Emerging market equity prices and chaos: evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia.
Adrangi, Bahram ; Chatrath, Arjun ; Kamath, Ravindra 等
We test for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in
the Stock Exchanges of Indonesia and Malaysia. While we find strong
evidence of nonlinear dependencies, the evidence is not consistent with
chaos. Our test results indicate that ARCH-type processes generally
explain the nonlinearities in the data. We also show that employing
seasonally adjusted index series contributes to obtaining robust results
via some of the existing tests for chaotic structures.
JEL Classification: G15
Keywords: Chaos; GARCH models; Emerging markets; Financial markets;
Malaysia and Indonesia Stock Exchanges
In this paper we investigate nonlinearities and chaos in the stock
indices of Jakarta, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia stock
exchanges. The motivation behind the study is to provide information on
emerging market equity indices. International investors and money
managers may benefit from the findings of this research. Furthermore,
chaotic processes may be predictable in the short-run using simple
technical analysis. The analysis entails examining the indices for low
dimension chaos and other complex nonlinearities.
The Stock Exchange of Indonesia and Malaysia are represented by the
Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite Index and the Kuala Lumpur Stock
Exchange Composite Index, respectively. The primary role of both Stock
Exchanges are: (i) to serve as a center for securities trading, and to
provide necessary systems to facilitate securities trading, (ii) to
undertake any business relating to the Securities Exchange, such as a
clearing house, securities depository center, securities registrar, or
similar activities and (iii) to undertake any other business approved by
the exchanges.
The origins of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange lie in the Singapore
Stockbrokers' Association, established in 1930--the first formal
organization in the securities business in Malaysia. In 1961, the Board
system was introduced with two trading rooms, in Singapore and Kuala
Lumpur, that were linked by direct telephone lines into a single market
with the same stocks and shares listed at a single set of prices on both
boards.) Malayan Stock Exchange formed and public trading of shares
began on May 9th. With the secession of Singapore from Malaysia the
common stock exchange continued to function but as the Stock Exchange of
Malaysia and Singapore. With the termination of currency
interchangeability between Malaysia and Singapore, the Stock Exchange of
Malaysia and Singapore was separated into the Kuala Lumpur Stock
Exchange Board and the Stock Exchange of Singapore. Malaysian companies
continued to be listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore and
vice-versa. The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange took over operations of the
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Board. In 1994, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange
became a de-mutualized exchange and was re-named Bursa Malaysia.
The history of Jakarta Stock Exchange may be traced back to 1912
when it was set up under the Dutch Colonial rule in Batavia. It was
closed during the first and second world wars and did not open until
several years after Indonesia gained its independence from Holland.
Prior to the WWII, mainly stocks and bonds of Dutch companies traded on
the Batavia stock market. The Stock exchange halted operations again in
1956 and did not come to full operation until 1977 when it reopened
under the management of Capital Market Executive Agency of the Ministry
of Finance. The exchange was privatized in 1992. Jakarta Stock Exchange
has grown and changed as the Indonesian economy has gown through its own
development. The market capitalization has increased steadily. Since
1995, the Exchange has utilized computerized trading technology,
enhancing both efficiency and transparency of the Exchange.
We chose the Jakarta Stock Index and the Kuala Lumpur Stock
Exchange to highlight the role of financial markets in the development
of emerging markets. The study of equity markets and the behavior of
equity prices in emerging markets such as Indonesia and Malaysia have
become critical as international capital movements among nations have
increased. For example, researchers have shown that international
investors may benefit from the possibility of diversification in these
markets (see Lee, 2003). Analyses of emerging market economies and
capital markets promote further developments of these markets and the
influx of foreign capital, which has stimulated economic growth.
The behavior of these indices, their volatility, and movements are
of interest to international money managers, securities
authorities' of the two countries, and their Central Banks.
Furthermore, these emerging markets have experienced phenomenal economic
growth and have occasionally been dubbed "New Tigers." New
tigers have become major exporters of good and services and a focus of
international investors. (1) As discussed in Adrangi et al. (2004),
chaotic behavior has piqued the interest of financial researchers
because many economic and financial time series appear random. In the
short-run, random variables may in fact be deterministic chaos, and
thus, predictable. It has been shown that technical analysis is
successful in forecasting short-term price behavior of various financial
series where series are nonlinear and/or chaotic (see for example,
Adrangi et al. (2001a), Adrangi et al. (2001b), Adrangi et al. (2004),
(LeBaron (1991), Brock, Lakonishok, and LeBaron (1992), Taylor (1994),
Blume, Easley, and O'Hara (1994), Chang and Osler (1995), Bohan
(1981), Brush (1986), Pruitt and White (1988, 1989), Clyde and Osler
(1997), among others). The consistency of a number of financial time
series with deterministic chaos is reported in studies by Lichtenberg
and Ujihara (1988), Blank (1991), DeCoster, Labys, and Mitchell (1992),
and Yang and Brorsen (1993).
As shown by Adrangi et al. (2001a), Adrangi et al. (2001b) and
Adrangi et al. (2004), nonlinearity in economic and financial series may
not necessarily be consistent with chaos. This is evidenced in studies
by Hsieh (1989), and Aczel and Josephy (1991) for exchange rates,
Scheinkman and LeBaron (1989), Hsieh (1991) for stock returns, Mayfield
and Mizrach (1992) for S&P index, and Hsieh (1993) for futures
Our paper applies the methodology and chaos tests employed in
Adrangi et al. (2001a), Adrangi et al. (2001b) and Adrangi et al. (2004)
to examine the emerging equity market of Indonesia and Malaysia. We find
strong evidence that Jakarta Exchange Index (JEI), representing Jakarta
Stock Index, and Kuala Lumpur Exchange Index (KLEI), representing Kuala
Lumpur Stock Exchange, exhibit nonlinear dependencies which are not
consistent with chaos. However, we offer evidence that do not suggest
chaotic structure. We make a case that employing seasonally adjusted
series may contribute to obtaining robust results via the existing tests
for chaotic structure. We identify some commonly known ARCH-type
processes that satisfactorily explain the nonlinearities in the JEI and
KLEI series. These findings are particularly noteworthy in that they
demonstrate the power of commonly known nonlinear models in explaining
the behavior of equity prices in two emerging markets. Furthermore, with
the help of the past data, behavior of indices in the Indonesia and
Malaysia markets may be predicted employing a nonlinear model.
The next section presents the test results for the JEI and KLEI
series. Section III closes with a summary of the results. The critical
values for the BDS statistic of the standardized residuals are developed
by bootstrapping the null distribution and reported in Appendix 1.
We employ the JEI and KLEI series from January 1990 through October
2005 (2,700 observations). (2) We focus our tests on daily returns,
which are obtained by taking the relative log of indices as in [R.sub.t]
= (ln([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1])).100, where Pt represents the closing
indices value on day t. (3)
Table 1 presents the [R.sub.t] diagnostics for the series. The
returns series are found to be stationary employing the Augmented Dickey
Fuller (ADF) statistics. There are linear and nonlinear dependencies as
indicated by the Q(12) and [Q.sup.2](12) statistics, and Autoregressive
Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) effects is suggested by the
ARCH(6) chi-squared statistic. Thus, as expected, there are clear
indications that nonlinear dynamics are generating the JEI and KLEI
series. Furthermore, these nonlinearities may be explained by ARCH
effects. Whether these dynamics are chaotic in origin is the question
that we turn to next. It is clear from these statistics, however, that
various ARCH models may be appropriate in the study of the JEI and KLEI
To eliminate the possibility that the linear structure or
seasonalities may be responsible for the rejection chaos by the tests
employed, we first estimate autoregressive models for JEI and KLEI
series with controls for possible day-of-the-week effects, as in
[R.sub.t] = [p.summation over (i=1)] [[beta].sub.i] [R.sub.t-i] +
[5.summation over (j=1)] [[gamma].sub.j] [D.sub.jt] + [phi][D.sub.p] +
[[epsilon].sub.t], (1)
where [D.sub.jt] represent day-of-the-week dummy variables, and
[D.sub.p] represents a dummy that captures the effects of the 1997 Thai
Baht and the pursuing financial/political crisis. The lag length for
each series is selected based on the Akaike (1974) criterion. The
residual term ([[epsilon].sub.t]) represents the index movements that
are purged of linear relationships and seasonal influences. Table 2
reports the results from the OLS regressions. There is evidence of the
day-of-the-week effect similar to that found in world equities (e.g.,
Jaffe and Westerfield (1985)). The appropriate linear structure in the
return is six lags for JEI and KLEI series as indicated by the size of
the Q-statistics, which indicates that the residuals are free of linear
A. Correlation Dimension Estimates
Table 3 reports the Correlation Dimension ([SC.sup.M]) estimates
for various components of the JEI and KLEI returns series alongside that
for the Logistic series developed earlier. We report dimension results
for embeddings up to 20 in order to check for saturation. (4). An
absence of saturation provides evidence against chaotic structure. For
instance, the [SC.sup.M] estimates for the Logistic map stay close to
1.00, even as we increase the embedding dimensions. Moreover, the
estimates for the Logistic series do not change meaningfully after AR
transformation. Thus, as should be expected, the [SC.sup.M] estimates
are not inconsistent with chaos for the Logistic series.
For the JEI and KLEI series, on the other hand, the [SC.sup.M]
estimates provide evidence against chaotic structure. The estimates for
the JEI and KLEI AR(5), AR(5) with-seasonal-correction (AR(5), S), and
from the random series (JEI and KLEI series shuffled) are substantially
higher than one and show no sign of settling. Thus, the Correlation
Dimension estimates suggest that there is no chaotic structure in JEI
and KLEI series.
B. BDS Test Results
The BDS statistics, developed by Brock, Dechert and Scheinkman
(1987) for a test of independence based on the correlation dimension,
are reported in Table 4 for [AR(i),S] series, and standardized residuals
([epsilon][square root of h]) from three of ARCH-type models with their
respective variance equations,
GARCH (1,1):
[h.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1]
[[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.1][h.sub.t-1] (2)
Exponential GARCH(1,1):
log([h.sub.t]) = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1] [absolute value
of [[epsilon].sub.t-1]/[h.sub.t-1]] + [[alpha].sub.2]
[[epsilon].sub.t-1]/[h.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.1] log([h.sub.t-1]) (3)
Asymmetric Component GARCH (1,1):
[h.sub.t] = [q.sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.1] ([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1]
- [q.sub.t-1]) + [[beta].sub.1] ([h.sub.t-1] - [q.sub.t-1]) +
[[beta].sup.2.sub.t- 1] - [q.sub.t-1])[d.sub.t-1]
[q.sub.t] = [omega] + [rho]([q.sub.t-1] - [omega]) + [phi]
([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] - [h.sub.t-1]) (4)
where [d.sub.t-1] = 1 if [[epsilon].sub.t] < 0; 0 otherwise, and
the return equation which provides [[epsilon].sub.t] is the same as in
9. As reported in Adrangi et al. (2001a), Adrangi et al. (2001b), and
Adrangi et al. (2004), the BDS statistics are evaluated against critical
values obtained by bootstrapping the null distribution for each of the
GARCH models. The critical values for the BDS statistics are reported in
Appendix 1.
The BDS statistics strongly reject the null of no nonlinearity in
the [AR(i),S] errors for the JEI and KLEI series. This evidence, that
there are nonlinear dependencies in JEI and KLEI series, is consistent
with the findings reported for exchange rates in Aczel and Josephy
(1991), foreign exchange rates in Hsieh (1989), the CRISMA trading
system in Pruit and White (1988), and stock returns in Scheinkman and
LeBaron (1989). BDS statistics for the standardized residuals from the
ARCH-type models, however, provide evidence against chaos in KLEI, but
no for the JEI series. For instance, in the case of KLEI, the BDS
statistics are dramatically lower (relative to those for the [AR(5),S]
errors) for all the standardized residuals, and are mostly insignificant
at any reasonable level of confidence for the GARCH(1,1) and Asymmetric
GARCH models. On the whole, the BDS test results provide compelling
evidence that the nonlinear dependencies in and KLEI series arise from
ARCH-type effects, rather than from a complex, chaotic structure. (5)
On the other contrary, none of the estimated models explain the
nonlinear dependencies in the standardized residuals for the JEI series.
The BDS statistics stay statistically significant for model residuals.
Thus, for the case of JEI, chaos may not be ruled out.
C. ARCH Effects in Emerging Equity Markets
It is apparent from the BDS statistics presented in Table 4, that
the Asymmetric GARCH model may explain the nonlinearities in the KLEI
values. The standardized residuals show that after accounting for the
nonlinearities in the KLEI series by employing an Asymmetric Component
GARCH(1,1) model, BDS statistics become insignificant. Therefore, the
Asymmetric GARCH(1,1) may be an example of a nonlinear model that is
successful in capturing and explaining the behavior of the KLEI series.
Table 5 reports the maximum likelihood results for the KLEI and JEI
series. In the interest of brevity, we do not present the results from
the mean equations. The results indicate strong ARCH effects, as shown
by the statistical significance of the lagged variance.
The overall significance of the model coefficients shows that an
Asymmetric Component GARCH(1,1) may successfully explain the
returns-generating process in the case of KLEI series. This finding is
interesting and useful both for country fund managers, domestic central
banks and monetary policy, and exchange authorities. For example, some
nonlinear models may be able to explain the behavior of KLEI in the near
The behavior of the JEI series on the other hand is more vexing,
and not easily explained by known ARCH-type models. Conflicting test
results in this case, i.e., neither chaotic nor conducive to known
econometric modeling, may suggest that this series is not even
predictable in the short-run. While an Asymmetric Component GARCH (1,1)
model fits the JEI series well, the remaining nonlinearities in this
series may not even be subject to short-term forecasts using various
The statistical findings also indicate that similar models may not
be successful in explaining equity market behaviors, even in a similar
geographic area. The behavior of JEI series may be reflecting the
repercussions of the political and economic turmoil in Indonesia prior
to, and following the Asian financial crisis. It is well known that the
Malaysian society and economy were relatively more successful in
withstanding the effects of the Asian financial meltdown of the late
These finding may also have implications regarding the efficiency
of these emerging markets. For instance, if a nonlinear model that is
based on historic data is successful in predicting near term KLEI
movements and volatility, the weak form of market efficiency may be
violated. However, this point requires further research.
Financial researchers have become interested in chaotic time series
in the past two decades because many economic and financial time series
appear random. However, random-looking variables may in fact be chaotic,
and thus, predictable, at least in the short-run.
Many studies have analyzed financial time series for nonlinearities
and chaos in the developed markets of the world. The evidence on these
issues has been mixed. However, the nonlinearity and chaotic structure
of equity prices in emerging markets has rarely been investigated. Some
researchers have suggested that the technical analysis may be especially
successful in forecasting short-term price behavior of various financial
series because these series may be nonlinear and/or chaotic.
Furthermore, modeling nonlinear processes may be less restrictive than
linear structural systems because nonlinear methods are not restricted
by specific knowledge of the underlying structures. This information may
enable money managers and analysts to have a better understanding of the
equity price movements and sudden volatility patterns in an emerging
market equity market such as Indonesia and Malaysia.
Employing daily series of the Indonesia Exchange Index (JEI) and
the Kuala Lumpur Exchange Index (KLEI) series for a period of fifteen
years, we conduct a battery of tests for the presence of low-dimension
chaos. The JEI and KLEI series are subjected to Correlation Dimension
and BDS tests. While we find strong evidence of nonlinear dependence in
the data for both series, the evidence is not consistent with chaos in
the case of KLEI. Our test results indicate that ARCH-type processes
explain the nonlinearities in this series. For the case of JEI series,
we cannot find conclusive evidence against for or against chaos. The
correlation dimension and BDS tests produce conflicting results, where
BDS test suggests that the JEI series may be chaotic or random.
We also show that employing seasonally adjusted index series
enhances the robustness of results via the existing tests for chaotic
structure. For the KLEI returns series, we isolate an appropriate
ARCH-type model. Thus, analysts may be able to model the behavior of the
KLEI series. (6) While the same model fits the JEI series well, it fails
to capture all the nonlinearities in this series.
Simulated critical values for the BDS test statistic
The figures represent the simulated values of the BDS statistic
from Monte Carlo simulations of 2000 observations each. The
simulations generated the 250 replications of the GARCH model
([[alpha].sub.1] =.10, [[beta].sub.1] =.80), the exponential GARCH
model ([[alpha].sub.1] = .05, [[alpha].sub.2] =.05, [[beta].sub.1]
=.80), and the asymmetric component model ([alpha] =.05, [beta]
=.10, [rho] = .80, ([pi] =.05). BDS statistics for four embedding
dimensions and [epsilon] = 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 standard deviations of
the data were then computed for the 250 x 3 simulated series. The
critical values represent the 97.5th and 2.5th percentile of the
distribution of the simulated statistics.
M 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
GARCH (1,1) (97.5% critical values)
2 1.62 1.53 1.42 1.25
3 1.76 1.63 1.45 1.44
4 2.35 2.21 2.16 1.97
5 2.42 2.28 2.25 2.10
Exponential GARCH (97.5% critical values)
2 2.75 2.54 2.10 1.83
3 3.30 3.07 2.42 2.38
4 3.48 3.31 2.66 2.56
5 3.66 3.47 2.97 2.61
Asymmetric Component GARCH
(97.5% critical values)
2 1.40 1.13 1.02 0.80
3 1.47 1.27 1.17 0.93
4 1.62 1.28 1.22 1.00
5 1.82 1.40 1.31 1.07
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(1.) The importance of emerging market economies to international
financial markets is highlighted in Adrangi et al. (2001a), Adrangi et
al. (2001b), and Adrangi (2004).
(2.) The data are obtained from the Indonesia and Malaysia Stock
(3.) We do not employ smoothing models to detrend the data, as we
feel that the imposed trend reversions may erroneously be interpreted as
structure (see Nelson and Plosser (1982)).
(4.) Yang and Brorsen (1993), who also calculate Correlation
Dimension for gold and silver, compute SCM only up to M=8.
(5.) Similar findings are reported for stock market of Thailand in
Adrangi et al. (2004).
(6.) Similar findings are reported for stock market of Thailand in
Adrangi et al. (2004).
Bahram Adrangi (a), Arjun Chatrath (b), Ravindra Kamath (c), and
Kambiz Raffiee (d)
(a) Pamplin School of Business Administration, University of
Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97203
[email protected]
(b) Pamplin School of Business Administration, University of
Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd, Portland, Oregon 97203
[email protected]
(c) Department of Finance, Cleveland State University, 1860 E. 18th
St., Cleveland, Ohio 44114
[email protected]
(d) Foundation Professor of Economics, College of Business
Administration University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, Nevada 89557
[email protected]
* We thank an anonymous referee for helpful and constructive
comments. Remaining errors are our responsibility.
Table 1
Return diagnostics
This Table presents the return diagnostics for JEI (Jakarta
Exchange Index) and KLEI (Kuala Lumpur Exchange Index) series
over the interval, January 3, 1990 through December 30, 1998
(2205 observations). Returns are given by [R.sub.t] =
ln([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) x 100, where [P.sub.t] represents
closing price on day t. ADF, ADF(T) represent the Augmented
Dickey Fuller tests (Dickey and Fuller (1981)) for unit
roots, with and with out trend respectively. The Q(12) and
[Q.sup.2](12) statistics represent the Ljung-Box (Q) statistics
for autocorrelation of the [R.sub.t] and [R.sub.t.sup.2] series
respectively. The ARCH(6) statistic is the Engle (1982) test
for ARCH (of order 6) and is a distributed with 6 degrees
of freedom. *** represents the significance level of .01.
Indonesia Malaysia
Mean 0.052 0.013
SD 1.973 1.800
SK -8.954 -1.369
K 268.928 66.914
JB 7988.866 *** 462791.000 ***
ADF -45.551 *** -49.803 ***
ADF(T) -45.163 *** -49.788 ***
PP -45.061 *** -49.761 ***
PP(T) -45.050 *** -49.746 ***
Q(12) 58.827 *** 41.235 ***
[Q.sup.2](12) 51.911 *** 341.411 ***
ARCH(6) 92.645 *** 39.377 ***
Table 2
Linear structure and seasonality
The coefficients and residual diagnostics are from the OLS
regressions of returns on prior returns and
twelve monthly dummies. The lag-length was selected based
on Akaike's (1974) criterion. Statistics in ( ) are
t-values. The Lagrange Multiplier statistic of first order
autocorrelation (LM(1), Chi-square) tests the null of no
autocorrelation of order one in the regression residuals. The
Q(6) and Q(12) statistics represent the Ljung-Box (Q) statistics
for autocorrelation in the residuals. *, **, and *** represent
the significance levels of .10, .05, and .01, respectively
Indonesia Malaysia
Intercept 0.216 ** (2.24) 0.175 ** (2.020)
[R.sup.t-1] 0.137 *** (7.13) 0.051 *** (2.680)
[R.sup.t-2] 0.007 (0.34) 0.011 (0.600)
[R.sup.t-3] -0.014 (-0.74) 0.007 (0.370)
[R.sup.t-4] -0.025 (-1.31) -0.089 *** (-4.63)
[R.sup.t-5] -0.021 (-1.11) 0.049 *** (2.53)
Mon -0.289 *** (-2.41) -0.281 *** (-2.58)
Tue -0.103 (-0.87) -0.116 (-1.07)
Wed -0.129 (-1.08) -0.046 ** (-0.43)
Thr -0.157 (-1.31) -0.201 ** (-1.86)
Pol Dummy -0.057 (-0.74) -0.058 (-0.83)
[R.sup.2] 0.023 0.016
LM(1) 0.040 1.043
Q(5) 0.021 0.079
Q(5) 93.703 *** 265.34 ***
Table 3
Correlation dimension estimates
The Table reports [SC.sup.M] statistics for the Logistic
series (w = 3.750, n = 2250), daily JEI (Jakarta Exchange
Index) and KLEI (Malaysia Exchange Index) series and their
various components over four embedding dimensions: 5, 10,
15, 20. AR (p) represents autoregressive (order p)
residuals, AR(p),S represents residuals from autoregressive
models that correct for day-of-the-week effects in the data.
M= 5 10 15 20
Logistic 1.02 1.00 1.03 1.06
Logistic AR 0.96 1.06 1.09 1.07
Returns 2.12 3.43 4.44 5.31
AR(5) 2.15 3.45 4.45 5.29
AR(5),S 2.16 3.50 4.55 5.43
Shuffled 2.84 5.75 8.66 11.57
M= 5 10 15 20
Logistic 1.02 1.00 1.03 1.06
Logistic AR 0.96 1.06 1.09 1.07
Returns 1.99 3.29 4.39 5.40
AR(5) 2.05 3.37 4.49 5.48
AR(5),S 2.06 3.39 4.54 5.60
Shuffled 2.75 5.54 8.25 10.50
Table 4
BDS statistics
The figures are BDS statistics for [AR(i),S] residuals, and
standardized residuals [epsilon]/[square root of] h from three
ARCH-type models. The BDS statistics are evaluated against
critical values obtained from Monte Carlo simulation (Appendix 1).
** represents the significance levels of .05.
Panel A: Indonesia M
[epsilon]/[sigma] 2 3 4 5
[AR(5),S] Residuals
0.0139 16.339 21.530 26.583 32.233
0.0278 17.845 21.361 23.921 25.946
0.0417 18.491 21.003 23.123 24.309
0.0556 18.110 20.083 21.974 22.626
GARCH (1,1) Standard Errors
0.0147 11.465 14.734 18.272 22.203
0.0294 11.728 13.660 15.071 15.765
0.0441 11.995 13.562 14.443 14.414
0.0588 11.571 13.001 13.675 13.483
Exponential GARCH Standard Errors
0.0155 9.898 12.136 14.374 16.354
0.0311 11.113 12.506 13.336 13.488
0.0467 12.251 13.382 13.938 13.675
0.0622 13.006 14.151 14.632 14.270
Asymmetric Component GARCH Standard Errors
0.0139 6.816 9.023 11.652 14.142
0.0278 6.869 8.445 9.752 10.408
0.0417 6.513 7.686 8.648 8.862
0.0556 5.982 6.634 7.301 7.378
e /s 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000
[AR(5),S] Residuals
0.0172 19.207 24.067 28.447 34.422
0.0344 19.299 23.662 26.496 29.460
0.0516 16.852 21.093 23.354 25.091
0.0688 15.845 19.886 21.845 22.774
GARCH (1,1) Standard Errors
0.0175 -0.148 -0.847 -1.729 -2.076
0.035 -0.777 -1.410 -2.287 -2.851
0.0525 -1.052 -1.725 -2.668 -3.330
0.0701 -1.130 -1.750 -2.652 -3.348
Exponential GARCH Standard Errors
0.0200 9.089 11.435 13.105 15.140
0.0402 9.043 11.598 13.040 14.417
0.0603 9.072 11.699 12.809 13.652
0.0803 9.137 11.642 12.543 13.114
Asymmetric Component GARCH Standard Errors
0.0169 0.356 2.079 1.870 2.302
0.0339 -0.291 1.807 1.815 1.944
0.0508 -0.653 1.517 1.668 1.737
0.0678 -0.672 1.126 1.222 1.248
Table 5
ARCH dynamics in Indonesia and Malaysia equity markets
The maximum likelihood estimates are from Asymmetric
Component GARCH (1,1) models fitted to JEI (Jakarta
Exchange Index) and KLEI (Kuala Lumpur Exchange Index)
series, respectively. The variance parameters estimated
are from Equation (4). Statistics in ( ) are t-values.
TTM represents time to maturity in days. The Chi-square
log-likelihood ratio test (LLR) statistic is given by
2(LL(EGARCH)-LL(OLS)), where LL represents the
log-likelihood function. *** represents the significance
level of .01.
Indonesia [[h.sup.t]] Malaysia [[h.sup.t]]
Constant 3.926 *** (21.85) 0.518 *** (2.22)
Perm : q(-1)-c1 0.955 *** (164.29) 0.999 *** (608.37)
Perm: ARCH(-1)- 0.061 *** (7.89) 0.014 *** (10.69)
Trans: q+c2 -0.016 (0.71) 0.016 *** (3.18)
Trans: (RES(-1)<0)* 0.374 *** (15.43) 0.155 *** (16.32)
Trans: -0.101 *** (54.99) 0.854 *** (80.99)
LL(ACGARCH) -2779.77 -4278.42