Relevance of fair value accounting for financial instruments: some French evidence.
Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi ; Bellalah, Mondher ; Hamida, Nessrine Ben 等
The recent global financial crisis 2007-2009 has highlighted some
of the drawbacks of fair value. It firstly exacerbated one of the most
controversial features of IAS 39, namely the procyclical effect of
valuation systems on financial instruments (Laux and Leuz, 2010). Banks
that had evaluated certain financial instruments on the basis of
pre-crisis market prices were forced, for need of liquidity on the
financial markets, to make ever-greater use of assessments based on
models employing non-observable data. These models were in fact
developed in a favorable economic situation, making no allowance for the
deterioration of the financial markets during periods of turbulence or
crisis. For this reason they do not incorporate all of the relevant risk
factors, including in particular market risk, and liquidity and
counterparty risk.
Second, the debate surrounding the valuation of financial
instruments has led to another debate concerning the concept of reported
income. Should the term be limited to the items that have hitherto
comprised the net income, or would it be wiser to move towards a broader
definition of income, even to an income in which all the unrealized
capital gains and losses in financial instruments would be reflected?
Further, from the financial accounting perspective will the adoption of
fair value income provide risk-relevant information for evaluating a
company's market price?
This paper contributes to the above debate by investigating the
value-relevance of fair value accounting for major CAC 40 companies
listed in the French stock market. We particularly examine whether the
incremental volatility in fair value incomes provides risk-relevant
information to the forecasting of stock prices. Indeed, unlike the net
income, the fair value incomes established under IFRS7 and IAS 39
standard (i.e., comprehensive income and full fair value income) are
supposed to disclose a more faithful reflection of the market's
valuations of the balance-sheet's assets and liabilities by taking
into consideration the unrealized capital gains and losses on the items
in the accounts. Since the primary role of accounting is to provide
investors with means of the pricing of listed companies' stocks,
fair value accounting is justified only if the fair value incomes
contain useful and relevant information regarding the price
determination in the financial markets.
We also address the questions of whether mark-to-market valuation
drives stock price changes (or stock returns) and stock volatility.
Examination of the relationship between fair value incomes and stock
returns permits to check the robustness of the results for price
analysis since the majority of investors usually hold stocks over a
certain period. If the fair value incomes become really more uncertain
due to the volatility of profits (or losses) of financial instruments,
expected returns on financial assets would increase to offer investors a
fair reward for their higher level of risk-taking. On the other hand, if
fair value incomes do not generate excess volatility in the financial
markets, it would be unlikely that they contributed to the rise of
market panics and instability as well as to the severity of the
2007-2009 global financial crisis (Plantin et al., 2008).
The sample period is intentionally set before the occurrence of the
subprime and global financial crisis in order to shed light on the
effects of changes in accounting method. The study is thus concerned by
the French stock market reaction to the 2005 adoption of the
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Europe, and
especially to IFRS 7 and IAS 39. An examination of the French case is of
great interest because French companies, unlike those in Germany,
Austria, and Switzerland, were not allowed a transition period for
adapting to IFRS before they were introduced in January 2005. In
addition, among a number of differences between the IFRS and French
standards, we note a profound divergence between these two systems in
the use of the fair-value principle to the detriment of historical costs
in the valuation of assets and liabilities.
Using an extended version of Ohlson (1995)'s residual-income
model, we find evidence of a close link between firms' fundamental
factors and stock prices. However, no significant impact of fair value
accounting figures on stock prices and returns is found. Further, the
variability of fair value income did not significantly drive up the
return volatility, but it does accentuate the perception of risk by
investors in the financial markets.
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. Section II
provides a short review of accounting research literature on value
relevance with regard to the fair value disclosures. Section III
presents the empirical method used to examine the impact of fair value
valuation on market-performance metrics. Section IV describes the data
and discusses the obtained results. Section 5 concludes the article.
An entity must provide, under IFRS 7 and IAS 39, information
enabling users of its financial statements to assess the nature and
scope of the risks arising from the financial instruments to which it is
exposed on the closing date. A clear answer to the value relevance of
accounting amounts is thus crucial because financial reporting may
affect the distribution of international investments via the interplay
of various economic mechanisms (Leuz and Verrecchia, 2000; Ball, 1995;
Zeff, 1978).
To date, an important number of empirical studies have examined the
value-relevance of financial accounting information (Eng et al., 2009;
Chambers et al., 2006; Bushman and Smith, 2001; Bae and Jeong, 2007).
More interestingly, recent studies have examined the effects of various
income measurements on capital asset prices and their risks. For
example, Hirst and Hopkins (1998) find that a good understanding of the
comprehensive income has a decisive effect on the quality of
analysts' expectations, and show that the overall income improves
the quality of their forecasts. Hirst et al. (2004) attempt to
demonstrate, using a sample of banks, how the various ways of reporting
performance affect analysts' perceptions of an entity's worth
and its risks. They find that the analysts' judgments only
distinguish between entities with different risks in cases where the
changes in fair value are recorded in full and reported in the income
statement. For their part, Biddle and Choi (2006) observe that the
comprehensive income (as defined in SFAS 130) is much more pertinent
than the net income. (1) Chambers et al. (2006) also reach the same
conclusion, by studying the relevance of certain other items in the
comprehensive income, following the adoption of SFAS 130. The results of
the above studies are however contradicted by those of Dhaliwal et al.
(1999), according to which the observed stock returns are not explained
by any of the three additional items that have been added to the net
income to form the comprehensive income for industrial companies. Hodder
et al. (2006) examine the volatility levels of different income measures
for a sample of 202 US commercial banks, and document that the
volatility of the full fair value income is representative of
market-based risks and thus has value-relevance for investors.
Apart from the heterogeneity regarding empirical results, the
majority of studies on banking firms have demonstrated the existence of
a direct relationship between the volatility of the comprehensive income
or the full fair value (FFV) income and stock prices, which is not
necessarily the case for studies that have examined non-financial
companies. Accordingly, the proposition that fair value accounting
contributes to financial instability and crisis is not plausible. Our
study builds on that of Hodder et al. (2006), which examines the impact
that the accounting for financial instruments at their fair value exerts
on security valuation, but we shift our focus on the market as a whole,
instead of looking at the banks alone.
We employ the so-called residual-income model proposed by Ohlson
(1995) to examine the impact of fair value incomes on stock prices,
stock returns and stock price volatility. Our model is however more
general in that various income-volatility measurements are introduced as
independent variables. Insofar as the market takes past information into
account in order to make price anticipations, the lagged returns and
price volatility are also considered.
Formally, Ohlson (1995)'s initial model relates stock price to
both current accounting data and their expected realizations. Such a
model enables the consideration of expectations about the company's
market performance because information pertinent to the valuation of
financial assets will be incorporated into stock prices even before it
is reprocessed into the forecast incomes. Its other advantage rests on
the fact that it takes into account the potential impact of abnormal
earnings on stock prices. Ohlson (1995) defines abnormal earnings as the
additional earnings produced by operating assets in excess of the
earnings expected by the market. In the absence of market frictions the
residual income should tend towards zero and the market value of a share
will accurately reflect its book value.
In its simplified version, the residual-income model can be
expressed in the form of the following linear regression (2)
[] = [sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1][] +
[[alpha].sub.2][] + [[epsilon].sub.t] (1)
where [], [], and [] respectively
represent the stock price, the book value of equity per share, and the
abnormal earnings per share of company i at the end of year t. Here,
[] is used as a proxy variable representing the future abnormal
earnings, which is measured by the difference between the dividend yield
for the current period and the risk-free interest rate at the start of
period t multiplied by the book value of equity per share at the start
of period t. By construction, the future abnormal earnings reflect the
compensation for taking on additional risk, while the book value of
equity per share is a general indication of its fundamental value. In a
perfect market the coefficient [[alpha].sub.1] would be significant and
equal to one, meaning that fundamental factors are fully and accurately
reflected in market value of shares. But in reality it often deviates
from unity because of the effects of omitted variables such as
unrecognized off-balance sheet gains and losses. The coefficient
[[alpha].sub.2] itself captures the impact of expected risk premium on
the stock prices.
The effect on stock prices of the incremental volatility in fair
value incomes beyond that of the net income can be examined by
performing the following regression model (3):
where [[sigma].sub.NIi], [[sigma].sub.CIi] and [[sigma].sub.FFVIi]
denote respectively the variability (measured by the standard deviation)
of the net income, of the comprehensive income, and of the FFV income,
as a share of the total assets. In view of the different sizes of
companies in our sample companies, this standardization reduces its
effect on the results of the estimates. The model (2) thus provides an
accurate investigation of the relevance of fair value valuation as
compared with an accounting based on prudential rules. Indeed, by
associating the volatility of the net income measure with the abnormal
earnings per share, the sign and magnitude of the coefficient
[[alpha].sub.3] will allow us to assess the risk relevance of the net
income. In the meanwhile we can interpret the significance of
[[alpha].sub.4] and [[alpha].sub.5] coefficients as proof that the
incremental volatility of the comprehensive income ([[sigma].sub.CIi] -
[[sigma].sub.NIi]) and that of the FFV income ([[sigma].sub.FFVIi] -
[[sigma].sub.CIi]) constitutes an element of risk evaluated by financial
market participants.
We then test the effect of the volatility of the three income
measures on stock returns and price volatility using the basic idea of
model (2). Specifically, stock returns and stock price volatility are
introduced as dependent variables, while the list of explanatory
variables is augmented by either past return or past volatility.
Accordingly, models (3) and (4) can be presented as follows
where [] and [] represent the company i's
annualized stock returns and annualized stock price volatility at the
time t. These variables are calculated from monthly stock price data.
Returns are computed by taking the differences in the logarithm between
two successive prices.
We estimate the abovementioned regression models by panel data
estimation using the bootstrap technique which consists of making
statistical inferences on the basis of resampling distribution.
Bootstrap technique is particularly suitable in cases where the
assumption of normal distribution is not justified due for example to a
small number of observations. In this study, we choose to perform 1500
replications of the initial sample in order to obtain robust estimates
of the models' coefficients.
A. Data
Our study concerns companies listed in the French CAC 40 market
index for which annual consolidated statements are established on
December 31st of each fiscal year, under both the French Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles and the IAS/IFRS system, and monthly
stock market data (market prices) are available for the period from
January 2005 to December 2007. Accounting data compliant with IAS 32 and
IAS 39 reporting standards must be also available for three accounting
years: 2005, 2006, and 2007. With respect to the above criteria, our
final sample consists of 25 companies for which we could collect
complete data for the three years 2005-2007, giving a total of 75 annual
observations. (4) Note that empirical results are likely to remain
unchanged if we extend to a larger sample because French firms do not
have a lot of financial instruments in their balance sheets in general,
which is confirmed by the slight difference between comprehensive and
full fair value incomes, scaled by total assets (Table 1). For stock
prices we gather the monthly data from the NYSE-Euronext database and
compute the annualized log returns and annualized price volatility (or
standard deviation).
The fair value data were collected from the disclosure notes
accompanying the financial statements of the selected companies. We
construct fair value income measurements so as to comply as closely as
possible with the IASB's recommendations concerning the valuation
of all financial instruments. Our measure of comprehensive income equals
the net income for the accounting year plus the unrealized capital gains
and losses from available for sale financial assets, those on foreign
currency translations, and those on hedging instruments covered under
cash-flow hedging operations. Our FFV income measure equals the
comprehensive income plus unrealized fair value gains and losses on
financial instruments including loans, investments, cash assets, other
financial assets, cash-flow hedging instruments, securities held to
maturity, fixed and variable rate liabilities, and fair value hedging
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for the three primary
measures of incomes as a share of total assets and some variables we use
in the regression models presented in Section 3. One should note in
particular the heterogeneity of the size of sample companies as well as
a significant difference between the comprehensive income and the net
income. The volatility of the comprehensive income, partially
established in fair value, is also two and a half times that of the net
income. However, the volatility of the income completely established in
fair value differs slightly from that of the comprehensive income. The
average stock price is almost twice as high as its comparable accounting
value, meaning that stock prices deviate greatly from their fundamental
values. The results of the Jacque-Bera test are not in favor of
normality for all considered series, thus justifying our decision to use
bootstrap sampling.
Table 2 reports the results for both pairwise and Spearman-rank
correlations. With reference to Spearman-rank correlations which correct
for deviations of pooled variables from normality, the volatility of all
the income measures is positively correlated. Their statistical
relationship is particularly strong and significant at the 1% level.
There is a significant link at the 10% level between net income
volatility and abnormal earnings per share, suggesting that higher risk
would lower the economic and financial performance of sample companies.
B. Empirical Results
Table 3 summarizes the results from estimating models (1)-(4) for
selected companies of the CAC 40 index. Model (1) shows the link between
market price of share and their fundamental accounting factors,
including the book value of equity and abnormal earnings. Ohlson
(1995)'s basic model seems to be valid for the French stock market,
in that it explains nearly 50% of the variations in stock prices. If we
take a closer look at the estimated coefficients, we find that the
coefficient of the variable BVE is positive and highly significant at
the 1% level, which confirms the theoretical prediction on the expected
relationship between firms' financial and accounting figures.
However, it is less than the theoretically predicted value of unity
which tells us that other variables could affect the market value of
shares. On the other hand, the abnormal earnings per share, which
measures the compensation for taking on additional risks, does not
constitute a relevant element of risk evaluated by investors, since the
coefficient of the variable AE is not significant. Overall, these
results highlight the crucial role of the book value of equity per share
in determining the share's market price.
In comparison with model (1), model (2) has three coefficients
more. The introduction of [[alpha].sub.3], [[alpha].sub.4] and
[[alpha].sub.5] is intended to capture the impact of the abnormal
earnings per share adjusted respectively for the volatility of net
income and the incremental volatility of the fair value income measures
beyond that of the net income. The results obtained first indicate that
stock price is always an increasing linear function of the book value of
equity per share. However, the coefficient associated with this
explanatory variable is now only significant at the 10% level, and has
smaller value compared to model (1). Second, the coefficient of abnormal
earnings becomes significant at the 1% level. This result is
economically very interesting, in that taking into account the
volatility of the net income measure strengthens the market's
perception of risk. As expected, higher risk premium implies higher
stock price. Finally, the effect of the three additional variables is
insignificant. These findings thus suggest that the volatility of the
net income as well as the incremental volatility of fair value income
measures is irrelevant to the pricing of stocks within the
residual-income valuation model. This absence of impacts, coupled with
the strengthening of the role of abnormal earnings variable in the
prediction of stock price under model (2), might lead one to think that
on average the market operators are paying more attention to expected
abnormal earnings in the formation of the market price only after income
volatility is accounted for, and not following the adoption of the
IAS/IFRS standards. The fact that the volatile nature of full fair value
incomes does not constitute a risk-relevant factor for French firms
seems to corroborate the results of Dhaliwal et al. (1999), who, using a
sample of US industrial firms, did not find significant links between
the observed stock returns/market value and the three additional (fair
value) items that have been added to net income. (5) Obviously, the
above results lead us to conclude that incremental volatility inherent
in fair value incomes does not cause the changes in stock prices.
Turning out to model (3) where stock returns are related to six
explanatory variables including those of the Ohlson (1995)'s
traditional residual-income valuation model, we find that the model is
largely insignificant. Stock returns are only weakly driven by the
changes in book value of equity per share whose associated coefficient
is significant at the 10% level. This result thus reinforces our
findings from the price-based valuation model in the sense that fair
value incomes are not much value-relevant as expected by accounting
regulators. It is also consistent with the findings of previous papers,
based for example on EVA approach, that residual income has only a
minimally incremental association with stock returns, relative to
earnings (Biddle et al., 1997; Chen and Dodd, 1997).
As we have noted previously in Section II, the fair value valuation
method implemented via the IAS/IFRS accounting standards has been the
subject of many critical comments. One may expect them to be a source of
additional market volatility arising from the increased volatility of
reported accounting figures following the application of fair value. To
underline the role of fair value accounting in market instability and by
extension in the current global financial crisis, we now estimate model
(4) pooled over the 2005-2007 using the annualized volatility of stock
prices as the dependent variable.
Similar to the results of the return-based model, we note that the
book value of equity per share significantly affects stock price
volatility at the 10% level. Past price volatility has a significant
predictive power for future price volatility. Our evidence does not
support the view that the incremental volatility of full fair value
incomes drives up the annualized volatility of stock prices. Therefore,
it seems difficult to conclude that the new accounting standards would
have been capable of amplifying the market volatility before the crisis.
Nevertheless, our findings do raise questions about the relevance of the
new accounting system in that incomes established under fair value have
an insignificant explanatory power with respect to the formation of
stock prices and returns.
Following the failure of the US subprime mortgage markets in the
summer of 2007, a number of criticisms have been addressed to the fair
value principle in reference to IAS 39 and IFRS 7 standards, which
define the method of accounting and valuation for financial instruments.
The main reason is that the application of this valuation has
procyclical effects on the economy, and also on the financial and
banking sectors, in that it amplifies asset price bubbles in bullish markets, and accentuates panics when markets fall. At the same time, the
date for the mandatory adoption of the new standards by listed companies
in Europe has coincided with the appearance of a period of increased
financial instability, the one we see today. Whether fair value
accounting faithfully captures stock price risk is an issue of great
Putting everything in perspective, we conducted an investigation of
the pertinence of fair value accounting and its role with regard to
financial instability. Based on market and accounting data for 25
companies included in the CAC 40 market index, our empirical results
confirm Ohlson (1995) model in that the fundamentals are shown to be
relevant in the explanation of changes in stock price. Moreover, the
volatility of fair value incomes does not significantly affect the
determination of stock price, but only increases the risk perception
from market operators. When we test the impact of the variability of
fair value incomes on stock returns and stock price volatility, no
significant effect of fair value incomes is found.
The fact that the fair value method is not directly related to the
financial crisis does not mean that it can escape a few necessary
adjustments. If we accept that the end purpose of financial accounting
is to inform market operators about the performance of the company
concerned, the absence of a significant impact from the fair value
measurement of income on the valuation of financial assets certainly
raises questions about the pertinence of using the proposed accounting
method. All in all, its role as an aid in making investment decisions is
not proven. Moreover, mark-to-market valuation may be considered to be
the best method in an informationally efficient market, because share
price corresponds well to their capacity for generating earnings.
Inversely, in a crisis period leading to a system-wide fall in the value
of financial asset portfolios, the market price no longer provides an
exact measure of value because the market is subject to malfunctions in
such situations.
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(1.) Standard SFAS 130 (Reporting of Comprehensive Income),
announced by the FASB in June 1997 and taking effect for the accounting
years following December 15, 1997, established certain standards for the
reporting and presentation of comprehensive income.
(2.) See Ohlson (1995); Barth et al. (2001), and Hodder et al.
(2006) for more details regarding the model's properties.
(3.) Note that the addition of the incremental volatility measures
into model (2) does not change the underlying assumption of Ohlson
(1995) model that stock prices reflect not only the information content
of earnings and book values, but also all other information being
released to the investors (e.g., volatility measures).
(4.) Fifteen companies of the CAC 40 index were excluded, either
because their accounts were established on March 31 or June 30 (e.g.,
Accor, Air France--KLM, and Alstom), or for a shortage of financial and
accounting data owing to their recent admission into the CAC 40 index
(e.g., EDF and GDF-Suez), or for a lack of detailed data in their annual
financial statements.
(5.) Under SFAS 130, these items include change in the balance of
unrealized gains and losses on marketable securities, the change in the
cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment, and the change in
additional minimum pension liability in excess of unrecognized prior
service costs.
Mohamed El Hedi Arouri (a), Mondher Bellalah (b), Nessrine Ben
Hamida (c), and Duc Khuong Nguyen (d)
(a) EDHEC Business School, 12 bis Rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris,
[email protected]
(b) University of Cergy-Pontoise, 33, Boulevard du Port, 95011
Cergy, France
[email protected]
(c) Sousse Institute of Management, rue Abdlaaziz il Behi, Bp 763,
4000 Sousse, Tunisie
[email protected]
(d) Corresponding author, ISC Paris School of Management, 22
Boulevard du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France
[email protected]
Table 1
Descriptive statistics for sample companies
Variables Mean Std. Min. 1st
dev. Quartile
Average total assets
(in millions [euro]) 189.000 400.000 3.584 19.000
Net income/Total assets 0.055 0.056 -0.104 0.019
income/Total assets 0.070 0.128 -0.103 0.016
Full fair value income/
Total assets 0.071 0.129 -0.093 0.014
Stock prices 67.931 40.239 4.950 41.300
Stock price volatility 19.237 19.373 3.006 8.591
[sigma]NI 0.024 0.034 0.000 0.005
[sigma]CI 0.051 0.114 0.001 0.004
[sigma]FFVI 0.055 0.113 0.002 0.008
Abnormal earnings per share 5.169 7.025 0.256 1.960
Book value of equity per
share 35.710 28.632 4.552 17.230
Variables 3rd Max. JB
Average total assets
(in millions [euro]) 72.900 1,690.000 143.099
Net income/Total assets 0.071 0.311 136.941
income/Total assets 0.077 1.047 6146.300
Full fair value income/
Total assets 0.078 1.042 5595.258
Stock prices 84.100 220.300 45.802
Stock price volatility 20.438 106.694 238.496
[sigma]NI 0.024 0.153 163.666
[sigma]CI 0.042 0.578 1004.685
[sigma]FFVI 0.056 0.582 1069.675
Abnormal earnings per share 5.432 44.101 1032.288
Book value of equity per
share 50.396 178.637 257.143
Notes: our sample consists of 25 companies of the CAC 40 market index
which totalize 75 annual observations over the period 2005-2007,
pooled across years. [[sigma].sub.NI] , [[sigma].sub.CI, and
[[sigma].sub.FFVI] respectively represent the volatility (measured
by standard deviation) of the net income, the comprehensive income,
and the full fair value income, as a proportion of total assets.
Stock prices of selected companies are extracted from Euronext-NYSE
database and refer to the closing and end-of-year price. The annual
stock price volatility is computed by multiplying the standard
deviation of monthly stock prices by [square root of]12. Jarque-Bera
refers to the empirical statistic of the normality test for all the
series, which follows a Chi-square distribution with 2 degree of
freedom. Critical values at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels are 4.605,
5.991, and 9.210 respectively.
Table 2
Pairwise (lower triangle) and Spearman-rank
(upper triangle) correlations
[[sigma] [[sigma] [[sigma] AE BVE
.sub.NI] .sub.CI] .sub.FFVI]
[[sigma] 1.000 0.875 *** 0.807 *** -0.203 * -0.184
[[sigma] 0.206 * 1.000 0.864 *** -0.119 -0.115
[[sigma] 0.158 * 0.987 *** 1.000 -0.074 -0.086
AE 0.236 ** 0.037 0.037 1.000 0.672 ***
BVE 0.026 -0.009 -0.009 0.839 *** 1.000
Notes: this table reports the pairwise and Spearman-rank correlation
coefficients among and between income volatility measures, abnormal
earnings per share (AE), and book value of equity per share (BVE) with
complete data pooled over the period 2005-2007. Spearman correlation
is a measure of statistical association between two random variables
that is preferably used when the distribution of the data deviates
from the normal distribution. The subscripts *, **, and *** indicate
that estimated coefficients are significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1%
levels respectively.
Table 3
Tests of the association between stock price, stock returns,
price volatility, book value of equity, abnormal earnings, and
income volatility measures for CAC 40 firms
(1) (2) (3) (4)
[[alpha].sub.0] 38.051 *** 32.490 *** 0.133 *** 4.031
(0.983) (6.042) (0.052) (2.715)
[[alpha].sub.1] 0.572 *** 0.444* -0.003 * 0.141 *
(0.215) (0.235) (0.002) (0.076)
[[alpha].sub.2] 1.829 4.961 ** 0.006 -0.404
(0.983) (2.289) (0.015) (0.567)
[[alpha].sub.3] -34.572 0.004 9.796
(35.142) (0.147) (12.353)
[[alpha].sub.4] -9.514 0.108 -27.790
(41.038) (0.338) (24.852)
[[alpha].sub.5] 9.455 -0.080 30.385
(37.925) (0.338) (24.504)
[[alpha].sub.6] -0.083 0.624 **
(0.124) (0.316)
Adj.-[R.sup.2] 47.15% 49.29% 6.47% 58.62%
Notes: This table reports empirical results for the test of the
association between, stock price, stock returns, price volatility,
book value of equity, abnormal earnings per share, and income
volatility measures for CAC 40 firms using regression models (1)-(4).
All the regression models are estimated using the bootstrap method
which corrects for the departure from normality. The bootstrap
standard errors of the estimated coefficients are given in
parentheses. *, ** and *** indicate that the coefficients are
significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% thresholds respectively.