Transition from imitation to innovation: lessons from a Korean Multinational Corporation.
Kim, Woojae ; Shi, Yongjiang ; Gregory, Mike 等
It is critical for companies in developing countries to transform
themselves to innovation from imitation in globalisation. This paper
introduces a research exploring the evolution process of a high
technology company in Korea from 'imitator' to
'innovator'. It identifies some key characteristics of
'imitators' and 'innovators' and describes the
development of different capabilities and their priority through the
evolution. The nature of these capabilities is discussed together with
assessment of their inter-dependence and impact. Based on detailed case
studies in three strategic divisions of the Korean company, the paper
categorises the transition process from imitation to innovation into
four stages--external learning, internal learning and generation,
dependent external performance, and independent external performance. It
also fords that production capability is closely coupled to business
innovative capability.
JEL: 031, 032, 033
Keywords: Imitation and innovation; Product and process
innovations; Manufacturing capability
Globalisation has caused intensified debates on its re-structuring
of the world economy, especially, the possible development of the third
world. It has been an increasing challenge for not only the developing
nations to make breakthrough from the boundaries of imitation but also
for many multinational corporations (MNCs) to enhance innovation
capability through co-evolution with companies in the third world. These
debates have lead to some discussions about the transformation that is
taking place from imitation to innovation in a few countries such as
Japan (Tarsuno, 1990) and Korea (Kim, 1996). They have improved the
understanding of these transformations especially at national level. The
discussions, however, rarely go into detail about the transformation
process at company level, and many companies in the developing world are
still struggling to find a way of transforming themselves from a
imitator to innovator. In the Western academic world, the mainstream of
the research is focused on the early stages of technology transfer, but
it rarely addresses the challenging issues faced by either the companies
or by the local subsidiaries of MNCs in these developing countries after
they have received transferred technology.
The research work introduced in paper seeks to develop a process
helping companies, especially in developing countries, to transform
themselves from imitation to innovation, based on detailed case studies
in a successful Korea company. The company chosen for the case study is
a latecomer in electronics industry when Western and Japanese companies
have been developing products in this sector for very long time. But as
the technology develops very fast, the case study has demonstrated that
newer generations of product and manufacturing process provide good
opportunities for new comers to adopt a catching-up strategy. The key
challenge is how to develop its proper strategy, capability, and learn
faster. The paper introduces a transformation process to pursue
innovation after receiving external technology.
This paper also summarises the major differences between imitation
and innovation. Based on the five-process model of technology
management--identification, selection, acquisition, exploration, and
protection (Gregory, 1995), the research finds that there are clear
different priorities in the imitation-to-innovation transformation in
the case company. From theoretical perspective, the new task
identification in the five-process model enriches understanding of
technology management in developing economies. The research also extends
the knowledge of technology transfer by providing new framework helping
company to embed new technology into their existing system and to
provide new opportunities for developing innovation capabilities.
Freeman (1982) defines invention as an idea, a sketch or model for
a new or improved device, product, process or system. He also notes an
interesting point of view that inventions may often be patented, but
they regularly do not lead to technical innovation. "Innovation is
accomplished only with the first commercial transaction involving the
new product, process, system or device." (Freeman, 1982). As
innovation is so critical to company, the field of innovation studies is
very broad covering perspectives from innovation and new product
development (NPD) processes, strategy and organisation, to manufacturing
and management issues.
Abernathy & Utterback (1975; 1978) proposed that the life-cycle
model is developed on the basis of a relationship between process and
product innovation. They argue that innovation involves not only
product-based technology but also process based technology. Product
innovation corresponds to the introduction into the market of a new or
improved product, whereas process innovation closely relates to the
sequences and nature of the production process.
Innovation is thought to be based substantially on technology
capability. However, Olsen (1974) argues that the most innovative and
successful companies were those that invested most heavily in advanced
manufacturing capability. This is a very interesting proposition because
not many people dealing with the innovation issue were interested in
manufacturing capability; and even fewer think that it could be one of
the most important factors for innovation. Hayes and Wheelwright's
(1984) stages in the evolution of manufacturing's strategic role
would also influence the innovation process. The emerging question would
thus be, "Is innovation influenced more by product-based technology
or process-based technology?" Fry (1982) suggests that the balance
between product and process technology emphasis is closely linked to the
entire technology improvement. Hayes and Wheelwright (1984) suggest that
manufacturing capability can play at least four major roles in stages of
development in a firm's competitive strategy.
