摘要:The coexistence of the physical environment with human action presupposes the existence of a dynamicrelationship. The existing physical environment has its own natural dynamics. However, natural processes areonly in the presence of human risk. The interaction between human activities and the physical environmentresulting from two types of relationship:- man as an active agent that acts on the environment (passive agent); this type of relationship results in theenvironmental impact.- the environment as an active agent that influences human activities.It follows that the risk depends on the probability of occurrence of a natural process and the vulnerability ofsociety, ie, the risk measures the effects of this phenomenon on people and their property.The model proposed management of natural hazards observed a set of five sequential phases to each otherinterrelated: the process of diagnosis and risk assessment; preventive step that seek to implement variousmitigation of natural hazards; stage management crisis and the immediate post-crisis and, finally, reconstructionand prevention planning.