标题:Interações entre díades mãe-criança que apresentam a linguagem expressiva típica e díades mãe-criança que apresentam a linguagem expressiva atrasada
出版社:Universidade Federal do Parana̧, Departamento de Psicologia
摘要:The main objective of this study was to investigate the interactional aspects of mother-child relation with late development in expressive language and mother-child with typical language development based on the social interaction perspective. Participated in this study twelve mother-child dyads, with children aged from 24 to 36 months equally distributed between two children groups. The motherchild interactions were recorded in a free play situation, and the data registrations and analysis were carried out using the CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System) computer program. Through the comparison using proportions test, it was verified that there were variations on mother ’s conversation directed to these two groups of children. The analysis of the mother ’s semantic contingency pointed that the used continuity expressions with children that presented typical language development. It was observed that children with late development in expressive language received more directive expressions, and mothers presented more requests to children with typical language development. data were analyzed considering that children with typical language development presented more spontaneous speech and adequate verbal answers, and children with late development in expressive language presented more non-verbal answers, spontaneous repetition and no answers. These aspects emphasizes the importance of considering the influence of both maternal linguistic input and child characteristics. Keywords: mother-child interaction; typical language development and late development in expressive language.
关键词:iinteração mãe-criança;desenvolvimento típico da linguagem expressiva e desenvolvimento da linguagem expressiva atrasada;mother-child interaction;typical language development and late development in expressive language