Portfolio valuation in the presence of market frictions.
Bellalah, Makram ; Bellalah, Mondher ; Pariente, Georges 等
Modern portfolio theory suggests that the international
diversification does better than portfolio diversification in the
national level. The benefits from international diversification have
been emphasized over the past forty years by several authors including
Solnik (1974a) and De Santise and Bruno (1997). Despite the gains from
international diversification, most investors hold nearly all of their
wealth in domestic assets. This is referred to in international finance
as "home bias equity". Many authors tend to explain this
phenomenon by market frictions such as transaction costs, taxes,
restrictions on foreign ownership, asymmetric information, etc. Black
(1974) presents a model of international asset pricing in the case of
market segmentation. He develops a two country-model in the presence of
explicit barriers to international investments in the form of a tax (on
holdings of assets in one country by residents of the other country).
The tax is intended to present various kinds of barriers to
international investment, such as the possibility of expropriation of
foreign holdings, or a transaction cost on trading assets. Black's
(1974) model was extended by Stulz (1981b). In this paper, Stulz (1981b)
considers the tax on the short and long positions. In these two models,
the home bias equity is explained by the effect of this tax that
prevents the domestic investors from investing in foreign countries.
In recent studies, Cooper and Kaplanis (2000) extend Stulz's
(1981 b) model to the case of n countries. They show that the deadweight
cost has an impact on portfolio choice and capital budgeting decisions.
Cooper and Kaplanis (1994) extend the model developed by Adler and Dumas
(1983) to account for deadweight costs or taxes. The empirical test
provided by Cooper and Kaplanis (1994) shows that the effect of
inflation rate risk and the differences between the consumption baskets
do not explain the home bias equity in international finance. In recent
studies Lewis (1999) uses a similar tax as Black (1974) in order to
explain the home bias equity. Errunza and Losq (1985) present a
two-country-model to characterize the mild segmentation. The foreign
investors called unrestricted can trade on both assets
'eligible' or restricted and 'ineligible' or
unrestricted. Domestic investors trade only on the 'eligible'
or unrestricted assets. The domestic investors can not participate in
the foreign market due to the restriction imposed by the foreign
government. Errunza and Losq (1985) show that the unrestricted assets
are priced as if the international markets were integrated, and that the
restricted assets are priced differently. The unrestricted investors
recommend a super risk premium for the restricted assets which is
proportional to the conditional market risk. Errunza and Losq (1989)
show that the removal of investment barriers generally leads to an
increase in the aggregate market value. The authors suggested that the
introduction of different types of index funds in the international
market increase the world market integration and investor welfare. Other
authors consider a two-country-model in the world, one domestic and one
foreign. The proportion of the number of assets held by the domestic
investors is assumed to be [delta]. The authors show that price of the
same foreign asset is different for the domestic and foreign investors.
The difference between the price paid by the domestic and foreign for
the same assets is explained by the constraint imposed on the domestic
investors. These investors are willing to pay a premium over the price
of foreign asset under no restriction, and the foreign investors demand
a discount over the same price of the foreign under no restriction.
Hietala (1989) presents a two-country-model. The domestic country has
two types of assets, restricted assets which are held by the domestic
investors and unrestricted assets held by the foreign and domestic
investors. Domestic investors can not trade in the foreign country.
Hietala (1989) shows that the unrestricted assets are traded at premium
prices from the domestic investors' point of view. He shows how the
partial market segmentation affects the expected rate of return and the
premium of the same assets. This segmentation explains the home bias
equity observed in domestic portfolios. Stulz and Wasserfallen (1995)
develop a model where the demand function for domestic assets differs
between domestic and foreign investors due to the deadweight costs. They
show the existence of a price risk premium for the unrestricted assets.
Consistent with Hietala (1989), Stulz and Wasserfallen (1995) show that
the ownership restrictions explain the higher price paid by the foreign
investors for the domestic assets than the domestic investors.
Domowitz and Madhavan (1997) examine the relationship between stock
prices and market segmentation induced by the ownership restrictions in
Mexico. They document a significant stock price premia for the
unrestricted shares. This gives support to the model developed by Stulz
and Wasserfallen (1995). The restrictions imposed by governments explain
the segmentation observed on the international market. Other authors
show that the price of risk is different before the liberalization of
the Japanese market but not after. Basak (1996) extends the previous
work of Black (1974), Stulz (1981b), Errunza and Losq (1985, 1989), and
Hietala (1989) to incorporate intertemporel consumption behavior and an
endogenously determinated international borrowing. This extension allows
Basak (1996) to reexamine the price and the welfare implications of
segmentation in a richer model.
The next section presents an international asset pricing model in
the presence of the shadow costs of incomplete information. This model
can be seen as an international version of Merton (1987). The third
section presents the empirical evidence of the model and explains that
the home bias equity is based on the shadow of incomplete information.
Finally, we present some concluding remarks.
Following the analysis in Adler and Dumas (1983), we use the
following assumptions.
[A.sub.1]. There K countries and currencies. All returns are stated
in nominal terms of the Kth currency ([k.sub.p]). There are K equity
index assets and K-1 risky currency assets. The price of the ith asset
has the following dynamics:
[dY.sub.i]/[Y.sub.i] = [[mu].sub.i] dt + [[sigma].sub.i] [dZ.sub.i]
for i = 1,2 ... 2K - 1 (1)
where [Y.sub.i]: is the market value of index asset i in terms of
the reference currency of country K denoted by [k.sub.p]; [[mu].sub.i]:
the expected rate of return of asset i , which can denoted by
E([R.sub.i]); [[sigma].sub.i]: the standard deviation of asset i; and
[dZ.sub.i]: the increment to a standard Wiener process.
[A.sub.2]. Following the notations in Merton (1987) and Bellalah
(2001), we assume that investors support an information cost for holding
an asset i.
The shadow cost of incomplete information per investor is denoted
by [[lambda].sup.k.sub.i] in the period dt. Based on this assumption,
relation (1) can be written as:
[dY.sub.i]/[Y.sub.i] = ([[mu].sub.i] - [[lambda].sup.k.sub.i]) dt +
[[sigma].sub.i] [dZ.sub.i] for i = 1,2 ... 2K - 1 (2)
Equation (2) is similar to Cooper and Kaplanis (1994) who extended
the model of Adler and Dumas (1983) to account for deadweight costs as
in Black (1974) (1).
[A.sub.3]. There are K investor types, each with a homothetic
utility function. The price index [P.sup.k] of an investor of type k
expressed in the measurement currency follows the process:
[dP.sup.k]/[P.sup.k] = [[PI].sup.k] dt + [[sigma].sub.[PI]k]
[dZ.sub.[PI]k] for k = 1,2 ... K (3)
where [P.sup.k]: the price index; [[PI].sup.k]: the expected value of the instantaneous rate of inflation; [[sigma].sub.[PI]k]: the
standard deviation of the instantaneous rate of inflation; and
[dZ.sub.[PI]k]: the increment to a standard Wiener process.
Using the same method as in Adler and Dumas (1983) and the Bellman
principal, we obtain:
[[mu].sub.i] = r + [[lambda].sup.k.sub.i] + (1 -
1/[[alpha].sup.k])[[sigma].sub.i[PI]k] + 1/[[alpha].sup.k] [summation over (i)] [x.sup.k.sub.i][[sigma].sub.ij] (4)
where [x.sup.k.sub.i] : the optimal holding allocated to asset i by
investor k; 1/[[alpha].sup.k] = [[theta].sup.k]: the investor's
risk aversion [[sigma].sub.ij] = cov ([R.sub.i], [R.sub.j]): the
covariance of the nominal rate of return of asset i and j ; and
[[sigma].sub.i[PI]k] = cov ([R.sub.i], [[PI].sup.k]): the covariance of
the rate or return of asset i and investor's rate inflation.
Equation (4) is similar to equation (8) of Adler and Dumas (1983)
in which appears the effect of the shadow costs of incomplete
information. Based on these definitions, relation (4) can be written as
E([R.sub.i]) = (r + [[lambda].sup.k.sub.i]) + (1 - [[theta].sup.k])
cov ([R.sub.i], [[PI].sup.k]) + [[theta].sup.k] [[summation over (i)]
[x.sup.k.sub.i] cov ([R.sub.i], [R.sub.j]) (5)
Let us derive the expression of asset pricing model in an
international setting in the presence of shadow costs of incomplete
information. This can be done by multiplying expression (5) by
[W.sup.k]/[[theta].sup.k] to obtain
E([R.sub.i])[W.sup.k]/[[theta].sup.k] = [W.sup.k]/[[theta].sup.k] +
[[lambda].sup.k.sub.i][W.sup.k]/[[theta].sup.k] + [W.sup.k]
(1/[[theta].sup.k] - 1)cov ([R.sub.i], [[PI].sup.k]) +
[W.sup.k][summation over (i)][x.sup.k.sub.i]cov ([R.sub.i], [R.sub.j])
where [W.sup.k] denotes the wealth of investor k . Equation (6) can
be written as follows:
Let us denote by [x.sup.m.sub.i] the proportion of asset i in the
world market portfolio as:
[x.sup.m.sub.i] = [summation over
(k)][W.sup.k][W.sup.k.sub.i]/[summation over (k)][W.sup.k] (8)
Aggregating expression (7) over all investors gives (2):
E([R.sub.i]) = (r + [[lambda].sub.i]) + [theta][summation over (k)]
(1/[[theta].sup.k] - 1)cov ([R.sub.i], [[PI].sup.k]) [W.sup.k]/W +
[[theta]cov ([R.sub.m], [R.sub.i]) (9)
where [theta] = [summation over (k)][W.sup.k]/[summation over
(k)][W.sup.k]/[[theta].sup.k]: the global harmonic mean degree of risk
aversion; W = [summation over (k)][W.sup.k]: the global wealth;
[R.sub.m] = [summation over (j)][x.sup.m.sub.j][R.sub.j]: the rate of
return of the global market portfolio; and [summation over
(k)][[lambda].sup.k.sub.i] = [[lambda].sub.i] the global shadow cost of
incomplete information.
Equation (9) shows that the expected rate of return of security i
depends on the shadow costs of incomplete information, the effect of the
inflation rate and the global market portfolio. Up to now we have
considered that the purchasing power party does not hold, in this case
the international asset pricing model includes K + 1 risk premia, one
for the global market portfolio, one for the valuation currency's
own inflation and K-1 additional risk that reflect the other
country's uncertain inflation. The effect of foreign inflation
rates denominated in the reference currency [k.sub.p] has two
The first reflects the inflation in the foreign currency. The
second shows the changes in the exchange rate between the foreign
currency and the reference one [k.sub.p].
Assume as Solnik (1974) and Sercu (1980) that the inflation rate in
each country's is not random when measured in its own currency.
This case is referred to in Stulz (1994) as the special case of
Solnik-Sercu. In this situation there is no inflation risk premium for
the reference currency and the K-1 risk premia are attributed to nominal
foreign exchange risks. In this context, relation (9) can be written as
E([R.sub.i]) = (r + [[lambda].sub.i]) + [theta] [summation over (k
[not equal to][K.sub.p]] (1/[[theta].sup.k] - 1) cov ([R.sub.i],
[e.sub.k]) [W.sup.k]/W + [theta]cov ([R.sub.m], [R.sub.i]) (10)
where [e.sub.k] refers to the percentage change of currency k
relative to currency [k.sub.p].
A careful examination of relation) 10 (shows that the coefficients
of the K covariance terms sum to one and that the choice of the
reference currency is irrelevant. This result is consistent with Sercu
(1980), who shows that the common fund is independent of the choice of
the measurement currency.
In order to derive our currency index capital asset pricing model in the presence of the shadow costs of incomplete information we add
these assumptions:
[A.sub.4]: Assume as in Cooper and Kaplanis (1994) and O'Brien
and Dolde (2000) that the aggregate risk tolerances are equal across
border, which means that [[theta].sup.k] = [theta]. This assumption was
used by French and Poterba (1991) in their empirical analysis of the
home bias equity.
[A.sub.5]: We consider that the K - 1 currency risk factors can be
aggregated into a portfolio. The exact weights of this portfolio are
unobservable as suggested by Adler and Dumas (1983) and O'Brien and
Dolde (2000). This assumption is not critical for the practitioners ,
who are able to use a proxy currency index.
Based on these assumptions, equation (10) becomes:
E([R.sub.i]) = r + [[lambda].sub.i] + (1 - [theta])cov ([R.sub.i],
X) + [theta]cov([R.sub.m], [R.sub.i]) (11)
wealth-weighted index of the percent changes in all other currencies in
terms of the reference currency [k.sub.p].
[A.sub.6]: To get our currency index asset pricing model with
shadow costs of incomplete information, we assume that equation (11)
applies also to [R.sub.m] (the global market portfolio) and to e R that
reflects the variation in X.
Using assumption [A.sub.6] and equation (11), we obtain:
E([R.sub.m]) = r + [[lambda].sub.m] + (1 -
[theta])cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e]) + [theta]var([R.sub.m]) (12)
where the term [[lambda].sub.m] corresponds to the information cost
about the market. It can be interpreted as the weighted average of
[[lambda].sub.i]. Applying equation (11) to [R.sub.e], we get:
E([R.sub.e]) = r + (1 - [theta])var ([R.sub.e]) +
[theta]cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e]) (13)
Equation (13) does not contain the shadow costs of incomplete
information about the exchange rate. In reality this consideration is
logic due to the fact that the investors look for the information about
assets that mean about a country and their firms or political stability.
The information cost can be interpreted as a cost paid by the investor
to be informed about the other country in order to trade in foreign
The international investors are willing to pay this cost in order
to get more informations about the other markets and assets. In the case
of symmetric information the foreign investors trade in other market and
try to get a profit from international diversification. Solving
equations (12) and (13) simultaneously for [theta] and (1 - [theta]) and
rearranging gives (3):
E([R.sub.i]) = r + [[lambda].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.im] (E([R.sub.m])
- r - [[lambda].sub.m]) + [[beta].sub.ie] (E([R.sub.e]) - r) (14)
Equation (14) characterizes the currency index international asset
pricing model within information uncertainty.
This model shows how investors are exposed to the effects of
exchange rate risk and incomplete information between the domestic and
foreign investors. This model supports the empirical evidence in Kang
and Stulz (1997), and Dahlquist and Robertsson (2000) where the home
bias equity is explained by asymmetric information. This model can be
seen as an international version of Merton's (1987) model. The
model provides an evidence for the pricing of the exchange risk in an
international setting. It confirms the results in Dumas and Solnik
(1995) and uses information costs as an explanation of market
segmentation as suggested by Kadelec and Mcconnel (1994) and Foester and
Karolyi (1999). Relation (14) shows that the investor is willing to
diversify his portfolio in an international context if the gains from
international diversification exceed the information cost. This model
gives an explanation of the home bias by asymmetric information.
Tesar and Werner (1995) document the available evidence of
international portfolio investment in five OCDE countries. They show
that despite the gains from international diversification, there is a
strong bias in domestic national portfolios. They conclude that although
there has been some increase in international investment positions since
the 1970s, the share of foreign assets in domestic portfolios is smaller
than standard theories would predict. In their analysis, they consider
that the home bias in international data may be a reflection of a more
basic investment behavior then the transaction costs.
Tesar and Werner (1995) suggest that a richer model incorporating
asymmetric information and institutional constraints can give a good
explanation of the home bias. Our model gives an explanation of the home
bias equity by the effect of the shadow costs of incomplete information
as suggested by Tesar and Werner (1995).
Forester and Karolyi (1999) show that the abnormal returns can be
explained by the asymmetric information. In this model the empirical
tests provide support for market segmentation hypothesis and
Merton's (1987) investor recognition hypothesis. In the two last
models the authors use a sample from US exchanges for an investor who
trade in local market by constructing a diversified portfolio from
securities of foreign firms listed in US exchange.
The empirical test provided by Kang and Stulz (1997) shows that the
investor portfolio is biased against small firm and that the investors
overinvesting in large firms in Japan due to the availability of
information about these large firms. The authors find that holdings are
relatively large in firms with large export sales, this evidence is
consistent with the conjecture that foreign investors invest in firms
that they are better informed about. From this fact the authors suggest
that the home bias is derived by informational asymmetries.
Brennan and Cao (1997) develop a model of international equity
portfolio investment flows based in informational endowments between
foreign and domestic investors. In this model they show that when
domestic investor posses information advantage over foreign investors
about their domestic market, investor tend to purchase foreign assets in
periods when the return in foreign asset is high.
Other authors show that the preference of some assets is explained
by the low transaction costs and low volatility. He shows that the
investors tend to trade on the assets about which they are informed. In
his model the information is detected by the investors through the
publication of the new stories and the age of these assets.
Differences in information are important in financial and real
markets. They are used in several contexts to explain some puzzling
phenomena like the 'home equity bias', the 'weekend
effect', "the smile effect" (4), etc. Kadlec and
McConnell (1994) document the effect on share value on the NYSE and
report the results of a joint test of Merton's (1987) investor
recognition factor and Amihud and Mendelson's (1986) liquidity
factor as explanations of the listing effect. The Merton's [lambda]
can be seen as a proxy for changes in the bid-ask spread (5). Kadlec and
McConnell (1994) conclude that Merton's [lambda] reflect also the
elasticity of demand and that it may proxy for the adverse price
movement aspect of liquidity.(footnote 19, page 629). Foerster and
Karolyi (1999) construct an empirical proxy for the shadow cost of
incomplete information for each firm, using the methodology in Kadlec
and McConnell (1994). Their results are supportive of the Merton (1987)
hypothesis and consistent with Kadlec and McConnell (1994). Their
evidence is consistent with the information cost/liquidity explanation,
which holds that investors demand a premium for higher trading costs and
for holding securities that have relatively less available information.
Coval and Moskowitz (1999) document the economic significance of
geography and attempt to uncover the effect of distance on portfolio
choice. Their results suggest an information-based explanation for local
equity. This is consistent with the findings in Kang and Stulz (1997)
who find that foreign investors underweight small, highly levered firms,
and firms that do not have significant exports.
Shapiro examines equilibrium in a dynamic pure-exchange economy
under a generalization of Merton's (1987) investor recognition
hypothesis (IRH). In his model, a class of investors is assumed to have
incomplete information which suffices to implement only a particular
strategy because of information costs. His empirical analysis reveals
that a consumption-based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM) augmented
by the IRH is a more realistic model than the traditional CCAPM in
explaining the cross-sectional variation in unconditional expected
returns. All these theoretical models and empirical tests are consistent
with our international asset pricing model with information costs, which
explain the home bias equity in international finance.
This paper presents a currency index capital asset pricing model in
the presence of the shadow costs of incomplete information. This model
shows that the asymmetric information explains some market frictions and
in particular the home bias equity.
The model provides a theoretical evidence for some empirical tests
on the international market such as Kang and Stulz (1997), and Tesar and
Wernar (1995). Our model represents a generalization of Merton's
(1987) simple model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete
information to an international context. The model can be used for the
valuation of assets, the cost of equity and firms in an international
context within incomplete information.
Aggregating relation (7) over all investors we get:
Rearranging ([A.sub.1]) and using the definition of [x.sup.m.sub.i]
we obtain:
which yields equation (9).
We have expressions (12) and (13):
E([R.sub.m]) - r - [[lambda].sub.m] - [theta]var([R.sub.m]) = (1 -
[theta])cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e]) (12)
E([R.sub.e]) - r - [theta]cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e]) = (1 -
[theta])var([R.sub.e]) (13)
Let us look to (12)/(13):
E([R.sub.m]) - r - [[lambda].sub.m] - [theta]var([R.sub.m]) = (1 -
[theta])cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e])/ E([R.sub.e]) - r
[theta]cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e]) = (1 - [theta])var([R.sub.e])
From [A.sub.2] we obtain:
E([R.sub.m]) - r - [[lambda].sub.m] - [theta]var([R.sub.m]) =
(E([R.sub.e]) - r)cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e])/var([R.sub.e]) -
[theta]cov[([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e]).sup.2]/var([R.sub.e]) (A.sub.3])
Rearranging expression ([A.sub.3]) gives:
From [A.sub.4] we have:
[theta] = (E([R.sub.m]) - r - [[lambda].sub.m])var([R.sub.e]) -
(E([R.sub.e])r)cov([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e])/var([R.sub.m])var([R.sub.e]) -
cov [([R.sub.m],[R.sub.e]).sup.2] ([A.sub.5])
From (13) and [A.sub.5], we get:
We can write [A.sub.6] as follows:
Substituting [A.sub.5] and [A.sub.7] in (11), we get:
Relation [A.sub.8] can be written as follows:
Equation [A.sub.9] can be written as follows:
This relation is equation (14).
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(1.) The asset pricing model proposed by Black (1974) in the case
of two countries has the same structure as the capital asset pricing
model with incomplete information of Merton (1987). The tax effect in
Black (1974) is the same as the shadow cost of Merton (1987).
(2.) The derivation of this relation is provided in Appendix 1.
(3.) The derivation of expression (13) is provided in Appendix 2.
(4.) See the models in Bellalah and Jacquillat (1995) and Bellalah
(1999 a, b).
(5.) Merton's [lambda] may proxy for some aspects of liquidity
that is not captured by the bid-ask spread.
Makram Bellalah (a), Mondher Bellalah (b), Georges Pariente (c)
Tawhid Chtioui (d), Anis Khayati (c)
(a) Assistant Professor University of Amiens, CRIISEA-France,
University of Picardie--Jules Verne CRIISEA Cathedral University Pole
10, Placette Lafleur P.O. Box 271680 027--AMIENS CEDEX 1-France
[email protected]
(b) Thema, Universite de cergy and ISC
(c) ISC Paris Business School, France
(d) Rheins School of Management, France
(e) Faculty of Management Sciences and Planning, King Faisal
University P.O. Box 1760 Al Ahsa 31982 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
[email protected]