A review of the application of event studies in marketing.
Johnston, Margaret A.
This paper provides a critique of the application of the event
study methodology to the marketing field, reviews past research,
identifies various strategies for improvement in the use of this
methodology, and identifies future directions for research. This review
is in three sections. The first section presents the findings of a
comprehensive search not only of the marketing literature, but also of
marketing studies using the event study methodology that are published
in a large number of business, economics, and finance journals. The
identified studies are categorized into a number of research fields. The
event studies are organized chronologically and reviewed in terms of
their specific research focus and empirical findings. In the second
section, studies published in marketing journals between 2001 and 2007
are examined more closely to determine how well more recent research
meets several best practice guidelines being proposed by various authors
around the application of the methodology.
The third part of the review explores how the event study
methodology might be applied to existing areas of research, in addition
to its potential application to a wider range of marketing issues. These
include theory development in terms of the application of more specific
or appropriate theory to justify the research predictions; replication and extension of studies either due to changes in social attitudes,
government legislation or methodological issues that challenge previous
research findings; the development of new areas of research interest
including the links between advertising and childhood obesity, drugs,
and sport, the impact of new technological developments, and the effects
of advances in internet marketing and satellite advertising; and
advancing the use of the methodology to marketing challenges in the
rapidly expanding regions such as China and India. It is expected that
the use of the event study methodology in marketing will continue to
gain momentum due to continuing demand for marketing actions and assets
to be evaluated in financial terms in order to illustrate the return on
Key Words: Event study, product, promotion, services
There are numerous calls for more research to focus on the
financial impact of strategic marketing decisions on the value of the
firm (Doyle, 2000; Rust et al., 2004). Indeed, for the fifth consecutive
period, the Marketing Science Institute has determined marketing metrics and the integration of financial measures as key research priorities
(Marketing Science Institute, 2006). Given such calls, it is timely to
review the evolution and contribution of one financial metric that has
been used by marketing researchers over the past 25 years, that is, the
use of the event study methodology. The typical event study measures the
effect of corporate news on stock prices and on firm value. In the
marketing field, researchers have examined a diverse array of firm
announcements including the introduction of new products (Chaney,
Devinney, and Winer, 1991), green marketing (Mathur and Mathur, 2000)
and NASCAR auto racing sponsorships (Pruitt, Cornwell, and Clark, 2004).
Findings show how investors react to new marketing information and in
turn how strategic marketing decisions impact on the value of the firm.
However, Srinivasan, and Bharadwaj (2004: 23) argue that
"despite the considerable potential of the event study method to
relate marketing strategy initiatives to changes in shareholder wealth,
event studies have been underutilized in marketing." Verbrugge
(1997: 124) asserts that event studies in marketing have the potential
to develop streams of research where researchers "have begun to
build a road map for marketing decisions." The primary purpose of
this article is to review the event study literature in marketing to
provide marketing researchers with a greater understanding of the
evidence for the effects of marketing decisions on capital markets. It
identifies the major research "freeways" and methodological
"potholes," and overall wishes to stimulate further research
using this methodology.
This review, however, is not intended as a guidebook on the use of
event study methodology per se. Articles to suit this purpose abound
(see MacKinlay, 1997; McWilliams and Siegel, 1997; Srinivasan and
Bharadwaj, 2004). Rather, using the track record of existing research
and evidence about best practice in this field, it aims to identify
methodological trends and issues to guide researchers in future
investigations in existing as well as new areas of marketing research.
The article is organized as follows. First, a brief overview of
event study methodology is presented together with an outline of the
underlying assumptions and key steps in the event study procedure.
Second, a comprehensive review is presented of the extant literature on
event studies in several areas of the marketing field from 1980 to
mid-2007. Third, a review is provided of event studies published in
marketing journals between 2001 and 2007 to critically examine their
strengths and shortcomings in meeting guidelines around best practice in
the application of the methodology. To conclude, a set of
recommendations for future research in existing and emergent fields of
marketing is proposed.
As the first major review article of the methodology presented in
the marketing literature to date, this analysis provides a significant
contribution to determining the state of affairs so far in the
application of this "borrowed" methodology to various
endeavors in the marketing field. Significantly, the review also
proposes some new applications of the method that may create fresh
opportunities for researchers to grow our understanding of the financial
contribution of marketing strategies on firm value.
According to MacKinlay (1997), the first published event study was
undertaken by Dolley (1933) and examined the price effects of stock
splits. Despite this early interest, event study analysis failed to
capture the imagination of researchers until the publication of Fama,
Fisher, Jensen, and Roll's seminal article on the adjustment of
stock prices to new information in 1969. Over the next decade, interest
in event study methodology was primarily the domain of accounting and
finance researchers investigating firm-specific events such as mergers
and acquisitions, and broader macro-economic effects such as the trade
deficit (MacKinlay, 1997). Subsequently other fields such as law,
economics, and management embraced the methodology, focusing on issues
of relevance to their specific fields such as legal liability (Mitchell and Netter, 1994), the effect of the Chernobyl crisis on
electric-utility stock prices (Fields and Janjigian, 1989), and the
departure of non-senior managers from investment banks (Bendeck and
Waller, 1999). From the 1980s onward, marketing researchers began to use
the methodology, focusing initially on the stock price impact of new
product announcements (Eddy and Saunders, 1980) and deceptive advertising (Peltzman, 1981).
Two developments aided the expansion and dissemination of event
study methodology over the past 25 years. First was the spread of
computing and technology generally (Green, Johnson, and Neal, 2003).
Second, and allied to this technological revolution, was the creation of
large stock price databases in the early 1990s, such as the University
of Chicago's Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database
of monthly stock return data from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
This provided researchers with relatively easy access to secondary data.
Since then daily financial data have become readily accessible to
researchers through databases such as CRSP, DataStream, and Compustat.
Similarly, software programs, such Cowan's (2001) Eventus program,
provide a reasonably straightforward means of undertaking the
statistical analyses involved in an event study.
Finally, as the number of event studies increased, refinements to
Brown and Warner's (1985) methodology followed in the 1990s. These
included MacKinlay's (1997) guide to event studies in economics and
finance; McWilliams and Siegel's (1997) analysis of empirical and
theoretical issues in event studies in management research; and
Srivastava, Shervani, and Fahey's (1998) article on market-based
assets and shareholder value published in the Journal of Marketing.
Event study procedure
Event study methodology measures the stock price reaction to an
unanticipated announcement of an event. Event studies are used to test
that the market incorporates this new information efficiently and to
examine the impact of the event on the wealth of the firm's stock
holders (Binder, 1998). The premise underlying the methodology is the
efficient market hypothesis. It holds that financial markets are
efficient and hence stock prices reflect instantaneously all the
available information related to the profitability of the firm (Fama,
1970). Abnormal returns occur when the market perceives that the
firm's announcement or "event" will have a positive (or
negative) impact on the firm's future cash flows, resulting in
immediate stock price increases (decreases). The mathematical
calculations required to implement an event study are articulated comprehensively in numerous publications (see Kritzman, 1994; MacKinlay,
1997; McWilliams and Siegel, 1997; Srinivasan and Bharadwaj, 2004).
Consequently, only a summary of the five key steps are included here.
These are: (1) identification of the event of interest, (2) definition
of criteria for inclusion of the event, (3) calculation of normal and
abnormal returns, (4) estimation of the normal performance model, and
(5) performance of statistical and hypothesis tests. Three pieces of
information are required to undertake an event study--the names of
stock-listed firms, the event dates in relation to the announcement of
interest, and the relevant stock prices.
Step 1: Identification of the event of interest
An appropriate event is one that is likely to have a financial
impact on the firm, is unanticipated by the market and provides new
information to the market (McWilliams and Siegel, 1997). In marketing
studies, events might include the recall of a faulty product, the
initial introduction of environmentally friendly products, or the
announcement of a firm's intention to sponsor the Olympic Games.
Each event has the potential to have an impact on a firm's daily
stock price. The second issue concerns what specific dates to examine
for stock price changes. If a product is recalled suddenly, the window
of interest is likely to be very short, such as the day of the recall
announcement and the day following. In addition, identifying the exact
date of the announcement's release to the public can be
complicated. For example, investors might be privy to advance
information, announcements might be made over a weekend when the stock
exchange is closed, or announcements may be deliberately leaked to the
press. The standard approach is to examine the days either side of the
official announcement date. Some researchers (e.g. Clark, Cornwell, and
Pruitt, 2002) verify the release date by searching computerized
newsprint databases such as Lexis-Nexis or Factiva for the very first
public announcement of the information. This procedure is also used to
check that no other firm announcements have been released during the
same period of interest to confound the impact.
Step 2: Definition of the event criteria
Event studies often examine variables such as firm size, industry
type, and investment amount. Again, these require a sound theoretical
rationale for their inclusion in the study. If the focus, for example,
is on new drugs issued by the pharmaceutical industry, the focus of
attention is likely to be solely on the pharmaceutical industry. If the
scope is broader, for example corporate sponsorship of the Olympic
Games, a cross-section of firms and industries is more likely to be
Step 3: Calculation of normal and abnormal returns
To measure the impact of an event on shareholder value, the
difference between a firm's normal everyday returns and the
abnormal returns experienced around the event date are calculated. This
figure is achieved by computing the daily (or cumulative) abnormal
returns accrued during the event window minus the expected normal
returns as if no such event had occurred. Two main approaches to model
the normal returns are used: the constant mean return model, and the
market model (see MacKinlay, 1997; McWilliams and Siegel, 1997;
Srinivasan and Bharadwaj, 2004). The constant mean return model is based
on the notion that the mean return of a given stock is constant over
time. The market model assumes a linear relationship between the return
of the overall market portfolio and the individual stock's return.
