The case against smoking bans: despite their popularity, government-mandated smoking bans are not justified.
Lambert, Thomas A.
In recent months, dozens of localities and a number of states have
enacted sweeping smoking bans. The bans generally forbid smoking in
"public" places, which are defined to include not only
publicly owned facilities but also privately owned properties to which
members of the public are invited (e.g., bars, restaurants, hotel
lobbies, etc.). Proponents of the bans insist that they are necessary to
reduce risks to public health and welfare and to protect the rights of
nonsmoking patrons and employees of the regulated establishments.
Specifically, ban advocates have offered three justifications for
government-imposed bans: First, they claim that such bans are warranted
because indoor smoking involves a "negative externality," the
market failure normally invoked to justify regulation of the ambient
environment. In addition, advocates assert that smoking bans shape
individual preferences against smoking, thereby reducing the number of
smokers in society. Finally, proponents argue that smoking bans are
justified, regardless of whether any market failure is present, simply
because of the health risks associated with inhalation of environmental
tobacco smoke (ETS), commonly referred to as "secondhand
This article contends that government-imposed smoking bans cannot
be justified as responses to market failure, as means of shaping
preferences, or on risk-reduction grounds. Smoking bans reduce public
welfare by preventing an optimal allocation of nonsmoking and
smoking-permitted public places. A laissez-faire approach better
accommodates heterogeneous preferences regarding public smoking.
The conventional justification for regulation of the ambient
environment (i.e., outdoor air and water) is that it is necessary to
combat the inefficiencies created by negative externalities. Negative
externalities are costs that are not borne by the party in charge of the
process that creates them. For example, the owner of a smoke-spewing
factory does not fully bear the costs associated with the smoke, stench,
and health risks his factory produces; many of those costs are foisted
onto the factory's neighbors. When conduct involves negative
externalities, participants will tend to engage in that conduct to an
excessive degree, for they bear the full benefits, but not the full
costs, of their activities. Quite often, then, government intervention
(e.g., taxing the cost-creating behavior or limiting the amount
permitted) may be desirable as a means of ensuring that the cost-creator
does not engage to an excessive degree in the conduct at issue.
Advocates of smoking bans insist that indoor smoking involves
negative externalities. First, ban advocates argue that nonsmoking
patrons and employees of establishments that allow smoking are forced to
bear costs over which they have no control. In addition, smokers impose
negative externalities in the form of increased healthcare costs, a
portion of which is paid from the public fist. Thus, taxpayers are
required to foot the bill for some of the costs associated with smoking
in general. Examined closely, each of these externality-based arguments
for smoking bans fails.
PATRONS AND EMPLOYEES Outdoor air pollution involves the sort of
negative externality likely to result in both an in-optimal (i.e.,
excessive) amount of the polluting activity and a violation of pollution
victims' rights. When it comes to indoor air pollution, by
contrast, there is no such externality. That is because the individual
charged with determining how much, if any, smoking is permitted in an
indoor space ultimately bears the full costs of his or her decision and
is thus likely to select the optimal level of air cleanliness. Moreover,
nonsmokers' "rights" are not violated, because they are
compensated for the inconveniences and risks they suffer.
One might wonder how this could be. Because smokers in a public
space impose costs on nonsmoking patrons, who cannot order the smokers
to stop, will indoor smoking not entail both the inefficiency (an
excessive level of pollution) and the injustice (an infringement of
non-polluters' rights to enjoy clean air) associated with outdoor
air pollution? In a word, no. There is a crucial difference between
outdoor and indoor air, and that difference alleviates the
inefficiencies and rights-violations normally associated with air
The crucial difference is property rights. Whereas outdoor air is
common property (and thus subject to the famous Tragedy of the Commons),
the air inside a building is, in essence, "owned" by the
building owner. That means that the building owner, who is in a position
to control the amount of smoking (if any) that is permitted in the
building, has an incentive to permit the "right" amount of
smoking--that is, the amount that maximizes the welfare of individuals
within the building. Depending on the highest and best use of the space
and the types of people who patronize the building, the optimal level of
smoking may be zero (as in an art museum), or "as much as patrons
desire" (as in a tobacco lounge), or something in-between (as in
most restaurants, which have smoking and nonsmoking sections). Because
patrons select establishments based on the benefits and costs of
patronage, they will avoid establishments with air policies they do not
like or will, at a minimum, reduce the amount they are willing to pay
for goods and services at such places. Owners of public places thus bear
the full costs and benefits of their decisions regarding air quality and
can be expected to select the optimal level of air cleanliness.
