Pre-training motivation and the effectiveness of transformational leadership training: an experiment.
Hassan, Rasool A. ; Fuwad, Bashir A. ; Rauf, Azam I. 等
Emotional and symbolic aspects of leadership have remained an
avenue of great interest for management researchers since 1980s. The
theory of transformational leadership influenced by the work of James
MacGregor Burns (1978) and more empirically researched Bass (1985 &
1996), describes this important aspect of leadership. Transformational
leadership instigates the moral values of followers while unshackling
mental processes to instill a concern for ethical issues and to mobilize
energy and resources to reform organizations. Current research on
transformational leadership, in contrast to Burns, focuses more on
pragmatic task objectives than the moral uplift of followers (Yukl,
2008, p. 267). Transformational Leadership has a positive effect on
subordinate's attitude and firm's performance. However
effectiveness of Transformational leadership training is a less
researched avenue. (Barling, Weber and Kelloway, 1996). This study
evaluates the effect of transformational leadership training on
subordinate's satisfaction with the supervisors.
On the other hand, training motivation plays a vital role in
determining the effectiveness of a training program (Colquitt et, al.
1999). This study extends our understanding about the role of training
motivation in transformational leadership training context.
This study substantiates the existing literature by using
conceptualizations of transformational leadership to study the effect of
such trainings on subordinates' satisfaction. Furthermore, to our
knowledge, this study is unique in evaluating the role of training
motivation and its impact on transformational leadership training
Transformational leadership Training
The effectiveness of transformational leadership training
intervention have been studied from three different performance oriented
perspectives i.e. effect of training on attitudinal outcomes of trainees
(Howell & Frost, 1989), task performance of subordinates
(Kirkpatrick & Locke, 1996) and the impact of training intervention
on financial performance (Barling et al, 1996). The dimensions of
transformational leadership have been related to the task performance of
subordinates. It has been identified that individuals working under a
leader exhibiting individualized consideration are lower at task
performance than individuals working under charismatic leadership
(Howell & Frost, 1989). The effectiveness of transformational
leadership training has been evaluated through three different
criterions, namely, reaction (Popper, Landau, and Gluskinos, 1992)
behavior and performance (Barling et al, 1996). For instance Barling
(1996) used a true experimental design to evaluate the effect of
transformational leadership training intervention and related it with
organizational performance. It has been emphasized that the effect of
transformational leadership training should be studied on other
individual attitudes like subordinates' satisfaction with their
supervisors (Barling et al, 1996).
Training Motivation:
In a training context, motivation is a goal directed inspiration
derived from trainees' personal needs and the decision processes
they use to satisfy those needs (Blanchard & Thacker, 2004). A
number of external and individual variables have been identified that
affect the motivation towards a training program.
Individuals with an ability to learn but low in training motivation
cannot reap full benefits from a training program. (Noe & Wilk,
This study uses a true experimental design. A pretest-posttest with
control group design was adopted for the study. The procedure for
selection of participants and the instruments is as follows. Area
managers of a large scale private healthcare company were selected for
studying the effect of transformational leadership training on
attitudinal outcomes. The selection of a single company helped control
the cultural variations, whereas, the selection of Area Managers, only,
helped maintain uniformity of the staffing function as well as the SKA.
Other factors that could have distorted the results were controlled
using a control group. The authors, under a contract, had to provide
transformational leadership training at, geographically dispersed,
regional offices of the said company. The trainings were scheduled to be
conducted at these offices over a period of one year. In view of the
time lag between the occurrences of the training program at various
regional offices, the subjects that were to be trained first were
considered as an experimental group, and the ones to be trained last,
were considered as the control group. Experimental group consisted of
twelve managers, out of which, eleven were male whereas, the twelve
managers of control group included ten male members. For each subject in
the two groups, three members(subordinates), who directly reported to a
subject, were selected for the study. Information was collected from
them on two parameters I-e the subordinates' perception of
transformational leadership behavior of his/her manager and satisfaction
with him/her as a supervisor. This information was collected using
pretest-posttest design. Moreover, training motivation of the subjects
was also measured prior to the experiment.
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to study the
transformational leadership behavior using subordinate's report.
MLQ measures four aspects of transformational leadership: (a)
individualized consideration (IC) (b) intellectual stimulation(IS); [c]
inspirational motivation (IM); and (d) idealized influence (II) The
reliability of these subscales in the current study, as measured by
subordinates' perception, was as follows: Individualized
consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and
idealized influence were 0.87, 0.92, 0.94 and 0.89 respectively at
pretest and 0.92, 0.91, 0.95 and 0.90 at posttest stage. This explains
that the scales were internally consistent at both the stages.
Transformational leadership behavior was measured, through MLQ, at both
pretest and posttest stages. The pretest and posttest ratings were
collected 10 days prior and 90 days after the training intervention
A six item five point reduced form of sixteen items measure
developed by Noe and Wilk (1993) was used to measure (trainee)
managers' leadership training motivation. The internal consistency
reliability ofthis measure in the present sample was alpha = 0.95.
Satisfaction with manager was measured through a 6 item reduced
form of 18 item 5 point scale developed by Scarpello & Vandenberg
(1987). This questionnaire describes the subordinate's satisfaction
with his/her manager. Sample items include "The way my supervisor
helps me to get the job done". "The way my supervisor gives me
clear instructions" and "The way my supervisor listens when I
have something important to say". The internal consistency
reliability of this measure in the present sample was alpha=0.95.
Training Intervention
Training intervention was organized by an expert training
consultancy that adopted the following training design to impart the
transformation leadership training. Training was divided into four
modules that were offered with a lag of 7 days in the following
Session 1:
Prior to the first session, all participants evaluated themselves
on transformational leadership characteristics. The session that lasted
for three days, started with an assessment of the participants'
prior understanding of the four dimensions of transformational
leadership i.e. idealized influence, individual consideration,
inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation. The participants
were asked to identify best and worst leaders around them and later they
were exposed to the concepts of transformational, transactional and
laissez-faire leadership. Participants were then required to associate
their best and worst leaders with the concepts of different types of
leaders. The focus, then, was shifted towards transformational
leadership, the importance and implications of idealized influence,
individual consideration, inspirational motivation and intellectual
stimulation were discussed. Self reports and subordinate reports were
matched to identify deficient avenues. Key attitudes in transformational
leadership stature were identified.
Session 2:
Second session started with an introduction to goal setting theory.
Importance of setting specific, difficult but attainable, goals was
discussed in a lecture setting. Afterwards, a day long interactive
session was conducted to identify appropriate goals and objectives for
all participants according to their work requirements. Role playing and
in basket exercises were conducted. The session concluded with a case
study situation requiring transformational leadership exhibition by
participants. Participants were then asked to come up with their goals
and objectives in the next session.
Session 3:
Goals and objectives identified in the earlier session were revised
and operational details were discussed. Transformational leadership
attitude was the focus of the session. Role playing exercises were
Session 4:
This session was a booster that focused on the identification of
any observable changes in participants' behavior with respect to
the behavior recorded in their respective self reports obtained earlier.
In order to serve this purpose, all participants were advised to record
their self appraisals on daily basis.
We started our analysis by assessing difference between experiment
and control group using descriptive statistics. Table 1 and Table 2
explain the state of two groups before experiment. Both groups were same
in terms of group members I-e 12 members each. To evaluate the
similarity among control and experiment group, we assessed both groups
on four dimensions of Transformational Leadership and subordinates'
satisfaction with supervisor. It was identified that there was
insignificant variation in means values of first two dimensions of
transformational leadership stature (IM & IS). For IC and II and
satisfaction with supervisor, control group was having negligible higher
values than the experiment group. It was assumed similar to the
experimental group to safely argue that effective training in
transformational leadership can still increase these two dimensions and
satisfaction of experiment group over the control group in post test
evaluations. Means values for Experiment Group on four dimensions of
Transformational Leadership were IM (2.11) IS (2.08) IC (1.02) & II
(2.65) respectively. Mean value of satisfaction with supervisor for the
same group was 2.50. Means values for Control Group on four dimensions
of Transformational Leadership were IM (2.37) IS (2.50) IC (2.36) &
II (2.65) respectively.
Mean value of satisfaction with supervisor for the same group was
Post Test
Both groups were same in terms of group members I-e 12 members
each. There was a significant increase in the post test readings of
experiment group. Table 3 explains the positive change in
transformational leadership stature and subordinate's satisfaction
with trained supervisors. Post test reading of four dimensions of
transformational leadership stature for the experiment group were IM
(3.30), IS (3.10), IC (2.83) & II (3.85) respectively. Post test
readings for satisfaction with supervisor were 3.40. Post test reading
of four dimensions of transformational leadership stature for the
control group were IM (2.68), IS (2.77), IC (2.76) & II (3.05)
respectively. Post test readings for satisfaction with supervisor were
3.03. (See Table 4).
Table 5 explains the net effect of training intervention on change
in transformational leadership behavior and satisfaction with trained
supervisor. A significant increase of mean value (0.79) in overall
transformational leadership behavior was observed. There was a
significant increase of mean value (.78) in satisfaction with the
supervisor. This reveals the effectiveness of training in improving the
transformational leadership behavior.
Results show a positive and significant relationship (.79) between
transformational leadership training and satisfaction with supervisor.
Pre-Training Motivation has a positive relationship (.51) with
attitudinal outcomes of the training program. Individuals with higher
training motivation were able to benefit more from transformational
leadership training.
The results of the study have two outcomes. Firstly it explains the
effectiveness of Transformational Leadership training. Secondly it
narrates the relationship between pre-training motivation and training
effectiveness. The results of this study are consistent with Barling et,
al. (1996). Using the training methodology used in this research could
increase transformational leadership behavior of trainees. However the
effectiveness of this training design should be confirmed while using
this design in different organizational and industrial settings. It is
clear from the results that training can significantly improve
transformational leadership behavior. It is further identified that
transformational leadership behavior has a positive impact on
satisfaction of subordinates. This reveals that different organizational
benefits can be earned from such trainings. Satisfied subordinates are
likely to perform better and improved transformational leadership can
increase organizational effectiveness.
An important finding of this study is the positive relationship
between pre-training motivation and training effectiveness in leadership
contexts. This finding is helpful to organizations and their trainers.
Organizations should assess the pretraining motivation of their
employees before sending them to a training program (especially
Transformational Leadership Training). Keeping in view the results of
the study, it is highly likely that people low in training motivation
may not get real benefit from the training. So organization must
identify the reasons for such lack of motivation. To get maximum benefit
from investment on training, these organizations may need some OD
interventions first and then they should train their employees. For
trainers, this study offer an interesting insight, trainers must first
assess the training motivation of participants and then design an
appropriate program that ensures greater learning.
This study has certain limitations. The results are based on a
smaller sample. Future research may include large sample including
different organizations. The appropriateness of the training
intervention used in this research should be validated in future
research. Organizational and individual factors affecting the transfer
of such trainings should be studied. Overall this study is a preliminary
effort to validate the effectiveness of transformation leadership
training using an experimental design. If such studies are repeated
using different output criteria like organization citizenship behavior,
commitment, stress etc, it will increase our knowledge about the
effectiveness of transformational leadership training.
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Processes, 43, 243-269.
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Rasool A. Hassan, University of Agriculture-Faisalabad
Bashir A. Fuwad, University of Agriculture-Faisalabad
Azam I. Rauf, University of Arid Agriculture-Rawalpindi
Table 1: Pretest Experimental Group
Mean 2.113 2.088 1.725 2.650 2.50
Standard Deviation .525 .747 .879 .583 .479
Where IM = Inspirational Motivation, IS = Intellectual Stimulation,
IC = Individualized Consideration, II = Idealized Influence,
SWS = Satisfaction with Supervisor
Table 2: Pretest Control Group
Mean 2.375 2.500 2.362 2.650 2.925
Standard Deviation .3864 .8124 .894 .524 .534
Where IM = Inspirational Motivation, IS = Intellectual Stimulation,
IC = Individualized Consideration, II = Idealized Influence,
SWS = Satisfaction with Supervisor
Table 3: Post Test Experimental Group
Mean 3.300 3.175 2.830 3.850 3.400
Standard Deviation 1.026 1.307 .864 .800 .8224
Where IM = Inspirational Motivation, IS = Intellectual Stimulation,
IC = Individualized Consideration, II = Idealized Influence,
SWS = Satisfaction with Supervisor
Table 4: Post Test Control Group
Mean 2.687 2.77 2.76 3.05 3.03
Standard Deviation .473 1.05 .564 .670
Where IM = Inspirational Motivation, IS = Intellectual Stimulation,
IC = Individualized Consideration, II = Idealized Influence,
SWS = Satisfaction with Supervisor
To identify the net effect of training intervention pretest reading
of experiment group were subtracted from post test readings of
experiment group. The resultant value was subtracted from the net
value of control group to reach upon the statistics mentioned in
Table 5.
Table 5: Change in Transformational Leadership Behavior and
Satisfaction with Supervisor due to Training
Transformational Satisfaction
Leadership Behavior with Supervisor
Mean .798 .787
Standard Deviation .686 .373