Conceptualization of market expansion strategies in developing economies.
Bang, Vasant V. ; Joshi, Sharad L.
Of late, the issue of market expansion has attracted the attention
of academia as well as industry. Market expansion as a strategic growth
option is particularly relevant in developing countries like India
because of very low product penetration and consumption levels. The
McKinsey Quarterly in its global survey of business executives reports
that 84 percent of executives consider growing number of consumers in
emerging markets as an important trend but a lesser number of executives
(63 percent) view these consumers as a future source of profits and a
still lesser number (41 percent) of executives say that their companies
have pursued this opportunity (Freeman, Woodwork, and Stephenson 2007).
Real challenge lies in converting non-customers of an industry into
customers. However, traditionally, strategy researchers and
practitioners have focused their attention on the problem of dealing
with competition and how to get and keep market share (Hamel and
Prahalad 2002; Kim and Mauborgne 2005).
Some commentators argue that in countries like India, small
industry and informal sectors have been practicing market expansion
strategy with products they could make such as local soap, biscuits, and
toiletries (Nath 2006). But the work of Kim and Mauborgne (2005),
Prahalad (2005), Prahalad and Hammond (2002), and Prahalad and
Lieberthal (1998) brought to the fore the issue of direct involvement of
manufacturers or corporations in expanding markets. Though these
contributions have immense value for the development of a conceptual
framework for market expansion strategy, individually none of these can
be considered as a complete conceptualization in itself.
Kim and Mauborgne (2005) conceptualize a "blue ocean"
strategy framework for creation of demand in an untapped market. They
visualize it as an alternative strategy to market share growth. However,
not every one agrees that market expansion and market share growth are
mutually exclusive strategies (e.g., Walker Jr. et al. 2006). Some of
the strategies suggested in this framework do not lead to market
expansion in the same sense as we define it in this paper. A "blue
ocean" strategy framework provides tools and techniques for dealing
with competition at different levels. But it does not pay enough
attention to the exogenous factors affecting market demand such as the
purchasing and consumption abilities of potential customers.
Prahalad (2005) with other scholars like Hammond (2002) and
Lieberthal (2005) has developed a "bottom of the pyramid (BOP)
marketing framework" as a means of expanding low income markets. In
the context of developing countries, a BOP framework is more relevant
than a "blue ocean strategy" framework. Although a
"BOP" framework is useful for development of a general
framework for market expansion, conceptually expansions of markets do
not necessarily mean expansion of "bottom of the pyramid"
markets. A "BOP" framework puts strong emphasis on the
creation of consumption capacity among the poor. However, like a
"blue ocean strategy" framework, it does not adequately
address a very important consumer behavior related issue of how to bring
an unwilling customer into the market. "BOP" framework also
ignores the competitive dimension in the formulation of strategy.
Much before the writings on "blue ocean strategy" and
"bottom of the pyramid marketing," Kotler (1973) wrote about
demand creation activities. He had identified specific situations in
which a company needs to undertake demand creation efforts. Although he
wrote about marketing tasks in each such situation, these tasks do not
constitute a holistic framework, especially in the context of developing
countries. Moreover he did not write specifically about demand for a
product as against demand for a brand.
The objective of this paper is to conceptualize a market expansion
strategy in such a way that a generic framework can be developed which
should be useful for the expansion of markets of any type, including the
bottom of the pyramid markets in developing countries.
We develop a framework without making any assumption as to whether
market expansion is a strategic alternative to market share or not. We
look into the fundamental issues such as: what is a market and what is
market expansion. We synthesize some significant contributions to the
market expansion-related strategy literature with relevant concepts and
theories from literature in other areas. On the basis of the survey of
the literature, we first clarify the domain of the market expansion
construct and market expansion strategy. Then we identify the antecedent conditions that drive market expansion. We also identify the moderating
conditions under which the effect of antecedents is enhanced or
ameliorated. On the basis of the identified antecedents and moderators,
we develop a process-based framework for implementation and measurement
of market expansion strategy. We also present a series of research
propositions in the spirit of propositional inventories such as those
developed by scholars like Kohli and Jaworski (1990).
In the marketing literature the term "market" is referred
to a set of actual and potential buyers of a product (Etzel, Walker and
Stanton 2001, Kotler 2001, Zikmund and d'Amico 2001). Size of the
market is measured in terms of demand. Demand for a product category as
a whole is termed as primary demand while demand for a particular brand
of a product is called selective demand. The upper limit of market
demand is called market potential (Kotler 2001). In the marketing and
strategy literature, primary demand creation and selective demand
creation have been identified as distinct strategic options. Companies
selling in mature markets often take primary demand as given. They
concentrate their marketing resources on building selective demand.
However in countries which are characterized by huge but largely
untapped market potential, some companies attempt to build primary
demand as well as preference for their brands (Kotler and Armstrong
2006). In the strategy literature, the term "market expansion"
has generally been used in the context of primary demand creation and
not selective demand creation. For example, Weber (1976) writes about
the strategic option of growing by increasing industry market potential
rather than market share. Walker Jr. et al. (2006) define market
expansion strategy as stimulating primary demand to help speed up
overall market growth. Hence we conclude that market expansion means
increase in primary demand or increase in market potential for a product
category and not the increase in sales of a specific brand.
Demand for a product category can be expressed in terms of volume
(i.e., quantity or number of units) or value (i.e., monetary units).
Whether the growth in the sales volume or value of a product category
can be considered as market expansion or not depends on the source of
the demand's growth. We can visualize three sources of the growth
in the demand for a product category: (1) demand from the first time
buyers i.e., existing non-customers of the industry, (2) increase in the
usage rate of existing customers of the industry, and (3) value growth
because of some customers upgrading to higher priced products
(Bijapurkar 2007). Besides this, most products have replacement demand.
We define a market expansion strategy as a strategy of increasing
primary demand for a product category by converting non-customers into
customers of an industry and/ or by increasing the usage rate of
industry's existing customers. Focus on increasing the usage rate
is especially relevant in case of products with high penetration levels
but low per capita consumption. For example, expansion of market of
consumer non durables (i.e., toilet soaps and detergent cakes/ powders)
in India, can take place through increase in its usage rate (Rao 2001).
"Expansion" and other similar terms used in the business
and corporate strategy literature do not always mean market expansion.
For instance, Glueck and Jauch (1984) suggest concentration,
integration, diversification, cooperation, and internationalization as
different routes to expansion. But these strategies do not necessarily
lead to expansion of market for a particular product category.