Calculation of the market portfolio is often based on a leading
broad-based stock index such as Standard and Poor's (S&P) 500
index, the CRSP value-weighted index, or the CRSP equal-weighted index
(Srinivasan and Bharadwaj, 2004). The market model is viewed as
providing a greater capacity to detect event effects (MacKinlay, 1997;
Srinivasan and Bharadwaj, 2004).
Step 4: Estimation of the normal performance model
While the event window used to calculate the abnormal returns
focuses on the days when information related to the event is most likely
to be released, the estimation window used to calculate the normal
performance model, on the other hand, focuses on "normal"
trading days, generally a period well in advance of information about
the event being released. Typically, estimation windows are quite large
(around 250-600 days stock market trading days) and are separated from
the event window by a significant number of days (45-90).
Step 5: Statistical calculations and hypothesis testing
Having determined the parameters for estimating the normal
performance model, the abnormal returns are calculated and tested for
significance. To explore the data further, abnormal returns can be
aggregated over time for an individual stock and also across firms and
over time (see Srinivasan and Bharadwaj, 2004). Findings are presented
as mean abnormal returns and mean cumulative abnormal returns expressed
in percentages and direction of change (positive or negative). Where
abnormal returns are particularly dramatic, the dollar impact or net
present value may be calculated to illustrate the practical significance
of the findings (e.g. Pruitt et al., 2004). Test statistics in event
studies are quite sensitive to outliers. The impact of any one
firm's returns on the sample statistic can be magnified
particularly when the study is based on a small sample of events.
The value of event studies in marketing is that researchers can
estimate the overall financial impact of a particular marketing strategy
quickly and empirically. However, researchers need to ensure that the
assumptions underlying the identification of abnormal returns are valid
(i.e. that the market is efficient, events are unanticipated, and that
there are no confounding effects). Also, attention must be paid to the
design and implementation of the event study particularly with regard to
sample size, identification of outliers, length of event windows,
selection of the estimation model, and the use of theoretical support to
justify the explanation of abnormal returns. For example, exploring such
issues through a critical examination of three published event studies
investigating corporate social responsibility, McWilliams and Siegel
(1997; p. 651) warned: "Given the paucity of information on the
validity of the assumptions underlying choice of the method and the
research design used to implement it, readers cannot be confident that
researchers have drawn the correct inferences about the significance of
events." This warning highlights how attention to research design
issues and the appropriate implementation of the methodology are
critical to the successful application of the methodology.
Event studies are designed as controlled experiments using stock
return data as the dependent variable. Interpretation of the findings
can be both causal and non-causal in nature (Mizik and Jacobson, 2004).
That is, a change in a firm's stock price may be interpreted to be
caused by the firm's marketing strategy being viewed by investors
as having a positive or negative effect on the firm's future
profits. Alternatively, a non-causal interpretation may be that the
firm's financial position has improved to such an extent that the
firm is prepared to invest more money in marketing (Mizik and Jacobson,
2004). While such interpretations can be made from event study findings,
generalizing results across quite different studies is problematic (see
Geyskens, Gielens, and Dekimpe, 2002). In addition, the diversity of
studies around different research topics and their different
interpretations of best practice in applications of the methodology make
meta-analysis complex.
Mizik and Jacobson (2004) also note some confusion around event
studies and stock return response modeling. While both approaches are
founded on similar assumptions with regard to the efficient market
hypothesis, and both focus on the impact of unanticipated events on
stock price, they have key differences. Event studies examine the stock
price impact of a specific announcement on a given day. The nature of
the event may be unique, such as the announcement of a firm's name
change, or it may be a recurring announcement, such as the annual
release of customer satisfaction data. The period of interest is
generally an event window that focuses on the actual day of the event,
or the five to ten days immediately surrounding it, based on the
anticipated time taken for the new information to be absorbed by the
market. In contrast, stock response modeling looks at the long-run value
implications of data that may be released monthly, quarterly, or yearly
such as changes in brand equity in relation to net earnings over time.
Stock return response modeling assumes that investors have access to
many sources of information about the firm's future prospects, such
as sales data, return on equity, and cash flow, as well as information
about the firm's marketing strategy. Together these factors affect
the future cash flows of the firm.
To facilitate this review of the contributions of event studies to
the field of marketing, a thorough search was undertaken not only of the
marketing literature but also of the leading business, economics, and
finance journals. Informed by Chandy, Golder, and Tellis's (2004)
approach to undertaking historical research into marketing strategy, the
event studies are organized chronologically, and then examined in terms
of their specific research focus and empirical findings. Secondly,
guided by McWilliams and Siegel's (1997) discussion of the
important theoretical and research design issues in the use of event
study methodology, the event studies published in marketing journals
between 2001 and mid-2007 are examined in detail to determine how well
more recent research attends to best practice guidelines. Finally, the
review identifies gaps in various areas in marketing research where the
event study methodology might be applied in order to advance marketing
Literature review
The review reveals that event study research is highly
multidisciplinary. As such, research findings cross a diversity of
fields including economics, business, finance, law, technology,
management, and politics, as well as advertising, marketing, and market
research. Therefore the initial investigation targeted any article
published in a refereed journal in any field that reported using the
methodology. These articles were next examined to determine whether
their primary focus was a marketing-related issue and the remaining
studies were discarded. To assist in enhancing the breadth and depth of
the investigation, a variety of electronic databases including
ABI-INFORM, Business Source Premier, EBSCO, Emerald, ProQuest, JSTOR,
Econlit, and Web of Knowledge/Science amongst others, were searched
using numerous key words including "event study," "stock
price," "wealth effect," and "firm value."
Next, the "ancestry" approach was followed in order to
detect any additional studies cited in the references of the initial set
of event study articles found (Cooper, 1989: 43). Finally, a content
analysis of each article was completed to ensure that each article
contained basic statistical and methodological information about the
event study on which to base this critique. For example, as well as
satisfying the initial requirement of publication in a refereed journal,
to be included in the analysis a study had to follow the steps for event
study analysis outlined above, contain descriptive statistics and
general information on the nature of the announcements examined, and
identify the source of stock price information.
It is recognized and acknowledged that this specific focus on
published event studies may lead to criticism that any conclusions drawn
from this review are subject to publication bias that errs in favor of studies that report statistically significant findings. However, due to
the complexity of the methodology, it was considered particularly
important that findings had been peer reviewed as an indicator of
initial validation.
The investigation uncovered a total of 77 marketing-related event
studies, all of which met these criteria. They covered the period from
1980 to mid-2007. Articles were published across 46 different journals,
17 of which were marketing-related journals. Of the 77 event studies
found, six studies were published in the Journal of Advertising
Research, four in the Journal of Market Focused Management, and three
each in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of
Advertising, and the Journal of Marketing, respectively. Only nine
international event studies based on data from stock exchanges outside
of North America were identified. Not unexpectedly, given the small
international sample, the most frequently cited source of stock price
information was the University of Chicago's Center for Research on
Security Prices (CRSP) (70 percent of studies). For the international
studies, stock price information was obtained from DataStream
International, Yahoo!Finance, or local stock exchange databases.
Classification of the event studies by research focus
While covering disparate topics, the 77 event studies were
categorized meaningfully into three distinct marketing research streams
that reflect the marketing paradigm:
1. Product (45 percent of the total sample): new products (Table
1); product recalls (Table 2); product research and development (Table
2. Promotion (45 percent of the total sample): corporate name
changes (Table 4); advertising and promotions (Table 5); sponsorship and
events (Table 6); and
3. Services (10 percent of the total sample): customer service and
new technology (Table 7).
These topics were informed by typologies that report on traditional
areas for marketing research (Gundlach and Wilkie, 1990), as well as by
the titles of the articles and the journal names. Each of the seven
event study tables presents (1) the author(s) and year of publication,
(2) the announcement focus, and (3) significant findings and a summary
of the main contributions of the study.
General examination of the seven tables in total indicates that in
the early event studies of the 1980s (14 percent of the total sample),
the focus of interest was product recall and the impact of company name
changes. In the 1990s, the number of event studies more than doubled (31
percent of the total sample). In addition to these interest areas, the
focus of the studies expanded to include the impact on the firm of new
product introductions and delays, brand extensions, trademark
infringements, the sponsorship of celebrities and the Olympic Games, as
well as the impact of advertising slogan changes, financial relations
advertising, and brand equity. In the period from 2000 to mid-2007, the
number of event studies almost doubled again (55 percent of the total
sample). In the latest period of research interest, the attention of
researchers reflects those typical of the new millennium--the
development of new drugs, green marketing, internet channels, and
In the past, traditional accounting methods concentrated on
measuring shareholder value in terms of tangible assets such as
property, plant and equipment, and inventory such as finished goods,
parts, and raw materials. Overall, the fields of marketing study
identified in the Tables reflect the growth in concern around managing
the value of more intangible assets. Tangible assets explain only about
25 percent of the market value of the modern firm (Ballow, Burgman, and
Molnar, 2004). Intangible assets that are difficult to measure
financially, such as brand value, customer loyalty, consumer perceptions
of product and service quality, and firm reputation (see Tables 4, 5, 6,
and 7 in particular), are mooted as important drivers of the remaining
percentage of firm value (Ballow, Burgman, and Molnar, 2004; Daum,
2003). Accompanying the review of the three streams of research,
opportunities for applying event study to current and a wider set of
marketing issues are identified.
Product Research Stream--This research stream includes event
studies that have examined new products (Table 1); product recalls
(Table 2); and R&D and regulation (Table 3). Research interest in
product recall and research that tracks the impact on the stock market
of products as they progress through the various stages of development
and approval has remained relatively stable over time. However, event
studies of new products is the only category within the seven
sub-samples to show a decline in interest from 2000.
Event studies focusing on the impact of new product introductions
(Table 1) focus in the main on competitive behaviours--their effects on
the value of both the firm and of industry rivals; products launched in
joint-ventures versus single-firm ventures; first mover advantage and
imitation; and the diverse impact on brand equity across different
industries. Another interesting theme relates to the process of making
new product announcements: whether multiple new product announcements
outperform single new product announcements (Chaney et al., 1991);
pre-announcements versus new product announcements (Koku, Jagpal, and
Viswanath, 1997); and new product announcements that provide some
tangible evidence about the new product versus bluffs or easily
reversible product announcements (Mishra and Bhabra, 2001). The general
impact on firm value of launching a new product is modest (e.g. 2.71
percent, Lee, Smith, Grimm, and Schomburg, 2000) in comparison to the
dire effects arising from the product recall of contaminated food
(-30.42 percent, Salin and Hooker, 2001).
Product recall studies (Table 2) focus primarily on three very
large industries--the automotive industry (eight studies), the
pharmaceutical industry (six studies), and the food industry (three
studies). Automobile recalls focus on the severity of the recall (minor,
intermediate, and severe) (Hoffer, Pruitt, and Reilly, 1987, 1989); on
three major manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors); and the
recall of certain auto-related components such as tires (Govindaraj,
Jaggi, and Lin, 2004). Pharmaceutical recalls focus on the direct cost
to the firm of the recall (Jarrell and Peltzman, 1985); the impact of
drug recall over different time periods (Dranove and Olsen, 1994); and
the simultaneous withdrawal of a class of drug by a number of firms
(Ahmed, Gardella, and Nanda, 2002). Event studies focusing on the food
industry include recalls arising from microbiological contamination of
food products (Salin and Hooker, 2001); recalls of differing severity
and who announces the recall--the firm or a government agency (Thomsen and McKenzie, 2001); and in comparison to recalls occurring in other
non-automotive industries (Pruitt and Peterson, 1986).
Overall, firms generally experience a drop in value arising from
recall announcements. Dranove and Olsen (1994) suggest that investors
view recalls as a signal of anticipated increases in costs involved in
the recall, repair, and compliance with government regulations. However,
Salin and Hooker (2001) put forward the view that investors may becoming
desensitized to announcements concerning food contamination risks to the
extent that large manufacturers, such as the Sara Lee Corporation, show
very little change in firm value. Again what is interesting about these
studies is the effect that product recall has on the firm's
competitors. Ahmed, Gardella, and Nanda (2002), for example, in their
investigation of drug withdrawals on the wealth of producers and
competitors, found that direct competitors gained significantly
following drug withdrawal as a result of increased demand for substitute
drugs. When several firms withdrew similar products at the same time,
they found that losses were far less severe. In addition to the severity
of the negative impact from product recall on firm value, the longevity
of its impact is also interesting. Govindaraj et al. (2004) in their
study of the recall of Firestone Tires by Bridgestone Corporation found
that the market initially overreacted negatively to the news of the
recall and then corrected quickly once information on the actual costs
of the recall was disseminated. In contrast, Dranove and Olsen (1994)
found that firms recalling dangerous drugs continued to lag behind their
industry rivals more than five years after the recall.
Table 3 reports on the event studies which monitor the progress of
product development as new products move through research and
development stages, and towards final government approval. Again the
food and drug industries provide a rich source for event study analysis
(six studies). Also included in this Table are studies that examine the
impact of trademark infringement lawsuits (Bhagat and Umesh, 1997); the
release of qualitative non-financial information during research and
development (Narayanan, Pinches, Kelm, and Lander, 2000); global product
design and development announcements (Ojah and Monplaisir, 2003); and
the impact of antismoking policies on cigarette producers (Wooster and
Gallet, 2005). Examining the seven stages involved in new drug
development from discovery to final U's. Food and Drug
Administration approval, Xu (2006) found that every step of R&D
progress conveyed positive information to investors and that later
stages induced significantly higher returns than for earlier stages. In
contrast, the passage of food labeling regulations by the U.S. National
Labeling and Education Act (Ghani and Childs, 1999) resulted in
significant short-term direct label costs for U.S. multinational food
As key industries such as auto, food, and pharmaceutical
manufacturers continue to innovate and develop new products, they will
provide abundant opportunities for future research. Safety issues will
continue to be a concern in these industries. As time goes by, it will
be interesting to monitor whether investors become inured to product
recall as being part and parcel of everyday living, as Salin and Hooker
(2001) seem to suggest. Interest in conservation and environmental
issues will lead to innovations in the auto industry such as hybrid
vehicles powered by electric motor and batteries, and the use of
alternative energy sources such as natural gas, ethanol, and sunlight.
Similarly, research in the biotechnology field will drive the
development of new food and drug products that will vie for consumer
attention in the future. These developments will provide a rich and
ongoing source of event study material.
Promotion Research Stream--Included in this stream of research are
the event studies that focus on corporate name changes (Table 4);
advertising and promotions (Table 5); and sponsorship and events (Table
Corporate name change (Table 4) is an important re-branding
strategy. Event studies have examined radical and cosmetic name changes
(Horsky and Swyngedouw, 1997); major and superficial changes (Bosch and
Hirschey, 1989); complete and partial changes (Kilic and Dursun, 2006);
and strategic changes such as a dotcom name change (Cooper, Dimitrov,
and Rau, 2001; Lee, 2001). Early event study findings suggest that
corporate name change had either little or no positive association with
an increase in firm value. However, at the start of the new millennium,
dotcom name changes earned a huge increase in value for dotcom firms--74
percent reported by Cooper et al. (2001) and 168 percent by Lee (2001).
Such results led Cooper et al. (2001) to conclude that their results
were driven by a degree of investor mania such that investors were eager
to be associated with internet-linked firms at any cost. It is probable
that event studies of dotcom name changes undertaken today would find
such novelty for investors has worn off. With increases in the
globalization of markets, products and services will continue to be
re-branded with different identities that better reflect the dynamics of
their new markets. Companies will continue to acquire one another and to
change their brand names and image. Such strategic marketing
developments will provide opportunities for ongoing research in this
Advertising-related event studies (Table 5) focus on a broad range
of themes including reactions to unfair and deceptive advertising
(Peltzman, 1981); advertising slogan changes (Mathur and Mathur, 1995);
green marketing (Mathur and Mathur, 2000); Super Bowl advertising (Kim and Morris, 2003); awards for product quality (Balasubramanian, Mathur,
and Thakur, 2005); and diversity as a marketing strategy (Pandey,
Shanahan, and Hansen, 2005). Interestingly, three studies focus on the
same issue--the hiring and firing of advertising agencies (Hozier and
Schatzberg, 2000; Kulkarni, Vora, and Brown, 2003; Mathur and Mathur,
1996). News of firms initiating actions to fire their advertising
agencies appear to have a downwards effect on firm value. Mathur and
Mathur (1996) interpret the findings as a sign that investors view such
announcements as an admission by the firm that their current marketing
strategies are ineffective.
Referred to by Cornwell, Pruitt, and Clark (2005: 401) as a
"non-traditional marketing technique," sponsorship-linked
marketing (Table 6) has become a major focus for event studies. Why
sponsorship has attracted so much interest by event study researchers is
unclear. One explanation is the reported lack of rigor in the selection
of sponsorship investment where managers sponsor their favorite sports
teams with little regard for the capacity of the sponsorship to
demonstrate a return on investment (see Clark et al., 2002). More recent
sponsorship studies focus on the ability of sponsorship to demonstrate
quite clearly an immediate return on investment. Rather than merely
providing results in terms of the percentage increase or decrease in
firm value, investigators are now converting their findings into net
present value with impressive results. For example, Calderon-Martinez,
Mas-Ruiz, and Nicolau-Gonzalbez (2005) report that commercial
sponsorship announcements in Spain resulted in an increase in market
value of 34,865,586 [euro]. Similarly, Cornwell et al. (2005) report
that the mean increase in shareholder value from major-league sports.
official product sponsorship announcements was approximately U.S.$257
million, and Pruitt et al. (2004) report a U.S.$334 million increase
from NASCAR sponsorship.
Event studies in sponsorship have examined activities such as
celebrity endorsement (Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995; Louie, Kulik, and
Jacobson, 2001; Mathur, Mathur, and Rangan, 1997); major events such as
the Olympic Games (Berman, Brooks, and Davidson, 2000; Farrell and
Frame, 1997; Mishra, Bobinski, and Bhabra, 1997; Miyazaki and Morgan,
2001; Tsiotsou and Lalountas, 2005; Veraros, Kasimit, and Dawson, 2004);
and different sporting contexts such as motor sports (Cornwell, Pruitt,
and Van Ness, 2001; Mahar, Paul, and Stone, 2005; Pruitt et al., 2004),
and major league sports (Cornwell et al., 2005).
Of the 77 event studies examined in this review as a whole, few
studies have examined topics that are as closely aligned as the specific
sponsorship of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games (see Hoffer et al., 1989).
Interestingly, the two studies examined here in fact show mixed results.
Farrell and Frame (1997), for example, report statistically significant
negative stock price effects from their examination of 26 announcements,
whereas Miyazaki and Morgan (2001) report statistically significant
increases from 27 announcements. Possible explanations for the different
findings could be the differences in sample size used or differing dates
attributed to the announcements (Cornwell et al., 2005). Also unlike
Farrell and Frame (1997), Miyazaki and Morgan (2001) did not report
event dates as McWilliams and Siegel (1997) recommend, making
re-analysis of the data problematic.
In addition to these Olympic Games sponsorship studies, Table 6
also reports on a number of investigations of the overall stock market
impact of Olympic Games host city announcements. These studies reflect
the rise of academic interest in event and tourism marketing. There is
potential for future studies to not only continue the growing knowledge
about the impact on stock markets around the world that arise from
Olympic Games-related announcements, but also to investigate the stock
market effects of other international sporting activities such as World
Cup events in football, rugby, and cricket.
Services Research Stream--Despite the fact that the research stream
examining customer services and new technology (Table 7) is the smallest
of the three streams (10 percent of the total sample), it reflects an
important emerging interest in assessing the financial value of
connecting customers with the firm through services and technology.
