Self-regulation and securities markets: securities exchanges can police market abuses if government provides them the needed tools. (Securities & Exchange).
Pritchard, Adam C.
ENRON, ARTHUR ANDERSEN, TYCO, ImClone, WorldCom, Adeiphia -- as
American investors reel from accounting scandals and self-dealing by
corporate insiders, the question of trust in the securities markets has
taken on a new urgency. Securities markets cannot operate without trust.
Markets known for fraud, insider trading, and manipulation risk a
downward spiral as investors depart in search of safer investments.
Today, many investors are rethinking the wisdom of entrusting their
financial futures to the stock market. Absent trust in the integrity of
the securities markets, individuals will hoard their money under the
proverbial mattress.
Washington has responded to public outrage over corporate
shenanigans by proposing a laundry list of new laws and regulations to
crack down on corporate abuses. Some of the abuses, however, can be
traced back to regulatory laxity. Until recently, Congress had more
important uses for the taxes generated from securities transactions than
policing the securities markets. An understaffed Securities and Exchange
Commission long ago gave up periodic review of company filings because
it had other priorities. Accounting fraud ranked low on the enforcement
agenda, trailing the vendetta against insider traders and the pursuit of
teenagers engaged in Internet stock scams. Justice Department
prosecutors had no appetite for explaining complicated accounting
transactions to jurors; bank robbery and drug trafficking afforded
easier convictions. Only in the late 1990s did the SEC make financial
reporting a priority. Once financials were put under the microscope, the
agency claimed itself to be shocked to find that chief fina ncial
officers were playing fast and loose with the numbers. Once the SEC
started looking at the books, the number of restatements skyrocketed and
we had a "crisis" on our hands.
Is more regulation the answer to failed regulation? In Washington,
the answer usually is yes. So, questionable auditing of public companies
is addressed by a raft of restrictions on auditors and a
quasi-governmental entity to regulate auditors under SEC control. A lack
of SEC oversight is answered by a mandate for periodic review of all
public company filings by the SEC. The failure of prosecutors to pursue
corporate malfeasance leads to new criminal sanctions for prosecutors to
use (or continue to ignore). And, of course, Congress throws more money
at the crisis.
Some of the new reforms may help improve the quality of financial
reporting. Others, such as longer prison terms for fraud, are
election-year posturing and unlikely to add much additional deterrence.
The changes have, however, added to the expense and risk of being a
public company. Premiums for directors' and officers'
insurance have gone up sharply, as have auditors' fees. Those
expenses will be passed along to shareholders in the form of a
diminished corporate bottom line. And shareholders can expect to pay
again when companies are hit by a fresh wave of lawsuits that the new
legislation encourages. Finally, by threatening foreign CEOs with jail
time, Congress has handed London a great marketing weapon in its
competition for listings with New York.
New financial markets Is more government the only answer to shaken
investor confidence? Although Congress is unlikely to abandon big
government anytime soon, self-regulation remains an option for many
developing countries. As developing economies have emerged from the
quagmire of socialism and protectionism, financial markets have arisen
as well. Those countries must now choose their principal regulator: the
government or the market. The stakes are high for the fledgling markets
-- countries that fail to establish regulatory structures that instill investor confidence may find stock trading migrates to countries that
have done a better job at protecting investor interests.
Investors will be reluctant to invest and trade if they believe
that the markets are stacked against them. Therefore, financial
intermediaries seek to promote confidence in the integrity of public
offerings and the fairness of trading markets. That economic incentive
is a precondition to the establishment of fair and efficient markets,
but it is far from being sufficient. There are many obstacles on the
path to trust. To begin at the firm level, every brokerage house wants
its customers to believe that it puts their interest first. A reputation
for integrity is an essential marketing tool. But brokerage firms must
act through their employees, and sometimes the interests of those agents
may diverge from the interests of the firm. An external monitor may help
control the agency costs. Moreover, the line between reasonable pursuit
of profits and taking advantage of one's customer often will be
unclear. Investors will have greater confidence if an independent entity
draws that line. Finally, an individual broker age house, acting alone,
cannot control the integrity of the trading environment where it matches
its customers' orders with the orders of other investors. Nor can
it control the governance and management of the companies in which it
places its investors' funds.
