Development of Web-based decision support system for business process reengineering in a health-care system *.
Lee, Chang Won
A web-based decision support system (DSS) can provide management
with a strategic plan for business process reengineering (BPR) in a
health-care system. An attempt is made to develop a DSS for designing,
evaluating, and implementing a strategic plan for BPR. A model is
developed and analyzed to simulate a real hospital setting. Goal
criteria and priorities are identified and established. The model
results are evaluated and discussions are made along with web
application in order to enhance the model applicability. The model
provides the management with valuable information for planning and
controlling hospital e-commerce activities.
As the dynamics of the demanding marketplace and the requirement of
competitive advantage have transformed, the need for decision support
system (DSS) models for process reengineering in the health-care
e-business system has been emphasized. Successful linkages of these
planning processes play a critical role affecting business performance
(Ackerman, Wall & Borman, 1999; Aldowaisan and Gaafar, 1999; Sheng,
2002; Short and Venkatraman, 1992; and Teng, Grover and Fiedler, 1996).
Factors affecting business performance in a health-care e-business
system are widely identified. Financial and non-financial factors should
be considered together in the health-care decision process. The
health-care e-business strategy needs to be based on compromise among
the diverse stakeholders in the health-care system. Among DSS types, a
model-driven DSS emphasizes access and control of a model that uses data
and parameters provided by decision-makers to support them in analyzing
a real-world e-business situation.
Due to the web technology and organizational paradigm shift,
business operations in health-care e-business systems may become more
tightly coupled with primary business processes such as admissions,
capacity, financing, manpower, and revenue planning. Web technology can
deliver unprecedented opportunities to reengineer the business processes
in health-care systems. Web technology is considered an emerging area
for DSS and an important tool for DSS development. Web technology can
enrich model-driven DSS. Web-based DSS has the advantages of reducing
current technological obstacles of computerized systems, because of
better sharing in decision information, and making more efficient
decisions with less cost for model implementation (Courtney, 2001; Rao
& Turoff, 2000; and Shim et al., 2002).
Strategic business process reengineering (BPR) in a health-care
environment is a growing requirement for improving profitability and
productivity. Subjective decision-making processes can be very critical
in the multiple and complicated problems with trade-off relationships.
When management considers several conflicting goals to achieve, a DSS
model enables effective results in business processes and other
operational environments in health-care e-business system (Sarker &
Lee, 1999; and Stoddard & Jarvenpaa, 1995). However, previous DSS
studies have rarely explored to develop an integrated model based DSS
dealing with comprehensive core functions in health-care e-business
system. Thus, an appropriate model development is essential to create a
long-term opportunity for BPR in a health-care e-business system.
The purposes of this paper are (1) to develop a DSS model that aims
at designing, evaluating, and implementing a strategic plan for BPR in a
health-care system, and (2) to provide management with an insight on a
web-enabled DSS model that can enhance business performance and refine
operational strategy in health-care e-business activities.
Section 2 reviews a brief literature of decision support systems
and business process reengineering. Section 3 presents a problem
background with data modeling and goal decomposition. Section 4 presents
model development dealing with decision variables, constraints and model
formulation. Section 5 provides the developed model solution and
discussion, followed by a conclusion.
Decision Support System
Decision support system (DSS) is an intelligent model dealing with
semi- or ill-defined and structured decision-making problems in order to
support better judgment amongst decision-makers. The concept of DSS has
been defined as a system using management activities and decision-making
types (Gory & Morton, 1971). Decision-making process stages in DSS
consist of four stages: intelligence stage for recognizing appropriate
problems in management environment, formulation stage for developing
possible alternatives, choice stage for selecting a satisfying solution
among potential alternatives, and implementation stage for analyzing and
evaluating solutions with sensitivity analysis.
Information needs in DSS environment are characterized as requiring
different types of information systems and technologies (Min, 1998). DSS
has following characteristics: it is designed specifically for
facilitating decision-making process and planning process; it is
responded promptly for fulfilling decision-makers needs in short and
long term; and it is supported intelligently for making better decision.
With this context, DSS research has focused on four directions:
intelligent computer system, model application, problem-solving model,
and user-interface system. DSS applications have extended to
collaborative DSS, negotiate DSS, knowledge-based DSS, and web-based
Web-based DSS is defined as a system that communicates decision
support information or tools to decision-makers through a web
environment. Web-based DSS is a DSS using web technology in order to
provide decision-makers with business information through internets,
extranets and intranets. The web technology is considered as an emerging
area for development of DSS. Web-based DSS has advantages of reducing
current technological obstacles of computerized systems, because of
better sharing in decision information, and making more efficient
decisions with less cost for model implementation.
DSS in health services sector has steadily appeared in the
literature due to the quality of care, information technology, and
financial significance (Collen, 1999; and Miller, 1994). Effective
decision support systems in health-care systems rely on accurate patient
data and health information, efficient decision-making models, and
standardized data production mechanisms. Several issues in health-care
decision support areas have changed the current research paradigm.
Health-care DSS have recently focused on admissions planning (De Veries
& Beekman, 1998; and Kurster & Groot, 1996), health-care
financing (Mosmans, Praet & Dumont, 2002), information management
(Lee & Kwak, 1999), information technology (Forgionne & Kohli,
1996), knowledge management (Pederson & Larsen, 2001), medical
diagnosis (Mangiameli, West & Rampal, 2004); patient relationship
(Kohli et al., 2001), and resource allocation (Vissers, 1998).
Business Process Reengineering
Business process reengineering (BPR) is defined as fundamental
rethinking and innovative redesign of business processes to achieve a
dramatic improvement in critical and core measures of performance, such
as cost, quality, speed, flexibility, and value-added service. Business
process itself is a management philosophy or strategy that considers a
collection of management activities taking input resources and deriving
valuable outputs for a customer.
BPR characteristics take various forms. There are four types of
characteristics based on scope and scale: functional integration,
functional refinement, business redefinition, and process redesign. The
efforts of BPR focus on (1) getting users of the outcome of the process,
(2) merging information-processing into the origin of information
production, (3) treating geographically dispersed resources, (4) linking
parallel activities, (5) putting the decision point into the process,
and (6) capturing necessary information when needed. The goals in BPR
decisions are conflicting due to the existence of different goals in
each subunit. It is difficult to meet current needs of multi-dimensional
sub-units unless a systematic approach to evaluate potential future BPR
decisions is undertaken (Davenport & Short, 1990; and Kettinger,
Teng & Guha, 1997).
Many BPR issues in a health-care system have appeared in recent
literature (Corlett, Maher & Sidman, 1998; Grimson, 2001; and Li,
Benton & Leong, 2002). Efforts of BPR in a health-care system are
called for within the organization. Most researchers and practitioners
agree that BPR success relies on mission, leadership, new investments,
process reengineering, resource allocation, and strategic alliance (Ho,
Chan & Kidwell, 1999; Kohn, 1994; Newman, 1997; and Seymour &
Guillett, 1997).
Data Collection
The health-care system in this study is a comprehensive hospital, a
leading patient-oriented provider of health services. The
hospital's goal is to provide high quality and cost-effective
health services while enriching a catholic-affiliated
organization's mission. The organization has five different
independent health-care systems located at different areas. The
organization has built a web system with intelligent functions in
supporting hospital e-business activities through web-based order
communication system (OCS). Top decision-makers from the hospital and a
consulting firm have participated in the overall review process. The
related goals and criteria are justifies by the task force team. Data
templates pertinent to the strategic proposal are derived. The task
force team is responsible for all validated data sets from the hospital,
examines the data, and acknowledges the validation for the collected
data set. Based on the data set, an initial proposal of the DSS model
development for process reengineering is established. Some data utilized
in this study had been modified slightly to meet a software system
requirement, even though the modified data have not distorted the
original justification of input data.
The management wants to provide better services for patients in the
healthcare organization. Among 17 departments in the hospital,
OB/GYN/pediatrics departments, five surgery departments, and an internal
medicine department are selected for this study since they are the most
core areas in the hospital. Characteristics of patients are divided by
residency status (resident in the city or non-resident in the city) and
visit type (first visits or revisits). Identifying these characteristics
is very important to estimate the potential profitability of the
hospital. Three major divisions have an admissions goal as well as
hospital admissions status and system utilization rate.
Goal Justification
Establishing goal decomposition and prioritization is completed for
the proposed decision support model development. Synthesized priority is
calculated for each goal in order to obtain the overall relative
importance of the five goals using an expert opinion (Saaty, 1980).
Based on the above data, the goal priorities and the relevant
information about business process redesign are established as follows:
priority 1 ([P.sub.1])--financial goal ([G.sub.3]), priority 2
([P.sub2])--manpower goal ([G.sub.4]), priority 3 ([P.sub.3])--revenue
goal ([G.sub.5]), priority 4 ([P.sub.4])--capacity goal ([G.sub.2]) and
priority 5 ([P.sub.5])--admissions goal ([G.sub.1]).
