期刊名称:Acta Universitatis Sapientiae : Social Analysis
出版社:Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Scientia Publishing House
摘要:In the 2000s, PISA surveys provided a real shock to the world of research on education. The hope of researchers of parochial schools was to receive a powerful measurement tool to benchmark performance of pupils and schools on an international scale. Unfortunately, the public PISA databases do not conclusively reveal whether the examined schools are public, private, or parochial. Furthermore, the PISA sampling is not representative regarding school sectors. There were, however, countries in every PISA wave where private schools performed better than their public counterparts, once the factor of parental background was taken into consideration. Recently, researchers have attributed this phenomenon to school climate and/or to educational values that may indicate a new type of effectiveness based on work values and on long-term returns on investments. During our analysis, we found that intersectional differences reported in scientific literature could be observed in Slovakia and Hungary, to the advantage of the parochial sector. In the third researched country, Poland, the advantage of the independent, private sector is considerable, compared to which the government-supported parochial schools are at a disadvantage.1 We found that in the parochial sector, the dominant force of social background is more moderate than is the case in public schools. We also specifically examined reading comprehension competencies, as PISA had done in 2009.
关键词:PISA; private schools; parochial schools; parental values; school performance