Sensitivity of interest rate caps to the elasticity of forward rate volatility.
Sahut, Jean-Michel ; Mili, Mehdi
This paper examines the pricing performance of interest rate option
pricing models in the Euribor interest rate cap markets. We investigate
the sensitivity of the prices of cap derivatives to alternative
specifications of the forward interest rate derivatives. We use a term
structure-constrained model that allows us to modify the volatility
structure without altering their initial values. Consequently, any
differences in prices can be directly attributed to alternative
assumptions on the term structure of forward rate volatilities rather
than to the initial conditions. Our results show that cap prices are
significantly sensitive to the structure of forward interest rate
volatility and the inelasicity of this volatility function may lead to
significant pricing errors.
JEL Classification: G13
Keywords: Term structure; Interest rate; Volatility; HJM model; Cap
pricing; Kalman Filter
Demand for risk control, due to unfavourable changes in the shape
of yield curves, has made over-the-counter interest rate derivatives
increasingly popular in the last two decades. Thus, the pricing of
interest rate contingent claims has been subject to a significant amount
of research in finance in order to help financial institutions to
establish their speculative and hedging strategies. Theoretical work in
the area of interest rate derivatives has produced a variety of models
and techniques to values these derivatives, some of which are widely
used by experts (1). The major problem encountered by researchers when
evaluating interest rate derivatives is the exiting of the direct
relationship between option prices and the interest rate term structure.
Two major approaches to term structure models may still be
distinguished for pricing interest-rate contingent claims. For one there
is the "equilibrium-based" approach, according to which one
must specify one or more factors that are jointly Markov and drive the
term structure. Given the process for these factors under the real
measure, P, and some specification for the "market price of
risk" of each of these factors, one can define the so-called
risk-neutral measure, Q, under which all discounted-asset-price
processes are martingales (Harrison and Kreps, 1979). Notice that the
"market price of risk" specification may either be arbitrarily
imposed (Vasicek, 1977) or derived under some restrictive preferences
and economic-environment assumption (Cox, Ingersoll and Ross, 1985)
More recently, however, a second strand of literature has been
developed that avoids the crux of explicitly having to specify the
"market price of risk" when pricing interest-rate derivatives.
The "arbitrage" approach initiated by Ho and Lee (1986) and
generalized by Heath-Jarrow-Morton (1992) (HJM), takes the initial term
structure as given and, using the no-arbitrage condition, derives some
restrictions on the drift term of the process of the forward rates under
the risk-neutral probability measure Q. In essence, HJM show that if
there exists a set of traded interest-rate-dependent contracts then the
dynamics of their prices under the risk-neutral measure are fully
specified by their volatility structure. Under the Q measure, lack of
arbitrage places restrictions on the drifts of the contracts.
Despite the advantages of HJM over the short-rate models, it was
found out it does also have drawbacks; some practical and some
theoretical. Firstly, in general, those models are non-Markovian and
consequently PDE theory techniques no longer apply. Secondly, many
volatility term structures [sigma](t, T) result in dynamics of the
forward interest date f(t, T), which are non-Markov (i.e: with a finite
state space). This introduces path dependency to pricing problems, which
increases, significantly, computational times. Third, generally there
are no simple formulas or methods for pricing commonly-traded
derivatives such as caps and swaptions. This is again a significant
problem from the computational perspective. Finally, if we model forward
rates as log-normal processes the HJM model will explode (2). This last
theoretical problem can be avoided by modelling Libor and swap rates as
log-normal (market models) (3) rather than instantaneous forward rates.
So, by construction, the HJM model fits the initial term structure
exactly. Unfortunately, according to this approach, no finite
dimensional set of state variables exists, in general, that captures the
information necessary for pricing. This feature makes it difficult to
describe the dynamics of the term structure in terms of a reduced set of
state variables and to obtain closed-form pricing formulas (or even to
use numerical pricing methods).
The most important ingredient of the HJM term structure models is
the choice of a volatility structure for forward interest rates. The aim
of this paper is to explore the importance of forward rate volatility
structures in pricing interest rate cap options. Many researchers have
focused on this problematic issue for different kinds of interest rate
derivatives or different term structure models.
Moraleda and Pelsser (2000) tested three alternative spot-rate
models and two Markovian forward-rate models on cap and floor data from
1993 to 1994, and found that spot rate models outperform the
forward-rate models in pricing interest rate claims. However, as they
acknowledge, their empirical tests are not very formal. Buhler, Uhing,
Walter and Weber (1999) tested different one-factor and two-factor
models in the German fixed-income warrants market. They report that the
one-factor forward rate model with linear proportional volatility
outperforms all other models. However, their study has the same
limitations. First, they use options data with less than 3 years of
maturity. Second, the underlying asset for these options is not
homogeneous. Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian (1995) study the
sensitivity of the prices of interest rate claims to alternative
specifications of the volatility of forward interest rates. They use a
term structure-constrained model that allows change in volatility
structure for forward rates without altering their initial values or the
set of initial bond prices. They consider the following volatility
[sigma](t, T) =
Our paper extends the Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian (1995) study
on two levels. First, they arbitrarily consider values for
[[sigma].sub.0] and [lambda]. More particularly, they consider a range
of [[sigma].sub.0] from 0.005 to 0.015 and a range of [lambda] of 0.01
and 0.05. In our case we propose to estimate those two values from
market data using the Kalman filter technique. This is in order to
limits option pricing errors to depend only upon the elasticity degree
of the forward rate volatility. Second, contrary to Ritchken and
Sankarasubramanian who test the sensitivity of interest rate options to
volatility specification, we propose to test the effect of elasticity of
the forward rate volatility on cap prices. Furthermore, our study
extends Amin and Morton (1994) and Klassen, Dressien and Pelsser (1999)
by considering that the volatility structure depends on the level of the
spot interest rate.
In order to price Euribor interest rate caps, we estimate a
restrictive HJM model via the Kalman filter. The filtering technique
will be used to estimate a system of unobserved state variables where
the observed variables are linked to the unobserved state variables via
a measurement equation. The transition equation of the unobserved state
variables can be specified as a system of linear equations with Gaussian
The state-space and Kalman Filter framework has a long tradition in
applied econometrics. Pennacchi (1991), for instance, used this approach
to obtain estimates of the real interest rate and inflation dynamics
based on survey data. Ball and Torous (1996) used this framework to
estimate parameters of the one-factor CIR model in a simulation study.
Their study focuses on the problems associated with estimating the mean
reversion parameter if interest rates are close to a non-stationary
process. They conclude that the properties of estimates are remarkably
improved when cross-sectional information is included by way of the
state-space framework. In the next section, we show how the one-factor
HJM model can be expressed in a state space form and can be estimated by
the Kalman filter technique.
In this paper, the empirical performance of analytical models is
evaluated along their pricing accuracy conditional on the term
structure. The pricing accuracy of a model is useful in picking out
deviation from arbitrage-free pricing. The HJM models are estimated with
specific volatility functions to ensure that the interest rate process
is Markovian, i.e. path independent. Except for special cases, path
dependence renders the implementation of a term structure model
The paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly presents the
HJM term structure framework and its implementation with the Kalman
filter technique. In section III, empirical methodology and market data
are described. Section IV reports and discusses the results of the
study. A conclusion is contained in Section V.
Let f(t, T) be the forward interest rate at date t for
instantaneous riskless borrowing or lending at date T. The one-factor
model specifies the evolution of the entire instantaneous forward rate
curve by:
df(t, T) = [mu](t, T)dt + [sigma](t, T)dW(t) (1)
where W(t) is one dimensional Brownian motion and [mu](t, T) and
[sigma](t, T) are the instantaneous mean and volatility coefficients for
the forward interest rate of maturity T. HJM (1992) point out that for
each choice of volatility functions [sigma](t, T), the drift of the
forward rates under the risk-neutral measure, is uniquely determined by
the no-arbitrage condition:
The choice of the volatility function [sigma](t, T) determines the
interest rate process that describes the stochastic evolution of the
entire term structure. The object of this paper is to test the effect of
this volatility structure on pricing the interest rate-sensitive claims.
We will use the extended Kalman filter to estimate a system of
unobserved state variables where the observed variables are linked to
the unobserved state variables via a measurement equation. The
transition equation for the unobserved state variables can be specified
as a system of linear equations with Gaussian innovations (4).
A. The State Space Formulation
Our first step when applying the Kalman filter is to specify the
state space formulation. In this context, the observable or measurable
interest rates are assumed to be related to unobservable state variables
via a measurement equation. The unobservable state variables are, in
turn, assumed to follow a Markov process described by the transition
Our object consists in implementing the Kalman filter in order to
estimate the parameters of the generalized CIR (1985) model expressed
[sigma](t, T) =
[[sigma].sub.0][r.sup.[lambda]](t)[e.sup.-[lambda](T-t)] (3)
Equation (3) shows that we set the volatility forward rates to
decay exponentially with maturity. This representation has been used in
many other studies, including Vasicek (1977), Jamshidian (1989) and
Trunbull and Milne (1991). Positive signs of [lambda] imply that shocks
to the term structure have an exponentially dampened effect across
maturities. When T converges to t, near-term forward rates will have
volatilities "close" to the volatility structure considered.
Therefore, the structure captures the notion that distant forward rates
are less volatile than near-term rates.
The parameter [gamma] indicates the elasticity parameter of the
volatility function. Thus if [gamma]=0, we retrieve the generalized
Vasicek model which is inelastic to interest rate level.
Ball and Torous (1993) suggest that when e is near zero, the
interest rate process resembles a non-stationary process and that
estimates will generally not be precise.
As shown by Bhar and Chiarella (1995.a. 1996) and Carvehill (1994)
the Markovian stochastic dynamics system formed by the differential of
the state variables r(t), [psi](t) (5) and the Logarithm of the pure
discount bond P(t,T) noted F(t,T)=lnP(t,T) can be expressed by the
following state space stochastic differential system:
dX(t)=[A(t)+B(X(t),t)X(t)]dt[[sigma].sub.x](X(t),t)d[??](t) (4)
Where X(t) = [[F(t, T),r(t), [psi](t)].sup.T] A(t) = [[0, [f.sub.2]
(0, t)+[lambda]f(0, t), 0].sup.T] (5)
where [f.sub.2](0,t) is the second derivative of f(0,t).
[[sigma].sub.X](X(t),t) = [[[sigma].sub.0]r[(t).sup.[gamma]]
([e.sup.-[lambda](T-t)] - 1)/[lambda], [sigma],
[[sigma].sub.0]r[(t).sup.[gamma]] ([e.sup.-[lambda](T-t)], 0] (7)
Since Log bond price, F(t,T), is the only observable element of the
state vector X(t), and the two parameters to be estimated are [theta] =
[[[sigma].sub.0], [lambda]]. In order to maintain the analytical
tractability of the model, we presume that:
dX(t)=[F(X(t),t)]dt + [[sigma].sub.x] (X(t), t)d[??](t) (8)
The two parameters of the volatility structures will be estimated
via the state space formulation of the model.
B. Measurement equation
The measurement equation relates the vector of observable variables
to the vector of non observable variable. Since r(t) and [psi](t) are
both unobservable and the only observable variable is F(t.T), the
measurement equation can be expressed by:
Y(t) = HX(t) + [[epsilon].sub.t] [right arrow] N(0,
[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]] (9)
Where Y(t)=(3x1), X(t)=(3x1), and H=[1, 0, 0]. In this case, the
measurement equation is non-linear, which leads us to apply the extended
Kalman filter method.
C. Transition Equation
The essence of the Kalman filter is to optimally calculate
[[??].sub.k/k-1] which is the best forecast of [X.sub.k] given all the
information available up to k-1. By using the additional information up
to time k, we can then estimate [[??].sub.k].
In line with Bhar and Chiarella (1997), we will use the Milstein
scheme to transform the stochastic differential equation (4) into
discreet time as:
where [[zeta].sup.2][right arrow]N(0,1). Equations (8) and (9)
define state space representation.
D. The prediction step
The prediction of the unobservable state variable [X.sub.k] at time
k is made based on its value at time k-1.
[[??].sub.k]/ k-1] = [E.sub.k-1]([X.sub.k]) = [[??].sub.k] +
F([X.sub.k], [theta])[[DELTA].sub.k] (11)
E. The updating step
The updating step consists in using the additional information at
time k to obtain an updated estimator of [X.sub.k]:
[[??].sub.k] = [E.sub.k] ([X.sub.k]) = [[??].sub.k/k-1] +
[[summation].sub.k/k-1] [H.sup.T] [[sigma].sup.-1.sub.k][D.sub.k]
[[??].sub.k] is the filtered estimate where [[summation].sub.k/k-1]
[H.sup.T] [[sigma].sup.-1.sub.k] is the Kalman gain matrix. And
[D.sub.k] is the estimation error over [[t.sub.k-1], [t.sub.k]] given
by: [D.sub.k] = [Y.sub.k] - H[[??].sub.k/k-1]
F. The quasi-Likelihood function
Harvey (1994) provides the prediction error decomposition form of
the Likelihood function as:
LogL = - n/2 Log2[pi] - 1/2 [n.summation over (k=1)]
Log|[[sigma].sub.k]| - 1/2 [n.summation over (k=1)]
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.k] [[sigma].sup.-1.sub.k] (12)
All the parameters of the volatility function of the forward rates
will be estimated by maximizing the Likelihood optimisation function.
Our empirical study consists of two steps. Primarily, we implement
the Kalman filter to estimate parameters of three different volatility
structures inspired from the general form:
[sigma](t, T) = [[sigma].sub.0]
[r.sup.[gamma]](t)[e.sup.-[lambda](T-t)] (13)
Note that the form of the volatilities is completely characterized
by the selection of the three parameters, [sigma], [gamma] and [lambda].
The parameter [lambda] captures the dampening effect of the volatilities
across the term structure, and [gamma] is the elasticity measure.
First we consider the case of [gamma]=0 which corresponds to the
generalized Vasicek (1977) model. In this case the volatility structure
becomes deterministic and the spot interest rate becomes the only state
variable. Second, we consider the case of [gamma]=1/2 which corresponds
to the generalized Cox Ingersoll and Ross (1985). Finally, we assume
that [gamma]=1, allowing us to consider the Dothan (1978) model.
Secondly, we compare the performance of these three volatility
structure models in pricing interest rate caps, in order to characterize
the best model that capture the behaviour of the interest rate.
Therefore, we use parameters estimated from the Kalman filter to price
caps on Euribor interest rates, then we can compare these prices to caps
market prices.
The three models considered in this paper have a common term
structure, which permits us to explore the sensitivity of options prices
to changes in the parameter [gamma] without altering the set of prices
of the underlying bonds. In this case, differences in interest rate
options prices result directly from the difference in assumptions
regarding the volatilities structures.
For this purpose we need two kinds of datasets. On the one hand,
data on money market interest rate and on the other hand, data on
interest rate caps market prices. Our money market interest rate
consists in retrieving monthly Euribor interest rate for maturities of
1, 3, 6 and 12 months. These data series cover the period from January
1994 to November 2003. Figure 1 depicts the four interest rate series.
Basic summary statistics are contained in Table 1. According to
this table the unconditional mean yields increase monotonically with
maturity from 4.29 at three-months to 4.45 at 12 months. It is also
shown that unconditional volatilities go down monotonically with
maturity from 1.41 to 1.32.
Table 2 presents descriptive statistics of the derivatives data
set. The data consists on Euribor caps market prices with maturities 1,
2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 years. The sample period is from January 1994 to
November 2003. The prices of the contracts are expressed in basis point
of the notional principal contract. The mean, minimum, maximum and
standard deviation price of the respective contracts over the sample
period are reported in this table. It's shown that the prices of
caps increase on average with maturity from 1 year to 4 years then it
decrease from maturity of 5 years to 10 years. Market prices of caps
express decreasing volatilities across maturities.
The estimation of the parameters [[lambda].sub.0] and [lambda] of
forward rate will be performed through maximizing the Likelihood
function in (12) with respect to [theta]. Table 3 shows the estimated
coefficients and their standard deviation along with the value of the
Log likelihood function of each model.
This table presents summary statistics for the parameter estimates
of the three different volatility structures. Concerning the Generelized
Vasicek (1977) model, the estimate for the mean-reversion parameter
[lambda] is small and negative. This is the result of the hump shape of
the variance of forward rate changes. The standard deviations of
parameter estimates are a little higher for the CIR model compared to
the other models.
The next step is to focus on the models' performance in
pricing caps. To measure how well a given model conditionally predicts
derivatives, our procedure is as follows. Given the estimated parameters
of each model and the term structure at any trading date we value the
caps and compare the implied prices with the observed marked prices.
This procedure is then repeated over all the months in the dataset.
A cap can be regarded as a portfolio of European call options on
interest rates. Caps price is the sum of caplets of different
maturities. Given the specification of the HJM models, the pricing
formula for caps is readily available.
Thus the price of a caplet at time t, [Caplet.sub.t], that pays off
[zeta]Max(0, [Eur.sub.[zeta]] (T, T)-k) at time T+[zeta], where
[Eur.sub.[zeta]](t.T) is the [zeta]-period forward Euribor rate.
By means of the estimated parameters and the term structure of the
interest rate, we price caps on a monthly scale. The observed market
price is then subtracted from the model-based price to calculate both
the absolute pricing error and the percentage pricing error. This
procedure is repeated for each cap in the sample.
The summary statistics of the errors are presented in Table 4.
These give an idea about the empirical quality of the models.
This table illustrates the degree of potential mispricing to
approximate option prices with different degrees of elasticity. The
major remark to be drawn from the table is that almost all models under
price caps on average. The Dothan model has the lowest absolute
prediction errors, which are on average around 11.32%, whereas the
Generalized Vasicek has the highest prediction errors, which are on
average equal to 15.60%. Our results support the fact that forward term
structure with volatility depends on their levels, such that Generalized
CIR (1985) and Dothan (1978), outperform the Generelized Vasicek one.
This is in line with the findings of Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian
From the same table we can also notice that deviations in the value
of caps from their market prices appear to expand with the elasticity
parameter [gamma]. This is because the largest average absolute error of
15.6% appears in the Vasicek model and the lowest one of 12.36% appears
in the Dothan (1978) model. In line with Gupta and Subrahmanyam (2002),
these results indicate that adding more parameters to the model improves
its ability to forecast interest rate derivatives.
Furthermore we can deduce that using a simple generalized Vasicek
model to price interest rate caps can lead to significant mispricing if
interest rate volatilities do indeed depend on their levels.
The object of this paper is to investigate the sensitivity of
option contracts to alternative volatility specification of the forward
rate. By applying the Kalman filter we estimate three kinds of
volatility structure, which are then used to price interest rate caps.
In line with the findings of Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian (1999) our
results show, first, that interest rate options prices are quite
sensitive to the elasticity parameter in the volatility structure.
Second, we find that the Vasicek model estimates caps prices better than
the generalized Vasicek one, allowing the lowest average error.
The considered volatility structure does not incorporate all
possible forms and supposes that only one-factor determines all the
interest rate dynamics. For further research, we can explore the impact
of including other stochastic factors governing the term structure in
pricing interest rate-sensitive claims. The results obtained in this
empirical framework are of significant value in implementing the models
in practice.
(1.) Such as Black (1976), Vasicek (1977), Cox, Ingersoll and Ross
(1985), Ho and Lee (1986), Black, Derman and Toy (1990), etc.
(2.) For example, see Sandmann and Sondermann (1997).
(3.) See Brace and Musela (1995).
(4.) This formulation is the same as used by Bahr and Chiarella
(5.) Bahr and Chiarella (1997) suggest that [psi](t) is defined by
They also support that this variable plays a central role in
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Markovian form. Similar subsidiary variables appear in the reduction to
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Jean-Michel Sahut (a) and Mehdi Mili (b) *
(a) Dean for Research & Professor of Finance
[email protected]
Sup de Co La Rochelle, CEREGE--University of Poitiers (France)
(b) PhD Student Sup de Co La Rochelle, CEREGE--University of
Poitiers (France) University of Sfax (Tunisia)
[email protected]
* We are particularly grateful for the comments and suggestions of
Associate Professor N. Bellamy- University of Evry--in revising this
article. The authors would like to thank Professor Fathi Abid of
University of Sfax (Tunisia) for his helpful comments. We also would
like to acknowledge the European Social Fund for its support.
Table 1
Summary statistics of Euribor interest rates
1 Month 3Month 6Month 12Month
Mean 4.2992 4.3356 4.3612 4.4511
Maximum 7.4300 7.5900 7.7400 8.0200
Minimum 2.0900 2.1300 2.0800 2.0100
Std.Dev 1.4140 1.3597 1.3346 1.3279
Table 2
Descriptive statistics of market at-the money caps prices
Maturity (year) Mean Maximum Minimum Std. Dev
1 18.19 28.00 10.10 4.05
2 18.53 25.80 12.30 3.08
3 18.82 29.00 13.50 3.48
4 18.04 26.30 14.00 2.78
5 17.42 24.30 14.20 2.32
7 16.31 20.90 13.40 1.76
10 16.31 20.90 13.40 1.76
Table 3
Kalman-filter parameters model estimates
Vasicek (1977)
Coeff. Std.Dev Log L
[[sigma].sub.0] 0.02508 0.00629 1425
[lambda] -0.00062 0,01985
CIR (1985), [gamma]=1/2
Ceoff. Std.Dev Log L
[[sigma].sub.0] 0.05386 0.03365 1505
[lambda] 0.06192 0.05669
Dothan (1978), [gamma]=1
Ceoff. Std.Dev Log L
[[sigma].sub.0] 0.06425 0.01250 2135
[lambda] 0.16432 0.00135
Table 4
Pricing results for cap prices
Gen. Dothan Gen. CIR
Vasicek (1977) (1978) (1985)
Average error -9.55% -8.78% -9.06%
Average absolute
error 15.60% 11.32% 12.36%
The average percentage error is defined as the (model price--market
price)/market price.