Taking business seriously: introduction to special issue.
Franke, Richard H.
Two broad themes inspire this special issue of the International
Journal of Business: First, that business seriously under-performs and,
second, that scientific research makes it possible to practice
evidence-based management and improve business performance.
Consider modern business education and business practice. Three
innovations at the Harvard Business School have been widely adopted. In
business education, the "case method," formalized as the main
HBS teaching technique about 1920 by Dean Wallace Donham, was adapted
from education in common law (Donham, 1922). It builds on precedent and
consistency rather than on empirical evidence to develop scientific
theory. The Harvard case method conveys an aura of business reality, but
whether it contributes to understanding and effective practice is in
question (Contardo and Wensley, 2004). That "most of the
School's intellectual activity focused on the task of case
research" appears not to have enhanced HBS research impact relative
to other business schools (Cruikshank, 1987: 280; cf. Armstrong and
Sperry, 1994; Fogg 2007: A11). Quantitative case analysis, an
alternative approach to business reality, builds on scientific
suggestions by Summer, Bettis, Duhaime, Grant, Hambrick, Snow, and
Zeithaml (1990), and is presented here by Franke, Mento, Prumo, and
Edlund (2007).
A second innovation was managerial--the "human relations"
movement of the 1930s and 1940s which was ostensibly but not actually
related to productivity experiments by managers at the Hawthorne Plant
of the Western Electric Company (Jones, 1992; Yorks and Whitsett, 1985).
Elton Mayo, a business professor at Harvard educated in philosophy, had
as a young man in Australia observed and objected to influence wielded
by workers during a general strike (Mayo, 1919). In line with this and
his expressed antipathy to democracy (Mayo, 1933), his "human
relations" philosophy supported strong, paternalistic direction of
workers by managers (Bendix and Fisher, 1949; O'Connor, 1999). In
the United States, the human relations movement and related human
resources management seem to have discouraged the more open and
effective corporate governance procedures which benefit European Union economies (Franke, 1997). Management building on science rather than on
unsupported philosophy is applied here to strategy formulation by Grant
(2007), strategic leadership by Bass (2007b), decision making regarding
investment by Franke and Miller (2007), and to legal and effective
personnel practice by Barrett (2007).
A third innovation over the past several decades was the shifting
of strategic goals away from own performance (e.g., corporate
profitability) toward viewing performance relative to others (e.g., as
market share). It is based on ideas of Michael Porter, an HBS strategy
professor whose seminal "competitive strategy" publications
(Porter, 1979; 1980) are preeminent in strategic management research
(Ramos-Rodriguez and Ruiz-Navarro, 2004) and have more than 3,000
journal citations (Institute for Scientific Information, 2006).
Porter's philosophy has been generally accepted, perhaps explaining
lack of examination of performance impact from its radical goal
displacement except by Armstrong and Collopy (1996). Effects on
education and performance are appraised here by Armstrong and Green
That these innovations became "normal science" paradigms
(Kuhn, 1962/1996; Fuller, 2004) helps answer the question (after
economists Thorstein Veblen, 1898/1998, and Martin Baily, 1986): Why
does business management not seem to be accumulating scientific
knowledge and to be growing in proficiency? We examine problems that
result from using anecdotal rather than empirical information, from
untested theories, common sense and political correctness, and from goal
diversion. By examining performance empirically, the articles here
aspire to be "taking business seriously:"
A. In his "Advances and Challenges in Strategic
Management," John Grant (see Summer et al., Journal of Management,
1990) builds on his work and that of colleagues to describe post-World
War II development of strategic management and some of the challenges
that it faces. He considers the strategic context of business, including
current and long term environmental problems.
B. In his "Executive and Strategic Leadership," Bernard
Bass, responsible for many developments in leadership, organizational
psychology, and international management and for the Handbook of
Leadership (2007a), transcends superficial assumptions in this field. He
describes multiple dimensions of strategic leadership and provides
examples of effective leaders.
C. In their "Capital Investment versus Utilization in Business
Performance and Economic Growth," Richard Franke and John Miller
build on Herbert Simon (1979) to evaluate the "economic man"
assumption that managerial expertise and self-interest lead to optimal
decision-making. In the key area of capital, they show that greater
rates of investment have not led to more economic growth, probably due
to inattention to labor and capital utilization as suggested by Gordon
Winston (1974).
D. In his "Legal and Logical Limitations in Applying Social
Sciences to Business," Gerald Barrett builds on his early work in
Personnel Psychology (1972) to describe political correctness and
derivative fads and legal misinterpretations as barriers to using valid
scientific procedures in personnel decisions. He suggests science-based
rather than politically-correct personnel practice for effective
business performance.
E. In their "Competitor-oriented Objectives: The Myth of
Market Share," Scott Armstrong and Kesten Green build on work by
Armstrong and Collopy (Journal of Marketing Research, 1996) to
demonstrate that focus on competitive rather than own performance
diminishes success for corporations and for student groups. Corporate
profitability is shown to be better than market share as a business
performance criterion.
F. In their "General Electric Performance over a Half Century:
Evaluation of Leadership and Other Strategic Factors by Quantitative
Case Analysis," Richard Franke, Anthony Mento, Steve Prumo, and
Timothy Edlund adapt econometric methods to analyze corporate
performance. Factors in the competitive and legal environments,
corporate culture and leadership, labor relations, and the economic
environment explain most of the year by year variation in GE's real
profitability and market value--knowledge which can be used to improve
future performance.
Business disciplines, including accounting, statistics, economics,
finance, management, and marketing, provide a wealth of ideas and
techniques. However, for practice in business--as in other
scientifically-based professional fields such as engineering and
medicine--there are gaps of measurement and understanding in each
sub-field, and it is important to integrate information from a variety
of disciplines. The applied field of strategic management responded to
this challenge over the past quarter century. It is goal-oriented rather
than elaborating particular scientific phenomena or methods. It focuses
on the business criteria of return on investment, sales growth and
market share, stock market value, and survival. Management and strategic
management in particular are opportunistic--using whatever can be
helpful, including:
A. Standard accounting procedures to measure performance, as well
as to provide key indicators such as liquidity and capital intensity.
B. Economic theories such as neoclassical investment versus a
capital-sparing utilization orientation.
C. Technological changes influencing processes and products as well
as marketing.
D. Management approaches that influence business, including:
1. Entrepreneurial corporate culture high in achievement
motivation, individualism, flexibility, inventiveness, and innovation.
2. Managerial and hierarchical corporate culture of control, high
power and low affiliation motivation, high power distance, high
long-term orientation.
3. Stakeholder relations, including governance, unions, strikes,
4. Categoric policy changes including "restructuring,"
acquisitions, mergers, spin-offs.
E. Economic environment--in particular national economic growth and
F. Political environment (political party of national government)
and regulations inhibiting economic freedom and labor market flexibility.
G. Strategic management that views the firm as a whole.
H. Statistical modeling to explain corporate performance
differences and make suggestions--especially time-series stepwise multiple regression of ROI (or of sales growth or market value) year by
year over decades, as in production models for nations by central
bankers and other macroeconomists.
I. Comparative analysis: Cross-sectional and parallel time-series:
Comparisons of firms, with own industry and other industries, with own
nation and other nations.
J. Empirically-based decision making: Use of high-quality data and
theories, analytical procedures, and alternative goals to direct the
firm strategically.
Business education responded in the 1960s and 1970s to suggestions
from the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Commission (Gordon and Howell,
1959; Pierson, 1959) that business schools apply the key disciplines of
behavioral sciences and economics using tools from statistics and
computer science, integrating them with other business disciplines in
business policy courses. Potentials unleashed by this intellectual and
quantitative integration are seen in the management and strategic
management revolutions engineered at Carnegie Tech and Purdue by James
March, Herbert Simon, Dan Schendel, and colleagues (March and Simon,
1958; Schendel and Hofer, 1979).
However it appears that business organizations, which produce most
of the world's economic product and much of its employment, still
are not taken seriously enough. Standard and managerial accounting follow professional and legal dictates, ignoring changing currency
values in one's own country, and thus are able to provide little
indication of a company's real performance over the years or even
at present. Management scholars are devoted primarily to their own
theories and little to discovery from empirical appraisal of the firm as
a whole.
Often, even when numbers are used to evaluate nations or firms,
results explain phenomena of peripheral interest (see criticisms here by
Armstrong and Green, 2007, and Barrett, 2007) or, due to use of unreal
data without consistent currency units (see Franke et al., 2007, here),
explain variation in key performance indices such as ROI only to a minor
degree, and unreliably so that published replications are rare (Hubbard
et al., 1998; Tsang and Kwan, 1999).
Strategic experts such as Wheelen and Hunger (1989); Summer et al.
(1990); and Grant (2007) recognize need for long-term time-series
evaluation of firm performance. Although real-value business unit
analyses had been completed by Buzzell and Gale (1987), analyses of real
performance for firms also are complex and seem not to have been
published for corporations prior to the work by Franke and Edlund
(1992), based on techniques pioneered by econometricians and economic
historians such as Lawrence Klein (1962; 2006) and Robert Fogel (1964;
1974 with Stanley Engerman).
Serious evaluation of corporate performance is possible using firm
data easily available for over a half century--for US firms from Wharton
Research Data Services, Standard and Poor's,
Moody's/Mergent's, and Fortune; for German firms from Fortune
and Hoppenstedt; and for both from annual reports; also for data since
1967 from the Security and Exchange Commission's 10-K Reports.
Information on acquisitions, lawsuits, disasters, etc., is available
from the Business Periodical Index and journal searches using the
Thompson/Gale Business and Company Resource Center or the
Thompson/Institute for Scientific Information's Social Sciences
Citation Index and Science Citation Index. There have been time-series
studies of dozens of corporations in the U.S. and Germany and for the
U.S. financial industry over three to five-plus decades using the
quantitative case analysis procedure demonstrated by Franke, Mento,
Prumo, and Edlund (2007) in this issue of the International Journal of
Time-series analyses have been carried out for American and German
firms including Baltimore Gas and Electric, Black and Decker, Robert
Bosch, Deutsche Bank, General Electric, Hoechst, Volkswagen,
Westinghouse, and the 20 American firms analyzed cross-sectionally in
this issue of the International Journal of Business by Armstrong and
Green (2007). Selections from 10 sets of independent variables explain
most variance over time in profitability (real after-tax return on
equity), real sales growth, and real market value. The relatively small
number of variables is explained by Herbert Simon (1983), who stated
that the world is "empty," viz., that there are few discrete
explanatory variables related to corporate performance and also
independent of each other. The following sets of variables often are
useful in explaining performance:
A. Capital intensity is, for most firms, the first general factor
explaining differences in corporate performance. It usually enters
regressions of RealROE over time, always negatively if significant. That
is, as noted for business units by Buzzell and Gale (1987: 135); for a
corporation by Franke and Edlund (1992); for the financial industry by
Franke (1987); and for nations by the World Bank (1996), Franke (1999),
and Franke and Miller (2007, here), greater capital investment and
resultant capital intensity--usually with less capital utilization--can
"upset the applecart" of a business unit and bankrupt a
company, an industry, or a nation.
B. Inflation also has negative effects on performance. Firms in
competition (that is, most firms) cannot raise prices without suffering
reduced sales and market share, leading to some increased costs that are
not recovered. Social and political as well as economic effects of
inflation are described by Fischer (1996). For more on increasing
prices, see Reinhart (2007) at the end of this special issue.
C. Economic growth influences demand for products and services,
generally positively, resulting in higher RealROE and Real Sales Growth.
D. Monetary growth ([DELTA]M2 or AM3) usually is a leading
indicator of economic growth and inflation--early stimulation followed
by higher inflation about two years later.
E. Political party contributes to economic growth (variable C) and
thus to profitability in an unexpected fashion: The more
"liberal" party (Democratic in the US) is the party of greater
economic growth and thus higher RealROE. The mechanism of this and
slightly higher inflation (variable B) is deference of the liberal party
to labor unions, which want more jobs. According to Phillips Curve beliefs and occasional reality, this can lead to higher wages. With
lower taxes expected from "conservatives," business leaders
usually prefer the party so labeled. But greater employment of labor
also is greater employment or utilization of capital, reducing capital
intensity (capital/labor ratio, variable A) and leading to greater
demand and economic growth (variable C). For more on political
party-economy-business relationships, see Franke and New (1984), Hibbs
(1987), Marcus and Mevorach (1988), Simonton (2006), and Winter (1987).
Corporate culture and leadership often appear as two variants:
F. Entrepreneurial corporate culture, based on the CEO's
personality (in a normally hierarchical business organization), is
especially important in companies such as Black and Decker that are
without an inherently strong competitive position in the Porter sense.
Under these conditions, individualistic and innovative corporate
leadership high in achievement motivation and individualism and low in
uncertainty avoidance can help (see McClelland, 1961, and Hofstede,
2001, for specifics on the three terms). Since about 1990, this
entrepreneurial set of cultural characteristic also appears to have been
beneficial at the level of nations, in contrast with findings for
earlier periods (Franke and Barrett, 2004; Franke, Hofstede, and Bond,
G. Managerial corporate culture of high power motivation, low
affiliation motivation, high power distance, and high long-term
orientation is another set of variables that expresses the personality
and leadership of the CEO as well as national culture (see Hofstede,
2001; McClelland, 1961, 1985; McClelland and Boyatsis, 1982; Skolnick,
1966). For companies such as Westinghouse with a number of relatively
protected high-technology niches, only this corporate culture
orientation is important in determining performance over time. However,
for its more successful competitor, General Electric, benefits from this
managerial culture characteristic were supplemented with positive
effects from variable F, entrepreneurism (see Franke et al., 2007, in
this issue of the International Journal of Business).
Measurement of corporate culture and leadership propensity by
Thematic Apperception Test-based content analysis has been performed for
inaugural speeches of US Presidents by Donley and Winter (1970), Franke
and New (1984), and Winter (1987), and for letters to shareholders by
firm CEOs (used here by Franke et al., 2007). For these and other
leadership constructs affecting performance, see Bass (2007a; b).
H. Regulatory and other bureaucratic shifts can have major effects
on economic performance, as described for China by Maddison (2006). In
the United States, an example was the accounting shock that resulted
from Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 106 on
"Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than
Pensions (Issued 12/90)," with negative impact on corporate net
income for the year when accumulated obligations up to then were
realized--generally in 1992, or alternatively in 1991 or 1993. For
year-by-year time-series analysis, quantitative case analysis adds a
"dummy variable" of 1 or 0, with 1 in the year of FASB 106
realization to allow for the influence on performance of that shock to
accounting protocol.
I. Oil shocks provide another set of categoric variables, with
inputs of a series of zeros except for ones in 1974 and 1975, 1979 and
1980--the main years for economic impacts from shortages and price
increases in energy (see Baily, 1981, and Fischer, 1996, for effects of
fuel inflation on business and on society). Alternatively, changes in
the motor fuel price series of the Economic Report of the President can
be used as a continuous variable. In addition to oil shocks 1 and 2,
above, effects of oil shock 3 (Gulf War, 1991) and oil shock 4 (Iraq
War, 2003-present) might be considered.
J. Stray events and catastrophes, major acquisitions, mergers,
restructurings, and other categoric events also are treated as dummy
variables. For example, in the evaluations of General Electric (Franke
et al., 2007, here), the most important independent variable affecting
RealROE over time was the demise of its primary competitor,
Westinghouse, a continuing + factor. Other significant categoric
variables were a major strike (-), a price fixing suit (-), plant
closings and discontinued operations (-) (see Cascio, 1993, on
downsizing), and oil shocks (-) (see variable I). In this quantitative
case analysis, there were thirteen explanatory variables, split between
categoric or "dummy" variables and strategic factors expressed
as continuous variables. For other variables, including potentially
catastrophic concerns facing corporate leadership, see John Grant's
(2007) article just following.
Strategic, economic, leadership, personnel, and decision making
concepts and findings can be used to help improve business performance.
Using time-series regression of real corporate performance upon a range
of relevant independent variables derived from the various disciplines
of business, it is possible to explain most of the variance in a
firm's real return on equity or real market value over thirty to
fifty years. The ten sets of independent variables yield significant or
at least predictably-signed results in a number of corporate
replications. In each quantitative case analysis model, certain factors
are disclosed that can be changed to improve performance, others that
can be used to forecast and respond to what will happen in the next few
years (as in deciding whether and when to build or start up a new
factory or to build up inventory). If Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke at
the Federal Reserve can contribute to success of the U.S. economy,
perhaps we in management and strategy, using similar methods of
analysis, prediction, and adjustment, can contribute to corporate
I am grateful for encouragement from Andrea and Elke Franke and for
the contributions, initiatives, and improvements by fellow authors of
this special issue and International Journal of Business Editor, K.C.
Chen. Support at earlier stages of my research was provided by NDEA,
ONR, NAS, Japan Foundation, NSF, and Fulbright grants at the University
of Rochester, University of Belgrade, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
and University of Greifswald, and by sabbatical funding from Loyola
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Richard H. Franke
Department of Management and International Business, The Sellinger
Loyola College, 302 Northway, Baltimore, MD 21218
[email protected]