出版社:International Institute for Science, Technology Education
摘要:The aim of the present research is to study relationship between behavioral characteristics and demographic of customers and their expected advantages in smart cellphone market. The period of investigation is 2015 and its locations are cellphone stores and software and hardware repair shops in Bandar Abbas. So, 270 samples selected for analysis using questionnaire by two-phase sampling. Questionnaire contents validity studied, improved and finally confirmed by marketing and management professors in PHD degree, questionnaire reliability obtained using 0.879 Chronbach Alpha. One-way variance analysis test, Chi-squar independence Kruskal Wallis used to analyze behavioral and demographic characteristics. 15 factors selected as customer’s expected advantages include: phone vitals, longevity and durability of the phone, phone operation system, price, security, auxiliary facilities, quality, software feature, phone connectivity, memory, ease of use, the ability to capture and view photos and videos, after-sales service and processor 3 parts of market identified by cluster analysis implementation on extracted factors each part has its own characteristics. Clusters are different based on variables such as material status, employment status number and income of family members, education, loyalty and consumption; but there was not any difference between clusters in terms of sex and age.