Comparability in cross-cultural qualitative marketing research: equivalence in personal interviews.
Polsa, Pia
Increasingly qualitative inquiry has became of interest in
marketing research, and a number of cross-cultural comparisons of
qualitative data have been published. Therefore, it is important to
address the issue of comparability in qualitative data. When assessing
the comparability of two or more data sets across cultures, in
quantitative research different types of equivalences have been widely
examined, but this has not been common in qualitative inquiry. The
present paper focuses on how the concept of equivalence can be applied
in qualitative cross-cultural research. The comparability criteria found
to be relevant in this context are: conceptual, functional, sample,
contextual, researcher, and response equivalences. Thus, the paper
contributes to qualitative research methodology in marketing by
proposing the criterion of cross-cultural comparability in qualitative
research methods in marketing.
Keywords: comparability, cross-cultural, equivalence, qualitative
marketing research
Traditionally, cross-cultural research has paid a great deal of
attention to the comparability of data and findings across cultures,
nations, regions, sub-cultures, groups and time. A widely used method to
strengthen comparability has been the rise of different types of
equivalences. In cross-cultural marketing research, research equivalence
is an important concern, because it enables arguing that similarities
and differences in results are caused by actual differences in two
cultures, and not by invariance in the methods (cf. Baumgartner and
Steenkamp, 2001; Kumar, 2000; Brislin, 1993; Craig and Douglas, 2005;
Hui and Triandis, 1985; Mullen, 1995; Sekaran, 1983; Steenkamp and
Baumgartner, 1998; Usunier, 1998, Usunier and Lee, 2005). As Harkness,
Mohler and Van de Vijer point out: "Cross-cultural survey research
is required to pursue strategies that try to come to terms with the fact
that concepts may not be identical or comparable and that an instrument
appropriate and adequate in one context (temporal or spatial) may not be
adequate in another (Harkness, et al. 2003, p. 8)."
However, with some exceptions (Sparks, 2002; Malhotra Agarwal and
Peterson, 1996) equivalences have mainly been studied in the context of
quantitative marketing research (e.g. Davis, Douglas and Silk 1981;
Mullen, 1995, Singh, 1995). At the same time, several cross-cultural
researchers agree that quantitative methods are not applicable in all
cultures or that they can be biased (e.g. Arnould, 2001; England and
Harpaz 1983). At times, qualitative methods (1) are necessary because of
the types of research questions asked, and because a qualitative
approach uncovers emic issues of society more easily. Although there is
a great deal of cross-cultural qualitative marketing research and a
great need for such studies, with exception of Kjeldgaard, Csaba &
Ger (2006) there appears to be no discussion or use of the concept of
equivalences in qualitative studies of cross-cultural marketing.
As qualitative research methods have emerged in marketing (Douglas
and Craig, 2006), studies using cross-cultural qualitative methods have
begun to appear in international marketing journals (see for example
Knight, Holdsworth and Mather, 2006, Owusu and Welch, 2007). Further, as
qualitative inquiry is considered as crucial in comparative research
(Malhotra et al. 1996), the examination of equivalencies in qualitative
data is likely to increase the rigour of analysis in cross-cultural
qualitative marketing research. This paper explores the possibility of
applying the concept of equivalence in cross-cultural qualitative
marketing research, in order to initiate a discussion about the
applicability of equivalence of methods to qualitative research. In
addition, the paper contributes to qualitative methodology by including
the criterion of cross-cultural comparability in qualitative research
methods in marketing. While quality criteria of qualitative research
have been examined for example by Lincoln & Guba (2000 &1985)
and in consumer behaviour research by Wallendorf & Belk (1989),
these studies have not examined the quality of comparability in
qualitative data, which is the specific focus of the current paper. The
present paper is limited to covering literature mainly in the field of
marketing. Therefore, the literature on methods in these fields as well
as the illustrative examples of equivalences in qualitative
cross-cultural research focus on personal interviews, a major tool in
marketing research.
The next section offers a definition of the construct of
equivalence and presents a typology of equivalences frequently used in
marketing research. The subsequent section presents and examines the
equivalences of qualitative cross-cultural research. Finally, as a
conclusion the suggested contributions to qualitative marketing
methodology are summarised.
In a review of the use of equivalences in survey research, Johnson
identified more than 40 different definitions of the construct of
equivalence (Johnson, 2003). In survey research, the concept of
equivalence generally refers to "the comparability of measures
obtained in different cultural groups" (Harkness, et al., 2003, p.
14). However, in the current study the construct is used in a broader
sense. Here the concept of equivalence in the context of cross-cultural
methods refers to the comparability of two or more data sets from two or
more distinctly different nations or cultures. Reaching equivalence in
comparative research guarantees that, instead of possibly being caused
by unequal methods, results show differences or similarities across
compared samples. A failure to reach equivalent methods is called
non-equivalence, while the term dissimilarity refers to a difference
that yields an interesting finding per se.
In comparative quantitative research a large number of different
types of equivalences exist. Table 1 summarises a typology of
equivalences examined in the literature of marketing and management
research. However, not all the equivalences are applicable to or
relevant for qualitative comparative research. Equivalences that
directly address the comparability of a scale, such as instrument,
measurement and scalar/metric equivalences, are not transferable to
research that does not use measurements. Thus, in addition to offering
definitions of equivalences and marketing literature references to
equivalences, the table also highlights equivalences that can and should
be addressed in qualitative cross-cultural marketing research.
It is important to discuss the epistemological assumptions of the
concept of "equivalence", as the concept has mainly appeared
in cross-cultural quantitative research. Traditionally, the objective of
quantitative cross-cultural research has been to replicate the same
study in different cultures, in order to establish whether a phenomenon
can or cannot be generalised across several cultures. Quantitative
research assumes that, given equivalent methods, cross-cultural
comparisons are possible.
