标题:Embedding Information skills into the Year nine PSHE/ Citizenship curriculum at Malvern Girls' College: integrating learning styles with pupil research
出版社:Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
摘要:The purpose of this article is to describe and reflect on an intervention, delivered within PSHE (Personal, Social and Health education) lessons, which had the aim of integrating the teaching of learning styles and information literacy within the curriculum. The project took place at Malvern Girls’ College (now Malvern St James school), a secondary boarding school for girls. Firstly, the aims and rationale of the project are provided. The nature of the intervention, and the way in which learning styles, information literacy and pupil research projects were integrated, are discussed. Relevance to the PSHE curriculum and information literacy is explained. The paper concludes with a reflection on the positive outcomes from the project, and notes possible future developments.