Effect of job level on the performance of human capital attainment: an exploratory analysis.
Choudhury, Askar ; Jones, James
In recent years, researchers have devoted much of their effort in
identifying factors that determine earnings differentials (Moore,
Newman, and Terrell, 2007; Heitmueller and Inglis, 2007; Lauermann,
2006; Gottschalk, 1997; Hartog & Vriend, 1990; Hartog, 1988; Autor,
Katz, and Krueger, 1998; Lord and Falk, 1980). Many factors have been
cited (Shen & Deng, 2008; Buddeberg-Fischer, Stamm, Buddeberg, &
Klaghofer, 2008; Ng, Eby, Sorensen & Feldman, 2005; Krueger, 1993;
Judge & Bretz, 1994; Petersen and Saporta, 2004; Doms, Dunne, &
Troske, 1997) as sources of earnings variations as a measure of career
success; among these, human capital investment (Bassi & McMurrer,
2007; Carrera, Carmona, & Gutierrez, 2008) plays a very significant
role. Becker (1962, 1975) suggested that inequality in income
distribution may be explained by the investment in human capital. Human
capital theorists' argument is that investment in education and
training are important to improve individuals' earnings and thus
enhance career success. Political economist Adam Smith believed that
ultimate source of a nation's wealth is the quality of its labor
force and the disparities in workers' earnings are due to the
differences in their human capital investments. Therefore, the earnings
disparities between job levels may be due to the differences in human
capital investments. However, the differential effect of human capital
may not be same at various job levels even with comparable human capital
accumulation. In general, individuals at higher job level receive much
greater return (Chang and Huang, 2005) on their investments in human
capital. Therefore, the concern of income differential due to job level,
tie in closely through the performance efficiency associated with the
job-level. If this is the case, then we can postulate a hypothesis that
comparatively individuals at higher job level perform more efficiently
to attain human capital (such as, acquiring further education,
certification, training, etc.) than others. In turn, this accelerates
their career success and thrust them further upward in their career path
and creates a domino effect. This specific nature of efficiency in
performance exists primarily at the higher job level that goes beyond
basic human capital and may be a result of managerial role motivation
theory (Berman & Miner, 1985).
In this study, we propose a hypothetical model to examine the
effect of various determinants on the attainment of human capital as a
measure of performance efficiency. Specifically, we observe the
differential effect due to job-level on the implementation of human
capital attainment. This research primarily differs from other studies
in that we are interested in finding if human capital is acquired
efficiently by individuals at higher job level. Previous studies have
tested the effect of human capital on earnings or other career success
measures. Our objective is to examine, if performance efficiency is
dependent on career success (i.e., job-level) rather than human capital
itself. To our knowledge, no research has been done to test the effect
of job-level on the performance efficiency. That is, if an individual is
successful in their career and achieves higher job level, will that
individual be more efficient by exhibiting upsurge in performance.
Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
Present study is based on data from the CPCU certified individuals.
The system of CPCU (Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter)
professional examinations and designation is the most recognized system
in the area of property/casualty insurance, which provides comprehensive
integrated, skill and knowledge set in all areas of property/casualty
insurance. As with professional designations in other fields, such as
the CPA in accounting, the CPCU is awarded to individuals willing to go
beyond the normal requirements of their profession. The American
Institute for Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU)
confers the CPCU designation. The CPCU designation is earned through the
successful completion of eight college-level courses with national essay
examinations, an experience requirement, and an agreement to be bound by
ethical standards. Curriculum includes risk management, insurance
products, insurance operations, financial analysis, and legal and
regulatory environment of insurance. Each course is accredited by the
American Council on Education (ACE) for at least 3 college undergraduate
credits and some for 3 graduate credits. The certification helps
practitioners to make sound, ethical decisions in the complex
environment of property and casualty insurance. An eight course program
is tantamount to completing about 24 hours of college credits (per ACE).
Property/casualty insurance industry in the United States operates
in a regulated environment, and within the evolving American culture,
consumer markets, and labor force. Thus factors such as, overall
educational trends, demographic, litigation, and consumerism influence
the insurance industry. Therefore, the need for educated professionals,
and ultimately the desire and ability of insurance industry individuals
to seek and attain the CPCU designation for diverse knowledge to keep up
with the dynamic change in the environment requires further investment
to acquire additional human capital.
This paper thus, examines the effect of job level on the
performance of CPCU certification a source of human capital. This
study's purpose is to determine if the upper job level individuals
are more efficient in attaining the CPCU designation. In particular, we
examine the effect of job level on two different (faster and slower)
categories of completion time (total time for completing the
certification program) to observe the performance differential. We
control for the age, gender and level of education. After controlling
for demographic factors, we find that higher job-level (executive) is
instrumental in enhancing the performance. This suggests that
individuals at the executive level are more efficient in acquiring human
capital. Our results provide solid support of positive contribution by
higher job level individuals in performance efficiency. Therefore, our
results contribute to the literature by documenting the constructive
externalities of job-level differential, and associating systematic
efficiency of executives' (job-level) performance with the success
A response variable "completion time" is initially
created from the length of time that it takes to complete the
certification program, sometimes known as "travel time" in the
literature. This is further categorized into "success" and
"failure" dichotomous variable as an outcome measurement.
Success is identified as those 25% with lower completion time (i.e.,
below first quartile) and failure is associated with those 25% that has
higher completion time (i.e., above third quartile). An individual is
categorized as efficient in attaining human capital if the person falls
in the "success" group. Therefore, if an individual is at
higher job level (such as, executive) and also positively associated
with "success" then we can assert that the higher job level
induces a setting for efficient attainment of human capital.
Our sample period consists of about 3466 completed individuals
(i.e., number of individuals who completed the program) record of data.
Table-1 presents summary statistics of age, with respect to gender and
education; and Table-2 presents percentage distribution of success
outcomes by gender and education. Logistic regression analysis was
applied to assess the significance of job-level on the performance
outcome. Job-level is a categorical variable and is incorporated in the
model as a dummy variable to assess the differential effect of human
capital attainment. Job levels are classification of positions in an
organization occupied by individuals who perform similar activities and
are confronted with similar decision making problems. Therefore,
individuals at different job levels will most likely exhibit
heterogeneity in their performance. Rice and Shook (1990) reported that
individuals at different job levels use different communication
structure. Individuals at higher job levels are faced with more
challenging tasks in their course of action (Hannaway, 1985). In
addition to this primary predictor variable, our analysis also included
three other independent variables: gender, age, and level of education
as control variables. Gender is a binary variable, coded "1"
for male and "0" for female. A number of prior studies have
investigated the impact of gender as a predictor variable on academic
performance. Two earlier studies found that female students performed
better than males in accounting area (Mutchler, Turner, & Williams,
1987; Lipe, 1989), while others found males outperforming females in
finance (Borde, Byrd, & Modani, 1996), Economics (Dale &
Crawford, 2000; Heath, 1989), and in professional certification
(Choudhury, Jones, Gamage, & Ostaszewski, 2008; Brahmasrene &
Whitten, 2001; Zook & Bremser, 1982). Several studies in the
computer arena found that, compared to male, females tend to display
lower computer aptitude (Rozell & Gardner, 1999; Smith &
Necessary, 1996; Williams, Ogletree, Woodburn, & Raffeld, 1993) and
higher level of apprehension (Bozionelos 1996; Igbaria & Chakrabarti
1990). Since, most of the prior researches indicate that an
individual's gender may play a role in producing differential
results; gender was controlled for in our research.
Another factor that we have included in our study is the level of
education to control for background knowledge. Vermunt (2005) observed
that, education and learning patterns influence individuals'
academic performance. This in turn may affect performance and efficiency
of obtaining human capital. Many studies have found grade point average
(a measure for intelligence) to be a significant factor for academic
performance (Bagamery, Lasik, & Nixon, 2005). These include among
others, in MBA (Gropper, 2007), accounting (Doran, Bouillon, &
Smith, 1991; Eskew & Faley, 1988; Garcia & Jenkins, 2003),
marketing (Borde, 1998), and economics (Bellico, 1974; Cohn, 1972; Dale
& Crawford, 2000). In this study, the levels of education differ
greatly among the individuals and because their performance on success
may be influenced by their level of education, we therefore include
education level in our analysis. Education is an ordinal (hierarchical)
categorical variable and therefore, kept in its original format ranging
from high school diploma to doctorate.
To observe the relationship between the response variable and
job-level, we perform two separate analyses. First, we use basic summary
statistics (Table 1) and percentage distributions (Table 2) to observe
whether the gender difference or education level exhibit any systematic
change. Then, we examine pair-wise correlations to assess the direction
of association between variables. Second, we regress the success factor
(dummy variable "1" or "0", see above for detail) on
age (AGE), gender (GENDER), education level (EDUCATION), and job-level
(indicator variable). Age is a continuous independent variable. In
general, it is assumed that there is a difference between younger and
older people in the performance of their human capital attainment. In
addition, this factor also reflects most of the experience base
knowledge differences. These differences may also relate to
individuals' job-level and the experience that they bring with them
to the human capital investment environment. Therefore, it is important
to use this factor as a control variable to isolate and extract the
differential effect of job-level on the attainment of human capital.
Statistical analysis was performed using logistic regression that
utilizes maximum likelihood estimation method and the analysis was run
using SAS software (SAS/STAT User's Guide, 1993) on these following
predictor variables; age, gender, education level, and job-level.
Job-level is used to measure the differential effect of job categories,
in particular to determine if executives are more efficient than others
when it comes to human capital attainment. This measure is designed to
test the hypothesis that individuals at higher job level (specifically
executives) are more efficient in the process of executing human capital
In logistic regression, the dependent variable is a logit, which is
the natural log of the odds, that is,
log(odds) = logit (P ) = ln(P/1 - P)
So a logit is a log of odds and odds are a function of P, the
probability of "success." Where "success" is coded
"1" and failure is "0", such that, Prob. (Y=1) = P
and Prob. (Y=0) = 1-P. In logistic regression, we find the logit mean
response as,
logit (P) = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1][X.sub.1] +
[[beta].sub.2][X.sub.2] + ..... + [[beta].sub.k][X.sub.k], ............
where [X.sub.i] is any predictor variable. Then the log-likelihood
function can be expressed as,
[log.sub.e] L([beta]) = [n.summation over
(i=1)][Y.sub.i]([beta]'[X.sub.i]) - [n.summation over
(i-1)][log.sub.e][1 + exp([beta]' [X.sub.i])], ............(3),
where; [beta]'[X.sub.i] = [[beta].sub.0] +
[[beta].sub.1][X.sub.i1] + [[beta].sub.2][X.sub.2] + ..... +
More discussions on the likelihood function can be found in Neter
et. al. (1996); Choudhury, Hubata and St. Louis (1999); and Strauss
Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics of starting age by
response variable and various predictor variables. Similar average
starting age (about 31 years) across gender and success factor for all
education levels combined is observed (see Table 1). This suggests that
there is no apparent difference due to age on the performance outcome.
Relatively speaking, average starting age decreases as the level of
education increases, owing to the time one needs to spend in obtaining
the higher education level (see Table 1). There is a great degree of
variation in percentage distributions (see Table-2) between genders when
considering performance outcome for the "efficient group"
(those who obtained the certification faster). More specifically,
percentage of males in the efficient group is twice as much as females
(32.26% vs. 15.27%). Gender difference is not quite visible when
considering the "inefficient group" (i.e., those who took
longer time to obtain the certification) only. Shown in Table 3 are
simple pair-wise correlation coefficients among the various factors. We
found that gender and shorter completion time (success) are positively
associated at the 0.02 significance level. Several studies have
suggested that gender differences exist in different learning
environments. It is possible that gender-bound differences exert
influence in the way in which males and females are inclined to learn
(Choudhury, Jones, Gamage, & Ostaszewski, 2008; Gallos, 1995;
Gilligan, 1982; Richardson, 2000).
Education level is found to be positively associated with shorter
completion time (note that, even though simple-correlation is
statistically meaningless for these binary variables, these correlations
are only an indication of bi-directional association in a simple linear
regression setting). This result is consistent with the perception that
high-achieving individuals make greater effort in acquiring the
necessary knowledge and skill; as a result they may be more competitive
in their performance of human capital attainment. Only job category
"executive level" seems to be positively associated with the
efficient performance. This is consistent with our hypothesis that
individuals at higher job level are highly motivated to invest in human
capital. As a result, these individuals perform more efficiently in
attaining the human capital, such as, CPCU certification in this study.
In Table 4, we report the results of the logistic regression
analysis (full model). The proposed model appeared to fit well in
estimating success outcomes (a binary response variable). All three
reported global p2 test statistics 94.42, 91.37, 85.59 are highly
statistically significant at a significance level <0.0001. Results
indicate that job-level is a significant predictor of individual's
performance measure in attaining human capital as measured by CPCU
certification. However, with categorical variables, the effect of a
particular category must be measured in comparison with other categories
involved. This means that compared to job level of senior management,
middle management, professionals, or administrative; executive job level
is associated with the increased log odds of success in human capital
attainment at significance level of 0.09. Therefore, the job-level,
specifically the executive level plays an important role when efficiency
is desirable in attaining human capital. Although, two other job levels,
namely middle management and professionals are statistically significant
(negative estimated coefficients implies odds are less than one) their
odds of success in human capital attainment is opposite to those of
executives. Moreover, the odds of decreasing success for these job
categories stay below one even at the upper 95% Wald confidence limits
(see Table-4).
We have also found gender to be a significant factor in this
empirical analysis. Specifically, the result indicates that an
individual's gender may contribute to the efficiency aspect of
human capital attainment and is consistent with other previous studies.
Severiens and Ten Dam (1997) reported similar gender effect in
undirected learning. The CPCU is primarily a self-study program, nearly
two-thirds of the students reported that they self-study. Although
self-study could potentially be directed, it is primarily an undirected
learning. Another explanation is competing time demand for different
gender, which could also account for the difference. Considering that
the average age of a CPCU enrollee is 31 years, competing time for
family care could be a factor and time spent on family care is
well-documented (McGrattan & Rogerson, 2004; Bianchi, 2000). Age is
not found to be statistically significant. Therefore, there is no
evidence to support that age influences performance. Although, level of
education is statistically significant, the magnitude of the odds-ratio
does not contribute much to the efficiency of success outcome.
We applied forward, backward, and mixed stepwise methods to select
a logistic regression model through Wald statistic, the likelihood ratio
statistic, and the Score statistic using significance level as a
criterion to add variables into the model or delete variables from the
model. All three types of stepwise methods yield the same result, as
shown in Table 5. Moreover, the model resulting from the stepwise
selection provides the same conclusion that gender, education level, and
executive level are significant factors in increasing the likelihood of
success. These variables have direct impact on the log odds of success,
as indicated by the positive coefficients that resulted in odds of
success greater than one. More specifically, one can assert that
likelihood of an executive to perform efficiently is twice as much as
others. In addition, odds of executives' success can be as high as
four times (4.359 at the upper 95% confidence, see Table 5). These
findings are consistent with the hypothesis that performance of top
executives combined with higher education level generates a stimulus
environment for an efficient accomplishment. Therefore, the result of
this study suggests that higher job level (specifically executive level)
induce a system for an efficient human capital attainment.
Performance efficiency of human capital attainment due to job-level
differential is examined in this research. Logistic regression analysis
found the predictive power of the job-level on the performance outcome.
Despite the differences among individuals education level, performance
efficiency is impacted by the job-level. Thus, our estimated logistic
regression model indicates that executive job level is a significant
factor in increasing the likelihood of success. Although, individuals
with higher level of education, as measured by their highest degree
earned, has higher odds of efficiently achieving human capital; gender
plays a role in the implementation phase of human capital investment.
Findings from this study have important implications on the
implementation of human capital investment.
This study helps to fill this gap in our knowledge about the
differential performance efficiency due to job-level. We examined the
determinants of performance in human capital attainment among CPCU
certified individuals. Our exploration to the effect of job-level on the
human capital attainment resulted in efficient performance by
executives. Studies of this kind, the question of causality inevitably
arises. Possible causal explanations may fall largely into two
categories: a) differences in information processing and b) motivational
differences. When new information is presented to learners, it is
processed in a severely limited working memory. Overcoming these
limitations is enabled by the use of schemas, stored in long-term
memory, to process information more efficiently (Kalyuga, Ayres,
Chandler, & Sweller, 2003). These schemas may be formed differently
in executives. One possible explanation is that, executives are exposed
to a broad array of information versus a narrower, but deeper, flow of
information for lower level practitioners. Thus, executives may have the
advantage of elevated level of "initial learning" because of
their broader occupational exposure. This "initial learning",
which occurs from their broader exposure, facilitates executives'
performance efficiency via "schema", or "anchor"
where new information can be placed (Bransford et. al., 1982; Mandler
& Orlich, 1993; Barnett & Ceci, 2002). Executives are also more
competitive in an occupational sense, more desirous of power, and more
motivated to stand out from the group. This strong motivational desire
could explain executives' superior performance in acquiring human
capital. Therefore, if performance serves to develop motivation, then
motivation may assist to cultivate efficiency. Although this research is
described as a test of theory, the theory itself has considerable
relevance for practice. For example, if a business organization is
interested in selecting individuals with executive level potential, then
the use of performance measure recommends itself. Therefore, it is
imperative that business organizations include performance efficiency
criteria in their descriptions for executives. This finding would be
especially important in post-modern times where corporations have
continued to seek efficiency.
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Askar Choudhury, Illinois State University
James Jones, Illinois State University
TABLE 1: Summary Statistics of Starting Age
By Gender and Education
1 Mean 38.64 30.06 37.47
Std 9.34 5.93 9.34
2 Mean 38.05 40.55 38.59
Std 8.85 6.51 8.39
3 Mean 30.16 30.08 30.12
Std 7.27 6.97 7.10
4 Mean 30.83 35.07 33.40
Std 7.24 8.13 8.03
5 Mean 33.55 40.54 37.95
Std 3.51 7.90 7.39
6 Mean 38.21 43.02 40.62
Std 2.83 4.42 4.11
ALL Mean 31.60 31.64 31.62
Std 7.98 7.79 7.88
1 Mean 31.06 37.98 33.83 35.99
Std 6.39 9.09 8.07 8.92
2 Mean 35.31 34.56 34.81 37.30
Std 7.18 6.22 6.41 7.93
3 Mean 30.12 30.23 30.19 30.15
Std 7.18 6.85 6.96 7.04
4 Mean 32.64 34.07 33.69 33.58
Std 7.01 7.29 7.22 7.52
5 Mean 34.00 35.98 35.43 36.40
Std 3.91 6.13 5.63 6.43
6 Mean 30.65 42.46 40.99 40.86
Std 0.00 11.13 11.12 9.13
ALL Mean 31.09 32.09 31.77 31.69
Std 7.07 7.42 7.32 7.61
Success = 0 or 1; success = 0 for candidates who took longer time to
complete the program (top 25%, i.e., above Q3) and success = 1 for
candidates who took shorter time to complete the program (bottom
25%, i.e., below Q1). Education (Level of Education):
High School = 1, Associate = 2, Bachelor = 3, Masters = 4, Law = 5,
Doctorate = 6.
Table 2: Percentage Distribution of Success
By Gender and Education
EDUCATION Success Outcome (in %)
0 1
1 1.30 0.21 1.51 0.62 0.41 1.03
2 2.47 0.68 3.15 0.55 1.10 1.64
3 17.74 20.75 38.49 10.00 19.32 29.32
4 2.81 4.38 7.19 3.22 8.84 12.05
5 0.68 1.16 1.85 0.82 2.12 2.95
6 0.14 0.14 0.27 0.07 0.48 0.55
ALL 25.14 27.33 52.47 15.27 32.26 47.53
Table 3: Correlation Matrix
SUCCESS 1.00 0.02 0.17 0.15 0.08
AGE 0.02 1.00 0.00 0.07 0.07
GENDER 0.17 0.00 1.00 0.15 0.07
EDUC 0.15 0.07 0.15 1.00 0.08
EXEC 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.08 1.00
M_MNG -0.02 0.05 0.03 0.06 -0.05
S_MNG -0.01 0.08 0.03 0.01 -0.01
PROF -0.16 -0.12 -0.05 -0.05 -0.11
ADMN -0.04 0.03 -0.06 -0.10 -0.02
SUCCESS -0.02 -0.01 -0.16 -0.04
AGE 0.05 0.08 -0.12 0.03
GENDER 0.03 0.03 -0.05 -0.06
EDUC 0.06 0.01 -0.05 -0.10
EXEC -0.05 -0.01 -0.11 -0.02
M_MNG 1.00 -0.03 -0.26 -0.05
S_MNG -0.03 1.00 -0.07 -0.01
PROF -0.26 -0.07 1.00 -0.11
ADMN -0.05 -0.01 -0.11 1.00
Note: Job levels are introduced as indicator variables: EXEC =
Executive, M_MNG = Middle Management, S_MNG = Senior Management,
PROF = Professionals, ADMN = Administrative.
Table 4: Logistic Regression [Full Model]
LOGISTIC Procedure
Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA = 0
Test Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq
Ratio 94.4251 8 <.0001
Score 91.3669 8 <.0001
Wald 85.5866 8 <.0001
Maximum Likelihood Estimates
Parameter DF Estimate Error
Intercept 1 -1.0346 0.3389
AGE 1 -0.00722 0.00735
GENDER 1 0.5520 0.1124
EDUCATION 1 0.3461 0.0775
EXEC 1 0.6589 0.3988
S_MNG 1 -0.5356 0.6039
M_MNG 1 -0.3835 0.1739
PROF 1 -0.5993 0.1210
ADMN 1 -0.5045 0.3966
Parameter Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
Intercept 9.3216 0.0023
AGE 0.9654 0.3258
GENDER 24.1279 <.0001
EDUCATION 19.9179 <.0001
EXEC 2.7301 0.0985
S_MNG 0.7868 0.3751
M_MNG 4.8627 0.0274
PROF 24.5507 <.0001
ADMN 1.6187 0.2033
Odds Ratio Estimates
Point 95% Wald Confidence Limits
Effect Estimate
AGE 0.993 0.979 1.007
GENDER 1.737 1.393 2.165
EDUCATION 1.413 1.214 1.645
EXEC 1.933 0.885 4.223
S_MNG 0.585 0.179 1.912
M_MNG 0.681 0.485 0.958
PROF 0.549 0.433 0.696
ADMN 0.604 0.278 1.313
Table 5: Logistic Regression [Stepwise Model]
LOGISTIC Procedure
Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
Test Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq
Ratio 91.6832 5 <.0001
Score 88.8035 5 <.0001
Wald 83.2802 5 <.0001
Maximum Likelihood Estimates
Parameter DF Estimate Error
Intercept 1 -1.3128 0.2602
GENDER 1 0.5610 0.1118
EDUCATION 1 0.3459 0.0767
EXEC 1 0.6914 0.3984
M_MNG 1 -0.3502 0.1724
PROF 1 -0.5454 0.1177
Parameter Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
Intercept 25.4548 <.0001
GENDER 25.1773 <.0001
EDUCATION 20.3466 <.0001
EXEC 3.0107 0.0827
M_MNG 4.1264 0.0422
PROF 21.4724 <.0001
Odds Ratio Estimates
Point 95% Wald Confidence Limits
Effect Estimate
GENDER 1.752 1.408 2.182
EDUCATION 1.413 1.216 1.642
EXEC 1.996 0.914 4.359
M_MNG 0.705 0.503 0.988
PROF 0.580 0.460 0.730