期刊名称:Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
出版社:University of Georgia
摘要:Unique individuals serve in critical roles in the planning and implementation, institutionalization, and support of service-learning and community engagement within higher education institutions. These individuals, identified as boundary spanners, operate at the nexus of the higher education institution and the selected community. This dissertation focused on development and use of an instrument that measured a previously developed qualitative model. Results indicated that personal characteristics do not significantly influence boundary-spanning activities; in fact, organizational characteristics were more significant than previously thought. The individual, organizational, and societal implications of these findings, as well as directions for future research, are discussed.
其他摘要:Unique individuals serve in critical roles in the planning and implementation, institutionalization, and support of service-learning and community engagement within higher education institutions. These individuals, identified as boundary spanners, operate at the nexus of the higher education institution and the selected community. This dissertation focused on development and use of an instrument that measured a previously developed qualitative model. Results indicated that personal characteristics do not significantly influence boundary-spanning activities; in fact, organizational characteristics were more significant than previously thought. The individual, organizational, and societal implications of these findings, as well as directions for future research, are discussed.