Moreover, customers who do not like the air policy a space-owner has
selected will patronize the space only if they are being otherwise
compensated by some positive attribute of the space at issue--say, cheap
drinks or a particularly attractive clientele. They are, in other words,
compensated for any "rights" violation. The de facto property
rights that exist in indoor air, then, prevent the inefficiencies and
injustices that accompany outdoor air pollution.
But what about workers at businesses that permit smoking? Is there
not an externality in that they are forced to bear costs (and assume
risks) over which they have no control? Again, the answer is no. Workers
exercise control by demanding higher pay to compensate them for the
risks and unpleasantries they experience because of the smoke in their
workplaces. Adam Smith theorized about such "risk premiums"
when he wrote in The Wealth of Nations:
The whole of the advantages and disadvantages of the different
employments of labor and stock must, in the same
neighborhood, be either perfectly equal or tending to equality....
[T]he wages of labor vary with the ease or hardship,
the honorableness or dishonorableness of employment.
He was right. A vast body of empirical evidence, including most
notably that produced by economist W. Kip Viscusi, demonstrates that
employers do in fact pay a premium for exposing their workers to risks
and unpleasantries. Such risk/unpleasantry premiums motivate employers
to select the optimal amount of smoke in their restaurants. They also
alleviate any injustices occasioned by what might otherwise appear to be
a violation of employees' rights. Thus, smoking in public
establishments does not, in any meaningful sense, impose genuine
negative externalities in the form of risks and unpleasantries to the
patrons and employees of such establishments. Any externalities produced
are merely "pecuniary" externalities--that is, externalities
that are mitigated by the price mechanism and thus do not create
inefficiencies and injustices.
PUBLIC COSTS Ban advocates also seek to justify prohibitions by
pointing to externalities in the form of public healthcare expenditures.
The argument here proceeds as follows:
* Smokers face disproportionately high health care COSTS.
* A portion of such costs is borne not by smokers themselves but by
the public at large.
* Smokers thereby externalize some of the costs of their behavior
and thus will tend to engage in "too much" smoking.
* Therefore, smoking bans are justified as an effort to cut back on
the level of smoking that would otherwise exist.
This argument suffers from several weaknesses. First and most
importantly, the initial premise is unsound. According to a
comprehensive study in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1997,
smoking probably has the effect of reducing overall health care costs
because smokers die earlier than nonsmokers. The study's authors
concluded that in a population in which no one smoked, health care costs
would be 7 percent higher among men and 4 percent higher among women
than the costs in the current mixed population of smokers and
nonsmokers. The authors further determined that if all smokers were to
quit, health care costs would be lower at first, but after 15 years they
would become higher than at present.
Even if smoking were shown to increase public health care
expenditures, the argument here would seem to prove too much. If
increased healthcare costs could justify government imposition of a
smoking ban in privately owned places, could they not similarly justify
governmental regulation of menus at fast food restaurants or mandatory
exercise regimens? Serious liberty interests would be at stake ira
government were to make its citizens "be healthy" so as not to
impose health care costs on others.
Finally, the assumption that public smoking bans reduce the
incidence of smoking seems suspect. As discussed below, widespread
smoking bans may actually increase the incidence of smoking among young
people. Externalities in the form of increased public health care costs,
then, likely cannot justify widespread bans on smoking in public spaces.
The argument above concludes that smoking bans are unnecessary
because market processes will ensure either that patrons' and
employees' preferences regarding smoking are honored or that those
individuals are compensated for not receiving their preferences. That
argument assumes, though, that individuals' preferences are
unaffected by the legal rule itself'. A number of scholars have
disputed the notion of "exogenous preferences." Instead, they
claim that individuals' preferences regarding activities like
smoking are influenced by the background legal rules themselves. Some
theorists have therefore sought to justify smoking bans on grounds that
they make smokers less likely to want to smoke and/or make nonsmokers
more likely to appreciate smoke-free environments and thus more willing
to pay a premium for such environments. In the end, neither
preference-shaping argument can justify widespread bans on public
SHAPING ATTITUDES In recent years, legal scholars have produced a
voluminous literature on the role of law in indirectly controlling
conduct by shaping social norms and individual preferences. Smoking bans
provide one of the favorite "success stories" of those who
laud the use of legal rules to change norms and preferences. According
to these scholars, smoking bans affect behavior, even if under-enforced,
because they change the social norm regarding smoking in public. With
the advent of smoking bans, nonsmokers who previously felt embarrassed
about publicly expressing their distaste for ETS are speaking up. By
providing a de facto community statement that public smoking is
unacceptable, the bans embolden nonsmokers to confront smokers who are
inconveniencing them. Facing heightened public hostility toward their
habits, smokers are likely to revise their preferences regarding
smoking. Thus, by making smoking more socially costly, the theory goes,
bans reduce the number of smokers.
Of course, this is a good thing only if actual social utility is
increased by reducing the incidence of smoking. Ban advocates assume
that reducing smoking is welfare-enhancing for the obvious reason that
smoking carries serious health risks.
But ban advocates generally are not in a position to judge the cost
side of reducing smoking because they do not know the degree of utility
smokers experience by smoking. Smokers themselves, who these days are
aware of the risks of smoking, appear to believe that the benefits they
experience from the activity outweigh the costs. It is thus not at all
clear that eliminating smoking will enhance social welfare.
But even if it were clear that society would be better off with
less smoking, attempting to use smoking bans to influence social norms
may not represent wise policy. Sweeping smoking bans may actually
increase the incidence of smoking. A large percentage of smokers acquire
the habit at a young age, and they frequently do so because smoking is
"cool." Smoking is cool, of course, because it is rebellious.
The harder anti-smoking forces work to coerce people into quitting
smoking, and the more they engage the government and other establishment
institutions in their efforts, the more rebellious--and thus the
"cooler"--smoking becomes. Even advocates of the use of
smoking regulation to alter social norms acknowledge that overly
intrusive regulations may result in this sort of "norm
backlash." As an empirical matter, then, it is not clear whether
sweeping smoking bans--highly intrusive regulatory
interventions--actually reduce the incidence of smoking in the long run.
WILLINGNESS TO PAY The preference-shaping argument analyzed above
focuses on the potential for smoking bans to shape the preferences of
smokers (and potential smokers) by manipulating social norms. Insights
from cognitive psychology suggest that smoking bans might similarly
influence the preferences of nonsmokers, making them more willing to pay
a premium for smoke-free environments and thereby encouraging more
business owners to adopt no-smoking policies.
Advocates of a laissez-faire approach to the issue of indoor
smoking maintain that an unregulated market will produce an optimal
number of smoking and smoke-free establishments as business owners
respond to the demands of patrons and employees. If patrons and
employees are willing to pay more for a smoke-free environment (via,
respectively, higher prices for the business's goods and services,
or lower wages) than smokers are willing to pay for the right to smoke,
then business owners will be motivated to ban smoking. Otherwise, they
will not. Thus, there is no need for the government to force
establishments to go nonsmoking; the market will provide an optimal
number of nonsmoking facilities.
This argument assumes, though, that nonsmokers' willingness to
pay for smoke-free environments is unaffected by the smoking laws
themselves. If the laissez-faire approach depresses the amount
nonsmokers are willing to pay for a smoke-free environment, then
intervention in the market in the form of smoking bans may be justified.
So why might the background rules on when and where smoking is
permitted affect nonsmokers' willingness to pay for smoke-free
environments? In recent decades, cognitive psychologists have conducted
a number of experiments purporting to demonstrate an "endowment
effect," whereby an individual's valuation of an asset is
determined, in part, by whether or not she owns that asset. The general
finding is that people attach a greater value to things they own than
they would attach to those things if they did not own them and had to
purchase them. In other words, ownership enhances subjective value.
With regard to smoking bans, ban advocates may argue that legal
prohibitions effectively endow nonsmokers with the right to smoke-free
air, causing them to value it more than they would if they had to
"buy" it. If that is indeed the case, then the laissez-faire
approach to indoor smoking appears troubling, for it is not, as its
advocates maintain, merely a neutral policy that facilitates
satisfaction of existing preferences. Rather than providing a level
playing field on which privately adopted nonsmoking and
smoking-permitted policies can compete, it biases the outcome of
competition in favor of smoking-permitted policies. Because a truly
neutral market solution is really impossible, ban advocates may call for
the government to weigh in on the side of public health and force the
no-smoking policies that will be under-produced by the inherently biased
free market.
There are several problems with this analysis. First, there is a
great deal of debate over the extent to which the endowment effect
really exists and the extent to which it applies to ownership of
intangible rights (e.g., the right to smoke-free air) as well as to
ownership of tangible property. In addition, given the number of public
establishments that have already gone smoke-free, thereby
"endowing" their patrons with the right to smoke-free air, the
argument is a little out of date. Nonsmokers have now been exposed to
enough facilities in which they have been endowed with the
"right" to smoke-free air that they likely have adjusted
upward their subjective valuation of that commodity (assuming endowment
would, in fact, occasion an upward adjustment). Finally, the endowment
effect argument would support, at most, temporary smoking bans--i.e.,
bans that persisted long enough to move the amount nonsmokers would be
willing to pay to avoid smoke from a "willingness to pay"
measure to a "willingness to accept" measure. If the
justification for the bans is a need to enhance nonsmokers'
valuation of smoke-free spaces so as to encourage market creation of
such spaces, then the bans need not be permanent.
The first two arguments for smoking bans focus, to some degree, on
citizens' preferences: the externality argument focus es on a
purported market failure that allegedly prevents the satisfaction of
preferences regarding smoking, and the preference-shaping argument
focuses on the law's inevitable role in shaping those preferences.
By contrast, the third common argument for smoking bans ignores
citizens' smoking preferences altogether. That argument asserts
that smoking should be banned in public places, regardless of
individuals' smoking preferences, because the health risks it
presents are simply too great. In other words, smoking bans are
justified on risk-based grounds even if there is no need to remedy a
market failure or to correct a preference-shaping bias in the law.
Policymakers frequently invoke excessive risk as a sufficient
ground for regulating an activity, even when that activity does not
involve a market failure or reflect preferences that have been skewed by
the background legal rules. Consider, for example, mandatory seatbelt
laws. There is not much of an externality involved in the failure to
wear a seatbelt because the costs of the conduct are borne by the person
deciding to engage in it. While mandatory seatbelt laws may have the
effect of altering preferences, there is no reason to think that the
background legal rule had previously biased preferences against wearing
seatbelts, and risk-avoidance is the sole reason for altering citizen
preferences in the first place. Thus, the predominant justification for
mandatory seatbelt laws, which have been enacted in every state except
"Live Free or Die" New Hampshire, is risk-reduction--not
externalities or a need to shape preferences for some end other than
risk-reduction. Similarly, ban advocates argue, public smoking bans may
be justified solely on grounds of risk-avoidance.
But a purely risk-based argument likely cannot justify a sweeping
smoking ban. While risk, standing alone, is sometimes deemed sufficient
to justify government prohibition of private conduct, such prohibition
seems appropriate only when the harm avoided is relatively great and the
regulation's intrusion on personal liberty is relatively small.
Again, consider mandatory seatbelt laws. The risk associated with not
wearing a seatbelt is huge, and the regulation's intrusion on
personal liberty is minor--no more than a slight inconvenience. Hence,
the laws may be justifiable on risk-reduction grounds. Consider, by
comparison, whether the government could invoke risk as a legitimate
basis for banning driving after 1:00 a.m. Such behavior certainly
presents a heightened risk (late-night drivers are far more likely to
fall asleep at the wheel), but the magnitude of risk presented does not
justify the degree of liberty intrusion occasioned by the regulation.
Smoking bans look more like late-night driving bans than mandatory
seatbelt laws and thus likely cannot be justified solely with reference
to risk.
