摘要:This article resulted from a survey conducted in 2010 and 2011, during the participation period in the Initiation to Teaching Project (Projeto de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID). It aims to analyze the perception of a teenager with multiple failures on her school experience, specifying when and where she studied, and her learning process. It is a case study with one of the students involved in the activities of the Initiation to Teaching Project. This particular student was selected to be studied because she was 14 years old, had seven years of schooling and failed several times. She even did not read and write properly. Interviews with her were carried out and analyses of the materials which she had produced during the project were made. The analyses showed that she made progress in reading and writing during her participation in the project. It also showed that, for her, the copy of the activities revealed learning achievement.
关键词:School failure;learning perception;school experience;Fracasso Escolar;Percepção de Aprendizagem;Trajetória Escolar