The project approach: an appreciation for the constructivist theory.
Cook, Pamela R.
The purpose of this study was to explore my appreciation for the
'constructivist theory' for which an epistemological stance is
expressed as an educational ideology, or referred to as constructivism;
essentially to construct one's own knowledge. Six energetic
five-year-old boys from an urban public school, located within a
mid-western state became the focus of this theory. The early learning
programme implemented the 'project approach' inspired by the
world-renowned 'Reggio Emilia' philosophy from Reggio Emilia,
Italy. Also, several components from the public school corporation were
implemented into the kindergarten curriculum framework including:
guidelines for art, mathematics, music, physical education, reading, and
science. Many projects began to surface from the curricula framework and
philosophy. One particular classroom of six kindergarten boys was found
to be interested in learning about race cars. It was at this point that
a greater appreciation for the 'constructivist theory' became
an exploratory venture, as I was compelled to guide these children into
an intense 6-week study of ... 'The Race Car Project'!
Historical Significance
The 'constructivist theory's' epistemological stance
is expressed as an educational ideology or referred to as constructivism
which is essentially constructing one's own knowledge. This
position also acknowledges the child as a knower, who in essence will
'act' upon the desire to 'know' (DeVries, Kohlberg,
1990). Learning for some children means to simply 'act out' in
such a way that offers many opportunities to construct their own
knowledge through discovery, exploration, and investigation. DeVries,
and Kohlberg (1990) suggest, "Constructivism is not just a process
for children's development. Teachers too, construct their
conception of what constructivist teaching means and their convictions
about it."(p.378). Constructivist teachers understand that learning
occurs within the environment, including the ideas of people and
teachers (Branscombe, Castle, Dorsey, Surbeck, & Taylor, 2003).
Constructing knowledge through projects for most children usually begins
a thinking process with an idea, interest, or thought that is encouraged
by someone or something that intrigues a child. Carlina Rinaldi,
pedagogista of the preschools in Reggio Emilia, Italy, comments to Lella
Gandini, United States Liaison for the 'Reggio Emilia'
philosophy (Edwards, Gandini & Forman, 1993), "A project, which
we view as a sort of an adventure and research, can start through a
suggestion from an adult, a child's idea, or from an event, such as
a snowfall or something else unexpected" (p. 108). Young children
are easily motivated into discovery by teachers asking open-ended
questions that pertain to the child's own interests. Listening to
children is one of the key components that assist the adult while
guiding a young child through the process of constructing their own
knowledge. As teachers listen to a child's interests will only help
to build strong relationships so that children feel capable and
competent. Jerome Bruner (Quoted by Fraser, 2000) believes "Many
teachers are too rigid in expecting what children will do. The teacher
must wait; live with uncertainty, but in the end, children may do things
that may be a surprise" (p.41). Constructivist teachers document,
interpret, observe, make decisions, record, study, and reflect upon the
nature of the child as a learner rather than beginning with a curriculum
or content within the curricula (Branscombe, et. al., 2003). They
realize that children possess all the knowledge and it is the
adult's place to become the facilitator, or guide within a young
child's world of learning. The constructivist teacher begins to
relinquish their right of being the 'all knowing adult' and
acts as a facilitator or guide, helping children to engage into
authentic learning that is based upon the interests of the child. The
challenge for most constructivist teachers encompass academic criteria,
public school core curricula, and state standards. This becomes
problematic for early childhood educators when faced with federal,
ministry and state requirements which continue to become an essential
priority of teaching. Constructivist teachers acknowledge their
responsibilities to governmental standards by keeping a balance of what
'needs' to be taught, versus what 'should' be
In traditional teaching, the emphasis is on subject matter and how
to present information to children. Current curricula are typically
based on behaviourist theories. Teachers of a behaviourist philosophy
will see their role as transmitting information to children to be
remembered (Branscombe, et. al., 2003). The teacher's preoccupation
is with instructing through sequencing content, drilling, correcting,
and testing. In contrast, Piaget's social-constructivist theory
implies, "the preoccupation is not the teacher's
'instruction', but the child's 'construction'
" (DeVries, et. al., 1990, p. 374). Constructivist teachers see
their role as providing creative opportunities for children to
experience ideas related to content, which guide a child to consider the
content and clarify thinking (Branscombe, et. al., 2003). Jerome Bruner
(Quoted by Fraser, 2000) supports Piaget's theory well by
conferring, "One obvious answer would be that it is a place where
among other things learners help each other learn, each according to her
abilities" (p. 39). Children readily communicate to their teachers
what they want to learn, as adults use open-ended questions and
strategies to help guide children find solutions will elevate their
language capabilities to a level of primary problem solving. The use of
language by adults will in turn lead children to use speech to begin the
problem solving process (Morrison, 2004). Research suggests that an
important way in which 'scaffolding' affects a child's
cognitive performance is by stimulating their spontaneous use of private
speech as a self-regulatory and problem solving tool. Many studies
report that young children use more private speech when they are working
with an adult who sensitively supports their activity (Berk, Winsler,
1995). The desire of the constructivist teacher is to
'scaffold' the child's learning process in such a way
that the teacher becomes a 'co-constructor' of knowledge,
creating a partnership between the child and the teacher. The adult
within this partnership cannot be a teacher of the traditional sense;
"he has to be a provocateur that can support and help children in
building their own knowledge" (Fraser, 2000, p. 39). The teachers
at the Michelangelo School, in Reggio Emilia, Italy, shared to the 1993
Canadian Delegation, "For children to co-construct knowledge they
must be able to find the right environment and a partner who can
facilitate learning" (Quoted by Fraser, 2000, p. 39). Support will
come through as the environment provides activities prepared to assist
through a child's learning process (Wortham, 1998).
Lev S. Vygotsky, Russian social-psychologist and
social-constructivist refers to his theory of the Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD); the child functions on any given task or tasks with
the teacher's aim to work within the continuum of the zone to help
the child move forward (Roopnarine, Johnson, 2000). Wortham (1998)
supports Vygotsky's theory and realises that for some will move
ahead rapidly with minimal support while others may need extensive
support to make small gains. An interaction with another person
essentially provides clues and offers probing questions. The teacher
models a desired skill for a child and will provide practice
opportunities. Constructivist teachers that move with children along the
educational continuum gain a better understanding that learning
experiences are actually conceptualizations of the relationships created
between learning and development. Early childhood educators continue to
realize the validity of the constructivist approach to learning and the
importance of maintaining the progress of play-based, child initiated
curricula. DeVries (et. al., 1990) argue for more ambitious,
longer-range objectives than usually found in programmes limited to the
goal of school readiness. Constructivist goals include academic
objectives generally considered to not have been emphasised enough in
non-traditional, child-initiated centre programmes. Academics
implemented from the constructivist perspective include subject-matter
goals that emerge not from subject-matter analysis, but from an analysis
of how children 'think' about the subject matter. Fearless,
young children should have every chance to develop freely and naturally
from any restraints or inhibitions. The acceptance to teach from a
constructivist approach is the beginning towards empowerment. Learning
by way of a social-constructivist theoretical philosophy has the ability
to offer young children a respectful opportunity to explore their world
and gain a better understanding of reality. There is much to be said for
theorists who have built a framework of understanding reality from a
theory that supports child growth and development.
The roots of the Italian culture grow deep in Reggio Emilia, Italy,
where the people are strong from the perils of atrocities that occurred
during World War II. The ancient city brings together an ontological awareness filled with epistemological truths that illuminate and
surround with its natural aura. It is a community that is encouraged to
represent historical visibility throughout the city, municipal
preschools, and surrounding areas.
During the spring of 2001 and 2002, I was able to participate in
two separate Study tours to Reggio Emilia, Italy, and a city amerced
within rich culture, vibrant family life, and spiritual renewal. Being
such a historical landmark, created an even greater appreciation towards
a clearer understanding of the research methodologies formed by a whole
city providing a philosophy that mirrors the 'constructivist
theory'. It was a significant opportunity for me to experience the
'constructivist theory' as an ontological reality, observing
young children ranging from six months to six years of age constructing
projects within their own process of development. The interaction of
children and adults and adults and children was like that of a
'dance', asking each other inquiring and probing questions.
While simultaneously other children continued to explore their
environment manipulating diverse pieces of equipment, objects, and
materials supplied with clay and wire. As I observed children at their
work, I realised that these very same children had been given an
opportunity to construct their own knowledge within an environment
designed and prepared for them to learn to problem-solve. Loris
Malaguzzi, (Quoted by Fraser, 2000) founder of the 'Reggio
Emilia' philosophy claims "the 'Reggio Emilia'
approach produces for the adults, but above all for the children, a
feeling of belonging in a world that is alive, welcoming and
authentic" (p. 1). Branscombe and collogues (2003) understand that
people within a culture or society teach children by their actions and
through direct teaching of facts including: games, songs, rules,
vocabulary, and moral expectations of the cultural heritage. It is
important for a child living in a community that will help the child
understand how to communicate within that culture, what is valued by
that society, and how to process factual information. A constructivist
teacher, "recognises the importance and what imitations the child
needs rather than embracing social knowledge as the total
curriculum" (Branscombe, et. al., 2003, p. 47). Children living in
'Reggio Emilia' are capable and competent because of the
relationships that been created through parent and teacher involvements,
as well as the community. The children have been empowered with
opportunities to explore learning through their own personal
documentation of research portfolios, journal entries of newfound projects, and sketchpads filled with numerous drawings of people and
objects. Carlina Rinaldi (Edwards, et. al., 1993) speaks again, on
behalf of the 'Reggio Emilia' philosophy, "We see the
child as strong, capable, and full of resources: how serious the child
is in wanting to grow, how strong a researcher, a semanticist, asking,
'Why am I here?' " (p. 173).
This opportunity provided a way for me to amerce myself within the
Italian culture and created a contextual design of understanding within
a passionate culture of art, beauty, family, food, music, and learning.
The 'Reggio Emilia' philosophy helped me gain a better
understanding and appreciate the 'constructivist theory' for
many diverse ways that it connects together culture, community and
curricula. This approach today continues to embrace children and other
countries throughout the world through the message that it brings. My
appreciation for the 'constructivist theory' and the
'Reggio Emilia' philosophy will continue to grow as the
approach became a methodology and a reality of positive co-constructive
learning experiences for six young boys.
'The Race Car Project'
Six, five-year-old, kindergarten, boys pretended to move around
particular objects from within their classroom to recreate cars moving
fast, cars in a race, or race cars on a racetrack. From simple
observations, it was determined that these same six boys were very eager
to learn about racing cars. From that point on, 'The Race Car
Project' was about to begin a race of its own!
Week 1: Each of the private sessions were scheduled for one hour in
length for six-weeks. The one-hour sessions were divided into 15-minute
segments that included: discussions, drawing, race car activities,
journaling, manipulating, writing, reflecting and revisiting. The first
initial session was a discussion of a plan of study, and builds a
framework for the project. Branscomber (et. al., 2003) suggest
curriculum strategies that use constructivist assumptions such as:
* Plan with what you know about the nature of the learner
* Create learning environments that are authentic
* Begins with what is known about the child and the child's
ways of knowing rather than from the curricula or national standards.
* Relate to how the teacher thinks about teaching and learning than
how they use a specific set of methods, materials, or approaches.
* Apply constructivist tenets to any curricula
As the first session continued, the boys were asked a series of
open-ended probing questions which pertained to their topic of interest.
This tactic allowed me to understand exactly what they already
'knew' about race cars, what they 'wondered', and
what they wanted to 'learn' (KWL). I discovered quickly that
the boys knew that, "race cars ran very fast", "they
sometimes crash their motors", "the four wheels might fall
off", "they need gas to run" and "that race cars
have many different colours with numerals painted them" (personal
communication, 'The Race Car Project', October, 2002). Also,
they wanted to know why race cars ran fast, and what kind of track they
used. In other discussions, they felt that it would be necessary to
actually construct their own race cars and racetrack. A materials list
was created including items needed such as: small boxes, wheels, paint,
and 'lots of stuff' (personal communication, 'The Race
Car Project', October, 2002)! It was decided that the main goals of
this project would be to construct their own race cars, racetrack and
conduct their own race. It was the boys desire to see that this project
would become a reality, and it was my job as the early childhood
specialist or pedagogista (Italian, for School Educator) of the public
school to see that this project would become a reality! The boys were
simply ecstatic with their new venture, and it was thrilling to observe
children enjoy making sense of their learning as they constructed their
own knowledge. Branscombe (et. al., 2003) supports this observation,
"Children represent what they know through their behaviours, mental
imagery, and language" (p. 45). As the boys discussed their race
car topic by sharing with me their thoughts and ideas, the conversation
led them to refine and coordinate their thinking (Branscombe, et. al.,
2003). The constructivist approach encourages children to reflect on the
'action' of constructing which figures out the patterns for
their action play. In addition, the representations of their actions are
demonstrated in a way that will show change (Roopnarine, et. al., 2000).
During the next several days, the boys continued to research their
topic of car racing by sharing their thoughts, drawing pictures of their
interpretations, and documenting their ideas through journaling. The
school librarian assisted with the project by sharing books, photos,
pictures, and posters pertaining to race cars and racetracks. The boys
looked extensively through many of these materials, as well as viewing a
children's video of NASCAR (Indiana Academic Art Standard 9
[K.9.2], 2002). The video stirred passion for their topic because they
were able to visualize the reality of their project through media. The
constructivist teacher will continue to guide children as they reflect
and revisit an experience, making their ideas visible through various
forms of representation, such as speaking out loud, drawing, or
otherwise rendering the relations that children are trying to understand
(Roopnarine, et. al., 2000). The interesting aspect of a child's
work is through their interpretation of a particular topic of interest
by drawing after each activity. As their research continued, I invited
them to draw pictures of their own interpretations of what they wanted
their race cars and racetracks to look like using black pens on white
paper. This technique allowed the drawings to standout so that words and
other types of materials can be added later. Roopnarine (et. al., 2000)
suggests, "It can help make children's ideas more
visible" (p. 168). The educators in 'Reggio Emilia', have
helped us understand how important drawing is in communicating the
thinking process of young children ... "the images children draw
either from reality or from their imagination makes meaning
visible" (Fraser, 2000, p. 161). These activities reflect the State
of Indiana Academic Writing Standard 5 for Kindergarten, "In
Kindergarten, students begin to write and draw pictures for specific
purposes and for a specific audience. Draw pictures and write words for
a specific reason."(Indiana Academic Standard [K.5.1], 2002).
"Draw pictures and write for specific people" (Indiana
Academic Standard [K.5.2], 2002). These activities may also become
formal documents used for future re-creations, reference purposes and
assessments. Children in 'Reggio Emilia' draw most of their
work using black ink pens or black lead pencils on white paper that can
later become a piece of documentation for their own personal journals,
portfolios or future projects. This activity reflects the State of
Indiana Academic Art Standard 7 for Kindergarten, "Use of objects
or animals from the real world as subject matter for artwork"
(Indiana Academic Standard [K.7.1], 2002) "Create art that
expresses personal ideas, interests, and feelings" (Indiana
Academic Standard [K.7.2], 2002).
Week 2: The next five days became a continuation of learning and
creating from the boy's own interpretation of what their race cars
should look like. While working with several three-dimensional mediums
including: clay, playdoh and wire, helped them become aware of spatial
relationships. Fraser (2000) implies for teachers to help children
explore with clay will help to discover for themselves the many
possibilities to inherent with the materials. Loris Malalguzzi,
suggests, "The wider the range of possibilities we offer children,
the more intense will be their motivations and the richer their
experiences" (Quoted by Fraser, 2000, p. 53).
Preparing the environment for each session became a challenge as
materials were collected, meeting areas regularly rearranged, and
corresponding activities were prepared to create a conducive and
stimulating work space for the children and their project. The learning
environment from the 'Reggio Emilia' philosophy is referred to
as the 'third teacher' which is due to the power that the
environment possesses. Fraser (2000) agrees, "creating an
environment that acts as a third teacher supports the perspective that
knowledge is constructed not in isolation but within the social
group" (p. 55). Constructivist teachers that choose to implement
the 'Reggio Emilia' approach must think differently about the
'way' the environment is planned. It needs to be designed to
provide opportunities for people involved to interact with each other
and the environment which in essence is simply co-constructing knowledge
(Fraser, 2000). Also, Lella Gandini (Edwards, et. al., 1993) comments,
"The schools in Reggio Emilia, could not be just anywhere, each
school's configuration of the gardens, walls, tall windows, and
handsome furniture declares: This is a place where adults have thought
about the quality of the environment" (p. 149).
During the next few designated sessions, the environment was
prepared in several different locations throughout the school building
and was designed to accommodate the needs of the children's
construction. The environment became an instrumental part within the
constructing process as many diverse materials were being used. Sessions
in the gym area worked well for movement, as well as sculpturing with
clay, playdoh and wire. Several narrow long hallways provided additional
space for car racing and mural designing. The school library served best
as the literacy centre for storytelling, listening tapes of race car
stories, and for writing an adventurous race car story. The art room
stocked with many diverse materials was sufficient for painting and the
final construction of the race cars and racetrack. Lella Gandini, quotes
Loris Malaguzzi (Edwards, Gandini & Forman, 1993) as he supports
environmental change, "We value space because of its power to
organize, promote pleasant relationships between people of different
ages, create a handsome environment, provide changes, promote choices
and activity, and its potential for sparking all kinds of social,
affective and cognitive learning" (p. 149). All of these activities
reflect the State of Indiana Academic Art Standard 9 for Kindergarten,
"Identify and use processes to express ideas, experiences, and
stories include: drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture,
fiber, mixed media and new media such as computer, photography, film,
etc." (Indiana Academic Standard [K.9.2.], 2002). "Demonstrate
safe and proper use, care, storage of media, materials and
equipment" (Indiana Academic Standard [K.9.3], 2002).
By the end of the second week, many other individuals throughout
the school building and community became interested in the 'Race
Car Project'. Like that of 'Reggio Emilia', the
philosophy lends itself to not only to the projects of the children
presenting excitement to the municipals schools, but rather captivating the interest of volunteers within the community, as well. The "Race
Car Project" caught the curiosity from two of the custodians who
came to visit the sessions regularly and assisted during mathematics and
racing. The school nutritionist, helped guide the boys in writing their
names. Two security officers stopped by during several sessions and
literally cheered for the boys as they diligently worked with clay,
playdoh, wire, and other sculptures. The administrative assistant,
school nurse, school secretary, and principal all enjoyed visiting on
several different occasions as they observed the boys during the
construction process. In Reggio Emilia, businesses proprietors, parents,
teachers, school volunteers, and the whole community are encouraged to
get involved with many projects that involve the children.
Constructivism truly brings a collaborative effort, a sense of real
camaraderie and enthusiasm to a whole community of learners. Lella
Gandini (Edwards, et. al., 1993) interviews Sergio Spaggiari, Director
of Early Childhood Education in Reggio Emilia, Italy, "each school,
parents are highly involved by widening the field of participation,
including all types of adults working in the schools--teachers, cooks,
aides--all of whom must share the responsibility which stems from being
part of a community of educators, not as a threat but as an intrinsic
element of collegiality and as the integration of different
wisdoms" (p. 97).These activities reflect the State of Indiana
Academic Art Standard 10 for Kindergarten, "Demonstrate
thoughtfulness and care in completion of artworks" (Indiana
Academic Standard [K.10.1], 2002). "Manipulate a variety of
media" (Indiana Academic Standard [K.10.3], 2002).
Week 3: During the third week, much of constructing learning
pertained to guiding the children through academics of reading, and
writing with art woven through-out their work within each of the subject
matters. One particular writing activity simply fascinated the boys as
they wrote words and drew race cars and a racetrack using colored
permanent markers on a four foot long by three feet wide clear piece of
acetate. This activity aroused many intriguing questions that were asked
regarding this unique piece of rtwork. Hanging the clear acetate mural
in front of a classroom window invited sunlight to shine through which
gave a three-dimensional illusion and new meaning to reading, writing
and science. In addition to this approach of writing, the boys were
given soft oil pastel chalk to review their written word skills by
drawing a paper mural of race cars on a racetrack. The mural measured
eight feet long by four feet wide and for this piece of artwork it gave
the boys a much broader perspective because of the enormous size of the
project was so much larger than even their own bodies. This activity
reflects the State of Indiana Academic Math, Standard 5 for
Kindergarten, "Make direct comparisons of length, capacity, weight,
and temperature of objects and recognize which object is shorter,
longer, taller, lighter, heavier, warmer, cooler or holds more"
(Indiana Academic Standard [K.5.1], 2002).
Reading and writing became such a focal point of the 'Race Car
Project', that it as amazing to see the school librarian continue
to locate many diverse books that fit so well with the interest of the
boys' topic. One particular book, 'Vroom, Chugga
VroomVroom' (Miranda, 2002) became one of the boys favourite books,
reading it over and over as they listened with cassette tape and head
phones. This book intrigued the boys so that they cheered with delight
and excitement as they continued flipping through the brightly colored
pages of the book. Language and phonemic awareness were quite apparent
as they continued sharing with each other regarding the cars in the
story, "red and white", "the cars ... going very
fast", and "the cars ... as big as a house"! (personal
communication, 'The Race Car Project', November, 2002). This
activity reflects the State of Indiana Academic Reading Standard 1 for
Kindergarten, "Students know about letters, words, and sounds. They
apply this knowledge to read simple sentences. Identify the front cover,
back cover, and title page of a book" (Indiana Academic Standard
[K.1.1], 2002). "Follow words from left to right and from top to
bottom on the printed page" (Indiana Academic Standard [K.1.2],
2002). "Understand that printed materials provide information"
(Indiana Academic Standard [K.1.3], 2002). "Recognize that
sentences in print are made up of separate words" (Indiana Academic
Standard [K.1.4], 2002). "Distinguish letters from words"
(Indiana Academic Standard [K.1.5], 2002).
I assisted the boys in practice writing using a unique method of
designing their own story of a car race. The exhilaration to write from
the children was incredible! The boys each used colourful sentence strip
writing cards and black pens. Each boy helped to write the story by
writing one sentence with my assistance [ZPD] to their writing
capabilities. We continued to revisit the story while emphasising
language development. These activities reflect the State of Indiana
Academic Writing Standard 5 for Kindergarten, "Draw pictures and
write words for a specific reason" (Indiana Academic Standard
[K.5.1], 2002). "Draw pictures and write for specific people or
persons" (Indiana Academic Standard [K.5.2], 2002).
Week 4: The fourth week focused on the academics of mathematics and
science areas. The boys used mathematic skills to measure their drawings
of race cars, and plastic racing cars that were purchased to help them
gain a better understanding of the framework in the construction of
their own knowledge. They were given measuring tapes as each child
measured how long several racetracks were compared to how far the
plastic cars raced each other. The plastic cars were also measured to
the length of each racetrack. The boys also thought it was interesting
to observe the velocity of the cars racing each other with scientific
inquiry. Each additional race car constructed from clay, playdoh, wire,
cardboard and paper allowed for necessary academics to be part of the
natural developmental process. These activities reflect the State of
Indiana Academic Math Standard 5 for Kindergarten on Measurement,
"Make direct comparisons of the length, capacity, weight, and
temperature of objects and recognize which objects is shorter, longer,
taller, lighter, heavier, warmer, cooler or holds more" (Indiana
Academic Standard [K.5.1], 2002). The State of Indiana Academic Science
Standard 3 for Kindergarten, "Students investigate, describe, and
discuss their natural surroundings. They begin to question why things
move. Describe objects in terms of the materials they are made of such
as clay, cloth, paper, etc." (Indiana Academic Standard [K.3.1],
2002). "Investigate that things move in different ways, such as
fast, slow" (Indiana Academic Standard [K.3.2], 2002).
Many pieces of art education were woven throughout the 'Race
Car Project', including a broader understanding of aesthetics, art
forms, environment, and materials. The educators in Reggio Emilia have
gone even further in their attempt to show children adults, and the
community the value of aesthetics within the education of young
children. Fraser (2000) agrees, "Aesthetics is an aspect of
relationship that needs to be considered in presenting materials in the
classroom. To foster aesthetic awareness to help children appreciate
beauty in the world around them, also means to heighten awareness of the
link between things in the environment and the emotional response that
objects evoke" (p. 118).
The Arts Education Partnership (1998), administered by the Council
of Chief State School Officers and the National Assembly of State Arts
Agencies through a Cooperative agreement with the National Endowment for
the Arts and the United States Department of Education suggests,
* Reinforce child-directed opportunities of expression and
* Engage children in creating, reflecting and presenting their own
* Build upon curricular goals and sequential skills of each
* Presentation of artwork when child is emotionally ready.
* Emphasize 'process' of learning the arts and not on
finished 'products' (p. 4).
Week 5 & 6: The last two weeks were designated for working
primarily on the construction of each boy's own race car. All of
the previous methodologies applied to the final goal of the project were
experiences designed to assist the boys as they formulated a clear
understanding of the reality involving their final piece to the
projected goal. The boys continued discussing how to use all the
materials available for their own race cars. It was remarkable to
observe each boy as he created his race car to his own satisfaction!
Numerals were added to some of the race cars while others found shiny
materials and particular such objects to use with their project. Part
way through the construction process, it became apparent that some of
the boys were frustrated on how the wheels were to be attached to the
race car. It was discussed and a visiting art teacher from the community
offered to assist the boys with their attachment of the wheels to their
project. The art teacher brought in several different power tools to
help with the construction. This segment of the construction process
became a success as the boys were able to work through solving a problem
as an adult assisted. It was essentially the decision of the children to
accept or reject the offer. This situation obviously confirms
Vygotsky's 'scaffolding' theory to be put into practice
effectively. Mooney (2000) agrees,
"Vygotsky believed that in order to scaffold well for
children, teachers need to be keen observers. This determines where
children are in a learning process and where they are capable of going
given individual needs and the social context surrounding them" (p.
84). These activities reflected the Problem Solving section of the State
of Indiana Academic Math Standard 6 for Kindergarten, "Students
make decisions about how to set up a problem, choose the approach,
materials and strategies to use in solving problems, use tools such as
objects of drawings to model problems, students solve problems in
reasonable ways and justify their reasoning, explain the reasoning used
with concrete objects and pictures, and make precise calculations and
check the validity of the results in the context of the problem"
(Indiana Academic Standards [K. 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4], 2002).
The 'constructivist theory' within early childhood
education demonstrates that learning for young children is simply
'acting out' in such a ways that offers opportunities to
construct their own knowledge through discovery, exploration and
investigation. In Reggio Emilia, there are no time constraints, only one
to five children working on a project together. Projects may take a day;
week, two weeks, a month, a year to three years, depending on when the
child or children determine their projects are finished (Edwards, et.
al., 1993). The 'Race Car Project', was designated as a
six-week project by the public school corporation primarily to allow
many groups of children from each classroom the opportunity to explore
diversity within the construction of projects. During the final
concluding days, it was decided by the children and me to host an
all-school celebration inviting others to share with the boys in their
experiences of the 'Race Car Project'. The boys'
families, friends, colleagues, students from the local university (where
I had been instructing) along with school faculty, staff, and public
school administration were all invited to attend this special event. It
was a marvelous celebration as the boys and I shared their experiences.
We concluded with demonstration of a gallery of documentation which
included the boys' construction process, and of course the
'final race' which encompassed the boy's own race cars!
The school celebration brought a whole sense of community together
within a unique understanding of, 'progettazione' or the
project approach. Driscoll and Nagel (2005) comment, "The Reggio
Emilia' approach works with the child in relation to other
children, to the family, to the teachers, to the school environment, to
the community, and to the wider society" (p. 155).
From these experiences of the, 'constructivist Theory'
and the 'Reggio Emilia' philosophy, 'The Race Car
Project' naturally fits in well with the theoretical framework of
both. For anywhere there are children, and anywhere there are projects;
my appreciation for the 'constructivist theory' continues to
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Pamela R. Cook, Doctoral Student, Department of Education,
University of Windsor