摘要:This article analyzes the relationship between geographic mobility of Europeans and linguistic knowledge with special incidence on the exchange value of their mother tongue in the countries of destination. We make this analysis taking three groups of European workers of Catalonia as units of analysis, well differentiated in linguistic and labour terms. The analysed groups are: a) industrial workers from Rumania; b) german expatriates, also known as «euroexecutives», and c) Young Europeans with university degrees. These groups allow us to observe the effect of new professional situations linked to the European economic integration process and its relationship with linguistic competences. We conclude arguing that geographic mobility increases the exchange value of their languages for the most qualified groups of workers, with competences associated with information management and knowledge creation. On the other side, geographic mobility does not necessarily imply a positive valuation of the linguistic competences with which these workers contribute to the recipient labour markets, as derives from the analyses of the Rumanian population group.