标题:Elementos históricos pertencentes ao sistema turístico: avaliação estrutural dos museus localizados na Rota dos Tropeiros – Região dos Campos Gerais (Pr)
摘要:Normal 0 21 The "Rota dos Tropeiros" project consists of an initiative of touristic fomentation by the state of Paraná in association with the "Associação dos Munícipios dos Campos Gerais", to promote tourism in sixteen towns that are part of the "ROTA". By the means of a field work carried in 2006, the cities of Lapa, Ponta Grossa, Castro and Tibagi were visited, relating elements of cultural heritage, with highlight to museums. With data acquired by structured observation and exploratory research directed to theoretical production about the theme, it was pointed common positive and negative aspects of visited museums during each field work. In the end, with basis on considerations indicated by the study, it was formulated a general diagnosis and suggestions of some correcting measures of flawed aspects aiming for structural optimization of those institutions.
关键词:Projeto Rota dos Tropeiros;Turismo Cultural;Museus;Rota dos Tropeiros Project;Cultural Tourism;Museums