出版社:Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà - Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
摘要:This paper deals with main results of investigations carried out since 2003 till 2013 in the north-western area of sector B, inside the Bronze Age settlement of Mursia (Pantelleria island), traditionally named Northern Area. The archaeological sequence belongs to the most recent phases of the settlement (XVI-XV cent.BC). The stratigraphic analysis and the evaluation of architectural remains allow to identify three main macro-phases with a lively settlement dynamics that include frequent and quick changes inside a continuous process of transformations. The abandonment of the settlement around the mid of XV cent.BC concludes the sequence. The analysis of plenty and diversified pottery production of these recent phases allowed to go in depth into the comprehension of the facies of Mursia with a proposal of recognition of representative types of the recent phases of the settlement.
关键词:Settlement;Mursia;Pantelleria;Bronze Age;dwellings;pottery;Abitato;Mursia;Pantelleria;età del Bronzo;capanne;ceramica