出版社:Nigde University School of Physical Education and Sports
摘要:Archery is described as a static sport requiring fine movement control, proper endurance and strength of the upper body and balance ability.The purpose of this study was to examine differences in balance abilities during Recurve, Compound and Traditional Turkish Archery. Fourteen archers (Group I: The Recurve Archery (RA): n=5, Group II: Compound Archery (CA): n=4, Group III: Traditional Archery (TA): n=5) participated voluntary in the study. An 9281EA BioKistler Force Plate system was used to obtain objective measurements in medio-lateral (Ay) and anterio-posterior (Ax) directions of the sway of COP during the trials.The RA group displayed a slower COP sway range when compared to the CA and TA groups. The findings of this research suggest that archer drawing weight may affect shooting performance, especially during the releasing phase due to a shift in body weight (COP).