An empirical comparison of three auction strategies for multiple products.
Shen, Yingtao
Auctioneers often have multiple complementary products to auction
off. Complementarity is present when bidders' value for the bundle
is higher than the sum of individual values for these products.
Complementarity may be due to savings in transaction costs when one wins
multiple products. For example, a winner of two eBay auctions run by the
same auctioneer may save on shipping costs if the shipment can be
combined. Complementarity may also be a consequence of extra utility
from consuming the products together. A typical example is a set of
antique furniture for which people usually are willing to pay more to
have the complete set. An additional reason for people to pay more than
the sum of the individual values is that it will take tremendous effort
(if possible at all) to find all the individual pieces from different
Let us consider an auctioneer selling two different products using
second price sealed-bid auctions (also called Vickery auctions) (1). An
auctioneer, selling one unit each of two products, A and B, typically
has three alternative selling strategies: (1) one auction for the bundle
consisting of A and B, (2) two simultaneous separate auctions for A and
B, and (3) two sequential separate auctions for A and B.
For the seller, each of the three strategies has its advantages and
disadvantages. When complementary is not present, separate auctions are
efficient because winners are always the bidders with the highest values
for the individual products. This efficiency minimizes the consumer
surplus the winners have and therefore increases the revenues of
separate auctions.
The following numerical example demonstrates the inefficiency of an
auction for the bundle. Let's suppose there are three bidders
bidding on the two products, A and B. Table 1(a) shows the values for A,
B, and the bundle of A and B together, which is the sum of the values
for A and B. In a Vickery auction, it is an incentive-compatible
strategy for each bidder to bid her true value. As Table 1(b) shows,
when A and B are auctioned off as a bundle, that price will be equal to
the second highest value for and the bid for the bundle, which is $140.
When A and B are auctioned off separately, the individual prices will be
$80 and $80, respectively, and the total revenue will then be $160. Also
note that two simultaneous and sequential separate auctions should
generate the same revenue, since the outcome of one auction will not
affect the bidders' strategies for the other auction.
However, when complementarity is present, bidders in separate
auctions find themselves facing a so called exposure risk (Ausubel et
al., 1997; Rothkopf et al., 1998; Bykowsky et al., 2000; Chakraborty,
2004; Popkowski Leszczyc and Haubl, 2010). This is the risk of winning
only one of the products at a price higher than its individual value, or
winning both products at a price higher than the value for the bundle,
as bidders may bid above their value(s) in an attempt to win both
auctions and receive the extra complementarity.
The exposure risk affects bidders differently in simultaneous and
sequential auctions for two complements, say product A and product B. In
two sequential Vickery auctions, bidders only face exposure risk in the
first auction. In the second auction, the losing bidders' weakly
dominant strategy is to bid the value for B, while the winner of A will
bid an amount equal to the sum of the value for B and the
complementarity. In the first auction, bidders may overbid to try to win
A to increase their chances to win both auctions and thus receive the
complementarity (2). Therefore, a bidder may win the first product by
overpaying and then lose the second product. Take Bidder 1 in Table 1 as
example. Let us assume that A and B are complements to all three bidders
and the value for the bundle is $40 more than the sum of the independent
values for A and B, i.e., the value for complementarity is $40 to all
bidders. In the first of the two sequential auctions for A, Bidder 1 may
bid $130, $30 higher than her value for A ($100), to try to win A and
have the opportunity of winning B and the complementarity in the second
auction. However, if in the first auction for A, she is the highest
bidder and the second highest bid is $110 (say from Bidder 3 who also
overbids in order to win A and thus the complementarity), Bidder 1 wins
A by paying $10 more than her value for A. However, if Bidder 1 fails to
win B in the second auction (say Bidder 2 bids higher in the second
auction), Bidder 1 ultimately wins A only and pays a price higher than
her value for A.
In two simultaneous Vickery auctions, bidders run a potential
exposure risk in both, as they may overbid in both auctions to increase
their chances of winning the complementarity. They may then end up
winning either A or B by paying higher-than-value price. For example,
given that the complementarity is worth $40, Bidder 1 in Table 1 may bid
$120 on A and $60 on B in order to win both products and, therefore,
gain complementarity. However, a possible outcome could also be that she
wins only A and pays, say $110, which is the second highest bid
submitted by another bidder and is $10 higher than her value for A. In
certain instances, a bidder may even win both products by paying a total
price that is higher than her value for the bundle.
As resulted, strategic bidders, in separate auctions, may bid less
aggressively due to the exposure risk, reducing the profitability of
separate auctions.
In contrast, in a bundle auction, bidders do not face this exposure
risk and can bid more aggressively, adding the entire complementarity to
their bid. This lack of exposure risk may translate to higher revenue.
However, an auction for the bundle is generally inefficient because the
winner is the bidder with the highest value for the bundle, and not
necessarily the bidder with the highest values for the individual
products. This inefficiency decreases the revenue of a bundle auction.
To sum up, when complementarity is present, in two separate
auctions the efficiency increases the revenue while the exposure risk
decreases the revenue. In an auction of the bundle, the inefficiency
decreases the revenue but the lack of exposure risk increases the
revenue. Therefore, when choosing a selling mechanism, an auctioneer of
the two complements faces a tradeoff between the inefficiency of a
bundle auction and the exposure risk problem in two separate auctions,
and the optimality of each selling strategy depends on the net effect of
these two mechanisms.
The primary objective of this empirical study is to compare the
profitability of these three selling mechanisms under different
conditions. The environment is characterized by (1) the number of
bidders (N), (2) heterogeneity of bidders' individual values for
the two products, and (3) complementarity of the two products (C).
Another objective is to find out how the environment affects
bidders' strategies for these three selling mechanisms.
Specifically, I am interested in looking at how the environment affects
bidders' perceived exposure risk and how the exposure risk affects
bidders' overbidding in separate auctions. These issues are
examined through laboratory experiments.
The remainder of this paper is presented as follows. The second
section reviews the literature. The third and fourth sections offer the
details and results of the experiment. The paper concludes with a
discussion of the key findings in the fifth section, followed by an
analysis of its limitations in the sixth section.
A. Bundling Literature in a Posted Price Context
Bundling, as a pervasive selling mechanism, is defined as "the
sale of two or more separate products in one package" (Stremersch
and Tellis, 2002), where "separate products" means products
for which separate markets exist. It is a widely used marketing
practice, to sell a wide variety of products, including seasonal tickets
for sports events, high speed Internet and cable TV, air tickets, hotel
and car rentals.
Research on bundling as a pricing mechanism was initiated by
Stigler (1968). Since then bundling has received considerable attention
by academics in the field of economics (Adams and Yellen, 1976;
Schmalensee, 1984; McAfee, McMillan, and Whinston, 1989; Salinger, 1995)
and marketing (Guiltinan, 1987; Gaeth et al., 1990; Yadav, 1994, 1995;
Yadav and Monroe, 1993; Bakos and Brynjolfsson, 1999, 2000; Soman and
Gourville, 2001; Stremersch and Tellis, 2002; Jedidi et al., 2003).
Bundling has been shown to increase sellers' profits by
permitting more complete extraction of buyers' residual consumer
surplus. This is because bundling can reduce the heterogeneity of
buyers' reserve prices, by serving as a second-degree price
discrimination mechanism (Adams and Yellen, 1976; Schmalensee, 1984). In
their survey of the economics and marketing literatures on bundling,
Stremersch and Tellis (2002) found that ambiguity exists concerning the
concept of heterogeneity of reservation prices. They argued that the
distribution of reservation prices consists of asymmetry and variation,
and correlation alone is not sufficient to represent heterogeneity.
Asymmetry refers to the difference among consumers' reservation
prices for the separate products. For two separate products A and B,
asymmetry occurs when one segment of buyers has a relatively higher
reservation price for A, while the other segment has a higher
reservation price for B. Variation means the difference among
consumers' reservation prices for the bundle of products. Asymmetry
leads to negative correlation while variation leads to positive
correlation. Stremersch and Tellis (2002) showed that these two
dimensions affect the optimality of bundling in different ways, and,
hence, it is important to incorporate both aspects of heterogeneity.
Besides heterogeneity of values, complementarity (3) of multiple
products has been shown to affect the profitability of bundling (Lewbel,
1985; Matutes and Regibeau, 1988, 1992; Telser, 1979; Guiltinan, 1987;
Venkatesh and Kamakura, 2003). Venkatesh and Kamakura (2003) found that
the optimality of different selling mechanisms (unbundled sales, pure
bundling, and mixed bundling) is determined by the degree of
complementarity. For example, when marginal cost is low, pure bundling
is optimal for moderate-to-strong complements and mixed bundling is
optimal for independently valued products and weak complements.
Examining the existing bundling literature, I identify
heterogeneity of consumer's reservation prices (values) and the
degree of complementarity as two key factors deciding the profitability
of bundling. Therefore, I will incorporate both heterogeneity of values
and complementarity in this study.
B. Auction Literature for Multiple Objects Auctions
Although most auction studies have focused on individual product
auctions, auction of multiple products is a very active area of research
(see Klemperer (2004) for a review). Prior economics studies have
examined optimal auction design for multiple products (e.g., Maskin and
Reiley, 1984; Armstrong, 2000; Levin, 1997; Avery and Hendershott,
2000), simultaneous auctions (e.g., Wilson, 1979; Anton and Yao, 1992;
Krishna and Rosenthal, 1996), sequential auctions (e.g., Bernhardt and
Scoones, 1994; McAfee and Vincent, 1997; Jeitschko, 1999) and
combinatorial auctions (see Milgram (2004) for a review). The multiple
products can be either homogeneous (Wilson, 1979; Krishna and Rosenthal,
1996) or heterogonous (Palfrey, 1983; Chakraborty, 1999; Levin, 1997).
The topic has also begun to receive attention from marketing researchers
(Zeithammer, 2006; Cheema et al., 2005; Subramanian and Venkatesh, 2009;
Popkowski Leszczyc and Haubl, 2010).
One track within the multiple product auction literature compares
three typical selling mechanisms for multiple products in term of
profitability based on the following analytical models:
(1) Bundle auction vs. Simultaneous auctions. Palfrey (1983)
compared the profitability of one bundled Vickrey auction versus two
simultaneous separate Vickrey auctions and showed that when there are
only two bidders, the bundle auction is more profitable than separate
auctions. Based on Palfrey (1983)'s framework, Chakraborty (1999)
found that for two products whose values are independently distributed,
there is a threshold for the number of bidders above which separate
auctions will always be more profitable. So in general these two papers
have concluded that without complementarity simultaneous separate
auctions are more profitable than bundle auctions for more than two
bidders. Both studies assumed that bidders' values for the
component products are independently distributed and there is no
(2) Bundle auction vs. Sequential auctions. Subramanian and
Venkatesh (2009) examined the profitability of one auction for the
bundle versus two sequential auctions for two complementary products.
They concluded that when complementarity is small
and there are more than four bidders, separate auctions are more
profitable. However, when complementarity is moderate or large, a bundle
auction is always more profitable. Although their conclusions are in
part based on the assumption that the individual values for the two
products are independently distributed.
(3) Simultaneous auctions vs. Sequential auctions. Krishna &
Rosenthal (1996) argued that for two complements, simultaneous and
sequential auctions are approximately equally profitable. However, their
results are limited due to the very strict assumptions made (4). Hausch
(1986) compared simultaneous and sequential auctions for two affiliated
value identical products. He identified two opposing effects in
sequential auctions: (i) when bids are announced between auctions, they
may convey information about the values for products to be sold later
on, which increase the revenues (an information effect); (ii) bidders
who are aware of the information effect tend to bid lower in the first
auctions and therefore reduce revenue (a deception effect). The
optimality of sequential auctions depends on the net effect of these two
effects. Feng and Chatterjee (2008) looked at a seller who has multiple
identical products to sell to N bidders who arrive sequentially and only
want one unit of the product. They indicated that the ratio of the
number of items to the number of bidders decides whether sequential
auctions are more profitable or not. When the ratio of the number of
bidders to the number of items for sale is below a threshold value,
sequential auctions have higher expected revenue than simultaneous
While auctioning off multiple products with complementarity is of
significant managerial importance, a close examination of the literature
reveals several significant gaps. First, there is no analytical model
that compares all three mechanisms and shows under what conditions
sellers should choose to sell products in a bundle or sell them in
separate auctions (either simultaneously or sequentially). Second, very
few empirical studies have tested the above-mentioned analytical models
and their theoretical predictions on bidders' bidding strategies
and auction revenues. Popkowski Leszczyc and Haubl (2010) empirically
compared the seller revenue of the bundle auction relative to the
revenue from separate auctions of the components based on evidence from
eBay. The primary conclusion then is that although bundle auctions tend
to be less profitable for noncomplementary products, these auctions are
on average 50% more profitable than separate auctions when there is
complementarity between the component products. However, the authors
observed only the outcome (i.e., revenue) of the auctions, not the
values and bids of all bidders for both the bundles and the separate
component items. Therefore, it is not fully clear how all bidders'
bids are influenced by the auction environments.
This study contributes to the auction literature by empirically
investigating how bidders bid under different conditions, which are
defined by the number of bidders, the complementarity and heterogeneity
of bidders' values, for each of the three auction mechanisms, and
comparing the revenues of all the three typical selling mechanisms under
different conditions.
A. The Auctions
A revenue maximizing auctioneer has one unit of two products A and
B, which can be either identical or different, to sell to N bidders (N
[greater than or equal to] 2). These two products are to be auctioned by
one of the following three auction mechanisms:
1. One Vickrey auction for the bundle consisting of products A and
B. Each bidder submits just one bid ([b.sub.bu]) for the bundle. The
bidder with the highest [b.sub.bu] wins, and the price the winner pays
equals the second highest bid.
2. Two simultaneous separate Vickrey auctions. Each bidder submits
two bids ([b.sub.A], [b.sub.B]) respectively for products A and B. In
each of the two auctions, the bidder with the highest bid wins, and the
price the winner pays equals the second highest bid. The winners are
announced simultaneously; hence, when placing a bid on one product, they
are unaware of the outcome of the other auction.
3. Two sequential separate Vickrey auctions, with the first auction
for product A followed by a second auction for product B (5). Each
bidder first places a bid ([b.sub.A]) for product A, followed by a bid
for product B, which is conditional on the outcome of the auction for
product A ([b.sub.B|winA] or [b.sub.B|LoseA]). In both auctions, the
bidder with the highest bid in each auction wins and pays a price equal
to the second highest bid in that auction.
The following assumptions are made in this paper:
1. The number of bidders (N) is the same in the two separate
auctions and in the bundle auction. The number of bidders is common
knowledge to all bidders and to the seller.
