Valuing customer portfolios under risk-return-aspects: a model-based approach and its application in the financial services industry.
Buhl, Hans Ulrich ; Heinrich, Bernd
In competitive economies, the main goal of every company is to
maximize its shareholder value (Lumby and Jones 2001, pp. 4 ff). The
shareholder value is based on the concept of net present value (NPV),
which reflects the expected long-term profitability of a company. Many
authors, e.g. Gruca and Rego (2005), Gupta, Lehmann and Stuart (2004)
and Hogan et al. (2002), argue that the basis of a company's
profitability is constituted by its customers. Hence, the increase of
shareholder value requires first the increase of customer value (or as
Rappaport noticed "(...) without customer value there can be no
share-holder value" (Rappaport 1998). This insight led to some
fundamental changes in marketing theory as well as in corporate practice
towards a customer-centric view and the emergence of Customer
Relationship Management (CRM). CRM focuses on the valuation, selection
and development of enduring customer relationships and on the allocation
of limited resources to maximize the value of a company. For identifying
the most profitable customers, various valuation methods have been
developed in theory and practice. Customer valuation gained wide
acceptance in particular in the financial services industry: according
to a survey of Mummert Consulting, comprising 80% of German insurance
companies, the increase of customer value and customer loyalty has high
priority in strategic management (Forthmann 2004). A study in the
banking industry at the University of Muenster reveals that 100% of the
investigated banks consider customer value management as an instrument
to increase returns (Ahlert and Gust 2000).
A customer valuation concept that is (at first sight) compatible
with the principle of shareholder value is the Customer Lifetime Value
(CLV). It has gained broad attention in the marketing literature (cf.
Woodall 2003). The CLV takes into account all expected future cash in-
and outflows of a customer and calculates their NPV. Although marketing
literature discusses the concept of CLV in detail, it still lacks
practicability, since the estimation of future profitability is
uncertain and thus involves the risk of bad investments. The
consideration of risk, i.e. the deviation of cash flows from their
expected value, is therefore crucial for a risk averse decision maker,
but still remains fairly disregarded in customer relationship valuation
(Hopkinson and Lum 2001).
We can benefit from existing financial theory concepts if future
cash flow risk is to be taken into account: capital markets investors
hold portfolios consisting of different asset classes with different
risk-return profiles for balancing losses. Although the differences
between customers and financial assets with respect to the process of
their valuation, acquisition, and retention behavior are clear, both of
them reveal similar characteristics. This allows transferring financial
theory concepts (e. g. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Portfolio
Theory and Real Options) to support customer valuation decisions (as
shown by Cardozo and Smith 1983, Dhar and Glazer 2003, Fader et al.
2005, Haenlein et al. 2006, Hogan et al. 2002, Johnson and Selnes 2004,
Levett et al. 1999, Ryals 2001, Ryals and Knox 20051 Slater et al.
1998). For the purchase and acquisition of both financial assets and
customers, investments have to be made. Therefore, it is rational to buy
and acquire financial assets and customers respectively, if the expected
cash inflows from financial assets or customers exceed cash outflows of
the transaction or acquisition. However, as with financial assets, some
customers may offer a substantial CLV, but at the same time their cash
flows may be unsteady and therefore more risky, whereas the CLV of
others may be comparatively smaller, but more constant (Ford et al.
2003, p. 83). Due to those similarities, customers can be regarded as
risky assets, too (Hogan et al. 2002). Accordingly, valuation techniques
not only have to consider the profitability of a customer segment,
expressed by the CLV, but also the associated risks. Such risks do exist
during the whole customer life cycle. If a firm wants to attract many
customers in the acquisition process, several customer relationships are
perhaps not valuable (like with "cherry picker" customers) and
thus, investments to acquire these customers are not profitable at all.
For instance, the financial service provider we consider in our case
study acquires customers (academics) at the end of their studies (right
before final exams) and supports students by giving them advice for
their applications (application documents, etc.) or by providing
trainings for their application assessments. Thus, the provider invests
into the relationships without knowing their future development and
value in detail. If a student does not make his/her career as initially
predicted, these investments are lost, i.e. only a few or no cash
inflows are generated by the customer in the future. If this applies to
many customers, these risks have to be considered as a higher deviation
of the expected CLV of a customer segment. Such risks also exist within
the growth and penetration stage of relationships. This means that a
customer may entirely switch to a competitor or he/she may establish
relationships to more than one firm. Both have impact on the duration
and intensity of customer relationships which has again direct impact
not only on the expected CLV but also on the risk of a customer segment.
Since firms want to generate the highest cash inflows within this stage,
risks--especially exogenous (given) risks, which are, for example, based
on economical (cyclical downturn) or competitive changes (new
competitors join the market)--have to be considered. Mostly, such
changes can not be prohibited by firms. However, firms have to manage
these exogenous risks, i.e. they should think about adding customers and
customer segments to the customer base, which--compared to other
segments--generate lower but steadier cash flows during their lifecycle
and are more independent, for example, from cyclical downturns.
Furthermore, the stages of relationship reactivation and recovery
include risks too, primarily the risk that investments are not
profitable. If the probability is high that many customers in spite of
investments migrate to competitors both expected CLV of a customer
segment and risks (higher deviation of the expected CLV) are affected.
Thus the firm has to identify for which customers it is reasonable to
invest in--or not to take the risk of a "lost investment".
Such aspects which are mentioned exemplarily here have impacts on the
expected CLV, the related risks and thus profitability of a customer
Moreover, traditional customer valuation concepts often concentrate
on assessing individual customers (Hogan, Lemon, and Libai 2003).
Thereby, they neglect the fact that the risk of customer portfolios may
be diminished by selecting customers with varying cash flow structures
(Dhar and Glazer 2003). Hence, the main objective of CRM should be to
determine and value the customer base as a whole (and not only
individual customers).
In this paper we present a model for the composition of a customer
portfolio, consisting of different customer segments. The model is based
on the financial portfolio selection theory of Markowitz (Markowitz
1952. 1959). It considers the reward of assets (customer segments) on
the one hand and the risk associated with them on the other. The risk of
assets includes their individual risk (denoted as deviation of expected
cash in- and outflows of a customer segment) as well as their
correlation with each other. The Markowitz algorithm, however, excludes
the existence of fixed costs, which may play an important role in the
context of valuing customer segments and customer portfolios, as we will
see. Some papers in financial portfolio optimization present algorithms
for the incorporation of transaction costs that occur when purchasing or
selling assets, e.g. Best and Hlouskova (2005) or Kellerer, Mansim, and
Speranza (2000). However, the number of decision variables increases
drastically with transaction costs and the optimization problem becomes
even NP-complete in the case of fixed transaction costs. Therefore, we
present a heuristic approach in the paper at hand that allows finding a
solution to the portfolio optimization problem in consideration of fixed
costs, which arise with customer relationships, for a manageable
quantity of customer segments.
The paper is organized as follows: the next section gives a short
overview of recent approaches in customer valuation considering the
expected CLV of customers as well as their risk. Subsequently, we
present our customer portfolio model. In a first step, we test an
already existing customer base for efficiency and optimality (in terms
of the Markowitz portfolio selection theory). In a second step, we
derive the value of new customer segments for a customer portfolio. In
this case, we have to consider the fixed costs of the new segments,
which require the development of the heuristic method. The conceptual
decision model is followed by the application of the approach,
illustrating implications for strategic marketing. Finally, the results
of the paper are summarized and directions of further research are
If future cash flows were known with certainty, i.e. in a
deterministic world, the valuation of the customer base and of its
contribution to shareholder value would be rather simple: the NPV of the
customer base would be the aggregation of the cash flows (cash inflows
minus cash outflows) of the single customers, discounted by the
risk-free rate. Hence, in order to maximize shareholder value, the cash
flows of the individual customers would have to be maximized. However,
although most research in the area of customer valuation does not
explicitly differentiate between the deterministic and stochastic world,
it is generally agreed that cash flows depend on several factors that
may cause deviation from forecasts and are therefore uncertain.
Srivastava, Tasadduq, and Fahey (1997) classify these risk factors into
three groups: external factors may be of macroeconomic nature, like
technological, political, regulatory, economical or social changes.
Furthermore, changes in the competitive environment of the company
affect customer behavior and in turn cash flows. For example,
competitors may launch new products, change product pricing, or use new
distribution channels. Finally, marketing actions of the company itself
in product and service development, distribution, pricing, and
advertising and promotion may have an impact on cash flows (see also
Hogan et al. 2002, Ryals 2005, Venkatesan and Kumar 2004). However, in
this paper we will focus especially on the first two groups of
(exogenously given) risk factors, since they cannot be influenced
directly by the company itself and therefore are harder to be balanced
in contrast to the last group. Furthermore, we focus on exogenous risk
factors, since these factors have been paid less attention in scientific
literature too. A good example of the importance of these risks is the
big slump of incomes in the information technology sector and related
sectors (e.g. information technology consulting) due to the crash of the
internet economy some years ago. Companies focusing on customers in
these sectors got in trouble because their cash inflows decreased
together with the decreasing incomes of their clientele (cluster risks),
too (1). Therefore, these risks should--among other measures--be
diversified for optimizing the customer portfolio under
risk-/return-aspects. Such a diversification can also be accomplished
for different, potential strategic programs and decisions (e.g. entry in
a new market or developing a new product, cf. Woodruff 1997) of the
company itself. If a firm develops, for instance, two alternative
strategic programs based on their business and marketing objectives (for
the stages in the traditional planning process of marketing management
see Brassington and Pettitt (2006)), it has to estimate the impact on
cash flows of each customer segment (e.g. additional expected cash
inflows within the new market) as well as risks (e.g. in the sense of
the deviation of the expected cash flows) of both programs in a
subsequent step. Given such programs and estimations, we focus on
valuing and optimizing the customer portfolio for each program taking
into account different customer segments and their risk-return-profile.
Since the future profitability of customers and customer segments
is uncertain, risk averse marketers will request a minimum rate of
return for investing in such risky "assets." Some authors
therefore propose the usage of the weighted average cost of capital
(WACC) of a company as minimum rate of return. They argue that the WACC,
which is computed as the cost of debt multiplied by the proportion of
debt funding and the cost of equity multiplied by the proportion of
equity funding, reflects the true cost for the company to get money from
financial markets (Lumby and Jones 2001, pp. 419 ff.). Since customer
segments may be seen as risky assets, too, it is claimed that the WACC
may be used as discount rate in the CLV (Kumar, Ramani, and Bohling
2004, Hogan et al. 2002). Only if the return of a customer segment
exceeds the costs of capital, the segment creates shareholder value
(Ryals 2002).
However, for accepting a customer segment that increases risk in
the portfolio, it is argued that one demands a higher return and the
cost of capital rises. This means that decision makers are supposed to
be risk averse. In consequence, a constant discount rate of the WACC in
CLV calculation does not reflect the customer segment-specific risk in a
proper way. Riskier customer segments are overvalued and segments
providing lower but steadier cash flows during their lifecycle are
discriminated against. Hence, it is emphasized that the WACC has to be
adjusted to the individual risk of a customer segment by setting it
higher the more a segment contributes to the risk of the whole customer
base. The research in recent
CRM literature shows that the CAPM of financial portfolio theory is
mainly proposed and used to calculate a risk-adjusted discount rate in
customer valuation (Dhar and Glazer 2003, Gupta, Lehmann and Stuart
2004, Hogan et al. 2002, Hopkinson and Lum 2002, Ryals 2001).
The CAPM is based on the assumption that investors are risk averse,
i.e. they ask a larger reward for carrying higher risk. Furthermore, it
implies that all assets carry two different types of risk that have to
be distinguished: systematic and unsystematic risk. The systematic part
is market-wide and therefore affects all assets. Examples are changes in
interest rates, incomes, business cycles, etc. The unsystematic part of
risk, however, is related to a single asset or a limited number of
assets. The CAPM shows that it can be eliminated by holding a
well-diversified portfolio, whereas the systematic risk cannot be
diversified away. Hence, investors require a risk premium for accepting
it. The systematic risk of assets is not measured by the variance of
return, but by its covariance with market return. The ratio of the
covariance between asset and market and the variance of the market
reveals the "Beta value" of the investment. The Beta of the
market is equal to one, an asset being riskier than the market has a
Beta larger than one, and a less risky asset a Beta smaller than one.
Furthermore, the CAPM assumes the existence of a risk-free investment.
Investors hold a combination of the risk-free asset and the market
portfolio, which is a portfolio consisting of all risky assets
available, with each asset held in proportion to its market value
relative to the total market value of all asset. It depends on their
individual risk aversion how much they actually invest in the risk-free
asset. Furthermore, if we use the term "market portfolio" in
the meaning of the one market portfolio for all investors further
assumptions are necessary. First, all investors have the same investment
opportunity set (i.e. for example each company can acquire, maintain and
enhance the same customer segments). And second, all investors have
homogeneous expectations about the risk-return-profile of each
investment opportunity (i.e. each firm has homogeneous expectations
about the risk-return-profile of each customer segment being in the
opportunity set). We come back to this aspect in the following.
With the help of the CAPM, we may determine the return of each
risky asset being part of the market portfolio in the equilibrium of
capital markets. It is a combination of the premium for accepting the
systematic risk associated with the risky asset and the return on the
risk-free asset. The relationship between systematic risk and return for
each risky asset is linear and may be given by the security market line
(SML) in (2.1) (Copeland, Weston, and Shastri 2005, pp. 151):
E([r.sub.i]) = [r.sub.f] + [[beta].sub.i] x (E([r.sub.m]) -
[r.sub.f]), (2.1)
where E([r.sub.i]) is the expected return on investment i,
[[beta].sub.i] denotes the systematic risk of asset i. [r.sub.f]
represents the risk-free rate of return, whereas E([r.sub.m]) refers to
the expected return on the market portfolio.
It is argued that the SML may be used to adjust the specific WACC
of any risky investment alternative, i.e. also in the context of
relationship valuation. For this reason, the Beta value of a customer
segment reflects the systematic business risk of the segment and the
systematic financial risk of the company itself (Lumby and Jones 2001,
pp. 424 ff). Consequently, the NPV of the customer segment would be
(under the assumption of time invariant costs of capital) given by the
expected cash flows, discounted by the segment-specific risk-adjusted
WACC ([,i] denotes the cash inflows of customer segment i
in period t,
whereas [CF.sup.out.sub.t.i] represents the corresponding cash
[CLV.sub.i] = [T.summation over (t=1)] [,i] -
[CF.sup.out.sub.t,i] / [(1 + [r.sub.f] + [[beta].sub.i] x (E([r.sub.m])
- [r.sub.f])).sup.t (2.2)
The higher the risk of a customer segment, the higher the rate of
return shareholders will require for investing in that customer segment.
The SML of equation (2.1) at a Beta of one reflects the average WACC
that may be mapped in a risk-return-diagram. Ryals (2001, 2002) argues
that, according to their specific Beta, some of the customer segments
will lie below the average WACC in the diagram and hence destroy
shareholder value, whereas others will be above the average, creating
shareholder value.
To calculate the value of the customer base as a whole, the CLV of
the individual customers may be aggregated since the Beta values for all
assets are linearly additive (Copeland, Weston, and Shastri 2005, p.
153). Therefore, the CAPM allows first of all for the determination of
the customer value on an individual level, wherein the return and the
risk of a customer are taken into account. Furthermore, the value of the
customer base and its contribution to shareholder value may be derived.
However, the CAPM shows some drawbacks in the context of valuing
customers and customer segments that will be outlined briefly (see also
Hogan et al. 2002):
(1) First of all, the calculation of the Beta value of customer
segments requires the definition of the market portfolio which--as
mentioned above--is the portfolio consisting of all assets available,
with each asset held in proportion to its market value relative to the
total market value of all assets. Since all companies or marketers in
general do not have homogeneous expectations about the
risk-return-profile of each customer segment (e.g. because each company
manages its own customer relationships at the moment of the decision,
i.e. two companies estimate the risk-return-profile of the same customer
segment differently), the determination of one market portfolio for all
companies is very difficult or often not possible at all. As a result,
Ryals (2001) as well as Dhar and Glazer (2003) define the market
portfolio in the area of CRM as the company's current customer
base. Taking the company's current customer base as market
portfolio is theoretically appropriate only if the value of an already
existing customer portfolio should be analyzed and therefore all
required data exist (restrictive case). However, the application of CAPM
in relationship management seems to be difficult, if decisions should be
taken about adding or deducting a customer segment to or from the
existing portfolio. The risk premium for the market--and thereby for the
customer base--must remain constant for determining the segment-specific
risk (Huther 2003, p. 127). Changing the composition of the customer
portfolio by adding or subtracting a customer segment will change its
return and thus its risk premium as well as the variance of return,
though. Without knowing the variance of the market portfolio, the Beta
value of the new customer segment cannot be determined. However, the
Beta is crucial to adjust the WACC for risk in the calculation of the
customer segment-specific CLV. So, the determination of the market
portfolio as well as the Beta value--which reflects the systematic
risk--is really difficult in the context of valuing customer segments.
Additionally, even if we correctly determine both the market portfolio
and the Beta value, the current customer base is a result of
self-selection by customers, too. Thereby it will not reflect a
completely diversified and risk balanced portfolio in the sense of CAPM.
Therefore, the CAPM is practically not applicable. Another shortcoming
of the CAPM is--as mentioned--the assumption of homogeneous expectations
of all marketers. This assumption is crucial for the existence of the
market portfolio and the equilibrium on capital markets (Copeland,
Weston, and Shastri 2005, p. 148). The equilibrium on capital markets,
on the other hand, requires that all investment alternatives are part of
the market portfolio with their correct market price (Huther 2003, p.
130). Translated into the customer valuation context, this requires that
the values of all customer segments have to be given for determining the
value of the customer base, which again is a prerequisite for the
valuation of the different customer segments. Considering this, CAPM is
not an adequate method for valuing customer portfolios.
(2) In addition to these conceptual drawbacks, the exclusive
consideration of the systematic risk related to the Beta value of a
customer segment implies that the risk averse decision maker can
completely diversify the unsystematic risk away. This assumption
requires that, in case of an unforeseeable event (e.g. recession,
inflation or the crash of the marketplace a few years ago), only
one or a very limited number of customer segments are affected. Their
cash flow deviation may be then balanced by the steady cash flows of
other segments,. Therefore, the cash flows of different segments have to
be negatively correlated. As we discussed at the beginning of this
section, cash flows depend on several factors that may influence each
customer segment to a different extent. On the whole, however, their
cash flows will tend to move in the same direction, i.e. correlation
might be imperfect but positive (Ryals 2001). In consequence, the
correct determination of the riskiness of a customer segment has to
consider the systematic as well as the unsystematic part of risk. Hogan
et al. (2002) argued in the same way by discussing the drawback of
customer valuation models and CAPM to incorporate the influence of
environmental effects (e.g. macroeconomic changes, impact of
competition). For instance, they described that "during recessions,
customers become more price sensitive" (Hogan et al. 2002). This
circumstance reduces among other things size of wallet but not for each
customer and customer segment to the same extent. I.e. that the size of
the wallet of different customer segments within a portfolio are
correlated. Such unsystematic risks can cause serious cash flows and
profit collapses. However, CAPM does not consider unsystematic risks
which make it hard to use in the context of customer segment valuation.
(3) With the assumption of completely diversified portfolios, the
CAPM furthermore ignores the fact that even with positive but imperfect
correlation, marketers may profit from risk diversification. Since
customer segments do not react in exactly the same way on exogenous
factors, the risk of a portfolio may decrease. In consequence, portfolio
value may be increased.
Summing up, we state that the issue of risk in the context of
relationship valuation is addressed only in a few research papers. To
the best of our knowledge, none of them explicitly defines the risk
preference of the decision maker. This is, however, a prerequisite for
an appropriate consideration of risk in customer valuation. If a
marketer is for example assumed to be risk neutral, the risk of
deviating cash flows does not have to be considered at all. Furthermore,
the derivation of the Beta value of the customer segments is treated
only very superficially, so that the practical application of the models
discussed above seems rather difficult. Although the basic CAPM has been
advanced in the last decades (e.g. Hansen and Richard 1987, Merton 1973,
S6derlind 2006), for instance, to account for intertemporal decisions
and conditioning information (in the context of customer valuation such
approaches can be used to consider managerial flexibility), the
discussion shows that the underlying (basic) assumptions are associated
with some serious drawbacks.
The following section presents a model for customer portfolio
management, which is based on the portfolio selection theory of
Markowitz (1952, 1959). It will be shown that some of the previously
discussed disadvantages of the CAPM in the context of CRM can be avoided
by applying the portfolio selection theory:
(ad 1) For portfolio selection theory, it is not necessary to
assume homogenous expectations and define the market portfolio (or the
Beta value) in order to determine the risk-return-profile of customer
segments. In fact, a company can estimate the cash in- and outflows of
each customer segment based on its own individual expectations and its
current customer base. This may be used for the evaluation of adding or
subtracting a customer segment to or from the firms' customer
portfolio as well as for determining a new customer portfolio (shown in
the section Composition of a new customer portfolio). Furthermore, it is
necessary to consider, for instance, fixed costs (e.g. acquisition
costs) if a new customer segment may be added to the portfolio. For that
reason we adapted the Markowitz algorithm by two novel heuristics within
this paper.
(ad 2) Instead of considering only the systematic risks of a
customer segment, the portfolio selection theory takes into account all
risks. This is a major advantage since the influence of environmental
effects and especially macroeconomic changes (see Hogan et al. 2002) are
represented by unsystematic risks. E.g., (linear) dependencies between
changes of the incomes of different customer segments (caused by a
recession and thus a reduced size of wallet) can be represented mostly
by correlations between customer segments. Since no appropriate
approaches in the context of customer segment valuation exist to manage
unsystematic risks, we focus on these important risks in order to
optimize new and existing customer portfolios.
(ad 3) By means of the portfolio selection theory, effects of risk
diversification through imperfect positive correlation between customer
segments can be analyzed (CAPM ignores the fact--as mentioned
above--that even with imperfect correlation one can realize
diversification effects). Thus marketers may profit from risk
diversification through selection of the optimal customer portfolio
based on the set of efficient portfolios (customer portfolios which are
not dominated by at least one other portfolio). The choice of the
optimal portfolio depends on the individual risk aversion, which can be
derived from the preference relation of the decision maker.
Another advantage of the model which is presented in the following
is that it supports the marketer's abilities to differentially
deploy investments to each customer segment. Two types of investments
can be distinguished. Firstly, investments that may be assigned to a
specific customer segment, although still independent of the number of
customers, are treated as direct fixed costs (e.g. development of an
information system, which is used for a specific customer segment).
However, those investments that may be assigned to customers of a
specific customer segment and are therefore dependent on the number of
customers (e.g. costs of direct customer contact or addressing new
customers), are referred to as direct variable costs. Based on this
distinction it is possible to analyze which investments lead to which
benefit of the optimal customer portfolio. Furthermore, in the presented
model, market entry and exit barriers may be considered by minimum and
maximum restrictions of the size of customer segments. Thus, the model
considers the fact that due to entry barriers some segments cannot be
acquired to the desired extent and other segments cannot be scaled down
due to exit barriers respectively.
Summing up, it will be shown that the application of the portfolio
selection theory in customer relationship valuation allows for clear
implications on the composition of the customer portfolio, according to
the expected CLV of the different customer segments and the risk
associated with it. Furthermore, we will derive the monetary value per
capita of the customer base. The aggregation of the customer value per
capita to the value of the customer base as a whole is important to
enhance comparability of shareholder value and customer value. However,
the focus of this paper is to develop a decision model that gives clear
indications for the composition of the customer base on the basis of the
principles of shareholder value.
The application of portfolio selection theory and the derivation of
a suitable valuation method require a few assumptions about the
distribution of cash flows and the behavior of decision makers. These
are briefly presented in the following.
(A1) The number of customer segments i = 1, ..., n, with maximum
market size [M.sub.i] > 0, in the existing customer portfolio of a
company is n at time t = 0. These are assumed fixed over the whole
planning horizon t = 1, ..., T. The customer portfolio of all segments
together consists of N [member of] IN customers at time t = 0. The
portfolio shares [w.sub.i] of the segments, given by the ratio of the
number of customers in segment i and the total number N of customers in
the portfolio, are the decision variables of the portfolio optimization
in t = 0 for the whole planning horizon. The portfolio shares are at
least zero and sum up to one, i. e.
[n.summation over (i=1)] [w.sub.i] = 1, [w.sub.i] [greater than or
equal to] 0 [for all]i [member of] {1, ..., n}. (3.1)
For all t [member of] {1, ... T} from t-1 to t, N changes by the
given growth rate (2) g, with g [member of] (-1;[infinity]). The
parameters N, Mi and g are assumed feasible, i.e. on the global level
N [less than or equal to] [n.summation over (i=1)] [M.sub.i] for g
[member of] (-1;0], (3.2)
N x [(1 + g).sup.T] [less than or equal to] [n.summation over
(i=1)] [M.sub.i] for g [member of ] (0;[infinity]).
From assumption (A1) it follows that on the customer segment level,
we receive the upper bounds [[bar.w].sub.i] for the portfolio shares
[[bar.w].sub.i] = [M.sub.i]/N for g [member of] (-1;0],
[[bar.w].sub.i] = [M.sub.i]/N x [(1 + g).sup.T] for g [member of]
(0;[infinity]). (3.3)
From the inequalities in (3.2) and the equations in (3.3) it
follows for the upper bounds [[bar.w].sub.i] that their sum is greater
or equal to one:
[n.summation over (i=1)] [[bar.w].sub.i] [greater than or equal to]
1. (3.4)
Therefore, we may note that the feasible intervals for the
portfolio shares [w.sub.i] of the customer segments are [w.sub.i]
[member of] [0;min{[[bar.w].sub.i];1}] for all i [member of] {1, ...,
Each segment i yields the cash inflow [CF.sub.i,], which is
the average periodic revenue per capita at time t, with t [member of]
[0, ... T), as well as the average cash outflow per capita
[CF.sub.i,t.sup.out]. The latter is the total of direct variable costs,
which depend on the number of customers in the segment. These costs
result from acquisition, service and advisory as well as transaction
costs. The calculation of the segment-specific cash outflow does not,
however, include those costs that indeed can be assigned to a certain
customer segment, but do not depend on the number of customers. Hence,
these direct periodical fixed costs [F.sub.i,t] of segment i at time t,
with t [member of] [0, ... T) are independent of the number of customers
in segment i and arise primarily due to contractual commitments before
time t = 0. (3) These contain, for instance, costs for rented buildings,
leasing costs or license fees for information systems. Direct fixed
costs may amount to an important size, but if the respective segment i
[member of] {1, ..., n} (with [w.sub.i] [not equal to] 0) is part of the
existing customer portfolio, its fixed costs have to be treated as sunk
costs, and therefore have no impact on the portfolio optimization.
However, their NPV per capita in the respective segment, which is
normalized to the number of customers in the segment at time t =
0--irrespective of the growth rate g -, i.e.
NPV ([[??].sub.i]) = 1/[w.sub.i] x N [T.summation over (t=0)]
[F.sub.i.t]/[(1 + [r.sub.f]).sup.t]. (3.5)
where [r.sub.f] denotes the risk-free rate, has to be taken into
account should a new portfolio be arranged, e.g. an existing portfolio
should be enlarged by a new customer segment.
Indirect periodical fixed costs [IC.sub.t], like management costs,
overhead and administration costs, which are independent of the number
of customers in the customer portfolio as well, are difficult to
allocate to specific customer segments. Nevertheless, for creating
shareholder value, their NPV per capita, also normalized to the number
of customers at time t = 0, i.e.
NPV(I[??]) = 1/N [T.summation over (t=0)] [IC.sub.t]/[(1 +
[r.sub.f]).sup.t], (3.6)
should at least be covered by the value per capita of the customer
(A2) For every customer segment i, with i [member of] {1, ..., n),
the average per capita net cash flow [Q.sub.i] is given by [Q.sub.i] =
([[??].sub.0,i], [[??].sub.1,i], ..., [[??].sub.T,i]). The components
[[??].sub.t,i] are the average net cash flows per customer in customer
segment i and represent the delta of cash in and outflows at time t
[member of] {0,... T}:
[[??].sub.t,i] = [,i] - [CF.sup.out.sub.t,i]. (3.7)
[[??].sub.t,i] are assumed to be independent and identically
distributed random variables, which are given at the decision time t =
0, as well as the direct fixed costs [F.sub.i,t] of segment i and
indirect fixed costs [IC.sub.t]. The average per capita Customer
Lifetime Value [CLV.sub.i] of segment i, which is also normalized to the
number of customers in segment i at t = 0, is given by the expected NPV
of [Q.sub.i], in consideration of the periodical growth rate:
[[mu].sub.i] = E([CLV.sub.i]) = [T.summation over (t=0)]
[E([[??].sub.t,i])/[(1 + [r.sub.f]).sup.t] [(1 + g).sup.t]. (3.8)
For the following model, we define the expected return per capita
pi of customer segment i as E(CLV) at time t = 0, as is done in equation
(3.8). Hillier and Heebink (1965) showed that if the net cash flows are
supposed to be independent and identically distributed random variables,
it may be concluded that the expected return per capita [[mu].sub.i] is
asymptotically normally distributed.
On the basis of assumptions (A1) and (A2), the expected NPV per
capita of the customer portfolio E([CLV.sub.PF]), shortly denoted as
[[mu].sub.PF], may be calculated as the sum of the weighted NPV of all
segments' [[mu].sub.i]:
[[mu].sub.PF] = E([CLV.sub.PF]) = [n.summation over (i=1)]
[w.sub.i] x E([CLV.sub.i]) = [n.summation over (i=1)] [w.sub.i] x
[[mu].sub.i]. (3.9)
The decision maker has to choose an appropriate customer portfolio
now, according to his risk preference. This is, a risk neutral decision
maker considers only the expected portfolio return [[mu].sub.PF] in his
decision and therefore aims to maximize the shares of the customer
segments with the highest [[mu].sub.i] in the portfolio. A risk averse
decision maker, however, takes the risk of the portfolio return into
account as well. This is summarized in the principle of Bernoulli, which
reasons that decision makers aim to maximize the expected utility of an
alternative rather than its expected return.
(A3) It is assumed that the risk averse decision maker aims to
maximize the utility per capita of the portfolio alternatives. The risk
of the expected return per capita of customer segment i is quantified by
the standard deviation [[sigma].sub.i] = [square root of
Var([CLV.sub.i])] . The risk [[sigma].sub.PF] of the expected portfolio
return per capita involves the standard deviation [[sigma].sub.i] of the
portfolio segments as well as their covariance [Cov.sub.ij], i, e.
[[sigma].sub.PF] = [square root of [n.summation over (i=1)] [n.summation
over (j=1)] [w.sub.i]
[[sigma].sub.i][w.sub.j][[sigma].sub.j][[rho].sub.ij]. The correlation
coefficients [[rho].sub.i,j], which are supposed to be smaller than 1,
i.e. correlation is imperfect, are given in time period t = 0 and are
constant over the planning horizon. For all possible values x assumed by
the random variable [CLV.sub.PF], their utility is given by
u(x) = 1 - [e.sup.-ax]. (3.10)
The parameter a denotes the Arrow-Pratt measure that indicates the
individual level of risk aversion.
A rational preference relation that meets assumptions (A2) and
(A3), i.e. in case of normally distributed random variables, the utility
function given in (3.10) and compatibility with the Bernoulli-Principle,
is given by the following equation:
[[PHI].sub.u]([[mu].sub.PF], [[sigma].sub.PF]) = [[mu].sub.PF] -
a/2 [[sigma].sup.2.sub.PF] = [U.sub.PF] [right arrow] Max! (3.11)
The parameters [[mu].sub.PF] and [[sigma].sub.PF] both depend on
the portfolio shares [w.sub.i] of the different customer segments i,
which have to be chosen so that
[[PHI].sub.u]([[mu].sub.PF],[[sigma].sub.PF]) is maximized. Again, the
parameter a represents the Arrow-Pratt measure. In the context of
relationship valuation, a/2 is defined as a monetary factor that
reflects the price per unit of risk, i.e. the reward asked by a risk
averse decision maker for carrying the risk [[sigma].sub.PF] (Huther
2003, p. 155). Since the portfolio shares [w.sub.i] of the different
customer segments sum up to one, the expected portfolio utility
[U.sub.PF] is a monetary per capita amount.
Valuation of an existing Customer Portfolio
In this section, we will optimize an existing customer portfolio on
the basis of the portfolio selection theory, wherein the customer
segments are given, but not their optimal portfolio shares [w.sub.i]
(Markowitz 1952, 1959). We will firstly derive [[mu].sub.PF] and
[[sigma].sub.PF] of all efficient portfolio alternatives and secondly
determine the optimal portfolio. The analysis considers the expected
return per capita [[mu].sub.i] of all customer segments as well as their
variance [[sigma].sup.2.sub.i] and covariance [Cov.sub.i,j]. The fixed
costs [F.sub.i,t] of segment i are not taken into account in the
optimization for the reasons explained above. The comparison of the
existing customer portfolio and the optimal portfolio shows which
customer segments have to be enlarged or rather diminished in order to
increase shareholder value.
Starting point of the portfolio selection theory is a risk averse
decision maker, who chooses between efficient portfolios, i.e.
portfolios with higher expected return accompanied by higher variance
and portfolios with lower expected return and variance. Furthermore, he
will only select a portfolio PF, which is a feasible portfolio, i.e. all
portfolio weights are part of the feasible interval of [w.sub.i] [member
of] [0, min{[[bar.w].sub.i]; 1}] and the portfolio shares sum up to one.
However, it may be reasonable to include minimum restrictions for the
portfolio shares of the different customer segments as well. For
instance, if a customer segment is strategically important, since
customers of this segment act as reference clients (social effects) on
the market or the segment is needed to enter a market. Thus, we will
consider lower bounds [[].sub.i] [member of] (0;min {1;
[[bar.w].sub.i]}) for the portfolio shares in the analysis, too, so that
the feasible interval for the portfolio shares is given by [w.sub.i]
[member of] [[].sub.i];min {1; [[bar.w].sub.i]}].
To derive the set of efficient portfolios, we minimize the
portfolio variance at every level of portfolio return. If the returns of
the different segments are imperfectly correlated, the overall portfolio
risk is smaller than the sum of the individual variances of the customer
segments. Therefore, the more assets or customer segments are in the
portfolio, the better portfolio risk can be diversified (Markowitz
1959). However, this is only true if the segments are positive
imperfectly correlated. In the case of negative correlation the direct
opposite takes place. Negative correlations may arise, if the great many
of customer segments within the portfolio lead--for instance--to a bad
maintaining and enhancement of customer relationship (e.g. overwork of
sales). I.e. the "targeting" on specific customer segments
changes for the worse and a larger portfolio with more segments leads to
an significant increase of portfolio risks (furthermore, this may also
lead to a decrease of the CLV of the customer segments resulted though,
for instance, bad and not individualized customer services). Such
effects have to compare with diversification effects resulting from
imperfect, positive correlations, which already exist in most cases (cf.
Ryals 2001).
The selection of the optimal portfolio out of the set of efficient
ones depends on the individual risk aversion, which is represented by
the indifference curve in a ([[mu].sub.PF],
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.PF])-diagram. It can be derived from the preference
relation given in equation (3.11). The point of tangency of the
indifference curve and the efficient frontier represents the locus of
the optimal portfolio at the given risk preference. If it is optimal to
reduce the customer portfolio by segment i, its portfolio weight will
consequently be [w.sub.i] = 0 in the point of tangency. With the
expected return and variance of the optimal portfolio, its utility can
be calculated by equation (3.11).
Finally, the utility per capita of the optimal portfolio has to
cover the average NPV of direct and indirect fixed costs per capita to
create value for the company. Although these costs are sunk costs in the
case of an existing customer portfolio, the company creates value only
if the portfolio utility exceeds all fixed costs. Therefore, we have to
weight the direct fixed costs per capita of the segments i of equation
(3.5) with their respective portfolio share [w.sub.i]. (4)
The Markowitz algorithm thus allows the determination of the
average utility per capita of a customer portfolio with a given number
of customer segments. Furthermore, we derive exact portfolio weights
with respect to an individual utility function and therefore management
can decide whether the portfolio share of customer segment i should be
enlarged or diminished. Which benefits can finally be drawn from the
application of the model?
In most cases an already existing customer portfolio of a company
resulted from uncoordinated decisions made in the past, i.e. from
sporadic, uncoordinated acquisition efforts, coincidental acquisitions,
as well as from self-selection by consumers who base their individual
decisions on available offers and options. In practice, the necessity of
a strategic customer management, including the structure of a
company's customer portfolio in terms of the above mentioned risk
factors is often underestimated. On the one hand, the model can be
useful to make these risks more transparent and quantifiable (e.g.
cluster risks due to strongly correlated segments). On the other hand,
acquisition efforts can be used to reduce such (cluster) risks by means
of imperfect correlation of the expected cash flows of different
customer segments. If such cluster risks can be avoided, a risk averse
decider would usually weight the segment with the highest stand-alone
utility (only cash flows and standard deviation) most highly.
By analyzing a customer portfolio in terms of its risk return
profile, dependencies on future investments in acquisition, services or
advisory of customers become more transparent. Therefore, it can be
advantageous to invest in services of a customer segment a, which has a
smaller expected average CLV per capita than another segment b, if the
correlation of segment a to the portfolio is lower than the one of
segment b. Risk diversification is the reason for this effect. This does
not only apply to single investments but also to potential, different
sets of investments. In a similar way, large companies try to diversify
market risks by their different business divisions for generating
constantly high revenues, independent from economic cycles. This applies
not only for customer portfolios of small and medium sized enterprises
but also for large-scale enterprises.
While minimum and maximum restrictions in the model can be defined,
both existing market entry barriers and exit barriers can be considered.
In practice, companies often cannot accomplish an acquisition of the
focused customers of a segment to the optimal extent. Regional markets,
for instance, in which they were not represented until now cannot be
entered due to existing entry barriers. The same applies to market exit
barriers, i.e. an enterprise wants to reduce the number of customers of
an unprofitable segment in the long run. For both cases, minimum and
maximum restrictions can be determined for the particular segments.
Thereby, the best possible composition of the customer portfolio can be
calculated considering risk-/return-aspects.
A further issue addresses opportunity costs. If the model proposes
the reduction of the portfolio weight of an existing segment, then
opportunity costs of not making sales to the customers of this segment
will seem to be rather high. This may especially be the case when these
opportunity costs are compared to e.g. the low costs of mailing sales
offers to these customers. Two aspects should be considered: First of
all the low costs of such a customer contact are already considered in
the respective cost parameters of the segment (direct fixed costs by the
parameter [F.sub.i,t] and direct variable costs by the cash outflow
variable [CF.sub.i,t.sup.out]). It can be concluded that the optimal
customer portfolio was already calculated based on this data.
Furthermore, the money invested in the above mentioned customer contact
is bounded (given a realistically limited budget which is also expressed
by the limited range of the customer base) and is thus missing somewhere
else. That is, in this case opportunity costs e.g. for another segment
could arise, too. The model compares both kinds of opportunity costs.
Therefore, the resulting solution takes into account that the next
dollar should be invested in the new segment instead of the existing
segment to optimize the risk-/ return-profile. Taking into account those
opportunity costs, the lost profit would be larger--assuming the cash
flows can be correctly assigned to a certain customer segment--if the
enterprise does not invest in the new segment.
Composition of a new Customer Portfolio
Suppose the situation of a newly established firm, which has not
acquired any customers yet. According to financial resources and the
working capacity of the company, the management of the company is able
to determine a number of customers that can be served. However, it is
still unclear, which customer segments should be considered, and how
they should be weighted in the portfolio. For the derivation of the new
portfolio, we have to slightly modify assumption (A1) substituting the
upper part of (A1) by the following (A1').
(A1') The number of potential customer segments i = 1, ..., n
on the market is n at time t = 0, with maximum market size [M.sub.i]
> 0, which is fixed for the planning horizon. The number of segments
in the customer portfolio and the portfolio shares w; of these segments
are now the decision variables of the portfolio optimization in t = 0,
in consideration of the minimum restrictions [[].sub.i] and maximum
restrictions [[bar.w].sub.i].
Since all customer segments are new in the portfolio, their fixed
costs [F.sub.i,t] must not be treated as sunk costs and now have to be
considered in the analysis. Fixed costs are independent of the portfolio
weights [w.sub.i], and therefore they are not taken into account in the
optimization algorithm that was used in the previous section. In order
to obtain the optimal solution for a new customer portfolio, considering
fixed costs, a complete enumeration of portfolio combinations requires,
for n potential target groups or customer segments, the calculation of
the utility of (2"-1) portfolios. In the case of, e.g. 20 customer
segments, the utility of 1,048,575 portfolios has to be derived. Since
this procedure is enormously time and thereby cost consuming, this
section aims to develop a heuristic method that requires less computing time to find a solution. Moreover, in practice it might be of higher
strategic importance as to whether an existing customer base should be
reduced or enlarged incrementally by taking a customer segment out of or
into the portfolio. Therefore, the presented model allows for an
incremental valuation of the customer segments.
The model consists of two algorithms, henceforth referred to as
"subtract"-approach and "add"-approach, which may be
applied for the decision. Since both algorithms are heuristics, their
results do not necessarily have to be the optimal solutions. However, if
both procedures derive the same portfolio, we might take this as an
indication that we have possibly derived the optimal solution. In the
following, we will refer to this portfolio (which is the result of both
procedures) as "approximate solution" to the optimization
problem. In general, however, the two algorithms do not necessarily lead
to the same result. In this case, the decision maker will choose the
portfolio with the higher utility.
Before starting with the "subtract"-approach, we will
derive the portfolio shares w; of all n potential customer segments
identified on the market by constructing the efficient frontier. Based
on this, we will calculate the point of tangency of the efficient
frontier and the indifference curve (in analogy to the procedure
described in the previous section). The resulting portfolio will
henceforth be denoted as "pre-optimal portfolio". Since fixed
costs drop in an optimization with respect to the portfolio weights
[w.sub.i], they are set to zero in the first step. This portfolio
represents the starting point of the "subtract"-approach,
which will be described in the next section.
The "Subtract"-Approach
As the term indicates, the "subtract"-approach considers
in a first step all potential customer segments in the portfolio as it
was described in the previous section (for details see Appendix 2).
Then, one by one the segments that are not subject to a minimum
restriction and that destroy utility are subtracted. This is true for
those segments, where the decremental reduction of portfolio utility is
lower than their fixed costs: in general, reducing the portfolio by one
customer segment not only leads to decreasing portfolio utility, because
of the effects of risk diversification, but also to decreasing per
capita fixed costs in the remaining portfolio. The algorithm finally
stops if no more customer segments can be excluded from the portfolio
that are not subject to minimum restrictions and destroy utility.
However, the customer portfolio should be realized only if the portfolio
utility exceeds the fixed costs that arise with the business activity of
the company, i.e. the average NPV of indirect fixed costs per capita and
the weighted sum of direct fixed costs per capita of the segments in the
portfolio. If all fixed costs are covered by the utility of the
portfolio, the "subtract"-approach derived a solution to the
optimization problem that determines the portfolio weights of the
segments in the resulting portfolio and the utility minus indirect and
direct fixed costs per capita of the resulting portfolio.
The "Add"-Approach"
The "add"-approach, on the other hand, starts with all
customer segments that are subject to minimum restrictions in the
portfolio (for details see Appendix 3). It subsequently enlarges the
portfolio by step by step adding further segments to the portfolio that
contribute to an increased portfolio utility despite of the fixed costs
associated with them: in general, an additional customer segment in the
portfolio leads to a higher portfolio utility, because of the effects of
risk diversification as was noted before. On the other hand, the per
capita fixed costs of the portfolio segments rise as well by including
another segment. Both effects have to be charged against each other. If
no more customer segment can be included in the portfolio that creates
utility, we check again if the portfolio utility exceeds all fixed costs
as was done in the "subtract"-approach. If this is true, the
"add"-approach produces similar results as the
"subtract"-approach: the set of the segments in the resulting
portfolio with the respective portfolio weights, as well as the
portfolio's utility minus indirect and direct fixed costs per
After both algorithms are completed, results have to be compared.
If they are identical, the common result is regarded as the
"approximate solution" to the optimization problem. If both
algorithms produce different portfolios, the decision maker, who aims to
maximize utility, chooses the resulting portfolio with the highest
utility reduced by direct and indirect fixed costs per capita.
Reduction or Enlargement of the existing Customer Portfolio by the
Exclusion or Inclusion of Customer Segments
In reality, the construction of a new customer portfolio that does
not contain any customers at time t = 0 will be rare. In fact, the
decision as to whether the diversification of an existing customer base
should be reduced or enlarged by taking customer segments out of or into
the portfolio will normally be even more relevant. With the help of the
previously described "subtract"- and "add"-approach,
we may now include those direct fixed costs, which arise at time t
[member of] {0, ..., T} and are not a consequence of contractual
commitments before t = 0 (cf. footnote 3).
First of all, we will consider the case of reducing the existing
customer portfolio. Since the weighted NPV of those direct fixed costs
per capita [w.sub.i] x NPV ([[??].sub.i]) of segment i, which are
relevant for the portfolio decision, can be saved by excluding segment
i, we have to consider segment i for the derivation of the optimal
portfolio. Applying the "subtract"-approach, all segments
within the portfolio (except for the segments being subject to minimum
constraints) are one at a time taken out of the existing customer
portfolio. For every new portfolio, the efficient frontier as well as
the point of tangency with the indifference curve is calculated
(Markowitz algorithm). We add the saved costs of the excluded segment i
to the resulting portfolio utility, which will in general be smaller
than the utility of the portfolio before the exclusion of the segment.
In doing so, we may exclude in each iteration of the
"subtract"-approach the economically worst customer segment
from the existing portfolio.
Secondly, we examine the incremental enlargement of the existing
portfolio by step by step taking further customer segments into the
portfolio. The inclusion of a new customer segment is rational if and
only if the incremental increase of portfolio utility per capita is
higher than the fixed costs involved with the new segment. Thus, we have
to consider the weighted fixed costs per capita of the new segment, as
well as the decision-relevant weighted fixed costs of the segments that
are already part of the portfolio. To select the economically best
customer segment, we may apply the "add"-approach. This
algorithm now starts with the existing customer portfolio
(Markowitz-solution) plus those segments that are not part of the
existing portfolio but are subject to minimum constraints. The algorithm
extends the existing customer portfolio step by step by taking those new
segments into the portfolio that contribute to an increased portfolio
utility, even if the relevant weighted fixed costs per capita are
Thirdly, we may combine the approaches just discussed by again
applying the "subtract"- and "add"-approach to
derive the "approximate solution" to the optimization problem.
The starting portfolio for both algorithms is the (weight-optimized)
existing portfolio including segments that are subject to a minimum
constraint. At first, we apply the "subtract"-approach and
take one customer segment at a time out of the starting portfolio until
the delta between the new portfolio utility and the portfolio utility of
the previous iteration is smaller than the weighted NPV of the fixed
costs per capita of the just excluded segment i. The resulting portfolio
constitutes the starting portfolio for the following
"add"-approach. Here, we add the segments that are not part of
the portfolio yet one by one to the portfolio until the delta between
the new portfolio utility and the portfolio utility of the previous
iteration is larger than the weighted NPV of the fixed costs per capita
of the just excluded segment i. The "subtract"- and
"add"-approach are carried out repeatedly until the portfolio
utility cannot be increased anymore. The same procedure is applied,
starting with the "add"-approach. If the results of both
combinations of the two algorithms are identical, we apparently derived
the "approximate solution" to the optimization problem. If
results differ, we take the portfolio with the higher utility.
In contrast to the algorithm of Markowitz, the two heuristics can
be used to analyze the effects of an incremental enlargement of an
existing customer portfolio, which requires particular investments
(primarily for the market entry). These investments do not depend on the
number of customers in the segment, which means they can be regarded as
fixed costs. Thus, for example, market entry barriers--resulting from
the (initial) development of a brand or of specific products for a new
segment--can be considered. Such barriers are not only represented in
maximum restrictions but also in new, decision-relevant investments
(direct fixed costs [F.sub.i,t]) for the customer segment. Similarly,
market exit barriers--caused by the exclusion of a long-term
unprofitable customer segment and the necessary initial
"investments" for it--are covered by the heuristics.
The customer portfolio valuation model developed in the previous
part will now be illustrated by an example of the financial services
industry, where the model was applied. For the sake of anonymity, the
internal data of the company are substituted by slightly changed
Many firms in the financial services industry identified students
and young academics as a potentially highly profitable target group
(Ryals 2002). Although these customer relationships may be unprofitable
in the short run, companies assume that they will prove to be valuable
over their lifetimes because of an above-average income in relation to
other customers and better perspectives on the labor market.
The financial services company concerned aims to optimize its
customer portfolio with respect to the profitability and risk of nine
different customer segments that could be identified as being relevant
within the target group of academics: architects, lawyers, physicians,
economists (including MBA's), natural scientists, computer
scientists together with mathematicians, pharmacists, engineers and arts
In a first scenario, we assume that the company's present
customer base is composed of three of the named customer segments:
lawyers, physicians and economists, which gain the following portfolio
shares: lawyers 60%, physicians 10% and economists 30%.
We verify by means of the portfolio selection theory, whether the
present customer base is optimal, and in case it is not, which portfolio
shares of the existing customer segments have to be enlarged or
In a second scenario, we analyze if the portfolio utility of the
existing customer portfolio can be increased by adding further segments
or taking segments out of the portfolio. Therefore we apply the
"subtract"-and "add"-approach to derive an
"approximate solution" for the optimal customer portfolio.
Estimation of the Model Parameters
Before we can analyze the customer portfolio, all model parameters
of the different customer segments have to be estimated.
The estimation of an expected CLV per capita of every customer
segment was based on two starting points. First, the financial services
company analyzed the data stored for a number of customers of a segment
on an individual level (this could not be done for all customers since
the data were stored in many different information systems, i.e. the
manual integration of the data was difficult and highly cost intensive).
The aim was to determine product sales and cash flows of previous
periods. Based on these cash flows in different time periods, it was
possible to generate the cash flow time line for each customer. By means
of clustering and time series analysis, one or more typical cash flow
time lines for every customer segment was deduced. For such problems
algorithms can be employed (see Agrawal et al. 1995, Mani et al. 1999)
that identify differences and similarities of cash flow time lines by
means of operators like scaling (removal of different levels and margins
of deviation) or elimination (elimination of outliers and singular event). Given the assumption that the cash flow time lines, generated
based on historical data, are typical for a customer segment, an
expected CLV per capita can be estimated. However, it is widely agreed
that performance in the past does not reflect future cash flows
properly. Indeed, the latter may deviate substantially due to external
factors (second starting point for the calculation of an expected CLV
per capita of every customer segment). In the financial services
industry, the income of the customer is the factor with the strongest
impact on business activity (Fed 2006, Spiegel 2005). This is, the
higher the income of the customer, the more he is able to invest in
financial products. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume a strong
correlation between real income and cash flows of the financial services
company. In consequence, we can derive the impacts on the average cash
flow per capita for every customer segment in relation to the real
income per age in every customer segment over the planning horizon of T
= 10 years. Reproducing the real income development over the
customers' lifetimes, we used income data of the German labor
market of the year 2004, readily available from PersonalMarkt
(PersonalMarkt 2005). We assume that the real income level of, for
instance, a 30 year old customer in 2004 equals (20 years later) the
real income level of a customer, who is 50 years old in 2004. I.e. we
suppose similar real income development over the customers'
lifetimes. In this context, the studies by (Fed 2006) and (Spiegel 2005)
point out how much a customer is investing in financial products on
average (depending on his age, his gross income and the annual rate of
change of the gross income). On this basis we can estimate the impact of
external factors like the development of incomes on the expected cash
flows and their standard deviation for each customer segment considering
the average share of wallet of the financial services provider.
In the resulting cash flows, we still have to consider the growth
rate g [member of] (-1,[infinity]), which reflects the variation of the
number of customers in the customer base. In the present example, we
assume a (fictitious) increase of the customer base of 10% per year over
the planning horizon given. This is feasible for the midsize financial
services company considered in the case study. Finally, the resulting
cash flows per customer segment have to be discounted and summed up to
the expected CLV per capita, which are shown in Table 1. In order to
estimate the deviation, i.e. the risk of the expected CLV, some authors
recommend the usage of risk scorecards that define how strongly
particular factors, often identified by experts of the industry, affect
cash flows (Ryals 2001, Dhar and Glazer 2003). However, this approach
seems to be hardly convenient, since the qualitative assessment of
experts still has to be transformed into some quantitative measure such
as the standard deviation. Therefore, we will use the average relative
standard deviation of the segment-specific income as a proxy for the
standard deviation of revenues, since, as stated above, the income is
the factor with the strongest impact on cash flows.
The most important characteristics of this procedure are: On the
one hand, there is a strong dependency between the income level of a
customer segment and its demand for financial products, i.e., the higher
the income of the customer, the more he needs and is able to invest in
financial products. This in turn creates the cash inflows of the
financial services provider. Consequently--so the underlying
assumption--correlated changes of incomes of two segments result in
correlated investments in financial products. Therefore, we use the
correlations between incomes to estimate the correlations between cash
inflows of two segments. On the other hand, these correlations are not
based on the aggregated former cash inflows of a customer segment
because we consciously wanted to use documented demand for financial
products that is company independent. The said demand is independent
from former changes of products etc. of a financial services provider.
Consequently, the demand for financial products is more adequate to
estimate correlations and risks, which are resulting from macroeconomic
Hence, the procedure for the determination of the standard
deviation and correlation is split into two steps. Firstly, we
identified the average incomes of the customer segments (in the last ten
years). Secondly, we calculated the individual standard deviation based
on the incomes of one segment. Subsequently, we estimated the concrete
correlations between two segments based on their incomes for each year.
This approach is advantageous particularly because it is a rather
objective estimation method of risk. In contrast, using a risk scorecard
supports the subjective view of management and experts, who may
overvalue less important risk factors and neglect crucial ones
(Hopkinson and Lum 2001).
Table 1 shows the average income per capita of every customer
segment over all age groups and its relative standard deviation
(PersonalMarkt 2005). The relative standard deviation of gross income,
given in the third column of Table 1, multiplied with the fictitious
expected CLV per customer segment allows the estimation of the standard
deviation of the CLV to be given in absolute terms as in the fifth
column in Table 1.
Examining the CLV of the different segments, physicians seem to be
the most profitable customers. On the other hand, the standard deviation
of their CLV is very high, too. If management tends to favor less
uncertain cash flows, they will probably prefer a segment with a lower,
but less risky CLV, like architects for instance. Thus, if the price of
risk can be determined and with it the parameter a of risk aversion (see
equation (3.11)), the utility per capita of every customer segment
according to its CLV and individual risk can be calculated.
However, we argued in section two that besides segment-specific CLV
and risk the correlation between the segments also has to be considered.
As outlined above, the deviation of cash flows highly depends on the
real income development. Therefore, correlation between cash flows can
be assessed by analyzing the impact of exogenous factors on the
segment-specific real incomes of the past. Correlation measures the
extent to which the incomes of two customer segments are affected by the
exogenous factors in the same way. Again, this approach seems to be
preferable compared to purely qualitative approach based on expert
interviews, since it allows for the quantitative assessment of the
correlation coefficients. The correlation coefficients, which were used
in our example, are shown in Table 2.
Furthermore, direct fixed costs that may differ from segment to
segment have to be determined. Physicians, for example, need different
financial products and services for their accident insurance or for
financing a medical practice than other customers. Consequently,
databases and information systems have to be adapted and consultants
have to be trained to get to know the new products. The estimations of
the NPV of the direct fixed costs per customer segment over the given
planning horizon are presented in the second column of Table 3.
According to the weight of the respective customer segment in the
portfolio, their per capita amounts may be calculated.
We estimate the NPV of indirect fixed costs, containing management
costs and administration costs, over the planning horizon at 300 m
euros. Finally, the number N of customers in the customer base at time t
= 0 was set to 500,000. Employment studies allow for the determination
of the maximum portfolio shares [[bar.w].sub.i] of the nine segments, by
dividing the number of (employed) customers on the market in the
respective segment by the number of customers in the customer base.
Since the segments of physicians and economists are assumed to be
strategically crucial, their minimum portfolio shares are set to 30% and
20%, respectively. Since the segment of lawyers provides the lowest
expected CLV of the three segments that are part of the existing
customer portfolio, they are not assessed as being strategically highly
important. Therefore, no lower bound for their portfolio weight is
incorporated. The maximum and minimum portfolio weights of the segments
are shown in Table 3.
Results of the Analysis of an Existing Customer Portfolio
In this section, we aim to optimize the existing customer
portfolio. We determine the price of risk at one euro per unit of risk,
i.e. the parameter of risk aversion a of equation (3.11) can be set to
two euros. On the basis of the above estimations and the definition of
the price of risk, the efficient frontier and the optimal customer
portfolio may be calculated, considering the segment of lawyers,
economists and physicians. The two curves touch at a portfolio return
per capita of [[mu].sub.PF] = 2,992 euros and a portfolio risk of
[[sigma].sub.PF.sup.2] = 1,201. The resulting portfolio utility per
capita is therefore
[U.sup.*] = 2,992 euros - 1 euro x 1,201 = 1,791 euros. (4.1)
The optimal portfolio shares of the three customer segments are:
lawyers 28%, physicians 39% and economists 33% (compared to the weights
60% (lawyers), 10% (physicians) and 30% (economists)) of the existing
portfolio. The composition of the just derived portfolio shows that the
existing customer portfolio of the financial services company is
suboptimal. Calculating the expected portfolio return and variance of
the existing portfolio, we derive a utility per capita of U = 1,621
euros. Hence, the difference between optimal and given portfolio utility
amounts to 1,791 euros - 1,621 euros = 170 euros. Therefore, the
optimization yields a 10.5% improvement of the result.
In order to check whether the utility per capita of the optimal
portfolio covers the average NPV of direct and indirect fixed costs per
capita, we subtract the weighted sum of direct fixed costs per capita of
the three segments, which amounts to 205 euros, as well as the indirect
fixed costs per capita of (300 x [10.sup.6] euros) / 500,000 = 600
euros. The result is a portfolio utility of 986 euros and thus, fixed
costs are covered by far.
In the following, we aim to analyze the composition of the optimal
portfolio by means of the data given above. Therefore, we will first of
all have a look at the CLV per capita of the three segments: the segment
with the highest expected CLV is the segment of physicians. In the
optimal portfolio, it gains the largest portfolio share. The optimal
portfolio, however, does not consist only of physicians, because--as
outlined above--the risk associated with the segment's CLV plays a
crucial role in portfolio valuation as well. The analysis of the
expected CLV, the risk and therefore utility per capita of each segment,
ignoring correlations < 1, reveals that it is not the segment of
physicians but the segment of lawyers that provides the largest utility.
Equations (4.2 a) to (4.2 c) show the utility per capita of each segment
at the specified parameter of risk aversion:
[] = 2,592 euros - 1 euro x 1,352 = 1,240 euros, (4.2
[U.sub.physician] = 3,445 euros - 1 euro x 2,472 = 973 euros, (4.2
[U.sub.economist] = 2,808 euros - 1 euro x 1,905 = 903 euros. (4.2
However, the segment of lawyers is still the smallest segment
within the portfolio. This may be explained by the effect of risk
diversification: since physicians and economists are less correlated
with each other, they help to decrease portfolio risk more than lawyers
and their portfolio weights thus exceed the required minimum shares.
If the portfolio segments correlate perfectly, portfolio utility
per capita would be equal to [U.sup.*] = 1,053 euros in contrast to the
portfolio utility with imperfect correlation of 1,791 euros. This
example shows that imperfect correlation between the portfolio segments
helps to decrease portfolio risk and thereby to increase portfolio
utility, customer value and thus shareholder value.
Using the "Subtract"- and "Add"-Approach for
the Reduction or Enlargement of an existing Customer Portfolio
After the derivation of the optimal portfolio weights of the
existing customer portfolio, we will at first use the
"add"-approach to check whether the portfolio utility of the
existing customer portfolio can be increased by adding further customer
segments. Therefore, we take one of the remaining six segments at a time
into the portfolio and compute its utility per capita minus the fixed
costs per capita of the new segment for each new portfolio. We find that
including the segment of engineers yields the highest portfolio utility
despite of increased fixed costs. A second iteration, however, reveals
that no further segment should be included in the portfolio. Therefore,
the "add"-approach yields the portfolio with the utility minus
weighted fixed costs per capita of the new segment of 1,861 euros, which
is still higher than the utility of 1,791 euros of the above optimized
portfolio (Markowitz-solution without considering fixed costs).
However, if we assume that the fixed costs of the existing customer
segments in the portfolio are not sunk costs, we may use the
combinations of the "subtract"- and "add"-approach
that were described before. We apply at first the "subtract"-
and then the "add"-approach to the optimal portfolio
comprising three customer segments. Since the segment of lawyers is the
only segment not being subject to a minimum constraint, it is the only
segment that can be excluded from the portfolio. The exclusion of this
segment does not lead to an improvement and therefore by the
"subtract" -approach, no segment can be taken out. Now, we
apply the "add"-approach to check whether portfolio utility
can be increased by adding customer segments. Therefore, we take one of
the remaining segments at a time into the portfolio and calculate
portfolio utility. As stated before, we may include the segment of
engineers in the portfolio. A further enlargement of the portfolio does
not increase portfolio utility anymore and the "add"-approach
stops. Therefore, we apply again the "subtract"-approach and
may now exclude the segment of lawyers. A further iteration of the
"subtract"-approach does not, however, lead to a change of the
portfolio, nor does the "add"-approach. The resulting
portfolio shares of the four customer segments are: lawyers 10.5%,
physicians 31%, economists 20% and engineers 38.5%. These shares are
regarded as the "approximate solution" to the optimization
problem. As mentioned above, this heuristic approach does not
necessarily lead to an optimal solution. Nevertheless it usually works
fine in practice. In the case at hand for instance a (very time
consuming) complete enumeration reveals that the "approximate
solution" is indeed the optimal one.
That the heuristic approach leads to a remarkable enhancement in
customer portfolio management can be demonstrated by constructing a
completely new optimal portfolio. Taking all nine customer segments of
Table 1 into account and applying the standard Markowitz algorithm
derives a portfolio utility per capita of 1,939 euros. Subtracting the
weighted sum of the direct and indirect fixed costs per capita reduces
the utility to 944 euros. Applying the "subtract"- and
"add"-approach, on the other hand, leads to the following
portfolio shares: physicians 34.2%, economists 22% and engineers 43.8%.
The portfolio utility per capita minus all fixed costs is 1,106 euros.
Therefore, the presented heuristic approach yields a 17% improvement of
the result of the already optimized Markowitz-solution.
Practical Outcomes
According to the results, the acquisition efforts of the financial
services provider should be focused on the segments of physicians and
engineers. However, this does not mean that customers of another segment
should be signed off or interesting new customers of these segments
should be rejected, but it is clear that the acquisition of physicians
and engineers (e.g. in acquisition campaigns) should obtain priority.
The extension of the customer base due to acquisition efforts was
expressed by the growth rate g. With a rising number of physicians and
engineers, the shares of the lawyers and economists scale down in
relation to the entire customer base. To that extent the different
portfolio shares can be gradually adjusted towards the optimal portfolio
composition, which is characterized by both higher utility and better
risk diversification (because of the acquisition of physicians and
The improvement of the new optimized portfolio in comparison to the
existing portfolio of the financial service provider and especially the
risk reduction may clarify another aspect. Calculating the portfolio
return per capita that can be realized at least with a probability of
90%, we obtain a value of just 1,203 euros for the existing portfolio.
In comparison, the new portfolio without engineers (Markowitz-solution)
yields a value of 1,453 euros (a change of 20.8%) and for the new
portfolio with engineers we finally get 1,546 euros (a change of 28.5%).
These figures show that the risks of the existing portfolio are higher
than the risks of the new portfolio, i. e. the existing portfolio is
less stable against (exogenous) risks which can for example result from
cyclical downturn (recession). Using the cyclical downturn in Germany in
the years 1995 and 1996 as an example, we may hypothetically point out
the risk impacts. Therefore, we consider the development of incomes of
different customer segments in these years (cf. time series in
Personalmarkt 2005) (6). If the financial service provider had its
present portfolio already in 1995 and 1996, then the decrease or
stagnation of incomes would have reduced the sales of financial products
and services (cash inflows of the financial service provider) much more
in comparison to the new portfolios. This affects the cash inflows of
the financial service provider and thus the NPV of all customer segments
(but to a different extent). We can determine the difference of at least
an 8.2% higher portfolio return per capita for these two years by the
new portfolio with engineers related to the existing portfolio. I. e.
risk diversification as a result of adding a further customer segment
and particularly also due to a higher weight of the segment of
physicians--who are less affected by cyclical downturn in general than
for example economists--would have led to actual higher cash inflows in
these years. This shows that already slightly risk-averse marketers do
prefer the new composed customer portfolios in comparison to the
existing portfolio.
In the future, the financial services provider also intends to
analyze whether a new product category--company pension schemes--should
be included into the product program. However, the new products are
primarily attractive for customers who are employees. Due to different
shares of employees for each customer segment (e.g. the share of
employees in the segment of economists is over 70% compared to
approximately 20% in the segment of lawyers), the effects on both
expected average CLVs and standard deviation as part of the risk differ.
Customer segments which have a large share of employees improve their
expected average CLV more than segments with a smaller share of
employees (under the realistic assumption that the net cash flows of the
new product category are positive and almost independent of cash flows
of other products). Furthermore, the risk of the expected return of a
customer segment--quantified by the standard deviation--also increases
by the supplemental cash flows. In addition, the corresponding direct
fixed costs--resulting from the new product category--have to be
assigned to each segment. However, most of the fixed costs cannot be
assigned to a particular customer segment in general and have,
therefore, to be assigned to the portfolio (indirect fixed costs). If
the product category is introduced in the future--based on sales
forecasts and first sales--the customer portfolio will be analyzed and
optimized. However, it is not sure whether those segments, which are the
target groups for the new products, increase their portfolio shares in
the case of a strongly risk averse decision maker, since the higher
expected average CLVs entail higher risks, too.
As a part of the case study we analyzed whether or not it is
advantageous to substitute the segment of physicians for the new segment
of dentists (similar occupation group). Considering market and income
analyses, the segment of the dentists promised a higher growth potential
(higher expected average CLV) than the segment of the physicians. The
standard deviation of the expected CLVs of both segments was similar. In
contrast to this, the segment of the dentists has higher expected
correlations to the other segments. Although the estimated cash outflows
for the customer acquisition would not have been very high, this would
have applied to the initial direct fix costs (e.g. for the development
of segment-specific products, for the development of corresponding
application systems and for the product training of the customer
consultants). For this reason, a substitution of the existing segment of
physicians was not profitable. It was also of high importance for this
decision that the portfolio risks are substantially increased by the
substitution (due to the higher expected correlations).
Summing up, the presented heuristic approach improved the existing
portfolio to a significant level in terms of utility and supported other
important decisions like to enlarge the portfolio by adding further
customer segments.
The growing importance of shareholder value as a performance
measure, especially for publicly traded companies, requires the
quantification of all tangible and intangible assets of a company
according to their growth potential and associated risk. Furthermore, it
is widely agreed that customers represent the most valuable assets of a
firm. To identify and select the most profitable and therefore
value-creating customers, the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) gained broad
attention. The CLV aims to identify the future profitability of
customers, based on the net present value concept. It does not, however,
take into account the risk that the expected profitability of a customer
may not be realized. Furthermore, it ignores the fact, that the risk
associated with one customer or group of customers may be balanced by
other, less risky customers.
This paper presented a quantitative model for the composition of a
customer portfolio that considers not only the expected CLV of the
different customer segments but also the risk that is associated with
the estimation of uncertain future cash flows as well as the correlation
between the cash flows of different customer segments. The model is
based on the portfolio selection theory of Markowitz. However, the
general Markowitz algorithm does not allow for the consideration of
fixed costs. As it was shown, they have to be treated as sunk costs in
the case of an existing customer portfolio, but they may play an
important role if a new customer portfolio is composed. Therefore, the
Markowitz algorithm was extended by a heuristic method consisting of two
algorithms, referred to as "subtract"- and
The model was applied to the case of a financial services provider.
In this particular case, the segment-specific CLV's, standard
deviations and correlation coefficients could be estimated with the help
of the income distributions of the respective customer segments, since a
financial services company's revenues obviously depend on its
customers' incomes. In other industries, the revenues and thereby
the model parameters, depend on factors other than the income.
Therefore, the application of the model in another industry than the
presented one firstly requires the identification of the relevant
influencing macroeconomics factors. Companies in the food or retail
sector can probably use macroeconomic factors such as consumer
confidence, sentiment, spending or saving rate, which are analyzed e.g.
by the Conference Board (the Index of Consumer Confidence) or by the
University of Michigan Survey Research Centre (the Index of Consumer
Sentiment), to estimate the consumption climate and to forecast the cash
inflows of different customer segments. For this purpose it has to be
explored (based on facts of the past), whether and to which extent such
factors correlate with cash inflows of e.g. a retailer like
If--similar to the financial services industry--these factors are
strongly correlated, the analyzed factors cannot only be used to
estimate the needs of different segments, but also to calculate standard
deviations as well as correlation coefficients in the way described
above. In 13213-sectors (e.g. information technology consultancy)
business climate indices--like the National Association of Purchasing
Managers (NAPM) index or the index of Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia--can probably be used in the same way for forecasting
economic changes of sectors and industries. Another procedure may be to
analyze the firm's own customer segments in order to find out which
exogenous (given) factors mainly affect cash flows. Such factors can be
of technological, political, regulatory, economical or social kind. For
instance, retailers can analyze which segments of their own customer
portfolio are sensitive to a general increase in prices (e.g. younger
customers are less sensitive to an increase in prices than old-age
customers). The aim therefore is to prepare their customer portfolio for
exogenous effects like inflation and balance the risk-return-profile of
their customer base.
Summing up, we can make specific statements for the financial
services industry, for other industries we can only outline potential
starting points at this stage.
The following general results could be learned from the analysis:
it was shown that imperfect correlation between customer segments helps
to diversify, i.e. to diminish, the risk of the customer portfolio. The
smaller the correlation between customer segments, the more they
contribute to the decrease of portfolio risk and the larger their
portfolio weight should be. Therefore, even segments that seem to be
unprofitable according to their CLV and individual risk may contribute
to risk diversification and thus are profitable. The composition of the
optimal customer portfolio depends on the risk aversion of the
individual decision maker: the more risk averse he is, the more he
favors customer segments with a small risk, but also small expected CLV.
Besides the discussed advantages of financial portfolio selection theory
in the context of CRM and the ease of use of the presented heuristic
model, it shows some drawbacks that remain to be discussed and reveal
directions for further research.
First of all, portfolio analysis requires ex ante the estimation of
a large number of data: for every customer segment the expected future
cash flow, the variance of expected cash flows and the covariance to
every other customer segment have to be assessed. Therefore, the
analysis of a portfolio consisting of n segments requires the estimation
of n variances, n x (n-1)/2 covariances and n CLV, i.e. the number of
parameters that have to be estimated rises to n x (n+3)/2. For example,
if the valuation considers not only 9 customer segments (as illustrated
by an example of the financial services provider), but 90 segments, the
estimation of 4,185 data is required. In this paper, we tried to
describe a rather simple, but effective method for the estimation of the
model parameters in the financial services industry. However, the
estimation of future parameters remains challenging in other industries.
Secondly, the more customer segments have to be considered, the
more computing power is needed for the derivation of the efficient
frontier: in the case of 90 customer segments, 90 equations have to be
solved in the linear program, if no further restriction for the
portfolio shares are included. Therefore, the Markowitz algorithm is
time and cost consuming. The repeated calculation of the efficient
frontier in the "subtract"- and "add"-approach thus
affects the efficiency of the model in a negative way.
Thirdly, the model presumes that the number of customers can be
determined ex ante, because only then the fixed costs per capita of the
customer segments can be calculated. However, the company under
consideration might not be able to determine exactly the optimal number
of customers but only a probable range. In order to examine whether a
different number of customers in the customer base leads to different
results for the optimal portfolio, it seems inevitable to calculate the
model for several scenarios. In the example presented above, the
customer base may vary from approximately 211,000 to 7,850,000 customers
so that we still derive the optimal portfolio. Therefore, the
calculations of the model seem rather stable.
Furthermore, our model divides costs into variable costs and
constant fixed costs. Some of the fixed costs, however, will increase
stepwise to a higher cost level when a certain limit of customers in the
segment is reached. Hence, they are no constants anymore. A more
realistic modeling approach for cost effects in customer portfolio
management would have to consider both constant fixed costs as well as
step costs.
Finally, the model assumes that the only monetary value of a
customer relationship is the cash flow that can be directly assigned to
the customer. However, customers affect the profitability of the company
in indirect ways, too. For instance, positive word-of-mouth between
customers and prospects may help to reduce the acquisition costs of a
company. Positive recommendations between customers may increase
customer retention and thereby decrease portfolio risk. This implies
that even non-monetary effects have to be included in the calculation of
the quantifiable monetary value of a customer portfolio. The method
presented can easily account for that extension, but the data
requirements may be prohibitive.
APPENDIX 1: Incorporation of segment-specific growth rates [g.sub.i]
(A1') The number of customer segments i = 1, ..., n, with
maximum market size [M.sub.i] > 0 and the segment growth rate
[g.sub.i] [member of] (-1;[infinity]), in the existing customer
portfolio of a company is n at time t = 0. These are assumed fix over
the whole planning horizon t = 1, ..., T. The portfolio shares [w.sub.i]
of the segments are the decision variables of the portfolio optimization
in t = 0 for the whole planning horizon. The portfolio shares are at
least zero and sum up to one, i.e.
[n.summation over (i=1)] [w.sub.i] = 1, [w.sub.i] [greater than or
equal to] 0 [for all]i [member of] {1, ..., n}. (Ap1.1)
The customer portfolio in all segments together consists of N
[member of] IN customers at time t=0. N changes from period to period
depending on the portfolio shares [w.sub.i] and their growth rates
[g.sub.i]. The parameters N, [M.sub.i] and [g.sub.i] are assumed
feasible, i.e. on the global level
From assumption (A1') it follows that on the customer segment
level, we receive the upper bounds [.bar.[w.sub.i]] for the portfolio
Since indirect and direct fixed costs are normalized to the number
of customers at time t = 0, and therefore are irrespective of the
segment growth rate [g.sub.i], equations (3.5) and (3.6) remain
Furthermore, equation (3.9) has to be substituted by the following
equation (Ap 1.4) for the incorporation of segment-specific growth rates
[[mu].sub.i] = E([CLV.sub.i]) = [T.summation over t=1]
[[,i] - [CF.sup.out.sub.t.i] / [(1 + [r.sub.f]).sup.t]
[(1 + [g.sub.i]).sup.t]. (Ap1.4)
The remainder of the formulas in chapter Customer Portfolio
Valuation Model remains unaffected.
APPENDIX 2: Detailed Description of the
Step 1: Exclusion of the worst Customer Segments
All segments not being subject to a minimum restriction are one at
a time taken out of the set S of segments in the portfolio. Denote [S.sub.i] as the portfolio excluding segment i and [U.sub.i] the
respective portfolio utility, which is the result of the re-optimization
of the portfolio shares [w.sub.j], with j [not equal to] i, of the
segments of set [S.sub.i]. Determine the delta [DELTA][U.sub.i] between
the old portfolio utility, referred to as U and the new portfolio
utility [U.sub.i] for all new portfolios. A customer segment less in the
portfolio leads in general not only to a decreasing portfolio utility,
because of the effects of risk diversification, but usually also to a
larger number of customers in the remaining segments of set [S.sub.i],
if the number of customers N is given, as was assumed in (A1).
Therefore, their per capita fixed costs of equation (3.5) decrease with
the exclusion of segment i. (7 8) If [DELTS][U.sub.i] is smaller than
the weighted NPV of the fixed costs per capita of the just excluded
segment i in the previous iteration, i.e. if
segment i destroys utility. If no such i exists, the algorithm goes
to step 2.
Out of those segments destroying value, pick that segment i with
minimal [DELTA][U.sub.i] - [w.sub.i] x NPV ([[??].sub.i]). The set
[S.sub.i] of segments in this portfolio is the starting point for the
next iteration and therefore becomes the new set S and [U.sup.*] takes
the value of [U.sub.i].
Again, take all segments, which are not subject to minimum
constraints, one at a time, out of the portfolio and repeat the just
described procedure until the decremental reduction of portfolio
utility, caused by the exclusion of a further segment, yields no more
segment i satisfying inequality (Ap2.1). Then, the algorithm goes to
step 2.
Step 2: Checking whether Fixed Costs are covered
As a result of step 1, no more customer segments can be excluded
from the portfolio that are not subject to minimum restrictions and
destroy utility. However, the customer portfolio of step 1 should be
realized, and the algorithm should go to step 3, only if the portfolio
utility exceeds the fixed costs that arise with the business activity of
the company. I.e. subtracting both of the portfolio utility [U.sup.*],
the average NPV of indirect fixed costs per capita and the weighted sum
of direct fixed costs per capita of the segments of set S, yields the
[U.sup.*] - [summation over (i[member of]S)] [w.sub.i] x
NPV([[??].sub.i]) - NPV(I[??]) [greater than or equal to] 0. (Ap2.2)
If the left-hand side of inequality (Ap2.2) is negative, the
customer portfolio does not create utility for the company, since the
company cannot cover all its costs at the given number N of customers in
the portfolio. In this case, the enlargement of the number of customers
should be considered for example.
Step 3: Results of the "Subtract"-Approach
If all fixed costs are covered by the utility of the portfolio, the
results of the "subtract"-approach are the following:
--Set of the segments in the resulting portfolio
--Portfolio weights of the segments in the portfolio
--Utility minus indirect and direct fixed costs per capita of the
resulting portfolio
APPENDIX 3: Detailed Description of the "Add"-Approach
Step 1: Decision about Taking Further Segments into the Customer
The starting set S of segments in the portfolio is the set of
segments being subject to minimum constraints. All remaining segments
are now, one at a time, taken into the portfolio. Denote [S.sub.i] as
the portfolio including segment i and [U.sub.i] the respective portfolio
utility, which is the result of the re-optimization of the portfolio
shares [w.sub.i] without consideration of the segments' fixed
costs. A customer segment more in the portfolio leads in general to a
higher portfolio utility, because of the effects of risk diversification
as was noted before. Determine the delta [DELTA][U.sub.i] between the
new portfolio utility [U.sub.i] and the portfolio utility of the
previous iteration, which is referred to as [U.sup.*] for all new
portfolios. However, another consequence of a larger number of segments
in the portfolio is usually a smaller number of customers in the
segments j, with j [not equal to] i, that were part of the portfolio
before the inclusion of segment i. Therefore, their per capita fixed
costs of equation (3.5) increase in general with the inclusion of
segment i. (9) If [DELTA][U.sub.i] is larger than the weighted NPV of
the fixed costs per capita of the just included segment i, i.e. if
the segment creates utility. If no such i exists, the algorithm
goes to step 2.
Out of those segments creating utility, pick that segment i with
maximal [DELTA][U.sub.i] - [w.sub.i] x NPV ([[??].sub.i]). The set
[S.sub.i] of segments in this portfolio is the starting point for the
next iteration and therefore becomes the new set S and [U.sup.*] takes
the value of [U.sub.i].
Again, take all of the remaining segments one at a time into this
portfolio and repeat the just described procedure until the incremental
increase of portfolio utility, caused by the inclusion of a further
segment, yields no more i satisfying inequality (Ap3.1). Then, the
algorithm goes to step 2.
Step 2: Checking whether Fixed Costs are covered
As a result of step 1, no more customer segment can be included in
the portfolio that creates utility. However, the customer portfolio of
step 1 should be realized, and the algorithm should go to step 3, only
if the portfolio utility exceeds all fixed costs that arise with the
business activity of the company. I.e. subtracting both of the portfolio
utility [U.sup.*], the average NPV of the indirect fixed costs per
capita and the weighted sum of direct fixed costs per capita of the
segments in the portfolio, yields again
[U.sup.*] - [summation over i[member of]S] [w.sub.i] x NPV
([[??].sub.i]) - NPV (I[??]) [greater than or equal to] 0. (Ap3.2)
If the left-hand side of inequality (Ap3.2) is negative, the
customer portfolio does not create utility for the company, since the
company cannot cover all its costs at the given number N of customers in
the portfolio.
Step 3: Results of the "Add"-Approach
If all fixed costs are covered by the utility of the portfolio, the
"add"-approach produces similar results as the
--Set of the segments in the resulting portfolio
--Portfolio weights of the segments in the portfolio
--Utility minus indirect and direct fixed costs per capita of the
resulting portfolio
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(1) Since cash outflows like e.g. costs of personal, information
systems or buildings could not been reduced to the same extent, the cash
flows and thus the CLV decreased as well.
(2) The analyses can easily be extended to the case of
segment-specific growth rates [g.sub.i], with i = 1, ..., n, if the per
capita view, normalized to the number of customers at time t = 0, is
still kept. Thus we can incorporate differently growing and shrinking
segments into the analyses. In this case we have to substitute
assumption (A1) by (A1') of Appendix 1 and change some of the
following inequalities and equations as is shown in Appendix 1.
(3) Direct fixed costs, which arise at time t [member of] (0, ...,
T) and are not a consequence of contractual commitments before t = 0,
will be neglected at first. Later, it will be shown that these costs,
which are relevant for the portfolio decision even in the case of an
existing customer portfolio, may be integrated into the model as well.
(4) With the weighting of direct fixed costs per capita of segment
i, the portfolio share w in equation (3.5) is cancelled out. Hence, the
NPV of direct fixed costs can be divided by the total number of
customers N at time t = 0 and therefore is a constant
amount--irrespective of the segment's share [w.sub.i]. For reasons
of better interpretation and analysis, however, the fixed costs of
segment i are in the first step normalized to the number of customers in
the respective segment, who actually cause the fixed costs.
(5) Expected CLV per capita over a planning horizon of T = 10 years
(6) For reasons of simplification we do not change the other model
parameter in this example (ceteris paribus-assumption).
(7) Even if the number of customers N depends on the number of
customer segments n in the portfolio, i.e. N = N(n), the number of
customers in each customer segment will change, because of the
re-optimization of the portfolio shares [w.sub.j] in the next iteration.
Therefore, the fixed costs per capita in the respective segment will
change as well.
(8) However, the weighted sum of the per capita fixed costs of the
other segments in set [S.sub.i] remains constant, as was discussed in
the footnote 3 and is therefore not relevant for the portfolio decision.
(9) However, analogous to the footnote 8, the weighted sum of the
per capita fixed costs of the segments that were already in the
portfolio remains constant and is therefore not relevant for the
portfolio decision.
Hans Ulrich Buhl
University of Augsburg, Germany
Bernd Heinrich
University of Augsburg, Germany
Hans Ulrich Buhl is Professor of Business Management, Information
Systems and Financial Engineering, University of Augsburg,
Universitaetsstrasse 16, 86135 Augsburg, Germany, Phone:
++49-821-598-4139, Fax: ++49-821-598-4225, Email:
[email protected].
Bernd Heinrich is Assistant Professor of Business Management and
Information Systems, University of Augsburg, Universitaets-strasse 16,
86135 Augsburg, Germany, Phone: ++49-821-25923-14, Fax:
++49-821-25923-40, Email:
[email protected].
Income, Relative Standard Deviation of Income, Expected CLVS and
Absolute Standard Deviation of the CLV per Customer Segment
Customer segment Gross income per Standard deviation
year of gross income rel-
ative to average
gross income
Architects 45,969 34.5%
Lawyers 75,393 44.9%
Physicians 72,025 45.6%
Economists 74,459 49.1%
Natural scientists 62,996 42.5%
Computer scientists/ 65,092 31.5%
Pharmacists 70,632 42.6%
Engineers 63,411 40.1%
Arts scholars 42,135 42.8%
Customer segment Expected CLV Absolute standard
per customer deviation of the
(in 1,000 euros) CLV (in 1,000)
Architects 1.769 0.610
Lawyers 2.592 1.163
Physicians 3.445 1.572
Economists 2.808 1.380
Natural scientists 1.739 0.739
Computer scientists/ 2.256 0.711
Pharmacists 2.762 1.177
Engineers 2.665 1.069
Arts scholars 1.634 0.699
Correlation Coefficients between the CLV of all Customer Segments
Correlation Econo-
coefficients Architects Lawyers Physicians mists
Lawyers 0.5
Physicians 0.4 0.5
Economists 0.5 0.5 0.3
Natural sci. 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4
Comp.sci./ 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6
Pharmacists 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.4
Engineers 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.5
Arts scho- 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.3
Correlation Natural scientists/ Pharmacists Engineers
coefficients sci. Math.
Natural sci.
Comp.sci./ 0.8
Pharmacists 0.7 0.6
Engineers 0.4 0.8 0.4
Arts scho- 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
NPV of Fixed Costs, Maximum and Minimum Portfolio Weights per
Customer Segment
Customer segment NPV of fixed costs Maximum portfolio
(in 1,000 euros) weights
Architects 35,000 36.2%
Lawyers 30,000 53.2%
Physicians 40,000 60.8%
Economists 32,500 64.1%
Natural scientists 25,000 10.2%
Computer scientists/ 25,000 6.5%
Pharmacists 35,000 26.8%
Engineers 35,000 100.0%
Arts scholars 25,000 23.0%
Customer segment Minimum portfolio
weights [[].sub.t]
Architects 0.0%
Lawyers 0.0%
Physicians 30.0%
Economists 20.0%
Natural scientists 0.0%
Computer scientists/ 0.0%
Pharmacists 0.0%
Engineers 0.0%
Arts scholars 0.0%