Using "The Connected Customer" as their overarching theme for
2006-2008, the Marketing Science Institute suggests that the
"'connected customer era. may change the paradigm for
effective marketing strategy" (2006: 2, MSI's emphasis). The
services event study research stream provides a number of studies that
illustrate the shifts in perceptions about new technology that have
occurred over the past decade. For example, Mathur, Mathur, and Gleason
(1998) in their study of firms announcing their intention to provide
services on the Internet, found that the market viewed this as a
positive move. Similarly, internet channel additions (Geyskens et al.,
2002) were perceived favourably by investors. However, by 2006,
announcements by large U.S. firms about their intentions to launch a new
website appear to be interpreted by investors as just a part of everyday
The services research stream also reflects a burgeoning interest in
conducting event studies on markets outside the United States. Studies
include Geyskens et al.'s (2002) investigation of internet channel
additions (The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, and France);
Shwarts-Asher, Ben-zion, Gabbay, and Yagil's (2006) investigation
of launching a website (Israel); and Lin, Jang, and Chen's (2007)
study of e-service initiatives in Taiwan.
Considering these two developments (an emerging interest in
e-services and a rapid increase in event studies in both major and
emerging markets), the future expansion of event studies in this stream
appears promising. Future research opportunities will arise from topics
related to the introduction and diffusion of e-innovations, e-customer
relationship management, e-services, e-scapes, and e-marketing
initiatives (see Kimiloglu, 2004). The rise of online marketing and the
rapid globalization of markets should also provide fruitful opportunities for research in both domestic and international contexts.
Best practice in event studies (2000-2007)
This section investigates to what extent recent event studies in
marketing demonstrate the principles of best practice in the application
of the methodology. In their review of event studies in management,
McWilliams and Siegel (1997) found that inadequate attention had been
paid to theoretical and research design issues. To ensure that future
researchers undertaking event studies demonstrate correct and adequate
design, implementation, and reporting protocols, McWilliams and Siegel
(1997) advocate that researchers and journals address ten specific
points. Using these ten points as a guide to best practice, 16 of the
most recent event studies published in marketing journals from 2001 to
2007 were critiqued. Three issues in particular were identified as
warranting improvement. These are (1) controlling for outliers; (2) the
application of theory to explain returns; and (3) the reporting of firm
names and event dates in an appendix to facilitate replication of the
study. Before addressing these issues in greater depth, it is important
to note that this analysis is based solely on the findings reported in
the published versions of the articles. The authors may indeed have
followed the event study procedures methodically, but either not
reported them or had these steps edited for conciseness.
Controlling for outliers--McWilliams and Siegel (1997) suggest that
researchers report the percentage of negative returns and the binomial Z
or Wilcoxon test statistic or both as means of controlling for outliers.
The binomial Z statistic tests whether the proportion of positive to
negative returns exceeds the number expected from the market model,
while the Wilcoxon signed rank test considers both the sign and the
magnitude of abnormal returns (McWilliams and Siegel, 1997). In all but
one of the marketing event studies, nonparametric tests for outliers
were reported, with reports of the Z statistic common.
McWilliams and Siegel (1997) also suggest that where samples are
based on fewer than 30 firms, that additional information is reported on
the identification and measurement of the influence of outliers and the
results of bootstrapping techniques. Bootstrapping is a form of
re-sampling in which the original data are repeatedly sampled with
replacement for the model estimation so that parameter estimates are
based on actual empirical observations (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, and
Black, 1998). According to Cowan (2002), the Patell, standardized
cross-sectional, time-series standard deviation, skewness-corrected
transformed normal, and cross-sectional tests are eligible for the
bootstrap. For a more comprehensive discussion of bootstrap methods in
event studies, see Kramer (2001) and Lyon, Barber, and Tsai (1999).
In the 16 event studies examined here, small samples and
sub-samples of less than 50 are not uncommon. This is generally a
reflection of the intense scrutiny announcements undergo in order to
avoid contamination from other confounding events. As with the
management event studies, the measurement of outliers and reports of
bootstrapping techniques are not frequently reported in this sample.
However, the event study conducted by Calderon-Martinez et al. (2005) on
commercial and philanthropic sponsorship in Spain provides an example of
a thorough analysis of the determinants of excess returns sampled both
with and without outliers. Also, Geyskens et al. (2002) make a concerted
effort to report upon the robustness checks that were undertaken of
their data on European internet channels. They examined alternative
stock portfolios, completed jack-knife tests of the stability of their
parameter estimates, tested their forecasting performance of the model,
and in doing so ruled out alternative explanations of their findings.
Applying theory to explain the returns--McWilliams and Siegel
(1997) stress the importance of researchers explaining abnormal returns
by showing that the cross-sectional variation in returns across firms is
consistent with theory. In the sample of studies reviewed here, the
conceptual frameworks accessed to make such justifications typically
include agency theory, congruence theory, signaling theory, and economic
and game theory. In addition, where other related issues are
investigated, these are also supported by other theory. For example,
Cornwell et al. (2005: 404) apply Weber's Law, a theory of
perception, to support their proposition that firms with dominant market
positions find that their sponsorships are less likely to be perceived
as effective in raising awareness or substantially changing image as
firms starting from a much lower base.
Analysis of industry differences, such as industry type and firm
size, is a common area of investigation. When supported by discussions
regarding the theoretical implications of the findings, these additional
cross-sectional analyses extend our understanding of the financial
impact of marketing decisions. They lend substantial trustworthiness to
the empirical findings of the event study and provide managers with a
sound basis on which to make strategic decisions. However, in some of
the studies examined in this sample, cross-sectional analyses are
exploratory and theoretical support for the findings is limited. At
best, findings are descriptive. Authors cite that their studies are
often the first of their kind (see Clark et al., 2002) and hence lack
the strong theoretical underpinnings that may be expected in a
well-developed research field. Another defense is that offered by Mishra
and Bhabra (2001: 86) who state that, "In part, this study is a
response to frequent calls for more studies regarding the financial
impact of marketing decisions." It is important that future event
studies provide not only theoretical support to justify why there should
be a financial response to new marketing-related information, but also
to put forward theories that explain more fully any cross-sectional
variations in abnormal returns and to test such theories
Providing an appendix of names--As a final step in an event study,
McWilliams and Siegel (1997) suggest that researchers report firm names
and event dates as an appendix to enable other researchers to replicate and extend the initial study. This development is important as the
increasing acceptance of the event study methodology in marketing will
promote more replications and extensions of research. One example is
Kulkarni, Vora, and Brown's (2003) extension of Hozier and
Schatzberg's (2000) event study of ad agency firing. In their own
replications of past research, McWilliams and Siegel (1997) reveal
findings that differ from the published findings, and they note the use
of methodologies judged to be inappropriate for testing the theories
proposed. In this current sample of marketing event studies, only five
studies contained sufficient information to facilitate replication.
However, it is important to note that where event studies are based on
particularly large samples, such as Cornwell et al. (2001, n = 250),
Louie et al. (2001, n = 128) or Pandey et al. (2005, n = 110), editorial
constraints may have limited the inclusion of such information.
This final section posits several directions for future research
using the event study method and identifies some gaps in the literature
where events study methodology might be better applied to advance
marketing thought. These recommendations include replication, extension,
and meta-analysis of existing studies, as well as broadening the scope
of research to new markets and new topics.
Theory development
There is still some way to go in responding to the importance
placed by McWilliams and Siegel (1997) on theoretical support for the
development of event studies hypotheses and explanation of findings. At
present a common device in existing published research is the extensive
use of citations of a few key event studies, such as those of Horsky and
Swyngedouw (1987) and Chaney et al. (1991), as a means to construct and
defend the research design. Another approach is the repeated reliance on
a few core theories such as signaling theory and agency theory to
provide a broad theoretical justification across a diverse range of
research interests, when other theories might be more appropriate.
At the same time, such evolution to more specific or appropriate
theory to justify the research predictions is occurring in some of the
fields investigated here. Beginning with Eddy and Saunders (1980), one
can track how the discourse on event studies on the marketing of new
products, and their introduction, delay, and recall has developed over
time. Collectively, these studies now provide an excellent example of
how theories develop and evolve, and new conceptual explanations enter
the field over time. The growing emergence of this conceptual
understanding around products truly reflects the position taken by
Sutton and Staw (1995: 378), with theory being "about the
connections among phenomena, a story about why acts, events, structure,
and thoughts occur." This research field now provides a rich stream
of compelling and interrelated arguments around this topic, compared to
others that rely on almost tangential use of broad models to justify the
research propositions. Marketing researchers need to continue to seek
multiple theoretical perspectives from both within and outside the
marketing field, from finance and economics, to provide the foundation
for their investigations. Cornwell, Pruitt, and Clark's (2005)
application of Weber's Law provides one example of such required
Replication and new areas of research interest
The advantage of reaching a critical mass of research on a specific
marketing theme, such as product recall or corporate name change, is
that it provides opportunities for researchers to critique the findings
and to make methodological improvements. As illustrated by Hoffer,
Pruitt, and Reilly (1989) who noted a flaw in Jarrell and
Peltzman's (1985) study of product recall, a critical appraisal of
the current studies on a specific theme can make a substantive
contribution to both the methodology and the nature of the research
findings. Indeed, some authors, such as Sharma and Lacey (2004), invite
replication and extension of their research. One interesting reason
given by Sharma and Lacey (2004: 304) to extend their research is that
they considered that their research: "was constrained by the need
for event-study-worthy data."
It is quite likely that some inconsistencies across research
findings are due to flaws in the empirical analysis. To illustrate, in
their review of three event studies investigating the impact of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial performance,
McWilliams and Siegel (1997) noted that each research team reported
quite contradictory findings (i.e. positive, negative, and neutral
outcomes). Re-examining previous research they identified that these
inconsistent findings were attributable to a misspecification of the
model due to the exclusion of certain R&D and industry factors. In
the articles reviewed here, interesting differences occur between
Farrell and Frame's (1997) negative and Miyazaki and Morgan's
(2001) positive findings about the value of purchasing sponsorship
rights for the Atlanta Olympic Games. Opportunities for future research
clearly exist for event studies to investigate further the impact of
Olympic Games sponsorship announcements in different countries, at
different levels of involvement, and longitudinally across different
Olympic Games events.
With increasing concerns around global warming, another opportunity
for replication is Mathur and Mathur's (2000) investigation of
green marketing strategies. Almost a decade later, investors may
perceive green marketing strategies as value enhancing for
environmentally concerned firms. Other social issues that can be
predicted to grow and to put pressure on governments to respond by
introducing new legislation include the links between advertising and
childhood obesity, drugs, and sport, and restrictions about cigarette
and alcohol use with regards to sponsorship activities. Announcements
around such legislation offer future opportunities for the application
of event study methods.
In addition, ongoing technological developments as well as media
fragmentation provide new challenges for advertising research. According
to PricewaterhouseCoopers (2007), annual global advertising is set to
increase from U.S.$407 billion in 2006 to U.S.$531 billion in 2011, with
the internet the fastest-growing advertising medium. This signals that
future research opportunities may be found in areas such as internet
marketing and satellite advertising, as well as in new locations such as
the rapidly expanding regions of China and India. To date, no published
event studies have examined advertising-related issues in markets
outside the United States.
According to the International Events Group (IEG Ltd, 2007), the
world's leading authority on sponsorship, North American-based
companies spent an estimated U.S.$3.2 billion to sponsor motor sports
teams, events, tracks, and sanctioning bodies such as NASCAR in 2007, up
11 percent from a U.S. $2.9 billion outlay in 2006. With such impressive
growth, sponsorship event studies will continue to provide an
interesting avenue for research. Given time, event study research of
Olympic Games sponsorships both within the United States and across
international markets will provide potentially interesting insights
about the value of Olympic involvement. In addition, new sponsorship
opportunities that arise from satellite and online sports packages, and
in developing regions such as the Asia Pacific and Latin America, will
provide new research opportunities also (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2007).
Research in non-U.S. markets--As noted earlier, most event studies
in marketing have been conducted in a single-market context,
specifically the United States. The effect on firm value arising from
these studies reflects the unique emphasis such activities have in the
U.S. market. Similar effects may or may not arise in markets in other
countries. Do sports sponsorship announcements, for example, have as an
impressive impact on stock prices in the United Kingdom, Europe, or
China? Attempts should be made to validate findings across countries.
This can play a significant role in advancing our understanding about
the global value of strategic marketing initiatives.
Researchers contemplating investigating phenomena in non-U.S.
markets have several sources for non-U.S. equity return data. These
include the Pacific-Basin Research Center which contains data for eight
Asian markets from 1975, individual country-specific stock markets, and
Thomson Datastream (TDS) (Ince and Porter, 2006). TDS data includes
price, volume, market capitalization, and dividend data for over 50,000
stocks traded in 64 developed and emerging markets over the past 25
years. Bartholdy, Olson, and Peare (2007) also provide some practical
advice on how to perform event studies on small exchanges involving
thinly-traded stocks.
Research in multi-country settings--Another opportunity to increase
the research scope of event studies in marketing is to apply the
technique to multiple countries simultaneously (see Park, 2004). With
the pervasiveness of the internet, information about certain events now
travels instantaneously around the globe. It is highly likely that the
withdrawal of a drug in North American markets, for example, would have
an impact on the share price of rival firms operating in other markets
and on well-established stock exchanges outside the United States. To
date, we know little about the ripple effects such news might have as it
travels around the globe. However, Park (2004) cautions that
multi-country event studies involve specific challenges to researchers,
such as issues with non-synchronous international stock market trading
Meta-analytic reviews--Another approach to extending event study
research is to undertake a meta-analysis of specific topics.
Meta-analysis involves a set of statistical procedures designed to
synthesize findings across a number of independent studies that address
a common research question. A meta-analysis of event studies that
examine new product announcements, for instance, could provide a
systematic way to examine the overall impact of such announcements on
firm value that would be informative in terms of marketing strategy.
Frooman (1997), for example, undertook a meta-analysis of 27 event
studies that measured the stock market's reaction to incidences of
socially irresponsible and illicit behaviour. He concluded that firms
adopt a moral position of enlightened self-interest that guides them to
act in a socially responsible manner.
Developing more accurate databases--As Elton, Gruber, and Blake
(2001) suggest, all data sets have errors. Flawed data can seriously
damage a research project and significantly reduce the quality of
marketing decisions based upon such erroneous research results. A number
of studies have examined the reliability of CRSP and Compustat databases
(Courtenay and Keller, 1994; Elton et al., 2001; Rosenberg and Houglet,
1974; San Miguel, 1977) as well as the costs involved in locating and
downloading financial data from such databases (Zaher, 1999). However,
apart from the McWilliams and Siegel (1997) study, none has re-examined
the data used in an event study specifically. In their comparison of
monthly price relativities for NYSE listed stocks on both the CRSP and
Compustat databases, Rosenberg and Houglet (1974) found that while large
errors were infrequent, when they did occur they were sufficient to
change the apparent nature of the data quite dramatically. While CRSP
and Compustat are highly regarded databases, with the
internationalization of studies other databases are required to access
stock price data from around the world. The use of an increasingly
diverse range of databases for the purpose of event analysis may give
rise to reliability problems in the future that will need to be
While the selection process adopted for identifying event studies
in this review followed the standard procedures for locating secondary
sources (Chandy et al., 2004; Cooper 1989), it is inevitable that some
published marketing-related event studies were not detected. However, it
is considered that the 77 articles reviewed here provide a substantial
foundation on which to base these findings.
While event studies in marketing may be criticized for their
limited theoretical foundations, as Geyskens et al. (2002: 117) state,
"This research represents an early enquiry into a complex
phenomenon." This limitation in event study analysis is also its
strength. It facilitates a fresh and novel approach to better
understanding the implications at the firm-level of marketing
strategies. If, as Ittner and Larcker (1998) found in their
investigation of customer satisfaction performance, less than one-third
of U.S. firms relate their marketing strategies to financial performance
measures, then event study analysis is a valuable and timely tool.
The event studies reviewed here should be of interest to many
constituencies, including corporate executives and investors as well as
marketing practitioners. Both individually and collectively, these event
studies contribute to a more complete understanding of the impact
marketing-related activities have on shareholder value. Particularly
where marketing activities are difficult to measure, such as sponsorship
and customer services, findings provide clear evidence about the
economic value of such expenditures. A second issue raised by McWilliams
and Siegel (1997) that needs to be responded to in future research is
the focus on firm-level performance. There are calls for a shift in the
direction of marketing research away from concentrating on consumer
awareness and recall measures to an emphasis on the financial impact of
marketing strategies on the firm. As Hozier and Schatzberg (2000)
suggest, event study methodology provides a partial solution to the
problem of integrating firm-level financial data with strategic
marketing variables.
In conclusion, the event-study methodology makes a valuable
addition to the repertoire of approaches that further our understanding
of marketing strategy performance. The ability of the methodology to
detect the impact of marketing strategies on firm value makes an
important contribution to the process of bringing the marketing-finance
interface closer together. Although to date the publication of
marketing-related event studies is fragmented across many journals, by
collecting these studies together into a unified body of research, it is
hoped that this review has demonstrated how the methodology has advanced
marketing thought, and by doing so, stimulated other scholars
internationally to consider the potential application of this
methodological specialization in their own research. The findings of
this review indicate that there is plenty of scope for marketing
researchers to extend this field of research both by examining a wider
range of international markets and a wider range of marketing issues.
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Margaret A. Johnston
The University of Queensland Business School
Margaret Johnston is a final year PhD candidate in marketing at the
University of Queensland Business School, The University of Queensland,
St Lucia, Queensland, Australia, 4072. Tel. +617 3346 9325,
[email protected]. The author wishes to thank the editor and
the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. The
author also wishes to thank Professor Lester Johnson, Professor of
Management (Marketing) at the Melbourne Business School, for his
comments on an earlier draft of this article.
Event Studies in Marketing: New Product Introductions, Delays and
Year Focus Main Contributions, Findings and Remarks
Eddy and New products No impact of new product announcements
Saunders on monthly stock returns found over
(1980) nine-year period. Monthly returns were
not sufficiently precise to detect stock
price impact.
Conclusion: Investors are not responsive
to individual new product announcements.
Chaney, New products New product introductions were related to
Devinney, positive returns (0.75%). Effects varied
and Winer across industries. The impact varied
(1991) negatively with the magnitude of risk and
the number of announcements made. Firm
size was not related to excess returns.
Conclusion: Firms that innovate and
introduce new products outperform firms
that do not.
Simon and Brand equity The introduction of Diet Coke led to an
Sullivan change increase in Coca-Cola's brand equity
(1993) and to a decrease in Pepsi's. The
introduction of New Coke had no impact
on Coke's brand equity but increased
Pepsi's brand equity suggesting a
competitive loss for Coke.
Conclusion: Stock markets do not ignore
brand equity.
Lane and Brand The impact of brand leveraging depended
Jacobson extension on brand attitude and familiarity, but
(1995) not firm size or return on investment.
Market responded most favorably to
brand extensions of high esteem, high
familiarity brands.
Conclusion: Investors expect the negative
financial consequences of extending a
brand to outweigh the potential positive
Hendricks New product The stock market reacted very negatively
and Singhal delays to announcements of product delay
(1997) (-5.25%). Diversified firms suffered less
than focused firms. Estimations of the
expected delay resulted in a less
negative impact than not providing an
estimate at all.
Conclusion: There are significant
penalties for not introducing new
products on time.
Koku, New products Only pre-announcements of new products
Jagpal, and had a significant effect (4.3%). The
Viswanath size of signaling effects were industry
(1997) specific and particularly effective
in the manufacturing sector.
Conclusion: New product event studies
must distinguish between announcements
and pre-announcements as only
pre-announcements have a significant
Lee, Smith, New products At the time of new product introductions,
Grimm, and first movers experienced a positive
Schomburg effect (2.71%). After early imitation,
(2000) first movers experienced a negative
Conclusion: Moving first to introduce new
products results in the greatest gains in
wealth. However, rivals can undermine
these gains through imitation.
Mishra and New products Stock markets responded positively to
Bhabra credible new product pre-announcements
(2001) (0.44%) and ignored announcements if they
lacked sufficient tangible evidence.
Bluffs or easily reversible announcements
were ignored.
Conclusion: For a pre-announcement to
work it must contain credible evidence.
Chen, Ho, New products New products had a positive impact for
and Ik announcing firms (0.38%). Rivals of firms
(2005) announcing new products experienced a
small, negative wealth effect. Rival's
wealth effects were more favorable when
the products introduced were very new.
Conclusion: Wealth effect of industry
rivals is significantly negatively
related to their research and development
Jones and New products New product announcements resulted in
Danbolt higher returns than for new market entry
(2005) announcements (1.1%). Joint ventures were
considered less favorably than projects
with no partner.
Conclusion: The market reacts less
favorably to product market investment
projects where the returns and risks are
shared with another company.
Event Studies in Marketing: Product Recall
Author(s), Main Contributions, Findings and
Year Focus Remarks
Jarrell and Direct cost The direct costs of recall or
Peltzman (1985) of recalls repair were far less that the
for drugs and negative impact on stock price
automobiles for producers of both products
(-6% drugs, -1.5% autos).
Conclusion: Shareholders lose
substantially when a good is
recalled. Firms incur not only
direct costs from the recall but
also the costs arising from lost
goodwill. Competing firms also
lose when a rival firm's product
is recalled.
Pruitt and Non-automotive Product recalls were viewed
Peterson (1986) product unfavorably and were largely
recalls unexpected (-0.725%). No
significant relationship found
between the decline and the
direct costs of the recalls,
indicating that indirect costs
(litigation, reputation damage)
may be important.
Conclusion: Product recalls convey
information to the market that
impacts for up to two months
following the initial release of
Hoffer, Pruitt, Severe No evidence that the first public
and Reilly automotive release of recall information via
(1987) recall for memo to Traffic Safety Authority
Chrysler, affected stock prices. Severe
Ford and recalls disclosed in the press
General were viewed as negative
Motors informational events (-0.649%).
Conclusion: The stock market's
response to auto reported to all
market participants.
Hoffer, Pruitt, Critiques Findings were consistent with
and Reilly Jarrell and Jarrell and Peltzman's (1985)
(1989 Peltzman's results except that significance
(1985) study levels were reduced (-0.31%).
of automotive Revisions to Jarrell and
recalls Peltzman's (1985) methodology,
and corrections to their data
set had a substantive impact on
Conclusion: Neither shareholders
of the firms recalling the
automobiles nor shareholders of
competitor firms are significantly
affected by recalls.
Bromiley and Impact of A significant rebound effect
Marcus (1989) deterrents occurred following negative
in the response to auto recall (-0.32%).
production of Losses were restricted to periods
defective of vigorous enforcement, and to a
automobiles vulnerable manufacturer (Chrysler).
Conclusion: Unless enforcement is
vigorous, and the expectations of
a recall are very great, the market
does not deter the production of
defective vehicles.
Davidson and Non-automotive Returns associated with replacing
Worrell (1992) or tire the product or refunding the
industry purchase price were more negative
product than for repairs or product
recalls, inspection (-2.93%). The market
products reacted more negatively to products
replacements taken off the market than for
and refunds product recalls.
Conclusion: Producing and selling
defective products may imply a
link between shareholder wealth and
socially irresponsible corporate
behaviour. Or, the market may
simply react to anticipated lower
demand for that firm's products.
Dranove and Drug recalls The recall of five dangerous drugs
Olsen (1994) was negative for both manufactures
and competitors (-0.15%). Affected
firms continued to lag the industry
five years after later. Their
European counterparts were not
Conclusion: Investors view recalls
as signals of anticipated increases
in the cost of compliance with new
and more stringent government
De Mortanges Unilever's Tracked the effects on one firm's
and Rad (1998) recall of stock price from one product over
laundry five months. Results indicated
detergent that the introduction, negative
(Omo Power) publicity and subsequent recall and
modification of the product caused
a significant stock price drop over
five months (-9.45%).
Conclusion: The stock market value
of a firm can be negatively
affected by the bad publicity
relating to the firm s marketing
Rupp (2001) Manufacturer Manufacturer-initiated recalls
vs. were associated with losses in
government- equity (-0.28%), while government-
initiated initiated recalls were not.
recalls Conclusion: The recall initiator
(either manufacturer or government)
does not serve as a reliable signal
of product quality. Automotive
investors should not make equity
decisions on the basis of who
initiated the safety recall.
Salin and Food Four recalls of differing scope
Hooker (2001) contamination and severity did not indicate a
involving consistent relationship between
Sara Lee stock price reaction and the
Corp., IBP, severity of the contamination
Inc., and incident. Outcomes for the smallest
Odwalla, Inc. firm in the study were severe
compared to the firm's revenues
Conclusion: The stock market is
"desensitized" to food
contamination risks.
Thomsen and Meat and Significant shareholder losses
McKenzie (2001) poultry were incurred for food companies
product implicated in recalls involving
recalls serious food safety hazards (-3%).
Losses persisted for longer than
one month after recall.
Conclusion: Product recalls contain
new information about the current
or future profitability of meat and
poultry companies. When recalls
involve less severe hazards, the
market views such recalls as
responsible corporate behaviour.
Ahmed, Drug Firms that withdraw drugs
Gardella, and withdrawals experienced significant wealth
Nanda (2002) losses (-7.8%). Direct competitors
gained significantly following the
withdrawal as demand for substitute
drugs increased. Losses were lower
when several firms withdrew similar
products and when drugs were
withdrawn during the marketing
Conclusion: Firms that withdraw
drugs experience significant wealth
losses that often exceed their
out-of-pocket expenses resulting
from the withdrawal.
Govindaraj, Recall of The initial loss in market value
Jaggi, and Lin Firestone for both Bridgestone and Ford was
(2004) Tires by far in excess of the worst-case
Bridgestone cost estimates associated with the
Corporation recall (-4.35% for Ford; -10.57%
for Bridgestone). Competitors
experienced a significant gain in
market value.
Conclusion: The market initially
overreacts negatively and very
pessimistically to product recall
news. The reaction is corrected
as information on actual costs
becomes available. Competitors
whose products can be substituted
for the recalled product benefit
from the recall.
Rupp (2004) Government- Recalled heater, defroster and
initiated air-conditioning components had
automotive significantly smaller shareholder
recalls losses than recalls for omitted
components (e.g. visual systems)
(- 0.33%). Significantly larger
losses were experienced by
companies in excellent financial
Conclusion: The indirect costs of
automotive recalls are likely to
be larger than direct costs. High
quality manufacturers are likely
to experience the largest losses
following recall.
Chu, Lin, and Re-examines The market reacted negatively to
Prather (2005) Pruitt and product recalls (-1.77%). Companies
Peterson's in the drugs/cosmetics and toys/
(1986) appliances industries suffered
product most.
Conclusion: The market views
product recalls as unfavorable
and unexpected events. Negative
effects are not persistent.
Event Studies in Marketing: Product Research and Development
Author(s), Main Contributions, Findings and
Year Focus Remarks
Shapiro and Compulsory Patent protection in the
Switzer (1993) licensing pharmaceutical industry in Canada
was viewed positively by the stock
market, but only when measured
with hindsight (in 1987). The
market response became stronger
as uncertainties regarding entry
and government regulations were
resolved (8.5% for passage of Bill
Conclusion: Patent protection
allows the appropriation of gains
from knowledge by firms in the
pharmaceutical industry.
Pharmaceutical companies would
benefit from international
agreements that provide stringent
levels of patent protection.
Bosch and Lee Food and Drug Uncertainty surrounding Food and
(1994 Administration Drug Administration (FDA)
approval announcements of approvals or
rejections was costly to the firms
involved. Ignoring FDA rules may
be quite profitable for companies
that are not caught.
Conclusion: FDA decisions have a
large wealth effect suggesting a
high degree of uncertainty
surrounding FDA decisions. Efforts
to reduce uncertainty would
decrease the overall cost of drug
Bhagat and Trademark Negative impact of filing a lawsuit
Umesh (1997) infringement was -0.2% for the plaintiff and
-0.4% for the defendant in
trademark infringement cases. When
the verdict was in favor of the
plaintiff, the defendant had a
relatively large negative abnormal
return of -3% of firm value.
Conclusion: While trademark
infringement lawsuits have minimal
or no effect on the value of
plaintiff firms, it can have a
negative effect on defendant firms
and have a severe drop in value if
the verdict goes against them.
Ghani and Food labeling The passage of food labeling
Childs (1999) regulations regulations by U.S. National
Labeling and Education Act (NLEA)
at all four stages resulted in
consistent negative wealth effects.
More than 81.6% of food firms
experienced a negative price
Conclusion: NLEA legislation
results in significant short-term
direct label costs and longer-term
strategic costs associated with
constrained marketing opportunities
for nutrition-related products.
Narayanan, Disclosure of During innovation and
Pinches, Kelm, non-financial commercialization there were
and Lander information significant positive wealth effects
(2000) from the release of non-financial
information on research and
development (0.88% for innovation;
1.02% for commercialization).
Investors were sensitive to
qualitative information about
technical factors (e.g. government
approval and product substitution)
only during the innovation stage.
Conclusion: Information asymmetry
between investors and managers is
higher during the innovation than
the commercialization stage. As
firms reveal more credible and
economically significant
information, information asymmetry
is reduced.
Ojah and Global product Stock price reaction to global
Monplaisir design and product design and development
(2003) development (GPDD) announcements were
significantly positive and value
enhancing for the firm (18.17%).
Product market structures, the
competitive strategy posture of
peers, and whether they produce
a good or a service, jointly
determined the variation in
excess returns attributable to
global product development.
Conclusion: GPDD as a strategic
initiative is most valuable when
a firm operates in a low seller
concentration product market and
in an environment where
competitors respond aggressively
to strategic initiatives.
Sharma and New drug Stock market responded strongly
Lacey (2004) applications and cleanly to the success or
failure of new drug development
efforts (-21.03 % for rejections)
as indicated by the Food and Drug
Administration's (FDA) responses
to new drug applications. Financial
market losses from drug development
failures were much larger than
gains from product successes.
Conclusion: Managers should factor
in a substantial risk premium when
considering new drug development
Wooster and Antismoking Significant abnormal returns were
Gallet (2005) policies experienced across the 23 dates
that corresponded to regulatory
events (i.e. the introduction of
antismoking policies) in the
tobacco industry (-2.02% for R.J.
Reynolds). Industry losses from
antismoking policies amounted to
approximately U.S. $1.5 billion.
The advertising ban had the largest
negative impact on the industry.
Conclusion: Antismoking regulatory
policies have a predominantly
negative impact on the cigarette
Xu (2006) New drug Every step of research and
development development progress in new drug
development conveyed positive
information to investors (0.22%).
Late-stage research and development
progress induced significantly
higher abnormal returns than for
early stage research and
Conclusion: Stock price volatility
decreases monotonically in research
and development progress.
Event Studies in Marketing: Corporate Name Changes
Author(s), Main Contributions, Findings and
Year Focus Remarks
Howe (1982) Corporate name No significant market reaction
changes found in relation to corporate name
changes. No systematic reaction in
either decade (1960s, 1970s) to
changes in company names. Findings
were based on weekly not daily
stock returns.
Conclusion: Company name change
appears to be a financially neutral
Horsky and Radical and Name changes were associated with
Swyngedouw cosmetic name improved firm performance (0.61%).
(1987 changes Firms that produced industrial
goods and whose performance prior
to the name change was relatively
poor achieved the greatest
improvement. Radical name changes
were no more or less successful
than cosmetic name changes.
Conclusion: Name changes signal to
the market that measures to improve
the firm's performance will be
undertaken seriously by management.
Bosch and Major and Positive but statistically weak
Hirschey (1989) minor name effects found during the name
changes change period (0.33%). These
effects were cancelled by negative
post-announcement effects. For
firms that had previously undergone
major restructuring, the
announcement of a name change was
large and positive.
Conclusion: The valuation effects
of name change are modest and
Karpoff and Corporate name Reaction to name change
Rankine (1994) changes announcements were found to be not
significant, positive and very
weak, and sensitive to sample
selection and selection of the
event date. Argued that the sample
used by Horsky and Swyngedouw
(1987) suffered from selection
Conclusion: Corporate name changes
may serve useful purposes, but
such purposes have small valuation
effects or tend to be anticipated
by investors.
Cooper, Dotcom or dot Companies that change their name
Dimitrov, and net name to a dotcom name earned a large
Rau (2001) changes and permanent increase in value,
regardless of the level of their
involvement with the Internet
Conclusion: Results are driven by
a degree of investor mania such
that investors are eager to be
associated with the Internet at
all costs.
Lee (2001) Dotcom name Dotcom name changes were associated
changes with substantial increases in stock
prices and trading activity
(167.85%). Investor reaction was
larger when other strategic
investments were involved. Cosmetic
image-only name changes resulted in
smaller increases than strategic
name changes.
Conclusion: Dotcom name changes
convey important information about
the firm's group and social
identity. Managerial decisions that
are backed by other strategies
provide a more effective signal.
Karbhari, Sori, Name changes Corporate name changes in Malaysia
and Mohamad for failed and had no impact on shareholder wealth
(2004) non-failed unless the announcement was
firms accompanied by news of an approved
corporate restructuring scheme.
Such firms experienced a permanent
wealth increase.
Conclusion: Investors in Malaysia
are generally cautious about
corporate name changes. Serious
efforts toward recovery must
accompany the name change.
Kilic and Corporate name Name changes were generally viewed
Dursun (2006) changes positively by the market (1.28%).
Name changes by industrial goods
companies with monolithic
identities reduced shareholders'
wealth significantly. Name changes
by consumer goods companies with a
branded identity had no effect on
firm value. Partial names changes
generated positive returns.
Conclusion: Name change is a
wealth creating activity and adds
significantly to firm value.
Event Studies in Marketing: Advertising and Promotion
Author(s), Main Contributions, Findings and
Year Focus Remarks
Peltzman (1981) Deceptive There were large and significant
advertising stock market reactions to unfair
and deceptive advertising
complaints issued against firms
(-3.25%). The size of the reaction
reflected almost the complete
destruction of the advertising
capital of the product.
Conclusion: The size of the loss in
capital value of firms attacked by
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
for false or misleading advertising
is quite substantial.
Thompson, Firm-specific The association of firm-specific
Olsen, and news releases news releases and detectable
Dietrich (1987) abnormal returns was not confined
to a few well-known cases but was
fairly general (0.09%). Stock
returns associated with the release
of firm-specific news items
appeared to differ systematically.
Conclusion: Event studies must
consider the effect of news items
appearing in the financial press
during the event period.
Aaker and Brand image A positive correlation was found
Jacobson (1994) between stock return and changes
in perceived quality (0.69%). No
association between salience,
advertising expenditures and
return on investment was found.
Conclusion: Improved perceived
quality signals to investors that
the long-term business performance
of the firm will be enhanced.
Managers should convey information
about the brand's quality image to
signal the long-term prospects of
the business.
Bobinski and Financial Regardless of any of the
Ramirez (1994) relations dimensions of the sample examined,
advertising financial-relations advertising did
not appear to have any significant
short-run impact on stock price.
However, financial-relations
advertising had the potential to
increase trading volume.
Conclusion: Financial-relations
advertising is unlikely to have
a favorable impact on the
expectations of the market.
Mathur and Advertising Positive market-value effects
Mathur (1995) slogan changes (0.91%) were associated with
announcements of advertising
slogan changes i.e. a U.S.$128
million increase in the value of
the firm could be attributed to
changes in the firm's advertising
Conclusion: Judicious use of
advertising slogan changes is
beneficial for firms.
Mathur and New News of a new ad agency account had
Mathur (1996) advertising a negative effect on firm value
agency-client (-0.50%). Positive effects were
relations experienced for new accounts with
agencies already linked to the
firm, and for new accounts for new
activities. Larger new accounts
were better received than smaller
new accounts. The more prestigious
the agency the more positive the
wealth effect.
Conclusion: New ad accounts act as
an admission by managers that their
current marketing strategies are
Hozier and Advertising Both advertising agency termination
Schatzberg agency and "in-review" announcements
(2000) termination produced significant negative
effects two days prior to the
event date and were preceded by
significant declines in both firm
and financial market performance
Conclusion: Investors correctly
assess the downward trend of future
cash flows associated with
advertising agency changes.
Mathur and Green Announcements of green promotional
Mathur (2000) marketing efforts produced significantly
negative stock price reactions
(-3.14%). Announcements related to
green products, recycling efforts,
and appointments of environmental
policy managers resulted in
insignificant stock price
Conclusion: Investors have
reservations about corporate green
marketing activities because of the
costs involved in becoming "green"
Kim and Morris Super Bowl Overall, Super Bowl advertisements
(2003) advertising had a significant negative effect
(-2%) suggesting that they were
regarded as an overly expensive and
inefficient investment. The effect
of Super Bowl advertisements was
more negative for dotcom companies
than for bricks-and-mortar firms.
Conclusion: Firms need to address
investor exposure when designing
marketing communications plans.
Kulkarni, Vora, Advertising In the three days before firing its
and Brown agency ad agency, the firm experienced a
(2003) termination fall in stock price (-0.87%). It
appeared that the impending firing
of the ad agency became public
knowledge before it was formally
announced by the client. Ad
agencies that were fired
experienced negative returns of
-0.84%, and ad agencies that were
hired experienced returns of 3.71%.
Conclusion: Investors do not
consider the firing/hiring of ad
agencies will alleviate immediately
the reasons for the decline in
market share.
Balasubramanian, Quality Quality achievement awards (i.e.
Mathur, and achievement the Malcolm Baldrige National
Thakur (2005) awards Quality Award and the J. D. Power
and Associates Awards) generated
significant value for MBNQA winners
(1.27%). JDPAA had little impact in
the automotive, travel and finance
product categories.
Conclusion: Firms investing in
quality improvements (e.g. with the
aim of winning MBNQA awards) may
generate some intermediate to
long-term wealth effect.
Pandey, Diversity Strong evidence found of a positive
Shanahan, and investor response to a firm's
Hansen (2005) inclusion on Fortune's "diversity
elite" list (0.92%). No evidence
found to support that having a
diverse sales force contributes to
superior financial accounting
Conclusion: Publicity of events,
such as listing on Fortune's
"diversity elite" list, can have
positive wealth effects.
Event Studies in Marketing: Sponsorship and Events
Author(s), Main Contributions, Findings and
Year Focus Remarks
Agrawal and Celebrity Investors valued positively the use
Kamakura endorsement of celebrities in advertisements
(1995) (0.54%).
Conclusion: Celebrity endorsements
are an economically viable and
worthwhile advertising investment.
Farrell and Olympic Games Investigated sponsors of the 1996
Frame (1997) sponsorship-- Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta,
Atlanta Georgia. A negative stock price
effect was found around the
announcement date (-0.43%). Weak
support found for agency monitoring
Conclusion: Olympic sponsorship may
not be value enhancing.
Mathur, Celebrity Anticipation of Michael Jordan's
Mathur, and endorsement return to NBA basketball resulted
Rangan (1997) in an increase for his sponsor
firms of over U.S.$1billion (2%).
Conclusion: Celebrity endorsement
has the capacity to signal
significant future earnings
for the firm.
Mishra, Major On average, corporate sponsorship
Bobinski, and corporate increased average firm value by
Bhabra (1997) event U.S.$94.4 million (0.56%).
Conclusion: Sponsorships create
significant economic wealth for
Berman, Brooks, Olympic The announcement of Sydney as the
and Davidson Games host host city for the 2000 Olympics
(2000) city--Sydney had no impact on the overall
Australian stock market. Industries
in the building materials sector,
developers and contractors,
engineering and miscellaneous
services, and stocks based in NSW
received significant positive
Conclusion: Building and
construction industries located in
the Olympic city/state benefit most
from Olympic Games announcements.
Cornwell, Victory in "Indy 500" winning companies
Pruitt, and Van motor sports with direct ties to the consumer
Ness (2001) automotive industry experienced
larger stock price increases (8%)
than winning sponsors without a
similar association (3%).
Conclusion: Closely linked and
specifically targeted sponsorships
are particularly value enhancing.
Louie, Kulik, Celebrity Stock market reaction to events
and Jacobson endorsement that had a deleterious effect on
(2001) the spokesperson was negatively
related to spokesperson
blameworthiness (-0.11%). The lower
(higher) the culpability, the
higher (lower) the stock return.
Only firms associated with
spokespersons with high culpability
experienced a loss in value. For
low culpability events, increased
visibility generated by an
undesirable event enhanced an
endorser's effectiveness.
Conclusion: Endorser
blameworthiness influences firm
Miyazaki and Olympic Games Investors viewed the acquisition
Morgan (2001) sponsorship-- of sponsorships of the 1996 Summer
Atlanta Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia,
favorably (1.24%).
Conclusion: The purchase of
sponsorship rights for the Olympic
Games is a justifiable expense for
participating firms.
Clark, Corporate Investors viewed the acquisition
Cornwell, and sports stadium of sports stadium sponsorships
Pruitt (2002) naming rights favorably (1.65%). Sponsorship
agreements by high technology firms were
perceived more favorably than for
more traditional firms. Longer-term
deals were more desirable than
shorter deals. Sponsorships
involving winning teams offered
better value. Locally based
sponsors offered better
opportunities for corporate
Conclusion: Investors perceive that
naming-rights agreements add value
to the firm.
Kinney and Sports No general sponsorship effect was
Bell (2003) sponsorships observed. Significant increases
announced in were observed for Olympic Games
the Wall and baseball events, when rights
Street Journal fees were reported, and with
non-functionally congruent
brand/event pairings.
Conclusion: The time lag between
announcement and sports event may
make it difficult for investors to
assess the value of the sponsorship
strategy. Investors can evaluate
sponsorships better when more
information (e.g. about rights
fees) is provided.
Drewniak, Athlete When endorsees did well, the
Mahar, and endorsement sponsoring firm experienced an
Russell (2004) increase in market value of just
over 1%. Negative events affecting
the celebrity endorser lead to
price declines.
Conclusion: Publicity surrounding
high profile endorsers supports the
theory that events (negative or
positive) that affect the image or
reputation of the endorsee also
affect the stock price of the
sponsoring firm.
Pruitt, Auto-racing Considerable investor enthusiasm
Cornwell, and sponsorship (1.13%) was found for NASCAR
Clark (2004) sponsorships, adding over U.S.$334
million to the value of sponsoring
firms. NASCAR sponsorships with
direct ties to the consumer
automotive industry increased firm
value by U.S.$518 million. Larger
financial returns arose from
sponsoring the best teams.
Conclusion: Good sponsor/event fit
can result in substantial increases
in firm value.
Veraros, Olympic Games The announcement of Athens as the
Kasimati, and sponsorship-- host city for the 2004 Olympic
Dawson (2004) Athens Games had a significantly positive
effect on the Athens Stock Exchange
(8.7%), and particularly on
infrastructure-related stocks. No
significant effect was found on the
Milan Stock Exchange (i.e. on the
losing bidder).
Conclusion: Due to the highly
competitive bidding process,
financial markets assign higher
probability to losing than winning
the Olympic bid.
Calderon- Commercial vs. Only commercial sponsorships added
Martinez et al., philanthropic value (0.75%). Determining factors
(2005) sponsorship included firm size and sponsor/
event fit.
Conclusion: Commercial sponsorship
contributes to firm value and
philanthropy does not.
Cornwell, Major-league Official product sponsorships
Pruitt, and sports generated significant economic
Clark (2005) official value, adding between U.S.$123
product million and U.S.$558 million to
sponsorships the value of sponsoring firms
(1.11%). Investors with smaller
market shares had 7% larger returns
than firms with 50% market share.
Congruent sponsorships were more
valuable than those involving
unrelated products.
Conclusions: A direct product link
to the sponsored sport is important
to investors' acceptance of an
official sports sponsorship.
Products with smaller market shares
appear to benefit the most from
official sponsorships.
Mahar, Paul, Impact of Impact of NASCAR race performance
and Stone NASCAR race on the lead sponsor during the
(2005) performance 2002-2003 racing seasons showed
on the lead weak evidence of a relationship
sponsor between race performance and excess
returns. Significant increases in
value were found for sponsors of
consumer products and for firms in
the auto industry independent of
race performance.
Conclusion: Sponsors from the auto
industry that sponsor NASCAR teams
experience benefits regardless of
race performance.
Tsiotsou and Olympic Games Explored two approaches to deal
Lalountas sponsorship-- with statistical problems arising
(2005) Athens from the small sample size of their
study focusing on Olympic Games
sponsors in Greece. Results using
abnormal returns, cumulative
abnormal returns and Z-statistics
showed positive effects. When the
dummy variable and bootstrapping
was used, no significant abnormal
returns were found.
Conclusion: Regression models
that include dummy variables and
bootstrapping techniques help
in addressing problems of
non-normality, independently from
the sample size in sponsorship
Event Studies in Marketing: Services and New Technology
Author(s), Main Contributions, Findings and
Year Focus Remarks
Nayyar (1995) Customer On average, increases in customer
service service were positively valued
changes (0.46%), and decreases in customer
service were negatively valued
(-0.22%). Attempts to reduce the
risk of purchase and purchasing
cost were more highly valued than
attempts to increase customer
service with respect to ease,
convenience, and cost of use or
the personalization of products.
Conclusion: Actions that increase
customer service before purchase
(e.g. guarantees) are more valuable
than post-purchase customer service
Ittner and Customer Customer satisfaction measures
Larcker (1998) satisfaction appeared to be economically
relevant to the stock market and
were associated with excess stock
market returns over a 10-day
announcement period.
Conclusion: Disclosure of customer
satisfaction measures provides
information to the stock market on
expected future cash flows and
should be better reflected in
current accounting book values.
Mathur, Mathur, Internet While efforts to advertise on the
and Gleason services Internet were not viewed positively
(1998) advertising by investors, providing services
on the Internet was viewed as a
positive activity by service firms
Conclusion: Service firms should
be cautious about expanding their
services advertising to the
Internet. Firms that perform well
should make the Internet a central
component of their services
marketing strategies.
Geyskens, Internet Internet channel investments were,
Gielens, and channel on average, positive (0.35%). Firm
Dekimpe (2002) additions characteristics, order of entry,
publicity, and marketplace
characteristics influence the
direction and magnitude of investor
reaction. Powerful firms with few
direct channels, early followers,
and those supported by more
publicity have the most potential.
Conclusion: While investors
perceive the addition of an
Internet channel favorably,
managers need to understand what
factors drive the success of this
Guo, Kumar, Customer Firms whose customer satisfaction
and Jiraporn satisfaction scores were improved or unchanged
(2004) performance experienced returns of 1.76% prior
to the announcement. Firms who
suffered a drop in satisfaction
scores endured a drop in returns
of -2.24%.
Conclusion: Customer satisfaction
has a direct bearing on firm's
financial wellbeing and is critical
to its survival, growth and
Shwarts-Asher, Corporate Large U.S. firms trading in the
Ben-zion, website launch U.S. and foreign stocks trading
Gabbay, and domestically that launched
Yagil (2006) corporate web sites experienced
no gain/loss from their website
launch. Foreign stocks trading
in the U.S. experienced a small
positive effect (0.23%).
Conclusion: For foreign stocks
traded in the U.S., launching a
website on the Internet contributes
to their exposure and increases
their profit prospects.
Lin, Jang, and E-services Positive abnormal returns arose
Chen (2007) initiatives from e-service announcements
(0.32%) in Taiwan. Market size and
firm size had negative effects.
Firm experience had a positive
effect on firm value. Pioneers and
late entrants had an advantage over
early entrants, firms acquiring new
technology through collaborative
research and development, and those
using diversification expansion
Conclusion: When firms initiate
e-services, managers need to
recognize that technology
acquisition mode, organizational
position, industry characteristics,
and service introduction strategies
act as value drivers.
Wiles (2007) Customer Announcements of a retailer's
service customer service strategy were
strategies viewed positively by the market,
adding U.S.$54million to retailer
market values (1.09%). Retailer
promises of customer service which
were easy to imagine created value.
High reputation firms benefited
disproportionately from their
customer service efforts. No
relationship was found between
affect and customer service.
Conclusion: Strategies emphasizing
customer service are rewarded by
investors. Firms promoting customer
services that are difficult to
imagine need to emphasize their
capacity to deliver the service
(e.g. through testimonials).