出版社:Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:The principal aim of the present work is to analyze State responses and reactions to the emergence of non-governmental actors that oppose the current world order. The constitution of a intergovernmental security-enforcing body to monitor, control and eventually repress anti-globalization movements has been renewed with greater intensity since the attacks of September 11, 2001, with the strengthening of cooperation among police forces and intergovernmental intelligence agencies. We start from Charles Tilly's conclusion on the centrality of conflicts and collective mobilization in political transformation processes to outline the problems of the current configuration of international politics: Is it merely a matter of accords and security institutions between national governments that do not alter traditional state systems, or are we witnessing the constitution of the first super-state institutions to share attributes that heretofore were the exclusive property of national states, such as those concerning security and intelligence activities? The study of control and repression directed at the antiglobalization movement, especially in the European Union, will be carried out through an analysis of the declarations and directives of European Heads of State regarding protests and concrete actions taken on the occasion of the great alterworld demonstrations (Seattle, Nice, Geneva, and others). Key words: International politics; International contestation; Security and Intelligence; Anti-globalization Movements; Globalization; European Union.