Introduction to the symposium on sport economics.
Matheson, Victor ; Booth, Ross ; Lenten, Liam J.A. 等
The past two decades have witnessed an explosion of scholarly
research in the field of the economics of sports, and an increasing
acceptance from the mainstream of the economics discipline. Of course,
common interest in athletics is nothing new. As noted by the first paper
in this symposium, spectator sports date back to at least the early
Greeks and Romans; and Adam Smith, no less, briefly explored the topic
of the economics of recreation in his classic text, The Wealth of
Modern scholarly interest in sports, however, rests on several key
aspects. First, sports are a large and growing part of the economies of
most modern industrialised nations. Humphreys and Ruseski (2008), for
example, estimate the size of the sports industry in the United States
alone at up to $82 billion (AUD84 billion) per year. Furthermore, this
figure has grown over time, at a rate faster than general economic
growth, as rising incomes have led to increases in disposable income and
leisure time that have contributed to increased spending on recreational
activities like spectator sports.
Second, the social importance of sport is even larger than the
economic impact. In purely monetary terms, the cardboard box industry is
larger in most countries than the professional sports industry; however,
cardboard box fans rarely gather at the local pub to discuss the latest
products, nor do newspapers and websites typically devote entire
sections to the corrugated paper industry. Clearly, sports capture the
public's imagination in a way that goes well beyond a simple
economic calculation.
Third, sports provide economists with a wealth of publicly
available data that is often difficult to find in other fields of
economic study. Indeed, the sports pages and websites are full of data
that are begging to be analysed by some aspiring sports economist, and
often this data reveals information that is of interest far beyond the
sporting world.
This symposium collects six papers covering a variety of sports
economics-related topics and is designed both to present interesting
research in the field but also to demonstrate a range of topics
typically addressed by sports economists. As can be seen from the
contributions in this issue, sports economists are not easy to classify
narrowly, and their research frequently addresses many fields within
applied microeconomics including labour economics, industrial
organisation, public finance, health economics, and consumer behaviour.
Heather Mitchell, Heath Spong, and Mark Stewart examine funding to
national sports teams and individual athletes by governments across the
World in the pursuit of international sporting success. They suggest
that politicians exploit athletic success for political gain. The fact
that there can be only one winner of any competition, however, means
that the competition among nations has characteristics of a
prisoner's dilemma, leading to excessive funding in 'the race
to win the race'.
Liam Lenten explores some of the interesting economic trends facing
the Australian Football League (AFL). AFL teams are operated
predominantly as member-run clubs, as opposed to the privately-owned
franchises that dominate American team sports and much of European
soccer. While numerous papers within the field of sports economics
examine demand as measured by paid attendance to matches, the
contribution of this paper to the literature is that demand is measured
via membership purchases. The study finds that annual membership
purchases are strongly correlated to the previous year's win-loss
record, though league-wide trends also impact the sale of memberships.
The paper then compares this demand pattern to that of game attendance
levels, the more common measure of demand in the area of sports
The relationship between player salaries and revenue in the AFL is
analysed by Ross Booth, Robert Brooks, and Neil Diamond. Whilst
broadcasting revenues for the league have risen thanks to a new
five-year, AUD1.253 billion deal signed in April 2011, players have
received a smaller share of overall revenues through the past decade--a
result consistent with theoretical models of player salaries under
member-controlled governance. The relatively small percentage of
revenues paid to players frees up funds for alternative applications
including better coaching, improved facilities, and spending on general
game development.
Ruud Koenig and Remko Amelink highlight the connection between
sports and health by examining the mortality of Dutch professional
soccer players. The lifestyles of top-level athletes can lead to health
problems due to injury, the use of performance enhancing drugs, or
unhealthy recreational activities. On the other hand, professional
players also receive high levels of routine medical care, have superb
levels of physical fitness, and are typically wealthy enough to purchase
sufficient health care. The data from Dutch players from the early 1970s
suggest that professional players lead longer lives than their
non-athlete counterparts.
The 'uncertainty of outcome hypothesis' (UOH) is a
fundamental component of demand in sports economics. Part of the allure
of sports is that during a particular match, anything can happen, and
therefore it is hypothesised that events with uncertain outcomes should
attract fan interest. Rodney Paul, Brad Humphreys, and Andrew Weinbach
use sports gambling data as a proxy for the level of uncertainty for
football games played at smaller colleges in the US and compare these
data to game attendances. Their findings fail to support the UOH,
instead suggesting that attendance rises when the home team is likely
either to win (on the one hand) or lose by a wide margin (on the other
Finally, over the past several decades, cities, states, and
countries around the world have spent large sums of public money
building sports infrastructure and hosting sports mega-events. In
contrast to sports organisers, who frequently claim that spectator
sports bring riches to host communities, independent economists
typically find little or no direct economic impact from hosting sporting
events. Robert Baumann, Taylor Ciavarra, Bryan Engelhardt, and Victor
Matheson add to the literature by examining whether new stadiums or
mega-events such as the Olympics can at least provide positive
externalities, in the form of serving to reduce crime rates in host
cities. They find that neither new sports infrastructure nor large
sporting events do much to clean up crime in the towns in which stadiums
are built or games are played.
The guest editors wish to thank ELRR editorial committee member
John Lodewijks, participants in the sports economics sessions at the
ninth biennial Western Economic Association Pacific Rim Conference in
Brisbane, April 2011, and numerous anonymous referees for their
assistance in putting together this symposium.
Humphreys, B. and Ruseski, J. (2008) 'The scope of the sports
industry in the United States' in B. Humphreys and D. Howard (eds)
The Business of Sport, Praeger Publishers, Westport, pp. 1-32.
Victor Matheson, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, USA
Ross Booth, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Liam J. A. Lenten, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia