Turing off the lights: Consumer-allowed service interruptions could control market power and decrease prices. (The California Crisis).
Rassenti, Stephen J. ; Smith, Vernon L. ; Wilson, Bart J. 等
EARLY LAST DECADE, CONGRESS PASSED legislation that allows the
deregulation of wholesale electricity production and prices in the
United States. Under the legislation, states or regions that implement
deregulation must develop restructuring plans for the power industry.
The plans, in part, must specify the auction market rules for
determining the hourly wholesale price of energy that wholesale
producers sell to retail distributors, who in turn sell to their
In areas that have implemented deregulation, the process has
resulted in market designs hammered out by regulators, consultants,
industry representatives, and various power-marketing intermediaries.
The resulting plans employ supply-side bidding mechanisms for the hourly
spot market, coupled with varying degrees of freedom for producers and
distributors to arrange bilateral long-term contracts.
In California, producers submitted price-conditional offers of
energy to the spot market, known as the California Power Exchange
(California PX). That way, producers supplied the instantaneous demand
at the price that balanced production with consumption.
However, the widely fluctuating rates paid by retail distributors
to producers were not reflected in the rates that retailers charged most
of their customers. Until the recent demise of the PX, most of
California's wholesale power was resold to consumers at fixed rates
per kilowatt-hour, after payment of a fixed monthly access charge. That
meant that any consumer would be guaranteed that his instantaneous
demand would always be satisfied at the regulated delivery price. Thus,
deregulation at the wholesale level was not coupled with any significant
change in the retail technology for delivering, metering, and charging
the end use consumer.
In order to appreciate the implications of such a system, imagine
what would happen if, say, the airline industry operated under similar
rules. Airlines would be required to charge all passengers an identical,
regulated monthly access fee and a fixed price per mile traveled,
regardless of the flyer's destination, time and day of flight, and
even his willingness to pay. Also, as part of the service, airline seats
would have to be available to any passenger whenever he wants to fly,
even if it is on the busiest day of the year. That would mean that, in
order to operate in accordance with regulation, the airlines would have
to purchase and maintain enough airplanes to satisfy peak demand, yet
always charge the same fare regardless of how many planes are in use at
a given time.
Fortunately, that is not the way the airline market works. For
airlines, efficient pricing is very sensitive to peak versus off-peak
demand; tickets are less expensive at times when fewer planes are needed
to satisfy demand and there is plenty of capacity at the airports
involved, and more expensive when more planes are needed to satisfy
demand or airport capacity has reached its limit. Competitive markets
will tend to yield higher prices for peak users because it is their
travel demands that require the airlines to buy more airplanes and
restrict the number of passengers that they can service at an airport.
(The airline market did not always work that way; among the first
casualties of airline deregulation were the "fair" pricing
policies under regulation that tended to be insensitive to time and
destination of travel.)
However, the electricity industry operates in a
"mustserve" market similar to our hypothetical airline market.
That must-serve structure was inherited from America's traditional,
rigidly regulated power system that, because of political pressures,
placed reliability of electricity flows above all other goals,
regardless of cost. Under regulation, the cost was collectivized by
averaging it across all users, regardless of an individual
consumer's willingness to pay to keep the lights on. The local
utility was expected to maintain service, or restore it quickly (even in
inclement weather), and spread the cost of super-reliability over all
customers. That cost included the maintenance of substantial reserves in
generation and transmission capacity, with regulators establishing
standard electricity rates high enough to ensure that utilities received
a return on the capital so invested.
Thus, system reliability and the capacity to satisfy all retail
demand were exclusively a supply-side adjustment problem. The
consequence of that mindset was uncontrolled cost creep that increased
to a gallop as utilities invested large sums of money in expensive
plants in an effort to satisfy peak demand, and then were granted rate
adjustments to cover the expenses. Reaction to that pricing became part
of the political outcry for deregulation.
Implicitly, the process of deregulation assumed that the built-in
supply-side bias did not require fundamental rethinking when it came
time to design spot markets for the new world of competition. In the
formation of market institutions, however, the devil is always in the
Beginning three years ago in Midwestern and Eastern markets, peak
prices hit short-run levels of 10- to 100-times the normal price level
of $20-$30 per megawatt hour. That was the predictable direct
consequence of a market design in which completely unresponsive spot
demand impinges on a responsive discretionary supply.
California's crisis Last fall and winter, the California PX
was plagued by exorbitant increases in spot prices. Investor-owned local
distribution utilities, which were required to obtain all their power
through the PX, were pushed to the edge of bankruptcy because they were
forced to buy all of the electricity their customers demanded -- even if
the demand resulted in the radical bidding up of prices -- yet the
distribution utilities then had to resell the power to their customers
at low fixed retail rates (with a temporary exception in San Diego).
The crisis led to political action that imposed price caps on the
market. But, of course, the caps only reduced power producers'
response to the shortages. Political action also forced unwilling
out-of-state vendors to continue selling energy to the financially
troubled distributors for fear that, if they cut off the flow of
electricity, the distributors would go bankrupt and the suppliers would
never see the money already owed them.
Changing demand But what would have happened if, instead of
following a must-serve philosophy, distributors and their customers had
cut back -- or even cut out -- electricity use during peak hours? Would
such a decrease in peak demand lead to lower peak wholesale prices and
more supply? To answer those questions, we carried out a series of
economic experiments that examined consumer response in such a market.
We found that, if as little as 16 percent of buyers during peak demand
voluntarily accepted an interruption of power (in exchange for financial
compensation), the high level of prices and the tendency for upward
price spikes to occur when electricity supplies are tight would have
been completely avoided.
In such a system, the distributors would submit bids to customers,
offering to purchase the ability to interrupt service. The interruptions
would be voluntary, perhaps implemented by radio-control signals sent by
the distributor to selectively turn off some of the customers'
appliances. Or perhaps the distributor could adopt real-time prices that
would provide customers with financial incentive to
"self-interrupt" their service by cutting use during peak
In California, such voluntary acceptance of interruption certainly
seems preferable to last winter's involuntary area-wide blackouts
that affected all consumers alike, including those operating elevators,
energy-dependent production lines, and computers. What is more, in such
a decentralized market, no price controls would need to be imposed, no
involuntary penalties would need to be inflicted for high consumption,
and no action would be taken against sellers for "unjust
In testing our models to see if a voluntary interruption scheme
would be effective, we sought to answer two questions:
* What is the effect of supply-side market power on competition and
prices? Specifically, what would be the difference between a market in
which there is concentrated ownership of certain generator types
vis-a-vis a market in which there is no such concentration of ownership?
* What is the effect on competition and prices when there is
demand-side bidding by the distributor, who profits from buying in the
spot exchange and reselling to retail customers at a given price
In summary, we compared data on prices for four different treatment
conditions: supplier market power or not, coupled with demand-side
bidding or not. Our experiments used profit-motivated subjects who were
paid their earnings in cash at the end of each experiment. Buyers
profited by buying low, sellers by selling high, with all participants
using their own devices to work out profitable actions in light of
We compared data from experiments that implement our theoretical
demand-side bidding in a both-sides active, sealed bid-ask auction, with
data from a one-sided auction in which only generator owners are
submitting price conditional offers of power to the market. The latter
type of auction is the one that characterizes most closely the exchanges
found in California, the Midwest, and on the East Coast.
Representing supply The supply schedule underlying all the
experiments is represented by arraying generator marginal costs from
lowest to highest. That arrangement is appropriate because power
companies typically run their more efficient units for longer periods of
time and only operate their least-efficient units at peak times when
they are straining to keep up with demand. In our representation, each
generator type has a constant marginal cost up to its capacity --a
common approximation in power systems.
The resulting supply schedule is shown in Figure 1 as the line
marked by the coming-on-line of various generators operated by suppliers
S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5. In that representation, we distinguish three
standard types of generators:
* Low-cost, base-load generators that are normally running and
supplying power continuously at all times of the day. In Figure 1,
generators with a running cost of 20 per unit of output (e.g. $20 per
megawatt-hour) are shown on the lowest supply step. The generators'
total supply capacity is 12 units (e.g. 1,200 megawatts) of power. At
any price above 20, all of those generators are profitable.
* Intermediate cost ("load follower") generators that are
normally running at all times except during the low-consumption off-peak
hours. Those are shown in Figure 1 as incurring a cost of 76 per unit of
output, with a total capacity of 10. The generators are profitable at
any price above 76, as are the base-load generators. So, at prices above
76 but below when the high-cost units come on, the total energy supplied
is 12 + 10 = 22.
* High per-unit cost generators that are normally used only during
peak demand. Four of those generators are shown in Figure 1 with
per-unit cost of 166, and three more with unit costs of 186. Hence, the
supply moves up to 26 units when the going price is above 166, and up to
29 units when the price is above 186.
Representing demand For all of our experiments, demand was
represented by a three-step resale value schedule. As shown in Figure 1,
the first step -- a large spike of demand at price 226 -- is the
so-called "must serve" demand that depicts the fixed retail
price for all customers requiring uninterruptible service. Here, we
represent the U.S. industry in its current state in which most of the
demand is not responsive to price. (Of course, under full deregulation
we would expect that condition to change overtime, depending on prices
and incentives to conserve usage.) With full retail pass-through of
wholesale energy cost-based prices, we would expect a rapid adoption of
both the culture and the technology for implementing price
The first block of inelastic demand varies over a daily cycle that
begins with the "shoulder" demand (16 units), increases to the
"peak" demand (21 units), returns to the shoulder demand, then
decreases to "off-peak" demand (6 units). The cycle is
repeated each "day" in our experiments, for a total of 14
cycles. Thus, the relatively steady peak and off-peak hourly price
sequences for typical wholesale demand are each combined into one
simplified block (representing several hourly markets) for the peak and
another for the off-peak periods of the day.
We also simplified the transition demand sequence from off-peak to
peak and vice versa by representing the transitions with a single steady
block of "shoulder" demand. Our small simplifications enabled
us to focus on the key issues we wanted to study while still capturing
the essence of the daily natural cycle in demand in all electrical
delivery systems.
The market at work Electricity distributors profit by reselling
wholesale power purchased in each auction period during the day at their
fixed three-step resale prices. Of course, in our theoretical market
that includes voluntary interruptions, distributors and their customers
will not arrange to cut service during the must-serve first step.
However, the second and third steps can be interrupted, but the customer
has agreed to continue accepting service if the price does not eclipse
the step-two price (206) and step-three price (96). The lower resale
prices for power represent discounts by the wholesaler to various retail
customers in return for their willingness to have part or all of their
deliveries interrupted at the discretion of the wholesaler. Those on the
second step, however, never pay more than 206, and those on the third
more than 96.
The resale values remain identical for two treatments: No
Demand-side Bidding and Demand-side Bidding. In the absence of
demand-side bidding, all of the listed resale values and associated
quantities demanded are completely revealed as bids to the market by a
robot bidder. That eliminates strategic bidding behavior by buyers,
while strategic behavior on the seller side is fully active.
With demand-side bidding, four profit-motivated human subjects
function as wholesale buyers, and are free to bid their respective
demand each period at their discretion. They can reveal (bid their true
demand as in Figure 1), under-reveal, or withhold demand strategically
(by bidding at prices below their demand) in the same way that the five
sellers are free to reveal, under-reveal, or withhold supply from the
market by submitting asking prices higher than the true marginal cost.
The spot market pricing mechanism Where there is no active
demand-side bidding in each spot pricing period, sellers privately
submit a schedule of asking prices for their generation capacity. The
aggregate of all generator offer schedules is obtained by arraying all
of the individual offer price steps from lowest to highest. The offer
schedule is then "crossed" with the actual demand (resale
value) schedule to determine a single uniform market-clearing price
where the two schedules intersect. All generators receive, and all
wholesale buyers pay, the same price. That treatment parallels the
energy markets in most regions of the United States that have instituted
hourly spot markets, except that in our markets we make no provision for
bilateral contracts secretly priced outside the exchange; all energy
transfers pass through the spot market.
In the second experimental price mechanism treatment, there is
active demand-side bidding by wholesale buyers. The buyers, in addition
to the sellers, must privately submit schedules of bid prices for the
purchase of electricity in each spot pricing period. The aggregate of
the bid array, ordered from highest to lowest, is crossed with the offer
schedule of sellers. Where the bid-ask (reported demand and supply)
schedules intersect determines a single uniform price applicable to all
buyers and sellers. The two-sided auction market allows buyers
potentially to neutralize the expression of seller market power by
under-revealing their resale values or withholding some of their demand
for interruptible electricity.
How do we create market power in generator ownership? To answer
that question, look at the second step of the supply schedule, and the
shoulder demand that intersects that step. Above each generator segment
in the step there is a list of the generator companies that own capacity
on the step. Seller S1 owns two generators that operate profitably at
prices set at the intermediate level of demand, and S2 similarly owns
two units.
Gaming Given that ownership pattern, either S1 or S2 can increase
its profits unilaterally by withholding some of its capacity on the
intermediate cost step. During the shoulder periods, the competitive
price is equal to the marginal cost (76) of the intermediate generators.
However, either S1 or S2 can unilaterally withdraw (not submit offers
for) four units of production entirely so that the price rises to the
third step of the supply curve (166), where four units of peaking
generation capacity contest any further attempted increase in price.
Alternatively, either S1 or S2 can increase the offer price for its
intermediate cost generator capacity so that the offer sets the market
price. It is important to note that it requires only one of the two
sellers, S1 or S2, to undertake that profitable action that reduces its
volume sold but also benefits all other sellers. Either one of the
producers will be even better off by not having reduced its sales volume
if the other seller withholds supply to raise the price. Unless they
tacitly coordinate their offers, each has an incentive to free-ride on
the increased offer price of the other.
At the competitive price of 76,S1 and S2 both earn a profit of 224
[(76-20) x 4 units]. If either S1 or S2 raises the offer on its
intermediate units to 166, the price-setter's profit rises to 584
[(166-20) x 4 units]. That unilateral deviation is even profitable at a
price of 96 -- the third shoulder demand step -- where S1 and S2's
profit would be 384.
Changing the system How can we change the ownership distribution of
generators to eliminate market power during the shoulder demand periods?
We can eliminate the market power incentives simply by transferring
ownership of one of S1's and one of S2's intermediate cost
generators to S4 and S5 respectively. We will call this the No Power
With that ostensibly minor reallocation of capacity at Nodes 1 and
3, not a single supplier can increase profit unilaterally by offering
units at supra-marginal price levels in the shoulder period. If a single
supplier raises its offer above 96, that supplier surely will not sell
its intermediate units of capacity and, furthermore, will not increase
the price received for its base load units. In that case, it is not
profitable for any supplier to deviate unilaterally from revealing its
marginal cost. Only if two suppliers -- through tacit coordination --
decided to raise their offers on the intermediate-cost (second-step)
capacity could a supra-competitive price emerge.
Notice that, in both the Power and No Power treatments, no supplier
can exercise market power during peak demands; all unilateral deviations
are unprofitable. Even in the Power treatment, unilateral increases in
offers by S1 and S2 to raise the price from the competitive level of 166
to the peak production costs of 186 result in a loss of profit of 360
[(166-76) x 4 units] from the intermediate units of production and yield
a gain of only 80 [(186-166) x 4 units] on the base load units. That
design, with generation competitive at peak demand levels but not at
intermediate levels, illustrates the important principle that market
power need not be associated only with peak demand conditions. Market
power is about the ownership distribution of different generators
classed by marginal cost, given a fixed and unresponsive demand.
S1 and S2 can exert some market power during offpeak demands by
raising the offer prices on two units of base-load capacity, regardless
of the allocation of intermediate capacity generators. The theoretical
upper bound on the price during off-peak demand is 76, where price is
contested by the marginal cost of intermediate generating capacity. We
included some market power incentives in the off-peak demand as a common
control providing such incentives across sessions in all treatments.
To test how active demand-side bidding and the ownership pattern of
generators in electricity markets contribute singly and in tandem to the
exercise of market power, we conducted 16 market experiments using
students at the University of Arizona. Each session lasted approximately
90 minutes. We conducted four sessions in each of the four combinations
of treatments: {No Power, Power} x (No Demand-side Bidding, Demand-side
Bidding}. Each session was comprised of 14 market days that sequence
through the different levels of demand as follows: shoulder, peak,
shoulder, and off-peak.
Table 1 presents our hypotheses concerning the treatments effects
of Demand-side Bidding and Power relative to baselines of No Demand-side
Bidding and No Power. We hypothesized that active demand-side bidding
will lower prices and decrease volatility for every level of demand when
there is market power. We also hypothesized that the Power treatment
will increase prices and volatility in the shoulder demand but not
affect peak and off-peak prices when there is no market power.
Results Using the last 10 days of trading in each session, Figure 2
displays the average price and variances for each of the four
combinations of treatments. Notice in the two upper panels that
demand-side bidding reduces prices in the shoulder and peak periods for
both the Power and No Power designs, and also reduces prices in the
off-peak periods in the No Power treatment. The effect of demand-side
bidding is particularly striking in the shoulder periods in the Power
design. Demand-side Bidding completely neutralizes the exercise of
market power during shoulder periods by reducing the average price from
137 to 86. Without demand-side bidding, the No Power suppliers push the
price up to the value of the interruptible unit of demand, 96.
As hypothesized, we also find that shoulder prices are highly
volatile in the Power design without demand-side bidding. The variance
of price changes is 532 in the Power with No Demand-side Bidding
treatment, but only 36 in the No Power with No Demand-side Bidding
treatment. However, when Demand-side Bidding interacts with the Power
design, the variance in shoulder periods drops from 532 to 30. In the
Power design, demand-side bidding consistently and dramatically reduces
the volatility of prices. In the No Power design, demand-side bidding
reduces volatility in the off-peak and shoulder periods. Demand-side
bidding effectively limits price volatility whether or not generators
have market power.
Figure 3 illustrates two time series paths of five experimental
days for two sessions in the Power treatment, one with and the other
without demand-side bidding. It is obvious that the session with
demand-side bidding leads to lower prices in shoulder and peak periods.
Furthermore, for the same time of day, prices are very stable across the
days with demand-side bidding. Without demand-side bidding, the shoulder
and peak prices vary rather noticeably from day to day.
Figure 4 illustrates why prices are lower and less volatile with
demand-side bidding. The left panel illustrates the revealed bids and
offers from both sides of the market in one Power session. The right
panel illustrates the sellers' offers and the robotic bids at full
resale value from another Power session. Notice that, in the No
Demand-side Bidding, session, the offers are not very competitive
because the sellers freely push the price up against the unresponsive
buyers. In striking contrast, with Demand-side Bidding the lower bids by
the buyers force the sellers to submit competitive offers resulting in
lower prices in a 100percent efficient allocation.
In this article, we have reported on laboratory experiments that
used profit-motivated subjects to examine the effect of market power on
the level and volatility of prices in a supply-side auction market with
fully revealed demand. Using Power vs. No Power baseline experiments, we
extended the study to include measuring the effect of demand-side
bidding, which was our primary treatment of interest.
While holding constant the cost and structure of supply, and the
resale value and structure of wholesale demand, we inquired as to how
effective is the introduction of profit-motivated demand-side bidders in
restraining supply-side market power. Specifically, we measured the
effect of demand-side bidding on both the level and volatility of
wholesale prices. We did the comparisons in a technologically
conservative environment in which most -- 84 percent of peak -- demand
was what the industry and regulators call "must serve." In
that sense, we studied a transition environment still influenced by
regulatory rigidities likely to change and adapt over time to
decentralized management by markets.
We found that, in the absence of demand-side bidding, suppliers who
have market power because of the ownership distribution of generators
are able to push up the general level of prices in all phases of the
daily demand cycle -- peak, shoulder, and off-peak. The high average
level of prices peppered with frequent upward price spikes parallels the
recent experience in regional electricity spot markets such as
California and the Midwestern and Eastern sectors. The effect of
demand-side bidding is to reduce both the level and volatility of prices
that emerge from the exercise of market power by generators. When there
is no generator market power, the effect of demand-side bidding is to
reduce the shoulder and peak levels of prices and to reduce price
volatility at off-peak and shoulder demand periods.
Interruption's payoff The public policy implications of our
experiments are evident: Wholesale spot markets need to be
institutionally restructured to make explicit provision for demand-side
bidding. Distributors need to incentivizei more of their customers to
accept contracts for voluntary power interruptions. Distributors stand
to gain by interrupting demand sufficiently to avoid paying higher peak
and shoulder spot prices, and the savings can be used to pass on
incentive discounts to customers whose demand, or portions of it, can be
reduced or delayed to off-peak periods when supply capacity is ample.
The technology and capacity for implementing such a policy have long
existed and can be expanded, but incentives for introducing it have been
Our policy proposal recognizes that adjustment to the daily,
weekly, and seasonal variation in demand, and to the need to provide
adequate security reserves, is as much a demand-side problem as it is a
supply-side problem. The history of regulation has created an
institutional environment that sees such adjustment as exclusively a
supply responsibility. The result is an inefficient, costly, and
inflexible system that has produced the recent price shocks and
involuntary disruption of energy flows in California.
Demand-side bidding, coupled with the supporting
interruptible-service incentive contracts, can eliminate price spikes
and price increases, and reduce the need for reserve supplies of
generator capacity and transmission capacity.
[Figure 3 omitted]
[Figure 4 omitted]
Table 1
Hypotheses of Treatment Effects by Level of Demand
Effect of Effect of
Level of no demand side bidding demand side bidding
Demand and market power and market power
Shoulder Higher prices Lower prices
and volatility and volatility
Peak ? Lower prices
and volatility
Off-peak ? Lower prices
and volatility
Effect of
Level of demand side bidding
Demand and no market power
Shoulder ?
Peak ?
Off-peak ?
Figure 2
Market Power and Price
Experiment results for average prices and variances by treatment.
Competitive price Demand side bidding
Off-peak 20 47
Shoulder 76 85
Peak 166 139
Off-peak 20 46
Shoulder 76 86
Peak 166 163
No demand side bidding
Off-peak 40
Shoulder 95
Peak 176
Off-peak 64
Shoulder 137
Peak 179
Note: Table made from bar graph
Demand side bidding
Off-Peak 53
Shoulder 18
Peak 113
Off-Peak 50
Shoulder 30
Peak 22
No demand side bidding
Off-Peak 245
Shoulder 36
Peak 108
Off-Peak 315
Shoulder 532
Peak 83
Note: Table made from bar graph
* "Controlling Market Power and Price Spikes in Electricity
Networks: Demand-side Bidding," by S. Rassenti V. Smith, and B.
Wilson. Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science Working Paper,
George Mason University, 2001. Available online at
* "Efficiency and Income Shares in High Demand Energy Network:
Who Receives the Congestion Rends When a Line is Constrained?" by
S. Backerman, S. Rassenti, and V. Smith. Pacific Economic Review, 1997.
* "The Exercise of Market Power in Laboratory
Experiments," by C. Holt. Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 32
*"Market Design and Motivated Human Trading Behavior in
Electricity Markets," by M. Olson, S. Rassenti, V. Smith, and M.
Rigdon. Published in the Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International
Conference on Systems Sciences, 1999.
Stephen J. Rassenti, Vernon L. Smith, and Bart J. Wilson are
affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science at
George Mason University. They can be contacted by E-mail at
[email protected] [email protected] and
[email protected].