2. Complementarity (C) for products A and B is the same for all
bidders, regardless of their individual values for A and B ([V.sub.A]
and [V.sub.B]). C is common knowledge to all bidders and the seller (6).
3. A bidder's value for the bundle of A and B ([V.sub.bu])
equals the sum of her individual values for A and B ([V.sub.A] and
[V.sub.B]) and the complementarity (C).
4. Each bidder's [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B] are privately known
and are realizations of the same distribution that is common knowledge
to all bidders and the seller.
B. Experiment Design
In this study there are two distributions of bidders' values
(shown in Figure 1), in each there are three bidder segments (types)
with three different combinations of [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B]. Each
bidder has one third chance of being chosen by nature to be of one of
the three potential types. In the first distribution (see Figure 1(a)),
[V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B] of the three types Type 1, Type 3, and Type 5
are respectively ($100, $100), ($60, $60), and ($20, $20). In the second
distribution (see Figure 1(b)), [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B] of the three
types Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 are ($20, $100), ($60, $60), and ($100,
$20) respectively. In this first distribution, there is only variation
and no asymmetry in bidders' individual values, and, hence, the two
values are perfectly positively correlated. There is only asymmetry and
no variation in the second distribution, implying that the two values
are perfectly negatively correlated. Therefore a main advantage of
adapting these two distributions is that I can look at the effect of
each of the two dimensions of heterogeneity in bidders' individual
values while controlling the other.
I set the number of bidders at either 2 or 10 (7). Given that
Palfrey (1983), Chakraborty (1999), and Subramanian and Venkatesh (2009)
identified two, three and four as the threshold number of bidders to
decide the relative profitability of bundle auction, I believe 2 bidders
is low and 10 is high. I choose C=$20 and C=$50 as low and high levels
of complementarity.
Therefore I obtain eight (2x2x2) different combinations (scenarios)
of the heterogeneity of bidder's two values (distributions 1 and 2
in Figure 1), the number of bidders N (2, 10) and the level of
complementarity C ($20, $50), as shown in Table 2.
For each combination for the number of bidders N, complementarity C
and distribution of [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B], bidders come up with their
bids in each of the three auction mechanisms. The seller, with the
knowledge of the number of bidders, the distribution of bidders'
types and all the type contingent bids, calculates and compares the
expected revenues of the three selling mechanisms. The objective of this
study is to find out under what conditions which of the three selling
mechanisms is most profitable.
The bidders were 68 undergraduate business students at a North
American university. Participants were provided with detailed
instructions and shown an example of a Vickrey auction. The instructions
included the following:
1. They would attend a series of auctions and bid on two
hypothetical products, products A and B. Each participant would be
provided with a value for each of the two products.
2. The values for these products were drawn from one of the two
distributions demonstrated in Figure 1. In each auction, each
participant was told the specific distribution from which her and her
rivals' values for products A and B were drawn.
3. In each auction, the winner of an auction would obtain an amount
equal to the difference between her value for the product and the amount
of the second highest bid. Each bidder had 100 "e-dollars" in
her account (Each e-dollar equaled one cent). All gains (losses) from
the auctions in this study would be added to (or subtracted from) the
subjects' accounts.
4. Whenever a bidder won both A and B, she would get an extra
bonus, which represented the complementarity between the two products up
for auction.
5. The bidders were told the number of opponents they would compete
against in each auction.
To help bidders understand the concept of Vickrey auction, I
conducted one practice run of a Vickrey auction for a hypothetical
product. The outcome of the auction was revealed. Next all participants
completed a short quiz about Vickrey auction and the correct answers
were announced. Finally, bidders entered the real experimental auctions.
Each bidder was required to bid in all eight scenarios for each of
the three auction mechanisms. Thus, the experiment employed a
four-factor (auction mechanism, N, C and distribution of values), twenty
four-level (scenario) within-subject design.
Auctions using the same mechanisms were always put in the same
block. So there are three blocks (mechanisms) with eight scenarios in
each, and there are six possible orders for the three blocks. The order
of blocks (mechanisms) was randomized, as well as the order of the eight
scenarios within each block.
In each of the eight scenarios, subjects were told the number of
opponents they competed against, the distribution from which their
opponents' values were drawn, and the amount of complementarity for
the two products. In each scenario there were three (pairs of) auctions,
in each (pair of) auction a subject was given a pair of values,
[V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B] (one out of the three in the given distribution)
and was required to bid on each auction. Thus in a scenario defined by
N, C and a distribution of [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B], I have each
bidder's bids for each of the three pairs of values. Participants
were told that only one of the three auctions would actually be
conducted. For example, in a scenario where N=2, C=$20 and [V.sub.A] and
[V.sub.B] are drawn from the second distribution, a bidder participated
in three auctions in which her values are respectively ($20, $100),
($60, $60) and ($100, $20). The bidder was told to place bid in each of
the three auction based on these values, while her opponent's
values could be any of the three pairs with equal chance. Only one
auction was executed to determine the bidder's profit (for this
In an auction for the bundle, each subject was asked to place one
bid. In two simultaneous separate auctions, each subject placed one bid
on A and one on B. In two sequential separate auctions, a bidder was
required to submit one bid for the first product A, and submit two bids
for B; one if she were to win A ([b.sub.B|WinA]) and one if she were to
lose A ([b.sub.B|LoseA]). Bidders did not know the outcome of the first
auction when they bid in the second auction.
