The U.S. net international investment position at the end of the first quarter of 2016, year 2015, and annual revisions.
Nguyen, Elena L.
Table A. U.S. Net International Investment Position, Change in 2016:I [Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted] Type of investment Position, 2015:IV Total U.S. net international investment position -7,280.6 -245.0 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -7,337.9 -227.0 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net 57.2 -18.0 U.S assets 23,340.8 742.1 Asts excluding financial derivatives 20,945.4 155.7 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 2,395.4 586.4 U.S. liabities 30,621.4 987.1 Liabilities exuding financial derivatives 28,283.3 382.7 Financial derivives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 2,338.1 604.5 Change in position in 2016:I Attributable to: Type of investment Financial-account Other changes transactions in position U.S. net international investment position -28.4 -216.6 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -42.1 -184.9 Fancial derivatives other than reserves, net 13.6 -31.7 U. assets (1) (1) Asts excluding financial derivatives 72.0 83.7 Financl derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (1) (1) U.S. liabities (1) (1) Liabilities exuding financial derivatives 114.1 268.6 Financial derivives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (1) (1) Type of investment Position, 2016:I U.S. net international investment position -7,525.6 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -7,564.8 Fancial derivatives other than reserves, net 39.2 U. assets 24,082.9 Asts excluding financial derivatives 21,101.1 Financl derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 2,981.8 U.S. liabities 31,608.5 Liabilities exuding financial derivatives 28,666.0 Financial derivives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 2,942.6 1.Financial transactions and other changes in financial derivatives positions are available only on a net basis; they are not separately available for gross positive fair values and gross negative fair values of financial derivatives. Table B. U.S. Net International Investment Position, Change in 2015 [Billions of dollars] Yearend Type of investment position, Total Financial-account 2014 transactions U.S. net international investment position -7,046.1 -234.5 -195.2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -7,131.7 -206.2 -169.8 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (3) 85.5 -28.3 -25.4 U.S. assets 24,717.5 -1,376.8 (3) Assets excluding financial derivatives 21,503.4 -558.0 225.4 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,214.1 -818.8 (3) U.S. liabilities 31,763.7 -1,142.3 (3) Liabilities excluding financial derivatives. 28,635.1 -351.8 395.2 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 3,128.6 -790.5 (3) Change in position in 2015 Attributable to: Other changes in position Type of investment Total Price Exchange-rate changes changes (1) U.S. net international investment position -39.3 (4) (4) Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -36.4 781.4 -1,051.5 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (3) -2.9 (4) (4) U.S. assets (3) (4) (3) Assets excluding financial derivatives -783.4 220.4 -1,141.5 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) (3) (3) U.S. liabilities (3) (3) (3) Liabilities excluding financial derivatives. -747.0 -561.0 -90.0 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) (3) (3) Yearend position, Type of investment Changes in volume and 2015 valuation n.i.e. (2) U.S. net international investment position (4) -7,280.6 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives 233.7 -7,337.9 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (3) (4) 57.2 U.S. assets (3) 23,340.8 Assets excluding financial derivatives 137.7 20,945.4 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) 2,395.4 U.S. liabilities (3) 30,621.4 Liabilities excluding financial derivatives. -96.0 28,283.3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) 2,338.1 (1.) Represents gains or losses on foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities due to their revaluation at current exchange rates. (2.) Includes changes due to year-to-year shifts in the composition of reporting panels and to the incorporation of more comprehensive survey results. Also includes capital gains and losses of direct investment affiliates and changes in positions that cannot be allocated to financial transactions, price changes, or exchange-rate changes. (3.) Financial transactions and other changes in financial derivatives positions are available only on a net basis; they are not separately available for gross positive fair values and gross negative fair values of financial derivatives. (4.) Data are not separately available for price changes, exchange-rate changes, and changes in volume and valuation not included elsewhere. NOTE. The statistics are presented in IIP table 1.3 on BEA's Web site. Table C. U.S. Assets, Change in 2015 [Billions of dollars] Yearend Financial- Type of investment position, Total account 2014 transactions U.S. assets 24,717.5 -1,376.8 (3) Assets excluding financial derivatives 21,503.4 -558.0 225.4 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,214.1 -818.8 (3) By functional category: Direct investment at market value 7,133.1 -154.8 348.6 Equity 6,045.1 -234.0 316.3 Debt instruments 1,088.1 79.2 32.3 Portfolio investment 9,704.3 -98.1 154.0 Equity and investment fund shares 6,770.6 57.6 202.6 Debt securities 2,933.6 -155.7 -48.6 Short term 447.2 39.1 42.5 Long term 2,486.4 -194.7 -91.1 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,214.1 -818.8 (3) Over-the-counter contracts 3,144.0 -797.3 (3) Single-currency interest rate contracts 2,451.1 -643.7 (3) Foreign exchange contracts 415.4 -73.2 (3) Other contracts 277.5 -80.4 (3) Exchange-traded contracts 70.1 -21.5 (3) Other investment 4,231.8 -254.5 -270.9 Currency and deposits 1,785.5 -156.9 -194.4 Loans 2,399.2 -95.3 -74.8 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. n.a. Trade credit and advances 47.0 -2.3 -1.7 Reserve assets 434.3 -50.7 -6.3 Monetary gold 315.4 -38.2 0.0 Special drawing rights= 51.9 -2.3 (*) Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 25.2 -7.6 -6.5 Other reserve assets 41.8 -2.7 0.2 Change in position in 2015 Attributable to: Other changes in position Type of investment Total Price Exchange-rate changes changes (1) U.S. assets (3) (3) (3) Assets excluding financial derivatives -783.4 220.4 -1,141.5 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) (3) (3) By functional category: Direct investment at market value -503.4 -64.7 -449.3 Equity -550.3 -64.7 -449.3 Debt instruments 46.9 Portfolio investment -252.1 323.2 -631.3 Equity and investment fund shares -145.0 357.9 -562.9 Debt securities -107.1 -34.6 -68.4 Short term -3.4 -3.4 Long term -103.6 -34.6 -65.0 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) (3) (3) Over-the-counter contracts (3) (3) (3) Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) (3) (3) Foreign exchange contracts (3) (3) (3) Other contracts (3) (3) (3) Exchange-traded contracts (3) (3) (3) Other investment 16.4 -54.7 Currency and deposits 37.5 -30.6 Loans -20.5 -23.6 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. n.a. Trade credit and advances -0.6 -0.6 Reserve assets -44.4 -38.2 -6.2 Monetary gold -38.2 -38.2 Special drawing rights= -2.3 -2.3 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund -1.1 -1.1 Other reserve assets -2.8 0.0 -2.8 Yearend Type of investment Changes in volume and position, valuation n.i.e. (2) 2015 U.S. assets (3) 23,340.8 Assets excluding financial derivatives 137.7 20,945.4 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) 2,395.4 By functional category: Direct investment at market value 10.5 6,978.3 Equity -36.3 5,811.1 Debt instruments 46.9 1,167.2 Portfolio investment 56.0 9,606.2 Equity and investment fund shares 60.1 6,828.2 Debt securities -4.1 2,777.9 Short term 0.0 486.2 Long term -4.1 2,291.7 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) 2,395.4 Over-the-counter contracts (3) 2,346.7 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) 1,807.4 Foreign exchange contracts (3) 342.3 Other contracts (3) 197.1 Exchange-traded contracts (3) 48.6 Other investment 71.1 3,977.3 Currency and deposits 68.0 1,628.6 Loans 3.1 2,304.0 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. Trade credit and advances 0.0 44.7 Reserve assets 0.0 383.6 Monetary gold 0.0 277.2 Special drawing rights= 0.0 49.7 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 0.0 17.6 Other reserve assets 0.0 39.1 n.a. Not available ..... Not applicable (*) Value between zero and +/- $50 million (1.) Represents gains or losses on foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities due to their revaluation at current exchange rates. (2.) Includes changes due to year-to-year shifts in the composition of reporting panels and to the incorporation of more comprehensive survey results. Also includes capital gains and losses of direct investment affiliates and changes in positions that cannot be allocated to financial transactions, price changes, or exchange-rate changes. (3.) Financial transactions and other changes in financial derivatives positions are available only on a net basis; they are not separately available for gross positive fair values and gross negative fair values of financial derivatives. (4.)Data are not separately available for price changes, exchange-rate changes, and changes in volume and valuation not included elsewhere. NOTE. The statistics are presented in IIP table 1.3 on BEA's Web site. Table D. U.S. Liabilities, Change in 2015 [Billions of dollars] Yearend Financial- Type of investment position, Total account 2014 ransactions U.S. liabilities 31,763.7 -1,142.3 (3) Liabilities excluding financial derivatives 28,635.1 -351.8 395.2 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 3,128.6 -790.5 (3) By functional category: Direct investment at market value 6,350.1 193.8 379.4 Equity 4,884.1 95.2 301.1 Debt instruments 1,466.0 98.6 78.3 Portfolio investment 16,919.8 -242.8 250.9 Equity and investment fund shares 6,642.5 -423.6 -178.3 Debt securities 10,277.3 180.8 429.2 Short term 911.8 43.4 45.8 Treasury bills and certificates 671.6 53.1 53.1 Other short-term securities 240.2 -9.7 -7.3 Long term 9,365.5 137.5 383.4 Treasury bonds and notes 5,484.4 -61.0 -4.8 Other long-term securities 3,881.1 198.5 388.2 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 3,128.6 -790.5 (3) Over-the-counter contracts 3,062.6 -771.5 (3) Single-currency interest rate contracts 2,398.8 -643.4 (3) Foreign exchange contracts 393.6 -49.6 (3) Other contracts 270.2 -78.5 (3) Exchange-traded contracts 66.0 -19.0 (3) Other investment 5,365.2 -302.7 -235.1 Currency and deposits 2,886.7 27.5 33.4 Loans 2,265.6 -342.0 -282.7 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. n.a. Trade credit and advances 161.7 13.9 14.2 Special drawing rights allocations 51.2 -2.2 0.0 Change in position in 2015 Attributable to: Other changes in position Type of investment Total Price Exchange-rate changes changes (1) U.S. liabilities (3) (3) (3) Liabilities excluding financial derivatives -747.0 -561.0 90.0 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) (3) (3) By functional category: Direct investment at market value -185.7 -160.3 Equity -205.9 -160.3 Debt instruments 20.2 Portfolio investment -493.7 -400.7 -57.0 Equity and investment fund shares -245.4 -187.8 Debt securities -248.4 -212.9 -57.0 Short term -2.4 -2.4 Treasury bills and certificates 0.0 Other short-term securities -2.4 -2.4 Long term -246.0 -212.9 -54.6 Treasury bonds and notes -56.3 -56.3 Other long-term securities -189.7 -156.6 -54.6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) (3) (3) Over-the-counter contracts (3) (3) (3) Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) (3) (3) Foreign exchange contracts (3) (3) (3) Other contracts (3) (3) (3) Exchange-traded contracts (3) (3) (3) Other investment -67.6 -33.0 Currency and deposits -5.9 -10.8 Loans -59.3 -19.7 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. n.a. Trade credit and advances -0.3 -0.3 Special drawing rights allocations -2.2 -2.2 Type of investment Changes in volume Yearend and valuation position, n.i.e. (2) 2015 U.S. liabilities (3) 30,621.4 Liabilities excluding financial derivatives -96.0 28,283.3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) 2,338.1 By functional category: Direct investment at market value -25.3 6,543.8 Equity -45.6 4,979.3 Debt instruments 20.2 1,564.5 Portfolio investment -36.0 16,677.0 Equity and investment fund shares -57.5 6,218.9 Debt securities 21.5 10,458.1 Short term 0.0 955.2 Treasury bills and certificates 0.0 724.7 Other short-term securities 0.0 230.5 Long term 21.5 9,503.0 Treasury bonds and notes 0.0 5,423.4 Other long-term securities 21.5 4,079.6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) 2,338.1 Over-the-counter contracts (3) 2,291.1 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) 1,755.4 Foreign exchange contracts (3) 344.0 Other contracts (3) 191.7 Exchange-traded contracts (3) 47.0 Other investment -34.6 5,062.5 Currency and deposits 4.9 2,914.3 Loans -39.5 1,923.6 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. Trade credit and advances 0.0 175.6 Special drawing rights allocations 0.0 48.9 n.a. Not available ..... Not applicable (*) Value between zero and +/- $50 million (1.) Represents gains or losses on foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities due to their revaluation at current exchange rates. (2.) Includes changes due to year-to-year shifts in the composition of reporting panels and to the incorporation of more comprehensive survey results. Also includes capital gains and losses of direct investment affiliates and changes in positions that cannot be allocated to financial transactions, price changes, or exchange-rate changes. (3.) Financial transactions and other changes in financial derivatives positions are available only on a net basis; they are not separately available for gross positive fair values and gross negative fair values of financial derivatives. (4.) Data are not separately available for price changes, exchange-rate changes, and changes in volume and valuation not included elsewhere. NOTE. The statistics are presented in IIP table 1.3 on BEA's Web site. Table E. Revisions to the U.S. Net International Investment Position at Yearend, 2012-2015 [Billions of dollars] 2012 Type of investment Previously Amount of Revised published revision U.S. net international investment position -4,518.3 -4,517.9 -0.4 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -4,576.1 -4,575.7 -0.4 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net 57.8 57.8 0.0 U.S. assets 22,562.2 22,561.9 0.2 Direct investment at market value 5,969.5 5,968.5 1.0 Portfolio investment 7,984.0 7,984.0 0.0 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,619.8 3,619.8 0.0 Other investment 4,416.6 4,417.4 -0.8 Reserve assets 572.4 572.4 0.0 U.S. liabilities 27,080.5 27,079.8 0.6 Direct investment at market value 4,662.4 4,661.2 1.3 Portfolio investment 13,978.9 13,978.9 0.0 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 3,562.0 3,562.0 0.0 Other investment 4,877.2 4,877.8 -0.6 2013 Type of investment Previously Amount of Revised published revision U.S. net international investment position -5,372.7 -5,327.5 -45.2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -5,450.2 -5,404.8 -45.4 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net 77.6 77.3 0.2 U.S. assets 24,144.8 24,159.1 -14.4 Direct investment at market value 7,120.7 7,117.3 3.4 Portfolio investment 9,206.1 9,206.5 -0.4 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,017.1 3,019.8 -2.7 Other investment 4,352.5 4,367.3 -14.7 Reserve assets 448.3 448.3 0.0 U.S. liabilities 29,517.4 29,486.6 30.8 Direct investment at market value 5,814.9 5,780.6 34.3 Portfolio investment 15,541.3 15,542.5 -1.2 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 2,939.5 2,942.4 -2.9 Other investment 5,221.7 5,221.1 0.6 2014 Type of investment Previously Amount of Revised published revision U.S. net international investment position -7,046.1 -7,019.7 -26.5 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -7,131.7 -7,093.5 -38.1 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net 85.5 73.8 11.7 U.S. assets 24,717.5 24,595.5 122.0 Direct investment at market value 7,133.1 7,124.0 9.1 Portfolio investment 9,704.3 9,572.5 131.7 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,214.1 3,224.5 -10.4 Other investment 4,231.8 4,240.2 -8.4 Reserve assets 434.3 434.3 0.0 U.S. liabilities 31,763.7 31,615.2 148.4 Direct investment at market value 6,350.1 6,228.8 121.3 Portfolio investment 16,919.8 16,917.1 2.6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 3,128.6 3,150.7 -22.1 Other investment 5,365.2 5,318.6 46.6 2015 Type of investment Previously Amount of Revised published revision U.S. net international investment position -7,280.6 -7,356.8 76.1 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives -7,337.9 -7,413.9 76.0 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net 57.2 57.1 0.1 U.S. assets 23,340.8 23,208.3 132.5 Direct investment at market value 6,978.3 6,907.9 70.5 Portfolio investment 9,606.2 9,534.4 71.7 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 2,395.4 2,397.6 -2.3 Other investment 3,977.3 3,984.7 -7.4 Reserve assets 383.6 383.6 0.0 U.S. liabilities 30,621.4 30,565.1 56.3 Direct investment at market value 6,543.8 6,513.1 30.7 Portfolio investment 16,677.0 16,666.2 10.8 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 2,338.1 2,340.5 -2.4 Other investment 5,062.5 5,045.2 17.2 Table 1. U.S. Net International Investment Position at the End of the Period [Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted] Line Type of investment 2014 IV (r) I (r) 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) -7,046.1 -6,838.0 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) -7,131.7 -6,926.7 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) 85.5 88.7 4 U.S. assets 24,717.5 25,494.5 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 21,503.4 22,130.8 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) 3,214.1 3,363.7 By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value 7,133.1 7,331.8 8 Equity 6,045.1 6,194.9 9 Debt instruments 1,088.1 1,136.9 10 Portfolio investment 9,704.3 10,137.8 11 Equity and investment fund shares 6,770.6 7,188.5 12 Debt securities 2,933.6 2,949.3 13 Short term 447.2 472.5 14 Long term 2,486.4 2,476.8 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,214.1 3,363.7 16 Over-the-counter contracts 3,144.0 3,295.5 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts 2,451.1 2,578.4 18 Foreign exchange contracts 415.4 469.0 19 Other contracts 277.5 248.1 20 Exchange-traded contracts 70.1 68.2 21 Other investment 4,231.8 4,242.7 22 Currency and deposits 1,785.5 1,762.2 23 Loans 2,399.2 2,435.0 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances 47.0 45.5 26 Reserve assets 434.3 418.5 27 Monetary gold 315.4 310.4 28 Special drawing rights 51.9 49.5 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 25.2 19.8 30 Other reserve assets 41.8 38.8 31 Currency and deposits 19.0 17.4 32 Securities 22.8 21.4 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities 31,763.7 32,332.6 36 Liabilities excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) 28,635.1 29,057.5 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) 3,128.6 3,275.0 By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value 6,350.1 6,536.2 39 Equity 4,884.1 5,021.9 40 Debt instruments 1,466.0 1,514.3 41 Portfolio investment 16,919.8 17,135.1 42 Equity and investment fund shares 6,642.5 6,728.5 43 Debt securities 10,277.3 10,406.6 44 Short term 911.8 947.1 45 Treasury bills and certificates 671.6 702.3 46 Other short-term securities 240.2 244.8 47 Long term 9,365.5 9,459.5 48 Treasury bonds and notes 5,484.4 5,470.3 49 Other long-term securities 3,881.1 3,989.2 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 3,128.6 3,275.0 51 Over-the-counter contracts 3,062.6 3,208.7 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts 2,398.8 2,521.9 53 Foreign exchange contracts 393.6 443.2 54 Other contracts 270.2 243.6 55 Exchange-traded contracts 66.0 66.3 56 Other investment 5,365.2 5,386.3 57 Currency and deposits 2,886.7 2,883.5 58 Loans 2,265.6 2,288.4 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances 161.7 165.7 61 Special drawing rights allocations 51.2 48.7 Line Type of investment 2015 II (r) III (r) 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) -6,701.4 -7,239.7 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) -6,750.2 -7,296.5 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) 48.7 56.8 4 U.S. assets 24,695.8 23,477.9 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 22,240.1 20,759.2 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) 2,455.7 2,718.7 By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value 7,384.1 6,785.0 8 Equity 6,212.9 5,640.5 9 Debt instruments 1,171.2 1,144.6 10 Portfolio investment 10,282.4 9,461.3 11 Equity and investment fund shares 7,353.3 6,605.6 12 Debt securities 2,929.1 2,855.8 13 Short term 495.4 507.1 14 Long term 2,433.7 2,348.6 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 2,455.7 2,718.7 16 Over-the-counter contracts 2,402.5 2,661.3 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts 1,848.3 2,083.8 18 Foreign exchange contracts 347.2 364.0 19 Other contracts 207.0 213.6 20 Exchange-traded contracts 53.2 57.4 21 Other investment 4,158.2 4,112.5 22 Currency and deposits 1,752.3 1,684.8 23 Loans 2,360.9 2,382.0 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances 45.0 45.7 26 Reserve assets 415.4 400.4 27 Monetary gold 306.2 291.3 28 Special drawing rights 50.4 50.3 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 19.2 18.9 30 Other reserve assets 39.5 39.8 31 Currency and deposits 17.8 17.9 32 Securities 21.7 21.9 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities 31,397.2 30,717.6 36 Liabilities excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) 28,990.3 28,055.7 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) 2,407.0 2,661.9 By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value 6,589.0 6,260.3 39 Equity 5,023.7 4,681.6 40 Debt instruments 1,565.3 1,578.6 41 Portfolio investment 17,164.5 16,546.4 42 Equity and investment fund shares 6,659.7 6,099.4 43 Debt securities 10,504.8 10,447.0 44 Short term 941.5 889.5 45 Treasury bills and certificates 701.3 667.1 46 Other short-term securities 240.2 222.4 47 Long term 9,563.3 9,557.5 48 Treasury bonds and notes 5,461.9 5,439.2 49 Other long-term securities 4,101.4 4,118.3 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 2,407.0 2,661.9 51 Over-the-counter contracts 2,352.3 2,601.6 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts 1,799.6 2,029.2 53 Foreign exchange contracts 347.5 364.0 54 Other contracts 205.3 208.4 55 Exchange-traded contracts 54.7 60.3 56 Other investment 5,236.7 5,249.1 57 Currency and deposits 2,884.4 2,892.9 58 Loans 2,131.7 2,130.4 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances 171.0 176.3 61 Special drawing rights allocations 49.7 49.6 Line Type of investment 2016 IV (r) I (p) 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) -7,280.6 -7,525.6 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) -7,337.9 -7,564.8 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) 57.2 39.2 4 U.S. assets 23,340.8 24,082.9 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 20,945.4 21,101.1 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) 2,395.4 2,981.8 By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value 6,978.3 7,012.4 8 Equity 5,811.1 5,833.3 9 Debt instruments 1,167.2 1,179.1 10 Portfolio investment 9,606.2 9,622.7 11 Equity and investment fund shares 6,828.2 6,737.3 12 Debt securities 2,777.9 2,885.4 13 Short term 486.2 534.6 14 Long term 2,291.7 2,350.8 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 2,395.4 2,981.8 16 Over-the-counter contracts 2,346.7 2,928.5 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts 1,807.4 2,366.3 18 Foreign exchange contracts 342.3 377.8 19 Other contracts 197.1 184.4 20 Exchange-traded contracts 48.6 53.2 21 Other investment 3,977.3 4,034.1 22 Currency and deposits 1,628.6 1,703.7 23 Loans 2,304.0 2,282.4 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances 44.7 48.0 26 Reserve assets 383.6 432.0 27 Monetary gold 277.2 323.5 28 Special drawing rights 49.7 50.5 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 17.6 16.7 30 Other reserve assets 39.1 41.3 31 Currency and deposits 17.6 19.3 32 Securities 21.6 22.1 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities 30,621.4 31,608.5 36 Liabilities excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) 28,283.3 28,666.0 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) 2,338.1 2,942.6 By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value 6,543.8 6,637.6 39 Equity 4,979.3 5,045.2 40 Debt instruments 1,564.5 1,592.4 41 Portfolio investment 16,677.0 16,907.3 42 Equity and investment fund shares 6,218.9 