We need institutions with a broader reach to control those risks:
the securities exchanges or the government. Exchanges can help create
the trust that leads to deep and liquid securities markets by designing
transparent trading mechanisms, vigilantly monitoring trading, and
imposing demanding disclosure standards on companies. Government, too,
has the authority to protect investors. With a few exceptions, both
institutions are of sufficient scope to control the potential abuses
that discourage investor participation in the securities markets. How
should regulatory authority be allocated between securities exchanges
and the state?
Do exchanges or the government have better incentives to regulate?
My answer: Exchange participants' quest for trading volume is the
best incentive for effective and efficient investor protection.
Government actors, by contrast, will seek to avoid crisis and scandal,
which will have very different implications for regulation and its
Exchange incentives Exchanges live or die with trading volume.
Broker-dealers make a substantial portion of their revenues from trading
commissions; another chunk comes from trading for their own accounts.
More trading by customers obviously means more commissions, but more
liquid markets also enhance the profitability of broker-dealers'
own trading. Exchanges attract trading volume by encouraging companies
to list their shares and by encouraging investors to trade in those
listed shares. Those two goals are largely consistent, as companies will
want to list their shares on exchanges that provide the greatest
liquidity because liquidity minimizes their cost of capital.
Economic theory and empirical evidence support the proposition that
insider trading and market manipulation harm liquidity, and there is
little evidence of any offsetting gain in pricing accuracy. The theory
is relatively straightforward: Insider traders hold information
advantages over outsiders. Those information asymmetries lead to trading
profits--insiders buy low and sell high. To avoid the corresponding
trading losses, outsiders would prefer to trade only with other
outsiders. Securities markets are anonymous, however, so outsiders have
no way of knowing when they are trading with an insider, but they do
know that they will systematically lose when they do. Market makers who
supply liquidity to the markets on an uninformed basis will increase
their spreads to reflect the possibility of dealing with an insider. As
a result, insider trading simply becomes a transaction cost of all
trading. Uninformed shareholders will discount the amount that they are
willing to pay for shares by their expected losses fro m trading with
insiders; they may attempt to avoid losses from trading with insiders by
trading less frequently. Less trading means less liquidity, and less
liquid securities markets raise the cost of trading. Consequently,
insider trading reduces the demand for trading services provided by the
exchange. For that reason, exchanges have long imposed disclosure
requirements on listed companies; disclosure reduces the information gap
between insiders and outsiders. More recently, they have developed
sophisticated computer surveillance systems that allow them to monitor
trading to uncover abuse.
Securities fraud by companies has the same effect on trading
volume--fraud will discourage investor participation if someone is aware
of the deception and trades on the information. For example, corporate
officers who manipulate accounting numbers while dumping their
stockholdings are engaged in both fraud and insider trading, with
predictable effects on liquidity. Market manipulation also creates
information asymmetries. Attempts to manipulate share prices through the
typical techniques of wash sales, matched orders, and
"touting" are all inherently deceptive, and that deception
creates an information asymmetry between its perpetrators and other
investors. Consequently, exchanges will have an incentive to discourage
both fraud and manipulation. Breaches of fiduciary duty by brokers have
the same character: Brokers stepping in front of a customer's order
can profit only by deceptively concealing their conduct from their
customers. Brokers who provide credible certification that they do not
cheat their custome rs that way will take business away from those who
do not so certify.
Exchange incentives are less clear with regard to the other form of
manipulation: attempts to "corner" the market. Craig Pirrong
argues that attempts to corner a market may lead to increased trading
volume, thus undermining exchange incentives to combat that form of
manipulation. Exchanges' lack of incentive to regulate
volume-increasing manipulation suggests a path toward locating the
dividing line between exchange and government regulation.
Exchanges sometimes play a role as certifying intermediaries in
requiring good governance from corporations that list on the exchange.
The Enron debacle has brought further demands on American exchanges to
play a role in certification. They have responded by requiring more
independent boards and shareholder approval of options plans. But
exchanges will have little incentive to regulate unless the regulation
promotes trading volume. Exchanges may play an important role in setting
disclosure standards for listing corporations and enforcing those
standards because of the relation between the availability of
information and liquidity. We cannot expect them, however, to play an
important investor protection role in other corporate governance questions such as the enforcement of fiduciary duties. Investors need
protection from executives like John Rigas (who treated the Adelphia
corporate coffers as his own piggy bank), but self-dealing has only a
tenuous connection to trading volume. Government regulation may be n
ecessary to curb abuses of this type, particularly if longstanding
practices must be overcome to bring companies into line with current
best practices.
Government incentives Government is more ambivalent about trading
volume. Policymakers recognize in the abstract that encouraging liquid
securities markets will facilitate capital formation, and thus, economic
growth. On the other hand, politicians and other policymakers also worry
about "speculative excesses" in the trading markets.
Fortunately, governmental concerns over excessive trading are likely to
be suppressed during bull markets when investors' primary focus is
counting their gains and chasing the next "sure thing."
Bear markets inevitably follow bull markets, however. Corporate
mismanagement and corruption can be obscured by rising stock prices in a
bull market, but the dirty laundry has a way of surfacing in bear
markets. The bad news produces dissatisfied investors who clamor for
government intervention. Politicians who happily ignored ever-climbing
stock markets become profoundly interested in disclosure policy when the
financial news migrates from the business page of the newspaper to the
front page. The accounting scandal du jour provides an opportunity to
fulminate, hold a series of show trials called "legislative
hearings" to rake some greedy businessmen over the coals, and then
enact legislation to protect investor confidence. The recent spectacle
of politicians falling all over themselves to outdo each other in
"getting tough on corporate crime" is only the latest chapter
of political overreaction to the fallout of corruption revealed by a
bear market.
That dynamic means that demands for financial market regulation
will arise in times of crisis, particularly if that crisis spills over
into the real economy. Crisis, however, does not create the ideal
environment for developing balanced, cost-effective policy
interventions. Politicians will want to "do something," even
if the proposed "something" may prove to be ineffective or
counter productive. Responsible officials in government agencies will be
called to the carpet by legislators looking to hold someone accountable
for the market decline. Bureaucrats tend not to enjoy such encounters.
Not being paid very well, they expect to at least lead quiet lives,
which leads them to a strong preference for conservatism in regulation.
From the bureaucrat's perspective, the optimal number of regulatory
failures is zero. If a rule makes an incremental contribution to the
avoidance of a future crisis, government regulators maybe quick to see
the rule's wisdom, discounting its costs. Those costs will be borne
by investor s generally, in the form of small reductions in their
investment returns and disclosure documents that bury important
information in a sea of minutia. Those costs are sufficiently diffuse
that they are unlikely to generate a groundswell for regulatory reform.
Thus, the cumulative effect of regulation in response to crisis is a
ratchet effect pushing toward greater, more intrusive regulation. It may
take multiple crises to push government regulations to the point where
they become a serious drag on the financial markets, but having reached
that point, it becomes very difficult to turn the ship of state toward
less regulation. Interest groups that benefit from the regulatory
apparatus will fight hard to preserve their prerogatives. Deregulation requires a mammoth (and unusual) mustering of political will.
Government impartiality? Government regulation also poses the risk
that well-organized interest groups may exert undue influence over
policymakers. Critics of self-regulation commonly complain that market
participants may be lax in regulation because of the need to respond to
competition. Compared to what? The forces demanding less stringent
regulation from exchanges will demand the same from government. The
forces of rent seeking do not recognize any boundary between the public
and private spheres. Exchanges respond to the preferences of
broker-dealers and executives of listing companies because they do not
want to lose market share in listings and trading volume. Governments
respond to those same groups because they are well organized, well
financed, and have a strong interest in lobbying politicians. The only
difference is that the rent seeking will be in the form of efforts to
influence political decision-making as opposed to being mediated through
the forces of competition. For example, corporations pour ed millions of
dollars into the campaign war chests of strategically placed congressmen
to head off the Financial Accounting Standards Board's efforts to
require that options grants be accounted for as an expense. Congress
then bullied the supposedly independent FASB into submission.
This investment in lobbying is not surprising. The crucial point is
that government has little incentive to reconcile the conflict between
corporate executives and brokers on the one hand, and investors on the
other, in the most cost-effective manner. Identifying the competition
for listings as a limit on the regulatory zeal of the exchanges tells us
nothing about whether the government would do a better job. Allocating
authority to government redirects rent-seeking energy into the public
sphere, but it does not dissipate it.
The government's attitude toward insider trading and
manipulation is also complicated. In addition to its effect on trading
volume, insider trading raises moral issues that may have political
resonance. Insider trading is "unfair" because it involves a
corporate officer or an investment banker exploiting his position to
make (occasionally enormous) secret profits at the expense of unwitting
shareholders. Whether the moral outrage over insider trading is driven
by a sense of equity or envy, it carries potent political appeal. Coming
down hard on insider traders is an easy sell; most voters have no
opportunity to engage in insider trading themselves. Once the campaign
against insider trading has begun, regulators may lose sight of other
priorities. In the United States, the 1980s saw important market players
very publicly hauled off in handcuffs, accused of insider trading. The
charges were later dropped against many of those arrested (this time
without a media presence) for lack of evidence. That minor setbac k did
not hold back the rise of the prosecutor responsible for those arrests,
Rudolph Giulani, to political power. The SEC similarly benefited from
the high profile attention it has received for its "war" on
insider trading. The in terrorem effect of this governmental enthusiasm
for pursuing insider traders is difficult to quantify, but it is surely
non-trivial. If insiders are cowed by those efforts into selling their
shares only when they believe that they are undervalued, firms will be
forced to pay greater sums in stock-based compensation.
Lessons for others Those concerns about potential over-regulation
may seem misplaced after a series of accounting scandals. Although this
is a natural reaction to regulatory failure, countries just developing
their regulatory regimes for their securities markets must worry that
those regulatory choices maybe path-dependent. The United States has the
regulatory scheme it does because of political choices that were made in
the wake of the market crash of October 1929. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
campaigned for, and Congress adopted, the Exchange Act of 1934 to punish
the New York Stock Exchange for its perceived role in
"causing" the depression that followed. The choices made then
have led the United States to the point where regulation by the
exchanges is done largely at the behest of the SEC. We cannot know what
an autonomous scheme of self-regulation would look like in the United
States securities markets today because that possibility was
extinguished in 1934. Government regulation is far too entrenched in th
e United States for self-regulation to be a likely alternative today.
For developing markets, however, the choice remains open. A number of
important securities markets, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and
Australia, continue to allocate primary regulatory authority to their
Exchange regulation provokes three principal objections:
* The exchanges can be subject to conflicts of interest.
* Some issuers can exert inappropriate influence on the exchanges.
* The exchanges can produce a cartel of regulated firms.
Those problems with exchange regulation, while manageable, have
important implications for the scope of regulatory authority allocated
to exchanges.
Conflicts of interest Broker-dealers are not homogenous.
Broker-dealers segment themselves to appeal to different market sectors;
some brokers cater to small investors while others specialize in
institutional trading. Some brokers have a stronger presence in
investment banking, with less emphasis on trading services. Those
different business models lead to different perspectives on exchange
governance, and could lead to differing views on the importance of
regulation. For example, brokers that cater to retail investors are
likely to favor vigorous enforcement of rules reducing information
asymmetries because their clients will benefit the most. Brokers with
institutional clients, by contrast, may tolerate informational
advantages in the securities markets if (as seems likely) their clients
are the holders and beneficiaries of those advantages. How can those
competing interests be reconciled?
The economic answer is that the constituency having the greater
intensity of preference -- backed by willingness to pay -- should see
its views prevail. That outcome maximizes the profits of the exchange
membership as a whole. Although the outcome is straightforward as a
matter of economic theory, it is no small thing to achieve as a matter
of governance. If members of the exchange each have one vote, brokers
representing small investors may outnumber brokers who deal with
institutional investors, thereby allowing the preferences of small
investors to prevail. That result can occur even if the institutional
shareholders engage in more trading and contribute more to the overall
profits of the exchange's membership.
Governance problems of that sort have driven the recent trend
toward demutualization, first by the Stockholm Stock Exchange, and more
recently by others, including NASDAQ in the United States. The NYSE proposed a transition to private ownership, but that move has stalled.
Competition is driving the transition from mutual ownership to
for-profit public corporations. The introduction of electronic trading
systems threatens the future of more traditional trading systems.
Established exchanges have found it difficult to update their own
trading systems in response because the shift to alternative trading
Structures could destroy the livelihood of some exchange members. With
governance determined by vote, brokers who are threatened can block
changes even if they make economic sense.
The obvious solution is to buy off the opposition of brokers
dependent upon the old trading system. The sticking point, however, is
who should fund the buyout? The equally obvious answer is the brokerage
firms (primarily those serving institutional clientele) that would
benefit from the development of new trading systems. But that solution
presents daunting collective-action problems. Who would be required to
pay and how much? A public offering promises a large sum of money to
grease that wheel.
In addition to providing the funding needed to buy out dislocated
brokerages, shifting from a mutual ownership structure to a publicly
held corporate structure promises to facilitate sensible decisions
concerning changes in trading platforms and rules. A publicly held
exchange controlled by professional managers will adopt the trading
system that maximizes the demand for its trading services while
minimizing its costs, thereby maximizing profits for its investors.
The happy implication for exchange regulation is that the trend
toward public ownership should lead exchanges to adopt regulatory
structures that maximize the demand for trading services at the least
cost. Public owners will demand that exchanges regulate to the point
where the last dollar spent brings in an added dollar in trading or
listing fees, regardless of whose ox is gored by that regulation. The
shift from mutual ownership to a publicly held, for-profit corporation
makes the title "self-regulation" no longer apt. "Market
regulation" might be a better description. Member firms would no
longer be regulating themselves, but would be subjecting themselves to
external regulation by an independent market. In some respects, that is
simply a final step on the path of private regulation from informal
regulation by member broker-dealers to the modern system delegating
enforcement to professional staffs. Public ownership is the last step to
a completely independent, but still market-based, regulatory structure.
Exchanges with governance structures that provide independence from
those being regulated have more credibility and can safely be given
greater regulatory authority.
Pandering to issuers Exchanges require disclosure to encourage
investors to trade. The quest for trading volume will be tempered,
however, by the exchanges' need to compete for listings. That
raises the concern that exchanges will be reluctant to require full
disclosure and impose sanctions on companies and their officers for fear
that they will discourage listings.
To be sure, exchanges will want to weigh the costs of disclosure
against its benefits. They also will take care in sanctioning insider
trading, fraud, and manipulation because baseless punishments will drive
listings away. Exchanges will investigate thoroughly before bringing
claims against a listing company and provide fair procedures to ensure
that only the guilty are sanctioned. Honest companies (i.e., those that
have adopted effective procedures to discourage their managers from
insider trading and deceptive financial practices) can signal their
executives' integrity by pre-committing the company and its agents
to pay sanctions if they have engaged in abusive behavior. That signal,
if credible, would reduce the companies' cost of capital. Exchanges
that under-invest in deterring insider trading and manipulation will
lose honest companies, leaving behind those companies most likely to
take advantage of outside investors. Thus, accuracy in enforcement leads
to a "race to the top" as exchanges that prosecut e only
genuine insider trading and manipulation will attract more listings.
The prediction that companies will seek exchanges with strong
disclosure requirements and enforcement becomes less clear if we relax
the assumption that corporate managers act as faithful agents for their
shareholders. Presumably, managers who are willing to take advantage of
their shareholders by engaging in insider trading and fraud are also
willing to impose agency costs on their shareholders when making listing
Companies making listing decisions can be divided into two primary
classes: startup companies that are considering initial public offerings
and deciding where to list their shares for the first time, and
established companies that are already listed and have the option of
switching exchanges. Agency costs are lower for a start-up company
because the corporate managers making the listing decision usually own a
substantial portion of the company's equity. In addition, they
frequently are under the watchful eye of the venture capitalists, who
also hold substantial equity. If the managers list on an exchange that
under-enforces insider trading, manipulation, and fraud prohibitions,
investors will discount the amount that they are willing to pay in the
public offering. That discount will reflect the shares' lower value
in the secondary trading markets resulting from expected trading losses.
The discounting directly harms managers selling shares in the public
offering. Because managers in that situation will inter nalize the costs
of their decisions, we can have confidence in their initial listing
Managers of already listed companies are less likely to internalize the costs of their decisions because they generally hold a smaller
portion of their companies' equity. Moreover, they may favor the
interests of long-term shareholders over those of short-term
shareholders (who value liquidity more highly). That concern is
particularly acute in developing markets, which have a high percentage
of companies dominated by controlling shareholders. As a result,
managers of established companies may favor exchanges with lax
enforcement. On the other hand, managers interested in trading profits
paradoxically may prefer a market with more stringent enforcement.
Greater enforcement produces more liquidity, which allows insider
traders greater latitude to disguise their trades among the many
liquidity trades. Whether the need for liquidity will dominate the fear
of sanctions is uncertain. Thus, we cannot have the same degree of
confidence in the listing decisions of managers of established
companies. If managers obstr uct the implementation of more stringent
listing rules, exchange regulation will be undermined.
The ability of an exchange to impose more stringent requirements
will turn on the credibility of its threat to de-list companies that
refuse to comply with the new rules. The credibility of that threat will
in turn be determined by the ability of de-listed companies to obtain a
listing providing comparable liquidity elsewhere. For most developing
countries, the primary competitive threat is that their companies may
decide to list their securities in New York, Frankfurt, or London. The
leading markets of the United States and Europe are anxious to get a
share of the trading volume for the most successful companies in the
developing world. But listing in New York or London, the most
prestigious alternatives, would put companies from developing countries
and their controlling shareholders under greater regulatory scrutiny
than they are likely to face from even a more intrusive domestic
exchange. The alternative of listing on a less well-known exchange would
send a clear signal to investors that the controlling shareholder was
indifferent to the protection of minority shareholders, likely leading
to a substantial decline in the company's share price. The primary
victim of that decline would be the controlling shareholder. Thus, the
alternatives to domestic listing will not put much competitive pressure
on domestic exchanges to be lenient in its regulation. The greater
concern for exchanges in the developing world has to be companies
seeking greater enforcement from better-established securities markets,
not less enforcement from laxer ones.
Restraints of trade A perennial concern with self-regulation is its
potential use as a means for suppressing competition. Exchange
self-regulation historically has been used to enforce cartel
arrangements and punish cheating on those agreements, allowing exchange
members to extract monopoly prices for trading services from investors.
While that history is a source of concern, government regulation of
the securities markets is not the answer. The U.S. experience suggests
that government regulation by a specialized securities agency is more
likely to protect cartel arrangements than dismantle them. The SEC
quietly tolerated the price-fixing arrangements of the NYSE for close to
50 years, acting to eliminate fixed commissions only under congressional
pressure. By then, competitive forces had undermined the fixed
commission system. If government intervention to prevent cartelization
were desired, it would make more sense to leave antitrust scrutiny to
the competition authorities. The antitrust agency, while lacking the
industry expertise of the securities agency, is far less likely to
succumb to industry capture.
In any event, the risk of cartelization has diminished
substantially with internationalization. When markets were
geographically distinct, cartelization was a viable strategy for the
securities industry. Investors today, however, allocate their capital on
a global basis. Markets that try to extract rents will lose listings to
markets that trade freely. Competition is the most effective antidote to
attempts to suppress competition.
Governmental authority is necessary in some areas to enhance the
effectiveness of exchange regulation. That intervention must be narrowly
tailored, however, so that oversight does not become de facto control.
Government control over exchanges could undermine their incentives to
respond to market forces. Government intervention should be limited to
providing exchanges with authority to regulate and auditing regulation
by exchanges to provide investors with the information they need to
evaluate the integrity of the markets in which they trade.
Lack of jurisdiction Exchange regulation is hampered by the
exchanges' lack of jurisdiction over non-members and lack of
criminal authority. Those holes in exchange authority reflect the
limitations of private, rather than state, regulation. Private actors
can regulate only those individuals and entities that consent to
regulation, and even that regulatory authority may be limited by the
The absence of state authority creates two potential problems for
exchange regulation. First, there may be individuals who engage in or
facilitate misconduct such as insider trading or fraud, but who are
beyond the exchange's enforcement power. Both investigation and
enforcement may require authority over individuals who have not
contracted with the exchange. Second, civil sanctions will not deter
insider trading and manipulation, given the enormous profits available
from those activities and the relatively low probability of detection.
We need punitive sanctions to achieve adequate deterrence.
Limited jurisdiction Exchanges currently rely on two forms of
authority to enforce their rules: listing agreements with corporate
issuers and membership rules that apply to broker/dealers. In both
cases, the power to regulate flows from contractual consent. The
exchange's power to exclude from its facilities gives it the
ability to regulate: Corporations can be de-listed if they refuse to
comply with disclosure requirements and broker-dealers can have their
trading privileges terminated if they manipulate trading. The power to
exclude includes the lesser authority to suspend temporarily. That
authority, however, misses a large part of the regulatory problem.
Insider trading, for example, is typically engaged in by individual
corporate officers and brokers, not the entities for which they work,
which have their own incentives to discourage such abuses. Corporate
officers are not parties to the listing agreement signed by the
corporation, and individual brokers are unlikely to be members of the
exchange. Effect ive regulation requires the power to fine those
individuals, terminate their employment, and exclude them from positions
of trust.
In the United States, legislation gives exchanges jurisdiction over
persons associated with broker-dealers, along with the power to impose
civil penalties on such persons. That solution could work equally well
with listed corporations. There remains the problem of individuals
unconnected to either listed corporations or broker-dealers who may
engage in insider trading and manipulation, or assist those who do. One
solution to that problem is a mandatory contract, administered by the
broker-dealers, similar to the mandatory arbitration contracts that
investors sign in the United States. Anyone who desires to trade using
the facilities of the exchange would be required to agree to abide by exchange rules and subject themselves to exchange penalties for
violating those rules. Statutory authority could provide the exchanges
with the tools necessary for investigating violations, including the
ability to interview individuals who might have information concerning
potential violations.
Criminal authority The question of criminal sanctions is more
complicated. It obviously is not politically feasible to delegate
criminal authority to the exchange itself. More realistically, exchanges
could be allowed to call upon the government for criminal enforcement of
violations of exchange rules. Enlisting the state in the enforcement of
private rules is not unusual. For example, governments regularly
prosecute individuals for violations of property rights. Georgetown
University allows me to use the computer that I am using to write this
essay. If I give the computer to my nephew to use, I might find myself
in the D.C. jail. Violation of the terms of private contracts can have
criminal consequences. In the United States, insider trading is defined
in large part by contractual understandings between private parties, but
violation of those agreements leads to criminal penalties.
Criminal sanctions for violating exchange rules are a small step
from those existing practices. The exchange would determine disclosure
requirements and prohibitions on insider trading and manipulation, but
the state would decide the appropriate criminal sanctions for violations
of those rules and would enforce those sanctions through its ordinary
criminal processes.
Transparency of exchange regulation Critics of self-regulation
sometimes charge that exchanges avoid enforcing their own rules because
it might create bad publicity. That criticism underestimates the ability
of sophisticated institutional investors to evaluate the quality of
regulation in different securities markets. Liquidity levels vary
dramatically across different nations. Recent studies suggest that
cross-national variations in investors' willingness to commit their
funds depend in large measure on the quality of regulation in that
market. There clearly is an international competition to attract
investor capital, and effective regulation provides a competitive
advantage. Moreover, it is unclear that government enforcement is any
more transparent than exchange enforcement; government regulators also
have an incentive to portray the markets within their jurisdiction as
uncorrupted. Revelation of widespread problems could lead to adverse
political consequences. Even if exchanges could suppress information
about violations, it does not follow that government should displace
exchange regulation.
Enhancing transparency through government oversight One step short
of government regulation would be the U.S. regime, under which the SEC
oversees exchanges' enforcement. Not only can the SEC sanction
exchanges for non-compliance with their own rules or the securities
laws, the agency also must approve any change in exchange rules and can
change those rules itself if it is dissatisfied with them. In addition,
the SEC issues numerous rules of its own affecting the exchanges and
broker-dealers. Consequently, the exchanges have been all too willing to
implement regulatory proposals at the behest of the SEC. resulting in a
self-regulatory veneer covering a government regime. Exchanges subject
to displacement by government regulation essentially regulate the way
the government would. In the United States, industry participants
perceive exchange regulators as an arm of the SEC. That is not
regulatory competition.
Enhancing transparency through government auditing A less intrusive
approach can produce transparency without displacing regulatory
competition among the exchanges. Transparency can be achieved through
periodic review and reporting by government regulators of trading
processes, random screening of exchange investigations, and review of
sanctions imposed by the exchange. Institutional investors, in
particular, are likely to be avid consumers of such reports. The
government would report, however, on the exchange's compliance with
its own rules. Government regulation would certify that those rules were
being enforced, not determine their content. Government verification can
enhance the credibility of exchange regulation by ensuring that the
exchange actually enforces the rules that it advertises to the investing
public, protecting their interests. Regulation is a service like any
other, and consumers who are informed about the quality of that service
trade off cost and quality in the way that best serves their i nterests.
Government would be limited to facilitating the market for regulation by
providing the public good of information.
Securities markets cannot operate without trust. Investors can
trust exchanges to regulate because of their powerful incentive to
maximize trading volume. The many choices that investors have today
remind exchanges that investor protection is a crucial part of their
business. Investors will leave markets that fail to protect investors to
find markets that will. Government regulation, by contrast, is unlikely
to be as responsive to the needs of the securities markets and risks
burdening investors with the cost of unnecessary regulation.
Notwithstanding the advantages of exchange, government must play a
role even in a largely self-regulatory scheme. Government must provide
exchanges with sufficient authority to regulate and provide criminal
enforcement of exchange rules when necessary. In addition, government
has an important role to play in auditing the exchanges to ensure that
they enforce their rules as written. As President Ronald Reagan put it
in another context: "Trust, but verify." Investors need to be
able to verify the quality of self-regulation when allocating their
capital among different markets. Armed with that information, investors
can weigh for themselves the tradeoff between the cost and quality of
regulation. Auditing, however, should not be allowed to slip into
outright control. To exploit fully the advantages of exchange
regulation, exchanges must have discretion over the content of their
rules. If exchanges become government pawns, government priorities will
dictate the form and content of exchange regulation.
If government provides exchanges with the necessary tools,
financial markets can produce the regulation that encourages investor
participation while retaining the powerful incentive provided by
competition. As Adam Smith explained long ago, competition is the most
powerful tool known for channeling man's baser instincts toward the
social good. Securities regulation cannot afford to ignore that tool.
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Adam C. Pritchard is an assistant professor at the University of
Michigan Law School and a visiting assistant professor at Georgetown
University Law Center. He can be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected].