标题:Omul şi mediul natural în neo-eneoliticul din Moldova [Man and environment in the Neolithic in Moldova], Iaşi, 2003; Aşezări neo-eneolitice din Moldova [Neolithic sites from Moldova], Iaşi, 2003 (Ioana Robu)
摘要:The two books published by M. C. Văleanu represents, in fact, hisdoctoral dissertation (coordonated by Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa). Thetwo volumes were published in the same year, with the help of Foundation„Cucuteni for the third Millenium” (Bucharest) and Acremis Society of Iaşi.The first book was designed as an original contribution, usinginterdisciplinary research, in an attempt to corroborate the archeologicaldata with ones provided by the natural science; the data processing wasmade using statistic methods. From the foreword, the author declares hisintentions to study the ways in which the human communities from Neo-Aeneolithic used the natural environment, and to offer an image of man’sinteraction with surrounding environment.