摘要:Non-covalent and covalent associations of phenolic compounds with food protein are two of the most fundame ntal factors affecting the quality of phenol-rich food product s. This review de scribes the biochemical bases of associations between phenolic compounds and proteins, therefore it will help to understand organoleptic and nutritional qualities of phenol-rich foods and drinks. It will also allow a better understanding of the functional consequences of these interactions on food samples. Rece nt studies showed that while secondary and tertiary structures of the proteins were changed, solubility of the protein was decreased, however its thermal stability can be improved. Moreover, the amount of some amino acids and protein digestibility were reduced and proteins significantly decrease the antioxidant capacity in general. The effects of factors such as phenolic compound structure and type, protein type and concentration, concentration of phenolic compounds, temperature, and pH are discussed. In this review, the interactions of phenolic compounds and protein are investigated and basic findings are summarized.