There are sub-goals under five major goals. Financing planning goal
has two sub-goals: service expenditure goal ([P.sub.11]) and information
facility goal ([P.sub.12]). Manpower planning goal have two sub-goals:
manpower utilization ([P.sub.21]) and payroll increase agreement
([P.sub.22]). Revenue planning goal has two sub-goals: total revenue
increase ([P.sub.31]) and profitability fulfillment ([P.sub.32]).
Capacity planning goal have three sub-goals: accommodation ([P.sub.41]),
hospital utilization ([P.sub.42]), and hospital admission ([P.sub.43]).
Admission planning goal has three goals: residential patient admission
([P.sub.51]), non-residential patient admission ([P.sub.52]), and
revisit patient admission ([P.sub.53]). These sub-goals are prioritized
based on internal agreements. Decision-makers such as the hospital
president, a chief information officer (CIO), a medical unit director,
and a financial unit director have justified the synthesized
prioritization of the overall goals for the business process in the
health-care organization under consideration.
Decision Variables
DSS models in business process reengineering have generally been
limited to addressing financial goals, rather than other strategic
policies of an organization. In this paper, a DSS model is formulated
based on the following information. There are five different types of
decision variables embracing 24 decision variables.
[X.sup.a.sub.ij] = admissions level in patient group i (i = 1, 2,
3, and 4) and department j (j = 1, 2, and 3)
[X.sup.f.sub.i] = financing level for services expenditure (i=1)
and for information facilities (i=2)
[X.sup.m.sub.i] = manpower level in different types of work i (i =
1, 2, ..., 6)
[X.sup.p.sub.i] = payroll level in different types of work i (i =
1, 2, ..., 6)
[X.sup.r.sub.i] = revenue level in different types of work i (i =
1, 2, ..., 6)
where [X.sup.a.sub.ij], [X.sup.f.sub.i], [X.sup.m.sub.i],
[X.sup.p.sub.i], [x.sup.r.sub.i] [sup.3] 0
[X.sup.a] is number of admission in patient group i: first-visit
resident (i=1), revisit resident (i=2), first-visit non-resident (i=3),
and re-visit non-resident (i=4); department j: OB/GYN/ pediatrics (j=1),
surgery (j=2), and internal medicine (j=3). [X.sup.m] is number of
manpower in physician (i=1), nurse (i=2), technician I (i=3), technician
II (i=4), management I (i=5), and management II (i=6). [X.sup.p] and
[X.sup.r] are payroll amounts and revenue amounts in physician (i=1),
nurse (i=2), technician I (i=3), technician II (i=4), management I
(i=5), and management II (i=6).
Systems Constraints
There are two different types of constraints: system constraints
and goal constraints. System constraints (1-3): First-visit resident
patient cannot exceed the maximum level of accommodation in each patient
group of in OB/GYN/pediatrics (1,800 patients), surgery (900 patients),
and internal medicine (850 patients). System constraints (4-6): Re-visit
resident patient cannot exceed the maximum level of accommodation in
each patient group of in OB/GYN/pediatrics (5,700 patients), surgery
(1,900 patients), and internal medicine (2,100 patients).
System constraints (7-9): First-visit non-resident patient cannot
exceed the maximum level of accommodation in each patient group of in
OB/GYN/pediatrics (1,500 patients), surgery (400 patients), and internal
medicine (550 patients). System constraints (10-12): Re-visit
non-resident patient cannot exceed the maximum level of accommodation in
each patient group of in OB/GYN/pediatrics (2,500 patients), surgery
(800 patients), and internal medicine (1,200 patients).
Goal Constraints
Financial Planning Goal Constraints have two sub-goals. Goal
constraint (13) of sub-goal ([P.sub.11])--Prepare proper funds for
service expenditure ($2,5200,000). Goal constraint (14) of sub-goal
([P.sub.12])--Supply an appropriate budget for information facilities
Manpower Planning Goal Constraints have two sub-goals. Goal
constraints (15-20) of sub-goal ([P.sub.21])--Meet effective utilization
of the required human resource level of physician group (37 persons),
nurse group (166 persons), technician I (10 persons), technician II (39
persons), management I (53 persons), and management II (13 persons).
Goal constraints (21-26) of sub-goal ([P.sub.22])--Achieve the payroll
increase agreement by certain percentage points required from the
current salary level of physician group ($53,860,000), nurse group
($11,090,000), technician I ($18,070,000), technician II ($13,30,000),
management I ($13,250,000), and management II ($14,300,000).