Iansiti and West (1997) identified in their work several
differences in development processes between US, Japanese, and Korean
semiconductor firms. In the 80s, semiconductor market leaders such as
NEC, Hitach, and Toshiba gained substantial advantage by developing new
production technology and investing heavily in technology-integration
and manufacturing capability. Meanwhile, many Korean scientists and
engineers who had work experience in the US returned to Korea with the
latest knowledge in lithography, etching, and transistor design to help
Korean companies enter the semiconductor industry. Samsung Semiconductor
focused fully on developing its manufacturing process and finally became
market leader in the DRAM market by the early 1990s. In doing so,
Samsung Semiconductor spearheaded a path for other Korean companies to
follow. "Meanwhile, U.S. and European companies fell years behind
in the development of production-process technology, which put them at a
tremendous disadvantage, particularly in DRAM business, where most of
the profits are made the year after a new generation of process
technology introduced".
Pisano and Wheelwright (1995) stressed the importance of
manufacturing even though "few managers of high-technology
companies view manufacturing as a primary source of competitive
advantage". They explained that most companies want to avoid the
risks of investing in expensive manufacturing plants and losing sight of
product research and development, which they saw as their true source of
advantage. They did not appreciate the potential of process development
and process innovation, because process benefits such as lower
manufacturing costs are not particularly important to executives in
high-tech industries. But those executives are ignoring other
considerable benefits. These include accelerated time-to-market for new
products, rapid production ramp-up, enhanced product functionality, and
a stronger proprietary position.
A question remains that if process development and innovation were
as important as Pisano and Wheelwright (1995) mentioned, why did
imitators in high-tech industry not focus on improving processes in
order to gain competitive advantage? Pisano and Wheelwright (1995)
suggested that innovative process technologies are protected by patents
or difficult to duplicate which can block or stymie an imitator's
push into the market.
In summary, this part has provided the background to the research
by focusing on the relationship between product and process innovation.
Innovation is a huge concern for companies in the high-tech industries,
especially with the increasing rate of technology changes witnessed in
the world today. Many companies are still imitators and are struggling
to become innovators in their own right. However, besides the
interaction relationship between product and process in innovations are
not crystallises yet, the existing literature also provides little
guidance on how an imitator can become an innovator, especially for
those companies from developing countries. It is not clear what the
major factors for innovation are in catching-up context. Furthermore,
while it has been suggested in certain parts of the literature review
that factors such as organisational structure, manufacturing process and
NPD process could be important for innovation, there are still gaps to
be filled. The most important issues is a lack of research on how these
factors could influence an imitator's transformation to an
innovator. Secondly, as these factors have usually been studied in
isolation, it is also not clear how they might interact through the
entire innovation process. As such, the literature review had mainly
focussed on the general topic of innovation, touching briefly on the key
Following Flynn's research process (1990), the research
approach can be illustrated as the Figure I which briefs the reasons why
multiple case studies were adopted and what data analysis techniques
were used.
The case studies for this research focus on Samsung Semiconductor,
TFT-LCD, and Mobile phone sector, in particular on the development
process through which it achieved such success in the short period of
time it entered new industries. The case study on CDMA mobile phone
system will observe the entire development process from TDX-10
development in ETRI to the commercialisation of CDMA mobile phone system
at Samsung. From the observation of development evolutions, important
factors and patterns of development process that had influenced
innovation will be found. Samsung was chosen as the case study company
because the main purpose of research is to investigate the transition
from imitator to innovator and find out the major factors that influence
the innovation process. Samsung Electronics has truly become an
innovator, in particular in the Semiconductor, TFT-LCD, and Mobile phone
sectors. It is thus apparent that that by observing the evolution of
development in these three industries through in-depth case studies, the
key factors behind Samsung's success can be revealed.
