摘要:This report is part the research work that is developed inside the research line in knowledge management, in the project of organizational learning and its descriptive study that looks for to determine the incidence of the organizational learning in the committees of intra-hospitable infection of the 22 social enterprise of the state attributed to the secretary of health of Bogotá D.C. 119 surveys were obtained, of those, four were eliminated in the purification process to have less than 80% of the entirety of answered items; 3 of these corresponded oneself entity. For the above-mentioned the analysis process is based on 115 surveys of 14 organizations and the institution of services Carlos Lleras Camargo. The measurement scale is type Likert, it is was taking references to ratify with the mode of the frequency distributions, to determine the direction or tendency, of answers in the items and the correlation was established among these quantities. This correlation allows showing the relevancy of the dimension like analysis variable in the context of the organizational learning. Like the procedure of Analysis of Variance was used-ANOVA- as a way; where it was taking as dependent variable the quantity of dimension and as factor the hospital. The statistical procedures were carried out using the statistical package (SPSS)
关键词:Organizational learning, Knowledge management and Sustainability Enterprise.;aprendizaje organizacional, gestión del conocimiento y perdurabilidad empresarial.