Revenue Planning Goal Constraints have two sub-goals. Goal
constraint (27) of sub-goal ([P.sub.31])--Do not allow an
over-achievement of total revenue increase ($ 2,860,000) from the
current level in terms of patient satisfaction. Goal constraint (28) of
sub-goal ([P.sub.32])--Achieve the expected profitability level
($80,000) that is the difference between the expected revenue increase
amount and the expected expenditure increase amount.
Capacity Planning Goal Constraints have three sub-goals. Goal
constraint (29) of sub-goal ([P.sub.41])--Minimize the under-achievement
of the accommodation goal of patients (1,380 persons) that is the sum of
three divisions based on the residential status and patient type:
capacity utilization percentage with first visit and resident (70%),
revisit and resident (80%), first visit and non-resident (40%), revisit
and nonresident (50%). Goal constraints (30-32) of sub-goal
([P.sub.42])--Meet the hospital resource utilization capacity to handle
total admissions of 9,000 in OB/GYN/pediatrics, 3,500 in surgery, and
4,000 in internal medicine. Goal constraint (33) of sub-goal
([P.sub.43])--Meet the hospital admissions goal of 15,000 new patients
in three divisions.
Admission Planning Goal Constraints have three sub-goals. Goal
constraint (34) of sub-goal ([P.sub.51])--Minimize the under-achievement
of the targeted admission with 70% of hospital admission capacity for
residential patients. Goal constraint (35) of sub-goal
([P.sub.52])--Minimize the over-achievement of the targeted admission
with 30% of hospital admission capacity for non-residential patients.
Goal constraint (36) of sub-goal ([P.sub.53])--Meet the targeted goal
with 60% of hospital admission capacity for revisit patients.
DSS for BPR in the health-care system is to minimize the value of
the objective function subject to goal constraints (13)-(36), satisfying
the preemptive priority rules, as shown in Table 1.
Model Solution
The proposed model is solved and the solution is derived after 43
iterations. The possible solutions are enumerated at the first goal
priority level and reduced at each subsequent goal priority level until
overall goal satisfaction is no longer achieved. The solution yields the
model results, as shown in Table 2.
The financial planning goal is the most important goal for hospital
BPR. This goal has two sub-goals: prepare appropriate funds for both
service expenditure ([P.sub.11]) and information facilities
([P.sub.12]). These two priorities are fully satisfied, since [P.sub.11]
= 0 and [P.sub.12] = 0. All related deviational variables are zero
([d.sup.+.sub.1], [d.sup.+.sub.2], and [d.sup.-.sub.2] = 0). The
manpower planning goal has two sub-goals: manpower utilization
([P.sub.21]) and payroll increase agreement ([P.sub.22]). These two
goals are fully satisfied, since [P.sub.21] = 0 and [P.sub.22] = 0. All
positive and negative deviational variables are zero. The revenue
planning goal has two sub-goals of total revenue increase rate
([P.sub.31]) and profitability fulfillment ([P.sub.32]). These two goals
are fully satisfied, since [P.sub.31] = 0 and [P.sub.32] = 0. All
related deviational variables, [d.sup.+.sub.15], [d.sup.-.sub.16], and
[d.sup.+.sub.16] are zero. Even though [d.sup.-.sub.15] is not directly
related to achieving the goal ([P.sub.31]), negative deviational
variable, [d.sup.-.sub.15], has 260. This means that the amount of 260
is less than the originally estimated total revenue.
The capacity planning goal has three sub-goals: the accommodation
level ([P.sub.41]), hospital utilization ([P.sub.42]), and hospital
admissions level ([P.sub.53]). This priority is not fully satisfied,
since [P.sub.41] = 12,095, [P.sub.42] = 3,700, and [P.sub.43] = 3,300.
The related deviational variables are not zero ([d.sup.+.sub.17] =
12,095, [d.sup.+.sub.18] = 2,500, [d.sup.+.sub.19] = 500,
[d.sup.+.sub.20] = 700, and [d.sup.+.sub.21] = 3,300). The admissions
planning goal has three sub-goals: admissions for residential patients
([P.sub.51]), admissions for non-residential patients ([P.sub.52]), and
admissions for revisit patients ([P.sub.53]).
This priority is not fully satisfied, since [P.sub.51] = 890,
[P.sub.52] = 890, and [P.sub.53] = 2,080. The related deviational
variable of [P.sub.51], [P.sub.52] and [P.sub.53] are not zero
([d.sup.-.sub.22] = 890), ([d.sup.+.sub.23] = 890), and [d.sup.+.sub.24]
= 2,080).
In this DSS model, a non-dominated solution has been sought. A
non-dominated solution is defined in the following manner: a feasible
solution to a multicriteria decision-making problem is non-inferior, if
no other feasible solutions derive an improvement in one objective,
without creating a trade-off in another objective. Regardless of the
weighting structures and the goals, this model can lead to inferior,
sub-optimal solutions. These solutions are not necessarily the optimal
ones available to the decision-maker. Therefore, it is called a
satisfying solution. Opportunity costs are given as well as the
increases and decreases in the values of the coefficients and the
right-hand-side elements. Management can determine in advance what will
happen if the outcome deviates from overall objectives. In the example
given, management can use the information from the solutions to alter
their decision variables as any plan can come up with the new satisfying
Web-based DSS is important for strategic decision-making process.
More effective DSS can be implemented by web-based model dealing with
organizational view in decision-making processes. Recent DSS
applications take advantage of the opportunities in web technologies,
along with other internet technologies. With this perspective, web-based
DSS can be one of the most promising options, increasing core business
competition in the new health-care market environment. However, simply
making an existing DSS accessible by using a web technology to hospital
managers, patients or other stakeholders will often lead to
unsatisfactory results and less competitiveness within the market.
Developing the user interface, modeling, data mining for web-based DSS
remains hard and major tasks. Thus, developing web-based DSS model
should be considered system's flexibility for the future
expansions. Figure 2 shows brief web-based DSS components along with
their relationships.
The hospital has launched its strategic DSS model with on-going
base. The hospital top decision-makers have accepted the final results
as valid and feasible outputs for implementing the DSS model in their
web environment. The effects from this model outputs will be evaluated
in the next two or three fiscal years, since any mistakes in medical and
clinical management may result in serious damage for the patients and
the hospital operations and performance. The future agenda will be
arranged to compare with this proposed DSS model for hospital BPR
planning. The BPR planning based on the model will provide the
management with a significant insight to set an appropriate hospital
resource planning and order communication system in their web
environment, while meeting customer demand and enhancing competitive
advantages. Thus, the hospital currently reviews all these planning
strategies as the possible alternative operations.
In today's information technology age, rapid penetration of
web technology into a business process enables more efficient and
strategic management decisions. The health-care environment is not an
exception to this trend. The growth of web technology can allow
decision-makers to overcome many of the challenges confronting
health-care systems. Health-care business environments are dramatically
changing with multiple and complicated decision-making problems. The
global health-care environment provides new business markets to
management. The DSS model for hospital business process planning is
developed and analyzed to aid total resource planning. The health-care
system in this study considers the proposed DSS model as the potential
business strategies. Thus, this study provides both the satisfying
solution and other important implications.
This study's contributions are as follows. This proposed DSS
model enhances a practical way for planning the hospital business
process planning considering tangible and intangible business aspects.
Previous studies in DSS are limited to covering simultaneously
comprehensive issues such as patient admission, hospital capacity,
financing, manpower, and revenue. This study provides the management
with insights improving overall performance through web-enabled hospital
business process. This study utilizes an integrated multicriteria
decision-making model that most previous studies in developing DSS
models have not been explored in health-care area. The proposed results
make better implication and more meaningful suggestions to the real
decision-making settings.
The hospital decision-makers have accepted the final results as
valid and feasible for implementing the hospital business process
planning in real-situation. This proposed model's outputs will be
evaluated during the next two or three fiscal years. In short, in
situations where many complex e-business activities and conditions are
involved, it can be much more practical to use the proposed DSS model to
find a satisfying solution, especially when time and resources are
This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant
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Chang Won Lee, Jinju National University
Table 2. Solution Analysis of DSS for Hospital BPR
Priority Goal Achievement Deviational Variables
P11 = 0 Fully achieved d+17 = 12,095
P12 = 0 Fully achieved d+18 = 2,500
P21 = 0 Fully achieved d+19 = 500
P22 = 0 Fully achieved d+20 = 700
P31 = 0 Fully achieved d+21 = 3,300
P32 = 0 Fully achieved d-22 = 890
P41 = 12,095 Partially achieved d+23 = 890
P42 = 3,700 Partially achieved d+24 = 2,080
P43 = 3,300 Partially achieved
P51 = 890 Partially achieved
P52 = 890 Partially achieved
P53 = 2,080 Partially achieved