摘要:Managing organizational knowledge is fundamental demand of contemporary organizations. For a mixed international company there is a greater challenge to business is to present results in the short and medium term to maintain levels of excellence in providing services in a setting of high complexity and ensure current and future expansion in the market and society. The company studied is the largest company in Brazil and 8th in the world by market value, and is present in 28 countries. Situation that requires the continuous search for organizational learning, knowledge-edge and innovative solutions to emerging challenges in the management process. The aim of this study is to analyze the perceptions of managers, supervisors and buyers in the sector of goods hiring an international energy on knowledge management in the organization. His main reference is the evaluation model Bukowitz and Williams (2002). The quantitative methodology is characterized with respect to: the purposes as descriptive, and procedures as a case study. The average obtained from the survey was 68%, which correlates with the proposed standard, which is characterized as acceptable values between 30-70%. Thus, the analysis of data shows that the perception of the subjects studied, the organization has already implemented a formal knowledge management at both tactical and strategic, however, by company size, needs to improve in the area.
关键词:Conhecimento. Conhecimento Organizacional.Gestão do Conhecimento.