期刊名称:Bulletin of the Institute of Heat Engineering
出版社:Warsaw University of Technology
摘要:The mathematical model of a saturated steam turbine for analyse of dynamics of turboset for nuclear power station has been presented. The model allows to analyse transient processes consed by remarcable quicly changeable disturbances. The accuracyof process analysed description is much higher here than in the case of presented in literature e.q. [3] linear models. In comparison with the others nonlinear turbine models [4] [5] the model analysed is characterized by much shorter computation time with at he same time the sufficient accuracy of obtained results. This accuracy is proper in the case of analysis of whoole turboset. The conception and structure of the model of turbine and equation for models of turbine flow part elements have been presented. The exeplary results of calculations of transient processes consed by jump changes of turbine load have been shown.