6,132.5 43 Debt securities 10,458.1 10,774.8 44 Short term 955.2 945.4 45 Treasury bills and certificates 724.7 724.9 46 Other short-term securities 230.5 220.5 47 Long term 9,503.0 9,829.4 48 Treasury bonds and notes 5,423.4 5,562.1 49 Other long-term securities 4,079.6 4,267.3 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 2,338.1 2,942.6 51 Over-the-counter contracts 2,291.1 2,887.0 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts 1,755.4 2,304.2 53 Foreign exchange contracts 344.0 396.2 54 Other contracts 191.7 186.7 55 Exchange-traded contracts 47.0 55.5 56 Other investment 5,062.5 5,121.0 57 Currency and deposits 2,914.3 2,876.5 58 Loans 1,923.6 2,014.7 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances 175.6 180.1 61 Special drawing rights allocations 48.9 49.8 Line Type of investment Change: Change: 2015:IV to 2014:IV to 2016:I 2015:IV 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) -245.0 -234.5 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) -227.0 -206.2 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) -18.0 -28.3 4 U.S. assets 742.1 -1,376.8 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 155.7 -558.0 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) 586.4 -818.8 By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value 34.0 -154.8 8 Equity 22.2 -234.0 9 Debt instruments 11.9 79.2 10 Portfolio investment 16.5 -98.1 11 Equity and investment fund shares -91.0 57.6 12 Debt securities 107.5 -155.7 13 Short term 48.4 39.1 14 Long term 59.1 -194.7 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 586.4 -818.8 16 Over-the-counter contracts 581.8 -797.3 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts 558.9 -643.7 18 Foreign exchange contracts 35.5 -73.2 19 Other contracts -12.6 -80.4 20 Exchange-traded contracts 4.6 -21.5 21 Other investment 56.8 -254.5 22 Currency and deposits 75.1 -156.9 23 Loans -21.6 -95.3 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances 3.3 -2.3 26 Reserve assets 48.4 -50.7 27 Monetary gold 46.3 -38.2 28 Special drawing rights 0.8 -2.3 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund -0.9 -7.6 30 Other reserve assets 2.2 -2.7 31 Currency and deposits 1.7 -1.4 32 Securities 0.5 -1.2 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities 987.1 -1,142.3 36 Liabilities excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) 382.7 -351.8 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) 604.5 -790.5 By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value 93.8 193.8 39 Equity 65.9 95.2 40 Debt instruments 27.9 98.6 41 Portfolio investment 230.3 -242.8 42 Equity and investment fund shares -86.4 -423.6 43 Debt securities 316.7 180.8 44 Short term -9.7 43.4 45 Treasury bills and certificates 0.2 53.1 46 Other short-term securities -9.9 -9.7 47 Long term 326.4 137.5 48 Treasury bonds and notes 138.7 -61.0 49 Other long-term securities 187.7 198.5 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 604.5 -790.5 51 Over-the-counter contracts 595.9 -771.5 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts 548.8 -643.4 53 Foreign exchange contracts 52.2 -49.6 54 Other contracts -5.0 -78.5 55 Exchange-traded contracts 8.5 -19.0 56 Other investment 58.5 -302.7 57 Currency and deposits -37.8 27.5 58 Loans 91.0 -342.0 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances 4.5 13.9 61 Special drawing rights allocations 0.8 -2.2 (p) Preliminary (r) Revised n.a. Not available ..... Not applicable NOTE. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis Table 2. Change in the Yearend U.S. Net International Investment Position [Billions of dollars] Change in position in 2015 Attributable to: Line Type of investment Yearend Position, Total 2014 (r) 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) 7,046.1 -234.5 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) 7,131.7 -206.2 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) 85.5 -28.3 4 U.S. assets 4,717.5 -1,376.8 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 1,503.4 -558.0 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) 3,214.1 -818.8 By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value 7,133.1 -154.8 8 Equity 6,045.1 -234.0 9 Debt instruments 1,088.1 79.2 10 Portfolio investment 9,704.3 -98.1 11 Equity and investment fund shares 6,770.6 57.6 12 Debt securities 2,933.6 -155.7 13 Short term 447.2 39.1 14 Long term 2,486.4 -194.7 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value 3,214.1 -818.8 16 Over-the-counter contracts 3,144.0 -797.3 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts 2,451.1 -643.7 18 Foreign exchange contracts 415.4 -73.2 19 Other contracts 277.5 -80.4 20 Exchange-traded contracts 70.1 -21.5 21 Other investment 4,231.8 -254.5 22 Currency and deposits 1,785.5 -156.9 23 Loans. 2,399.2 -95.3 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances 47.0 -2.3 26 Reserve assets 434.3 -50.7 27 Monetary gold 315.4 -38.2 28 Special drawing rights 51.9 -2.3 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 25.2 -7.6 30 Other reserve assets 41.8 -2.7 31 Currency and deposits 19.0 -1.4 32 Securities 22.8 -1.2 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities 1,763.7 -1,142.3 36 Liabilities excluding financial ' derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) 8,635.1 -351.8 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) 3,128.6 -790.5 By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value 6,350.1 193.8 39 Equity 4,884.1 95.2 40 Debt instruments 1,466.0 98.6 41 Portfolio investment 6,919.8 -242.8 42 Equity and investment fund shares 6,642.5 -423.6 43 Debt securities 0,277.3 180.8 44 Short term 911.8 43.4 45 Treasury bills and certificates 671.6 53.1 46 Other short-term securities 240.2 -9.7 47 Long term 9,365.5 137.5 48 Treasury bonds and notes 5,484.4 -61.0 49 Other long-term securities 3,881.1 198.5 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value 3,128.6 -790.5 51 Over-the-counter contracts 3,062.6 -771.5 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts 2,398.8 -643.4 53 Foreign exchange contracts 393.6 -49.6 54 Other contracts 270.2 -78.5 55 Exchange-traded contracts 66.0 -19.0 56 Other investment 5,365.2 -302.7 57 Currency and deposits 2,886.7 27.5 58 Loans 2,265.6 -342.0 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances 161.7 13.9 61 Special drawing rights allocations 51.2 -2.2 Line Type of investment Financial- account Total transactions 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) -195.2 -39.3 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) -169.8 -36.4 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) -25.4 -2.9 4 U.S. assets (3) (3) 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 225.4 -783.4 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) (3) (3) By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value 348.6 -503.4 8 Equity 316.3 -550.3 9 Debt instruments 32.3 46.9 10 Portfolio investment 154.0 -252.1 11 Equity and investment fund shares 202.6 -145.0 12 Debt securities -48.6 -107.1 13 Short term 42.5 -3.4 14 Long term -91.1 -103.6 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) (3) 16 Over-the-counter contracts (3) (3) 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) (3) 18 Foreign exchange contracts (3) (3) 19 Other contracts (3) (3) 20 Exchange-traded contracts (3) (3) 21 Other investment -270.9 16.4 22 Currency and deposits -194.4 37.5 23 Loans. -74.8 -20.5 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances -1.7 -0.6 26 Reserve assets -6.3 -44.4 27 Monetary gold 0.0 -38.2 28 Special drawing rights (*) -2.3 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund -6.5 -1.1 30 Other reserve assets 0.2 -2.8 31 Currency and deposits (*) -1.4 32 Securities 0.2 -1.4 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities (3) (3) 36 Liabilities excluding financial ' derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) 395.2 -747.0 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) (3) (3) By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value 379.4 -185.7 39 Equity 301.1 -205.9 40 Debt instruments 78.3 20.2 41 Portfolio investment 250.9 -493.7 42 Equity and investment fund shares -178.3 -245.4 43 Debt securities 429.2 -248.4 44 Short term 45.8 -2.4 45 Treasury bills and certificates 53.1 0.0 46 Other short-term securities -7.3 -2.4 47 Long term 383.4 -246.0 48 Treasury bonds and notes -4.8 -56.3 49 Other long-term securities 388.2 -189.7 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) (3) 51 Over-the-counter contracts (3) (3) 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) (3) 53 Foreign exchange contracts (3) (3) 54 Other contracts (3) (3) 55 Exchange-traded contracts (3) (3) 56 Other investment -235.1 -67.6 57 Currency and deposits 33.4 -5.9 58 Loans -282.7 -59.3 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances 14.2 -0.3 61 Special drawing rights allocations 0.0 -2.2 Line Type of investment Exchange- Price rate changes changes (1) 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) (4) (4) 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) 781.4 -1,051.5 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) (4) (4) 4 U.S. assets (3) (3) 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 220.4 -1,141.5 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) (3) (3) By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value -64.7 -449.3 8 Equity -64.7 -449.3 9 Debt instruments 10 Portfolio investment 323.2 -631.3 11 Equity and investment fund shares 357.9 -562.9 12 Debt securities -34.6 -68.4 13 Short term -3.4 14 Long term -34.6 -65.0 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) (3) 16 Over-the-counter contracts (3) (3) 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) (3) 18 Foreign exchange contracts (3) (3) 19 Other contracts (3) (3) 20 Exchange-traded contracts (3) (3) 21 Other investment -54.7 22 Currency and deposits -30.6 23 Loans. -23.6 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances -0.6 26 Reserve assets -38.2 -6.2 27 Monetary gold -38.2 28 Special drawing rights -2.3 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund -1.1 30 Other reserve assets 0.0 -2.8 31 Currency and deposits -1.5 32 Securities 0.0 -1.4 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities (3) (3) 36 Liabilities excluding financial ' derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) -561.0 -90.0 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) (3) (3) By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value -160.3 39 Equity -160.3 40 Debt instruments 41 Portfolio investment -400.7 -57.0 42 Equity and investment fund shares -187.8 43 Debt securities -212.9 -57.0 44 Short term -2.4 45 Treasury bills and certificates 46 Other short-term securities -2.4 47 Long term -212.9 -54.6 48 Treasury bonds and notes -56.3 49 Other long-term securities -156.6 -54.6 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) (3) 51 Over-the-counter contracts (3) (3) 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) (3) 53 Foreign exchange contracts (3) (3) 54 Other contracts (3) (3) 55 Exchange-traded contracts (3) (3) 56 Other investment -33.0 57 Currency and deposits -10.8 58 Loans -19.7 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances -0.3 61 Special drawing rights allocations -2.2 Line Type of investment Changes in Yearend volume and position, valuation 2014 (r) n.i.e. (2) 1 U.S. net international investment position (line 4 less line 35) (4) -7,280.6 2 Net international investment position excluding financial derivatives (line 5 less line 36) 233.7 -7,337.9 3 Financial derivatives other than reserves, net (line 6 less line 37) (4) 57.2 4 U.S. assets (3) 23,340.8 5 Assets excluding financial derivatives (sum of lines 7, 10, 21, and 26) 137.7 20,945.4 6 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (line 15) (3) 2,395.4 By functional category: 7 Direct investment at market value 10.5 6,978.3 8 Equity -36.3 5,811.1 9 Debt instruments 46.9 1,167.2 10 Portfolio investment 56.0 9,606.2 11 Equity and investment fund shares 60.1 6,828.2 12 Debt securities -4.1 2,777.9 13 Short term 0.0 486.2 14 Long term -4.1 2,291.7 15 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross positive fair value (3) 2,395.4 16 Over-the-counter contracts (3) 2,346.7 17 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) 1,807.4 18 Foreign exchange contracts (3) 342.3 19 Other contracts (3) 197.1 20 Exchange-traded contracts (3) 48.6 21 Other investment 71.1 3,977.3 22 Currency and deposits 68.0 1,628.6 23 Loans. 3.1 2,304.0 24 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 25 Trade credit and advances 0.0 44.7 26 Reserve assets 0.0 383.6 27 Monetary gold 0.0 277.2 28 Special drawing rights 0.0 49.7 29 Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 0.0 17.6 30 Other reserve assets 0.0 39.1 31 Currency and deposits 0.1 17.6 32 Securities -0.1 21.6 33 Financial derivatives 34 Other claims 0.0 0.0 35 U.S. liabilities (3) 30,621.4 36 Liabilities excluding financial ' derivatives (sum of lines 38, 41, and 56) -96.0 28,283.3 37 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (line 50) (3) 2,338.1 By functional category: 38 Direct investment at market value -25.3 6,543.8 39 Equity -45.6 4,979.3 40 Debt instruments 20.2 1,564.5 41 Portfolio investment -36.0 16,677.0 42 Equity and investment fund shares -57.5 6,218.9 43 Debt securities 21.5 10,458.1 44 Short term 0.0 955.2 45 Treasury bills and certificates 0.0 724.7 46 Other short-term securities 0.0 230.5 47 Long term 21.5 9,503.0 48 Treasury bonds and notes 0.0 5,423.4 49 Other long-term securities 21.5 4,079.6 50 Financial derivatives other than reserves, gross negative fair value (3) 2,338.1 51 Over-the-counter contracts (3) 2,291.1 52 Single-currency interest rate contracts (3) 1,755.4 53 Foreign exchange contracts (3) 344.0 54 Other contracts (3) 191.7 55 Exchange-traded contracts (3) 47.0 56 Other investment -34.6 5,062.5 57 Currency and deposits 4.9 2,914.3 58 Loans -39.5 1,923.6 59 Insurance technical reserves n.a. n.a. 60 Trade credit and advances 0.0 175.6 61 Special drawing rights allocations 0.0 48.9 (r) Revised n.a. Not available ..... Not applicable (*) Value between zero and +/- $50 million (1.) Represents gains or losses on foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities due to their revaluation at current exchange rates. (2.) Includes changes due to year-to-year shifts in the composition of reporting panels and to the incorporation of more comprehensive survey results. Also includes capital gains and losses of direct investment affiliates and changes in positions that cannot be allocated to financial transactions, price changes, or exchange-rate changes. (3.) Financial transactions and other changes in financial derivatives positions are available only on a net basis, which is shown on line 3; they are not separately available for gross positive fair values and gross negative fair (*) Value between zero and +/- $50 million values of financial derivatives. 4. Data are not separately available for price changes, exchange-rate changes, and changes in volume and valuation not included elsewhere. NOTE. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis