摘要:This research is focused on an exploratory study developed with Pymes managers and their roles as intrapreneurs. Using their leadership to impel innovation into organizations. Looking to determined how Pymes employers incentive into organizations individuals or group innovations. Therefore, it is possible to think that managers lead the innovation process, which is classified gradually according to companies needs in order to improve their competitiveness. Organization must have intrapreneuring and organized culture with flexible structure to generate individual autonomy. A characteristic is the amount of capital risk needed; that is why it is necessary encourage their work and their risk tolerance.
关键词:Intrapreneur, innovation, high intra-entrepreneurs, intrapreneur organizational culture, medium and small size companies –Pyme- (Pequeña y mediana empresa);Intraemprendedor, innovación. Altos intraemprendedores, cultura organizacional intraemprededora, Pymes.