Cointegration of Baltic stock markets in the financial tsunami: empirical evidence.
Masood, Omar ; Bellalah, Mondher ; Chaudhary, Sahil 等
In the last two decades, economists have developed a number of
tools to examine whether economic variables trend together in ways
predicted by theory, most notably cointegration tests. Cointegration
methods have been very popular tools in applied economic work since
their introduction about twenty years ago. However, the strict unit-root
assumption that these methods typically rely upon is often not easy to
justify on economic or theoretical grounds. The multivariate testing
procedure of Johansen (1988, 1991) has become a popular method of
testing for cointegration of the I(1)/I(0) variety, where I(1) and I(0)
stand for integration of orders one and zero, respectively. In the
Johansen methodology, series are pre-tested for unit roots. The series
that appear to have unit roots are put into a vector auto regression
from which one can test for the existence of one or more I(0) linear
Cointegration methodology has been extensively used as a convenient
way of testing for the weak-form of asset market efficiency, which
states that no asset price should be forecastable from the prices of
other assets The Johansen (1988) method of testing for the existence of
cointegrating relationships has become standard in the econometrics
Since unit-root tests have very limited power to distinguish
between a unit-root and a close alternative, the pure unit-root
assumption is typically based on convenience rather than on strong
theoretical or empirical facts. This has led many economists and
econometricians to believe near-integrated processes. Near-integrated
and integrated time series have implications for estimation and
inference that are similar in many respects. Cointegration, however,
simply requires that cointegrating linear combinations have lower orders
of integration than their parent series Granger (1986). Granger and
Joyeux (1980) and Hosking (1981), where continuous orders of integration
from the real line are considered, the case where there exists an I(d -
b) linear combination of two or more I(d) series are known as fractional
The cointegration approach is one of the recent methodologies
employed to identify the determinants of profitability in banking. It
enables the estimation of a relationship among non-stationary variables
by revealing the long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables.
This paper will help banks' stakeholders especially the managers
and regulatory authorities to improve the sector soundness by boosting
the impact of positive factors and lessening the impact of the negative
A good econometric practice always includes tests on the
cointegrating vectors to establish whether relevant restrictions are
rejected or not. If such restrictions are not tested, a non-zero
cointegrating rank might mistakenly be taken as evidence in favour of
cointegration between variables. This is particularly relevant when
there are strong prior opinions regarding which variables "have
to" be in the cointegrating relationship. Unit root tests are
performed on unvariate time series in order to test the order or
integration. If individual time series are found to be integrated of
same order after the unit root tests, then these variables may be
cointegrated. Cointegration deals with relationships among the group of
variables where each has a unit root. Application of cointegration test
in the estimation of money demand were analyzed by Johansen and Juselius
(1990) and Dickey, Thansen and Thornton (1991).
The paper has been divided into five sections. Section II gives the
information about the background. Section III gives the brief overview
of the Baltic markets. Section IV will give a complete description about
the methodologies of the various tests performed in this paper, and
Section V contains the empirical results. Finally, Section VI concludes
with a short summary.
The world of finance has undergone major changes over the last
three decades. In fact, in the wake of breakdown of the Bretton Woods in
the early 1970s, businesses have become more global. Later, the terms
"globalization", "financial integration",
"liberalization", "financial innovation",
deregulation" and "short-term capital flow so called hot
money" have come on the countries' agenda.
One of the very crucial effects of globalization is that money
began to flow freely and rapidly among different markets of the world.
As capital becomes borderless, diversifying portfolio in international
markets became easier. On the other hand, owing to globalization the
differences among world markets decreased as well which began to hinder
the international diversification opportunities. The need for accurate
identification of the degree of international portfolio diversification
opportunities makes studies on comovements of international markets
Grubel (1968) was the first to apply asset diversification
phenomena to international asset holdings and underline the merits of
international diversification of portfolios. He also illustrated the
potential gains from diversification on 11 major stock markets including
the USA, Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Japan, Australia and South Africa. Comovements of
international markets have been studied in various papers ever since.
The early studies following Grubel (1968) tried to describe the stock
markets covariation patterns, stock market structures and structural
changes of various countries, (e.g. 19 countries by Ripley (1973), 12
countries by Panton et. al. (1976), 16 countries by Lessard (1976)).
One of the research streams in more recent co-movements literature
is the study of the major markets like those of the U.S., the U.K.,
Germany and Japan and uncovering the dynamics behind the co-movement
patterns. Taylor and Tonks (1989) show that the stock markets of the
U.K., Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and the USA move together
following the year 1979 on which the exchange control was abolished in
the U.K. Shiller (1989) raised the question of whether the stock price
comovements of the U.S. and the U.K. market can be justified by
comovements in dividends and interest rates however he argues that the
comovements between these markets are too large to be explained by the
comovements of dividends and interest rates. Arshanapalli and Doukas
(1993) report that while there is no interpedendence among national
stock markets before October 1987, the interdependence has increased
substantially after this date among the stock markets of France, the
U.K., Germany and the USA. On the other hand the results by Kanas (1998)
overrule the results indicating pairwise cointegration of the U.S. stock
market with any of the European markets. Following these controversial
results, studies that are more recent agree on the increasing but time
varying cointegration between countries. Longin and Solnik (1995) found
that the correlation among international markets increase over time and
not stable. While they argue that correlation rises in high volatility
times, the results of their later studies show that correlation is
related to market trend rather than the volatility and correlation
increases in bear markets (Longin and Solnik, 2001). Morana and
Beltratti (2008) document a progressive integration of the U.S., the
U.K., German and Japanese stock markets and increasing co-movements in
prices, returns, volatilities and correlations. While the co-movements
of the U.S., the U.K., and German stock markets are stronger, Japanese
market was found more idiosyncratic.
Eun and Shim (1989) report a substantial amount of multilateral
interaction among international stock markets and the while the
innovations in the U.S. market are transmitted to other markets, other
single foreign markets can not explain movements in the U.S. market.
Bonfiglioli and Favero (2005) attempt to disentangle the effects of
interdependence from contagion in comovements in German and the U.S.
stock markets. Their results suggest no long-run interdependence between
two markets and while sizeable and significant fluctuations in the U.S.
market affects German stock market, this is not the case for normal
fluctuations. To our knowledge the most comprehensive study in terms of
the number of countries in the sample is Forbes and Rigobon (2002).
Analyzing stock markets of 28 countries, Forbes and Rigobon (2002)
document that there is no contagion effect during 1997 Asian crisis,
1994 Mexican devaluation and 1987 U.S. market crash but the co-movements
between stock markets are due to interdependence.
The integration of markets of a particular region among themselves
and the integration of the markets with other major international
markets is another stream of research. Stock markets of Hungary, Poland
and the Czech Republic are studied by Scheicher (2001) who found that
these markets were affected by both regional and global influences in
terms of return and they are affected by regional influences in terms of
volatility. He argued that the global integration of Eastern European
countries is limited while there is a higher regional integration
especially between Hungary and Poland. Baltic stock markets including
stock markets of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were investigated by
Maneschiold (2006). The results indicate that the integration between
Baltic stock markets and international capital markets represented by
the stock markets of the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France and Japan are
low. Meric et al. (2007) argue that Middle East stock markets (including
Turkey) are not sufficiently studied in terms of co-movements between
them and investigate the co-movements of Egyptian, Israeli, Jordanian
and Turkish stock markets. A very low correlation is found between these
markets which provide portfolio diversification opportunities for
investors. Meric et al. (2008) investigate co-movements of stock markets
of U.S., U.K. and six other countries, namely Australia, China, India,
Japan, South Korea and Russia, during the five-year before and after
September 11, 2001. Their results show a change in the patters of
co-movements of the stated markets. The correlation between the markets
increases significantly which leads the benefits of global portfolio
diversification with these stock markets to decrease. Despite their
interesting findings, they fail to explain why September 11, 2001 would
matter for the pattern change in the co-movements of the markets. Using
a shorter time frame Yavas (2007) also documents that the correlations
between Germany and the U.S. increased significantly following September
11, 2001. On the co-movements of the major markets including the U.S.,
German and Japan, the study by Yavas (2007) supports the variation of
co-movements of U.S. and German markets. However, he finds no
significant effect of Japanese market on other markets. Raj and Dhal (2009) investigate the integration of India with major global markets
and regional markets. They find that the integration of India's
stock market with international markets strengthen after 2003. Most
recently Vo (2009) investigates the integration of Asian bond markets and those of Australian and the U.S. and finds a low degree of
Besides stock markets, co-movements and co-integration of bond
markets are also studied in the literature. Kelly et al. (2008) identify
common trends for G-7 countries' bond returns and show that the
stability of common trend varies over time. The U.S., the U.K., Germany
and Japan are studied in terms of cointegration in bond markets by Ciner
(2007) and the bond indexes of the countries are not found cointegrated
in the full sample. However, the markets are found cointegrated when the
sample is divided into two parts suggesting diversification
opportunities are decreasing when compared to earlier periods. Analyzing
the co-movements between the U.S. and German bond markets, Engsted and
Tanggaard (2007) find that the main reason for the co-movement is
expected future inflation rather than future real interest rates and
future excess bond returns.
Baltic market in North Europe consists of three countries, Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania and all are the members of the EU. Tallinn Stock
Exchange of Estonia, Riga Stock Exchange of Latvia and Vilnius Stock
Exchange of Lithuania are known as the Baltic Stock Markets and were
established in 1920, 1926 and 1937 respectively. While Vilnius Stock
Exchange was closed in 1936, Tallinn and Riga Stock Exchanges were
closed upon Soviet invasion in 1941. Following the dissolution of Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991, Baltic countries' national
stock markets began trading in mid 1990's. Vilnius Stock Exchange
was the first to begin trading in 1993, Riga Stock Exchange was the
second in 1995 and Tallinn Stock Exchange in 1996 (TSPAKB, 2005).
Despite the initial resistance of Baltic countries to the idea of a
joint Baltic exchange in the establishment phase, today there is a
"Pan-Baltic Exchange" not in legal but in economic terms.
While the companies in Baltic countries legally listed on home
countries' markets, they also have a common presentation in Baltic
Stock Exchange together. Helsinki Stock Exchange (HEX) purchased Talinn
and Riga Stock Exchanges during 2002 and 2004. Subsequently each Baltic
Stock Exchange was purchased by OMX Group which was established by the
purchase of HEX by the Stockholm Bourse OM. Finally, upon the
acquisition of OMX Group by NASDAQ and Bourse Dubai, NASDAQ OMX Group was established on February 2008 and the group owns the Baltic Stock
Exchanges. (Burke, 2008)
Today Baltic Stock Exchanges employ the Saxess trading model.
Transactions in the exchanges can be negotiated in both automatic
matching and manual trades. Securities traded in the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn,
Riga and Vilnius exchanges are structured as Baltic Main List, Baltic
Secondary List, Baltic Funds List and Baltic Bond List. As of March
2009, 39 companies are listed in the main list and 56 companies are
listed in the secondary list. Following a pre-trading session and a
period before the opening call from 08:30 to 09:59, trading in Baltic
Stock Exchanges starts at 10:00 and ends at 16:00. There is also a
post-trading session between 16:05 and 16:30. While Euro is the official
trading currency of the Tallinn, the securities are traded in national
currency Lat and Litas in Riga and Vilnius respectively. As of March
2009 the Baltic Stock Exchanges have a market capitalization of 4.75
Billion Euros. Trades took place in Vilnius account for the 70% of all
trade volume, about 27% of the trade took place in Tallinn and the rest
took place in Riga.
The estimation of the long run relationship between the variables,
time series properties of the individual variables are examined by
conducting Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) stationary tests, then the
short run dynamic and long run co-integration relationship are
investigated by using the multivariate Johansen's co-integration
test and Granger Causality test.
A. Unit Root Tests
The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test method put forward
by American scholars Dickey and Fuller is widely used in the academia to
examine the stationarity of the time series and determine the
integration order of non-stationary time series. Unit root tests are
first conducted to establish the stationary properties of the time
series data sets. Stationary entails long run mean reversion and
determining a series stationary property avoids spurious regression
relations. It occurs when series having unit roots are regressed into
one another.
The presence of non-stationary variables might lead to spurious
regressions and non-objective policy implications. Augmented Dickey
Fuller (ADF) tests are used for this purpose in conjunction with the
critical values, which allows for calculation of critical values for any
number of regressors and sample size. The ADF model used is describes as
[DELTA]lnY = [alpha] + T + [omega]ln[Y.sub.t-1] + [p.summation over
(i=1)][delta][DELTA]Y[ln.sub.t-1] + [epsilon] (1)
Where Y is variable used for unit root test, [alpha] is the
constant, T represents the trend, [omega] = p-1 and [epsilon] is the
white noise series. The null hypothesis is [H.sub.O]: [omega] =0. If the
ADF value of the lnY is bigger than the McKinnon value at 5% significant
level, the null hypothesis is accepted, which means lnY has unit root
and is non-stationary. If it is less than the McKinnon value then the
[H.sub.0] is rejected and lnY is stationary. As for the non-stationary
series, we should test the stationarity of its 1st difference. If the
1st difference is stationary, the series has unit root and it is first
order integration I (1).
B. Johansen's Co-integration Test
According to the co-integration theory, there may be co-integration
relationship between the variables involved if they are 1st order
integration series, i.e. their 1st difference is stationary. There are
two methods to examine this cointegration relationship, one is EG
two-step procedure, put forward by Engle and Granger in 1987, the other
is Johansen cointegration test (Johansen(1988) and Juselius 1990) based
on Vector Auto Regression (VAR).
For co-integration test, we will conduct the Johansen's
multivariate cointegration tests. The Johansen's multivariate
co-integration test involved testing the relationships between the
variables following the vector auto-regression (VAR) model:
[DELTA]lnY = [p.summation over
(i=1)][[GAMMA].sub.i][DELTA]ln[Y.sub.t-1]+[PI]ln[Y.sub.t-1] + B[X.sub.t]
+ [epsilon], (2)
where [[GAMMA].sub.i] = -[p.summation over (j=i+1)][A.sub.j] and
[PI] = [p.summation over (i=1)][A.sub.i] - [I.sub.m]. [Y.sub.t]
represents n*1 vector of I (1) variables. [GAMMA]
and [PI] are n*n matrix of coefficients to be tested. B denoted n*h
matrix and [X.sub.t] denoted h*1 vector of I(0) variables. n denoted the
rank of the matrix and interrogates the long-run relationships in the
variable and is equal to the number of independent cointegrating
vectors. If rank of [PI] is 0, the variables in are not cointegrated.
Johansen developed two test statistics: the trace test and the
maximum eigen value test. [[lambda].sub.trace] statistic tests the null
hypothesis that r= 0 (no co-integration) against a general alternative
hypothesis of r>0 (co-integration). The [K.sub.max] statistic tests
the null hypothesis that the number of co-integrating vectors is r
against the specific alternative of r+1 co-integrating vectors. The test
statistics obtained from [[lambda].sub.trace] and [K.sub.max] tests are
compared against the asymptotic critical values of the two test
statistics by Johansen and Juselius.
C. Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin Test for Indices
This test differs from those in common use (such as Dickey-Fuller
and Perron) by having a null hypothesis of stationarity. The test may be
conducted under the null of either trend stationarity (the default) or
level stationarity. Inference from this test is complementary to that
derived from those based on the Dickey-Fuller distribution. The KPSS test is often used in conjunction with those tests to investigate the
possibility that a series is fractionally integrated (that is, neither
I(1) nor I(0)). It may be applied to a single time series in a panel
with the qualifier or to all time series with the by prefix.
D. Vector Error Correction Model
A vector error correction (VEC) model is a restricted VAR that has
cointegration restrictions built into the specification, so that it is
designed for use with nonstationary series that are known to be
cointegrated. The VEC specification restricts the long-run behavior of
the endogenous variables to converge to their cointegrating
relationships while allowing a wide range of short-run dynamics.
As the VEC specification only applies to cointegrated series, one
should run the Johansen cointegration test prior to VEC specification.
The cointegration term is known as the error correction term since the
deviation from long-run equilibrium is corrected gradually through a
series of partial short-run adjustments.
The vector error correction model can be written as
[DELTA][y.sub.1,t] = [r.sub.1] x ([y.sub.2,t-1] x [beta] x
[y.sub.1,t-1]) + [[epsilon].sub.1,t] (3)
[DELTA][y.sub.2,t] = [r.sub.2] x ([y.sub.2,t-1] x [beta] x
[y.sub.1,t-1]) + [[epsilon].sub.2,t] (4)
Here the right side variable represents the error correction term
([y.sub.2,t-1] x [beta] x [y.sub.1, t-1]). The coefficients [r.sub.1]
and [r.sub.2] measure the speed of adjustment.
A. Unit Root Test
Based on the ADF and Philips Perron unit root tests, we can
conclude that the series are difference-stationary processes. We test
for the presence of unit roots and identify the order of integration for
each variable using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF). The null
hypothesis is considered as non-stationary. The test on the variables
gave the following result.
The result shows that it is evident that we found the presence of a
unit root at conventional levels of statistical significance for the
given variables. To see whether they are integrated of order one I(1) at
the 1% level, we performed augmented Dickey-Fuller tests on their first
difference. The results of the unit root test show that the first
differences of both series are stationary which are found to reject the
null hypothesis of unit root. Therefore we can conclude that all series
involved in the estimation procedure are regarded as I(1), and it is
suitable to make co integration test.
B. Johansen's Cointegration Test
Having shown that the variables are integrated of order one, I(1),
it is necessary to determine whether there is at least one linear
combination of these variables that is I(0). This was done by using the
cointegration method [Johansen]. The Johansen method was chosen over the
one originally proposed by Engle and Granger (1987) because it is
capable of determining the number of cointegrating vectors for any given
number of non-stationary series (of the same order), its application is
appropriate in the presence of more than two variables, and more
important, the likelihood ratio tests used in the procedure (unlike the
ADF tests) have well- defined limiting distributions [Miguel D.
Based on the above cointegration test, we can say that there is no
cointegration in SPX and VILNIUS. Therefore, we perform another
cointegration test without these two variables.
Therefore, by applying Johansen test on Baltic bench, Riga and
Tallinn series, we found the presence of two cointegration vectors.
Therefore, by applying Johansen decision rule, we conclude that there
are two co-integration vectors for the model. Hence our findings imply
that there are stable long run relationships between the three variables
i.e. Baltic bench, Riga and Tallinn.
C. Vector Error Correction Model
A system of cointegrated vectors can be represented by a dynamic
error correction model (ECM). Thus we proceed to the test for error
correction by using the Johansson and Jeueslius vector error correction
method, and the results are shown below. The coefficient of this term
reflects the process by which the dependent variable adjusts positively
in the short run position.
In testing the co-integration and causal relationship between SPX,
Baltic bench, Riga, Villnius, and Tallinn, the time series model of ADF
unit-root test, Johansen cointegration test,
Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin Test and vector error correction model
are employed. The empirical results have found strong evidence that the
variables are co-integrated and feedback.
By applying Johansen decision rule, we found that there are two
co-integration vectors for the given variables which prove the existence
of a long-run bidirectional causal relationship between Baltic bench,
Riga and Tallinn. This relationship has made the exchanges more stable
and contributed to the economy of these Baltic states as relative
stability of exchange rate in the long run would have great significance
for promoting liquidity inflows as the stability of the exchange rate
can strengthen the foreign investors' trust and encourage their
investment positively. The disequilibrium in the short term is also
corrected by the proposed error correction model.
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10, 2. Available at
Omar Masood (a), Mondher Bellalah (b), Sahil Chaudhary (c), Walid
Mansour (d), and Frederic Teulon (e)
(a) Business School, University of East London, Docklands Campus,
E16 2RD, U.K
[email protected]
(b) University of Cergy Pontoise and ISC Paris, France
[email protected]
(c) S.R.K.N.E.C., RTMNU (Nagpur University) Nagpur, India
sahilchaudhary22@gmail. com
(d) Higher School of Finance and Tax Policy, University of Sousse,
Tunisia, North Africa wmansour1980@gmail. com
(e) Professor of Economics, IPAG, Paris, France
Table 1
ADF unit root tests for indices
Variables Levels First 5% Critical 1% Critical
Difference Value (1) Value
SPX -0.016781 -34.14750 ** -3.412486 -3.963515
BALTIC Bench 1.714325 -35.71427 ** -3.412486 -3.963515
RIGA 2.678744 -38.86130 ** -3.412486 -3.963515
VILNIUS 2.917812 -34.98612 ** -3.412486 -3.963515
TALLINN 1.872424 -19.47614 ** -3.412486 -3.963515
(1) MacKinnon critical values for rejection of hypothesis of a unit
** Denotes significance at the 1 percent level. Lag length based on
SIC criterion with a Maximum lag = 14. Estimations undertaken with
EViews 6.0.
Table 2
Philips-Perron test for indices
Variables Levels First 5% Critical 1% Critical
Difference Value1 Value
SPX -0.251269 -46.42515 -3.412486 -3.963515
BALTIC Bench 1.243820 -37.03478 -3.412486 -3.963515
RIGA 2.004230 -39.61786 -3.412485 -3.963512
VILNIUS 2.917812 -34.98612 -3.412486 -3.963515
TALLINN 1.664793 -36.44323 -3.412486 -3.963515
(1) MacKinnon critical values for rejection ofhypothesis ofa unit
** Denotes significance at the 1 percent level. Estimations undertaken
with EViews 6.0.
Table 3
Results of Johansen's cointegration test (1)
Variables Eigen-value t-statistic Critical value Prob.
SPX 0.036670 108.1247 79.34145 0.0001
BALTIC bench 0.011656 45.5101 55.24578 0.2694
RIGA 0.010701 25.8594 35.01090 0.3349
VILNIUS 0.004644 7.82756 18.39771 0.7005
TALLINN 1.54E05 0.02584 3.84147 0.8722
Table 4
Results of Johansen's cointegration test (2)
Variables Eigen-value t-statistic Critical value Prob
BALTIC bench 0.032370 68.91292 35.01090 0.0000
RIGA 0.008096 13.72962 18.39771 0.1991
TALLINN 5.80E-05 0.09732 3.84147 0.7551
Trace test indicates 2 co-integrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level.
Table 5
Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test for indices
Variables Levels First Difference 5% Critical 1% Critical
Value1 Value
SPX 0.390975 0.239138 0.146000 0.216000
BALTIC Bench 0.771071 0.264263 0.146000 0.216000
RIGA 0.692057 0.354333 0.146000 0.216000
VILNIUS 0.631422 0.280495 0.146000 0.216000
TALLINN 0.617432 0.309023 0.146000 0.216000
(1) Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin critical values for rejection
of hypothesis of a stationary.
** Denotes significance at the 1 percent level. Estimations undertaken
with EViews6.
Table 6
Vector error correction model
Cointegrating Eq: CointEq1
RIGA(-1) 1.000000
TALLINN(-1) 0.458521
BALTIC_BENCHMARK(-1) -1.515664
@TREND(1) -0.025559
C 34.43550
CointEq1 -0.007072 -0.008975 -0.003655
(0.00128) (0.00142) (0.00138)
[-5.50759] [-6.30142] [-2.65800]
D(RIGA(-1)) 0.017396 0.047482 -0.093453
(0.02466) (0.02735) (0.02641)
[ 0.70549] [ 1.73617] [-3.53899]
D(RIGA(-2)) 0.015429 0.030832 -0.049890
(0.02474) (0.02744) (0.02649)
[ 0.62369] [ 1.12375] [-1.88321]
D(TALLINN(-1)) 0.078883 0.138492 0.117271
(0.02236) (0.02480) (0.02395)
[ 3.52725] [5.58343] [ 4.89662]
D(TALLINN(-2)) 0.037504 0.021676 -0.048967
(0.02252) (0.02498) (0.02412)
[ 1.66501] [ 0.86765] [-2.03001]
D(BALTIC_BENCHMARK(-1)) -0.029073 -0.022269 0.117552
(0.02311) (0.02563) (0.02475)
[-1.25818] [-0.86893] [ 4.75042]
D(BALTIC_BENCHMARK(-2)) -0.044459 -0.041377 0.007239
(0.02298) (0.02549) (0.02461)
[-1.93436] [-1.62314] [ 0.29412]
C 0.625048 0.915254 0.899394
(0.26009) (0.28847) (0.27853)
[ 2.40324] [ 3.17283] [ 3.22911]
@TREND(1) -0.000718 -0.001011 -0.001015
(0.00027) (0.00030) (0.00029)
[-2.67304] [-3.39462] [-3.53097]
R-squared 0.041245 0.066856 0.053362
Adj. R-squared 0.036652 0.062386 0.048828
Sum sq. resids 45840.26 56389.95 52571.10
S.E. equation 5.239204 5.810890 5.610677
F-statistic 8.980305 14.95605 11.76736
Log likelihood -5158.594 -5332.478 -5273.609
Akaike AIC 6.155562 6.362690 6.292566
Schwarz SC 6.184647 6.391775 6.321651
Mean dependent 0.026998 0.075569 0.054455
S.D. dependent 5.337941 6.001095 5.752885