摘要:This publication intends to invite people appointed as facilitators in the lawyer training process, to reflect on the following question: Is the teaching practice used by the teacher relevant to develop competences that are required by the current Colombian legal field? This question is relevant, especially by taking into account the constitutional rules of 1991 including the welfare state in the legal system, the Compulsory Constitutional precedent and orality changes encourage teachers to use methods and pedagogical resources in accordance to the teaching of legal positivism (standard) judicial decisions and orality. This paper is a preliminary result of the study carried out and based on the conceptual framework of the research project of law program at Universidad Simón Bolívar (branch in Cúcuta). “The training of the lawyer in relation with the Colombian legal system”. It was used as the methodology of documentary analysis and operational technique for the interpretation of books, articles, and judgments of the Constitutional court. In conclusion, it is focused on the need to address the teaching of the law schools from the ius naturalist, positivist, legal realist, as well as the use of relevant teaching methods and means to develop the skills for the new system.