Emerging market equity prices and chaos: evidence from Thailand exchange.
Adrangi, Bahram ; Chatrath, Arjun ; Kamath, Ravindra 等
We test for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in
the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Index. While we find strong
evidence of nonlinear dependencies, the evidence is not consistent with
chaos. Our test results indicate that ARCH-type processes generally
explain the nonlinearities in the data. We also show that employing
seasonally adjusted index series contributes to obtaining robust results
via some of the existing tests for chaotic structure.
JEL: G150, F300
Keywords: Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Index; Chaos; Equity
markets; Emerging market economies
In this paper we investigate the behavior of the Index of the
Thailand Stock Exchange Index (SET). This entails examining the index
for low dimension chaos and other nonlinearities. The Stock Exchange of
Thailand, formerly the Securities Exchange of Thailand, officially
started trading On January 1, 1991. The SET's primary roles are:
(i) to serve as a center for the trading of listed securities, and to
provide the essential systems needed to facilitate securities trading,
(ii) to undertake any business relating to the Securities Exchange, such
as a clearing house, securities depository center, securities registrar,
or similar activities and (iii) to undertake any other business approved
by the SEC.
We chose the SET because of the critical role it plays in the
development of Thailand's capital market. The behavior of the
index, its volatility, and movements are of interest to international
money managers, Thailand securities authorities, and the Thai Central
Bank. Furthermore, Thailand is one of the three "new tigers"
that have experienced phenomenal economic growth. New tigers have become
major exporters of good and services and a focus of international
investors. (1) The study of equity markets and the behavior of equity
prices in emerging markets such as Thailand have become critical as
international capital movements among nations have increased. For
example, researchers have shown that international investors may benefit
from the possibility of diversification in these markets (see Lee,
2003). Emerging market economies and capital markets benefit from the
influx of foreign capital, which has stimulated further economic growth.
Chaotic behavior has piqued the interest of financial researchers
in the past two decades because many economic and financial time series
appear random. Random-looking variables may in fact be deterministic chaos, and thus, predictable, at least in the short-run. It has been
speculated that technical analysis may be especially successful in
forecasting short-term price behavior of various financial series where
series are nonlinear and/or chaotic (see for example, LeBaron (1991),
Brock, Lakonishok, and LeBaron (1992), Taylor (1994), Blume, Easley, and
O'Hara (1994), Chang and Osler (1995), Bohan (1981), Brush (1986),
Pruitt and White (1988, 1989), Clyde and Osler (1997), among others).
Furthermore, modeling nonlinear processes may be less restrictive than
linear structural systems because nonlinear methods are not restricted
by specific knowledge of the underlying structures. Lichtenberg and
Ujihara (1988), Blank (1991), DeCoster, Labys, and Mitchel (1992), Yang
and Brorsen (1993) have concluded that a number of financial time series
exhibit behavior consistent with deterministic chaos.
Clyde and Osler (1997) conclude that it is worthwhile to
investigate chaotic behavior because, unlike random processes, nonlinear
(including chaotic) ones are more conducive to technical analysis.
Therefore, it would be informative to analyze the behavior of various
financial data in order to determine the source of nonlinearities, if
they exist. If the nonlinearity stems from chaos, then technical
analysis may be applicable in the short run for prediction purposes.
However, chaos would also imply that while prices are deterministic,
long-range prediction based on 'technicals' or statistical
forecasting techniques become treacherous, as the slightest errors in
function formulation will multiply exponentially.
However, nonlinear patterns in financial and economic time series
may not necessarily be consistent with chaos. Some examples may be found
in Hsieh (1989), and Aczel and Josephy (1991) for exchange rates;
Scheinkman and LeBaron (1989), Hsieh (1991) for stock returns, Mayfield
and Mizrach (1992) for S&P index, among others. Hsieh (1993) extends
this line of research to futures contracts and shows that nonlinearities
in several currency futures contracts are explained by conditional
variances and are not necessarily chaotic.
Our paper is distinguishable from other studies on chaos in
financial markets in that (i) relatively long index histories are
examined; (ii) unlike most prior research, the data are subject to
adjustments for seasonalities that may otherwise have led to an
erroneous conclusion of chaotic structure; (iii) a wider range of
ARCH-type models are considered as explanations to the nonlinearities;
(iv) alternate statistical techniques are employed to test the null of
chaotic structure; and (v), we consider the emerging equity market of
We present strong evidence that SET Index series exhibits nonlinear
dependencies. However, we find evidence that is clearly inconsistent
with chaotic structure. We make a case that employing seasonally
adjusted index series may contribute to obtaining robust results via the
existing tests for chaotic structure. We identify some commonly known
ARCH-type processes that satisfactorily explain the nonlinearities in
the SET Index data. This finding is particularly noteworthy in that it
demonstrates the power of commonly known nonlinear models in explaining
the behavior of equity prices in an emerging market Furthermore, with
the help of the past data, index behavior in the Thailand market may be
predicted employing a nonlinear model.
The next section briefly motivates the tests for chaos and further
discusses the implications of chaotic structure in financial price
series. Simulated chaotic data is employed to highlight some important
properties of chaos. Section III describes the procedures that this
paper employs to test the null of chaos. Section IV presents the test
results for the SET Index. Section V closes with a summary of the
Several definitions of chaos are in use. The following definition
is similar to those commonly found in the literature (e.g., Devaney
(1986), Brock (1986), Deneckere and Pelikan (1986), Brock and Dechert
(1988), Brock and Sayers (1988), Brock, Hsieh and LeBaron (1993),
Adrangi and Chatrath (2003)). The series at has a chaotic explanation if
there exists a system (h, F, [x.sub.0]) where [a.sub.t] = h([x.sub.t]),
[x.sub.t+1] = F([x.sub.t]), [x.sub.0] is the initial condition at t = 0,
and where h maps the n-dimensional phase space, [R.sup.n], to [R.sup.1],
and F maps [R.sup.n] to [R.sup.n]. It is also required that all
trajectories, [x.sup.t], lie on an attractor, A, and nearby trajectories
diverge so that the system never reaches an equilibrium or even exactly
repeats its path.
Adrangi and Chatrath (2003) discuss the following properties of the
chaotic time paths that should be of special interest to financial
market observers: (2) (i) the universality of certain routes (such as
the period folding over of trajectories) that are independent of the
details of the map; (ii) time paths that are extremely sensitive to
microscopic changes in the parameters; this property is often termed
sensitive dependence upon initial condition or SDIC (3); and (iii) time
series that appear stochastic even though they are generated by
deterministic systems; i.e., the empirical spectrum and empirical
autocovariance functions of chaotic series are the same as those
generated by random variables, implying that chaotic series will not be
identified as such by most standard techniques (such as spectral
analysis or autocovariance functions).
Here we briefly illustrate some of the above properties in the
framework of the Logistic equation, which is commonly presented to
demonstrate the chaos phenomenon (e.g., Baumol and Benhabib (1989),
Hsieh (1991)). Consider the nonlinear Logistic function with a single
parameter, w
[x.sub.t+1] = F([x.sub.t]) = [wx.sub.t](1[-.sub.xt]) (1)
Figure 1 graphs the relationship ([x.sub.t+1], [x.sub.t]) for
w=3.750, [x.sub.0] = .10. (4) It should be apparent that ([x.sub.t+1],
[x.sub.t]) oscillations that form a distinctive phase diagram (the
bounding parabolic curve). As the oscillations expand, they encounter
and "bounce off" the phase curve, moving closer to an apparent
equilibrium on the negative slope of the phase curve. However, the
convergence towards any equilibrium in that vicinity can only be
temporary, since the slope of the phase curve ([partial
derivative][x.sub.t+1]/[partial derivative][x.sub.t]=w(1-2[x.sub.t])) is
less than -1. Figure 1 also illustrates the property of period folding
of trajectories in chaotic systems, and demonstrates the concept of low
dimension: the chaotic map of [x.sub.t+1] against [x.sub.t] gives us a
series of points in the phase curve. Even in the limit, these points
would only form a one dimension set--a curve. On the other hand, had the
[x.sub.t+1] and [x.sub.t] relationship been random, the points would
have been scattered about the two-dimensional phase space.
To illustrate the concept of SDIC, we graph in Figures 2 and 3 the
time paths ([x.sub.t], t = 1.60) for the Logistic Equation with w =
3.750, [x.sub.0] = .10, and w = 3.753, [x.sub.0] = .10 respectively. It
is immediately apparent that the Logistic Equation has produced fairly
complex time paths. Note that the small change (an 'error') of
only .003 introduced in w has caused the time path to be vastly
different after only a few time periods. For instance, for the first 9
periods, the time path in Figure 2 'looks' almost identical to
that in Figure 3. However, the paths after t=10 diverge substantially.
While we employ the Logistic Equation to demonstrate SDIC here, the same
sort of behavior holds for a very wide set of chaotic relations.
It should be noted that chaotic systems might provide some
advantage to forecasting/technical analysis in the very-short run (say a
few days when dealing with chaotic dally data). As indicated earlier, a
deterministic chaotic system is, in some respects, polar to an
instantaneously unpredictable system. For instance, Clyde and Osler
(1997) simulate a chaotic series and conclude that the
heads-over-shoulder trading rule will be effective in generating profits
(relative to random trading) in the presence of a known chaotic system.
However, the results in Clyde and Osler also indicate that this property
declines dramatically, such that the frequency of 'hits' by
this trading rule is not significantly different from a random strategy
after just a few trading periods (days). (5)
The known tests for chaos attempt to determine from observed time
series data whether h and F are genuinely random. Following Adrangi and
Chatrath (2003), we employ three tests: the Correlation Dimension of
Grassberger and Procaccia (1983) and Takens (1984), and the BDS
statistic of Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (1987), and a measure of
entropy termed Kohnogorov-Sinai invariant, also known as Kohnogorov
Among this group, Kohnogorov entropy probably is the most direct
test for chaos, measuring whether nearby trajectories separate as
required by chaotic structure. However, this and other tests of SDIC
(e.g., Lyapunov exponent) often provide relatively fragile conclusions
(e.g., Brock and Sayers (1988)), thus, the need for the alternate tests
for chaos. We briefly outline the construction of the tests, but we do
not address their properties at length, as they have been well
established (for instance, Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (1987) and
Brock, Hsieh and LeBaron (1993)).
A. Correlation Dimension
Imbedding a stationary time series [x.sub.t],(t=1 ... [T.sup.6]),
in an m-dimensional space by forming M-histories starting at each date t
one has: [x.sub.t.sup.2] = {[x.sub.t], [x.sub.t+1]}, .., [x.sub.t.sup.M]
= {[x.sub.t], [x.sub.t+1], [x.sub.t+2], ... [x.sub.t+M-1]}. The stack of
these scalars are employed to carry out the analysis. If the true system
is n-dimensional, provided M [greater than or equal to] 2n+1, the
M-histories can help recreate the dynamics of the underlying system, if
they exist (Takens (1984)). By calculating the correlation integral, one
can measure the spatial correlations among the M-histories. For a given
embedding dimension M and a distance s, the correlation integral is
given by
where [absolute value of x] is the distance induced by the norm.
(7) For small values of [epsilon], one has
[C.sup.M]([epsilon]}~[[epsilon].sup.D] where D is the dimension of the
system (see Grassberger and Procaccia (1983). The Correlation Dimension
in embedding dimension M is given by
and the Correlation Dimension is
We estimate the statistic for various levels of M (e.g., Brock and
Sayers (1988):
[SC.sup.M] = {ln [C.sup.M] ([[epsilon].sub.i]) - ln [C.sup.M]
([[epsilon].sub.i-1])}/{ ln([[epsilon].sub.i]) - ln([[epsilon].sub.i-1])
The [SC.sup.M] statistic is a local estimate of the slope of the
[C.sup.M] versus e function. Following Frank and Stengos (1989), we take
the average of the three highest values of [SC.sup.M] for each embedding
B. BDS Statistic
Brock, Dechert and Scheinkman (1987) applied the correlation
integral to form a statistical test that may be employed to detect
various types of nonlinearity as well as deterministic chaos. BDS show
that if [x.sub.t] is IID with a nondegenerate distribution,
[C.sup.M]([epsilon]) [right arrow] [C.sup.1] [([epsilon]).sup.M],
as T [right arrow] infinity (6)
for fixed M and [epsilon]. Based on this property, BDS show that
the statistic
[W.sup.M]([epsilon]) = [square root of T][[C.sup.M] ([epsilon]) -
[C.sup.1] [([epsilon]).sup.M]]/[[sigma].sub.M] ([epsilon]) (7)
where [[sigma].sup.M], the standard deviation of [x], has a
limiting standard normal distribution under the null hypothesis of IID.
[W.sup.M] is known as the BDS statistic. If [W.sup.M] is significant,
then one concludes that a stationary series is nonlinear. If it is
illustrated that the nonlinear structure stems from a known
non-deterministic system, the absence of chaos is implied. For instance,
significant and insignificant BDS statistics, respectively, for a
stationary data series and the standardized residuals from an Auto
Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model, suggest that the
ARCH process explains the nonlinearity in the data, precluding low
dimension chaos.
C. Kolmogorov Entropy
Kohnogorov entropy is employed to quantify the concept of sensitive
dependence on initial conditions. Consider the two trajectories in
Figures 2 and 3. Initially, the two time paths are extremely close so as
to be indistinguishable to a casual observer. As time passes, however,
the trajectories diverge so that they become distinguishable. Kohnogorov
entropy (K) measures the speed with which this takes place.
Grassberger and Procaccia (1983) devise a measure for K as
[K.sub.2] = [lim.sub.[epsilon][right arrow]0] [lim.sub.m[right
arrow]infinity] [lim.sub.N[right arrow]infinity] ln
([C.sup.M]([epsion])/[C.sup.M+1]([epsilon])). (8)
If a time series is non-complex and completely predictable,
[K.sub.2[right arrow]0]. If the time series is completely random,
[K.sub.2[right arrow][infinity]]. That is, the lower the value of
[K.sub.2], the more predictable the system. For chaotic systems, one
would expect 0<[K.sub.2]<[infinity], at least in principle.
We employ The SET Index series from January 1990 through December
1998 (2205 observations). (8) We focus our tests on daily returns, which
are obtained by taking the relative log of index as in [R.sub.t] =
(ln([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]])) x 100, where [P.sub.t] represents the
closing index value on day t. (9)
Table 1 presents the [R.sub.t] diagnostics for the series. The
returns series is stationary by the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)
statistics. There are linear and nonlinear dependencies as shown by the
Q(12) and [Q.sup.2](12) statistics, and Autoregressive Conditional
Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) effects is suggested by the ARCH(1) chi-square
statistic. Thus, there are clear signs that nonlinear dynamics are
generating the SET Index values. Furthermore, these nonlinearities may
be explained by ARCH effects. Whether these dynamics are chaotic in
origin is the question that we turn to next. It is clear from these
statistics, however, that various ARCH models may be appropriate in the
study of the SET Index.
To rule out the possibility that chaos is overshadowed by linear
dependencies or seasonalities, we first estimate autoregressive models
for SET Index with controls for possible day-of-the-week effects, as in
[R.sub.t] = [P.summation over (i=1)][[beta].sub.i] [R.sub.t-i] +
[5.summation over (j=1)][[gamma].sub.j] [D.sub.jt] + [[epsilon].sub.t]
where [D.sub.jt] represent day-of-the-week dummy variables. The lag
length for each series is selected based on the Akaike (1974) criterion.
The residual term ([[epsilon].sub.t]) represents the index movements
that are purged of linear relationships and seasonal influences. Table 2
reports the results from the OLS regressions. There is evidence of the
day-of-the-week effect similar to that found in world equities (e.g.,
Jaffe and Westerfield (1985)). The appropriate linear structure in the
return is six lags for SET Index values as indicated by the size of the
Q-statistics, which indicates that the residuals are free of linear
A. Correlation Dimension estimates
Table 3 reports the Correlation Dimension ([SC.sup.M]) estimates
for various models of the SET Index returns' series alongside that
for the Logistic series developed earlier. We report dimension results
for embeddings up to 20 in order to check for saturation. (10) An
absence of saturation provides evidence against chaotic structure. For
example, the [SC.sup.M] estimates for the Logistic map stay close to
1.00, even as we increase the embedding dimensions. Furthermore, the
estimates for the Logistic series do not change meaningfully after AR
transformation. Thus, as one would expect, the [SC.sup.M] estimates are
consistent with chaos for the Logistic series.
For the SET Index series, on the other hand, the [SC.sup.M]
estimates provide evidence against chaotic structure. If one examines
the estimates for the SET Index returns alone, one could (erroneously)
make a case for low dimension chaos: the [SC.sup.M] statistics seem to
'settle' under 10. However, the estimates for the AR(6), AR(6)
with-seasonal-correction (AR(6), S), and from the random series (SET
Index shuffled) are substantially higher. Thus, the Correlation
Dimension estimates suggest that there is no chaotic structure in SET
Index series.
For the SET Index series, on the other hand, the [SC.sup.M]
estimates show evidence against chaotic structure. If one examines the
estimates for the SET Index returns alone, one could (erroneously) make
a case for low dimension chaos: the [SC.sup.M] statistics seem to
'settle' under 10. However, the estimates for the AR(6), AR(6)
with-seasonal-correction (AR(6), S), and from the random series (SET
Index shuffled) are substantially higher. Thus, the Correlation
Dimension estimates suggest that there is no chaotic structure in SET
Index series.
B. BDS Test results
Table 4 reports the BDS statistics for [AR(6),S] series, and
standardized residuals ([epsilon]/[square root of h]) from three sets of
ARCH-type models with their respective variance equations, GARCH(1,1):
[h.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] +
[[alpha].sub.1][[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.1][h.sub.t-1]
Exponential GARCH (1,1):
log([h.sub.t]) = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.0] [absolute value
of [[epsilon].sub.t-1]/[h.sub.t-1]] + [[alpha].sub.2] [absolute value of
[[epsilon].sub.t-1]/[h.sub.t-1]] + [[beta].sub.1] 1og([h.sub.t-1]). (11)
Asymmetric Component GARCH (1,1):
[h.sub.t] = [q.sub.0] + [alpha]([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] -
[q.sub.t-1]) + [[beta].sub.1]([h.sub.t-1] - [q.sub.t-1]) +
[[beta].sub.2]([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] - [q.sub.t-1])[d.sub.t-1]
[q.sub.t] = [omega] + [rho]([q.sub.t-1] -[omega]) +
[phi]([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] - [h.sub.t-1]). (12)
where [d.sub.t-1] = 1 if [[epsilon].sub.t] < 0 ; 0 otherwise,
and the return equation which provides [[epsilon].sub.t] is the same as
in 9. (11)
The BDS statistics are evaluated against critical values obtained
by bootstrapping the null distribution for each of the GARCH models (see
Appendix 1). The BDS statistics strongly reject the null of no
nonlinearity in the [AR(6),S] errors for the SET Index values. This
evidence, that there are nonlinear dependencies in SET Index series, is
consistent with the findings reported for exchange rates in Aczel and
Josephy (1991), foreign exchange rates in Hsieh (1989), the CRISMA
trading system in Pruit and White (1988), and stock returns in
Scheinkman and LeBaron (1989). BDS statistics for the standardized
residuals from the ARCH-type models, however, clearly indicate that the
source of the nonlinearity is not chaos. For instance, the BDS
statistics are dramatically lower (relative to those for the [AR(6),S]
errors) for all the standardized residuals, and are consistently
insignificant at any reasonable level of confidence for the GARCH(1,1)
model. On the whole, the BDS test results provide compelling evidence
that the nonlinear dependencies in SET Index series arise from ARCH-type
effects, rather than from a complex, chaotic structure.
C. Entropy estimates
Figure 4 plots the Kohnogorov entropy estimates (embedding
dimension 15 to 30) for the Logistic map (w=3.75, [x.sub.0]=.10) and
[AR(6),S] SET Index series. The estimates for the Logistic map provide
the benchmarks for a known chaotic and a generally random series. The
entropy estimates for the [AR(6),S] SET Index series shows little signs
of 'settling down' as do those for the Logistic map. There is
a general rise in the Ka statistic as one increases the embedding
dimension. The plots in Figure 4 corroborates the Correlation Dimension
and BDS test results suggesting no evidence of low dimension chaos in
SET Index values.
D. ARCH Effects in Emerging Equity Markets
It is apparent from the BDS statistics presented in Table 4, that
the GARCH (1,1) model may explain the nonlinearities in the SET Index
values. The standardized residuals show that after accounting for the
nonlinearities in the SET Index by employing a GARCH (1,1) model, BDS
statistics become insignificant. Therefore, the GARCH (1,1) model may be
an example of a nonlinear model that is successful in capturing and
explaining the behavior of the SET Index.
Table 5 reports the maximum likelihood results for the SET Index.
In the interest of brevity, we do not present the results from the mean
equations. The results indicate strong ARCH effects, as shown by the
statistical significance of the lagged variance. The overall
significance of the model coefficients shows that a GARCH (1,1) may
successfully explain the returns-generating process. Therefore, a
well-known econometric model such as GARCH (1,1) may be perfectly
capable of explaining SET behavior and its volatility. This finding is
interesting and useful both for country fund managers, domestic central
bank and monetary policy, and exchange authorities. For example, some
nonlinear models may be able to explain the behavior of SET in the near
future. This finding may have implications regarding the efficiency of
this emerging market. For example, if a nonlinear model that is based on
historic data is successful in predicting near term SET movements and
volatility, the weak form of market efficiency may be violated. However,
this point requires further research.
Financial researchers have become interested in chaotic time series
in the past two decades because many economic and financial time series
appear random. However, random-looking variables may in fact be chaotic,
and thus, predictable, at least in the short-run.
Many studies have analyzed financial time series for nonlinearities
and chaos in the developed markets of the world. The evidence on these
issues has been mixed. However, the nonlinearity and chaotic structure
of equity prices in emerging markets has rarely been investigated. Some
researchers have suggested that the technical analysis may be especially
successful in forecasting short-term price behavior of various financial
series because these series may be nonlinear and/or chaotic.
Furthermore, modeling nonlinear processes may be less restrictive than
linear structural systems because nonlinear methods are not restricted
by specific knowledge of the underlying structures. This information may
enable money managers and analysts to have a better understanding of the
equity price movements and sudden volatility patterns in an emerging
market equity market such as Thailand.
Employing daily, nine-year series of the Stock Exchange of Thailand
(SET) Index, we conduct a battery of tests for the presence of
low-dimension chaos. The SET Index series is subjected to Correlation
Dimension tests, BDS tests, and tests for entropy. While we find strong
evidence of nonlinear dependence in the data, the evidence is not
consistent with chaos. Our test results indicate that ARCH-type
processes explain the nonlinearities in the data. We also show that
employing seasonally adjusted index series enhances the robustness of
results via the existing tests for chaotic structure. For SET Index
returns, we isolate an appropriate ARCH-type model. Thus, analysts may
be able to model the past behavior of the SET Index. Furthermore,
relatively common nonlinear econometric models may be employed to gather
information and predict futures movements and the volatility of the SET
Index. This information maybe valuable for money mangers, global fund
managers, country fund investors, as well as local monetary policy and
exchange authorities of Thailand. It also suggests that the "weak
form" of the Efficient Market Hypothesis may be violated in this
emerging market. This is so because an ARCH-type nonlinear model may be
employed for possible predictive purposes. This point will be the topic
of future research.
Appendix 1
Simulated critical values for the BDS test statistic
The figures represent the simulated values of the BDS statistic from
Monte Carlo simulations of 2000 observations each. The simulations
generated the 250 replications of the GARCH model
(([[alpha].sub.1]=.10, [[beta].sub.l]=.80), the exponential GARCH
model ([[alpha].sub.1]=.05, [[alpha].sub.2]=.05, [[beta].sub.l]=.80),
and the asymmetric component model ([alpha]=.05, [beta]=.10,
[rho]=.80, [phi]=.05). BDS statistics for four embedding dimensions
and [epsilon] = 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 standard deviations of the data
were then computed for the 250x3 simulated series. The critical
values represent the 97.5th and 2.5th percentile of the distribution
of the simulated statistics.
M 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
GARCH (1,1) (97.5% critical values)
2 1.62 1.53 1.42 1.25
3 1.76 1.63 1.45 1.44
4 2.35 2.21 2.16 1.97
5 2.42 2.28 2.25 2.10
Exponential GARCH (97.5% critical values)
2 2.75 2.54 2.10 1.83
3 3.30 3.07 2.42 2.38
4 3.48 3.31 2.66 2.56
5 3.66 3.47 2.97 2.61
Asymmetric Component GARCH (97.5% critical values)
2 1.40 1.13 1.02 0.80
3 1.47 1.27 1.17 093
4 1.62 1.28 1.22 1.00
5 1.82 1.40 1.31 1.07
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(1.) The importance of emerging market economies to international
financial markets may be highlighted by the fact that the 1997 currency
crisis and the ensuring financial market turmoil began partially due to
Thai bath crash.
(2.) See Brock, Hsieh and LeBaron (1993) for a compete overview of
the properties.
(3.) This property follows from the requirement that local
trajectories must diverge; if they were to converge, the system would be
stable to disturbance, and nonchaotic.
(4.) The selection of w>3 was not arbitrary. At w<3, the
series would converge to a single value. At w=3, the series fluctuates
between two values (or equilibria). The number of solutions continues to
double (not infinitum) as w is increased beyond 3, producing a time path
that is oscillatory. Also see Baumol and Benhabib (1989), who outline
four cases for the value of w.
(5.) Some short-term forecasting techniques, such as locally
weighted regressions, perform better for chaotic data than for random
data (e.g., Hsieh (1991)).
(6.) It is shown in the literature that nonstationary processes can
generate low dimensions even when not chaotic (e.g., Brock and Sayers
(1988). To avoid confusion, one may difference the original series if it
contains a unit root.
(7.) In practice length of the data length limits T, which in turn
puts limitations on the range of the values of [epsilon] and M to be
(8.) The data are obtained from the Thailand Stock Exchange.
(9.) We do not employ smoothing models to detrend the data, as we
feel that the imposed trend reversions may erroneously be interpreted as
structure (see Nelson and Plosser (1982)).
(10.) Yang and Brorsen (1993), who calculate Correlation Dimension
for gold and silver, compute [SC.sup.M] only up to M=8.
(11.) The return equation from the ARCH-type systems provided
coefficients similar to those in Table 2. We also estimated another
familiar model, Garch in Mean (GARCHM). The BDS statistics from the
GARCHM and GARCH (1,1) models were found to be very similar. In the
interest of brevity, we do not provide the results from the GARCHM
model. The GARCH model is due to Bollerslev (1986), the exponential
model (EGARCH) is from Nelson (1991), and the asymmetric component ARCH
model is a variation of the Threshold GARCH model of Rabemananjara and
Zakoian (1993).
Bahrain Adrangi (a), Arjun Chatrath (b), Ravindra Kamath (c), and
Kambiz Raffiee (d)
(a) School of Business Administration, University of Portland,
[email protected]
(b) School of Business Administration, University of Portland,
[email protected]
(c) Department of Finance, Cleveland State University,
[email protected]
(d) Department of Economics, University of Nevada, Reno,
[email protected]
Table 1
Return diagnostics
The Table presents the return diagnostics for SET Index (daily data)
over the interval, January 3, 1990 through December 30, 1998 (2205
observations). Returns are given by [R.sub.t]=log([P.sub.t]/
[P.sub.t-1])-100, where [P.sub.t] represents closing index value on
day t. ADF, ADF(T) represent the Augmented Dickey Fuller tests
(Dickey and Fuller (1981)) for unit roots, with and with out trend
respectively. The Q(12) and [Q.sup.2](12) statistics represent the
Ljung-Box (Q) statistics for autocorrelation of the [R.sub.t] and
[R.sub.t.sup.2] series respectively. The ARCH(1) statistic is the Engle
(1982) test for ARCH (of order 1) and is [chi square] distributed with
1 degree of freedom. *** and * represents the significance level of .01
and 0.1, respectively.
SET Index 1/03/1990-12/30/98
Mean -0.041
SD 1.99
ADF -19.99 ***
ADF(T) -20.03 ***
Q(12) 58.13 ***
[Q.sup.2](12) 684.11 ***
ARCH(1) 359.16 ***
Table 2
Linear structure and seasonality
The coefficients and residual diagnostics are from the OLS regressions
of returns on prior returns and five day-of-the-week dummies. The lag-
length was selected based on Akaike's (1974) criterion. The LM
statistic (Chi-Squared) tests the null of no autocorrelation in the
regression residuals. The Q(6) and Q(12) statistics represent the
Ljung-Box (Q) statistics for autocorrelation pertaining to the
residuals up to 6 and 12lags, respectively. *, **, and *** represent
the significance levels of .10, .05, and .01 respectively.
SET Index SET Index t-statistic
C -0.270 *** (-3.39)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.097 *** (4.25)
[R.sub.t-2] -0.028 (-1.23)
[R.sub.t-3] 0.025 (1.11)
[R.sub.t-4] 0.015 (0.69)
[R.sub.t-5] -0.022 (-0.98)
[R.sub.t-6] -0.059 *** (-2.65)
Mon 1.17 * [10.sup.-7] (1.23)
Tue 3.58 * [10.sup.-6] *** (5.09)
Wed -0.391 *** (-3.63)
Thu -0.243 ** (-2.29)
[R.sup.2] 0.048
Q(6) 1.89
Q(12) 8.24
LL 3917.26
Table 3
Correlation dimension estimates
The Table reports [SC.sup.M] statistics for the Logistic series
(w=3.750, n=2000), daily SET Index and their various components
over four embedding dimensions: 5, 10, 15, and 20. AR(p) represents
autoregressive (order p) residuals, AR(p), S represents residuals
from autoregressive models that correct for day-of-the-week effects
in the data.
M = 5 10 15 20
Logistic 1.02 1.00 1.03 1.06
Logistic AR 0.96 1.06 1.09 1.07
SET Returns 4.06 8.26 9.00 10.30
SET AR(6) 4.00 7.41 8.05 16.50
SET AR(6), S 3.97 7.86 7.91 29.58
SET Shuffled 3.71 7.32 7.88 26.91
Table 4
BDS statistics
The figures are BDS statistics for AR (p), S residuals, and
standardized residuals [epsilon]/[square root of h] from three ARCH-
type models. The BDS statistics are evaluated against critical values
obtained from Monte Carlo simulation (Appendix 1). *, **, and
*** represent the significance levels of .10, .05, and .01
Panel A: SET Index M
[epsilon]/[sigma] 2 3 4 5
AR(6),S Residuals
0.50 12.62 *** 15.62 *** 18.57 *** 20.78 ***
1.00 14.01 *** 17.02 *** 19.60 *** 21.36 ***
1.50 14.04 *** 16.82 *** 18.66 *** 19.58 ***
2.00 12.15 *** 14.80 *** 16.26 *** 16.77 ***
GARCH (1,1) Standard Errors
0.50 1.48 1.78 ** 1.67 1.26
1.00 1.44 1.65 ** 1.72 1.43
1.50 1.32 1.49 ** 1.60 1.31
2.00 1.26 ** 1.40 * 1.55 1.16
Exponential GARCH Standard Errors
0.50 12.05 *** 14.79 *** 17.47 *** 19.44
1.00 13.25 *** 16.11 *** 18.62 *** 20.37
1.50 13.44 *** 16.19 *** 18.07 *** 19.07
2.00 11.74 *** 14.44 *** 15.99 *** 16.56
Asymmetric Component GARCH Standard Errors
0.50 0.58 1.41 * 1.73 ** 1.12
1.00 0.63 1.06 1.49 ** 1.37 *
1.50 0.52 0.95 1.45 ** 1.38 **
2.00 0.46 0.88 1.41 *** 1.25 ***
Table 5
ARCH dynamics SET Index
The maximum likelihood estimates are from GARCH model fitted to SET
Index returns. The variance parameters estimated are from equation
(11). Statistics in Q are t-values. The Chi-square test statistic for
SET is LL (GARCH)-LL (OLS)), where LL represents the Log-likelihood
function. *** represents the significance level of .01.
SET [h.sub.t]
constant 0.126 *** (4.58)
[epsilon][t.sub.-1] 0.220 *** (7.54)
[h.sub.t-1] 0.780 *** (34.13)
LL -5350.11
Chi-Squared 610.96