期刊名称:OPSIS : Revista do Departamento de História e Ciências Sociais
出版社:Universidade Federal de Goiás
摘要:In this article, follow up the tracks of gender outlined in a curriculum of Medicine and the routes produced by the dynamics of your performativity of gender. His object of investigation are gender relations in the training doctors with in order to discuss how the political reason of thought forms of medicine works assuming a pedagogy gender imbricated in a politics of masculinity. The argument developed is that a set of gendered systems of reasoning allow the experience of masculinity becomes explicable in a medical curriculum and makes herself male experience possible for the registration of its subjects. It is exploited thus ambivalence and the articulation of the dual demand on the performance of medical masculinity. On the one hand, how to become a man and doctor is sutured and associated with a secure and guaranteed success in the field of romantic relationships in the face of signs and ornaments that will add status to the extent that they demonstrate their heterosexual masculinity. Second, as the operation of this curriculum naturalize and introduces a series of arguments that men are naturally adjustable to the intellectual sphere and the practice of medicine by the type of evidence cognitive and corporal that are capable of generating. It is noted, as well as, the policy of masculinity work based on two times seemingly antagonistic, but paradoxically sustain themselves and each other that format and run according to demand political and cultural that creates the curriculum. Keywords: Medical Curriculum, Gender Performativity, Masculinities.
关键词:Medical Curriculum, Gender Performativity, Masculinities.;Currículo Medico, Performatividad de Género, Masculinidades.;Currículo Médico;Performatividade de Gênero;Masculinidades