The goals of cross-cultural qualitative research and its view of
comparability are different. Further, both the goals and the view of
comparability vary across different qualitative methodological
approaches. Even if generalizations are not explicitly sought some
qualitative approaches assume that, at least findings can be transferred
across cultures. In a similar vein, as results from one case can be
transferred to other similar cases (see Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Miles
and Huberman, 1994; Wallendorf and Belk, 1989), transferability refers
to the possibility of comparison. The goal may not be to transfer
findings but to compare these with established knowledge, and if
possible to bring new insights into existing knowledge (for an example
see Joy, 2001 and Arnould, 1989) or to deliver a broad view on a new
concept (see Belk, Ger, Askegaard, 2003). Quantitative research compares
research findings across samples, whereas qualitative research compares
new findings or locally valid substantial theories with established
theories (cf. Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Even though the primary goals
of quantitative and qualitative research are different, both compare
findings with existing theory. Thus, both may view comparability as etic
(2), meaning that methods can be universally applied across cultures and
that comparability is possible. However, there exist some qualitative
perspectives contending that cultures are so unique that they cannot and
should not be compared, i.e they have a purely emic (3) view of
comparability. Alternatively, they argue that in the course of
globalization the entire field of cross-cultural research should be
challenged, and replaced by multi-sited ethnography (Kjeldgaard et al.,
As face-to-face personal interviews are perhaps the most commonly
used qualitative marketing data collection method, the present paper
focuses on interviews. Thus, the conceptual analysis is exemplified and
illustrated by examining the interview in qualitative marketing research
and further illustrated by examples from the article by Knight et al.
(2006), which compare interview data from several cultures.
This section discusses the application of conceptual, functional,
sample, contextual, researcher and response equivalences to
cross-cultural qualitative marketing research. The other equivalences
that are applicable to cross-cultural qualitative research (cf. Table
1), i.e. construct, calibration and translational equivalences, have
been excluded in the discussion for the following reasons. Construct
equivalence refers to similar meaning and significance of terms. The
significance of a construct can be detected when doing quantitative
research, whereas meaning is partly covered by an examination similar to
the one concerning conceptual equivalence. Thus, to avoid repetition,
construct equivalence is not included in the examination below.
Translational and calibration equivalences face similar concerns in both
qualitative and quantitative marketing research and are therefore
excluded here.
The methods section by Knight et al. (2006) is used to exemplify ways of addressing equivalences. The study compared food imports in
Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, and the UK. The material
consisted of 17 personal interviews: four in Germany, one in both the
Netherlands and Greece, five in Italy, and six in the UK.
Conceptual equivalence
The first issue in cross-cultural marketing research is to
determine whether the concepts have similar connotations in different
cultures. Conceptual equivalence means that concepts can be meaningfully
examined in the same contexts in two different cultures (Hui and
Triandis, 1985). However, conceptual equivalence does not mean that the
concepts in the study have exactly the same meaning in both cultures, as
the same concept may have different aspects and dimensions in different
cultures, even if it serves the same purpose in those cultures (Brislin,
1993). For example, perceived power as a concept has a variety of factor
structures in different cultures (cf. Johnson, Sakano, Cote, and Onzo,
1993). In qualitative research, disparities in the definition of
concepts and content of concepts across cultures may be an interesting
finding per se. As the aim of qualitative research is to uncover
substance-specific theories, different or similar concepts drawn from
different cultures challenge and extend theoretical foundations and
established knowledge.
Thus, in qualitative cross-cultural research equivalences and
dissimilarities are examined for the purpose of theory building and not
only in order to establish data comparability. While conceptual
non-equivalence is seen as failure in equivalence (Usunier and Lee,
2005), in qualitative research it is a source for unexpected findings
(see for example Eisenhart, 1989). In addition, qualitative methods are
often used to uncover differences in a concept or to detect emic codes
that may lead to the discovery of new dimensions and constructs in
established concepts (see for example Price, Arnould & Tierney,
However, even when the concepts of multiple comparable studies are
equivalent, their underlying latent constructs or dimensions may not be
exactly similar. Qualitative research methods uncover codes which emerge
through abstraction into constructs that form concepts (Spiggle, 1994).
In qualitative research, like conceptual equivalence, dimensional
dissimilarity is an interesting finding per se. The varying internal
structures of a concept across cultures uncovers the emic meaning of the
concept, and thus points to cultural differences.
Existing data such as metaphors, proverbs, and comparisons of
antonyms and synonyms may uncover differences in concepts across
cultures even before data collection, or may strengthen the findings of
interviews. For example, a finding drawn from the analysis of jargon may
lead to a novel dimension in the concept of mobile phones. A Chinese
nickname for mobile phones, dageda, 'big-elder brother-big',
reveals the high status of a cell phone. In addition to dimensions of
functionality, usability and so on, the dimension of prestige could be
added to this concept.
To sum up, in qualitative cross-cultural marketing research the
findings from the assessment of conceptual equivalence are interesting,
even when a dissimilarity is found. All other conditions being equal
across cultures, conceptual dissimilarity may provide new aspects of
abstract theoretical concepts and their meanings. Different qualitative
approaches provide new views on how to seek conceptual equivalence,
dissimilarity and meaning in concepts both due to external conditions
(such as cultural, historical and societal) and
research-coresearch-respondent internal relations, which will be
examined later in the paper.
Functional equivalence
Functional equivalence has been given several definitions. For
example, in cross-cultural psychology it is defined as a synonym for
construct equivalence (Johnson, 2003). However, construct equivalence
refers merely to equivalence in concepts, whereas functional equivalence
also encompasses the idea of dissimilarity and similarity in goal
antecedents and outcomes of the same behaviour in different cultures.
This paper draws on Hui and Triandis. (1985) definition of functional
equivalence, in which the goals of similar behaviours are compared.
Functional equivalence which means 'similarity between the goals of
the two behaviours' has been distinguished from conceptual
equivalence (Hui and Triandis, 1985). Conceptually equivalent concepts
in different cultures may have different functions and also different
outcomes. In other words, functional equivalence is interpreted by Hui
and Triandis (1985) to include the assessment of equivalence in the
nomological network of constructs and concepts (Cronbach and Meehl,
1955; Steenkamp and van Trijp, 1991). For example, perceived power
influences satisfaction perceptions in some cultures but may be more
acceptable in other cultures, thus also influencing other aspects of a
relationship such as the intensity of a relationship. For example, the
function of television is perceived differently in different cultures.
In one culture, television is considered a means of information and
entertainment, whereas in another it is a gathering-point for social
activities (Gould & Wong, 2000). This conceptual dissimilarity in
function influences the studies that use the concept of television and
therefore the theory and interpretation of results.
The nomological network provides information on similarity in
statistical associations between multiple concepts and constructs
(Singh, 1995) but not on the goals that are embedded in respondents.
behaviour. Personal interviews may produce clues for conscious goals of
behaviours, and participant observations may uncover unintentional and
tacit objectives of actions. The findings of a dissimilarity/equality
assessment is the discovery of new functions, goals, and consequences
for known concepts and behaviours, which will lead to varying
nomological networks across cultures. The specific type of network of
concepts and constructs can be identified from interview narratives by
the integration of categories (see Spiggle, 1994) but can be further
strengthened by using supplementary methods. Such methods could be the
analysis of respondent-created fairy tales, folktales, traditional fairy
tales, proverbs, and high and popular art (news, short stories, visual
art, music, films, TV programmes). For example, a Chinese pop-song on TV
tells about a son's gratitude and obligation towards his parents,
which reveals an important conceptual network. Gratitude can be
interpreted as the antecedent of obligation in China, in parent-child
relationships in particular, but also in any relationships in general.
Another example is proverbs, which often express traditional
cause-consequence events and value systems in a culture.
Similar to conceptual equivalence, functional equivalence in
qualitative cross-cultural research is not sought for methodological
purposes only, but because the similarity or dissimilarity found is a
result in itself. Functional equivalence is not only a question of
comparability across populations. Qualitative data are functionally
comparable even when there are differences in the functions of a
phenomenon. It is important, however, to discuss the functional
equivalence or dissimilarity of findings, and to strive to offer
explanations for similarities or differences in different cultures.
Sample equivalence
In order to establish comparability it is important to have
equivalence in sample frames and sample selection. However, rather than
being identical, sampling frames in different cultures should be
relevant and suitable for the aims. It has been argued that random
sampling is preferable and that it provides fewer systematic biases when
generality is sought (Ember and Ember, 1998). However, probabilistic
sampling is not always possible in less developed countries (Craig and
Douglas 2005), and therefore other types of sampling methods need to be
considered. In addition, identical sampling procedures or methods in
each culture are not as important as 'equivalent levels of accuracy
and reliability' (Ibid).
A determinant of sampling in cross-cultural qualitative design is
the research approach or design. If the approach is inductive and emic,
as it often is in qualitative research, then purposeful sampling could
be serendipitous and induce a snowball or chain strategy (Patton, 2002).
Snowball or chain sampling is drawn via respondents who provide contact
information of other potential respondents (Miles and Huberman, 1994).
During fieldwork, serendipitous sampling allows the researcher to follow
new leads and unexpected findings, which suits emic and inductive
approaches well.
Serendipitous sampling is also purposeful in a creative way (as
suggested by Spiggle, 1994 and Wallendorf and Belk, 1989). Serendipitous
sampling refers to an emergent sampling design, which follows the new
leads based on preliminary emergent results. However, chain or
serendipitous sampling may also constitute results. For example, when
distribution channels are studied in different countries, managers of
retailing outlets could be a starting-point of sampling and data
gathering, as they can be easily found at street-level shops. They
provide information on the retailing level and give access to
respondents at wholesale and production levels. Hence, snowball sampling
is not only sampling, but at the same time a means to uncovering
distribution channel structure, which could be part of the results of a
study (cf. Arnould, 2001). Similarly, a possible and interesting result
of extreme or typical case sampling could be that a case that is typical
in one culture is an extreme case in another culture (cf. Patton, 2002).
When detecting results yielding the sampling design, the process of
serendipitous sampling and detailed reasoning should be documented
throughout the fieldwork. In order to asses sample equivalence, the
track of chain sampling should be recorded and compared across cultures.
However, the main point here is that, in qualitative cross-cultural
research sampling, equivalence is not always the goal, because tracing
and comparing multiple and varying sampling processes may provide
important findings. Depending on the purpose of a study, these findings
may contribute emergent theory (theoretical sampling) and/or the
contribution may consist of empirical data (chain and serendipitous
sampling). Carefully recorded and reported sampling procedures across
cultures permit determination of whether detected dissimilarity in the
sampling process qualifies to become a result or is caused by bias in
the sampling procedure.
Knight et al. (2006) provide a detailed description of a sample in
the form a table that displays interviewee positions, sectors of food
industry, company locations in a given country, and business activities.
Thus, the article provides information for assessing equivalence in the
sample frame and processes. As the access to respondents in the
Netherlands differed from the access to informants in other countries,
non-equivalence could be detected only in the case of the sampling
process. The sampling was purposeful but not serendipitous or
theoretical, which would have enriched the findings that aimed to revise
existing models of buying behaviour.
Contextual equivalence
Contextual equivalence refers to a cognitive and sometimes even an
emotional process that a respondent goes through while responding to
questions. The respondent subconsciously recalls different contexts in
which the question is embedded, i.e. the respondent tries to
'clarify the meaning of a question from its context' (Braun,
2003, p. 60). Respondents may employ at least three different contexts
in interaction with each other: textual, experiential, and cultural. The
textual context of any part of a questionnaire is the rest of the
questionnaire. The experiential context refers to a respondent's
past experiences, which may be activated in memory. The cultural context
consists of the external conditions that may influence the responses to
the questions (Braun, 2003). While the two latter contexts exert direct
influence on attitudes and values, the first context may create biases
in terms of comparability. Therefore, in order to ensure the
comparability of cross-cultural data, the ensuring of textual
equivalence will be demonstrated below.
In qualitative research the textual context is labelled the verbal
context. The verbal context not only refers to the textual context in
the form of order of questions, but to a wider verbal and oral
environment. In addition to questioning during an interview, the
interviewer can chat, talk, and discuss the topic of the interview, and
therefore the verbal context may consist of a variety of interaction
during the course of the interview, from its initial introduction to the
final closing of the interview. This verbal context around the questions
should be as equivalent as possible across the investigated cultures. It
should be noted that the verbal context in different cultures indeed
differs a great deal. For example, in an Anglo-American context, more
small talk in order to make respondents feel at ease is expected than is
the custom in, for example, the Finnish culture.
In addition to the verbal context, there is another type of context
that may influence the results of an interview, and consequently reduce
comparability. The physical location of an interview may have an
influence on the responses received. In some cultures it is acceptable
to conduct interviews at the homes of respondents, whereas in other
cultures the home is a private sphere and thus inappropriate for
researchers to enter. For example, while conducting marketing channel
research in China, I was invited by a respondent to conduct the
interview in a hospital, where the respondent's wife was
hospitalised. This type of physical context would be unacceptable in
most Western cultures. In terms of comparability the influence of the
physical context varies on a continuum from appropriate to inappropriate
seen from the point of view of the respondent, who should feel
comfortable in the physical environment where the interview is
conducted. To secure comparability, it is not important to seek
identical physical locations for the interviews but to find locations
that in the two cultures to be compared are equally placed on the scale
of appropriateness.
In practice, equivalence of verbal context can be assessed from
detailed interview transcripts and analysis of videotaped interviews, if
available. When thorough transcripts consist of all the interactions
(overlaps, laughs, and pauses) during an interview, they allow analysis
of what happened before, during, and after a question was posed and an
answer was given (Silverman, 2006). The verbal environment may influence
both the way a question was posed and, more importantly, what and how
the answer was given, since the phrases, body language, and small
statements before a comment may influence answers. On the basis of
detailed transcripts or videos, the equivalence of verbal context can be
assessed by analysing the verbal environment around a response. In
contrast, the assessment of the equivalence of the physical interview
context needs to be determined before the data collection. On the scale
from appropriate to inappropriate, researchers can evaluate possible
interview locations and choose those in the compared cultures that score
similar values on the scale of appropriateness.
In the study by Knight et al. (2006) all but four of the interviews
were conduced on the respondent companies. premises, thus indicating a
fairly good equivalence of physical context. As the personal interviews
were 'semi-structured' and 'steered to a large extent by
the interviewee' (Knight et al. 2006: 115), and no report or
assessment of interview processes across cultures were given, the
equivalence of verbal context cannot be assessed. However, the interview
protocol was published in an appendix, which enables an evaluation of
the verbal context at a generic level.
Researcher equivalence
In qualitative cross-cultural research, it is critical to seek
equivalence of the researchers who collect and analyse the data. In most
qualitative research traditions, the process of collecting and analysing
data is considered to be subjective, which further strengthens the
importance of researcher equivalence.
In qualitative research, researcher equivalence refers to
equivalence in researchers. traditions of collecting and analysing
qualitative data. There are two major ways of collecting and analysing
cross-cultural data. Firstly, a single researcher can conduct a study in
several cultures. Secondly, a multi-cultural research team can be
organized, consisting of researchers from different cultures who conduct
research in their own native environment (cf. Easterby-Smith and Malina,
1999). In both cases researcher equivalence should be established. This
equivalence and the discussion that follows below should not be seen to
exclude the well-established benefits of multiple analysts of
interdisciplinary, international, or different gender teams or the use
of external auditors (e.g. Belk, et al. 2003; Belk, Sherry, &
Wallendorf, 1988). Whereas multiple coders work with the same data, and
gain insights from discussing the discrepancies in their analyses of
those data, researcher equivalence is required when researchers work
with separate data sets from several different cultures.
Depending on the interviewer who conducts the research, response
effects may vary considerably and it is likely that such variation is
inconsistent across cultures (Smith, 2003; Usunier, 1998). By researcher
equivalence is here meant that those who conduct interviews or
observations also have a similar or equivalent status in the societies
where they perform the study. This does not mean identical equivalence
in gender, age, position, or academic status, but rather an emic
equivalence with etic dissimilarity. In other words, researchers do not
need to be identical, but of a kind that provides maximally equivalent
stimulus in an interview or observation situation. For example, in some
cultures age is appreciated over professionalism, and in other cultures
professionalism over age. If respondents. respect of interviewers is
required, then interviewers should be older professionals in one
culture, whereas younger professionals may gain respect in another
culture and are therefore appropriate for conducting interviews.
Researcher qualifications can thus be different in different cultures
(etic dissimilarity), even if the goals are the same (emic equivalence).
This means that it is crucial that researchers adopt identical roles on
one but not on another level. As has been pointed out: 'Traditional
rules mandate that methods should be identical across surveys, but the
challenge is to identify cases in which methods identical on one level
are not identical on other levels affecting measurements.' (Smith,
2003, p. 82)
In some qualitative approaches, researcher equivalence in a
multicultural team is emphasised further by stressing the cocreation of
reality through participation in the phenomenon under investigation.
Participation in a phenomenon of interest and in the context around the
phenomenon is not possible for a single researcher, if s/he is not a
member of the contexts that are compared. Although increasingly, only on
rare occasions is one interviewer representative of more than one
distinctive culture, and therefore in a multi-cultural research team
participatory cocreation is limited. In the current global world, there
exist individuals who are members and even insiders of several cultures.
This recent resource of the multi-cultural researcher (4) has probably
rarely been utilised in cross-cultural research, but is already
acknowledged in multi-sited ethnography (Ekstrom, 2006). On an abstract
level, as in the assessment of conceptual equivalence, the true
insider's role is crucial.
In practice, researcher equivalence can be assessed during
different phases of the research procedure. First, before data
collection an evaluation of researcher roles in the studied countries
should be determined. In other words, the research design should first
include the setting of the goals for researcher equivalence, depending
for example on whether the informants respect ethnographers, whether the
informants should feel equality with researchers, or whether both
parties should come from the same social or age group. Next, the
research design should determine which researcher qualifications meet
the goals set. For example, if equality between the respondent and the
researcher is sought, then the assessment should determine whether age,
status, education or gender trigger inequality in the respective
cultures. When the triggers of inequality have been detected, suitable
researchers to conduct the study can be sought. Rarely, if ever, perfect
researcher equivalence can be found. Therefore, when a single researcher
conducts studies in all compared cultures, it is probable that his role
varies somewhat across cultures. Therefore, possible non-equivalences
during the data collections should be identified and documented. One
solution is the careful analysis and comparison of detailed interview
transcripts by researchers. However, more rigour can be achieved by
using video recording of the interviews (see Belk & Kozinets, 2005).
Analysis of interview films is one way to become aware of
non-equivalences in interviews across cultures which might influence the
comparability of results.
Along similar lines, Ember and Ember (1998) have discussed coder
equivalence, which can be generalised to mean data analysis equivalence.
If the cross-cultural researchers are monolingual, there is a need for
more than one coder or interpreter of data, and then problems of coder
and data analysis equivalence may arise. Preferably, coders and those
who interpret the data should have equivalent knowledge of theory,
setting, context and substance, be equally experienced in coding and
analysing data, have similar knowledge of the society where the data
come from, and be provided with the same coding and analysing
instructions and rules (Cavusgil and Das, 1997; Ember and Ember 1998).
These instructions are applicable to structured coding and, even more
importantly, to open coding when inductive results are sought. For
inductive findings, however, coding and data analysis instructions and
rules should not be strictly defined beforehand, but coder equivalence
should be controlled more stringently. Coder and data analysis
equivalence is important for all qualitative cross-cultural research
approaches and data collection methods, from observations to
autoethnographic texts, legends, and stories.
In the study by Knight et al. (2006) all the interviews were
tape-recorded and transcribed as well as coded by a single researcher.
The validity of the work was checked by a reflective analysis of the
role the interviewer played in the data collection. However, the
reflections over his role as a coder remain unanalysed. The check of
validity is not a check of comparability or researcher equivalence, as
there is no discussion on how a single researcher was received in the
studied countries. As German, Greek, Dutch, Italian and British cultures
vary (see for example Hofstede, 2001), it is probable that respondents
from these cultures do not perceive the interviewer in an equivalent
manner. Further analysis of the researcher's role separately for
each country would enable assessment of researcher equivalence.
Closely related to equivalence in interviewer behaviour are
respondent reactions. Therefore, response equivalence will be examined
Response equivalence
Response equivalence refers to the manners of respondents when
answering questions. Previous research has identified eight response
effects that influence the comparability of data (Smith, 2003). Some of
these effects vary across cultures (Baumgartner & Steenkamp, 2001),
and some are assumed to do so, but have not been tested across different
populations. Depending on their cultural background, respondents may
provide answers that are socially desirable, tell the interviewer what
they assume the interviewer wants to hear ('yea-saying'), use
extremes or middle points in scales differently, may give no responses
at all ('no opinion' and 'don't know'), tend to
prefer first (primary effects) or last responses (recency effects), or
may be influenced by physical context, the order of the questions, and
the mode of administration (Smith, 2003). In their review of response
styles, Baumgartner and Steenkamp (2001) additionally include
'nay-saying', directional bias (tendency to show
acquiescence), use of narrow or wide range of response categories, and
tendency to respond carelessly.
The definition of response equivalence is directly applicable to
cross-cultural qualitative research. However, the response styles
presented above are relevant for qualitative studies only to some
extent. The responses to scales (due to use of extremes or middle
points, primary and recency effects, and use of narrow or wide range of
categories) cannot directly be applied to comparative qualitative
research. However, the response styles of social desirability,
yea-saying and nay-saying, no-opinion and don't knows, and
directional and careless responses can be applied to comparative
qualitative research.
The mode of administration (i.e. whether the informant is
responding, in person or over the telephone) also influences the styles
of responses (Smith, 2003). In traditional qualitative interviews,
face-to-face contact during interviews is the mode of administration.
While Baumgartner and Steenkamp (2001) have studied response styles in
survey research, and there is advice on how to overcome response biases
in monocultural interview, face-to-face interview response styles across
cultures are an uncharted territory. In the digitalised world of today,
qualitative interviews are also conducted over mobile phones, the
internet, and by using email, i.e. without interaction in face-to-face
(see Masten and Plowman, 2003). At present it is only possible to
speculate in what ways social desirability, yea-saying and nay-saying,
no-opinion and don't knows, and directional and careless responses
during interviews face-to-face, over the phone, the internet or email
differ across cultures.
Face-to-face contacts usually increase and intensify interaction
between an interviewer and an interviewee. This interaction is the point
of departure for the comparability of response effects, i.e. response
equivalence. Depending on the role of the researcher as being superior,
inferior or equal, of the same or the opposite sex, and having similar
or dissimilar education, response styles may vary. Even though not yet
studied empirically across cultures, it can be assumed that face-to-face
contacts intensify response styles, in the sense that for example
person-to-person responses tend towards more socially desirable answers
or seek more acquiescence. However, this assumption is made under the
cultural condition that in face-to-face contact people prefer to please
the interviewer, but are more neutral and free in their responses when
only responding to a questionnaire. The ways in which individuals across
cultures respond to questions over the phone or the computer, and
interact with technical devices, such as phones and computers, is still
largely an unstudied subject.
While the penetration rates of phones, internet and email have been
investigated across cultures, further research on response styles in
face-to-face, phone, internet, and email interviews needs to be
conducted, in order to identify the differences in response styles
across cultures and modes of interview. Only then will it be possible to
evaluate the role of response style differences regarding the
comparability of cross-cultural interview data, and to determine whether
general interview guides apply in cross-cultural settings.
Knigth et al. (2007) provide a nicely detailed report of how they
tried to prevent response biases such as social desirability. However,
the report does not contain country-level analyses, and thus does not
provide tools for assessing response equivalence across the German,
Dutch, Greek, Italian and British respondent styles studied. As there is
evidence from quantitative studies that response bias varies across
cultures (Baumgartner and Steenkamp, 2001 and Smith, 2003),
country-level analyses of response bias in qualitative inquiry should be
considered of central interest.