To ensure that bidders understood the rules of each selling
mechanism before the real auctions in each block (selling mechanism),
two practice rounds were run and outcomes were shown for demonstration
purposes. This was followed by a short quiz with several questions about
the selling mechanism. These quizzes served as filters for each of the
selling mechanism (experimental blocks). In the following data analysis
for each mechanism, I only include the bids from the subjects who
correctly answered all questions on the quiz about this mechanism (8).
One typical session lasted about 75 minutes.
The average bids are summarized in Tables 3 to 5 for the three
selling mechanisms.
A. One Bundle Auction
In all auctions of the bundle, bidders' bids are approximately
equal to their corresponding values for the bundle ([V.sub.A] +
[V.sub.B] + C), regardless of N and heterogeneity of values. The bids on
the bundle increase as C increases, and an increase in N has little
impact on bids (9).
B. Two Simultaneous Auctions
When only variation is present and [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B] are
perfectly positively correlated (scenarios 1 to 4), comparison of all
types of bidders' bids in scenarios 1 and 2 and comparison of bids
in scenario 3 and 4 reveal that people increase their two bids to the
same extend when C increases from $20 to $50, regardless of N.
In scenarios 5 to 8, where only asymmetry is present, Type 2 and
Type 4 bidders do not change their bids according to N, while Type 3
bidders bid less aggressively due to the exposure risk. A comparison of
scenarios 5 and 6 shows that, when N=2, Type 3 bidders increase the sum
of their two bids by $21.63 (paired t=5.12, df =54, p=.00) when C
increases from $20 to $50. However, when N=10, Type 3 bidders actually
decrease the sum of their two bids by $2.39 (paired t=-0.283, df=53,
p=.778) when C increases from $20 to $50.
These results indicate that Type 3 bidders' bids are more
sensitive to exposure risk than Type 2 and Type 4 bidders'. This is
because Type 2 and Type 4 bidders have a high value for one product and
therefore have a good chance to win this product without adding any
complementarity to the bid, while Type 3 bidders have median values for
both products so they have to add complementarity to both products to
win them both.
C. Two Sequential Auctions
In the second of the two sequential auctions, all types of
bidders' [b.sub.BloseA] were very close to their corresponding
[V.sub.B] and [b.sub.B|winA] to ([V.sub.B] + C), regardless of N and the
distribution of their opponents' values, fully consistent with the
predictions of Subramanian and Venkatesh (2009).
When only variation exists in bidders' [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B]
(scenarios 1 to 4), in the first auctions, all types of bidders'
[b.sub.A] are affected by C but not by N. When only asymmetry exists in
bidders' [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B], N has little impact on Type 2
bidders' [b.sub.A]. When C increases from $20 to $50, Type 2
bidders increase their [b.sub.A] as much when N=2 (scenarios 5 and 6) as
when N=10 (scenarios 7 and 8) (10). N has a significant impact on Type 3
and Type 4 bidders' [b.sub.A]. A comparison of scenarios 5 and 6
shows that when N=2, Type 3 bidders increase their [b.sub.A] by $26.93
when C increases from 20 to 50. However, when N=10, Type 3 bidders only
increase their [b.sub.A] by $7.75 when C increases from $20 to $50 (11).
Type 4 bidders increase their [b.sub.A] by $24.87 from scenario 5 to 6
(when N=2) and only $0.58 from scenario 7 to 8 (12) (when N=10).
D. Comparison of Revenues
Table 6 summarizes the mean of the revenue for each selling
mechanisms in each of the eight scenarios. Mean revenue in each scenario
was calculated by bootstrapping. In each iteration, I randomly choose N
(N=2 or 10) bidders from all the bidders who attended the auctions in
this scenario. For each bidder chosen, I randomly choose one of the
three types and the type contingent bids. Based on these N (pairs of)
bids, the revenue is decided according to the rule of each selling
Based on the results provided in Table 6, I summarize how N, C and
heterogeneity affect revenues of the three selling mechanisms as
1. Number of bidders. For all of the three mechanisms for given C
and heterogeneity of individual values, larger N leads to higher
revenues. In separate auctions, on the one hand, a larger N leads to
less aggressive bidding (due to increased exposure risk), but, on the
other hand, it results in a higher likelihood of having bidders with
higher product values. The net effect of N on revenues is positive in
separate auctions.
2. Complementarity. Generally, a higher C leads to higher revenues.
There are two exceptions. A comparison of scenario 7 and 8 (N=10) shows
that when C increases from 20 to 50, the revenue of two sequential
auctions increases only by $5.8 dollars (z=.27, p=.3936, one tailed),
while the revenue of two simultaneous auctions actually decreases by
$2.66 dollars (z = -.12, p = .452, one tailed). In these two cases,
bidders added little C to their bids due to the increased exposure risk.
3. Heterogeneity of individual values. For all three mechanisms,
the effect of heterogeneity of individual values on revenues depends on
N. When there are two bidders, asymmetry of values generates higher
revenues. When there are ten bidders, variation of values leads to
higher revenues.
The optimality of the three mechanisms depends on the combination
of the three factors discussed above. When [V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B] are
perfectly positively correlated and only variation is present (scenarios
1, 2, 3 and 4), the three selling mechanisms are approximately equally
profitable with the biggest difference being 10.7 dollars (Z=.28,
p=.7795), which occurred in Scenario 3 (N=10, C=20), accounting for only
5.07% of the expected revenue in Scenario 3. In scenarios 5 and 6 where
only asymmetry is present and N=2, selling two complements in a bundle
is more profitable. When N=10, the two separate auction mechanisms
generate approximately the same revenues, and both are more profitable
than bundle auctions. A comparison of scenarios 7 and 8 where N=10 shows
that when C increases from 20 to 50, the revenue of auction for the
bundle increases on average by $32.4(z=2.47, p=.0068, one tailed), the
revenue of two sequential auctions increases only by $5.8 dollars
(z=.27, p=.3936, one tailed), while the revenue of two simultaneous
auctions actually decreases by $2.66 dollars (z=-.12, p=.4522, one
The primary research question in this study was "which of the
three selling mechanisms is most profitable, when selling two
complementary products, namely, A and B?" Based on the empirical
evidence, I present the following findings.
None of the three mechanisms strictly dominates the others.
Superiority in profitability of each of them depends on the
heterogeneity of individual values, number of bidders and the magnitude
of complementarity. The relative profitability of these three selling
mechanisms depends on the net effect of the inefficiency in bundling and
the exposure risk in separate auctions.
When there is high variation in product values, which are
positively correlated, the three selling mechanisms are equally
profitable, regardless of number of bidders and complementarity. This is
due to both the absence of exposure risk in separate auctions and
inefficiency in bundle auctions.
When high asymmetry exists and product values are negatively
correlated, one bundle auction is more profitable than two separate
auctions (simultaneous or sequential) when there are two bidders and
less profitable when there are ten bidders. Simultaneous auctions and
sequential auctions are approximately equally profitable, although the
nature of exposure risk is different in these two separate selling
Although this study generates solid evidence for analyzing
bidders' bids and comparing the profitability of the three selling
mechanisms, the generalizability of the results is somewhat limited due
to the use of undergraduate students in a lab experiment environment and
the use of hypothetical products. However, this study does offer a
precise methodology that may be replicated in other populations having
greater diversity in more real settings. Future research is also needed
to address how product characteristics, a larger number of products (3
or more), and bidders' risk attitude will affect bidders' bids
and seller revenue.
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Yingtao Shen
College of Business, Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN 37044
Shen Y@apsu. edu
(1.) In the remainder of this paper, I assume that sellers use a
Vickery auction and that bidders will bid their value. A Vickrey auction
is an auction where bidders submit written bids without knowing the bids
of the others in the auction. The highest bidder wins, but the price she
pays is equal to the second highest bid. A major reason for using a
Vickrey auction is that without complementarity bidders' weakly
dominant strategy is to bid value for the product, regardless of their
risk attitude or the number of competing bidders. Most previous research
has also used Vickrey auctions (e.g., Palfrey, 1983; Krishna and
Rosenthal, 1996; Chakraborty, 1999; Subramanian and Venkatesh, 2009).
(2.) Subramanian and Venkatesh (2009) showed that it is an optimum
strategy for bidders to bid above their value for the first product in a
sequential auction to increase the chance of winning both products.
(3.) Oxenfeldt (1966) identified eight important sources of
complementary of demand: One-Stop Shopping; Impulse buying; Broader
Assortment; Related Use; Enhanced Value; Prestige Builder; Image
Effects; Quality Supplements relationships. Guiltinan (1987) categorized complementary into three types: saving purchasing time and effort;
enhancing satisfaction with other products; enhancing image of the
seller so all products are valued more highly.
(4.) They assume that there are only two kinds of bidders; local
and global bidders. A global bidder has equal values for these multiple
products and for her the value for the bundle exceed the sum of the
individual values, while a local bidder wants only one of the products
and received no complementarity for winning both products. It is not
clear if their conclusions apply when global bidders have unequal values
for the individual products.
(5.) Values for A and B have same individual distribution, so the
order of individual auctions does not matter.
(6.) Here I examine the heterogeneity of individual values
[V.sub.A] and [V.sub.B], not complementarity. In many cases, while
people may have different individual values for two products, they have
similar value for the complementarity (see the FCC auctions and eBay
auctions examples mentioned before).This assumption was also made by
Krishna and Rosenthal (1996).
(7.) Previews studies show monotonicity in the effect of number of
bidders on the relative profitability of bundle vs. separate auctions.
For example, Palfrey (1983), Chakraborty (1999), and Subramanian and
Venkatesh (2009) all showed there exists a threshold for number of
bidders. When the number of bidders is greater than this threshold,
separate auctions are more profitable. The first essay confirms this
finding. Therefore we consider two levels of number of bidders in this
(8.) Out of 68 subjects, respectively 59, 55 and 55 subjects
correctly answered all questions about the auctions for the bundle, the
simultaneous auctions and the sequential auctions. Four subjects failed
all three quizzes and four subjects failed two quizzes.
(9.) The only exception is the Type 5 bidder's bid in scenario
3 (t=2.877, df=58, p=.005).
(10.) $19.32 vs. $19.22, paired t=0.034, df=54, p=.937.
(11.) $26.93 vs. $7.75, paired t=6.008, df=54, p=.000.
(12.) $24.87 vs. $0.58, paired t=6.808, df=54, p=.000.
Table 1
Illustration of the inefficiency of one auction for a
bundle consisting of A and B when complementarity is not present
(a) Bidders' values for A, B, and
the bundle of A and B
Bidder Value for A Value for B Value for bundle
Bidder 1 $100 $40 $140
Bidder 2 $40 $100 $140
Bidder 3 $80 $80 $160
(b) Comparison of a bundle auction
and two separate auctions
Auction Winner Winner's Price
One auction for Bidder 3 $160 $140
the bundle
Two separate Auction Bidder 1 $100 $80
auctions for B
Auction Bidder 2 $100 $80
for A
Table 2
Eight combinations (scenarios) of individual values, number
of bidders and complementarity
Scenario No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# of Bidders 2 2 10 10 2 2 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50 $20 $50 $20 $50 $20 $50
Hetero- Variation High No
geneity Asymmetry No High
Type 1 Included
(VA=$100, VB=$100)
Type 2 Included
(VA=$20, VB=$100)
Type 3 Included Included
(VA=$60, VB=$60)
Type 4 Included
(VA=$100, VB=$20)
Type 5 Included
(VA=$20, VB=$20)
Table 3
Average bids in one auction for the bundle
(a) High variation, no asymmetry
Scenario No. 1 2 3 4
# of Bidders 2 2 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50 $20 $50
Type 1 [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu]
([V.sub.A]-$100 =$212.76 =$240.95 =$219.56 =$243.36
Type 3 [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu]
([V.sub.A]=$60, =$138.22 =$171.46 =$139.85 =$168.59
Type 5 [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu]
([V.sub.A]=$20, =$62.71 =$95.07 =$72.61 =$96.68
(b) No variation, high asymmetry
Scenario No. 5 6 7 8
# of Bidders 2 2 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50 $20 $50
Type 2 [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu]
([V.sub.A]=$20, =$139.00 =$168.64 =$140.95 =$170.22
Type 3 [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu]
([V.sub.A]=$60, =$139.80 =$169.29 =$140.58 =$169.17
Type 4 [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu] [b.sub.bu]
([V.sub.A]=$100 =$139.54 =$168.80 =$141.19 =$170.46
Table 4
Average bids in two simultaneous separate auctions
(a) High variation, no asymmetry
Scenario No. 1 2
# of Bidders 2 2
Complementarity $20 $50
Type 1 [b.sub.A]=$115.52 [b.sub.A]=$131.29
([V.sub.A]=$100, [V.subB]=$100) [b.sub.B]=$114.75 [b.sub.B]=$129.34
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$$73.33 [b.sub.A]=$86.49
([V.sub.A]=$60, [V.subB]=$60) [b.sub.B]=$71.38 [b.sub.B]=$84.42
Type 5 [b.sub.A]=$34.77 [b.sub.A]=$46.60
([V.sub.A]=$20, [V.subB]=$20) [b.sub.B]=$33.21 [b.sub.B]=$44.90
Scenario No. 3 4
# of Bidders 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50
Type 1 [b.sub.A]=$115.49 [b.sub.A]=$130.34
([V.sub.A]=$100, [V.subB]=$100) [b.sub.B]=$116.09 [b.sub.B]=$126.98
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$73.60 [b.sub.A]=$84.26
([V.sub.A]=$60, [V.subB]=$60) [b.sub.B]=$72.96 [b.sub.B]=$82.34
Type 5 [b.sub.A]=$33.09 [b.sub.A]=$44.29
([V.sub.A]=$20, [V.subB]=$20) [b.sub.B]=$31.57 [b.sub.B]=$42.21
(b) No variation, high asymmetry
Scenario No. 5 6
# of Bidders 2 2
Complementarity $20 $50
Type 2 [b.sub.A]=$40.19 [b.sub.A]=$62.96
([V.sub.A]=$20, [V.subB]=$100) [b.sub.B]=$103.90 [b.sub.B]=$116.06
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$71.75 [b.sub.A]=$85.28
([V.sub.A]=$60, [V.subB]=$60) [b.sub.B]=$70.88 [b.sub.B]=$78.98
Type 4 [b.sub.A]=$105.62 [b.sub.A]=$116.74
([V.sub.A]=$100, [V.subB]=$20) [b.sub.B]=$39.73 [b.sub.B]=$64.34
Scenario No. 7 8
# of Bidders 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50
Type 2 [b.sub.A]=$37.73 [b.sub.A]=$62.49
([V.sub.A]=$20, [V.subB]=$100) [b.sub.B]=$106.94 [b.sub.B]=$109.32
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$69.67 [b.sub.A]=$68.79
([V.sub.A]=$60, [V.subB]=$60) [b.sub.B]=$69.96 [b.sub.B]=$68.45
Type 4 [b.sub.A]=$108.21 [b.sub.A]=$109.57
([V.sub.A]=$100, [V.subB]=$20) [b.sub.B]=$37.83 [b.sub.B]=$61.19
Table 5
Average bids in two sequential separate auctions
(a) High variation, no asymmetry
Scenario No. 1 2
# of Bidders 2 2
Complementarity $20 $50
Type 1 [b.sub.A]=$122.13 [b.sub.A]=$142.89
([V.sub.A]=$100, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$120.49 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$139.25
[V.sub.B]=$100) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$102.27 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$103.73
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$75.51 [b.sub.A]=$98.69
([V.subA]=$60, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$79.69 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$98.56
[V.sub.B]=$60) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$62.44 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$63.53
Type 5 [b.sub.A]=$35.58 [b.sub.A]=$59.00
([V.sub.A]=$20, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$38.78 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$60.74
[V.sub.B]=$20) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$22.82 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$23.98
Scenario No. 3 4
# of Bidders 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50
Type 1 [b.sub.A]=$120.65 [b.sub.A]=$142.18
([V.sub.A]=$100, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$123.58 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$140.69
[V.sub.B]=$100) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$101.55 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$101.02
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$74.91 [b.sub.A]=$97.55
([V.subA]=$60, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$76.65 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$98.49
[V.sub.B]=$60) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$60.76 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$63.00
Type 5 [b.sub.A]=$32.98 [b.sub.A]=$58.24
([V.sub.A]=$20, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$40.98 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$60.17
[V.sub.B]=$20) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$23.49 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$23.50
(b) No variation, high asymmetry
Scenario No. 5 6
# of Bidders 2 2
Comple-mentarity $20 $50
Type 2 [b.sub.A]=$39.24 [b.sub.A]=$58.56
([V.sub.A]=$20, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$113.81 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$135.20
[V.sub.B]=$100) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$97.64 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$100.00
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$77.11 [b.sub.A]=$104.04
([V.sub.A]=$60, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$78.31 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$99.98
[V.sub.B]=$60) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$61.24 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$63.64
Type 4 [b.sub.A]=$119.15 [b.sub.A]=$144.02
([V.sub.A]=$100, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$51.87 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$69.42
[V.sub.B]=$20) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$23.73 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$24.18
Scenario No. 7 8
# of Bidders 10 10
Comple-mentarity $20 $50
Type 2 [b.sub.A]=$ 37.13 [b.sub.A]=$ 56.35
([V.sub.A]=$20, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$116.87 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$135.42
[V.sub.B]=$100) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$95.85 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$100.00
Type 3 [b.sub.A]=$ 70.05 [b.sub.A]=$77.80
([V.sub.A]=$60, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$79.05 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$101.40
[V.sub.B]=$60) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$59.73 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$63.36
Type 4 [b.sub.A]=$ 110.51 [b.sub.A]=$ 111.09
([V.sub.A]=$100, [b.sub.B|WinA]=$50.25 [b.sub.B|WinA]=$66.05
[V.sub.B]=$20) [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$23.73 [b.sub.B|LoseA]=$24.67
Table 6
Observed revenues for the eight scenarios
(a) High variation, no asymmetry
Scenario No. 1 2 3 4
# of Bidders 2 2 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50 $20 $50
Hetero- Variation High High High High
geneity Asymmetry No No No No
Bundle auction $101.51 $130.88 $213.78 $246.68
(52.73) (56.52) (23.85) (26.11)
Simultaneous Auctions $105.80 $128.66 $224.54 $252.19
(56.20) (61.48) (26.37) (32.36)
Sequential Auctions $100.55 $125.56 $218.31 $246.86
(56.12) (58.20) (27.15) (29.88)
(b) No variation, high asymmetry
Scenario No. 5 6 7 8
# of Bidders 2 2 10 10
Complementarity $20 $50 $20 $50
Hetero- Variation No No No No
geneity Asymmetry High High High High
Bundle auction $135.50 $161.54 $148.88 $181.30
(12.67) (20.68) (8.02) (10.37)
Simultaneous Auctions $109.20 $142.92 $214.24 $211.58
(26.62) (25.00) (16.04) (15.48)
Sequential Auctions $114.82 $146.77 $205.24 $211.04
(26.34) (27.36) (16.26) (14.08)
Note: Standard deviations are in the parentheses.