出版社:Faculdade de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:The expression of educational social abilities (ESA) and insecurity feelings of genetic (50) and adoptive (36) mothers were compared. Correlations between these factors and support from the father, the extensive family and unrelated people were investigated. No differences were found between adoptive and genetic mothers in ESA, but there was a difference in the insecurity feelings. Considering the mothers together, there was significant difference among the expression of the ESA, mothers reported less ability in “Establishing limits” and in “Working with critics” and more ability in “Answering to Praises”. There was a positive correlation among some ESA and support from the father and from the maternal extensive family. We concluded that the adoption condition does not present influence on the expression of maternal ESA, however, the perceived support seems to positively influence their expression. The adoption condition seems to be accompanied by more insecurity feelings than the genetic motherhood condition.