Sensitivity analysis of domestic credit to private sector in Pakistan: a variable replacement approach applied with con-integration.
Masood, Omar ; Butt, Shazaib ; Ali, Syed Alamdar 等
For determination of Domestic Credit to Private Sector (DCPS)
empirical studies focus on GDP, interest rates, and price indices in any
form (Backe and Zumer, 2004). A common result of such research works so
far is that the interest rates and national income are the most dominant
variables that can explain DCPS (Backe and Zumer, 2004). Further, while
discussing the relation between Finance and Income inequality (Clarke et
al, 2002) states that the inequality decreases as the provision of
finance increases in the economy.
Pakistani Financial Sector has been pushed in an awkward direction
due to political uncertainties occurring in Pakistan during the last 30
years in comparison with the international trends in Financial Sector.
While the "works" done so far reveal that the level of
financial development can significantly predict economic growth (King
and Levine, 1993; Levine and Zervos, 1998; Neusser and Kugler, 1998;
Rousseau and Wachtel, 1998; Levine et al, 2000), but there are no
"works" available about analysis of DCPS in Pakistan which
examine the existence of similar relationships. It is therefore quite
relevant to study the dynamics of DCPS in Pakistani economy and find out
the variables that affect DCPS as exogenous factors; in doing so we will
also endeavor to analyze whether there exists any relationship between
the development of the economy and the growth in DCPS.
Therefore, we have the following objectives for the purpose of our
study: Whether there exists any relationship between economic
development and DCPS in Pakistan? In doing so we will also examine the
following additional issues relating to DCPS in Pakistan:
* What contributes more to GDP; Economic Development or Financial
* As a country where government borrowings dominate the financial
sector lending abilities, we will also examine the impact of government
borrowing impact on DCPS in Pakistan?
The above questions are significant for the reason that in Pakistan
the Financial Sector has shown significant developments during the last
ten years, despite the fact that the country's economic development
is at its minimal and the government borrowings have been increased
manifold (SBP, 2010). For similar situations in their studies (Backe and
Zumer, 2004) argued that such financial expansion would erode gradually
if the underlying economic development fails to trigger at the same
rate. Therefore, for examining such relationships it appears relevant to
initiate some co-integrated analysis to study how the DCPS relationship
varies in the short run and in the long run with respect to inclusion
and exclusion of certain variables in a specific model.
Loans to private sector are characterized by many factors over and
above its interest rates (Baltensperger, 1976; Field and Torero, 2006).
The abilities of the Financial Institutions to make DCPS therefore can
also get stretched and eventually adversely affected if the underlying
economic growth is not accompanied with it (Backe and Zumer, 2004).In
some countries the growth of DCPS has left positive impacts on economic
and financial growth therefore the literature relating to such
developments also provides a base for this study. An analysis of the
literature available in the areas as indicated above also shows that
many studies have been made only by including the non financial
variables like GDP, price indices, etc., to predict the relationship
between the financial development and economic growth without
considering the variables that relate directly to the financial sector.
As regards the finance-growth relationship, certain propositions
state a positive relationship between financial sector development and
GDP growth (Terrones and Mendoza, 2004; Mooslechner, 2003). While
conducting such studies during the phases of credit expansions,
prominent studies emphasize many activities, such as "(i) real
business cycles caused by technological or terms-of-trade shocks (with
highly procyclical output elasticity of credit demand), (ii) financial
liberalization of an initially repressed financial system, (iii) capital
inflows triggered by external factors, and (iv) wealth shocks
originating e.g., from comprehensive structural reforms"
(Gourinchas et al., 2001). Furthermore, politically driven policies such
as exchange rate-based stabilizations also contribute in accelerating
credit expansions by blowing up a weak consumption expansion trend
(Calvo and Vegh, 1999).
Most of the work done on DCPS is in high income countries where
main findings rest upon income and interest rates as exogenous variables
of DCPS. Although they do consider that the supply of money affects DCPS
but the strong relation there comes out to be with output in the long
run. The studies state that DCPS-to-GDP has a significant positive
correlation with GDP. This process is termed in financial literature as
"financial deepening". Concerning the researches on credit
supply, studies have looked into the prevalence and the significance of
the credit channel for a range of countries, using both macro and micro
data. Although the findings take many dimensions, yet many researches
including some papers on CEE countries reveal facts in favor of the
credit channel. About the positive relations between finance and growth,
pragmatic work has studied the direction of causality; where much of the
findings are about financial deepening which stimulate economic
development (Beck et al., 2000).
The significance of domestic credit to private sector is also
relevant while conducting research on financial crises and in particular
while discussing their forecasting; also such rapid increases in DCPS
has been observed as a pivotal factor for financial crises. Although
many financial crises also initiate economic depressions however, one
cannot conclude from this literature that lending booms typically lead
to financial crises. As Gourinchas et al. (2001) point out, "while
the conditional probability of a lending boom occurring before a
financial crisis may be quite high, this does not tell much about the
converse, i.e., the conditional probability that a financial crisis will
follow a lending boom". In this regard we have evidences from
analysis of DCPS in Pakistan during the period from 2001-2007 when the
interest rates were at its minimum and the DCPS in Pakistan was booming
and during the period 2008-2009 when the interest rates are on the rise
and DCPS and economic growth are decreasing yet the financial sector has
evidenced growth during both these periods (SBP, 2010).
In Pakistan DCPS has slowed down over the last two years due to
very heavy public sector borrowings (SBP, 2010). Eventually, dynamics
behind DCPS are expected to be low for quite some time as liquidity
hindrances on economic segments which will not receive credit (small and
medium-sized enterprises, households) are expected to increase. Further,
the debt levels in such sectors are not expected to benefit which is not
rationale from an intertemporal perspective. Therefore, in the longer
run, DCPS expansion is expected to be mainly driven by the convergence
process in per capita GDP terms (Backe and Zumer, 2004).
IMF working paper (WP/10/49) emphasizes that the financial sector
attempts to reduce the cost of capital and encourages the efficient
distribution of capital which helps promote the DCPS. Commenting on the
financial anomaly Rajan and Zingales (1998) stated that the firms
receiving majority of their operational fundings from financial
institutions do not expand normally in the economies which are
financially developed. Fisman and Love (2004) in their studies stated
similar results in the short run horizon which pointed that the,
development of financial sector helps in the redistribution of finances
to industries which have high growth rates. Hartman et al. (2007) while
stating results of his study wrote that the capital reallocation should
not be underestimated as it is a driving force of financial development
in most of the studies. According to of Hsieh and Klenow (2009), the
achievements of the high performers of last decade mainly China and
India are credited to the reassignment of financial resources from
lesser to higher productive sectors.
What would be the importance of financial development for economic
growth? The empirical literature available provides multiple viewpoints
emphasizing that a financial system that performs well encourages
competition, lessens and reassigns the cost of capital and capital
efficiency respectively. In the economies which are financially
developed, innovation also becomes higher than their counterparts in
less developed economies which also yield higher returns. The large
impact of capital reassignment in quantitative terms observed by Hsieh
and Klenow (2009) also support the views of higher returns as stated
All the above researches focus on the analysis of availability of
credit to domestic sector using different variables and techniques but
there is no research available that takes into account financial and non
financial variables at the same time and also studies sensitivity of the
model with respect to inclusion or exclusion of variables specifically
in Pakistan. Our methodology of this research is therefore hereunder:
A. Econometric Models
Model to be evaluated:
logDCPS= [a.sub.0]+[a.sub.1]logIND_VA+[a.sub.2]logM2+[a.sub.3]logT_TADE+[epsilon] (1)
Basic alternative models to be evaluated for sensitivity of DCPS to
change in variables:
logDCPS = [a.sub.0]+[a.sub.1]/ogCPT+[a.sub.2]/ogGDP+[a.sub.3]/ogGDS+[epsilon] (2)
logDCPS = [a.sub.0]+[a.sub.1]logGDP+[a.sub.2]logIND_VA+[a.sub.3]logZM2+[epsilon] (3)
Definitions of the Variables: DCPS = domestic credit to private
sector; IND_VA = industrial value addition; M2 = supply of money; TTRADE
= total trade of import and export; GDP = gross domestic product; GDS =
gross domestic savings; DCPT = domestic debt to public sector; and e
=The Error Term
B. Econometric Methodology
1. Unit Root Tests
The first step in error correction model is to determine whether
the variables under consideration are stationary or not since most macro
economic variables are not stationary, that is, they tend to exhibit a
determine and/or deterministic and/or stochastic trend. In this paper we
have applied Augmented Dicky-Fuller (ADF, 1979) test to check the order
of integration. However, for the purpose of our research we have taken
the logs of data before taking unit root tests.
2. Co-integration
After evaluating stationarity of each variable and specifying
optimal lag length, the next step is to find out whether they are
co-integrated or not, using Johansen and Juselius's (1990)
framework. To carry out this test have to formulate the following mode
as indicated in Equation (4):
[Y.sub.t]=[GAMMA]i(L) [Y.sub.t-1]+ r2(L)Yt-1+ ....
[[GAMMA].sub.p](L)[Y.sub.t-1]+[[epsilon].sub.t-p] (4)
where [Y.sub.t] represents independent variables where applicable,
is a column vector and [GAMMA]i(L) with i=1, .., p is a lag operator,
[epsilon] is the white noise residual of mean and constant variance. The
order of the model, p must be determined in advance using Schwartz
Information Criterion (SIC). The null hypothesis that there is a fewer
co integrating vectors have be tested using Maximal Eigen Value Test.
3. Maximal Eigenvalue
This test evaluates the null hypothesis [H.sub.0]: r=[r.sub.0]
against [H.sub.A]:r=[r.sub.0]+1 using Equation (5):
[[epsilon].sub.max] = -T ln (1-[[lambda].sub.r+1]) (5)
In this test the null hypothesis of r co integrating vectors is
tested against the alternative of r+1 co-integrating vectors.
C. Error Correction Model
In order to calculate the long term relationship among the
variables of the model NLS and ARMA least squares techniques have been
used to construct Error correction model which was used by Sargan (1964)
and thereafter by Engle and Granger (1987). After confirmation of
co-integration in the first stage the lag order of the variables will be
selected using [R.sup.2], or Akaike Information Criteria, or Schwarz
Bayesian Criteria or by Hannan-Quin Criteria. In the next step of the
determination of the lag order, coefficients of the model for long run
have been estimated and then estimations are carried out followed by the
Error Correction Model (ECM), using the following ECM Equation (6) where
[zeta] is the error correcting term:
1. Collection of Data
The study uses annual data on domestic credit to private sector,
gross domestic product, gross domestic savings, money supply (M2),
domestic credit to public sector and total trade for the period
1980-2009. The data obtained from World Development Indicators of World
Bank 2010. All the variables are in Pak Rupees.
2. Results and Interpretation
The first step in determining long run relationship using error
correction model is to check that whether the variables under
consideration are stationary or not. A univariate analysis of each
variable is carried out to check the stationarity properties of the
data. Tables 1 and 2 present the results from Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test
statistics for the log levels and first differences of logs of the
variables domestic credit to private sector, industrial value addition,
money supply (M2), total trade, gross domestic product, gross domestic
savings and domestic credit to public sector, respectively. According to
the results shown in Table 1, the tests indicate that the level of the
series contains a unit root. In order to make the data stationary, unit
root tests are re-run by taking first difference of the series. Results
reported in Table 2 show that first difference series are stationary in
first difference form. The series are in level form at I(0) and in 1st
difference form they are (Engle and Granger, 1987). The results of
stationarity tests are given in Table 1 and 2 hereunder:
3. Testing for Co-integration
Having established that all the variables in the study are
integrated of order one, i.e., I (1), the second step is to test whether
they are co-integrated or not (Engel and Granger, 1987). For this
purpose Johansen likelihood co-integration is applied. To proceed
further in the application of Johansen's test lag length has been
considered as 1.
The estimated co integrating relationship and standard errors are
given in Equation (8) below:
+0.836699logLT_TRADE S.E=(0.01813)(0.42760)(0.28349)(0.20985) (8)
Johansen co-integration results are reported in Table 3. Results of
maximal Eigen value tests suggest the existence of unique co-integrating
relationship among the variables under consideration at 5% level of
significance. This implies that the series under consideration are
driven by at least one common trend. This represents the existing
relationship among domestic credit to public sector, industrial value
addition, money supply (M2) and total trade is not spurious.
Equation (8) above exhibits the normalized and co-integrating
variables. The signs of the variables are also in line with the economic
theory except the sign of industrial value addition, which was also
expected to be positive. The reason for such negative relationship might
be higher cost of funds resulting from tacit collusion among Financial
Institutions. This appears also true in Pakistani context where the
focus of Central Bank is firstly on protecting Financial Sector due to
the fact that they are the only sector showing progress, and secondly in
generating funds for government operations. Also the effect of the
magnitude of money supply (M2) on DCPS is higher than any other variable
in the model which reflects that the ability of the Banks to finance
private sector depends heavily on the supply of money in the country. An
interesting fact about the negative relationship of DCPS with industrial
value addition and positive relationship with total volume of trade
which suggests that Banks are not willing to finance industrial
production but are rather interested in financing trade as one of the
prime area of their business. From this we can also infer that tendency
in Pakistan economy towards using imported goods is increasing.
The results of the error correction model in Table 4 above reveal
that our model is a good fit as the value of error correcting term
EC(-1) is negative and significant at 5% level of significance which
means that our model is convergent. Further -0.3693 value of EC (-1)
shows that error in our model will be removed in 3 periods with 36.93%
approx of the values will converge in 1st time period and the remaining
63.07% will converge in next two periods. Also the value of [R.sup.2]
shows that our model is able to predict 48.44% dependence of DCPS on the
exogenous variables which we have chosen for our study. The overall
relationship of this error correcting model is also significant at 5%
level of significance as the value of F statistic is within acceptable
range with its probability at 0.0309. Further, Durbin Watson test
statistic is also important which is near 2 and is also within its
acceptable range.
4. Sensitivity Analysis
We have also checked the sensitivity of our model by analyzing the
effects of two sets of exogenous variables in order to find out the
results of the long term relationship of our dependent variable with the
growth of our economy. The first set of exogenous variables was domestic
debt to public sector, gross domestic product and gross domestic
savings. These variables represent economic development and government
financing for the purpose of the economy. According to the results in
Table 5 it has been observed that although the value of EC (-1) is still
convergent and significant at 5% level of confidence. The value of
[R.sup.2] has been reduced by more than 20% from 48.44% to 37.11%. The
value of F statistic has also been reduced to 1.7704 which is also not
significant at 5% level of confidence. The second set of exogenous
variables was gross domestic product, industrial value addition and
supply of money. In other words we have now included only variable
representing economic development in our model. According to the results
given in Table 6 it has been observed that although the overall
relationship represented by F statistic 2.6268 is significant, however,
the value of error correcting term is insignificant.
The objective of this paper was to empirically examine whether
there exists any relationship between domestic credit to private sector
and economic development in Pakistan. As a corollary to our main
objective we have also conducted sensitivity analysis of relationship
with certain financial and non financial variables.
Using Johansen's multivariate approach to co-integration
findings suggest that domestic credit to private sector is co-integrated
with industrial value addition, money supply (M2), and total volume of
trade. The long run relationship is determined using NLS and ARMA error
correction model. The test results indicate that the model is convergent
and it indicates more than 36.93% of the values in 1st period.
In the sensitivity analysis of our model we first took variables
that represent economic development and government financing for the
purpose of the economy. It has been observed that the growth in domestic
credit is not supported by the growth in the economy, because our
alternative model shows insignificant F statistic. In another
sensitivity analysis we included only one variable that represents
economic development in our model. This made the error correcting term
very insignificant. This shows very alarming situation as in many
research DCPS is used as an indicator of economic development. Also it
is evident from our research that the data relating to variables in our
basic model basically stem from the operations of the Banks, from where
we can infer that the growth in domestic debt to private sector is
purely a financial phenomenon and has very low linkages with economic
development. This also leads us to the conclusion that the financial
sector in Pakistan is economically ineffective and is not contributing
towards the economic development of the country. The State Bank of
Pakistan's report for September 2010 also shows similar results
where it has been reported that the profitability of the banking sector
has increased over the years while the growth of the economy has slowed
down over the same period (SBP, 2010).
This requires serious policy considerations from the monetary
authorities of the country to push steeper targets for FI's for
extending credits to private sector. Finally, the government also needs
to reduce its borrowings for non development expenditures which are also
a cause of this anomaly in the development of financial sector without
economic development which is oligopolistic nature. We can observe from
our model that public sector borrowings also have very strange
significant positive impact on DCPS, mainly because such borrowings just
enable financial institutions to issue loans without considering the
development requirements of the country.
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Omar Masood (a), Shazaib Butt (b), Syed Alamdar Ali (c), Mondher
Bellalah (d), Frederic Teulon (e), Olivier Levyne (f)
(a) Royal Business School, University of East London Docklands
Campus, University Way, E16 2RD, UK
[email protected]
(b) Associate Lecturer, Royal Business School, University of East
London Docklands Campus, University Way, E16 2RD, UK
[email protected]
(c) Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan alamdar2000pk@yahoo. com
(d) Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France
(e) IPAG Paris, France
(f) ISC Paris, France
Table 1
Augmented Dicky-Fuller tests: Level series
Variables ADF C.V (5%)
LDCPS 0.6103 (0.9873) -2.9677
LIND_VA -1.5875 (0.4719) -3.0048
LM2 -0.6563 (0.8419) -2.9718
LT_TRADE 0.9491 (0.9948) -2.9677
GDP 0.6774 (0.9895) -2.9677
GDS -1.7071 (0.4165) -2.9762
LCPT -0.6651 (0.8402) -2.9677
Null hypothesis is that the series has a unit root.
Table 2
Augmented Dicky-Fuller tests: 1st difference
Variables ADF C.V (5%)
LDCPS -4.4687 * (0.0015) -2.9718
LIND_VA -2.9955 * (0.0476) -2.9718
LM2 -3.7105 * (0.0095) -2.9718
LT_TRADE -5.2671 * (0.002) -2.9718
GDP -4.5433 * (0.0013) -2.9762
GDS -6.4756 * (0.0000) -2.9718
LCPT -4.5565 * (0.0012) -2.9618
* denoted rejection of null hypothesis at 5% level of significance.
Table 3
Johansen co-integration test
Variables Hypothesized Eigenvalues Maximum Eigen 5% CV
No. of CE(s) Statistic
LDCPS None * 0.7387 36.2343 28.5881
DLIND_VA At most 1 0.4606 16.6675 22.2996
DLM2 At most 2 0.2872 9.1438 15.8921
DLT_TRADE At most 3 0.1430 3.885 9.1645
* at None indicates only 1 co- integrating equation.
Table 4
Table of error correction model
Variables Coefficients Standard Error t-Values
[DELTA]LIND_VA 0.3219 0.3383 0.9515
[DELTA]LM2 0.2393 0.2382 1.0046
[DELTA]LT_TRADE 0.3035 0.1461 2.5651
EC(-1) -0.3693 0.1779 -2.0753
Constant 2.0082 1.2721 1.5786
[R.sup.2] = 0.4844; F Statistic = 2.8191; Probability = 0.0309; DW
Stat = 2.2494
Table 5
Results for sensitivity analysis
Variables Coefficients Standard Error t-Values
[DELTA]LDCPT 0.0758 0.1277 0.5936
[DELTA]LGDP 0.6517 0.2818 2.3126
[DELTA]LGDS -0.0918 0.0725 -1.2666
EC(-1) -0.3692 0.1781 -2.0720
Constant -0.4046 0.4519 -0.8952
[R.sup.2] = 0.3711; F Statistic = 1.7704; Probability = 0.1467
Table 6
Results for sensitivity analysis
Variables Coefficients Standard Error T-Values
[DELTA]LGDP 0.6603 0.2575 2.5636
[DELTA]LIND_VA 0.2896 0.3594 0.8057
[DELTA]LM2 0.5161 0.2453 2.1036
EC(-1) -0.1669 0.1585 -1.0526
Constant 1.8360 1.2915 1.4215
[R.sup.2] = 0.4668; F Statistic = 2.6268; Probability = 0.0408