The impact of ostrich managers on strategic management.
Pryor, Mildred Golden ; Taneja, Sonia ; Toombs, Leslie A. 等
One of the most important roles a manager can play is that of
strategist. However, many people in authority function as ostrich
managers rather than strategists, thereby limiting their own
effectiveness as well as the effectiveness of their organizations. By
choosing to positively impact the strategic management of an
organization, its leaders can help determine the organization's
future as well as its influence on the history and future of the world
(Pryor, White, and Toombs, 2007, 1998). Yet ostrich managers choose not
to have such positive impact.
The authors developed a survey entitled Ostrich Manager Quick Test
(Chart 1) for managers who wish to assess themselves and determine the
extent to which they are ostrich managers or strategists.
Chart 1: Ostrich Manager Quick Test
Ostrich Manager Quick Test
The following simple test is provided for managers who wish to
assess themselves to see if their actions would encourage people to
call them ostrich managers or strategists.
Please answer the following questions as: (1) Always, (2) Usually,
(3) Sometimes, (4) Rarely, and (5) Never to determine the extent to
which you are an ostrich manager.
______1. Do you avoid difficult confrontations with others, even
though you intuitively feel that the confrontation is necessary?
______2. Are you unaware of the common work problems faced by
members of your staff (all the way down to the lowest level in your
______3. Are you unaware of the common personal problems faced by
members of your staff (all the way down to the lowest level in your
______4. Do you ignore ideas or comments that don't fit within your
paradigms or your view of the world?
______5. Do you make decisions that significantly affect other
people without getting their inputs or without fully knowing the
consequences of your decisions?
______6. Are you hesitant to believe information that is
discomforting or "bad news"?
______7. Do you ever "skirt the truth" to protect people's
______8. Do you discourage people in your organization to point out
______9. Do you discourage other people outside your organization
(i.e., suppliers and customers) to point out problems within your
organization and suggest improvements?
______10. Do you avoid making personnel decisions that would be
difficult for people to handle personally, even though you think
they would be good business decisions for your group or the
______11. Do you consider only the short-term consequences of
actions and decisions?
11-22 Unfortunately, you're an ostrich manager. Accept this fact
and try to change because this behavior is detrimental to your
effectiveness as a manager and to your organization as a whole.
23-43 The good news is you're not completely an ostrich manager.
You may be middle-of-the-road for all questions or you may have
found that you act like an ostrich manger on some occasions and act
like a strategist on other occasions. Keep up the good work on the
issues for which you're a strategist, buy try to correct the
situations in which you tend to bury your head.
44-55. As a strategist, you have developed the ability to create
your own future as well as the future of your organization. Keep up
the excellent work.
In an attempt to test construct validity and convergent validity,
this survey was administered online to graduate Business students who
are currently working or have worked in management, supervisory and/or
team leader positions. Sixty-eight out of 113 (60%) responded to the
survey. The students were able to respond anonymously. The results of
the survey are presented in Table 1.
The term "ostrich manager" comes from the common belief
that an ostrich will bury its head in the sand to protect itself when
faced with a threat. In reality, when confronted with a perceived
threat, an ostrich will flatten its head to the ground until the threat
is gone. By feigning death, the ostrich hopes to avoid a predator's
attack. As a result of this behavior, ostriches have achieved notoriety
for "burying their heads in the sand" in response to real or
perceived environmental threats. This is a very simple strategy--ignore
the threat and maybe it will go away. This strategy promotes the concept
of "out of sight, out of mind." However, many times the threat
does not go away, and this can make the situation worse. By
"burying its head in the sand" an ostrich reduces the
possibility for success of other potential responses such as fight or
flight (Smith & Grosso, 2008).
Some human beings also tend to avoid situations that are perceived
as discomforting or threatening. Sometimes they even pretend that these
situations do not exist. Since these human beings are replicating
ostrich behavior, we have named people exhibiting the behavior
associated with this phenomenon as ostrich managers. While it is not
productive for any employee within an organization to exhibit this
behavior, it is especially detrimental when a manager has this mindset
because of the sphere of influence that a manager typically has. The
managers at the top of the hierarchy represent the greatest danger.
Unfortunately, in some organizations many managers at all levels seem to
have an ostrich mentality. Kipp (2004, pp 63-64) suggests that
"some (ostrich) leaders have disempowering charisma ... and absorb
only the positive projections around them, seeing the world as they wish
it to be and resisting both messages and messengers to the
Similar to an ostrich avoiding a threat by "burying its
head," an ostrich manager avoids the truth or reality because it is
perceived as threatening or discomforting (Figure 1). Whether this
threat or discomfort comes from a dysfunctional relationship with
another person, some bit of information, an employee's idea, or
another actual or perceived situation, the ostrich manager reacts or
responds by ignoring the threat, putting it aside, or pretending that it
does not exist.
Even when the correct action or solution is evident to everyone,
ostrich managers are experts at rationalizing and making excuses for not
taking an appropriate action or permanently solving a problem. Ostrich
managers are not leaders seeking development or change. They are
bureaucrats who seek safety and status quo. Sometimes, ostrich mangers
become lazy or seem to be petrified by fear.
Managers may act like ostriches for many reasons including fear of
change and uncertainty, the discomfort of learning and personal growth,
the discomfort of unpleasant information, protection of one's ego
or position in a company, and the comfort of the current familiar
situation. See Figure 1 which depicts the differences in how Ostrich
Managers and Strategists perceive threats, how they make decisions based
on the perceived threats, and how they act based on the stimuli and
their own respective decisions.
According to Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskison (2008, p. 22),
"strategic leaders are people located in different parts of the
firm using the strategic management process to help the firm reach its
vision and mission." Martin (2007, pp. 60-62) says that people are
"drawn to stories of effective leaders in action ... their bold
moves, often culminating in successful outcomes, make for gripping
narratives. But this focus on what a leader does is misplaced ...
because moves that work in one context often make little sense in
another, even at the same company or within the experience of a single
leader. A more productive, though more difficult, approach is to focus
on how a leader thinks" Strategists think differently. They are
integrative thinkers who willingly confront messy problems and complex
situations. These integrative thinkers are simply putting to work the
human capability to simultaneously hold opposing views in constructive
tension and contemplate them in such a way that they are able to
"think their way" toward superior ideas (Martin, 2007). Kotter
(1990) might differentiate a bit differently (i.e., between managers and
leaders). He says that management is about coping with complexity and
leadership is about coping with change (or perhaps initiating change as
they invent the future). So it would appear that Kotter is addressing
strategic managers as well as strategic leaders.
Martin (2007, p. 67) goes on to say that "integrative thinking
is a 'habit of thought' that all of us can consciously develop
to arrive at solutions that would otherwise not be evident." In
fact, he suggests that we should teach integrative thinking as a concept
in business schools (Martin, 2007). Strategic management courses are an
obvious choice of where to teach integrative thinking.
While ostrich managers usually hide from the present and fail to
contemplate the future, strategists seem to be passionate about
understanding the present and using it as the foundation for inventing
the future. Strategic managers and leaders simultaneously develop and
execute plans that focus on the short term success and long term
viability of their organizations. They understand that strategic
execution is the key to long term and short term success(Pryor,
Anderson, Toombs, & Humphreys, 2007).
Since ostrich managers have difficulty acknowledging the existence
of (or responding to) threats, their actions tend to be supportive of
the status quo and not focused on improving operations and
relationships. Threats and discomfort can come in many different forms,
and managers may not even realize that they are using an
"out-of-sight, out-of-mind" approach. It is possible that
ostrich managers may tend to act in ways that are negative for their
organization and/or the people involved. For example, they may:
* Avoid co-workers with whom they have differences even though
there are good business reasons to communicate with these co-workers;
* Deny information that does not fit within their paradigms or
* Avoid information or situations that are real and true, but
* Be unaware of the common situations that their employees,
suppliers, and customers face regularly;
* Allow non-productive circumstances to continue because of the
difficulty and discomfort in correcting the situation;
* Avoid solving major problems because of the time and effort
* Consistently work with the wrong information or assumptions and
make no effort to correct them or seek better data;
* Create a work atmosphere with poor morale and little enthusiasm;
* Be oblivious, or pretend to be oblivious, to the way things
really get done within their groups;
* Seek self-preservation and avoid discomfort that might result
from conflict, change, bad news, etc.
Forms of perceived discomfort and threats which may cause people to
function as ostrich managers are: conflict (Smith & Grosso, 2008),
unexpected information or circumstances, loss of reputation, loss of
financial incentives, difficult relationships, failure, disappointment,
rejection, intimacy or revealing one's true nature to someone,
completely trusting someone, additional responsibilities, and seemingly
overwhelming or impossible tasks.
Ostrich managers may attempt to avoid responsibility by delegating
it to their direct reports. Attempting to delegate responsibility
violates a management principle relating to authority and
responsibility. People can not delegate their own personal
responsibility. When someone delegates to another person the authority
to do something, the person receiving the authority is then responsible
(i.e., accountable) for doing it. However, the delegator is still
personally responsible for the results. For example, the president of a
university delegates to people under his or her direction the authority
to ensure that hiring practices are legal and ethical. Such authority
carries with it commensurate (coequal) responsibility. If in the process
of hiring a teacher, a team of teachers violates an equal employment law
and the injured person files a lawsuit, he or she could sue (and hold
responsible) the team of teachers, the department chair, the academic
dean, the academic vice president, the president, et al. In other words,
everyone in the chain of command from the president all the way down to,
and including, the team of teachers would be responsible for the
violation of the law because the president could only delegate his or
her authority, not personal responsibility.
Personal responsibility also exists when a person should have known
and/or should have done something. When there are major breeches of
ethics and/or legalities, sometimes people attempt to prove that they
did not know that people under their direction were doing something
unethical or illegal. For example, scandals and/or alleged scandals,
ethical issues, and illegalities at British Petroleum, BMW, the Catholic
Church, Daimler Chrysler, Enron, HCA, HealthSouth, Nyack Hospital, Oral
Roberts University, United Way, Volkswagen, World Bank, WorldCom, and
other organizations show how organizations are vulnerable to the
malevolent intentions of individuals who create chaos and seek personal
enrichment at great cost to others, often leaving a legacy of financial
ruin (Cleverly, 2002; Davis, 2005; Dougherty, 2007; Evans, 2005;
Lindgreen, 2004; Padgett, 2007; Salmon, 2004; Sonnefeld, 2007; and
Stires, 2004). From a legal perspective we don't have all the
answers about responsibility in all of the above mentioned
organizations. However, from a management perspective, the answer is
very clear. People can not delegate (or abdicate because they are
ostrich managers) their own personal responsibility for the assurance of
ethics and legality within the areas under their direction.
Miles and Snow (1978) classified organizations as (1) Prospector
organizations which thrive in changing, unpredictable business
environments by exploiting new opportunities; (2) Defender organizations
which function best in stable environments where they can strive for
efficiency and rely on long-term planning; (3) Analyzer organizations
that share some of the characteristics of Prospector and Defender
organizations in that they focus on operational efficiency, but also on
enough flexibility to meet new challenges; and (4) Reactor organizations
that do not have a systematic strategy, design, or structure and are not
prepared for changes they face. We would add a fifth organizational
classification which we would entitle Pretender or Avoider.
Organizations in the fifth classification face unique challenges because
they are led by ostrich managers or managers who vacillate between
functioning as ostrich Managers and strategists. Such managers often
avoid facing internal and external realities and the people who could
help with those realities.
Once managers encounter a stimulus that causes discomfort or a
stimulus that is a perceived threat, they choose to respond as
strategists or ostrich managers. Figure 1 compares the behaviors of
strategists and ostrich managers on several spectrums. As depicted in
Figure 1, the strategist will accept all data as being potentially
beneficial, evaluate the data, determine its usefulness, and act based
on the data. In fact, strategists are especially eager to receive
information that is potentially threatening so that their actions can be
proactive. Strategists invent the future and, therefore, value each
piece of data as a contribution to the future.
Ostrich managers tend not to invent the future. Instead, they
protect the status quo because changes are perceived as threats and
sources of discomfort. Yet, in the past, ostrich managers who were often
successful because they were good at "doing what we've always
been doing." They did not rock the boat or make waves. They were
squeaky clean, comfortable replicas of the bosses who promoted them. In
today's business environment, this generally tends to be a less
successful approach.
The good news is that ostrich managers can choose to become
strategists. Notice that they must choose this behavior. Knowledge is
useless unless it is applied; and awareness is detrimental if it is not
accurate. While old habits die hard, it is still possible to change
behavior such as ignoring information or pretending that it does not
exist. However, before managers can change their behavior, they must
change their fundamental assumptions because assumptions are the drivers
of behavior. Ostrich mangers hold the following fundamental assumptions:
Self preservation is more important than company preservation; short
term results are valid predictors of long term results; protecting
people from the truth helps them more than revealing to them the truth;
and problems will go away or resolve themselves if ignored. The
fundamental assumptions of strategists are the opposite: Self
preservation is accomplished through company preservation; short term
results are not a valid indicator of long term results; people need to
know the truth so that they can act accordingly; and problems will only
get worse if ignored.
In his book Managing Transitions, William Bridges (1991) offers a
quote that reflects that change must be internalized if fundamental
assumptions are to be changed:
"It isn't the changes that do you in, it's the
transitions. Change is not the same as transition. Change is
situational: the new site, the new boss, the new team roles, and the new
policy. Transition is the psychological process people go through to
come to terms with the new situation. Change is external, transition is
internal....Unless transition occurs, change will not work."
After understanding their own fundamental assumptions, managers
should evaluate the extent to which they are ostrich managers and decide
the extent to which they wish to be strategists. They then need to brief
their team members, staff, and others about the need for strategists and
the dangers posed by ostrich managers at any level of the organization.
At this point, they can solicit help from others in their respective
journeys from ostrich manager to strategist. This journey will sometimes
be painful for an ostrich manager who prefers safety and security
because personal development and growth are often painful as the old
self dies and the new self is born. However, becoming a strategist
offers the only potential for more long term safety, security, and
Of the respondents to the survey, 20.6% were classified as
strategists, 1.5% were classified as ostrich managers, and 77.9% were
classified as "middle of the road" managers (i.e., those who
function as an ostrich manager or a strategist, depending on the
circumstances). So, in terms of the complete test, few people were
classified as ostrich managers. However, the respondents classified
themselves as ostrich managers when answering some specific questions.
For example, for Question 1, "Do you avoid difficult confrontations
with others, even though you intuitively feel that the confrontation is
necessary," 23.9% said always or usually, and another 55.2% said
From this study, it appears that managers may exhibit ostrich
behavior even if they are generally more inclined to be strategists. See
Table 1 for survey results.
Ostrich managers tend to "bury their heads in the sand"
by ignoring or avoiding information and situations that they perceive as
threatening or discomforting. When they act like ostrich managers and
ignore or avoid information that is essential to the strategic
management, people can have a severe, negative impact on their
organizations, themselves, and society. Strategists, on the other hand,
eagerly seek all information whether it is good or bad so that it can be
integrated and acted upon as they invent the future and set the
standards for excellence in their respective organizations and
industries. An Ostrich Management Quick Test is provided as Chart 1.
This test can be used to determine the extent to which a person is an
ostrich manager or a strategist. Ostrich managers can then learn how
(and choose) to be strategists.
Being classified as an ostrich manager may not have as much
relevance for individual managers or their direct reports as the
knowledge that a large percentage of the respondents acknowledged on the
Quick Test that they sometimes exhibit ostrich manager behavior. In
other words, even though they are strategists, they sometimes or often
function as ostrich managers. They sometimes or often make decisions,
avoid making decisions, act, or fail to act in ways that are typical of
ostrich managers. For those circumstances, the resulting impact on
organizations and their people can be negative. A future study should
investigate strategic and tactical organizational impact as well as
ostrich manager behavior. In addition, researchers should address the
extent to which it would be beneficial for organizational leaders to
attempt to ensure that they are hiring, developing, and promoting people
who have strategist tendencies as opposed to ostrich management
tendencies. It may also be worthwhile for teachers to address the
potential for negative impact when organizational leaders behave like
Bridges, W. (1991). Managing Transitions: Making the Most of
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Padgett, T. (2007, February 26). Pilfering priests. Time South
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Pryor, M.G., White, J.C., and Toombs, L.A. (2007, 1998). Strategic
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149(3), 136-138.
Mildred Golden Pryor, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Sonia Taneja, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Leslie A. Toombs, University of Texas at Permian Basin
J. Chris White, President, viaSim
Table 1: Ostrich Manager Quick Test Survey Results
1 2 3
Quick Test Questions Always Usually Sometimes
% % %
1. Do you avoid difficult 1.5% 22.4% 55.2%
confrontations with others,
even though you intuitively
feel that confrontation is
2. Are you unaware of the 4.5 11.9 34.3
common work problems faced by
members of your staff (all the
way down to the lowest level
in your group)?
3. Are you unaware of the 3.0 10.4 53.7
common personal problems faced
by members of your staff (all
the way down to the lowest
level in your group)?
4. Do you ignore ideas or 3.0 9.0 28.4
comments that don't fit within
your paradigms or your view of
the world?
5. Do you make decisions that 3.0 1.5 16.4
significantly affect other
people without getting their
inputs or without fully
knowing the consequences of
your decisions?
6. Are you hesitant to believe 1.5 16.4 44.8
information that is
"discomforting" or "bad news?"
7. Do you ever "skirt the 1.5 13.4 58.2
truth" to protect people's
8. Do you discourage people in 3.0 1.5 7.5
your organization to point out
9. Do you discourage other 3.0 4.5 16.4
people outside your
organization (i.e., suppliers
and customers) to point out
problems within your
organization and suggest
10. Do you avoid making 0.0 10.6 21.2
personnel decisions that would
be difficult for people to
handle personally even though
you think they would be good
business decisions for your
group or organization?
11. Do you consider only the 1.5 6.0 25.4
short-term consequences of
actions and decisions?
4 5
Quick Test Questions Rarely Never
% %
1. Do you avoid difficult 20.9% 1.5%
confrontations with others,
even though you intuitively
feel that confrontation is
2. Are you unaware of the 47.8 3.0
common work problems faced by
members of your staff (all the
way down to the lowest level
in your group)?
3. Are you unaware of the 31.3 3.0
common personal problems faced
by members of your staff (all
the way down to the lowest
level in your group)?
4. Do you ignore ideas or 41.8 19.4
comments that don't fit within
your paradigms or your view of
the world?
5. Do you make decisions that 58.2 22.4
significantly affect other
people without getting their
inputs or without fully
knowing the consequences of
your decisions?
6. Are you hesitant to believe 31.3 6.0
information that is
"discomforting" or "bad news?"
7. Do you ever "skirt the 16.4 11.9
truth" to protect people's
8. Do you discourage people in 37.3 52.2
your organization to point out
9. Do you discourage other 20.9 56.7
people outside your
organization (i.e., suppliers
and customers) to point out
problems within your
organization and suggest
10. Do you avoid making 48.5 21.2
personnel decisions that would
be difficult for people to
handle personally even though
you think they would be good
business decisions for your
group or organization?
11. Do you consider only the 38.8 28.4
short-term consequences of
actions and decisions?
Chart 2: Ostrich Manager Survey Question 1
Do you avoid difficult confrontations with others, even though
you Intuitively feel that the confrontation is necessary?
Options Numeric Value Percentage
Always 1 1.5
Usually 2 20.6
Sometimes 3 54.4
Rarely 4 22.1
Never 5 1.5