出版社:Faculdade de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:The Antisocial Trend is characterized by behaviors as disobedience, aggressiveness, etc. It is an infantile diagnosis, therefore the permanence of the symptoms after the 18 years modifies the diagnosis for Upheaval of Antisocial Personality. Its etiology is attributed to the genetic factors associates the ambient desencadeadores, particularly the familiar relationship. The research investigated if 10 boys of 7 the 12 years, presenting the antisocial trend, demonstrated to particularitities in the perception of the familiar dynamics (evaluated through the accomplishment of drawings of families with estórias) in comparison the 10 boys without psychological difficulties, all chosen teams through the Strengh and Difficulties Questionnaire. It was observed that it has differences in the quality of the perception of the figures materna and paternal. The main passíveis characteristics to differentiate mention them to it the nature of the necessities and distress (more primitive in the clinical group) and of the defenses (of order neurotic in the group it has contrasted). The form as the parents takes care of the necessities of the children did not differentiate the groups.