Similarly, Ansoff (1957) in his product-market growth matrix talks about
"market extension strategy" and "market penetration strategy." But extension of a market by reaching out to new market
segments in present geographic markets is not the same as regional,
national, or international geographic expansion of the company's
sales. The former option leads to an increase in primary demand for the
product category. But in the latter case, a company might grow its sales
by gaining market share from existing competitors in new geographic
markets. Similarly, if market penetration is sought by converting
non-customers into the customers of the industry's products, it
leads to increase in the primary demand. But if market penetration is
brought about by attracting competitor's customers, it leads to
increases in the selective demand. This paper is concerned with market
expansion for a particular product category and not corporate level
expansion of overall sales revenue.
In order to measure market potential, it is necessary to define
boundaries of a market. For defining market boundaries, Brooks (1995)
conceptualizes "market" as a set of customers served by a set
of suppliers, where both sets are defined in terms of products and
services and in terms of geographic locations. This means for each of
its products in a chosen geographical area, a company can have different
estimates of market potential depending on the definition of respective
product's market boundaries in terms of competition.
There exist two approaches to the definition of competition.
Demand-oriented approaches define competitors with respect to customer
needs and wants, while supply-oriented approaches focus on physical
product and manufacturing processes (Day, Shocker, and Srivastava 1979).
Levitt (1960) highlights the importance of demand side perspective in
his article on 'Marketing Myopia' wherein he asks companies to
focus on customer needs rather than the products that they sell.
Marketing strategists generally define competitors from a consumer
behavior perspective (Rao and Steckel 2006).
Lehman and Winer (2005) define competition at four different
levels: product form level, product category level, generic level, and
budget level. Product form level competition includes all those products
and services which typically pursue the same market segments and their
features offer similar values. All brands within a product form are
competitors at the product form level. Product category competition
includes all those products and services which have similar features.
But these features may differ in perceived value. All product forms
within a product category are competitors at the product category level.
Generic competition includes all those products and services which
satisfy the same customer needs. Various product categories satisfying a
particular need are competitors at this level. Budget level competition
includes all those products and services which compete for the
customer's budget. At this level various customer needs are the
By using four levels of competition as a framework, we can
conceptualize different levels of market expansion. We can measure
market potential for a product form (i.e., low cost airlines/motorbikes/
herbal shampoo) or for a product category (i.e., airlines/two
wheelers/shampoos) or for a generic need (i.e., travel/personal
transport/hair care). At one extreme end, a firm may try to increase
sales of its specific brand without attempting to increase the market
potential of the product form to which the brand belongs. Resultant
increase in the sales of that brand can not be termed as market
expansion. A company can make efforts to increase the sales of a product
form within a product category. For example, Air Deccan popularized the
low cost air travel format in Indian domestic air travel market. As per
our definition of market expansion, an increase in the sales of a
product form also does not constitute market expansion unless it leads
to increase in the sales of the product category as a whole. Market can
be expanded by increasing the sales of a product category within a
generic need. For example, Air Deccan can try to persuade the customers
to travel by air rather than by train. Market can be further expanded by
raising aspirations of customers for satisfaction of a particular
generic need vis a vis their other needs. For example, airlines can try
to persuade customers to travel and see the world.
In addition, an increase in market potential can also be brought
about by increasing the size of the wallet or budget of the customers.
For example, ITC Ltd., a fast-moving consumer goods company, has created
village internet kiosks in India. This initiative called eChoupal
(electronic marketplace) enables the agricultural community access to
ready information in their local language on the weather and market
prices, disseminates knowledge on scientific farm practices, and
facilitates the sale of farm inputs and the purchase of farm produce at
the farmers' doorsteps by ITC or others. Tyagi (2006, p. 70),
Head--Rural Marketing, ITC- International Business Division says,
"marketers today are trying to get a share of the same wallet while
what we are trying to do in the eChoupal model is to look at how we can
enhance the size of the wallet and then garner a share of it."
We conceptualize a market expansion continuum across which the
market expansion strategy can be practiced. As shown in figure 1, at one
end of the continuum lies the prospect of increasing sales for a product
form which may or may not lead to market expansion. At the other end
lies the prospect of expanding the market by increasing the size of
wallet/ budget of the consumers and acquiring a share from it.
Antecedents to a market expansion are the factors that drive market
expansion. Our examination of the literature reveals three antecedents
to market expansion: (1) unfulfilled needs and wants of the potential
customers, (2) their purchasing ability and (3) access to the desired
products and services.
1. Unfulfilled Needs and Wants
If demand for a product is to exist, the customers should recognize
an unfulfilled need which can be satisfied by a given product (Etzel,
Walker, and Stanton 2004, Kotler 2001, Zikmund and d'Amico 2001).
Need or problem recognition is the first step in the consumer decision
making process (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel 2006, Loudon and Della
Bitta 2002).
Customers recognize an unfulfilled need only when they perceive a
difference of sufficient magnitude between their desired and the actual
state of affairs (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel 2006). Need recognition
is triggered either by the change in the desired state or by the change
in the actual state (Bruner II 1990). At times customers fail to realize
the change in their actual state of affairs (Blackwell, Miniard, and
Engel 2006; Loudon and Della Bitta 2002). In the developing countries
low income customers become resigned to their living conditions (Letelier, Flores, and Spinosa 2003). Due to low literacy levels many a
times they fail to notice the change in their actual states. For
example, diarrhea, a killer disease in many developing countries, can be
partly prevented if people wash their hands with soap before eating.
However many people fail to realize that washing hands without using a
soap only gives an impression of clean hands without killing the germs
(Prahalad 2005).
Out of the several factors influencing the actual and desired state
of affairs (Bruner II 1988), reference group, culture, and social class
are especially important in the developing market context. Prahalad and
Lieberthal (1998) point out cultural differences between the untapped
poor markets and the tapped affluent markets. In low income segments in
developing countries, decisions to buy or not to buy a product are
affected by conflict between traditional values (i.e., belief that
personal identity is based on place in the society given at birth) and
emerging values (i.e., belief that possessions, education, and work
status define identity). Poor customers try to resolve the value
conflicts by buying such products that make qualitative differences in
their lives and enhance their productivity (Letelier, Flores, and
Spinosa 2003). For instance, many customers in rural India buy cell
phones and two wheelers as life improving products that enhance their
productivity and increase earning (Bijapurkar 2007). But even within a
developing country, the customers belonging to different age cohorts
exhibit different propensity to consume. For example, the post-1990
generation in India does not feel guilty about consumption unlike their
previous generation which largely believes in saving first and buying
later (Bijapurkar 2007).
At a given point of time, several needs compete for the share of a
customer's resources. For a customer, motivation to satisfy a need
depends on the relative importance of that need (Hawkins, Coney, and
Best 1980). As a result, demand for a product is affected by the
competition from "non-comparable alternatives," i.e. product
categories which satisfy different needs (TV versus Refrigerator) but
compete for the customer's resources (Betturan and Sujan 1987;
Corfman 1991; Johnson 1989). Competition among non- comparable
alternatives is an important issue in developing countries because of
the lower incomes of the customers.
Even after customers recognize a need which a given product can
satisfy, demand for that product is not assured because there can be
more than one product category capable of satisfying a given need.
Competition from substitutes is discussed in economics as well as in the
strategy literature (e.g., Porter 1980, Salvatore 2004, Samuelson and
Nordhaus 2005). A customer's desire for a specific product category
becomes his want (Kotler 2001). At times demand for a product is
negatively affected because of undesirable beliefs, values, or feelings
associated with the product (Kotler 1973).
If the customers are to consider a product category as one of the
alternatives for satisfaction of a chosen need, the given category
should exist in his consideration set. First time buyers in a product
category may lack knowledge about what alternatives are available to
choose from and they may not be able to construct a consideration set
solely based on the internal search of the memory. The products like
deodorant which are taken for granted in developed countries might be
unknown to many customers in developing countries (Blackwell, Miniard,
and Engel 2006).
2. Purchasing Ability
Demand for a product exists when needs and wants of the customers
are backed by the purchasing ability (Etzel, Walker, and Stanton 2004,
Kotler 2001, Zikmund and d'Amico 2001). Purchasing ability is also
known as an economic resource (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel 2006).
Purchasing ability depends on the income, savings, assets, debts, and
borrowing power (Kotler 2001). Economists point out that with the rise
in customer's income, demand for "normal goods" rises
while demand for "inferior goods" decreases (Salvatore 2001).
Per capita incomes in the developing countries are much lower than
the developed countries. Approximately 65 % of the world's
population (i.e., 4 billion people) earns less than $2000 each per year
(Prahalad and Hammond 2002). However, per capita income and consumption
expenditures in developing countries in purchasing power parity terms
are much higher than what appears in real terms. For example, in 2005 an
average Indian middle class family spent approximately $6500 annually, a
modest sum in real terms but in purchasing power parity terms it meant
$35000 (Beinhocker, Farrell, and Zainulbhai 2007). Table 1 shows income
class wise distribution of households in India. Effect of income on the
ownership of consumer durables is evident from this table.
Poor customers in the developing countries not only have low per
capita income but their income streams are unpredictable. Many of them
subsist on daily wages. Because of this bottom of the pyramid customers
prefer buying many products like shampoo, biscuits, toothpaste, soaps,
etc. in small packets at lower price points (Prahalad 2005). For the
same reason usage rate per occasion of many products like soft drinks,
ketchup, cheese, detergents, etc. tends to be lower in the developing
countries than the developed countries (Bijapurkar 2007).
Demand for products is affected not only by the current income of
the customers but also by their borrowing power. For instance, easy
access to formal credit is considered to be one of the most important
reasons for rising consumption levels in India (Bijapurkar 2007).
However, access to formal credit depends on creditworthiness of the
borrowers. Poor customers who lack collateral find it difficult to
access credit through formal credit sources (Lawrence 2006). Access to
informal financial institutions like Rotating Saving and Credit
Association (Roscas) helps poor customers in reducing the waiting time
to purchase (Callier1990). Poor customers also depend on the local
retailers and money lenders for their credit needs though such credit
can be exorbitantly expensive (Prahalad 2005).
3. Access
The mere existence of willing and capable customers does not
constitute a market. According to economists, markets exist only when at
least two parties (i.e., customers and marketers) are willing to enter
into an exchange (Gravell and Rees 1992; Marshall 1919; Rosenbaum 2000).
At times customers recognize an unfulfilled need but marketers do not
offer a product which can satisfy the felt need. Such a situation
represents latent demand (Kotler 1973). Potential market for a product
offer gets converted into available market only when the potential
customers have access to the product offer (Kotler 2001). For example,
scholars point out that the bottom of the pyramid markets in the
developing countries can expand if companies increase their distribution
reach especially in the geographically dispersed rural markets (Prahalad
2005; Prahalad and Lieberthal 1998).The term access not only means
distribution reach but more importantly it means availability of the
products with desired value propositions. For example, when companies
started offering shampoo in single serve packs priced at as low as $
0.02, the percentage of households consuming shampoo in rural India went
up from 13.3 in the year 2000 to 31.9 in 2005 (Bijapurkar 2007). Hence
we can say that access is a marketer-side antecedent to market
expansion. It is influenced by the target market definitions of the
For some products a company or the whole industry may not target a
certain market segment. For example, companies that sell higher end
products such as financial services or computers have generally not
targeted low income segments in developing countries (Letelier, Flores,
and Spinosa 2003). Large western companies tend to target small segments
of relatively affluent buyers in the developing countries (Prahalad
2005; Prahalad and Hammond 2005; Prahalad and Lieberthal 1998).
The market for a product category can expand if a company targets
non-customers of the industry's products. Markets can also expand
if a company tries to increase the usage rate of the existing customers
of the industry. But if a company targets existing customers of the
industry for their replacement demand, or for the sales of an upgraded
variant of existing product, the market does not expand. For example, as
shown in table 1, the Indian market for consumer durables can expand if
companies target lower income segments. On the other hand if higher
income segments are targeted for their replacement or up-gradation
demand, the market doesn't expand.
Our survey of literature reveals that three important factors
influence a company's decision to target untapped and/or
underserved market segments or not.
(i) Estimate of the potential market size and growth.
The size and growth rate of the potential market are important
determinants of the choice of target market (Etzel, Walker and Stanton
2001, Kotler 2001, Zikmund and d'Amico 2001). However the estimate
of the size of potential market depends upon the metric used by the
marketers. As shown in table 2, in terms of GDP per capita, the emerging
economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China rank very low in the list
of countries. However, in terms of population and GDP, these countries
rank very high. If the untapped or underserved market segments in the
developing countries are evaluated by using per capita consumption
metric, these segments do not appear attractive, but at the aggregate
level these countries are big markets (Bijapurkar 2007; Prahalad 2005).
A company's estimate of market size may be affected by its
perception of purchasing power rather than by the real purchasing power
of the customers. For instance, some multinational companies tend to
think of the middle class in India and China as similar to the middle
class in Europe or the United States of America. In reality upper class
customers of the developing countries match the middle class customers
of the developed countries in terms of their income. As a result many
companies end up targeting only the upper income segments in the
developing countries (Prahalad and Lieberthal 1998). On the other hand,
companies tend to under estimate the purchasing power of poor people.
Poor customers buy many products and services at much higher prices than
their rich counterparts. For example, poor people in Dharavi, a
shantytown of more than 1 million people in the heart of Mumbai, India,
pay several times more to use credit than rich people staying in the
same city (Prahalad and Hammond 2002). In the Philippines there is a
custom of "five-six" lending: borrowing five pesos and
repaying six, usually within a week for an annual interest rate of
roughly 13000 percent (Beshouri 2006).
A company's strategies are also affected by the rate of growth
of the market. If a company thinks that its product is at the maturity
or saturation phase in its lifecycle, it may become market share
focused. Sometimes lifecycle stage can be a matter of perception. Jha
(2006, p.81) says "most of our (Indian) marketers sit on a huge
untapped market with the mindset of a saturated market."
(ii) Financial considerations.
Pursuit of superior financial performance is assumed to be the
ultimate goal of a firm's strategies including the decision about
which segments to target (Alderson 1957; Hunt and Morgan 1995, 1996).
Just because untapped market segments provide opportunities for growth,
financial viability of the strategy of targeting these segments can not
be taken for granted. For example, Salvatore (2004) writes that in the
1990s markets in the airline and telephone industries in the USA
expanded but firms suffered huge losses. Sheth and Sisodia (2007) argue
that any benefits accruing to marketers or customers at the expense of
each other are short lived at best and usually lead to subsequent losses
that more than offset previous gains.
The financial viability of market expansion strategy is a crucial
issue in the developing countries because most untapped market segments
are located in the rural areas. For instance, despite rural India having
three times as many people as urban India, it is vastly underserved.
This is because rural India has its geographical and infrastructural
challenges which make it more expensive and less attractive to the
marketers (Bijapurkar 2007).
Scholars argue that financial viability can be a matter of
managerial perception, especially if they are used to operating in the
higher margin markets of developed countries. In the developing
countries per unit margins are lower but the loss of margin is more than
compensated by the volumes and higher return on capital employed (Prahalad 2005; Prahalad and Hammond 2005; Prahalad and Lieberthal
1998). Rosenblum, Tomlinson, and Scott (2003) point out that established
companies have great difficulty in seeing how unprofitable segments
(i.e., small and low income customers) can be served profitably,
particularly if those established companies have been very successful.
(iii) Competitor orientation
Some scholars believe that when a company focuses too much on
competition, it fails to target untapped and/or underserved segments
(Jha 2006; Kim and Mauborgne 2005). But this assumption is debatable.
Although existence of competition is an important assumption in many
marketing theories, the theorists do not use the term competition in the
context of only the existing markets. For instance, Alderson (1957) and
Hunt and Morgan (1996) suggests that competing firms can derive
competitive advantage by identifying segments of demand that competitors
are not servicing or servicing poorly. Developing countries provide more
scope for gaining competitive advantage by targeting the untapped market
segments than developed countries.
Then how it is that competition orientation is blamed for companies
remaining confined to the served markets. One of the explanations could
be that scholars like Hamel and Prahalad (2002) and Kim and Mauborgne
(2005) use the term competition from the supply side perspective. When
they exhort companies not to remain confined to existing markets served
by the competitors, they indirectly mean that the companies should shift
their focus on to the demand side of competition. Another explanation
could be that the studies which report the positive impact of competitor
orientation on a company's profitability (e.g., Dawes 2000; Noble,
Sinha and Kumar 2002) use the term competition from the supply side
perspective. However, Armstrong and Green (2007) offer a different view
on competitor orientation. They accept that many studies have shown a
positive correlation between market share and profitability (e.g.,
Buzzell, Gale, and Sultan 1975; Szymanski, Bharadwaj, and Varadarajan
1993). But they argue that such correlations can be logically
interpreted as showing that companies with better offerings tend to
achieve higher market share. Even in these studies competitors are
defined from the supply side perspective.
In our literature survey, we came across only one study which comes
close to quantifying the impact of the strategy of competing beyond
existing industry boundaries. This study by Kim and Mauborgne (2005)
reports that companies which pursued blue ocean strategies (targeting
such markets segments that are not targeted by the competitor brands)
generated higher profit than those companies which pursued red ocean
strategies (trying to gain market share from competitor brands).
Our survey of the literature revealed some moderating conditions
under which the effect of antecedent variables on market expansion is
enhanced or ameliorated. One moderator that surfaced in the literature
survey is the ability of customers to use a product. Belzowski,
Henderson, and Koppinger (2007, p. 5) in their study of the Indian
automotive market quote an executive working in an automobile company
who listed a combination of issues that are dissuading potential buyers
in India from actually buying a car:
They (potential buyers) don't need a car, they are uncertain about
the cost of operation, roads are not good enough, congestion makes
driving unappealing, parking space is not sufficient, they don't
know how to drive, they are unsure whether some manufacturers will
last as long as the vehicle, creating a trust gap.
Three components of consumption ability can be elicited from the
above quotation: (1) customer's competence, i.e., knowledge and
skills needed to use a product (ability to drive a car), (2) complements
and networks, i.e., other products and services which increase or
decrease the effectiveness of the usage of original product (cost of
operation which depends upon cost of fuel), and (3) consumption context,
i.e., infrastructure and other conditions excluding the complements
(road condition, congestion, parking space).
A large number of customers in the low income segments of
developing countries are first time users of many products and services.
As a result many of them lack the knowledge and skills necessary to use
the products. Lack of awareness and knowledge about many products and
their applications is one of the major impediments in expansion of the
bottom of the pyramid markets (Prahalad 2005).
The size of the total market for a product is affected in part by
its complements (Yoffie and Kwak 2006). Samuelson and Nordhaus (2005)
write about the effect of change in the price of complements (e.g., the
effect of price of petrol on sales of automobiles) on a particular good.
There are many products for which the utility that a user derives from
consumption of the good increases with the number of other customers
consuming the good (Katz and Shapiro 1985). This network externality effect is found in many product and service categories like
telecommunication systems, credit cards, ATM cards, etc.
In many developing countries, the infrastructure needed for
consumption or usage of the products is either non existent or of low
quality like wide fluctuations in electrical voltage, blackouts, water
shortage, polluted water, etc. (Beshouri 2006; Prahalad 2005).
Another important moderating condition is the social and political
support for business. Business practices and their consequences are
subjected to political and social scrutiny in democratic societies (Chua
2003). At times government and social groups discourage consumption to
protect the environment. Because of its sheer size, expansion of the
bottom of the pyramid markets can put considerable strain on natural
resources, ecology, and environment (Prahalad 2005). Kotler (1973) warns
that satisfaction of a need should not lead to more social harm than
private good. Writers on marketing ethics also raise questions like
should new needs be created before existing needs are satisfied, how to
prioritize needs, who should define them, etc. (e.g., Sele 2006).
Other macro environmental factors also affect the needs and
preferences of customers (Kohli and Jaworski 1990). Since our objective
is to develop a conceptual framework for market expansion strategy, we
have limited our search of moderators to such factors that a company can
influence. For example, although customer competence is an exogenous
factor, companies can make attempt to educate the customers. While
launching shampoo in single serve packs in rural India, a company used a
two-minute film to educate the customers about method of using shampoo
and its benefits (Banerjee 2008).
On the basis of the identified antecedents and moderators we now
develop a conceptual framework for implementation of market expansion
strategy. An important antecedent to market expansion is that potential
customers should have access to the offerings of an industry. This in
turn depends on the willingness of a company to target untapped and/or
underserved market segments and its willingness to look beyond the
competition from other brands and product forms. Hence, as a first step
in implementation of market expansion strategy, a company needs to
define its market scope in terms of customers and competitors. We use
the term market scope instead of target market because the term target
market generally has customer connotations and it does not indicate the
level of competition at which a company competes.
From our discussion of other antecedents and moderators, it is
clear that in the untapped and/or underserved market segments of the
developing countries, the conditions necessary to establish exchange
with potential customers may not exist. For example, potential customers
may not realize the need and/ or they may not possess the ability to buy
and to use a given product category. Hence, we consider creation of
willingness and ability to buy a given product category as a second
component of the framework for implementation of market expansion
To ensure that the potential customers have access to its
offerings, a company needs to not only select appropriate value
propositions, it also needs to design appropriate value communication
and delivery mechanisms. McKinsey Global Institute (2007) in its report
on consumer markets in India observes that companies in India need to
not only offer products with appropriate features and prices but also
design distribution, logistics, and services networks capable of
reaching out to customers not just in large cities but in several small
cities and towns.
While value selection and value communication aspects are largely
taken care of in the first two components of market expansion strategy,
the value delivery aspect is included in the third component. The first
two components of market expansion strategy address the issue of demand
creation while the third component deals with demand fulfillment. While
designing the value delivery mechanisms (i.e. distribution and service
infrastructure) for untapped/ underserved market segments in developing
countries, a company needs to pay special attention to its financial
viability. Hence, a company needs to devise financially sustainable
methods of fulfilling the demand. Since market expansion strategy is
susceptible to socio-political opposition, the sustainability of this
strategy needs to be viewed from the point of view of a company as well
as the society at large.
On the basis of the above discussion, we propose a conceptual
framework for implementation of market expansion strategy. It consists
of three components: (1) defining market scope, (2) creating willingness
and ability in the target market to enter into exchange, and (3)
fulfilling demand in a sustainable manner.
We now identify specific marketing tasks related to each of these
three components. We also present research propositions with respect to
the identified tasks. The research propositions have been developed on
the basis of identified antecedent and moderating conditions. Although
some of these conditions appear to be uncontrollable, our survey of
literature revealed several innovative methods to deal with these
conditions. We have accounted for these methods in some of the research
Definition of Market Scope
If a company wishes to expand the market, it needs to provide
access to customers in the untapped and/or underserved market segments.
However, as discussed previously, choice of target markets is influenced
by several factors.
P1: The greater the extent to which a company targets un-served
and/or underserved market segments, the greater is the extent to which
the company pursues market expansion strategy.
P1a: The greater the desire of a company to target market segments
with high per capita income and high per capita GDP, the less the
likelihood that company pursues a market expansion strategy.
P1b: The stronger the belief that a market has reached its maturity
phase, the greater the likelihood of a company trying to strive for a
higher share of the existing market.
P1c: The higher the estimated profitability from untapped/
underserved market segments as compared to the served market, the
greater is the likelihood of a company pursuing a market expansion
As a first step in identifying untapped/ underserved market
segments a company can study geographic market product penetration and
consumption levels. Geographic market segments are the most widely used
bases for allocation of sales efforts. This may be because of a reported
positive association between territory sales potential and the sales
results of a company (Beswick and Cravens 1977; Cravens, Woodruff, and
Stamper 1972; Lucas, Weinberg, and Clowes 1975; Ryans and Weinberg
1979). For the same reason, geographic markets can be used as unit of
analysis to determine the extent to which a market segment is served.
For instance, Table 3 shows state-wise data on penetration of various
products in India.
A company which spends greater marketing efforts on states having
less than national average product penetration level can be considered
as making more efforts at expanding the market than other companies.
However, within a relatively untapped geographic market, if a company
targets existing customers of the industry for their replacement or
up-gradation demand the market will not expand.
P2a: The greater the extent to which a company targets
non-customers of the industry, the greater is the extent to which it
pursues a market expansion strategy.
P2b: The greater the extent to which a company targets existing
customers of its industry for increasing their usage rate of the
industry's products, the greater is the extent to which it pursues
a market expansion strategy.
Scholars lament that although non-customers constitute an important
source of new demand in an industry, very few companies know anything
about non-customers (Drucker 1999; Kim and Mauborgne 2005). Hence, we
P3: The greater the efforts a company makes on understanding
non-customer behavior, the greater is the extent to which it pursues a
market expansion strategy.
When a company tries to expand the market for a product category,
it has to compete with other product categories which satisfy a given
need. At a given point in time, several customer needs might also
compete for the customer's resources. Hence:
P4: The greater the efforts a company makes to deal with the
competition beyond the product category level, the greater is the extent
to which it pursues a market expansion strategy.
The market expansion continuum shown in figure 2 can be used to
define the competitive scope. Definition of competitive scope has
implications for both performance standards and strategy (Lehmann and
Winer 2005). As an indicator of market potential at the product category
level, a company can study sales trends for various brands and product
forms. But when a company competes at generic need level, it needs to
study sales trends of various product categories that satisfy a given
need. Competing at the budget level requires understanding of trends in
customer's per capita income and spending on satisfaction of
various needs. Depending upon the level to which a company aims to
expand a market, it can choose appropriate benchmarks for its value
proposition and value chain.
Creation of Willingness and Capability to Consume
A company's willingness and capability creation efforts will
include (1) need awakening, (2) creating desire for a given product
category, (3) improving consumption ability, and (4) improving
purchasing ability.
A company can make need awakening efforts and/or it can make
efforts to promote its brands to those customers who already feel a need
for the product category.
P5: The greater the extent of need awakening efforts a company
makes, the greater the extent to which it pursues market expansion
A company can make need awakening efforts by changing the potential
customer's desired state of affairs. At times potential customers
are unaware of the change in their actual state of affairs. In such a
situation, a company is required to educate potential customers. In some
cases a company can also create perception of change in the actual state
of affairs (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel 2006; Loudon and Della Bitta
2002). If potential customers associate some negative beliefs, values,
or feelings with a need or a product, a company is required to alter
such beliefs, values, or feelings (Kotler 1973). Sometimes it helps to
remind the customers about all such occasions when a gap between the
desired and the actual states occurs (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel
2006). For example, a toilet soap marketer can expand the market by
persuading customers to wash their hands with soap before each meal.
Several product categories may compete for the satisfaction of a
given need. The customer's desire for a given product category
becomes his want. Hence, a company can make efforts to deal with
competition from substitute product categories. Alternatively the
company may choose to concentrate on those customers who already have
the desire to buy the given product category. The company can then make
efforts to promote its brands to such customers.
P6: The greater the extent to which a company makes efforts to deal
with competition from substitutes, the greater is the extent to which it
pursues market expansion strategy.
A customer's want becomes a "qualified want" only
when it is backed by consumption ability. A customer's consumption
ability is influenced mainly by three factors: (1) his/ her own
competence to use the product, (2) the consumption context and (3)
complementary products and networks. A company can try to improve
consumption ability by adapting its products to the existing level of
the aforementioned factors. For example, Microsoft has developed some of
its software in Indian languages because a vast majority of the
population does not know English (customer competence). In order to
reduce the cost of fuel (a complementary product), automobile
manufacturers try to improve fuel efficiency of their vehicles. TV
manufacturers can design their products to run on solar power in rural
areas where electric supply (consumption context) may be unavailable or
A company may even try to alter the factors which influence
consumption ability. For example, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, the leading
car manufacturer in India, has opened car driving schools in some cities
and towns. However, some other efforts like providing complementary
products/services or creating infrastructures needed to use the product,
might appear to be outside the scope of marketing strategy. However
scholars have been writing about these possibilities. For example, Kim
and Mauborgne (2005) suggest that a movie theater can expand the market
for movies by providing baby sitting services. Kotler (1973) considers
the altering of infrastructure as a part of "stimulational
marketing." He says sellers of motorboats can stimulate interest in
boats in a lakeless community by building an artificial lake. On similar
lines, a soap manufacturer in a developing country can explore the
possibility of building community bath rooms in slums. This might help
those poor women who are otherwise forced to take baths in open spaces.
This might lead to increase in the usage rate of bath soaps.
Alternatively a company may target only those market segments where
requisite consumption ability exists. We propose:
P7a: The greater the extent to which a company makes efforts to
improve potential customers' competence to use the industry's
products, the greater is the extent to which it pursues a market
expansion strategy.
P7b: The greater the extent to which a company makes efforts to
increase customer benefits and decrease customer costs associated with
its complementary products and services, the greater is the extent to
which it pursues a market expansion strategy.
P7c: The greater the extent to which a company makes efforts to
improve the consumption context and/or adapt its offering to the
existing consumption context, the greater is the extent to which it
pursues a market expansion strategy.
Our survey of the literature reveals several innovative ways of
improving the purchasing ability of potential customers. A company can
make its products affordable by choosing the right combination of price
and performance levels (Prahalad 2005; Prahalad and Lieberthal 1998;
Rosenblum, Tomlinson, and Scott 2003). Christensen (1997) warns
companies of the dangers of performance oversupply (i.e. products with
features which customers do not require). In India, cellular service
providers offer prepaid telecom services, which enable lower income
customers to buy these services to the extent they can afford to pay at
one time.
Kim and Mauborgne (2005) suggest that in order to expand the
market, a company should follow price-minus pricing rather than
cost-plus pricing. The company needs to rework its cost structure
according to the chosen price. A company can cut price if it hopes to
benefit from economies of scale and/or the learning curve effect. Levitt
(1960) cites the example of Henry Ford, who believed that he would be
able to sell millions of cars if priced at around $500. Levitt
highlights the fact that the much celebrated mass production system of
Henry Ford was the result of and not the cause of low prices for the
Model T car.
Prahalad and Hammond (2002) cite examples of innovative strategies
like the shared access model based on the principle of aggregation of
demand and a pay-per-use pricing strategy. For example, Grameen Phone in
Bangladesh sells a cell phone connection to a small entrepreneur who in
turn rents it out to the needy. In the Philippines, Manila Water a water
supply company installs common water meters for a number of households.
This helps the poor customers to share the cost of a water meter
(Beshouri 2006).
A company can help the customers by facilitating access to the
formal or informal sources of credit. For example, Mexican cement
manufacturer Cemex has set up a building material club called Patrimony Hoy. In this club, members contribute a certain amount every week for
certain number of weeks. Every week lots are drawn to choose a person
who gets a bag of cement for construction of his home (Kim and Mauborgne
2005). Some companies allow its customers to make payments in small
installments for a purchase in future. Yeshasvini, a cooperative
farmers' micro health insurance scheme in south India, uses this
scheme (Jacob 2006).
Scholars suggest that a company can involve itself in the wealth
creation efforts for its potential customers For example, Hindustan
Unilever Ltd has developed a network of rural poor women for the direct
marketing of its products in rural India. This project titled Shakti
(power) has helped the company improve its distribution reach. The other
benefit for the company is that the direct marketer herself becomes a
customer of the company (Gaur 2006; Prahalad 2005).
From the foregoing discussion, we can identify variables at the
customer's and the company's end for directing the purchasing
ability improvement efforts. Variables at the customer's end are
income, assets (i.e., land, old used goods, etc.) and access to credit.
Variables at the company's ends are product value
(price-performance level), offering size, payment timing (at the time of
purchase, pre or post purchase), payment quantum (amount to be paid per
unit time), and payment basis (ownership or usage). These variables give
several options to a company to improve the purchasing ability of its
potential customers.
A company can target such market segments that have been ignored by
others in the industry because of their low purchasing ability. The
company can adopt appropriate strategies to improve the purchasing
ability in such chosen segment. Alternatively the company may target
only such market segments that possess adequate purchasing ability.
As shown in figure 2, we broadly classify purchasing improvement
efforts as follows:
Ability matching--By studying the disposable income of potential
customers and understanding their pattern of spending on various needs,
a company can offer products of such value and/or size that can be
afforded by potential customers. A company can also charge prices on the
basis of usage or temporary ownership of products rather than permanent
ownership of its products.
P8a: The greater the extent to which a company adapts its pricing
strategy to the disposable income of customers in untapped/ underserved
segments, the greater is the extent to which it pursues a market
expansion strategy.
Ability advancement--In order to cut down the waiting time for the
purchase of a product, a company can facilitate payment in installments
rather than a one-time payment by customers. Installment amounts and
payment timing can be worked out to suit the disposable income of
customers. The company can facilitate potential customers' access
to credit through formal or informal sources.
Ability accumulation--A company can facilitate prepayment in small
installments for financing a future purchase.
P8b: The greater the extent to which a company facilitates pre
purchase or post purchase payment in installment by customers, who can
not afford to make one-time payments, the greater is the extent to which
it pursues a market expansion strategy.
P8c: The greater the extent to which a company facilitates credit
access to customers, who do not have access to formal sources, the
greater is the extent to which it pursues a market expansion strategy.
Ability pooling--A company can sell to a group of customers rather
than an individual customer. This joint ownership of products can enable
many such customers to enter markets which they cannot afford
P8d: The greater the extent to which a company facilitates joint
purchases by more than one customer, who can not individually afford to
buy, the greater is the extent to which it pursues a market expansion
Asset leveraging--A company can facilitate the use of
'non-financial assets' to partly or fully finance purchases. A
large fraction of the population of developing countries holds no
financial assets like cash, bank deposits, tradable equities or bonds,
life insurance policies, pension and retirement claims etc. (Honohan
2006). However, many poor customers in developing countries access
credit from private money lenders often by mortgaging assets like land
(Prahalad 2005).
P8e: The greater the extent to which a company facilitates use of
non-financial assets by customers for financing their purchases, the
greater is the extent to which it pursues a market expansion strategy.
Ability enhancement--A company can involve itself in wealth
creation efforts for potential customers. Such efforts can facilitate an
increase in the disposable income of potential customers.
P8f. The greater the extent to which a company involves itself in
wealth creation efforts for customers, who have inadequate income,
assets and credit access, the greater is the extent to which it pursues
a market expansion strategy.
Fulfilling Demand in a Sustainable Manner
This component of market expansion strategy deals with the issue of
distribution reach and overall sustainability of the market expansion
strategy. In developing countries untapped/ underserved market segments
are generally located in rural and semi urban areas with poor
distribution infrastructures.
Markets can expand only if a company targets such geographic market
segments that have not been covered adequately by the existing
distribution system of the industry. Alternatively the company may try
to gain the maximum possible share from those geographic market segments
which have been covered adequately by the industry.
P9: The greater the extent to which a company's sales and
distribution efforts are directed at untapped and/or underserved
geographic market segments, the greater is the extent to which it
pursues a market expansion strategy.
Due to the demand creation and fulfillment efforts of a company,
sales of the entire industry increases. Increase in the industry sales
attracts imitations. Hence, a market expander company needs to defend
and grow its share in the expanding market. If the market expander
company is not able to gain a major part of the expanded market, it
fails to benefit from its investment in market expansion efforts (Kim
and Mauborgne 2005; Prahalad 2005; Prahalad and Hammond 2002). Hence we
P10: The greater the share a market expander company gains in the
expanded market, the greater is the sustainability of a market expansion
To make a business sustainable, a company needs to be concerned
about triple bottom-lines: economic, social, and environmental. This
triple bottom-line framework is one of the most widely accepted
frameworks of business sustainability (Colbert and Kuruc 2007). The
McKinsey Quarterly in its global survey on impact of societal issues
reports that corporate executives expect the environment, including
climate change, to affect shareholder value far more than any other
societal issues during next five years (Bononi, Jieh, and Mendonca
2007). Since market expansion strategy leads to increased consumption,
socio-environmental issues become all the more important. Hence we
P11: The better the performance of a market expander company on
economic, social, and environmental parameters, the more sustainable is
its market expansion strategy.
In order to improve the economic sustainability of a market
expansion strategy, scholars suggest that while targeting untapped
markets a company should innovate its business model (Kim and Mauborgne
2005; Prahalad 2005; Rosenblum, Tomlinson, and Scott 2003). Kumar (2004)
has identified five core principles for cost management in the value
chain: (1) avoid fixed cost wherever possible, (2) if there are any
fixed costs make them work harder than the industry, (3) eliminate
generally accepted variable costs, (4) keep any variable cost to the
minimum, and (5) examine whether variable cost factors can be converted
into revenue generators.
Partnering is suggested as an important strategy to improve the
sustainability of market expansion efforts. Partnering helps a company
to leverage other organisations' assets, expertise, and economies
of scale (Hagel 2002; Kim and Mauborgne 2005). Partnerships with NGOs
and community groups can lead to cost reduction and improvement in
distribution efficiency (Chesbrough et al. 2006; Prahalad and Hammond
2002). Partnerships help a company not only in improving the economic
sustainability but also overall sustainability of a market expansion
strategy. Partnerships, especially with the communities in low income
markets help in invoking collective accountability. This in turn helps a
company in dealing with the problems of the safety and security of the
company's assets and business systems in developing countries
(Beshouri 2006).
The aforementioned three components of a market expansion strategy
are presented in the form of a flow chart as shown in figure 3. Dotted
lines in the flow chart indicate the effect of the market expansion
strategy. Although tasks related to each component appear sequentially
in the flow chart, it may not be the case in practice. The framework is
useful for implementation and measurement of a market expansion strategy
at the product category level. A strategic business unit (SBU) level or
a company level measurement of the market expansion strategy is possible
by studying the strategies used for all the product categories of the
SBU or the company.
We attempt to clarify the domain of the market expansion construct
and identify factors that affect market expansion in developing
countries. We have conceptualized a market expansion strategy as a
strategy of increasing primary demand by converting non-customers into
the customers of an industry and/ or by increasing the usage rate of the
existing customers of the industry. We have conceptualized a continuum
across which a market expansion strategy can be practiced. Neither the
"blue ocean strategy" framework nor the "bottom of the
pyramid marketing" framework is applicable throughout the proposed
continuum of market expansion. The "blue ocean strategy"
framework is useful for increasing the sales of a product form and a
product category. But the "blue ocean strategy" framework pays
less attention to the possibility of expanding a market for a generic
need and expanding a market by increasing the size of the wallet of the
customers. The "bottom of the pyramid marketing" framework
extends the scope of market expansion up to the level of increasing the
size of the wallet of potential customers. But the "bottom of the
pyramid marketing" framework almost ignores the competitive
dimension in the formulation of a strategy.
On the basis of the antecedents and moderators identified in the
literature survey, we propose a conceptual framework for the
implementation of the market expansion strategy. Our framework focuses
on creation of willingness and ability among a given industry's
non-customers and those existing customers whose usage rate of the
industry's products is low. This is what distinguishes market
expansion strategy from other marketing strategies. Other marketing
strategies aim at marketing specific brand/s to those customers who are
willing and capable of entering into exchange with a marketer. In
practice companies do not necessarily use only one type of strategy. The
difference usually lies in the degree to which each of the strategic
options is used by a company. Our propositional inventory represents an
effort to build a systematic framework for implementation and
measurement of market expansion strategy.
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Vasant V. Bang
KIIT School of Management, India.
Sharad L. Joshi
Vishwakarma Institute of Management, India.
Vasant V. Bang is an Associate Professor of Marketing at KIIT
School of Management, 6, Ideal Colony, Paud Raod, Kothrud, Pune 411038,
India, tel. 0091-20-25469591,
[email protected]. Sharad L. Joshi is
the Director at Vishwakarma Institute of Management, Kondhwa (BK), Pune
411048, India, tel. 0091-20-26932800,
[email protected]. The
paper is based on the doctoral research work of first author at Birla
Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, India. The second
author is the doctoral research guide. The authors would like to
sincerely thank Dr. James Gentry, editor-in-chief of AMSR and the three
anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments, suggestions, and
editing work.
Income Class wise Ownership of Consumer Durables in India
Annual % of Indian Number of durables owned per 100
household households households in each income class
income in each
(Rupees '000) income Two- Color TV
(1$ =Rupees 40) class Wheeler
Less than 90 71.90 7 5
90-200 21.90 47 40
200-500 4.80 70 74
500-1000 0.91 75 69
1000-2000 0.29 66 89
2000-5000 0.11 77 113
5000-10,000 0.02 91 117
Annual Number of durables owned per 100 households
(Rupees '000) Refrigerator Air - Car
(1$ =Rupees 40) Conditioner
Less than 90 4 0 0
90-200 34 2 4
200-500 62 13 29
500-1000 64 28 54
1000-2000 68 32 66
2000-5000 81 40 69
5000-10,000 100 38 77
Population and GDP Ranking
Country Population Purchasing power parity
GDP rank GDP per capita rank
China 1 3 108
India 2 5 153
Brazil 7 11 97
Russia 10 10 81
USA 4 1 10
Source: The World Factbook 2007, reproduced in Bijapurkar R. 2007.
We are like that only.
New Delhi: Penguin Portfolio. p. 57
Percentage of Households Owning (Penetration) Various Consumer -
Durables in India
States Radio/ Television Telephone
All India 35.1 31.6 9.1
Jammu and Kashmir 65.1 40.7 6.8
Himachal Pradesh 48.0 53.3 16.5
Punjab 39.4 67.7 18.9
Uttaranchal 49.7 42.9 9.9
Haryana 39.4 53.0 12.7
Delhi 50.0 74.5 34.7
Rajasthan 34.3 28.1 8.0
Uttar Pradesh 39.6 25.0 5.6
Bihar 27.8 9.1 2.2
Sikkim 36.3 30.9 13.2
Arunachal Pradesh 39.0 25.7 9.2
Nagaland 32.5 18.1 5.2
Manipur 43.0 24.2 5.3
Mizoram 42.0 20.4 14.1
Tripura 28.5 23.7 5.2
Meghalaya 32.0 20.9 6.0
Assam 30.2 18.3 4.3
West Bengal 38.6 26.6 6.7
Jharkhand 26.4 17.2 3.3
Orissa 23.7 15.5 3.9
Chattisgarh 23.4 21.5 3.8
Madhya Pradesh 20.9 29.6 6.2
Gujarat 30.2 38.7 12.5
Maharashtra 35.9 44.1 14.1
Andhra Pradesh 21.6 31.5 8.6
Karnataka 46.2 37.0 12.8
Goa 57.8 63.5 29.1
Kerala 59.2 38.8 19.1
Tamil Nadu 43.5 39.5 11.2
States Bicycle Scooter/ Car/ Jeep/
Motorcycle/ Van
All India 43.7 11.7 2.5
Jammu and Kashmir 12.8 7.8 3.1
Himachal Pradesh 9.1 7.4 2.6
Punjab 71.8 31.6 5.8
Uttaranchal 30.9 11.9 2.7
Haryana 50.1 19.0 4.3
Delhi 37.6 28.0 13.0
Rajasthan 36.2 13.1 2.5
Uttar Pradesh 69.5 10.4 2.2
Bihar 40.6 3.6 0.9
Sikkim 0.4 1.7 2.3
Arunachal Pradesh 17.4 6.8 2.4
Nagaland 8.1 2.8 3.5
Manipur 38.0 11.1 3.1
Mizoram 3.1 6.2 3.4
Tripura 30.6 3.9 1.1
Meghalaya 11.0 2.9 2.7
Assam 46.4 5.2 2.0
West Bengal 52.6 5.0 1.9
Jharkhand 50.3 9.3 1.5
Orissa 52.0 7.9 1.1
Chattisgarh 59.8 10.8 1.4
Madhya Pradesh 42.8 12.1 1.8
Gujarat 37.3 21.1 3.4
Maharashtra 30.1 13.2 3.4
Andhra Pradesh 32.8 10.0 1.3
Karnataka 30.1 14.4 3.1
Goa 31.5 38.7 10.6
Kerala 18.5 10.0 4.0
Tamil Nadu 42.4 16.1 2.2
Source: Census of India 2001 reproduced in The Marketing White
Book 2005, Business World, New Delhi: 32-36.