Multiple human electrophysiological responses to extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field exposures: a pilot study/Mitmesed inimese elektrofusioloogilised reaktsioonid kiiritamisele ultramadalsagedusliku impulsselektromagnetvaljaga: pilootuuring.
Cvetkovic, Dean ; Fang, Qiang ; Cosic, Irena 等
In the past few decades, the responses of human and animal
electrophysiological signal activity to non-ionising extremely low
frequency (ELF) pulsed electromagnetic field radiation have been
studied. Various studies have reported that humans and animals are
particularly sensitive to ELF alternative or ELF pulsed/modulated
sensory stimulation [1]. A number of studies have investigated the
therapeutic effects of ELF PEMF in the following applications: relieving
insomnia [2], accelerated bone repair and reducing pain [3-4] and dental
sensory and cutaneous pain [5].
Several studies have reported on the influence of the ELF PEMF
exposure to the heart rate variability (HRV) alterations (the low
frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) ratio) [6-8], on the 16 Hz/28.3
[mu]T MF exposure to HRV [9], on an intermittent 16.7 Hz MF exposure to
the heart rate (HR) [10] and on parameters derived from the ECG, such as
heart rate, duration of P and QRS waves, duration of PR and QT intervals
and corrected QT (QTc) [11]. Other studies have investigated the effects
of ELF PEMF on the EEG activity after the applied frequency modulated
'Thomas pattern' (0-500 Hz pulses in 853 ms segments (18
pulses), varying periods of 110, 220, 330 ms at [+ or -] 200 [mu]T) [1,
12, 13] during a weak ELF PEMF exposure [14]. Another study investigated
the effect of the magnetic field on the skin conductance [15].
The authors' pilot studies examined the effects of sinusoidal
8.33 Hz/174 [mu]T ELF MF [16-17] and ELF PEMF (0-100 Hz) on the human
EEG activity [18-19]. These results have led the authors to further
investigation of the electrophysiological activity alterations due to
PEMF exposures. The aim of this pilot study is to investigate whether
there are any alterations in the multiple electrophysiological
activities due to ELF PEMF exposures over a consecutive 5 day period.
The multiple electrophysiological parameters consisted of
electroencephalographic (EEG), photoplethysmographic (PPG), heart rate
and heart rate variability values, derived from electrocardiographic
(ECG), skin bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) and skin temperature
(surface) measurements. Statistical analysis for any significant
differences was not carried out due to small sample size.
2.1. Subjects
Five healthy subjects (3 females and 2 males) were recruited to
participate (mean age 30, SD 7.8 and range 24-42) for 5 consecutive
working days. RMIT University ethics committee approved the study and
all subjects gave written consent prior to the experiment.
2.2. Experimental Protocol and the ELF PEMF exposure system
The experiment was of double-blinding counter-balanced type. In
total there were 25 recording sessions. At each session (day) the
experimental protocol was designed to record the biosignals before
(baseline) and after (post) PEMF exposure during the control and
exposure conditions. The experiment was conducted between 10 am and 3
pm. The ELF PEMF stimulations were carried out with a Bioresonance[R]
BRS-500 system (Medec Limited, Australia). The BRS magnetic field
exposure system consists of the programmed control unit, an applicator
mattress and pillow. In order to secure double-blind conditions, a
switch board was constructed to control whether the magnetic field
exposure was active. The mattress (60 x 140 cm in size) was used as a
magnetic field exposure system; it consisted of 3 coil pairs, embedded
within the mattress and spaced strategically in order to apply the
exposure to the whole body area, as shown in Fig. 1. The magnetic flux
density ([B.sub.rms]) was verified by direct measurement using
"Wandel and Goltermann" EFA-200 EMF Analyser and external
B-field probe with a diameter of 3 cm with measurement accuracy of 6%.
The applied magnetic field direction was perpendicular to the body and
mattress. The commercial mattress contained three pairs of coils of
different size resulting in generating different magnetic flux
densities. The 10 min exposure generated the maximum magnetic flux
densities of 8.3, 2 and 1 [mu]T at the subject's back of the neck,
head/chest and stomach/hip/leg/feet region, respectively. The signal,
generated from the control unit to create PEMF, consisted of
'saw-tooth-like' waveform (0-100 Hz) bundles and delays, each
lasting 20 msec (Fig. 2).
All the biosignals were recorded for 60 sec after the ELF PEMF
exposure. In order to shield the subjects and electrodes from the
electric fields in the laboratory, the recording took place in a dim,
20[degrees]C temperature-controlled room, inside a Faraday cage (1.95 x
1.83 x 2.67 m), constructed of mesh wire (2.5 x 2.5 cm) and steel
frames. Inside the cage, subjects were laid in a comfortable
semi-reclining Metron[R] chair.
2.3. EEG recording montage and signal processing
EEG was recorded using Mindset EEG data acquisition system and
standard 10/20 International system Neuroscan 19-electrode EEG cap. The
referential montage of 16 channels was used throughout this
investigation. The left brain hemisphere electrodes Fp1, F7, F3, T7, C3,
P7, P3 and O1 were all referenced to M1 or A1 (left mastoid) while the
right brain hemisphere electrodes Fp2, F8, F4, T8, C4, P8, P4 and O2
were referenced to the right mastoid (M2 or A2). The EEG signals were
sampled at the rate of 256 Hz.
Initially we analysed the data to derive the hemispheric asymmetry
of left (L), right (R), anterior (A) and posterior (P) hemisphere. Four
sets of EEG sites were evaluated as follows: R--over the right sites F8,
F4, T8, C4, P8, P4 and O2; L--over the left sites F7, F3, T7, C3, P7, P3
and O1; A--F3, F4, F7, F8, T7, T8; and P--C3, C4, P3, P4, P7, P8, O1,
O2. Fp1 and Fp2 were excluded from the analysis. Subject's eyes
remained closed throughout the testing.
The EEG frequency bands were extracted using Wavelet Packet
Decomposition (WPD). The WPD originates from Wavelet Transforms (WT) and
offers greater flexibility in defining the frequency bands of
decomposition than is given by a standard discrete wavelet transform
(DWT). The WPD are generated by a filtering scheme similar to that used
in a conventional DWT and are closely related to filter banks, often
used to divide the EEG signal into finer set of bandpass signals. The
WPD permits the functions to be further split into two or more subbands.
In this study, each EEG band was decomposed by Daubechies [18-20] order
6 wavelet (db6). The calculation of the wavelet packet decomposition
coefficients was made using selected nodes of the wavelet packet
analysis tree. Delta band (0.5-4 Hz) was created from the following
combination: delta1 (9.1 node) 0.5-1 Hz; delta2 (8.1 node) 1-2 Hz;
delta3 (7.1 node) 2-4 Hz. The other bands were computed as theta band
(6.1) 4-8 Hz, alpha band (5.1 node) 8-16 Hz, beta band (4.1 node) 16-32
Hz and total band (combination of all bands) 0.5-32 Hz. Entropy was used
as a measure of information comprised in a given amount of signals [21].
The Shannon entropy reflects the degree of order/disorder by comparing
probability distributions of the EEG signals. The Shannon entropy
([E.sub.WT]) was computed for each band over the 60 sec interval:
[E.sub.WT] = -[SIGMA][P.sub.i] log([P.sub.i]), where [P.sub.i] is the
wavelet energy. The relative entropy of each band was derived as
[E.sub.WT_REL] = [E.sub.WT_BAND]/[E.sub.WT_TOTAL]. Likewise, the ratio
'after ([E.sub.WT_REL])/ before ([E.sub.WT_REL])/' was
computed both for the PEMF exposure and control conditions.
2.4. HRV recording and signal processing
The ECG signals were recorded using BIOPAC Inc. data acquisition
device, which consisted of a MP100A system with ECG100C amplifier. The
ECG electrodes (Skintact[R], Ag/AgCl) were attached to subjects in the
Lead-I configuration. All the signals were filtered by an analogue 50 Hz
notch filter and transmitted to a PC's Acqknowledge 3.7 software
for processing. Matlab program was also written to compute the HRV. The
steps used in this program consisted of computing the R-R intervals
(msec) from detection of maximums of QRS, R peaks and their time
occurrence and the mean and standard deviation of R-R intervals,
generated from Lead-I ECG signals sampled at 250 Hz. The R-R intervals
were visually checked for consistency and accuracy. A mean value (DC)
subtraction was performed on the time series. The spectral power was
computed using the Thompson Multitaper spectral estimation algorithm.
The Thomson algorithm comprises a bank of optimal bandpass filters,
derived from a set of sequences known as orthogonal tapers (windows in
the frequency domain) specified from Discrete Prolate Spheroid Sequences
(DPSS) also known as Slepian sequences [22]. The total spectral
estimates were obtained in the 0-0.5 Hz range where the power was
computed as power/frequency (dB/Hz). The very low frequency (VLF), low
frequency, high frequency and total frequency bands were examined at the
following frequency ranges: 0-0.04, 0.04-0.15, 0.15-0.4 and 0-0.4 Hz.
The power within the frequency bands was calculated by integrating the
area under the spectral curve. The LF and HF parameters were converted
to normalized units (n.u.) as
[LF.sub.n.u.] = LF/(Total_power - VLF) x 100%,
[HF.sub.n.u.] = HF/(Total_power - VLF) x 100%,
The LF/HF ratio was further derived from the LF and HF n.u.
2.5. PPG recording and signal processing
The PPG signals were recorded using Biopac PPG100C amplifier
module. The peak measurement indicated the point of maximal blood
density. The PPG transducer TSD200 was attached to subject's right
hand index finger using stretchable Velcro strap. The spectral density
of the PPG signals, sampled at 100 Hz, were computed using the same
Thompson Multitaper spectral estimation algorithm for derivation of HRV,
mentioned previously. Three frequency bands were computed to estimate
the blood power density. The total frequency, VLF, LF and HF (without
the total frequency for normalized estimate) bands were taken as
0.003-1.125, 0.01-0.04 and 0.125-8 Hz, respectively.
2.6. Heart rate, skin temperature and bioelectric impedance
The heart rate (HR) was recorded using Biopac OXY100C pulse
oxymeter module via UIM100C, which was primarily used to measure the
blood oxygen saturation level in a non-invasive manner. The oxygen
saturation level was not measured in this study, but its TSD123 series
SpO2 finger transducer (photodiode) was used for HR recordings only. The
skin (surface) temperature was recorded using Biopac SKT100C skin
temperature differential amplifier module at sampling frequency of 100
Hz. The TSD202D surface temperature thermistor probe was secured to
subject's right-hand finger using the Velcro strap. The scaling was
set to corresponding 5[degrees]F/V, adjusted on the amplifier module.
The application of the bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) method
is safe, non-invasive, rapid, inexpensive, easy to use, and amenable for
laboratory, clinical and field assessment of the human body composition
[23]. BIA consists of the local injection of a small alternating current
into the human body and the measurement of induced complex impedance
(Z). Our study has used the 'wholebody' multiple-frequency
bioelectric impedance analysis (MF-BIA) [24], using 1260
Impedance/Gain-phase Analyzer, interfaced to PC with Solarton 1294
Impedance Interface via GPIB. The 4-terminal measurement configurations
were used in the recordings, where the current or signal inducing
electrodes were placed on the mid-dorsum of the hand midway between
voltage electrodes and the proximal metacarpal-phalangeal joint line,
and similarly on the appropriate foot. The voltage sensing electrodes,
3M[TM] Red Dot 2330 (Ag/AgCl) series resting electrodes with tab style
connector, were applied on the mid-dorsum of the wrist with the distal
bony prominence of the radius and ulna as land-marks, and on the
mid-anterior aspect of the ankle with the medial and lateral malleoli as
location landmarks. The signal frequency sweep, 1 Hz-1 MHz/100 mVrms
source was applied for each recording of the bioimpedance. The magnitude
of impedance, capacitance and admittance, together with phase impedance
data was collected using 'Solartron Smart' software and
exported to Microsoft Excel and Mathwork Matlab software for further
All-subject data was processed using Matlab[TM] (Mathworks, USA)
software tool and processed results were statistically analysed using
statistical SPSS 14 (SPSS Inc.) software tool. No statistical
elaboration of the data has been attempted in this investigation due to
the small number of subjects.
3.1. HRV and heart rate results
The R-R interval results were represented as the relative
difference ratios (exposure/before and control/before). Throughout the 5
days of testing, relative R-R interval results did not reveal any
substantial difference, recorded between the exposure and control
conditions (Fig. 3a). The minimal standard error (SE) difference was
shown on day 4, (exposure 0.01 and control 0.02). The only evident
difference between PEMF exposure and control was on days 3 and 5, with
exposure being slightly smaller than control. However, the error
difference was greatest on these days. The maximum mean and SE
difference was exhibited on the day 3 (exposure 1.81 [+ or -] 0.84 and
control 1.84 [+ or -] 0.83) and 5 (exposure 1.90 [+ or -] 0.91 and
control 1.964 [+ or -] 0.97). The exposure and control conditions were
all relatively larger than the 'before' condition (R-R
interval > 1). In general, no substantial difference was found in the
R-R interval results between the relative PEMF exposure and control
conditions, as shown in Fig. 3a.
The heart rate results, represented by beats per minute (bpm) in
Fig. 3b, revealed a two-fold characteristic. Firstly, on days 1 and 3,
the PEMF exposure was substantially less than both 'before'
and 'control' conditions (day 1 before 67.34 [+ or -] 3.81,
exposure 64.87 [+ or -] 4.17 and control 67.47 [+ or -] 3.56, day 3
before 67.73 [+ or -] 2.85, exposure 64.12 [+ or -] 2.86 and control
67.12 [+ or -] 2.25). Secondly, on days 2, 4 and 5, the HR
'before' was the highest, followed by the exposure and control
(least). Interestingly, the HR was also generally highest on day 2
(before 71.92 [+ or -] 4.65, exposure 69.39 [+ or -] 4.44 and control
66.07 [+ or -] 5.09) and gradually decreased throughout day 4 (before
67.39 [+ or -] 2.62, exposure 65.94 [+ or -] 3.79 and control 63.20 [+
or -] 3.26) and day 5 (before 64.91 [+ or -] 3.56, exposure 61.80 [+ or
-] 4.07 and control 60.36 [+ or -] 4.52, as shown in Fig. 3b).
The LF HRV band was represented as the relative difference ratios
(exposure/before and control/before) in Fig. 3c. The relative difference
of exposure was higher in comparison to control on days 1, 3 and 4, with
both conditions exhibiting gradual increase (day 1 exposure 1.01 [+ or
-] 0.09 and control 0.93 [+ or -] 0.14, day 3 exposure 1.20 [+ or -]
0.38 and control 1.02 [+ or -] 0.26 and day 4 exposure 0.74 [+ or -]
0.15 and control 0.91 [+ or -] 0.11). Whereas the control was higher
than exposure on days 2 and 5. At the HF HRV band, the control was
higher than exposure condition for all the days except day 5 (exposure
1.32 [+ or -] 0.39 and control 1.07 [+ or -] 0.14, Fig. 3d).
In our pilot study, the LF/HF ratio revealed once again a two-fold
characteristic: exposure substantially and identically higher than
before and control on the days 3 (before 3.64 [+ or -] 2.50, exposure
5.85 [+ or -] 3.19 and control 1.05 [+ or -] 0.52) and 5 (before 3.33 [+
or -] 1.33, exposure 5.45 [+ or -] 3.50 and control 1.25 [+ or -] 0.56,
Fig. 3e). The exposure was also slightly higher than before and control
on day 1 and lower than control on days 2 (before 0.81 [+ or -] 0.25,
exposure 1.60 [+ or -] 0.35 and control 2.01 [+ or -] 0.95) and 4
(before 1.03 [+ or -] 0.33, exposure 2.66 [+ or -] 1.07 and control 3.39
[+ or -] 2.09).
3.2. PPG results
The total PPG band results are shown in Fig. 4a. The most obvious
difference between before, exposure and control was revealed on days 2
(before 1.38 [+ or -] 0.16, exposure 1.24 [+ or -] 0.065 and control
1.34 [+ or -] 0.11) and 4 (before 1.32 [+ or -] 0.08, exposure 1.22 [+
or -] 0.035 and control 1.34 [+ or -] 0.08). The PEMF exposure was
substantially lower than before and control. Similar decrease in
exposure in respect to before and control was exhibited at the HF PPG
band (Fig. 4c) on days 3 (before 0.21 [+ or -] 0.10, exposure 0.11 [+ or
-] 0.03 and control 0.21 [+ or -] 0.09) and 4 (before 0.71 [+ or -]
0.40, exposure 0.34 [+ or -] 0.18 and control 0.45 [+ or -] 0.15). The
only time the exposure was slightly higher than both the before and
control was on days 2 and 5 (before 1.116 [+ or -] 0.002, exposure 1.119
[+ or -] 0.003 and control 1.115 [+ or -] 0.002) at the LF PPG band, as
shown in Fig. 4b.
3.3. Skin temperature results
The skin temperature (ST) results are shown in Fig. 5a as the ratio
of exposure/control (post) and before (pre). An interesting
characteristic of this result is the fact that the control is higher
than exposure on days 1, 2 and 3, and the exposure is higher than
control on days 4 and 5. The pre-stimulation recording of
'before' was higher than both the exposure and control on the
first and last day of testing. On the day 3 of testing, both exposure
and control conditions exhibited maximum relative difference, 1.05 and
1.04, respectively. The ST data was further described using quadratic
curve estimation, represented by the following equations (Fig. 5b):
[Y.sub.contr] = 0.921 + 0.093t - 0.017 [t.sup.2],
[Y.sub.exp] = 0.910 + 0.089t - 0.015 [t.sup.2] .
The intersection of the two curves occurs on the day 4 that
describes the commencement of the increase in exposure over the control
3.4. EEG results
The EEG hemispheric asymmetry of anterior-posterior (A-P) and
right-left (R-L) was computed for delta, theta, alpha and beta bands
(Fig. 6). The positive ratio indicated the predominance of anterior
(A-P) and right (R-L) hemispheres, whereas the negative ratio indicated
the posterior and left hemisphere predominance over the 5 day testing
period. The most evident difference between the anterior and posterior
hemisphere in Fig. 6a is shown at the theta band, where the exposure
condition exhibited predominance at the posterior hemisphere throughout
the 5 days. The results revealed similar characteristics at the control
condition, except on days 3 (control 0.09 [+ or -] 0.14) and 4 (control
-0.03 [+ or -] 0.05), which showed the anterior predominance. At the
delta band, the main difference in A-P asymmetry occurs on the day 2,
with exposure (anterior) and control (posterior). The alpha band
exhibited a slight asymmetric A-P difference on the days 1 (exposure
(anterior) and control (posterior)) and 2 (exposure (posterior) and
control (anterior)). There were minimal A-P asymmetric changes in the
beta band on the day 3, where the control condition showed the only
posterior shift.
The right-left (R-L) hemispheric asymmetry was once again evident
at the theta band. From the day 1 to day 5, there seems to be a dynamic
transition from the right to the left hemisphere. For the exposure
condition, this transition started earlier, from the day 2 (0.001 [+ or
-] 0.05) to 3 (- 0.02 [+ or -] 0.05), as shown in Fig. 6b. Whereas, for
the control condition, the right to left hemisphere transition commenced
later, from the day 4 (0.03 [+ or -] 0.04) to 5(- 0.04 [+ or -] 0.04).
The theta band clearly characterized the substantial difference in R-L
hemispheric asymmetry at the exposure/control conditions. At the delta
band, the only R-L asymmetric difference was revealed on the day 3:
exposure (left) and control (right). The alpha band also exhibited a
slight change in the R-L asymmetry on days 2, 3 and 5. There was no
substantial difference in R-L asymmetry between the exposure and control
3.5. Skin bioelectric impedance results
The skin bioelectric impedance results of the relative PEMF
exposure and control conditions are shown in Fig. 7. On the first day of
testing, no substantial difference between the PEMF exposure and control
conditions at 100 Hz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz was observed. The
exposure seemed to be smaller than control at the 10 Hz (exposure 1.16
[+ or -] 0.16 and control 0.74 [+ or -] 0.04) and 1 kHz (exposure 0.67
[+ or -] 0.03 and control 1.34 [+ or -] 0.17) segments. The
'post-stimulation' (exposure/control) was less than
'pre-stimulation' (before) from 100 Hz to 100 kHz (below the
dashed line) and greater than 'before' at 10 Hz and 1 MHz. At
the second day, control (1.77 [+ or -] 0.28) was substantially higher
than exposure (1.05 [+ or -] 0.17) at 10 Hz with post-stimulation
recording being greater than prestimulation (before). The exposure was
less than control at 100 Hz, 1 kHz and 10 kHz and slightly greater than
control at 100 kHz and 1 MHz. The most evident difference between the
exposure and control conditions was seen on the day 3, greater exposure
at 10 Hz (exposure 1.33 [+ or -] 0.19 and control 0.96 [+ or -] 0.06)
and 100 Hz (exposure 1.22 [+ or -] 0.15 and control 1.04 [+ or -] 0.10),
day 4, with substantially smaller exposure from 100 Hz (exposure 1.17 [+
or -] 0.10 and control 1.47 [+ or -] 0.09) to 10 kHz (exposure 0.92 [+
or -] 0.02 and control 1.30 [+ or -] 0.07) and day 5, smaller control at
1 kHz (exposure 1.18 [+ or -] 0.04 and control 0.89 [+ or -] 0.03) and
smaller exposure at 10 Hz (exposure 1.14 [+ or -] 0.09 and control 1.35
[+ or -] 0.14). It was also evident from these results that at higher
source frequencies (100 kHz and 1 MHz), the relative difference was
minimal (approaching rel = 1) for both exposure and control on days 2
and 5.
Considering that inadequate statistical tests were conducted due to
the small sample size and multiple exposure intervals, our results may
only represent the substantial differences with a large variation in
high standard errors and therefore reveal no solid and conclusive
evidence in the possible alterations in electrophysiological responses
due to PEMF.
The substantial EEG hemispheric asymmetry alterations were observed
at the theta band with the posterior predominance and gradual transition
from the right to left hemisphere at the PEMF exposure period. The HRV
results revealed a substantial increase in the LF band with inconsistent
decrease in heart rate over the entire PEMF exposure period. A
substantial increase in the vascular tone at LF PPG band was evident on
certain days of PEMF exposure, in addition to a substantial decrease at
total and HF PPG bands. The surface skin temperature at PEMF control was
higher than exposure during the first half of testing and exposure was
higher than control during the second half of testing. The measurements
of the skin bioelectric impedance revealed an increase and decrease at
PEMF relative exposure between 100 Hz and 10 kHz on days 4 and 5,
Future studies might consider an inter-subject and intra-subject
variance and perceived sensitivity to electromagnetic fields
(electromagnetic hypersensitivity) [25-26]. Individual differences as
well as sensitivity to EMF between subjects may cause high variability
in a group. One possibility would be evaluation of alterations of
individual subjects during at least a 10 weekday testing with an
exclusion of the weekend, which would make it semi-consecutive, making a
statistically liable test with at least 10 samples. Another option is to
conduct a month-long testing (excluding weekends) on two (normal and
hypersensitive) human subjects. If we were to extend our pilot study by
pursuing this individual subject investigation, our pilot study protocol
will need to be modified accordingly.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Australian NHMRC, for their
support of the ACRBR, which has assisted in this research work. Special
thanks are due also to Medec Limited (Australia) for funding this
research project.
Received 25 January 2008, in revised form 10 April 2008
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Dean Cvetkovic, Qiang Fang and Irena Cosic Australian Centre for
Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research (ACRBR), School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, VIC
3001, Australia;
[email protected]