.) In principle, purchases of services from the United States should include both purchases from the U.S. parent and purchases from unaffiliated providers. However, data on purchases from unaffiliated providers are unavailable, so for services, line 10 only includes purchases from U.S. parents. (4.) In principle, purchases of services from abroad should include both purchases from the foreign parent group and purchases from unaffiliated providers. However, data on purchases from unaffiliated providers are unavailable, so for services, line 29 only includes purchases from the foreign parent groups. (5.) In principle, sales by U.S. affiliates to other U.S. affiliates of the same foreign parent should be subtracted, but data on these sales are unavailable. Because U.S. affiliates are generally required to report to BEA on a fully consolidated basis, most of these sales are eliminated through consolidation, and the remaining amount is thought to be negligible. (6.) Other foreign content (purchases from foreign persons by foreign affiliates) is overstated to the extent that it includes U.S. exports that are embodied in the goods and services purchased by foreign affiliates from foreign suppliers. (7.) In principle, the sales exclude the affiliates sales to other affiliates of their parent. For U.S. affiliates, data on sales to other affiliates are unavailable, but these sales are thought to be negligible. (See footnote 5.) (8.) Other U.S. content (purchases from U.S. persons by U.S. affiliates) is overstated to the extent that it includes U.S. imports that are embodied in goods and services purchased by U.S. affiliates from U.S. suppliers. (9.) The estimates for 2012 are from the international transactions accounts, which are published quarterly. Detailed estimates for 2012 from BEA's annual surveys of U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States will not be available until the second half of 2014.