A. Samsung's Semiconductor Development
Korea's semiconductor industry took its first steps in the
mid-1960s, when several semiconductor firms began assembling discrete
devices in Korea to take advantage of cheap labour costs. The main
operations were simple packaging processes. After a six-year plan
formulated by the Korean government in 1975, many 'Chaebol',
the Korean version of Japanese 'Zaibatsu', were enthusiastic
about entering the semiconductor industry, but most of them withdrew
plans because they faced two difficulties. One was obtaining foreign
technology and the other market risk associated with short product life
cycles. But Samsung Semiconductor continued to put its efforts into
developing a memory chip set. Finally, in 1983 the company successfully
developed the 64K DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) chip, making Korea
only the third country in the world to produce DRAM chips after the U.S.
and Japan. More importantly, it motivated the entry of other Korean
Chaebol into the semiconductor industry.
Today Samsung Semiconductor is one of the world's-leading
computer chipmakers. In the ten years starting from 1983, when they
developed the 64K DRAM memory chipset, they have become the
market-leader. Table 1 shows Samsung Semiconductor's position in
the world market share rankings from 1988 to 1992. After the DRAM
success, Samsung Semiconductor became capable of producing many other
microchips. Afterwards, the company achieved significant success
throughout the semiconductor industry. In July 2002, IC Insights Inc
ranked Samsung as the 2nd largest semiconductor supplier worldwide for
the first half of 2002.
A key strand of this research is aimed at understanding the factors
that lie behind this success. Appendix 1 demonstrates Samsung's
semiconductor development path.
B. Samsung's TFT-LCD Development
At the end of 1989 when Samsung entered the TFT-LCD industry, a
group of Japanese companies dominated the market with more than 90
percent of the world market share. Given the tremendous technical
difficulties Samsung also needed to resolve, there were serious doubts
as to the viability of Samsung's LCD business. Nevertheless, by
1996 Samsung LCD gained the top global market share, and held onto that
position for six consecutive years. Many Korean companies also joined
the industry after observing Samsung's success, and some of them
achieved a similar level of success. Appendix 2 illustrates
Samsung's TFT-LCD evolution path.
C. Samsung's Mobile Phone Development
The Korean national laboratory, the Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), took the initial step in
developing the Korean mobile phone system when they developed the TDX-10
DS S (Digital Switching System) technology in 1991.
After deliberating the choice of communication standards, the
Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) adopted Qualcomm's
CDMA technology, which at the time was only used with modems, not mobile
systems. The MIC suggested that ETRI adapt CDMA technology for its
DSS-based mobile phones. ETRI embarked on a project in collaboration
with the four Chaebol (Samsung, Hyundai, LG, and SK telecom), and in
1995 successfully introduced CDMA technology in mobile systems--the
first of its kind in Korea. Before 1998, GSM was considered the
universal mobile technology standard given that 95 percent of the world
used the GSM system. Since then, CDMA technology has been increasingly
adopted as the standard. In 2002, GSM was used in only 70% of mobile
systems while CDMA was used in 30%. Many researchers predict that more
than 90% of countries worldwide will use the CDMA system as their mobile
technology standard within the next 10 years when IMT-2000 system is
settled. CDMA technology has now become the base technology of the
worldwide standard IMT-2000, giving these Korean companies a head start
versus its global competitors.
Samsung Electronics has been particularly successful in expanding
its mobile phone business worldwide by selling not only CDMA mobile
phone and its server system (DSS), but also GSM and Digital Cellular
mobile phone and DSS.. Nokia, Motorola, and Ericsson, called the
"Big three" had been holding on to their positions as leaders
in the mobile phone industry for the last two decades. In the 4th
quarter of 2001, Samsung finally broke through the ranks and became the
third largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world. While there were
four Korean companies who had joined the project of developing CDMA
technology for mobile systems, only Samsung has achieved significant
success. What factors led Samsung to achieve this success? How was
Samsung's research and development unique? This chapter will
illustrate that ETRI's initial efforts in developing the DSS was
instrumental in allowing Samsung to adapt CDMA for ETRI's server
system and the major factors for change? As the before, the Appendix 3
shows Samsung another successful innovation path.
D. What We Can Learn from the Samsung's Developments
The Samsung case studies brought new insights into the process of
becoming an innovator. Certain steps of technology development were
1. External learning
2. Internal learning and generation
3. Dependent external performance
4. Independent external performance
Figure 2 shows the transition from imitation to innovation. Four
different stages can be identified, with two stages in each of the
imitator and innovator categories. Support from outside such as
product-based or process-based technology is called here "external
learning". "Internal learning & generation" involves
generating new knowledge from what has been gained externally and
generating the technology to improve its internal capabilities. After
building sufficient internal capabilities in both product-based and
process-based technologies, the imitator makes attempts to be an
innovator with dependent external performance.
