标题:Maize (Zea mays L.) -Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Intercropping Response to Population Density of Component Crop in Wolaita Zone Southern Ethiopia
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Intercropping is the common types of multiple cropping which is taken as one of the best options to increase crop productivity in area with low land holding capacity. For better effectiveness of this cropping system, optimum density of the component crops should be determined. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth and yield performance of maize intercropped with different population density of common bean in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia in 2013/2014. Four ranges of population density (44444 maize ha -1 + 93750 bean ha -1 , 44444 maize ha -1 + 62500 bean ha -1 , 44444maize ha -1 + 0 bean ha -1 and 0 maize ha -1 + 125000 bean ha -1 ) were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. There was no significant difference between sole cropped and intercropped maize on crop phenology, days to physiological maturity, growth parameters, yield and yield components. Sole cropped common bean had significantly higher leaf area and leaf area index than intercropped bean. Population density had significant effect on yield of common bean. The analysis of partial land equivalent ratio of the component crops showed that intercropping pattern had significant (P<0.05) effect on the partial land equivalent ratio of the bean component and but not for maize component . Intercropping of maize with common bean having population density of 93750 ha -1 resulted 42% yield advantage. Intercropping of maize with bean having density of 93750 ha -1 had significantly (P<0.05) more economic advantage (36898.2Ebirr) than the rest. From the current investigation it is reasonable to point out that intercropping of maize with bean having density of 93750 ha -1 gave both highest agronomic and economic advantage. For better productivity of the intercropping system, further study should be done by considering other factors of production in conjunction with population density of component crops.