摘要:In this text I argument several things, to know: 1) there is a different way than the individual to revisit the past, to remember in the cultural frame and this is named collective memory; 2) there are, likewise, imposing ways about what happened in the past, as the silence, which carry to the social oblivion; 3) Mexico was immersed in a sociopolitical context from the 60s to the 70s of the last century, which force participants of social, pacifist and legal movements to take up the weapons; and those guerrilla groups were also repressed by the State; 4) the practice unfolded by the authority to annihilate the guerrilla was named dirty war; 5) in that dirty war there was illegal detentions, clandestine jail, torture, among other practices which consequence was hundreds of political missing in the reviewed case in Mexico.