Based on the Appendixes and using coding technique, there are many
activities under the five general categories that Samsung has considered
to improve its innovative capability in both product-based and
process-based-technologies. The five categories of determinants to the
Samsung's transitional processes are strategy, R&D activities,
organisational structure, NPD process, and manufacturing process.
In summary, the Figure 3 combines the Samsung's innovation
transitional process and the determinants during the process together,
illustrating different capabilities built up during the transitional
process and strong learning mechanisms.
The important characteristics of each stage from imitator to
innovator are summarised in Figure 3. In the external learning stage,
the major concern would be to access technologies. In the following
internal learning and generation stage, the imitator would want to
internalise the newly gained technology and build on it. This is the
tangible part of the process. In addition to that, the innovator-to-be
would also need to develop the intangible aspects such as organisational
learning and designing suitable NPD process. The progression to the
third stage is considered successful only when the internally generated
capabilities yield satisfying results. If the results were not
satisfying, the shortcomings would be fed back to the second stage for
further improvisation. Finally, fine-tuning will take place in the
fourth stage where the most conducive conditions for innovations should
be attained.
From Samsung development, it is clear how important to understand
how both product-based and process-based technologies can be pursued
concurrently. Samsung enforced a highly coherent structure, processes
and strategy that emphasised this parallel development.
Contrary to common belief that a company should concentrate more on
either its product-based technology or process-based technology, the
cases presented so far demonstrated that a firm can dramatically improve
performance in areas such as product development time by focusing on
both types of technologies concurrently.
As illustrated by Figure 4, Samsung was able to succeed in the
three cases studied, chiefly by developing its product-based and
process-based technologies in parallel. The company managed to
accomplish this by adjusting its strategy, organisational structure and
NPD process over time. The objective is to use all the general
development categories to tie the development of product-based and
process-based technologies closely together and support their concurrent
progress. Table 2 shows the process that Samsung has used to keep those
two developments in parallel.
As shown in Table 2, all the efforts from R&D activity,
organisational structure, NPD process, and manufacturing process had
influenced Samsung's accomplishment in developing product-based and
process-based technologies. This has in turn translated to faster
product launches, better products, and lower production costs, that
culminate to give the company a competitive edge over its rivals. Since
1994, Samsung Semiconductor has produced new generations of memory
chipsets 6-12 months faster than its nearest competitors. Since 1996,
Samsung LCD has achieved similar technology leadership over its
competitors. Samsung Mobile Phone has also embarked on a similar
trajectory by using internal virtual manufacturing.
Samsung's development of process technologies helped generate
unique innovations exceedingly difficult for competitors to understand
and imitate. This greatly accelerated the ability to compete against
established companies, to match their lead in product technologies.
Furthermore, Samsung's superior rate of technological development,
a result of its willingness to look beyond product innovation, means
that once this technological parity and eventual superiority, is
reached, Samsung's relatively stronger process orientation cements
its lead by shortening the product life cycle, forcing other firms to
compete on its own terms.
From Samsung's case studies, it is clear that manufacturing
capability had played an important role in Samsung's success. But
why is it that other competitors are not able to improve their
manufacturing capability as much as Samsung Semiconductor did?
The answer lies in the difficulty in doing so. As evident in the
evolution of Samsung Semiconductor, there are three major challenges
that firms face when they try to improve manufacturing capabilities.
1. Long time commitment
2. Requirement of numerous new technologies and techniques
3. Fierce protection of process-based technologies
Firstly, improving one's manufacturing capability can be a
long and painful process. It took Samsung a great deal of time and
effort to bring its manufacturing capability to the level it is today.
Results are usually not seen in the short term. For example, it takes at
least one and a half years for results to become apparent for products
in Samsung Semiconductor and two years for products of the TFT-LCD
On the semiconductor and TFT-LCD shop floor, all the necessary
equipments must be set up before the engineers could install the
necessary software for operating them. There are many different software
systems. The 2 major ones being used are Manufacturing Execution system (MES) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) that collecting machine
status data, and control uncertainties such as vibration, voltage,
magnetic field, altitude, temperature, and humidity. IBM and Brooks
Automation produce MES, but they are unable to pre-configure the
software for a particular production platform because every company has
different shop floors and equipments. The proper configuration of MES
normally takes between 4 to 12 months depending on the type of shop
floor. The configuration of SPC would take another 3 to 6 months. The
major difficulty in such configurations lies in the specificity of the
data for each individual equipment. For instance, if an equipment had a
serial number of xxxxI and the other has XXXX2, one would normally think
that they should work with similar configurations. However, this was not
to be the case due to the extreme sensitivities of these machines. This
means that data needed to be collected for each machine and it takes up
to a year to a decent database to be built up. It should be highlighted
that there are hundreds of equipments in one fabrication plant and if
these equipments are moved to another plant, new sets of configurations
will be required because of the different uncertainties introduced in
the new environment. Similar requirements apply if the equipments were
used to produce a product different from what they were initially
configured for. These are the reasons why the time commitment is long.
It is simply impossible to build up an internal database within a short
period of time.
Secondly, many more new technologies and techniques are required
for improving a manufacturing process than for improving a product-based
technology. In the case of Samsung, their R&D engineers only needed
to change 5 configurations to turn 256M DRAM into 516M DRAM. However, to
produce 516M DRAM memory chips with the same yield and yield ratio as
the 256M DRAM, manufacturing engineers needed to develop more than 40
different new technologies and techniques. A further example could be
found in TFT-LCD panel. No product-based innovation was required to turn
a 13.3 inch TFT-LCD panel into a 14.1 inch one. However, the
manufacturing engineers needed more than 130 different new technologies
and operation techniques to produce the 14.1 inch TFT-LCD panel with the
4-masking process. This shows that many different kinds of process-based
technologies are needed for improving manufacturing capabilities.
Furthermore, the ability of improve manufacturing capability actually
rest on the ability to access different fields of technologies. This is
so because without the knowledge of product-based technologies, it is
impossible to prepare an appropriate advanced production shop floor. It
is for this reason that the Samsung manufacturing engineering groups are
structured with R&D and other science based engineers as well as
manufacturing experts. In short, a firm needs to be capable of
organising inter-disciplinary learning in different fields such as
electronics, physics, chemistry, and so on if it wanted to improve its
manufacturing capability.
Finally, in a high-tech industry, advanced product-based
technologies can often be found out by reverse engineering. However,
competitors are normally prevented from imitating or copying those
technologies even if they were able to do so because those technologies
are protected by patents. Thus, no one can imitate or copy them unless
they have established a licensing contract or acquired the technologies
from the inventors. This also means that companies that need to use
those technologies can use them if they were willing to pay the fees for
licensing or acquiring. The story is considerably different for
process-based technologies. Most new operation techniques and many
technologies that influence higher productivity cannot be protected by
patents. Hence, a company who has developed some new production
techniques and technologies would usually fiercely protect them by
hiding them from the competitors. Even if the competitors manage to find
out about a few techniques, they may still be unable to improve their
manufacturing capabilities because of the interdependence with other
techniques and technologies where they do not have access.
This can be better appreciated by taking the line of the
resource-based theory, which contends that valuable, rare and difficult
to imitate resources or capabilities can provide a firm with its
rent-generating ability that in turn gives rise to the firm's
competitive advantage (Barney, 1986 and 1991). Furthermore, for a firm
to sustain the competitive advantage created, there must be barriers to
imitation and replication available to secure the firm's existing
rent-generating capability, which may come from certain isolating
mechanisms (Peteraf, 1993). For Samsung Semiconductor's case, as
shown, the division managed to achieve success by having a mix of
different resources and capabilities which are closely intertwined with
one another. Hence, it is this causal ambiguity, which Rumelt (1984)
identified as the principal isolating mechanism, which had provided the
company with a sustainable competitive advantage. In other words, there
was no easy way for a competitor to reach Samsung Semiconductor's
level of manufacturing capability by imitating what it has done. The
same argument can be applied to the two other cases: TFT-LCD and Mobile
phone. In particular, due to the relative complexity of producing
TFT-LCD panels, it was important that the company possess sufficiently
developed manufacturing capability. The high cost of making TFT-LCD
panels also meant that manufacturing capability is crucial in bringing
production costs down by achieving a high yield ratio.
Innovation ability and innovation process have become critical
competences for firms to compete in all areas of the global market. The
transition from imitation to innovation, however, is not fully
This research provides new insights into the transition from
imitation to innovation and identified factors that influence
innovation. For instance, organisational structure and NPD process could
have an important role in integrating product-based and process-based
technology development.
Furthermore, it has been found from the cases that combining
product-based and process-based technologies development could provide a
firm with significant competitive advantages. This finding has
highlighted the importance of process innovation. Process innovation
could help shrink product life cycle and by this virtue, a company can
potentially amass more profits and starve off competition as well.
Innovation risks can also be reduced in the process.
It has been argued that the concepts developed through this thesis
provide the basis valuable practitioner tools and new ways of thinking
about manufacturing capabilities. In particular ideas of overlapping
groups, technology cascading and internal virtual manufacturing may be
worthy of further development.
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Barney, J., 1991, "Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive
Advantage," Journal of Management, 17.
Flynn, B. B. et al, 1990, "Empirical Research Methods in
Operations Management," Journal of Operations Management, 9, (2),
250 -284.
Fry, Louis W., 1982, "Technology-Structure Research Three
Critical Issues," Academy of Management Journal, 25.
Fry, Louis W., 1982, "Technology-Structure Research Three
Critical Issues," Academy of Management Journal, 25.
Gregory, M. J. et al, 1995, "Technology Management--A Process
Approach," Proc Instn Mech Engrs, 209, 347-356.
Hayes, R. H. and S. C. Wheelwright, 1984, Restoring Our Competitive
Edge: Competing Through Manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons.
Iansiti, M. and West, J., 1997, "Technology Integration:
Turning Great Research into Great Products," Harvard Business
Review, May-June, 69-79.
Kim, L., 1996, Imitation to Innovation: the dynamics of
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Peteraf, M., 1993, "The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage:
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Rumelt, R. P., 1984, "Toward a Strategic Theory of the
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Woojae Kim (a), Yongjiang Shi (b), and Mike Gregory (c)
(a) Samsung Electronics, Seoul, The Republic of Korea,
[email protected]
(b) Institute for Manufacturing, The University of Cambridge, Mill
Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RX, UK,
[email protected]
(c) Institute for Manufacturing, The University of Cambridge, Mill
Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RX, UK,
[email protected]
Table 1
Samsung Semiconductor's ranks in world market share from 1998 to 1992
Rank 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
1 Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Samsung
2 NEC NEC Samsung Samsung Toshiba
3 Fujitsu TI NEC Hitachi Hitachi
Samsung Samsung
(7th) (5th)
Source: Inhub research report (2001)
Table 2
Efforts taken by Samsung to facilitate the parallel progress of
product-based and process-based technologies, and the results
R&D Activity --Parallel project process with
manufacturing process
--Project collaboration with manufacturing
--Monday meeting
Organisational --Mobility of personnel
Structure --Collaboration of teamwork
--Monitoring by manufacturing group
--Overlapped matrix group structures
NPD Process --NPD processes based on one process
Manufacturing --Training workers
Process --Manufacturing participation
--Job rotation
--Kaizen (suggestion scheme)
--Parallel project process with R&D group
--Manufacturing co-location
--Prototype manufacture
--Organising internal virtual manufacturing
R&D Activity --Reducing project lead-time
--Early product launching
--Tech logical support for improving process-based
--Breaking technological gap between product-based
and process-based technologies
Organisational --Decision-making for problem solving
Structure --Reducing project lead-time
--Early product launching
--Understanding interactions between product-based
and process-based technologies
--Breaking technological gap between product-based
and process-based technologies
NPD Process --Reducing project lead-time
--Early product launching
--Understanding interactions between product-based
and process-based technologies
--Breaking technological gap between product-based
and process-based technologies
Manufacturing --Reducing project lead-time
Process --Early product launching
--Understanding interactions between product-based
and process-based technologies
--Technological support for improving product-based
--Increase product yield ratio
--Reducing production cost
--Just-in-time manufacturing