To see why this is so, we must first isolate the relevant risk.
Because public smoking bans do not prohibit smoking altogether and may
not even reduce its incidence, the risk the bans aim to avert is not the
risk to smokers themselves. It is instead the risk to nonsmokers--i.e.,
the risks associated with inhalation of ETS. The key question, then, is
whether these risks are of sufficient magnitude to justify a significant
intrusion on the personal liberty of private business owners and their
If one were to rely on the stated conclusions of federal agencies
(and/or the media reports discussing those conclusions), one might
conclude that the risks associated with ETS inhalation do justify
significant liberty restrictions. First consider the Environmental
Protection Agency's 1992 report, Respiratory Health Effects of
Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders. That study, which
concluded that ETS is a Class A (known human) carcinogen, purported to
show that inhalation of ETS causes 3,000 lung cancer deaths per year.
Not surprisingly, the study fueled efforts to impose smoking bans.
As it turns out, the study hardly amounted to sound science. A
congressional inquiry into the methods the EPA used in the study found
that "the process at every turn [was] characterized by both
scientific and procedural irregularities," including
"conflicts of interest by both Agency staff involved in the
preparation of the risk assessment and members of the Science Advisory
Board panel selected to provide a supposedly independent evaluation of
the document." The congressional inquiry further concluded that
"the Agency ha[d] deliberately abused and manipulated the
scientific data in order to reach a predetermined, politically motivated
The findings of the EPA's 1992 study have also been undermined
by court opinion. Charged with evaluating the agency's risk
assessment in determining that ETS constitutes a Class A carcinogen, a
federal district judge in the case Flue-Cured Tobacco Coop.
Stabilization Corp. v. U.S. EPA criticized the agency's analysis in
terms that can best be described as scathing. The court concluded:
[The EPA] publicly committed to a conclusion before
research had begun; ... adjusted established procedure and
scientific norms to validate the Agency's public conclusion[;]
... disregarded information and made findings on selective
information; did not disseminate significant epidemiologic
information; deviated from its Risk Assessment Guidelines;
failed to disclose important findings and reasoning; and left
significant questions without answers.
Thus, the EPA's purported finding that ETS poses a serious
cancer risk--a "finding" that has been extremely influential
in motivating state and local smoking bans throughout the United States,
should be discounted.
Apparently undeterred by these congressional and judicial
reprimands, the U.S. surgeon general recently released a report entitled
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, which
purports to settle once and for all the debate over the risks of ETS
inhalation. In releasing the report, Surgeon General Richard Carmona
confidently proclaimed:
The scientific evidence is now indisputable: secondhand
smoke is not a mere annoyance. It is a serious health hazard
that can lead to disease and premature death in children
and nonsmoking adults.
In presenting the report, the surgeon general's office
emphasized to the news media that even brief exposure to ETS poses
immediate and significant health risks. The press release accompanying
the report stated that "there is no risk-free level of exposure to
secondhand smoke" and that "even brief exposure to secondhand
smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and
increases risk for heart disease and lung cancer." In his remarks
to the media, the surgeon general stated, "Breathing secondhand
smoke for even a short time can damage cells and set the cancer process
in motion." In a "fact sheet" accompanying the report,
the surgeon general explained, "Breathing secondhand smoke for even
a short time can have immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular
system." These and similar statements, faithfully repeated by the
news media, create the impression that science has determined that
simply being in a smoke-filled room exposes one to significant health
Examined closely, the surgeon general's report established no
such proposition. The underlying studies upon which the surgeon
general's report was based considered the effects of chronic
exposure to ETS on individuals, such as long-time spouses of smokers.
The studies simply did not consider the health effects of sporadic
exposure to ETS and thus cannot provide empirical support for the
surgeon general's statements about short-term ETS exposure.