Summary of equivalences in cross-cultural research
Table 2 summarizes the types of equivalences useful for qualitative
cross-cultural research proposed in this paper. As some equivalences are
modified to be applicable for qualitative cross-cultural inquiry, other
equivalences have been redefined (cf. Table 1). In the second column the
function of each equivalence is summarized, and finally the ways to
assess each equivalence are briefly presented.
The equivalences presented above, i.e. the conceptual, functional,
sample, contextual, researcher and response equivalences, are not
examined or assessed simultaneously, but rather studied in stages,
during the different phases of the research process which will be
presented next.
Table 3 illustrates the courses of action in the qualitative
research process, and positions the equivalences in the process. The
sequence of equivalence assessments is central to the entire examination
of equivalences. While some of the equivalences can only be studied
after the data collection and analysis, the examination of others is
vital before the initiation of the investigation, and still others need
consideration throughout the research process. The qualitative research
process is compared with the quantitative process (from Cavusgil and
Das, 1997), in order to illuminate the dissimilarities of the two
research paradigms.
The first stage of a research project is the decision on the
research aim and the applicability of the aim to various cultures of
interest. While quantitative research starts by a theoretical discussion
of constructs and hypothesis-building, qualitative inquiry is more
inductive by nature. The starting-point is usually the assessment of
areas or topics of interest that meet the importance and applicability
criteria for the local communities to be compared. In other words,
research topics need to be emic and substantive topics (Glaser and
Strauss, 1967). When determining emic research topics, the assessment of
researcher equivalence is crucial. Are the researchers equally
knowledgeable about the compared cultures capable to assess the
suitability of the research topic in the cultures to be studied? Do
researchers have similar backgrounds to determine what is interesting to
study in these cultures? These questions need to be answered before the
final decision on the focus of the study.
The second stage is closely connected with the previous stage, as
without researcher equivalence the entire research question cannot be
addressed adequately. Whereas at this phase quantitative comparative
research examines conceptual and functional equivalences, in qualitative
cross-cultural inquiry only the significance of the research area is
investigated. Is the research topic equally applicable, significant,
interesting and important to the cultures to be compared?
The third stage involves sampling. While sampling design in
quantitative research is often random, qualitative inquiry provides more
alternatives to create an effective and purposeful sampling design
(Patton, 2002). The sampling strategies that further enable the
inductive and emergent nature of qualitative research are chain and
serendipitous samples, which may lead to unexpected theoretical
findings, and thus evolve into theoretical or conceptual samples
(Patton, 2002). At this phase, a sampling strategy can be chosen which
should be equally applicable in all the cultures under investigation.
However, the entire process of sampling continues to the very end of
data collection, i.e. it is initiated at this stage but overlaps the
following two stages, to be presented next.
The fourth stage involves the design of data collection
instruments. In quantitative research this means instrumentation and
assessment of various equivalences connected to the measurement designs.
In qualitative research it is necessary to plan a variety of guides and
guidelines for collecting data, in the present case mainly interviews,
and interview protocols. These protocols should meet the requirement of
equivalence. Further, other sources of data that may shed light on the
meanings and functions of concepts of interest can be collected at this
phase. Sampling procedure and frame of metaphors, proverbs,
synonyms/antonyms, fairy tales, folktales, art and popular art should
meet the criteria of equivalence.
At stage five data collection starts. In both research paradigms
data should be collected in all the different fields as concurrently as
possible. However, data collection in the qualitative domain calls for
the evaluation of a number of equivalences. These are the context,
response and researcher equivalences. At this phase it can be assessed
which types of physical environments are suitable and appropriate in
order to yield good quality interviews. From detailed video- or
audiotape transcripts, response, researcher, and verbal equivalences
should be assessed. Going through raw data in the form of transcripts is
important for the evaluation of equivalence in interviews across
cultures. Reading interview transcripts for the purpose of equivalence
assessment is a different process than final data analysis, and is
solely done to find out how similar the interview situations were in
different cultures. Similarity adds to the comparability of the results.
At the sixth stage all data have been gathered and the process of
analysis can start. A number of statistical analyses assess equivalences
in quantitative data (e.g. Mullen, 1995) but the discovery of
equivalence in qualitative data is grounded in the researchers who code,
categorize and interpret the data. Thus, again at this point the
researcher equivalence is evaluated but not in their role as experts of
a given culture but in their role as analyzers. Do coders have the same
background? Do coders have the same theoretical background? Is their
knowledge of the substance area and of the studied culture the same?
Similarities in knowledge and substance background of coders facilitate
the equivalence in the process of analysis.
The process of coding leads to categorizations, abstractions, and
dimensionalizations (Strauss and Corbin, 1990; Spiggle, 1994) that yield
concepts and the functions of these concepts. In contrast to the
quantitative approach, conceptual and functional equivalences are
addressed at this final stage of the qualitative research process.
Depending on the aim of the analysis of concepts and their functions,
findings may become results per se or can be treated as investigations
of conceptual and functional equivalences.
The final stage in any research ends with an evaluation of the
validity of the data, methods, and findings. The key dimension of
evaluation is the comparability of two or more separate data sets. While
traditionally the quality criterion of qualitative inquiry has been
trustworthiness, credibility, transferability, dependability,
conformability and integrity (Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Belk and
Wallendorf, 1989), to the best of my knowledge comparability has not
been previously discussed as an additional quality criterion to be
considered. Thus comparability as a novel quality criterion in
qualitative cross-cultural marketing research and as presented above is
the key result and contribution of the present paper.
This paper has presented some preliminary observations on
cross-cultural qualitative research method more specifically on
equivalences that have traditionally been used to assess comparability
in quantitative cross-cultural research. Thus, the paper has not adopted
a totally emic view based on the assumption that cultures are
incomparable. Neither has it adopted the perspective of multi-sited
ethnography, which challenges the basic premises of cross-cultural
research (see Kjeldgaard, et al., 2006). On the contrary, the
epistemological stance of the paper is that cultures can and should be
compared, but not by measuring etic variables.
The overall purpose of the paper was to examine whether the concept
of equivalence could be applied to evaluate comparability in qualitative
cross-cultural studies. The conclusion is that the concept of
equivalence can indeed be applied to qualitative research. Further,
using different types of equivalences would increase comparability, and
consequently improve the quality of qualitative cross-cultural research.
The practical guidelines provided in this paper suggest that the methods
usually employed in order to increase trustworthiness in qualitative
research can be utilised to increase comparability in cross-cultural
qualitative marketing research (cf. Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Belk and
Wallendorf, 1989; Miles and Huberman, 1994).
At the level of each specific equivalence the conclusions are as
follows. Firstly, conceptual, functional and sample equivalences were
here examined for the purpose of theory building. Therefore, the
examination resulted in interesting findings rather than merely an
assessment of comparability. Secondly, contextual equivalence was
redefined in order to contain both verbal and physical equivalences. The
concept of verbal equivalence does not only concern the order of
questions, as does textual equivalence, but refers to the entire verbal
context in which a question is embedded. The physical context refers to
places where interviews are conducted, and it is assessed on a scale of
appropriateness. People in different cultures vary in their perceptions
of what is a suitable place for an interview and therefore the physical
context should be controlled. Thirdly, as the role of the researcher is
crucial in qualitative inquiry researcher equivalence is the equivalence
that should be given most consideration. Researchers who collect data
should have similar roles across cultures in their relations to their
informants. Researchers who code and analyze data should have similar
experiences and a comparable education, as well as the same guidelines
for coding, in order to produce comparable results. The same applies
both to a single researcher in two cultures and to multi-cultural
research teams. Finally, response equivalence refers to the response
options informants adopt while interacting with researchers. Whereas
response equivalence has previously been studied cross-culturally, it
has not been studied in the frame of qualitative inquiry or when using
novel modes of communication, such as mobile phones, video conferencing and the internet.
Suggestions for Further Research
Clearly the preliminary observations presented above on equivalence
and dissimilarity in cross-cultural qualitative marketing research call
for further studies and further development of methods. Because of its
exploratory nature, the paper invites further investigations of the
topic. The paper has covered only some areas of the literature in
cross-cultural marketing research. It has mainly referred only to those
articles or books that deal with methods in cross-cultural research, but
has here excluded other types of studies, such as empirical
cross-cultural research using qualitative data or innovative
data-gathering methods such as 'etnography' and mobile phones.
A review of such material would provide useful documentation of the
current practices in the field of cross-cultural marketing research.
The present paper considered only one type of qualitative data,
that is face-to-face individual interview data. Also other qualitative
empirical data should be examined regarding their comparability across
cultures. Several methodological traditions exist in qualitative inquiry
(for an overview, see Patton, 2002 or Lincoln and Guba, 2000), and
qualitative methods also apply a variety of means for collecting data.
For example, the following data-collecting methods are used in
qualitative research: Face-to-face interviews (individual or focus
group), web panels or 'netnography' (5) in general (Kozinets,
2002), observations (in a variety of forms, e.g. factory tours), images
(photos, collages or videos), texts (narratives and interview
transcripts), and secondary material, (such as advertising, online chat,
editorials, letters to editors, novels, news paper/magazine articles,
diaries, TV programs, art, music videos, and novels) among others. For
example, the use of focus groups is influenced by both the social
hierarchies of cultures and by the interdependence of the
representatives of these cultures (Eckhardt, 2004), and therefore do not
produce equivalent social interactions in a group. Further, qualitative
researchers who use existing material (verbal or visual) should account
for equivalences in sampling across cultures. For example, when
analyzing photos in family albums across cultures in order to compare
consumer behaviour in travelling, it is necessary to establish the
socio-demographic equivalence of the samples of families and even the
equivalence of the samples of albums inside the chosen families.
The paper is purely theoretical and at present lacks empirical
support. Therefore, it is suggested that, in addition to the theoretical
development of the exploratory ideas of this paper, empirical data
should be studied in the further development of the concepts of
qualitative equivalence or dissimilarity. Further studies could also
include a meta-study of recent cross-cultural qualitative studies in
marketing, and other relevant disciplines, similar to the reviews of
quantitative methods in cross-national marketing research (e.g. Peng,
Peterson and Shyi, 1991).
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Dr. Ann-Charlotte Lindeberg
for not only editing the text but also providing ideas concerning
illustrative examples of differences in small talk across cultures.
Furthermore, I am grateful for the anonymous reviewers and the editor
for providing helpful comments. Department of Marketing and Corporate
Geography, P.O.Box 479, 00101 Helsinki, Finland, tel. +358-40- 3521341,
mobil +358-50-538 0842, fax. +358-9-431 33287, email:
[email protected]
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(1) A generic definition of qualitative research is used here:
Qualitative research "consists of a set of interpretive practices
that make the world visible" by the participating role of an
observer. These practices "turn the world into a series of
representations", such as field notes, interviews, memos of self,
and other types of collections of data. The world is studied in its
"natural settings", and the aim is to "make sense
of" it, or interpret the world "in terms of the meanings
people bring to it". (Quotations from Denzin and Lincoln, 2000, p.
(2) The term etic originally comes from anthropology and refers to
the development of pan-cultural methods (De Beuckelaer, 2005).
(3) The term emic refers to culture-specific measures and can be
seen as the opposite to etic (De Beuckelaer, 2005).
(4) Here the term multi-cultural researcher refers to an individual
with multiple cultural, linguistic and national identities. The term
does not refer to the use of native researchers which is common in
cross-cultural research.
(5) This term refers to ethnography over a digital device such as
mobile phones and internet.
Pia Polsa
Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, HANKEN
Overview of equivalences and their applicability in qualitative
Equivalences Definitions References research
Construct Constructs have Singh, 1995; yes
the same meaning Malhotra, Agarwal
and significance and Peterson, 1996;
across cultures Cavusgil and Das,
Craig and Douglas,
Kumar, 2000;
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Conceptual Concepts in Hui and Triandis, yes
two different 1985;
cultures can be Peng, Peterson, and
meaningfully used Shyi, 1991;
in the same Brislin, 1993;
contexts of these Singh, 1995;
cultures Malhotra, Agarwal
and Peterson, 1996;
Cavusgil and Das,
Usunier, 1998;
Sinkovics, and
Schlegelmilch, 1999;
Kumar, 2000;
Steenkamp and Ter
Hofstede, 2002;
Schaffer and
Riordan, 2003;
Craig and Douglas,
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Functional Similarity between Hui and Triandis, yes
the goals of two 1985;
behaviours Peng, Peterson,
and Shyi, 1991;
Singh, 1995;
Malhotra, Agarwal
and Peterson, 1996;
Cavusgil and Das,
Usunier, 1998;
Sinkovics, and
Schlegelmilch, 1999;
Kumar, 2000;
Steenkamp and Ter
Hofstede, 2002;
Craig and Douglas,
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Category Similarity in Salzberger, yes
categories in Sinkovics, and
which objects Schlegelmilch, 1999;
are placed Kumar, 2000;
Steenkamp and
Ter Hofstede, 2002;
Craig and Douglas,
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Instrument Similarity in Singh, 1995; no
instruments Malhotra, Agarwal
and Peterson, 1996;
Cavusgil and Das,
Measurement Same Mullen, 1995; no
operationalization Malhotra, Agarwal
of measures and Peterson, 1996;
(sometimes used Steenkamp and
as synonyms to Baumgartner, 1998;
calibration Usunier, 1998;
equivalence) Steenkamp and Ter
Hofstede, 2002;
Craig and Douglas,
Ewing, Salzberger
and Sinkovics, 2005;
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Calibration Same measurement Mullen, 1995; yes
units Malhotra, Agarwal
and Peterson, 1996;
Usunier, 1998;
Steenkamp and Ter
Hofstede, 2002;
Craig and Douglas,
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Translational Same meaning of Peng, Peterson, yes
measurements after and Shyi, 1991;
translation Mullen, 1995;
Malhotra, Agarwal
and Peterson, 1996;
Usunier, 1998;
Sinkovics, and
Schlegelmilch, 1999;
Steenkamp and Ter
Hofstede, 2002;
Craig and Douglas,
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Scalar/metric Respondents Peng, Peterson, no
respond to scales and Shyi, 1991;
in the same way Mullen, 1995;
Malhotra, Agarwal
and Peterson, 1996;
Steenkamp and
Baumgartner, 1998;
Usunier, 1998;
Sinkovics, and
Schlegelmilch, 1999;
Schaffer and
Riordan, 2003;
Craig and Douglas,
Herk van, Poortinga,
and Verhallen, 2005
Contextual Similarity in Braun, 2003 modified
cognitive and
sometimes even
processes that
experience while
responding to
Sample Equivalence in Cavusgil and Das, yes
sample frames and 1997;
sample selection Ember and Ember,
in order to 1998;
establish Kumar, 2000;
comparability Schaffer and
Riordan, 2003;
Craig and Douglas,
Response Similarity in the Sekaran, 1983; yes
style ways and manners Usunier, 1998;
of respondents Baumgartner and
when answering Steenkamp, 2001;
questions Smith, 2003
Summary of examined equivalences for qualitative inquiry
Definition in qualitative
Equivalence cross-cultural research Function
Conceptual Two concepts can be Examined for the purpose
meaningfully examined of theory building (new
across cultures concepts, dimensions,
Functional The goals of two Examined for the purpose
behaviours are similar of theory building (new
nomological networks,
functions, goals, and
Sample Two sample frames and Examined for the purpose
sample selections are of theory building
Contextual Two contexts are Equivalence is sought
Verbal Two oral and verbal Equivalence is sought
environments of a question
are comparable
Physical Two physical locations of Equivalence is sought in
interviews are comparable appropriateness
Researcher Researcher(s) who collect Emic equivalence (which
and analyze data are does not mean etic
comparable across cultures equivalence) is sought
Response Ways and manners of Equivalence in social
respondents are comparable desirability, yea- and
nay-saying, no-opinion
and don't knows, and
directional and careless
Equivalence Assessment
Conceptual Through coding interview transcripts and
analysis of metaphors, proverbs, and
Functional Through integration of categories (axial
and selective coding) and analysis of
fairy tales, folktales, traditional fairy
tales, proverbs, and high and popular art
Sample Through detailed documentation of the
process of sampling and justification of
each step in the process
Verbal Through detailed analysis of interview
transcripts and/or video tapes
Physical Through detailed analysis of culturally
appropriate locations of interviews
Researcher Before data collection through evaluation
of researcher roles, and after data
collection detailed analysis of interview
transcripts or/and video tapes
Before coding and data analysis through
evaluation of researcher experience and
education and by providing equal coding
Response Through detailed analysis of interview
transcripts or/and video tapes
Recommended research steps
Cross-Cultural Research
Quantitative (Cavusgil and
Qualitative Das, 1997, pp. 89-92)
Set up the areas or topics of 'set up the theoretical domains
research interest, assess of the research construct'
researcher equivalence
Acquire the applicability and 'acquisition and application of
equivalence in applicability substantive knowledge about the
of the research topic conceptual and functional
Serendipitous sampling and chain 'creation of an efficient and
sampling, not a priori determined cost-efficient sampling design'
design, assess sampling
equivalence and dissimilarity
Decide research areas, interview 'developing a sound
guides, and observations instrumentation design'
guidelines, sampling of
metaphors, proverbs,
synonyms/antonyms, fairy tales,
folktales, arts and popular art
in cultures of interest, assess
sampling equivalence of data
that are not gathered through
interviews or observations
Data collection takes place as 'data collection takes place as
concurrently as possible, if concurrently as possible'
serendipitous findings leads to
different research tracks in
samples that are compared, assess
context (verbal and physical),
response, and researcher
Coding, data analysis, 'use of multivariate methods'
interpretation of meaning, and 'confirmatory factor analysis'
explanations by coders with
similar knowledge background,
assess coder equivalence, and
evaluate conceptual and
functional equivalence
Discussion of comparability of 'external validity'