Moreover, those statements are theoretically unsound, for they
conflict with the basic toxicological principle that "the dose
makes the poison." According to a study published in the New
England Journal of Medicine in 1975, when many more individuals smoked
and there were much higher ETS concentrations in public places, exposure
to an hour's worth of prevailing levels of ETS was equivalent to
smoking 0.004 cigarettes. Put differently, one would have to breathe
smoke-filled air for 4,000 hours in order to inhale as much tobacco
smoke as a smoker inhales in a single cigarette. Given those
concentration levels, it seems implausible that short-term exposure to
ETS poses serious health risks. Possessing neither empirical foundation
nor theoretical plausibility, the Surgeon General's public
statements about the health risks of brief exposure to ETS were
But what about the actual findings of the surgeon general's
report, as opposed to the hyperbolic (and widely reported) accompanying
statements? Those findings--even taken at face value--do not provide a
risk-based rationale for highly intrusive smoking bans. The report
concludes that chronic ETS exposure increases the risks of lung cancer
and heart disease by 20 to 30 percent. While those numbers sound fairly
large, one must remember that the underlying risks of lung cancer and
heart disease in nonsmokers are quite small to begin with. A 20 percent
increase in a tiny risk is, well, really tiny--certainly too tiny to
justify the substantial liberty infringement involved in smoking bans.
Indeed, risk alone has not justified a ban on smoking itself, an
activity that increases the risk of heart disease by 100 to 300 percent
and that of lung cancer by 900 percent. How, then, could a much smaller
risk justify highly intrusive regulation of the voluntary actions of
individuals gathered on private property?
This analysis even assumes that the conclusions of the surgeon
general's report are accurate. In fact, they probably are not. The
report is a meta-analysis, meaning that the authors did not collect
their own epidemiological data but instead combined the results of
previously published ETS studies. Meta-analyses are useful analyses, but
they are no more compelling than the underlying studies upon which they
are based. In this case, the meta-analysis rests on findings from a
number of discredited studies, including the 1992 EPA study. Moreover,
the analysis treats all studies equally, regardless of their scope and
rigor. A number of the underlying studies purporting to document
correlations between chronic ETS exposure and cancer or heart disease
were quite small, and most employed "case study" methodologies
in which individuals with diseases were polled regarding spousal smoking
habits or the presence of ETS at their workplaces. A superior study
would involve a large number of subjects--some routinely exposed to ETS,
some not--and would follow them over time. This sort of "cohort
study" is more difficult to perform than after-the-fact case
studies, but it is also more accurate.
In fact, an extremely large cohort study has recently been
conducted. In 2003, James Enstrom of UCLA and Geoffrey Kabat of the
State University of New York, Stony Brook, published a study of the
health histories of more than 35,000 never-smoking Californians who were
married to smokers. Using information gathered by the American Cancer
Society, the researchers collected data on the never-smokers for 39
years (from 1959 to 1998). Their investigation revealed no heightened
lung cancer risk among study subjects. In fact, the authors found no
"causal relationship between exposure to [ETS] and tobacco-related
mortality," though they acknowledged that "a small
effect" cannot be ruled out. Enstrom and Kabat's massive
study, which has been vociferously criticized by anti-smoking forces,
was not even included in the surgeon general's meta-analysis, which
covered only studies published through 2002.
The bottom line is that the research on ETS reveals, at most, that
even chronic ETS exposure creates only a negligible absolute risk of
cancer and heart disease. Advocates of smoking bans must therefore base
their risk arguments on non-disease risks.
Some have acknowledged that the purported link between ETS and
cancer or heart disease is dubious but have nonetheless maintained that
other health risks justify sweeping bans. For example, Dr. Elizabeth
Whelan of the pro-ban American Council on Science and Health chastised
her fellow ban advocates for "threaten[ing]" their cause with
"hyperbole about the likely effects of ETS"--i.e., claims that
ETS causes cancer and heart disease. Maintaining that the advocates
should have "simply stated that ETS caused irritation of the eyes,
nose and respiratory tract and aggravated preexisting asthma," she
insisted, that "surely that is enough of a reason to justify the
protection of all workers" via a sweeping smoking ban.
Surely it is not. As noted above, paternalistic regulations aimed
solely at reducing risks, not at correcting a legitimate market failure,
are justifiable only when the risk is relatively serious and the liberty
intrusion occasioned by the regulation is relatively minor. Here, the
potential harms at issue (a greater number of watery eyes and runny noses, and aggravation of complications among asthmatics who voluntarily
patronize establishments where smoking is permitted) do not seem great
enough to justify a governmental command that private business owners
force their invitees to refrain from an activity that affects only other
invitees. Hence, widespread smoking bans are not justifiable solely on
risk-based grounds.
Controversies over smoking in public places are ultimately
controversies over property rights. Does a smoker have the right to fill
the air with his or her smoke, or do nonsmokers have the right to
smoke-free air? In other words, who "owns" the air? A smoking
ban effectively gives nonsmoking patrons the right to the air. By
contrast, the laissez-faire approach effectively permits the owner of
the establishment to determine the proper allocation of air rights
within his or her space. The owner may choose to give the rights to
smoking patrons (by permitting smoking), nonsmokers (by banning
smoking), or to try to accommodate both by designating some parts of the
establishment nonsmoking but permitting smoking elsewhere within the
However owners allocate the right to air among smokers and
nonsmokers, there will be some "winners" whose preferred
policy is adopted and whose happiness is therefore increased, and some
"losers" whose preferred policy is rejected and whose
happiness is therefore diminished. There is thus, as Ronald Coase explained, an unavoidable reciprocal harm inherent in any allocation of
the right to the indoor air at issue. Adoption of a smoking-permitted
policy harms nonsmokers, but adoption of a no-smoking policy harms
In light of this unavoidable, reciprocal harm, social welfare would
be maximized if smoking policies were set to favor the group whose total
happiness would be most enhanced by implementation of its favored
policy. So, if smoking customers value the right to smoke in a
particular place more than nonsmoking customers value the right to be
free from such smoke, that place should allow smoking. Conversely, if
nonsmoking patrons value an establishment's clean air more than
smoking patrons value the right to light up, the establishment should
ban smoking.
It should thus be clear why a laissez-faire approach of permitting
establishment owners to set their own smoking policies will create more
welfare than a ban on smoking in public places. Under the laissez-faire
approach, a business owner, seeking to maximize his or her profits, will
set the establishment's smoking policy to accommodate the patrons
who most value their preferred policy (and thus are most willing to pay
a premium to be in the proprietor's space). This will result in a
variety of smoking policies at different establishments, as business
owners respond to the preferences of their customers.
Under a smoking ban, by contrast, business owners are not permitted
to cater to smoking patrons' demands even when those patrons value
the right to smoke more than nonsmoking patrons (and employees) value
the right to be free from smoke. A smoking ban, then, is less likely to
maximize social welfare than a laissez-faire approach, which ensures
that the right to any particular public place's air is allocated to
the group that values it most.
Government-imposed smoking bans are unwise. Considered closely, the
arguments used to justify them falter. The externality argument fails
because indoor smoking creates, at worst, a pecuniary externality that
will be mitigated by the price mechanism. Preference-shaping arguments
are weak because heavy-handed government restrictions create a
substantial risk of "norm backlash." Risk-based arguments are
insufficient because the slight risks associated with ETS cannot justify
the substantial privacy intrusion occasioned by sweeping smoking bans.
In the end, a laissez-faire policy that would permit private business
owners to tailor their own smoking policies according to the demands of
their patrons is most likely to maximize social welfare by providing an
optimal allocation of both smoking and smoke-free establishments.
* "The Anti-Tobacco Campaign of the Nazis: A Little Known
Aspect of Public Health in Germany, 1933-45," by Robert N. Proctor.
British Medical Journal, Vol. 313 (1996).
* "Concentrations of Nicotine and Tobacco Smoke in Public
Places," by W. C. Hinds and M. W. First. New England Journal of
Medicine, Vol. 292 (1975).
* "Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Tobacco-Related Mortality
in a Prospective Study of Californians, 1960-98," by James E.
Enstrom and Geoffrey C. Kabat. British Journal of Medicine, Vol. 326
* "Gentle Nudges vs. Hard Shoves: Solving the Sticky Norms
Problem," by Dan M. Kahan. University of Chicago Law Review, Vol.
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University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law
Thomas A. Lambert is associate professor at the University of
Missouri-Columbia School of Law. He may be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected].